computed orbital phlebography of the cavernous sinuses

745 Computed Orbital Phlebography of the Cavernous Sinuses Kaj Ericson' and Gustaf Bergstrand ' Computed orbital phlebography (COP), described as com- puted tomography with concomitant injection of contrast me- dium into a frontal vein , was used to evaluate the cavernous sinuses in 19 patients with intrasellar or parasellar lesions and in two normal controls. Bilateral opacification occurred in 12 subjects, eight of whom had pituitary tumors. Unilateral partial obliteration was encountered in four subjects , all of whom had pituitary tumors with marked parasellar extension. In three sub- jects with parasellar tumors , ipsilateral total obliteration of the cavernous sinus was seen. In one subject with no sign of para- sellar tumor , there was no opacification of the cavernous si- nuses , a failure attributed to technical factors . In one other subject, the frontal vein puncture was unsuccessful and COP could not be performed. Since its introdu ction in 1 95 1 by Dejean and Boude t [1] , orbital phlebography has been used routinely in many institutions to ex- amine the parasellar ex t ension of pituitary tumors. The neuror adi- ologic examination of pituit ary tumors is c urrent ly performed with contrast-enhanced co mput ed tomograp hy (CT). It ther efore seemed logica l to use a fr ontal instead of a c ubit al vein for the administr ation of the co ntr ast medium. If CT scanning is perf ormed durin g the inj ec tion of the co ntr ast agent, the procedure may be ca ll ed com- puted orbital phlebography (COP). An adeq uate outline of large intrasellar and parasellar tumors is obtained in most instances when the co ntrast medium is adminis- tered intravenously by the co nvention al brachial a ppro ac h. The cave rnous sinuses are also visualized, at least when not obliterated by ex panding lesions [2, 3] . However, it may be difficult even with modern hig h-reso lution sca nn ers to delineate precisely the bo rder between the cavernous sinus and a nearby lesion. In the expectat ion that COP would improve the ab ility to delineate this border , the technique was evaluated in a series of patients with se ll ar and parasellar l esions. Subjects and Methods Study subj ec ts were 19 patients and two healthy volunteers. Fo ur patients had Cushing disease , 12 had pituitary tumor s (chromo- phobe ade noma or prolactinoma) , two had parasellar meningiomas , and one had a malignant tum or of the skull base . A frontal vein was punc tur ed with the patient positioned on the CT table. A thin Te fl on ca nnula (Vi ggo Venflon) with an outer diameter of 0.8 mm and a length of 25 mm was used in all examinations. A l ocalizing sca n was obtained to determine the sca nning level. A scanning angle parallel with the cavernous sinus was usually chosen; in some pati ents, additional co ronal views were also ob- tain ed. A prec ontrast sca n was obt ained at the chosen level imme- diately before inj ec tion of the co ntras t medium . The co ntras t me- dium used was Isopaque cerebral (280 mg I/ ml) d il ut ed with phys- iologic sa li ne solution to a co nce ntration of 100-140 mg I/ mi. About 20 ml of th e mixture was inj ec ted manually. Inj ec tion com- menced with the start of the sca nning proce d ure and con tinued th roughout the scanning proced ure ( 11 .5 sec). The first pos tcon- trast sca n was obt ained at the same level as the pre co ntrast scan . In most cases, several levels were examined in order to obtain optimal visualization of the cavernous sinuses. A simple c ompression device was used to direct th e cont rast medium toward the ca vernous sinuses and prevent flow through the facial veins: Two plexiglass c ubes cove red with so ft ga uze were pressed against the infraorbital margins and fixed in position with tape (fig. 1). A GE CT IT 8800 sc anner was used for all exa minations . The slice th ickness was 5 mm. So-called targe t reconstruct ion (ReView) was used in most subjects to increase the spatial resolut ion. Results Good co ntrast filling of both cavernous sinuses was ob served in 12 patients. Eight of these had pituitary tumors , in fi ve cases with involvement of one caverno us sinus, in one c as e with involvement of both sinuses, and in one case without in volvement of the ca vern- ous sinuses. In thr ee subj ec ts with Cushing disease and in the two normal co ntrols, the cavernous sinuses were also visualized on bot h sides (fig. 2). Unilateral almost c omp lete ob literation of th e cavernou s sinus was seen in four subjects, a ll of whom had pituitary tumors with marked para se ll ar extension (fi gs. 3 and 4). IpS il ateral total ob literation of the ca vernous sinus was seen in a ll three subject s with parasell ar tumor s. In one subject with a small intras ell ar tumor , op ac ification of the ca vernous sinuses was not o btained on either side. The frontal vein punc tur e was unsuccess ful in one subj ec t and COP could not be performed. No side effec ts of th e ex amination were seen in this seri es . Discussion With convention al orbital phlebography , patients often ex peri- ence headache, heat sensation, or feelings of tension in th e head. This discomf ort is considerably less pronounced with COP b eca use the c ont rast medium is dilut ed. 'Department of Neuroradiology, Karoli nska Hospit al , S-l 04 01 St oc kholm, Sweden. Addr ess reprint requests to K. Eri cso n. AJNR 4:745-747 , May / June 1983 0195-61 08 / 83 / 0403-074 5 $0 0 .00 © Ameri ca n Roent gen Ray Soc iety

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Computed Orbital Phlebography of the Cavernous Sinuses

Kaj Ericson' and Gustaf Bergstrand '

Computed orbital phlebography (COP), described as com­puted tomography with concomitant injection of contrast me­dium into a frontal vein , was used to evaluate the cavernous sinuses in 19 patients with intrasellar or parasellar lesions and in two normal controls. Bilateral opacification occurred in 12 subjects, eight of whom had pituitary tumors. Unilateral partial obliteration was encountered in four subjects, all of whom had pituitary tumors with marked parasellar extension. In three sub­

jects with parasellar tumors, ipsilateral total obliteration of the cavernous sinus was seen. In one subject with no sign of para­sellar tumor, there was no opacification of the cavernous si­nuses, a failure attributed to technical factors. In one other

subject, the frontal vein puncture was unsuccessful and COP could not be performed.

Since its introduction in 1 95 1 by Dejean and Boudet [1] , orbital phlebography has been used routinely in many institutions to ex­amine the parasellar extension of pituitary tumors. Th e neurorad i­

ologic examination of pituitary tumors is current ly performed with contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT). It th erefore seemed logical to use a frontal instead of a cubital vein for the administrat ion of the contrast med ium. If CT scanning is performed during the injection of the contrast agent , the procedure may be ca lled com­puted orbital phlebography (COP) .

An adequate outline of large intrasellar and parasellar tumors is

obtained in most instances when the contrast med ium is adminis­tered intravenously by the conventional brachial approach. Th e cavernous sinuses are also visualized, at least when not obliterated by expanding lesions [2, 3]. However, it may be difficult even with modern high-resolution scanners to delineate prec isely the border between th e cavernous sinus and a nearby lesion. In the expectat ion that COP would improve the ability to delineate this border, the

technique was evaluated in a series of patients with sellar and parasellar lesions.

Subjects and Methods

Study subjects were 19 patients and two healthy volunteers. Four

patients had Cushing disease, 12 had pituitary tumors (chromo­phobe adenoma or prolactinoma) , two had parasellar mening iomas, and one had a malignant tumor of the skull base .

A frontal vein was punctured with the patient posit ioned on the CT table. A thin Tefl on cannula (Viggo Venflon ) w ith an outer diameter of 0.8 mm and a length of 25 mm was used in all examinations.

A localizing scan was obtained to determine the scanning level. A scanning ang le parallel w ith the cavernous sinus was usually

chosen; in some pati ents, add itional coronal views were also ob­tained. A precontrast scan was obtained at the chosen level imme­diately before injection of the contrast medium. The contrast me­d ium used was Isopaque cerebral (280 mg I/ ml) diluted with phys­iologic saline solut ion to a conce ntration of 100-140 mg I/ mi. About 20 ml of the mixture was injec ted manually. Injection com­menced with the start o f the scanning procedure and con tinued th roughout the scanning proced ure (11 .5 sec). The first postcon­trast scan was obtained at the same level as the precontrast scan . In most cases, several levels were examined in order to obtain optimal visualization of the cavernous sinuses.

A simple compression device was used to direct the contrast

medium toward the cavernous sinuses and prevent flow through the fac ial veins: Two plex iglass cubes covered with soft gauze were pressed against the in fraorbi tal margins and fixed in posi tion with tape (fig. 1).

A GE CT IT 8800 scanner was used for all examinations. The slice th ickness was 5 mm . So-called target reconstruction (ReView) was used in most subjec ts to increase the spatial resolution.


Good contrast fill ing of both cavernous sinuses was observed in 12 patients. Eight of these had pituitary tumors, in fi ve cases wi th involvement of one cavernous sinus, in one case with involvement

of both sinuses, and in one case without in volvement of the cavern ­ous sinuses. In three subjec ts with Cushing d isease and in th e two normal controls, th e cavernous sinuses were also visualized on both sides (fig. 2).

Unilateral almost complete obliteration of the cavernous sinus was seen in four subjec ts, all of whom had pi tuitary tumors with marked para sellar extension (fi gs. 3 and 4) .

IpSilateral total obliteration of the cavernous sinus was seen in all three subjects with parasellar tumors.

In one subject wi th a small intrasellar tumor , opacifica tion of the cavernous sinuses was not obtained on either side.

Th e frontal ve in puncture was unsuccessful in one subjec t and COP cou ld not be performed.

No side effects of th e examin ation were seen in th is series.


With convention al orbital phlebography , patients often experi­ence headache, heat sensation, or feelings of tension in th e head . This discomfort is considerably less pron ounced with COP because the contrast medium is diluted .

'Department of Neuroradiology, Karolinska Hospi tal , S-l 04 01 Stockholm , Sweden. Address reprint requests to K. Eri cson.

AJNR 4:745-747, May / June 1983 0 19 5- 6 108 / 83 / 0403-074 5 $00 .00 © American Roentgen Ray Society

746 HEAD, NECK, AND ORBITS AJNR:4, May / June 1983

1 2A

A 8

A 8 Fig. 4.- Cysti c intrasellar tumor. CT scans before (A) and during (6)

contrast injection. Almost total obliteration of left cavernous sinus. Small amount of contrast medium seen in anterior part of occ luded sinus (arrow).

A good visualization of the cavernou s sinuses may be obtained with the so-called rapid high-dose contrast infusion method used by Hayman et al. [ 2]. However, with this technique, the arteries are contrast- fill ed to the same extent as the veins, wh ich is not always desired. Furthermore, opac ification is obtained of not on ly the lumen but also the walls of the cavernous sinuses. With doses lower than those used by Hayman et aI., opacification of the cavernous sinuses

is usually poor except in children [4] . This is true particularly when the sinuses are partly obliterated.

Exac t delineation of a sellar lesion is always of value. For accu­rate stereotaxic irradiation of pituitary tumors, a precise determi­nation of their lateral extension is necessary . Such a determina­tion can be made better with th e present technique than with other methods. Thrombosis of the cavernous sinus can also be diagnosed



Fig . 1.- Cranial CT scan showing compression device (two gauze-covered plexiglass cubes) pressed against in­fraorbital margins.

Fig. 2. -Patient with Cushing dis­ease. CT scans before (A) and during (6) contrast injection. Normal cavernous sinuses (arrows).

Fig . 3. -lntrasellar tumor with para­sellar extension . CT scans before (A) and during (6) contrast injection. Al­most total obliteration of right cavernous sinus. In slightly lower slice (C), part of right cavernous sinus is opacified (ar­row).

with this technique, although we have not yet encountered such a case.

In the present series, all subjects with parasellar tumors exh ibited nonfilling of the ipsilateral cavernous sinus. The single subject with nonfilling of both cavernous sinuses despite no sign of a parasellar lesion requires some consideration. This subject was examined early in the series, and technical factors seem to be the on ly plausible explanation for the failure. Inadequate compression of the facial vein may have prevented the contrast medium from being directed toward the cavernous sinuses. With the present device, no compression is obtained of the temporal veins, leaving another pathway available for the contrast medium. The compression device might easily be improved in this respect.

Small doses of contrast medium are needed with the present

technique. Multiple sect ions can therefore be examined and thin collimators used . Furthermore , scanning may be performed in the axial as well as the coronal plane, while maintaining low-dose administration of the contrast medium. After the cavernous sinuses have been examined, a conventional contrast-enhanced scan may also be obtained . The reason for diluting the contrast medium is to reduce interference from artifacts in the CT images. It is possible

that even lower concentrations than 100 mg Il ml may be feasible. The contrast dose may also be increased from 20 ml to 40 ml of

the dilute solution. A higher injection rate and pressure is then obtained, which may result in better visualization of the cavernous sinuses.

Th e small cannula used for the COP examinations was the same type as that used for convent ional orbital phlebographies in our

institution. In our experience, frontal vein punctures are more easily ach ieved with this cannu la than with the larger cannulas previously used. In the last 350 patients referred for orbital phlebography, failure to puncture a frontal vein was experienced in on ly five, indicating th at an adequate examination cou ld be performed in 98.6% of the patients.

AJNR:4 , May I June 1983 HEAD, NECK, AND ORBITS 747


1. Dejean C, Boudet C. Du diagnostic des varices de I'orbite et des leurs complications par la phlebographie. Bull Soc Ophta l­mol Fr 1951 ;64 :374- 377

2. Hayman LA, Evans RA , Hinck VC. Rapid high dose (RHO) contrast computed tomography of peri sellar vessels. Radiology

1979;13 1 : 1 21-123 3. Kline LB , Acker JD, Post MJD , Vi tek JJ . The cavernous sinus:

a computed tomographic study. AJNR 1981 ;2: 299- 3 0 5 4 . Segall HD, Ahmad i J, McComb JG , Zee C-S, Becker TS, Han

JS. Computed tomographic observations pertinent to in tracra­nial venous thrombotic and occ lusive disease in childhood. Radiology 1982; 14 3: 441 -449