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    William Stallings ~

    Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458


    Web Site for Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology vi

    Preface xi

    Chapter 0 Reader's Guide 2

    0.1 Outline of the Book 3 0.2 Internet and Web Resources for this Book 5 0.3 Internet Standards 6


    Chapter 1

    1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

    Chapter 2

    2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

    Data Networks and the Internet 12

    Data Networks 13 The Internet 24 An Example Configuration 30 Intranets 31 Extranets 35 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 36 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 37

    Protocols and the TCP lIP Protocol Suite 38

    The Need for a Protocol Architecture 39 A Simple Protocol Architecture 40 OSI46 The TCP lIP Protocol Architecture 54 Internetworking 61 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 65 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 68 Appendix 2A The Trivial File Transfer Protocol 70


    Chapter 3

    3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

    Chapter 4

    4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

    Traditional Applications 76

    Terminal Access-Telnet 77 File Transfer-FTP 86 Electronic Mail-SMTP and MIME 95 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 110 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 110

    Modern Applications 114

    Web Access-HTTP 116 Internet Directory Service-DNS 128 Voice Over IP and Multimedia Support-SIP 137 Sockets 148 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 157 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 158


    " 'I

    f/ 'I



    Chapter 5

    5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9


    Chapter 6

    6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

    Congestion and Performance Issues 162

    The Need for Speed and Quality of Service 164 Performance Requirements 169 Performance Metrics 173 The Effects of Congestion 179 Congestion Control 184 Traffic Management 187 The Need for Flow and Error Control 188 Self-Similar Traffic 191 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 193 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 194 Appendix SA Queuing Effects 195

    Transport Protocols 202

    Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol Mechanisms 204 TCP Services 221 Transmission Control Protocol 226 UDP 234

    6.5 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 235 6.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 235

    Chapter 7 TCP Traffic Control 238

    7.1 TCP Flow Control and Error Control 240 7.2 TCP Congestion Control 246 7.3 Explicit Congestion Notification 263 7.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 266 7.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 267


    Chapter 8

    8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5

    Internet Protocols 272

    Principles of Internetworking 273 Internet Protocol 281 IPv6290 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 300 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 301

    Chapter 9 Integrated and Differentiated Services 304

    9.1 Integrated Services Architecture (ISA) 306 9.2 Queuing Discipline 314 . 9.3 Random Early Detection 321 9.4 Differentiated Services 327 9.5 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 336 9.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 338

    Appendix 9A Real-Time Traffic 340

  • Chapter 10 Protocols for QoS Support 344

    10.1 Resource Reservation: RSVP 346 10.2 Multiprotocol Label Switching 357 10.3 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) 368 10.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 378 10.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 379


    Chapter 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6

    Interior Routing Protocols 384 Internet Routing Principles 385 Least-Cost Algorithms 393 Distance-Vector Protocol: RIP 399 Link-State Protocol: OSPF 405 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 414 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 414

    Chapter 12 Exterior Routing Protocols and Multicast 418 12.1 Path-Vector Protocols: BGP and IDRP 419 12.2 Multicasting 425 12.3 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 441 12.4 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 442


    Chapter 13 Wide Area Networks 446 13.1 Frame Relay 447 13.2 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 451 13.3 Cellular Wireless Networks 460 13.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 468 13.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 469

    Chapter 14 Data Link Control 472

    14.1 Flow Control 473 14.2 Error Detection 479 14.3 Error Control 482 14.4 High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) 487 14.5 Recommended Reading 494 14.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 495

    Appendix 14A Cyclic Redundancy Check 498 Appendix 14B Performance Issues 503

    Chapter 15 Local Area Networks 510

    15.1 The Emergence of High-Speed LANs 511 15.2 LAN Protocol Architecture 513 15.3 Ethernet 517 15.4 Bridges, Hubs, and Switches 522 15.5 High-Speed Ethernet 528 15.6 Wireless LANs 534 15.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 542 15.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 543


  • i!



    Chapter 16 Network Security 546

    16.1 Security Requirements and Attacks 548 16.2 Confidentiality with Symmetric Encryption 550 16.3 Message Authentication and Hash Functions 559 1604 Public-Key Encryption and Digital Signatures 565 16.5 Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security 572 16.6 IPv4 and IPv6 Security 577 16.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 582 16.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 582

    Chapter 17 Network Management 586

    17 .1 Network Management Requirements 588 17.2 Network Management Systems 592 17.3 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 593 17 A Recommended Reading and Web Sites 603 17.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 604

    APPENDICES 605 Appendix A RFCs Cited in This Book 605 Appendix B Projects for Teaching Computer Networks 608

    B.l Sockets Programming Projects 608 B.2 Simulation Projects 609 B.3 Performance Modeling 609 BA Research Projects 610 B.5 Reading/ReportAssignments 610

    Glossary 611

    Acronyms 617

    References 619

    Index 627



    ABORT primitive, 231 About RTP (Web site), 379 Accept field, 124 Acceptable use policies, 27 Accept-Encoding field, 124 Accept-Language field, 124 Accounting management, 589

    user requirements, 589 ACK method, SIP, 143 Acknowledged connectionless service,

    logical link control (LLC), 515-516

    Acknowledgment frame, 478 Acknowledgment Number field, TCP

    header, 229 ACM Special Interest Group on

    Communications (SIGCOMM), 6

    Active attacks, 549-550 denial of service, 550 masquerade, 549 modification of messages, 550 replay, 549

    Active threats, 547 Adaptive routing, 22, 387-390 Address Family field, RIP packet, 404 Address mask reply message, 290 Address mask request message, 290 Addresses, 284-287

    network classes, 284-285 subnets/subnet masks, 285-287

    Addressing, 280-281 level, 280 modes, 281 reliable sequencing network service,

    204-206 schemes, and routers, 63 scope, 281

    Admission control, 309 Adobe Pagemill, 32 ADSL,29 Advance Research Projects Agency

    (ARPA),24 Advanced Encryption Standard

    (ABS),552-555 .aero,130 AFS value, Content-type field, 106 AH information, and security

    association, 579 Algorithms:

    Bellman-Ford,396-398 constraint-based routing, 367 decryption, 551,566 Dijkstra's, 394-396 distributed Bellman-Ford, 400-402 encryption, 550,552-555,566 general-purpose, 566-568 Jacobson's, 250-253 Karn's, 253-254 least-cost, 393-399 RED, 323-327 routing, 309

    RSA, 568-571 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-l),

    564-565,568 Allow field, 127 America Online, 28-29 ANcount field, 130 Andreasson, Mark, 31 Anon-FTP value, Content-type

    field, 106 Antireplay window, and security

    association, 579 Anycast, 297 Applicability statement (AS), 9 Application layer, 42 Application type, MIME, 106-107 Application/octet-stream subtype,

    MIME, 106-107 ApplicationiPostscript subtype,

    MIME, 107 ARcount field, 130 Area field, OSPF packets, 412 .arpa,130 ARPANET, 24-26, 29, 54, 78-79 ASCII, 71 ASPath attribute, Path Attributes field,

    422-423 Assured forwarding (AF) PHB,

    335-336 Asynchronous balanced mode

    (ABM), 487 Asynchronous response mode

    (ARM), 488 Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM),

    14,15,23,31,167,447,451-460 cells, 454-457

    cell loss priority (CLP), 456 Generic Flow Control (GFC),

    456-457 Generic Flow Control (GFC)

    field, 454 Header Error Control (HEC)

    field, 456 logical connections in, 452 meta-signaling channel, 453 Payload Type (PT) .field, 454-456 semipermanent virtual channels, 453 service categories, 457-460

    Available Bit Rate (ABR) service, 460

    Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service, 458-459

    Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR) service, 460

    Non-Real-Time Service, 458, 459-460

    Non-Real-Time Variable Bit Rate (nrt-VBR), 459

    Real-Time Service, 458-459 Real-Time Variable Bit Rate

    (rt-VBR),459 Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR),

    459-460 Virtual Channel, 451-454

    characteristics 452-453 control signaling 453-454

    Identifier (VCI) field, 454 Virtual Path, 451-454

    characteristics, 452-453 control signaling, 453-454 Identifier (VPI) field, 454

    AT&T Center for Internet Research, 267

    ATM, See Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)

    ATM Forum, 468 ATM Hot Links, 468 AtomicAggregate, Aggregator

    attribute, Path Attributes field, 422-423

    Attacks: active, 549-550 brute-force, 551-5521 denial of service, 550 masquerade, 549 modification of messages, 550 passive, 549 replay, 549

    AndioNideo Transport Working Group, 379

    Authentication Data field: Authentication header, 580 ESP packet, 581 OSPF packets, 413

    Authentication header, IPv6, 292 Authentication Type field, OSPF

    packets, 413 Authenticator, 568 Authenticity, 549 Authoritative Answer field, 135 Authorization field, 124 Automatic repeat request (ARQ),

    482-487 Autonomous system (AS),

    390-392,436 Aux Data Length field, group

    record, 433 Auxiliary Data field, group record, 433 Available Bit Rate (ABR) service, 460 Availability, 549


    Backoff, 253,519 binary exponential, 253, 519 exponential RTO, 253

    Backpressure,184-185 Backward explicit congestion

    notification (BECN), 269 Barber, Theodore, 115,419 Base station, 461,465 Base64 transfer encoding, 108 Basic e-mail operation, SMTP, 95-97 Batch retransmission strategy, 233 Bellman-Ford algorithm, 396-398 Berners-Lee, Tim, 27-28 Best Current Practice (BCP), 9 Best-effort service, 167,459 BGP, See Border Gateway Protocol



  • 't.'


    628 INDEX

    BGP-4 messages, 420 Binary approach, explicit congestion

    signaJing, 186 Binary exponential backoff, 253,519 Bit-round fair queuing (BRFQ), 315,

    317-318 Bits per second (bps), 174 ,biz,130 Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), 26 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP),

    419-425 BGP-4 messages, 420 cease (error), 423 defined, 419 finite state machine error, 423 functions, 420-421 hold timer expired, 423 Keepalive message, 422 message formats, 421 message header error, 423 messages, 421-423 neighbor acquisition, 420, 422 neighbor reachability, 420 neighbors, 420,422 network reachability, 420-421 Notification message, 422-423 Open message, 422 open message error, 423 Path Attributes field, 422-423 routing information exchange,

    423-425 Update message, 422 update message error, 423

    bps,174 BRFQ, See Bit-round fair queuing

    (BRFQ) Bridges, 62-63, 188,523-525

    operation, 524 Broadcast, 281, 426 Browsers, 29,31-32 Brute-force attack, 551-552 Bucket, 312 Bus topology LAN, 517-519 BYE method, SIP, 143

    c Cable modem, 29 Cache-Control field, 121 CAD, 166 Call accepted, 467 Call blocking, 467 Call drop, 467 Call termination, 467 Calls to/from fixed and remote mobile

    subscriber, 468 CANCEL method, SIP, 143 Capacity requirements, 163 CCITT,46 CD-ROM, 167 Cease (error), 423 Cell loss priority (CLP), 456 Cell relay, 451 Cell Relay Retreat, 468 Cell sectoring, 464 Cell splitting, 463-464 Cells, 451, 454-457

    cell loss priority (CLP), 456 Generic Flow Control (GFC)

    field, 454

    Header Error Control (HEC) field, 456

    Payload Type (PT) field, 454-456 Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI)

    field, 454 Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)

    field, 454 Cellular network organization, 461-465 Cellular radio, 461 Cellular Telecommunications and

    Internet Association, 469 Cellular wireless networks, 447,460-468

    adding new'channels, 463 base station, 461, 465 call accepted, 467 call blocking, 467 call drop, 467 call termination, 467 calls to/from fixed and remote

    mobile subscriber, 468 cell sectoring, 464 cell splitting, 463-464 cellular network organization,

    461-465 cellular radio, 461 control channels, 466 defined, 460 frequency borrowing, 463 frequency reuse, 462-463 handoff, 467 increasing capacity, 463-464 microcells, 464 mobile telecommunications

    switching office (MTSO), 465 mobile unit initialization, 466-467 mobile-originated call, 467 ongoing call, 467 operation, 465-468 paging, 467 traffic channels, 466

    Centralized server farms, 165 and high-speed LANs, 512

    Cerf, Vint, 26 CERFnet,27 CERN,27-28 CERT,577 Change Cipher Spec Protocol, 575 Channel capacity, 15 Charles Spurgeon's Ethernet Web

    Site, 543 Checksum, 56

    TCP header, 60 Checksum field:

    ICMP message, 288 Membership Report message, 433 OSPF packets, 413 TCP header, 229-230

    Choke packet, 185 Ciphertext, 551, 566 Circuit disconnect, 15 Circuit establishment, 14-15 Circuit switching, 13,14-15,42

    circuit disconnect, 15 circuit establishment, 14-15 data transfer, 15

    CIX,27 Classical Ethernet, 517-521 Classifier and route selection, 311 Classifier element, traffic conditiouing

    function, 333 CLOSE primitive, 231

    CLp, 456 COAST, 582 Code field, ICMP message, 288 Coefficient of variation, 201 Collision, 519 ,com,27 Combined station, 487 Command field, RIP packet, 404 Commands:

    FTP,88-89 HDLC,491 SMTP,98 Telnet,82

    Commercial Information Interchange (CIX),27

    Commercial networks, 29 Communications network, 14 Compressed Length field, SSL Record

    Protocol header, 574 Compression, 574 Compuserve, 28 Computer Emergency response Team

    (CERT),577 Computer security, 548 Computer-aided design (CAD), 166 Confidentiality, 548 Configuration and name management,

    590 user requirements, 590

    CONFIRM primitive, 53 Congestion, 164, 179-184

    effects of, 183 ideal performance, 181-182 practical performance, 182-184

    Congestion control, 21, 164, 177, 184-187,246-263

    backpressure, 184-185 choke packet, 185 explicit congestion signaling, 186-187

    binary approach, 186 credit-based approach, 187 rate-based approach, 187

    implicit congestion signaling, 185-186 mechanisms for, 184 TCP, 246-263 TCP flow and, 247-250

    Congestion control measures, implementation of, 249

    . Congestion Window Reduced (CWR) flag, 265

    Connection closing, SMTP, 101 Connection establishment and

    termination, reliable sequencing network service, 209-211

    Connection establishment, unreliable network service, 216-218

    Connection field, 121 Connection management phase,

    VTP,79 Connection setup, SMTp, 99-100 Connection termination, reliable

    sequencing network service, 209,211-212

    Connection termination, unreliable network service, 219-221

    Connection-mode service, logical link control (LLC), 515-516

    Connection-oriented transport protocol mechanisms, 204-221

    reliable sequencing network service, 204-212

  • addressing, 204-206 connection establishment, 209-211 connection termination, 209,

    211-212 flow control, 206-209 multiplexing, 206

    unreliable network service, 212-221 connection establishment, 216-218 connection termination, 219-221 duplicate detection, 214-216 failure recovery, 221 flow control, 215-216 ordered delivery, 213 retransmission strategy, 213

    Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service, 458-459

    Constraint-based routing algorithm, 367 Content Type field, SSL Record

    Protocol header, 574 Content types, MIME, 103-107 Content-Encoding field, 127 Content-Language field, 127 Content-Length field, 127 Content-MD5 field, 127 Content-Type field, 127 Content-Version field, 127 Contributing Source Identifier field,

    RTP fixed header, 373 Control:

    admission, 309 congestion, 21, 164, 177, 184-187,

    246-263 data link, 472-509 error, 19, 177, 191,240-246,473,479,

    482-487 flow, 176-177,188-190,240-246,

    472-479 generic flow, 456-457 medium access control (MAC), 511,

    514,516-517,539-541 sliding-window flow, 476-479 stop-and-wait flow, 475-476

    Control channels, 466 Control connection, 89 Control module (CM), 535 Control overhead, 174 Control phase, VTP, 79 Control signaling, 453-454

    meta-signaling channel, 453 semipermanent virtual channels, 453

    Controlled cell transfer (CCT) capability, 456

    Controlled load, ISA, 313-314 .coop,130 Copy request method, 123 Corporate WAN needs, 166 Count field, RTP packets, 374 CRC, See Cyclic redundancy

    check (CRC) CRCfield:

    LLC protocol data units (PDU), 514

    MAC frames, 514, 516 Credit-based approach, to explicit

    congestion signaling, 187 Cryptanalysis, 551 CSMA/CD,519-520 CSRC Count field, RTP fixed

    header, 372 Cumulative option, acknowledge

    policy, 233

    Customer-controlled establishment/release, 454

    Cut-through switch, 527 Cyclades, 26 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC),

    481-482,498-502 . defined, 498

    modulo 2 arithmetic, 499-502 polynomials, 501-502


    Damaged frame, 482 Data Encryption Standard (DES),

    552,603 Data field, IP header, 283 Data frame, 478 Data length parameter, IP service

    primitives, 282 Data link connection identifier

    (DLCI),451 Data link control, 473-509

    acknowledgment frame, 478 automatic repeat request (ARQ),

    482-487 data frame, 478 data link control protocol, 473 error burst, 480 error control, 473,479,482-487

    damaged frame, 482 defined, 479 go-back-N-ARQ, 483,485-487 lost frame, 482 stop-and-wait flow control,

    483,484 techniques for, 482

    error correction, 479 error-detecting code, 481 error detection, 473,479-482

    cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 481-482

    parity check, 480-481 types of errors, 480

    flow control, 473-479 defined, 473 sliding-window flow control,

    476-479 stop-and-wait flow control,

    475-476 frame check sequence (FCS), 481 frame transmission, model of, 474 go-back-N-ARQ, 483,485-487 high-level data link control (HDLC),

    487-494 Address field, 490 asynchronous balanced mode

    (ABM), 487 asynchronous response mode

    (ARM), 488 balanced configuration, 487 basic Characteristics, 487-488 combined station, 487 commands/responses, 491 Control field, 490 data transparency, 489 Flag fields, 489 Frame Check Sequence field, 490 frame structure, 488-490 header, 488 Information field, 490

    INDEX 629

    normal response mode (NRM),487

    operation, 490-494 primary station, 487 secondary station, 487 station types, 487-488 trailer, 488 unbalanced configuration, 487

    negative acknowledgment and retransmission, 482

    piggybacking,478 positive acknowledgment, 482 retransmission after timeout, 482 stop-and-wait ARQ, 483,484

    Data link control protocol, 473 Data Mark (DM) command, Telnet, 83 Data mining, 29 Data networks, 13-24

    asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 14,15,23

    circuit switching, 13,14-15 interaction of queues in, 180 local area networks (LANs), 23-24 metropolitan area networks

    (MANs), 24 packet switching, 13, 15-22 wireless networks, 24

    Data Offset field, TCP header, 229 Data parameter, IP

    primitives, 282 Data phase, VTP, 79 Data rate requirements, 163 Data stream push, 224 Data transfer, 15 Data transmission, 16 Data transparency, 489 Database, and multicasting, 426 Datagram, 17, 19,21,277 Datagram communication, 153-154 Datagram sockets, 149 Data-rate conversion, and packet-

    switching network, 18 Date field, 121 Decryption algorithm, 551, 566 Defense Advanced Research Projects

    Agency (DARPA), 54 Delay, 168,174-175

    and inelastic traffic, 308 Delay times throughput product,

    175-177 Delay variation, 168 DELETE request method, 124 Derived-From field, 127 DES, See Data Encryption Standard

    (DES) Destination Address field:

    802.3 frame format, 520 IP header, 283 IPv6,294

    Destination address parameter, IP service primitives, 282

    Destination computer address, 45 Destination MAC Address field, MAC

    frames, 516 Destination Options header, IPv6, 292 Destination port:

    TCP header, 60 transport PDU header, 44

    Destination Port field, TCP header, 228 Destination subnetwork address,

    packet header, 61

  • 630 INDEX

    Destination unreachable message, 288-289

    Differentiated services (DS), 305, 327-336

    configurations/operation, 332-334 functions, 333-334 traffic conditioning function, 333

    field, 330-332 codepoint, 330-332

    key characteristics of, 328 per-hop behavior, 334-336

    assured forwarding (AP) PHB, 335-336

    expedited forwarding (EF) PHB, 334-335

    services, 328-330 terminology for, 329

    Digital electronics, 166-167 Digital signature, 568 Digital still camera, 167 Digital subscriber line (DSL), 30-31 Digital versative disk (DVD), 167 Dijkstra's algorithm, 394-396 Discard policy, 310 Distance-vector protocol, 399-405 Distance-vector routing, 392 Distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm,

    400-402 Distributed computation, and

    multicasting, 426 DLCI,451 DNS, See Domain Name System

    (DNS) DNS data rule and base, 130-132 DNS database, 128 DNS Extensions Working Group, 157 Domain Name field, 135 Domain name space, 128 Domain Name System (DNS), 75, 115,

    128-137,148 defined, 128 DNS data rule and base, 130-132 DNS database, 128 domain name space, 128 domain names, 129-130 elements of, 128 header section, 135 message format, 136 messages, 135-137 name resolution, 133, 134-135 name servers, 128 operation, 132-137 question section, 135-137 resolvers, 128 resource records (RRs), 130-132

    class element, 131 domain name element, 131 Rdata element, 132 Rdata field length, 131 time to live element, 131 type element, 131 types of, 132

    root name servers, 133-134 server hierarchy, 133-134 top-level Internet domains, 130 zone, 133

    Domain names, 129-130 Don't fragment identifier parameter,

    IP service primitives, 282 Dropper element, traffic conditioning

    function, 333

    Drop-tail policy, 327 DS, See Differentiated services (DS) DSIECN field, IPv6, 293-294 DSL,30-31 Duplicate detection, unreliable

    network service, 214-216 DVD,167 Dynamic window sizing on congestion,



    Echo message, 289 Echo reply message, 289 ECN-Echo (ECE) flag, 265 EDI,29 .edu, 27, 130 EFF,552 EIN,26 Elastic traffic, 168,307-308 Electronic data interchange (EDI), 29 Electronic Frontier Foundation

    (EFF), 552 Electronic mail (e-mail), 34, 95-110

    Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME), 95, 102-110, 137

    application type, 106-107 application/octet-stream subtype,

    106-107 application/Postscript subtype, 107 base64 transfer encoding, 108-110 content types, 103-107 Content-Description field, 103 Content-ID field, 103 Content-Transfer-Encoding

    field,103 Content-Type field, 103 defined,102 header fields, 103 image type, 106 message type, 105 message/external-body

    subtype, 106 message/partial subtype, 105 message/rfcS22 subtype, 105 MIME-Version field, 103 multipart type, 103-105 multipart/alternative subtype, 105 multipart/digest subtype, 105 multipart/mixed subtype, 105 multipart/parallel subtype, 105 overview of, 103 quoted-printable transfer

    encoding, 107-108 text type, 103 transfer encodings, 107-110 video type, 106

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 75, 95-102, 203

    basic e-mail operation, 95-97 commands, 98 connection closing, 101 connection setup, 99-100 DATA command, 100-101 defined,95 MAIL command, 100 mail transfer, 100-101 overview, 97-99 protocol, 97

    RCPT command, 100 receiver, 97 replies, 98-99 RFC 822,101-102 sender, 96-97

    E-mail.SeeElectronicmail(e·mail) Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 163 Encapsulating Security Payload

    header, IPv6, 292 Encapsulation, 48 Encryption, 547 Encryption algorithms, 550,

    552-555,566 Encryption devices, location of

    555-556 ' End systems (ESs), 62 End-to-end flow control, 190 Entity-Body field, 121 Entity-Header field, 121 Entry·to-exit flow control, 190 ERP, 391 Error burst, 480 Error control, 19,177,191,240-246,

    473,479,482-487 adaptive retransmission timer, 243 damaged frame, 482 defined, 479 effect of window size on

    performance, 240-242 exponential average, 243-246 internetworking, 279 lost frame, 482 retransmission strategy, 242-243 techniques for, 482

    Error controlled service, data transport, 224

    Error correction, 479 Error-detecting code, 481 Error detection, 473,479-482

    parity check, 489-481 Error-detection code, transport PD U

    header, 44 Escape sequence, compressed mode, 95 ESP information, and security

    association, 579 Ethernet, 31,55,58,191,517-522

    bus topology LAN, 517-519 classical,517-521 CSMAlCD,519-520 IEEE 802.3 medium options at

    10 mbps, 521-522 MAC frame, 520-521

    Expedited forwarding (EF) PHB, 334-335

    Expires field, 127 Explicit congestion signaling,

    186-187 binary approach, 186 credit-based approach, 187 rate-based approach, 187

    Explicit congestion notification (ECN), 263-266,327

    basic operation, 266 IP header, 264-265 TCP header, 265 TCP initialization, 265

    Explicit routing, 366 Exponential RTO back off, 253 Extended service set (ESS), 538 Extension field, RTP fixed header, 372 Extension-Header field, entities, 128

  • ~ INDEX 631 Extension-method, 124 hop scope, 190 Global synchronization, 322 Exterior routing protocol (ERP), internetworking, 279 Glossary, 611-616

    391,419 multiple protocol layers, at, 189 Go-back-N-ARQ, 483,485-487 Extranets, 13,35-36 network interface, 190 .gov,130

    performance, 241 GPS, See Generalized processor reliable sequencing network service, sharing (G PS) ,

    F 'I

    206-209 Graphical user interface (GUI), 34 I. retransmission strategy, 242-243 Group Address field, Membership

    Facilities request, packet header, 61 scope, 189 Query message, 433 Facilities requests, 45 sliding-window, 476-479 Group Records field, Membership

    ~ Failure recovery, unreliable network stop-and-wait,475-476 Report message, 433

    \ service, 221 unreliable network service, 215-216 Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR) Fair queuing (FQ), 314-315 Flow controlled service, data service, 460 Fast Ethernet, 511,528-530 transport, 224 Guaranteed service, ISA, 313

    100BASE-T4,530-531 Flow descriptor, 351 100BASE-X,530 Flow Label field, IPv6, 294 full-duplex operation, 531 Forward explicit congestion H

    Fast recovery, 259-262 notification (BECN), 269 Fast retransmit, 258-260 Forwarded field, 122 Handoff, 467 Fault, defined, 588 Forwarding equivalence class (FEC), Handshake Protocol, 575-577 Fault management, 588-589 359-361,365-368 phase 1, 575-577

    overview, 588-589 FQ,314-315 CipherSuit param~ter, 576 user requirements, 589 Fragment Offset field: Compression Method parameter,

    FCFS,314 fragment header, 299 576 FCS, See Frame check sequence (FCS) IP header, 283 Random parameter, 575 FEC, See Forwarding equivalence class Fragmentation, 574 Session ID parameter, 575

    (FEC) Frame check sequence (FCS), 191,481 Version parameter, 575 Fibre Channel, 24 Frame Check Sequence field, 490 phase 2, 577 File transfer, 86-95 802.3 frame format, 521 phase 3, 577 File Transport Protocol (FTP), 26, 75, Frame relay, 14,23,31,447-451 phase 4, 577

    77,86-95,203,307 background, 448-449 Hash functions, 559-565 commands, 88-89 LAPF core protocol, 450-451 one-way, 561-563 model, 87-89 protocol architecture, 449-450 secure, 563-564 options, 91-95 control plane, 449 SHA-l,564-565

    ASCII option, 91 user plane, 449-450 HDLC, See High-level data link control block mode, 93-94 User data transfer, 450-451 (HDLC) compressed mode, 94-95 Address field, 451 HEAD request method, 123 data types, 91-92 Flag and Frame Check Sequence Header bits, 174 EBCDIC option, 91 (FCS) Header Checksum field, IP header, 283 file structure type, 92 fields, 451 Header Error Control (HEC) field, 456 file types, 92, 93 Frame Relay Forum, 468 Header Extension Length field: image option, 91-92 Frame Relay Resource Center, 468 Hop-by-Hop Options header, 298 logical byte size option, 91-92 Frame structure, 488-490 routing header, 300 page structure type, 92 Frame transmission, model of, 474 Header format, TCP, 228-231 record structure type, 92 Frequency borrowing, 463 fields, 228-230 stream mode, 92 Frequency reuse, 462-463 push function, 230 transmission modes, 92-95 From field, 124 urgent function, 230

    standard objectives, 86 FTP, See File Transport Protocol (FTP) Heaper hub (HHUB), 552 transfer, overview of, 89-91 FTP value, Content-type field, 106 Hello packet, OSPF, 413 transmission mode formats, 94 Full duplex service, data transport, 224 High-level data link control (HDLC),

    Filler string format, compressed Full-duplex operation, Fast 487-494 mode, 95 Ethernet,531 asynchronous balanced mode

    Finite state machine error, 423 Functions, Border Gateway Protocol (ABM), 487 First-corn, first served (FCFS), 314 (BGP),420-421 asynchronous response mode First-in, first-out (FIFO) queuing (ARM), 488

    disCipline, 314 G

    basic characteristics, 487-488 First-only retransmission strategy, 233 combined station, 487 Fixed routing, 386-387 commands/responses, 491· Flags field: Gardner, Martin, 571 data transparency, 489

    IP header, 283 Gateway, and security intermediary, 119 frame structure, 488-490 TCP header, 229 General Atomics, 27 Address field, 490

    Flooding, 406-407 Generalized processor sharing (GPS), Control field, 490 Flow control, 176-177,188-190, 318-319 Flag fields, 489

    240-246,473-479 General-purpose algorithm, 566-567 Frame Check Sequence field, 490 adaptive retransmission timer, 243 Generic flow control, 456-457 Information field, 490 defined, 473 Generic Flow Control (GFC) field, 454 header, 488 effect of window size on GET request method, 123 normal response mode (NRM), 487

    performance, 240-242 Gigabit Ethernet, 511,531-533 operation, 490-494 end-to-end, 190 physical layer alternatives, 531-533 data transfer, 492 entry-to-exit, 190 Global address, key characteristics disconnect, 492 exponential average, 243-246 of, 281 examples of, 492-494

  • 632 INDEX

    High-level data link control (HDLC) (coni.)

    initialization, 492 phases, 491

    primary station, 487 secondary station, 487 station types, 487-488 trailer, 488

    High-speed Ethernet, 528-534, See also Ethernet

    10-Gbps Ethernet, 533-534 Fast Ethernet, 528-530 Gigabit Ethernet, 531-533

    High-speed LANs: emergence of, 165-166,511-512 requirements calling for, 512

    High-speed local backbone, 166 and high-speed LANs, 512

    High-speed wireless LANs, 511 HMAC,602 Hold timer expired, 423 Hop Limit field, IPv6, 294 Hop-by-Hop Options header,

    297-299 Hop-by-hop routing, 366 Host field, 124 HTML, See Hypertext Markup

    Language (HTML) HTTp, See Hypertext Transfer Protocol

    (HTTP) HTTP versions, and proxy, 118 Hubs, 522, 525-527 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),

    31-32,34 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP),

    31,34,75,115-128,307 cache, 116,119 client, 116 connection, 116 defined, 116 elements, 122 entities, 116, 127-128

    body, 128 defined, 127 header fields, 127-128

    flexibility of, 117 gateway, 116,119 key terms related to, 117 messages, 116,119-123

    BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation, 119-120

    general header fields, 121-123

    general structure of, 120 Simple-Request and Simple-

    Response messages, 121 operations, example of, 117 origin server, 116,117 overview, 117-123 proxy, 116, 118-119 request messages, 123-125

    header fields, 124-125 methods, 123-124

    resource, 116 response messages, 125-127

    header fields, 125-127 server, 116 tunnel, 116, 119 user agent, 116, 117


    lAB, See Internet Architecture Board (lAB)

    ICMP, See Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

    Ideal network utilization, 181 Identification field:

    fragment header, 299 IP header, 283

    Identification parameter, IP service primitives, 282

    Identifier field, 135 IDRP,425 IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards

    Committee, 543 IEEE 802 protocol architecture, 64 IEEE 802 reference model, 513-514 IEEE 802.11, 511,537-542

    architecture, 537-538 medium access control, 539-541

    access control, 540-541 reliable data delivery, 539-540

    physical layer, 541-542 services, 538-539

    association, 538-39 authentication, 539 disassociation, 539 privacy, 539 reassociation, 539

    IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANWorking Group, 543

    IEEE 802.3 medium options at 10 mbps, 511, 521-522

    10BASE5 medium specification, 522 10BASE-T medium specification,

    522 IEEE Communications Society, 6 IEEE Technical Committee on

    Security and Privacy, 582 ' IESG,7 IETF, 6, See Internet Engineering Task

    Force (IETF) IETF Security Area, 582 If-Modified-Since field, 124 IGMP, See Internet Group

    Management Protocol (IGMP) Image type, MIME, 106 Immediate option, acknowledge policy,

    233 Implementation policy options, TCp,

    232-234 accept policy, 232-233 acknowledge policy, 233 deliver policy, 232 retransmit policy, 233 send policy, 232

    Implicit congestion signaling, 185-186 Implicit congestion notification, 264 INDICATION primitive, 53 Individual retransmission strategy, 233 Inelastic traffic, 168,308-309 Information security, 548 Informational status codes, 125-126 .int, 130 Integrated services architecture (ISA),

    305,306-314 approach,309-310 components, 310-311

    admission control, 309,310-311

    classifier and route selection, 311 management agent, 311 packet scheduler, 311 rese:vation protocol, 310 routmg protocol, 311

    discard policy, 310 Internet traffic, 307-309

    elastic traffic, 307-308 inelastic traffic, 308-309

    packet discard, 309 queuing discipline, 310, 314-321

    bit-round fair queuing (BRFQ) 315,317-318 '

    fair queuing (FQ), 314-315 generalized processor sharin a

    (GPS),318-319 " processor sharing (PS), 315-317 weighted fair queuing (WFQ),

    319,320-321 random early detection (RED),

    321-327 algorithm, 323-327 defined, 322 design goals, 322-323 explicit congestion notification

    (ECN) , 327 motivation, 322

    routing algorithm, 309 services, 311-314

    best effort, 313-314 categories of, 311 controlled load, 313-314 guaranteed service, 313

    Integrated services (IS), 305 Integrated Services Working

    Group, 338 Integrity, 549 Interconnection points, 27 Inter-Domain Routing Protocol

    (IDRP), 419,425 Interfaces, and routers, 63 Interior routing protocols (IRP),

    385-413 distance-vector protocol: RIP,

    399-405 Internet routing principles,

    385-393 adaptive routing, 387-390 autonomous systems, 390-392 distance-vector routing, 392 exterior routing protocol

    (ERP),391 fixed routing, 386-387 interior routing protocol

    (IRP),391 link-state routing, 392-393 path-vector routing, 393 routing approaches, 392-393 routing function, 386-390

    least-cost algorithms, 393-399 Bellman-Ford algorithm, 396-398 comparison of algorithms, 398-399 Dijkstra's algorithm, 394-396

    link-state protocol: OSPF, 405-413 link-state routing approach, 405-407

    flooding, 406-407 general description, 405-406

    Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol, 392,405-413

    area, 412

  • f !

    Database description packet, 413 fields, 412-413 Hello packet, 413 link costs, 410-411 link -state acknowledgment

    packet, 413 link-state request packet, 413 link-state update packet, 413 Maximize Reliability metric, 410 Maximize Throughput metric, 411 Minimize Delay metric, 411 Minimize Monetary Cost

    metric, 410 Normal metric, 410 overview, 407-410 packet format, 412-413 packet types, 413

    Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 399-405

    Address Family field, 404 algorithm, 399-400 Command field, 404 counting to infinity problem, 403 details, 402-404 distance-sector route approach,

    399-402 distributed Bellman-Ford

    algorithm, 400-402 incremental update, 402 IP Address field, 404 limitations of, 404 Metric field, 404 packet format, 404-405 poisoned reverse, 404 split horizons rule, 404 topology changes, 402-403 Version field, 404

    Intermediate hubs, 522 Intermediate systems (ISs), 62 International Reference Alphabet

    (IRA), 71 Internet, 13,24-31

    acceptable use pOlicies, 27 ARPANET, 24-26, 29 brief history of, 24-27 culture of, 27 interconnection points, 27 Internet service providers (ISPs),

    28-29 National Science Foundation, 26-27 World Wide Web, 27-29

    Internet address, 280-281 Internet Architecture Board (lAB), 7,

    54,577 Internet Control Message Protocol

    (ICMP),287-290 address mask reply message, 290 address mask request message, 290 destination unreachable message,

    288-289 echo message, 289 echo reply message, 289 parameter problem message, 289 redirect message, 289 source quench message, 289 time exceeded message, 289 timestamp message, 289-290 timestamp reply message, 289-90

    Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG),7

    Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),7,57,291

    areas, 8 Internet Explorer, 28 Internet Group Management Protocol

    (IGMP), 419,430-434 defined, 430-431 general query, 431 Group Address field, 433 group membership with IPv6, 434 group-and-source specific query, 431 group-specific query, 431 Max Response Time field, 433 Membership Query message, 431 Membership Report message, 433 message format, 431-434 Number of Sources field, 433 operation, 434 QQIC (querier's querier interval

    code) field, 433 QRV (querier's robustness variable)

    field,433 S Flag field, 433 Source Addresses field, 433 Type field, 431

    Internet Header Length (IHL) field, IP header, 283

    Internet organizations, 7 Internet Protocol (IP), 54-61,203,

    281-300 addresses, 284-287

    network classes, 284-285 subnets/subnet masks, 285-287

    Data field, 283 Destination Address field, 283 Destination Options header, 300 DS/ECN field, 283 Flags field, 283 Fragment Offset field, 283 Header Checksum field, 283 Identification field, 283 Internet Control Message Protocol

    (ICMP),287-290 address mask reply message, 290 address mask request message, 290 destination unreachable message,

    288-289 echo message, 289 echo reply message, 289 parameter problem message, 289 redirect message, 289 source quench message, 289 time exceeded message, 289 timestamp message, 289-290 times tamp reply message, 289-90

    Internet Header Length (IHL) field, 283

    IPv6, 57-58,290-300 addresses, 296-297 anycast, 297 Authentication header, 292 Destination Address field, 294 Destination Options header, 292,

    300 DS/ECN field, 293-294 Encapsulating Security Payload

    header, 292 enhancements over IPv4, 291 extension headers, 292 flow label, 295-296

    INDEX 633

    Flow Label field, 294 Fragment header, 299 header, 293-296 Hop Limit field, 294 Hop-by-Hop Options header,

    297-299 IP Next Generation (IPng),

    290-291 multicast, 297 Next Header field, 294 Payload Length field, 294 Routing header, 292,299-300 Source Address field, 294 structure, 292-293 unicast, 297 Version field, 293

    operation of, 58-61 Options field, 283 Padding field, 283 Protocol field, 283 route recording, 282 security option, 282 i services, 282 Source Address field, 283 source routing, 282 specification of, 281-282 stream identification, 282 Time to Live field, 283 timestamping, 282 Total Length field, 283 Version field, 283

    Internet protocols, 273-300 internetworking, 273-281

    addressing, 280-281 addressing level, 280 addressing modes, 281 addressing scope, 281 basic operation, 273-276 broadcast, 281 design issues, 276-281 error control, 279 flow control, 279 fragmentationireassembly,277-279 multicast, 281 routing, 276-277 unicast address, 281

    InteJ;Ilet resources, 5-6 Internet service providers (ISPs),

    28-29,28-30 Internet Society, 6 Internet standards, 6~9

    applicability statement (AS), 9 standardization process, 7-8 technical specification (TS), 9

    Internet traffic, 307-309 elastic traffic, 307-308 inelastic traffic, 308-309

    Internetting, 26 Internetworking, 61-65,273-281

    addressing, 280-281 addressing level, 280 addressing modes, 281 addressing scope, 281 basic operation, 273-276 bridges, 62-63 broadcast, 281 defined, 61-62 design issues, 276-281 end systems (ESs), 62 error control, 279

  • 634 INDEX

    Internetworking (cant.) example, 64-65 flow control, 279 fragmentationlreassembly,277-279 intermediate systems (ISs), 62 internet, 62 intranets, 62 multicast, 281 routers, 62,63 routing, 276-277 subnetwork, 62 unicast address, 281

    Interoperability Lab, 543 Interpret as Command (lAC)

    character, 82 Intranets, 13,31-35,62

    advantages of, 31 defined, 31 electronic mail, 34 features, 31 intranetWeb,32-34

    Web content, 32 Web/database applications, 32-34 Web/database connectivity, 33

    network news, 34--35 INVITE method, SIp, 143-144 lP, See Internet Protocol (IP) IP Address field, RIP packet, 404 IP datagram, 60 IP headers, 58 IP service pritnitives, 282 IPSec protocol mode, and security

    association, 579 IPv4 address formats, 285 IPv4IIPv6 security, 577-582

    Authentication header, 578,580-581 Encapsulating Security Payload

    (ESP), 578,581-582 IPSec applications, 578 IPSec scope, 578 security association, 578-579

    IPv6, 57-58,290-300 addresses, 296-297 anycast, 297 Authentication header, 292 Destination Address field, 294 Destination Options header,

    292,300 DSIECN field, 293-294 Encapsulating Security Payload

    header, 292 enhancements over IPv4, 291 extension headers, 292 flow label, 295-296 Flow Label field, 294 fragment header, 299 header, 293-296 Hop Litnit field, 294 Hop-by-Hop Options header,

    297-299 IP Next Generation (IPng),

    290-291 multicast, 297 Next Header field, 294 Payload Length field, 294 Routing header, 292,299-300 security, 577-582, See also IPv4IIPv6

    security Source Address field, 294 structure, 292-293 unicast, 297

    Version field, 293 Web page, 301

    IPv6 Forums, 301 IPv6 header, 58 Ip V6 Information Page, 301 IRA, 71 IS, 305 ISA, See Integrated services

    architecture (ISA) ISDN, 29

    J Jacobson's algorithm, 250-253 Jitter,18

    and inelastic traffic, 308 Jumbo payload option, Hop-by-Hop

    Options header, 298


    Kalm, Bob, 26 Karn's algorithm, 253-254 Keep-Alive field, 122-123 Keepalive message, 422 Kendall's notation, 200 Key distribution, 556-558 Key distribution center, 557 Key management, 571-572 .


    Label distribution, 367-368 Label format/placement, 363-365

    label stack, 364--365 time to live processing, 364

    Label switched path (LSP), 360, 365-368

    topology of, 366 Label switched routers (LSRs),

    345,359 Labeled service, data transport, 224 LANs, See Local area networks

    (LANs) LAPF core protocol, 450-451 LAPF (Link Access Procedure for

    Frame Mode Bearer Services), 190,449

    core formats, 450 Last block in file, Descriptor field, 93 Last block in record, Descriptor

    field, 93 Last-in, first-out (LIFO), 197 Last-Modified field, 127 Layer 3 switches, 527-528 Layers, OSI, 48

    justification of, 49 principles used in defming, 47

    Layer-specific standards, 52 Least-cost algorithms, 393-399 Length field:

    BGP messages, 422 RTP packets, 374

    Length/Type field, 802.3 frame format, 521

    Lifetime, and security association,.579 Litnited transtnit, 261-263 Link costs, OSPF, 410-411

    Link field, 127 LINK request method 124 Link-state acknowledgment packet

    OSPF,413 ' Link-state protocol: OSPF, 405-413

    bnk costs, 410-411 Maxim~e Reliability metric, 410 Mru.:lI11.'ze Throughput metric, 411 Mmmllze Delay metric, 411 Minitnize Monetary Cost metric 410 Normal metric, 410 ' overview, 407-410

    Link-state request packet, OSPF 413 Link-state routing, 392-393,405-407

    flooding, 406-407 general description, 405-406

    Link-state update packet, OSPF 413 Living Internet web site, 36 ' LLC, See Logical link control (LLC) LLC data field, 802.3 frame format 521 LLC PDU field, MAC frames, 516 ' Local area networks (LANs), 23-24,

    31,61,511-542 10-Gbps Ethernet, 533-534 bridges, 523-525

    operation, 524 Ethernet,517-522

    bus topology LAN, 517-519 classical, 517-521 CSMNCD,519-520 IEEE 802.3 medium options at 10

    mbps,521-522 MAC frame, 520-521

    high-speed Ethernet, 528-534 10-Gbps Ethernet, 533-534 Fast Ethernet, 528-530 Gigabit Ethernet, 531-533

    high-speed LANs: emergence of, 165-166,511-512 requirements calling for, 512

    hubs, 525-527 IEEE 802 reference model, 513-514 layer 3 switches, 527-528 logical link control (LLC), 514--516

    acknowledged connectionless service, 515-516

    connection-mode service, 515-516

    defined, 514 services, 514--515 unacknowledged connectionless

    service, 514--516 medium access control (MAC), 514,

    516-517 physical layer, 514 protocol architecture, 511,513-517 switches, 525-527 wireless LANs, 534--542

    applications, 535-536 IEEE 802.11 architecture,

    537-538 IEEE 802.11 medium access

    control, 539-541 IEEE 802.11 physical layer,

    541-542 IEEE 802.11 services, 538-539 LAN requirements, 536-537

    LocalPref attribute, Path Attributes field, 422

    . Location field, 125 Logical connections, 452

  • 1 1

    Logical link control (LLC), 190, 514-516

    acknowledged connectionless service, 515-516

    connection-mode service, 515-516 defined, 514 services, 514-515 unacknowledged connectionless

    service, 514-516 Logical link control (LLC) layer, 64 London Internet Exchange (LINX), 27 Lost frame, 482 LSP, See Label switched path (LSP) LSRs, See Label switched routers



    M Flag field, fragment header, 299 MAC, See Medium access control

    (MAC) MAC Control field, MAC frames, 516 MAC frame, 520-521 Macrocells, 464 MAE East/MAE West, 27 MAIL command, SMTp, 100 Mail transfer, SMTP, 100-101 Mail-server value, Content-type

    field, 106 Major Version field, SSL Record

    Protocol header, 574 Management:

    accounting, 589 user requirements, 589

    configuration and name, 590 user requirements, 590

    key, 571-572 retransmission timer, 250-254

    exponential RTO backoff, 253 Jacobson's algorithm, 250-253 Karn's algorithm, 253-254 RTT variance estimation, 250-253

    window, 254-263 Management agent, 311 Management information systems

    (MIS),165 MANs, See Metropolitan area

    networks (MANs) Marker element, traffic conditioning

    function, 333 Marker field:

    BGP messages, 422 RTP fixed header, 372

    Max Response Time field, Membership Query message, 433

    Maximize Reliability metric, 410 Maximize Throughput metric, 411 Maximum packet sizes, and routers, 63 Media files, 31 Medium access control (MAC), 511,

    514,516-517,539-541 access control, 540-541 reliable data delivery, 539-540

    Medium access control (MAC) layer, 64

    Message authentication code, 574 Message format, Domain Name System

    (DNS),136 Message formats, Border Gateway

    Protocol (BGP), 421

    Message header error, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), 423

    Message type, MIME, 105 Messages:

    Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), 421-423

    Domain Name System (DNS), 135-137

    Meta-signaling channel, 453 Meter element, traffic conditioning

    function, 333 Metric field, RIP packet, 404 Metropolitan area networks (MANs),

    24,533 Microcells, 464 .mil,130 MIME, See Multi-purpose Internet

    Mail Extension (MIME) MIME-Version field, 123 Minimize Delay metric, 411 Minimize Monetary Cost metric, 410 Minor Version field, SSL Record

    Protocol header, 574 MIS, 165 Mobile telecommunications switching

    office (MTSO), 465 Mobile unit initialization, 466-467 Mobile-originated call, 467 Modulo 2 arithmetic, 499-502 Mosaic, 31 MOSPF, See Multicast Extensions to

    Open Shortest Path First (MOSPF)

    MOSPF Working Group, 441 MOVE request method, 124 MPLS, See Multiprotocollabel

    switching (MPLS) MPLS Forum, 379 MPLS Resource Center, 379 MPLS Working Group, 379 MTSO, See Mobile

    telecommunications switching office (MTSO)

    Multicast, 281, 297 Multicast Address field, group record, 433 Multicast Extensions to Open Shortest

    Path First (MOSPF), 419, 435-438

    equal-cost multipath ambiguities, 435 interarea multicast forwarders, 436 interarea multicasting, 435-436 inter-AS multicast forwarders, 437 inter-AS multicasting, 436-438 wildcard multicast receiver, 436

    Multicasting, 425-441 applications, 426 defined, 425 example configuration, 426-427 Internet Group Management

    Protocol (IGMP), 430-434 defined, 430-431 general query, 431 Group Address field, 433 group membership with IPv6, 434 group-and-source specific

    query, 431 group-specific query, 431 Max Response Time field, 433 Membership Query message, 431 Membership Report message, 433 message format, 431-434

    INDEX 635

    Number of Sources field, 433 operation, 434 QQIC (querier's querier interval

    code) field, 433 QRV (querier's robustness

    variable) field, 433 S Flag field, 433 Source Addresses field, 433 Type field, 431

    multicast addresses, 425 multicast extensions to Open

    Shortest Path First (MOSPF), 435-438

    equal-cost multipath ambiguities, 435

    interarea multicast forwarders, 436 interarea multicasting, 435-436 inter-AS multicast forwarders, 437 inter-AS multicasting, 436-438 wildcard multicast receiver, 436

    multiple unicast stra,tegy, 426 Protocol Independent Multicast

    (PIM), 438-441 sparse-mode PIM, 439-441 strategy, 438-439

    requirements for, 429-430 strategy, 427-428 traffic generated by strategies, 428 transmission example, 428

    MultiExitDisc attribute, Path Attributes field, 422

    Multimedia, and multicasting, 426 Multipart type, MIME, 103-104 Multipart/alternative subtype,

    MIME, 105 Multipartldigest subtype,MIME, 105 Multipart/mixed subtype, MIME, 105 Multipart/parallel sUbtype, MIME, 105 Multiple unicast strategy, 426 Multiplexing, 221-222

    example of, 223 reliable sequencing network

    service, 206 Multiprotocollabel switching (MPLS),

    345,357-368 background, 357-359

    . connection-oriented QoS support, 358

    rilUltiprotocol support, 359 traffic engineering, 358-359 virtual private network (VPN), 359

    forwarding equivalence class (FEC), 359-361,365-368

    label distribution, 367-368 label format/placement, 363-365

    label stack, 364-365 time to live processing,364

    label stacking, 363 label switched path (LSP), 360,

    365-368 topology of, 366

    label switched routers (LSRs), 359 labels, 365-368 operation, 359-363 packet forwarding, 362 route selection, 366-368

    constraint-based routing algorithm, 367

    explicit routing, 366 hop-by-hop routing, 366

    terminology, 360

  • 636 INDEX

    Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME), 95,102-110,137

    application type, 106-107 application/octet-stream subtype,

    106-107 application/Postscript subtype, 107 base64 transfer encoding, 108 content types, 103-107 Content-Description field, 103 Content-ID field, 103 Content-Transfer-Encoding field, 103 Content-Type field, 103 defined, 102 header fields, 103 image type, 106 message type, 105 message/external-body subtype, 106 message/partial subtype, 105 message/rfc822 subtype, 105 MIME-Version field, 103 multipart type, 103-104 multipart/alternative subtype, 105 multipart/digest subtype, 105 multipart/mixed subtype, 105 multipart/parallel subtype, 105 overview of, 103 quoted-printable transfer encoding,

    107-108 text type, 103 transfer encodings, 107-110 video type, 106

    ,museum, 130 Myron Hlynka's QueueingTheciry

    Page, 193


    .name,130 Name resolution, 133, 134-135 Name servers, 128 National Institute of Standards and

    Technology (NIST), 552 National Science Foundation, 26-27 Negotiation phase, VTP, 79 Neighbor acquisition, 420,422 Neighbor reachability, 420 Neighbors, 420, 422 .net,130 Netscape Navigator, 28 Network access layer, 42 Network classes, 284-285 Network layer, OSI, 49 Network management, 587-603

    accounting management, 589 user requirements, 589

    configuration and name management, 590

    user requirements, 590 defined, 587 fault, defined, 588 fault management, 588-589

    user requirements, 589 network management application

    (NMA),593 network management entity

    (NME),593 performance management, 590-591

    user requirements, 591 requirements, 588-591 security management, 591

    user requirements, 591 Simple Network Management

    Protocol (SNMP), 587, 593-603

    Version 1, 593-597 Version 2, 597-602 Version 3, 602-603

    systems, 592-593 agent, 593 elements of, 592 manager, 593

    Network management application (NMA),593

    Network management entity (NME),593

    Network Management Web site, 603 Network reachability, 420-421 Network security, 547-582

    active attacks, 549-550 denial of service, 550 masquerade, 549 modification of messages, 550 replay, 549

    active threats, 547 authenticity, 549 availability, 549 computer security, 548 confidentiality, 548, 550-558 defined, 548 encryption, 547 . hash functions, 559-565

    one-way, 561-563 secure, 563-564 SHA-1,564-565

    information security, 548 integrity, 549 IPv4/IPv6 security, 577-582

    Authentication header, 578, 580-581

    Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), 578,581-582

    IPSec applications, 578 IPSec scope, 578 security association, 578-579

    message authentication, 559-565 approaches to, 559-563 code, 560-561 using synunetric encryption, 559 without message encryption,

    559-560 passive attacks, 549

    release of message contents, 549 traffic analysis, 549

    passive threats, 547 public-key encryption, 547,565-572

    authenticator, 568 cipher text, 566 decryption algorithm, 566 digital signature, 568 encryption algorithm, 566 general-purpose algorithm,

    566-567 key management, 571-572 plaintext, 566 private key, 566 public key, 566 public-key certificate, 572 RSA algorithm, 568-571

    Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 548, 572-577

    architecture, 573

    Change .Cipher Spec ProtOCOl, 575 connectIOn, 573 Handshake Protocol, 575-577 protocol stack, 573 record protocol, 574-575 session, 573

    security requirements, 548-550 synunetric encryption, 547, 550-558

    Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 552-555

    brute-force attack, 551-552 ciphertext,551 cryptanalysis,551 Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    552 ' decryption algorithm, 551 encryption algorithms, 550,552-555 encryption devices, location of

    555-556 ' key distribution, 556-558 key distribution center, 557 permanent key, 557 plaintext, 550 secret key, 550 security service module (SSM), 557 session key, 557 traffic padding, 558

    Transport Layer Security (TLS), 548, 572-573

    Network service access point (NSAP),52

    Network World, 6 Network-controlled

    establishmentlrelease, 454 Networking configuration, 30-31 Networking Links web site, 67 Next Header field:

    Authentication header, 580 ESP packet, 581 Hop-by-Hop Options header, 297 IPv6,294 routing header, 299

    Next header field, fragment header, 299

    NextHop attribute, Path Attributes field, 422-423

    Nodes, 14 Non-HTTTP server, and gateway, 119 Non-Real-Time Service, 458, 459-460 Non-Real-Time Variable Bit Rate

    (nrt-VBR),459 Normal metric, 410 Normal response mode (NRM), 487 Notification message, 422-423 NSAP,52 NScount field, 130 NSFNET, 26-27 Number of Group Records field,

    Membership Report message, 433

    Number of Sources field: group record, 433 Membership Query message, 433

    NYSERnet, 27

    o Octet tokens, 312 Ongoing call, 467 Opcode field, 135

  • Open message, 422 Open message error, 423 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

    protocol, 385, 392, 405-413 area, 412 Database description packet, 413 fields, 412-413 Hello packet, 413 link costs, 410-411 link-state acknowledgment

    packet, 413 link-state request packet, 413 link-state update packet, 413 packet format, 412-413 packet types, 413

    Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, 39,41,46-54

    application layer, 49 data link layer, 49 environment, 50 layers, 48

    justification of, 49 principles used in defining, 47

    network layer, 49 physical layer, 49 presentation layer, 49 service primitives/parameters,

    53-54 session layer, 49 standardization within OSI

    framework, 51-53 addressing, 52 protocol specification, 52 service definition, 52

    transport layer, 49 Operation:

    basic e-mail operation, SMTP, 95-97 bridges, 524

    operation, 524 cellular wireless networks, 465-468

    operation, 465-468 differentiated services (DS), 332-334 domain Name System (DNS),

    132-137 explicit congestion notification, 266 Fast Ethernet, 531 HDLC,490-494 HTTP,l17 IGMp, 434 internetworking,273-276 multiprotocollabel switching

    (MPLS),359-363 packet switching, 16-19 protocol architecture, 45 RSVP (Resource ReSerVation

    Protocol), 351-356 TCP,58-61 TCP/IP,65-67 Telnet,78

    Option data parameter, IP service primitives, 282

    Option negotiation commands, Telnet,82

    Option subnegotiation commands, Telnet,82

    Options field: Hop-by-Hop Options header, 298 IP header, 283 TCP header, 230

    OPTIONS method, SIP, 143 OPTIONS request method, 123

    Ordered delivery, unreliable network service, 213

    Ordered service, data transport, 224 .org,130 Origin attribute, Path Attributes

    field, 422 OSI, See Open Systems

    Interconnection (OSI) reference model

    OSPF, See Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol

    OSPF working group, 414


    Packet discard, 309 Packet format, OSPF, 412-413 Packet forwarding, 362 Packet header, 60-61 Packet loss, 168

    and inelastic traffic, 308 Packet scheduler, 311 Packet switching, 13,15-22,42

    advantages o~ 16, 18 basic operation, 16-19 compared to circuit switching,

    18-19 data transmission, 16 datagram approach, 17, 19,21 disadvantages o~ 18-19 packet size, 21 packets, use of, 16 routing, 21-22

    congestion, 22 failure, 21

    switching technique, 19-21 virtual circuit approach, 19-20

    Packet Type field, RTP packets, 374 Packet types, OSPF, 413 Packets, 70-72 Pad field, 802.3 frame format, 521 Pad Length field, ESP packet, 581 Pad1 option, Hop-by-Hop Options

    header, 298 Padding field:

    ESP packet, 581 IF header, 283 RTP fixed header, 372 RTP packets, 374

    PadN option, Hop-by-Hop Options header, 298

    Paging, 467 Parameter problem message, 289 Parameters field, ICMP message, 288 Parity check, 480-481 Passive attacks, 549 Passive threats, 547 PATCH request method, 123 Path MTU, and security association,

    579 Path-vector protocols, 419-425

    routing, 393 Payload Length field:

    Authentication header, 580 IPv6,294

    Payload Type field, 454-456 RTP fixed header, 372

    PDUs, See Protocol data units (PDUs) Peer, 40 Peer layers, 40

    INDEX 637

    Performance management, 590-591 user requirements, 591

    Performance metrics, 173-178 congestion control, 177 delay, 174-175 delay times throughput product,

    175-177 error control, 177 flow control, 176-177 queuing delays, 178 stop-and-wait protocol, 176 throughput, 174

    Performance requirements, 169-173 response time, 169-173 throughput, 173

    Per-hop behavior, 334-336 assured forwarding (AF) PHB,

    335-336 expedited forwarding (EF) PHB,

    334-335 Permanent key, 557 Permanent Negative Completion reply,

    SMTp, 98 ' Physical layer, 49,514 Piggybacking, 478 PIM, See Protocol Independent

    Multicast (PIM) PIMWorking Group, 441 Plaintext, 550,566 Points of presence (PoPs), 533 Poisoned reverse, 404 Poisson arrival rate, 201 Policies:

    acceptable use, 27 discard, 310 drop-tail, 327 TCP, 232-234

    Ports, 42 Positive acknowledgment, 482 Positive Completion reply, SMTP, 98 Positive Intermediate reply, SMTP, 98 POST request method, 123 Power workgroups, 165-166

    high-speed LANs, 512 Pragma field, 123 Preamble field, 802.3 MAC frames, 520 Presentation layer, OSI, 49 Prip:l.ary station, 487 Private key, 566 .pro,130 Processing delay, 174 Processor sharing (PS), 315-317 Projects, 608-610

    performance modeling, 609-610 reading/report assignments, 610 research projects, 610 simulation, 609 sockets programming, 608-609

    Propagation delay, 174 Protocol, defined, 40 Protocol architecture, 513-517

    application layer, 42 defined, 41 need for, 39-40 network access layer, 42 and networks, 43 operation o~ 45 peer layers, 40 ports, 42 protocol data unit (PDU), 44-45 service access points (SAPs), 42

  • ,.' \

    638 INDEX

    Protocol architecture (cant.) simple, 40-46 standardized, 46 three-layer model, 42-45 transport layer, 42

    Protocol data units (PDUs), 44-45,48, 60,61,274

    Protocol field, IP header, 283 Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM),

    419,438-441 sparse-mode PIM, 439-441 strategy, 438-439

    Protocol stack, 573 Proxy, and security intermediary, 118 Proxy server, 138 Proxy-Authenticate field, 127 Proxy-Authorization field, 124 PS, 315-317 PSINet,27 Public field, 127 Public key, 566 Public-key certificate, 572 Public-key encryption, 547,565-572

    authenticator, 568 cipher text, 566 decryption algorithm, 566 digital signature, 568 encryption algorithm, 566 general-purpose algorithm,

    566-568 key management, 571-572 plaintex!, 566 private key, 566 public key, 566 public-key certificate, 572 RSA algorithm, 568-571

    PUT request method, 123


    QDcount field, 130 QQIC (querier's querier interval code)

    field, Membership Query message, 433

    QRV (querier's robustness variable) field, Membership Query message, 433

    Quality of service (QoS), 164-169 on the Internet, 167-169 support, protocols, 345-378

    Query Class field, 137 Query Response field, 135 Query Type field, 137 Queuing, 195-201

    models, 196-197 model characteristics, 196-197 queue parameters, 196

    results, 197-201 assumptions, 199-200 basic queuing relationships,

    197-199 single-server queues, 200-201

    Queuing delays, 178 Queuing discipline, 310,314-321

    bit-round fair queuing (BRFQ), 315, 317-318

    fair queuing (FQ), 314-315 generalized processor sharing (GPS),


    processor sharing (PS), 315-317 weighted fair queuing (WFQ), 319,

    320-321 Quoted-printable transfer encoding,



    Radix -64 encoding, 109 Raj Jain's home page, 267 Random early detection (RED),

    321-327 algorithm, 323-327

    calculating average queue size, 324-325

    determining packet discard, 325-327

    defined, 322 design goals, 322-323 explicit congestion notification

    (ECN),327 motivation, 322

    Range field, 124 Rate-based approach, explicit

    congestion signaling, 187 Raw sockets, 149 RCPT command, SMTP, 100 Rdata element, 132 Rdata field length, 131 Real-Time Service, 458-459 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP),

    139,345,368-378 mixer, 371 participant IP addresses, 371 protocol, 370-373

    concepts, 370-372 fixed header, 372-373

    protocol architecture, 369-370 application-level framing, 369 integrated layer processing,

    369-370 RTCP port number, 371 RTP Control Protocol (RTCP),

    373-378 application-defined packet, 378 formats, 375 Goodbye (BYE) packet, 378 identification function, 373 quality of service (QoS) and

    congestion control function, 373

    Receiver Report (RR), 377 Sender Report (SR), 376-377 session control function, 374 session size estimation and scaling

    function, 373-374 Source Description (SDES)

    packet, 377-378 RTP port number, 370 translator, 371

    Real-Time Variable Bit Rate (rt-VBR),459

    Real-time workgroups, and multicasting, 426

    Receiver buffer, 226 Receiver, SMTP, 97 Record protocol, 574-575 Record Type field, group record, 433 Recursion Available field, 135 Recursion Desired field, 135

    RED, See Random early detection (RED)

    Redirect message, 289 Redirection status codes, 125-126 References, 617-624 Referrer field, 125 REGISTER method, SIP, 143 Release of message contents, 549 Reliability, and routers, 63 Reliable Multicast Links, 441 Reliable sequencing network service

    204-212 ' addressing, 204-206 connection establishment and

    termination, 209-212 connection termination, 209-212 flow control, 206-209 multiplexing, 206

    Rendezvous point (RP), 439 Replicated byte format, compressed

    mode, 94 REQUEST primitive, 53 Request-Header' field, 121 Request-Line field, 121 Res field, fragment header, 299 Reservation protocol, 310 Reserved field:

    Authentication header, 580 fragment header, 299 TCP header, 229

    Resource records (RRs), 130-132 class element, 131 domain name element, 131 Rdata element, 132 Rdata field length, 131 time to live element, 131 type element, 131 types of, 132

    Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP), 327,345,346-357

    data flows, 350-351 filter spec, 351 flow descriptor, 351 flowspec, 351 goals/characteristics, 348-350

    receiver-initiated reservation, 349 soft state, 350

    host model, 357 operation, 351-356

    filtering, 353 fixed-filter (FF) style, 354-355 reservation attribute, 353 reservation styles, 353-356 sender selection, 353 shared-explicit (SE) style, 356 styles/attributes, 354 wildcard-filter (WF) style,

    353-354 protocol mechanisms, 356-357

    Response Code field, 135 RESPONSE primitive, 53 Response time, 169-173

    competing requirements, 170 computer processing power, 170 response time ranges, 170 system response time, 171 user response time, 171 World Wide Web (WWW),

    172-173 Response-Header field, 121 Response-Line field, 121

  • ," \

    Responses, high-level data link control (HDLC),491

    Restart marker, Descriptor field, 94 Retransmission after timeout, 482 Retransmission strategy, unreliable

    network service, 213 Retransmission timer management,

    250-254 exponential RTO backoft; 253 Jacobson's algorithm, 250-253 Karn's algorithm, 253-254 RTT variance estimation, 250-253

    Retry-After field, 127 Reuse factor, 463 RFC 822,101-102 RFC publication, 7 RFCtypes,9 RFCs, 605-607 RIP, See Routing Information Protocol

    (RIP) Root name servers, 133-134 Route selection, MPLS, 366-368 Router alert option, Hop-by-Hop

    Options header, 297-299 Router ID field, OSPF packets, 412 Routers, 62, 63, 188

    packet discard, 309 routing algorithm, 309

    Routing, 21-22, 276-277 congestion, 22 failure, 21

    Routing algorithm, ISA, 309 Routing approaches, 392-393 Routing function, 385, 386-390 Routing header, IPv6, 292, 299-300 Routing information exchange,

    423-425 Routing Information Protocol (RIP),

    385, 399-405 Address Family field, 404 algorithm, 399-400 Command field, 404 counting to infinity problem, 403 details, 402-404 distance-sector route approach,

    399-402 distributed Belhnan-Ford algorithm,

    400-402 incremental update, 402 IP Address field, 404 limitations of, 404 Metric field, 404 packet format, 404-405 poisoned reverse, 404 split horizons rule, 404 topology changes, 402-403 Version field, 404

    Routing philosophies, comparison of, 406 Routing protocol, 311,385 Routing Type field, routing header, 300 RRs, See Resource records (RRs) RSA algorithm, 568-571 RSA public-key encryption algorithm,

    568-571 RSvp, See Resourse ReSerVation

    Protocol RSVP Project, 379 RSVP Working Group, 379 RTCP port number, 371 RTF, See Real-TIme Transport

    Protocol (RTP)

    RTP Control Protocol (RTCP), 373-378

    application-defined packet, 378 formats, 375 Goodbye (BYE) packet, 378 identification function, 373 quality of service (QoS) and

    congestion control function, 373 Receiver Report (RR), 377 Sender Report (SR), 376-377 session control function, 374 session size estimation and scaling

    function, 373-374 Source Description (SDES) packet,

    377-378 RTP port number, 370 RTT variance estimation, 250-253

    s S Flag field, Membership Query

    message, 433 SAPs, See Service access points (SAPs) Satellite communication (SATNET),

    26 SDUs,456 Secondary station, 487 Secret key, 550 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1),

    564-565,568 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 548,

    572-577 architecture, 573 Change Cipher Spec Protocol, 575 connection, 573 Handshake Protocol, 575-577 protocol stack, 573 record protocol, 574-575 session, 573

    Security association: defined, 578 IP destination address, 579 parameter, 579 security parameters (SPI), 579 security protocol identifier, 579

    Security intermediary: and gateway, 119 and proxy, 118

    Security Parameters Index field: Authentication header, 580 ESP packet, 581

    Security parameters (SPI), 579 Security protocol identifier, 579 Security requirements, 548--549 Security service module (SSM), 557 Segment buffer, 227 Segment pacing, 247-248 Segments Left field, routing

    header, 300 Self-clocking behavior, 247 Self-similar traffic, 191-192 Semantics, 73

    protocols, 40 Semipermanent establishment/release,

    454 Semipermanent virtual channels, 453 Send buffer, 226 Sender, SMTP, 96-97 Sequence counter overflow, and

    security association, 579

    INDEX 639

    Sequence number: TCP header, 60 transport PDU header, 44

    Sequence number counter, and security association, 579

    Sequence Number field: Authentication header, 580 ESP packet, 581 RTP fixed header, 372-373 TCP header, 229

    Sequencing, 19 Server error status codes, 125-126 Server hierarchy, 133-134 Service access points (SAPs), 42,52 Service categories, ATM, 457-460

    Available Bit Rate (ABR) service, 460

    Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service, 458-459

    Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR) service, 460 ,

    Non-Real-Time Service, 458, 459-460

    Non-Real-Time Variable Bit Rate (nrt-VBR),459

    Real-Time Service, 458-459 Real-Time Variable Bit Rate

    (rt-VBR),459 Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR),

    459-460 Service data units (SDUs), 456 Session Description Protocol (SDP),

    137-139,148 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 75,

    115,137-148 Call-ID header, 146 client, 137 componetns,137-139 Contact header, 146 Content-Type header, 146 CSeq header, 146 From header, 146 header fields, 145 location service, 138 Max-Forwards header, 146 messages, 143-148

    r.equests,143-146 responses, 146-148

    operation examples, 140-142 protocols, 137-139 proxy server, 138 redirect server, 138 registrar, 138 response code, 143, 147 server, 138 Session Description Protocol (SDP),

    137-139,148 To header, 146 Uniform Resource Identifier (URl),

    139-140 user agent, 138 Via headers, 146

    Session key, 557 Session, Secure Sockets Layer

    (SSL),573 Settlements, 27 Shaper element, traffic conditioning

    function, 333 SHA-1, See Secure Hash Algorithm

    (SHA-1) Shielded twisted pair (STP), 529

  • t·'


    640 INDEX

    Signaling: control, 453--454 explicit congestion, 186-187 implicit congestion, 185-186 urgent data, 224

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 75,95-102,203,307

    basic e-mail operation, 95-97 commands, 98 connection closing, 101 connection setup, 99-100 DATA command, 100-101 defined, 95 MAIL command, 100 mail transfer, 100-101 overview, 97-99 protocol, 97 RCPT command, 100 receiver, 97 replies, 98-99 RFC 822,101-102 sender, 96-97

    Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 56-57,61,307,587, 593-603

    Version 1, 593-597 basic concepts, 593-594 Get capability, 594 management agent, 594 management information base

    (MIB),594 management station, 594 network management

    protocol, 594 network management protocol

    architecture, 595-597 Notify capability, 594 Set capability, 594

    Version 2, 597-602 allowable data types, 600 elements of, 598 GetBulkRequest-PDU,601 GetNextRequest-PDU,600-601 GetRequest-PDU,600 InformRequest-PDU,602 management information base

    (MIB),598 protocol data units (PDU), 599-600 protocol operation, 599-602 SetRequest-PDU,601 SNMPv2-Trap-PDU,601-602 structure of management

    information (SMI), 598,599 Version 3, 602-603

    management information base (MIB),603

    User-Based Security (USM) model, 602

    Simple Web Site, 603 Single-server queues, 200-201

    formulas for, 200 SIP, See Session Initiation Protocol

    (SIP) SIP Forum, 158 SIP Working Group, 158 Skutch,Alexander,239 Sliding-window flow control, 476--479,

    503-509 ARQ, 506-509 error-free sliding-window flow

    control, 504-506

    performance issues, 503-509 stop-and-wait flow control, 503-504 timing of protocol, 505

    Slow start, 254-258 SMTP, See Simple Mail Transfer

    Protocol (SMTP) SMTP/822 scheme, limitations of, 102 SNMP, See Simple Network

    Management Protocol (SNMP) Sockets, 148-157

    application programming interface (API),149

    communication, 152-154 connection, 152 datagram communication, 153-154 datagram sockets, 149 defined, 148-149 examples, 154-157 functions, 150-151 interface calls, 149-154 IP addresses, 149 port, 149 raw sockets, 149 setup, 149-152 stream communication, 152 stream sockets, 149 system calls, 154

    Sockets application interface (API),115

    SONET (synchronous optical network), 31 .

    Source Address field: 802.3 frame format, 520 IP header, 283 IPv6,294

    Source Address parameter, IP service primitives, 282

    Source Addresses field, Membership Query message, 433

    Source MAC Address field, MAC frames, 516

    Source Port field, TCP header, 228 Source quench message, 289 Sources Addresses field, group

    record, 434 Speed, need for, 164-169 Split horizons rule, 404 SSL, See Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) SSM,557 Standardization process, 7-8 Standardized protocol architectures, 46 Stanford Research Institute (SRI), 24 Start Frame Delimited (SFD) field,

    802.3 frame format, 520 State, 553 Station types, 487--488 Stations, 13 Stop-and-wait ARQ, 483,484 Stop-and-wait flow control, 475--476,

    503-504 Stop-and-wait protocol, 176 Store-and,forward switch, 527 STp, 529 Strategy:

    batch retransmission, 233 first-only retransmission, 233 individual retransmission, 233 multiple unicast, 426 retransmission, error control,

    242-243 Stream communication, 152

    Stream sockets, 149 Subnets/subnet masks, 285-287 Subnetworks, 58, 58-59, 62, 528 Successful status codes, 125-126 Su~pect data, Descriptor field, 93 SWitches, 525-527 Switching:

    circuit, 13,14-15,42 multiprotocollabel switching

    (MPLS), 345,357-368 packet, 13, 15-22, 42

    Symmetric encryption, 547, 550-558 Advanced Encryption Standard

    (AES),552-555 brute-force attack, 551-552 ciphertext, 551 cryptanalysis, 551 Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    552 ' decryption algoritlun, 551 encryption algorithms, 550,552-555 encryption devices, location of,

    555-556 key distribution, 556-558 key distribution center, 557 permanent key, 557 plaintext, 550 secret key, 550 security service module (SSM), 557 session key, 557 traffic padding, 558

    Synchronization Source Identifier field: RTP fixed header, 373 RTP packets, 376

    Syntax, 73 protocols, 40

    System calls, 154 System Network Architecture



    TCP, See Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

    TCP entity state diagram, 219 TCP header, 57, 60 TCP segment, 56,59-60 TCP services, summary of, 222 TCP-FriendlyWebsite,267 TCP/IP layers, 54-56 TCP/IP protocol architecture, 39,46,

    54-61 application layer, 55 host-to-host layer, 55 internet layer, 55 Internet Protocol (IP), 55

    IPv6,57-58 operation of, 58-61

    network access layer, 55 operation of TCP/IP, 65-67 physical layer, 55 protocol interfaces, 61 TCPIIP layers, 54-56 Transmission Control Protocol

    (TCP),55 operation of, 58-61 and UDP, 56-57

    transport layer, 55 TCP/IP protocol suite, 13,26,31,35,39,


  • r I

    TCP/IP Resources List Web site, 235 Technical specification (TS), 9 Teleconferencing, and multicasting, 426 Telnet, 75, 77-86, 83, 148,203,305,307

    Abort Output (AO) command, 83 assigned options, 84 commands, 82 Data Mark (DM) command, 83 design of, 78 Interrrupt Process (IP) command, 83 longevity of, 86 network virtual terminal (NVT),

    78-80 operational environment, 78 option negotiation, 85-86 Option negotiation commands, 82 Option subnegotiation

    commands, 82 options, 83-85 remote terminal access, 78-80 server Telnet module, 80 synch mechanism, 83 transfer protocol, 80-82 user Telnet module, 80 virtual terminal protocol (VTP), 79, 110 10 Gigabit Ethernet Alliance, 543 10-Gbps Ethernet, 533-534 Terminal access, 77-86 TFT value, Content-type field, 106 TFTP, See Trivial File Transfer Protocol

    (TFTP) 3G Americas, 469 Three-layer model, 42-45 Three-way handshake, 218-220

    examples of, 220 Throughput, 168, 173, 174

    and inelastic traffic, 308 Time exceeded message, 289 Time to live element, 131 Time to Live field, IP header, 283 Time to live parameter, IP service

    primitives, 282 Timely service, data transport, 224 Timestamp field, RTP fixed header, 373 Timestamp message, 289-290 Timestamp reply message, 289-90 Timing:

    protocols, 40 TFTP, 73

    Title field, 127 Token bucket scheme, 312 Top-level Internet domains, 130 Total Lengtb field, IP header, 283 Traffic analysis, 549 Traffic channels, 466 Traffic conditioning function, 333 Traffic control, 239-266 Traffic management, 187-188

    fairness, 187 quality of service, 187-188 reservations, 188

    Traffic padding, 558 Traffic specification (TSpec), 311 Transfer encodings, MIME, 107-110 Transfer-Encoding field, 127-128 Transient Negative Completion reply,

    SMTP,98 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),

    55, 203, 226-234 basic operations, 226-228

    congestion control, 246-263 TCP flow and, 247-250

    congestion control measures, implementation of, 249

    connection establishment, 231 connection maintenance, 224 connection management, 222-223 connection termination, 224, 231 data transfer, 231 data transport, 223-224 error reporting, 224 explicit congestion notification

    (ECN),263-266 basic operation, 266 IP header, 264--265 TCP header, 265 TCP initialization, 265

    flow control performance, 241 flow control/error control, 240-246

    adaptive retransmission timer, 243-246

    effect of window size on performance, 240-242

    exponential average, 243-246 retransmission strategy, 242-243 simple average, 243

    header format, 228-231 fields, 228-230 push function, 230 urgent function, 230

    implementation policy options, 232-234

    accept policy, 232-233 acknowledge policy, 233 deliver policy, 232 retransmit policy, 233 send policy, 232

    implicit congestion notification, 264 mechanisms, 231 multiplexing,221-222 operation of, 58-61 receiver buffer, 226 retransmission timer management,

    250-254 exponential RTO back off, 253 Jacobson's algorithm, 250-253 Karn's algoritbm, 253-254 RTT variance estimation, 250-253

    segment buffer, 227 segment pacing, 247-248 self-clocking behavior, 247 send buffer, 226 service categories, 221-224 service parameters, 227 service primitives, 224--226

    service request primitives, 225 service response primitives, 226

    services, 221-226 summary of, 222

    special capabilities, 224 traffic control, 239-266 UDP, and, 56-57 window management, 254--263

    dynamic window sizing on congestion, 255-258

    fast recovery, 259-262 fast retransmit, 258-260 limited transmit, 261-263 slow start, 254--256,257,258

    Transmission delay, 174 Transport layer, 42,55

    INDEX 641

    Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, 139,548,572-573

    Transport PDU, 44-45 header, 44

    Transport protocol timers, 214 Triple DES (3DES), 552 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP),

    40,70-73 defined, 70 errors/delays, 71,73 packets, 70-72 semantics, 73 syntax, 73 timing, 73 transfer overview, 72-73

    Truncated field, 135 Two-way handshake, 217-218 Type field:

    BGP messages, 422 ICMP message, 288 Membership Query message, 431 Membership Report message, 433 OSPF packets, 412

    Type of service indicators parameter, IP service primitives, 282

    T-1 connection, 29

    u UDp, See User Datagram Protocol

    (UDP) UDP header, 57 Uncompressed data format,

    compressed mode, 94 Unicast, 297 Unicast address, 281 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI),

    139-140 . Unless field, 125 UNLINK request metbod, 124 Unreliable network service, 212-221

    connection determination, 220-221 connection establishment, 216-220 duplicate detection, 214--216 failure recovery, 221 flow control, 216

    . ordered delivery, 212-213 retransmission strategy, 213-214

    Unshielded twisted pair (UTP), 529 Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR), 459-460 Update message, 422 Update message error, 423 Upgrade field, 123 Urgent data signaling, 224 Urgent Pointer field, TCP header, 230 URI,139-140 URL-Header field, 128 .us,130 USENET, 6,34--36,345 User data transfer, 450-451

    Address field, 451 Flag and Frame Check Sequence

    (FCS) fields, 451 User Datagram Protocol (UDP),

    56-57,61,167,203,234--235 header, 235

    User modules (UMs), 535 User-Agent field, 125 User-Based Security (USM)

    model, 602

  • 642 INDEX

    User-network interface (UNI), 456 UTP,529 UUNET,27

    v Vendors, 6 Verison field, IP header, 283 Version field:

    IPv6,293 OSPF packets, 412 RIP packet, 404 RTP fixed header, 372 RTP packets, 374

    Video type, MIME, 106 View-Based Access Control Model

    (VACM),602 Vine, Barbara, 163,273 Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI)

    field,454 Virtual channels, 451-454

    characteristics of, 452-453 semipermanent, 453

    Virtual channels/virtual paths, 451-454 Virtual circuit, 19-20 Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) field, 454 Virtual paths, 451-454

    advantages of, 452 characteristics of, 452-453 customer-controlled

    establishment/release, 454 methods, 454 network-controlled

    establishment/release, 454 semipermanent

    establishment/release, 454 Virtual private network (VPN), 36 Voice over IP (VoIP), 137

    w WANs, See Wide area networks

    (WANs) Web content, Intranet Web, 32 Web resources, 5-6 Web/database applications, Intranet

    Web,32-34 Web/database connectivity, 33

    Intranet Web, 33

    Web/database system, compared to traditional database approach, 32-33

    Weighted fair queuing (WFQ), 319, 320-321

    WFQ, See Weighted fair queuing (WFQ)

    Wholesalers, and ISPs, 29 Wide area networks (WANs), 15,

    23-24,31,61,447-468 asynchronous transfer mode (ATM),

    451-460 cell loss priority (CLP), 456 cells, 454-457 control signaling, 453-454 generic flow control, 456-457 Generic Flow Control (GFC)

    field,454 Header Error Control (HEC)

    field,456 logical connections in, 452 meta-signaling channel, 453 Payload Type (PT) field, 454-456 semipermanent virtual

    channels, 453 service categories, 457-460 Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI)

    field,454 virtual channels/virtual paths,

    451-454 Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)

    field,454 cellular wireless networks, 460-468

    adding new channels, 463 base station, 461,465 call accepted, 467 call blocking, 467 call drop, 467 call termination, 467 calls to/from fixed and remote

    mobile subscriber, 468 cell sectoring, 464 cell splitting, 463-464 cellular network oranization,

    461-465 cellular radio, 461 control channels, 466 defined, 460 frequency borrowing, 463 frequency reuse, 462-463 handoff, 467

    increasing capacity, 463-464 microcells, 464 mobile telecommunications

    switching office (MTSO), 465 mobile unit initialization, 466-467 mobile-originated call, 467 ongoing call, 467 operation, 465-468 paging, 467 traffic channels, 466

    corporate WAN needs, 166 frame relay, 447-451

    background, 448-449 control plane, 449 protocol architecture, 449-450 user plane, 449-450

    user data transfer, 450-451 Address field, 451 Flag and Frame Check Sequence

    (FCS) fields, 451 Wi-FiAlliance, 543 Window field, TCP header, 229 Window management, 254-263

    dynamic window sizing on congestion, 255-258

    fast recovery, 259-262 fast retransmit, 258-260 limited transmit, 261-263 slow start, 254-258

    Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA), 542

    Wireless LAN Alliance, 543 Wireless LANs, 534-542

    applications, 535-536 IEEE 802.11 architecture, 537-538 IEEE 802.11 medium access control,

    539-541 IEEE 802.11 physical layer, 541-542 IEEE 802.11 services, 538-539 LAN requirements, 536-537

    Wireless networks, 24 World Wide Web (WWW),27-29,116 WRAPPED request method, 124 WWW, See World Wide Web (WWW) WWW Consortium, 157 WWW-Authenticate field, 127

    z Zone, 133