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Post on 02-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Conditionals


Page 2: Conditionals

First Type: Possible & Probable conditions

Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions

Third Type: Impossible conditions

Conditional Types

Page 3: Conditionals

First Type: Possible & Probable conditionsUSE:

-Para referirse a hechos posibles o probables en el futuro- Para hacer promesas y advertencias


Simple PresentSimple Future


If you come I will be happy

If you want to pass Study!

If we buy a ticket We ................ (go) to the concert

If she ..................... (arrive) soon

she will come with us

If they dance too much They ............................. (get) tired

If you need my car .............................. (take) it

Page 4: Conditionals

First Type: Possible & Probable conditions


If you ........ (drink) a lot I .......... (leave) you

If the road ............ (be) wet ............(watch out) !

If he .......... (lose) his key You ................ (lend) him yours

If she .............. (not buy) any food

We ................(have dinner)

If they ......... (not stop) talking

We .......... (not finish) our lesson

If you ....... (take) the dog for a walk

I ................ (give) you some money

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Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions

USE: - Para referirse a situaciones presentes y futuras hipotéticas,

es decir, imaginarias e improbables.


Simple Past Would + root verbCould + root verb

If she studied she would pass her controls

If he ran he would catch the bus

If I went to China I could be with him

If I were ..................... ....................................

Page 6: Conditionals


If you ........ (drink) a lot I .......... (leave) you

If the road ............ (be) wet You ............(have) an accident

If he .......... (lose) his key You ................ (lend) him yours

If she .............. (not buy) any food

We ................(have dinner)

If they ......... (not stop) talking

We .......... (not finish) our lesson

If you ....... (take) the dog for a walk

I ................ (give) you some money

Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions

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Third Type: Impossible conditions

USE:USE:- Para referirse a hechos hipotéticos del pasado, es decir, a - Para referirse a hechos hipotéticos del pasado, es decir, a

cosas que nunca sucedieron.cosas que nunca sucedieron.IF CLAUSEIF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE

Past PerfectPast Perfect Present Perfect Conditional(Would have + past

participle)If it hadn't rained We would have gone to the

countryIf she had studied She ............ (pass) her

controlsIf you ................... (invite)

themThey 'd have come to the

partyIf I had known it I .......................(arrive)

earlierIf he.............................

(phone)I 'd have seen him

Page 8: Conditionals


If you ........ (drink) a lot I .......... (leave) you

If the road ............ (be) wet You ............(have) an accident

If he .......... (lose) his key You ................ (lend) him yours

If she .............. (not buy) any food

We ................(have dinner)

If they ......... (not stop) talking

We .......... (not finish) our lesson

If you ....... (take) the dog for a walk

I ................ (give) you some money

Third Type: Impossible conditions

Page 9: Conditionals

 1st Type: UNLESS " Si no…" "A menos que..."

You won't finish the race unless you control your effort.

1st Type:"ON CONDITION THAT" "PROVIDING THAT" "SO LONG AS" "AS LONG AS "Siempre que, en tanto que, con la condición de que,...etc. Sólo si“

"I will only tell my age on condition that you tell yours." “I will only tell my age providing that you tell yours”“I will only tell my age so long as you tell yours”  “I will only tell my age as long as you tell yours”

2nd Type:“EVEN IF” Se utiliza para dar énfaisis a la proposición condicional“aunque”

“I wouldn’t buy a place even if I were rich”

Other expressions used in conditional clauses:

Page 10: Conditionals

Para transformar una frase en una oración condicional, debemos seguir estos pasos:

Sentence: ◦ I arrived late because I missed the bus.◦ If I…

1 Observa la frase original y decide cuál es la referencia temporal: pasado, presente o futuro. I arrived late… (pasado)

2 Decide qué tipo de condicional necesitas (de primer, segundo o tercer grado): algo que nunca sucedió (3er tipo)

3 Escoge la forma adecuada del verbo: I hadn’t missed; I wouldn’t have arrived.

4 Escribe la frase complete y compruébala para decir si necesitas hacer algún otro cambio: any – some. Corrige la puntuación.

Answer: If I hadn’t missed the bus, I wouldn’t have arrived late.

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Sample rephrasing

First Conditional:- Be careful – someone’s going to see you! - If you are careful, nobody will see you!- If + Subject + present simple, subject + future will (aff or neg)

Second Conditional:

-Kathy wants to go to the movies but doesn't have any money-If Kathy had some money, she would go to the movies.-If + Subject + past simple (neg or aff), subject + would /could/might + infinitive + complements

Third Conditional:-Tom was not going to come to dinner the next day because you insulted him.-If Tom hadn’t insulted him, he would have come to dinner.- If + Subject + past perfect (neg or aff), subject + would/ could/might + have + pp + C

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- His book will be published provided he takes his manuscript to the editor.Unless he takes his manuscript to the editor, his book won’t be published.Unles + present simple, future simple (aff or neg)

-I didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.I wouldn't have got wet, if I had had an umbrella with me.

-We don't go to school when it rainsIf it rains, we don’t go to school.

-I didn't move the table because Jack didn't help me.If Jack had helped me, I would have moved the table.

- You drink too much coffee, that's why you don't sleep.If you didn’t drank too much coffee, you would sleep.

-You never talk to me, so you don't know anything about me.If you talked to me, you would know something about me.

Other samples