comparing 2 soils in hillsborough county, fl joe andress(sws 5721c)

Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

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Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C). Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section. That - Hawthorn Group, Arcadia Formation, Tampa Member. Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section. Poorly drained soil with SHWT from 6 to 18inches. Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County,

FLJoe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Page 2: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

Page 3: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

That - Hawthorn Group, Arcadia Formation, Tampa Member


ce: S








Page 4: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Poorly drained soil with SHWT from 6 to 18inches

Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

Page 5: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

Page 6: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Site for Soil A

Vegetation:Slash pine, Cabbage palm, Red maple, Fetterbush, Gallberry, Saw palmetto, andfew native grassess

Soil A Sample Site

Page 7: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Soil A Profile

Cont. profile on right side Pedon Depth 178cm

A horizon0-20cm; dark gray(10YR 3/1) sand;loose consist.;

Small roots;gradual boundary

E1 horizon20-33cm;gray(10YR 4/1)

sand; loose consist;Clear boundary

E2 horizon33-43cm;light

gray(10YR7/2) sand;loose consist.; gradual


E3 horizon43-91cm;light

gray(10YR6/2) sand; loose consist.; distinct boundary

Bh1 horizon91-127cm;gray(5YR

5/2) sand;loose consist.;clear

boundary;Reduced matrix

SHWT @46cm

Bh2 horizon127-140cm;very

dark grey (5YR3/2)

sand;loose consist.;gradual

boundary; Reduced matrix

Bh3 horizon140-160cm;light

reddish brown(5YR3/3)

sand;loose consist.;clear


Bw horizon;160-178cm;reddish brown(5YR4/4);Loose consist.

Immokalee fine sand Soil Survey Description

Page 8: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

A E1 E2 E3

Bh1 Bh2 Bh3 Bw

Page 9: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Moderately well drained soil with SHWT from 42 to 72 inches

Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

Page 10: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

Page 11: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Site for Soil B

Vegetation: Mostly woods grass and other grasses . Live oak and cedar tress with ornamentals in background

Page 12: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Fe nodules from 69 – 102cm




Pedon Depth @165cmTavares Series

Millihopper Series




Ap: 0-25cm; gray(10YR 3/1)

sand; loose; small roots; gradual

irregular boundary;structureless single

grain structure

E/A: 53-76cm; light gray(10YR 5/2) sand;

loose; 2% Fe nodules & redox conc & dep.;

clear wavy boundary; structureless single

grain structure

EA: 25-53cm; light gray(10YR 4/1) sand;

loose; small roots; gradual wavy boundary;

structureless single grain structure.

Soil B

Page 13: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Pedon Depth @165cm

SHWT @102cm

Mineral Rock with chert surrounded by limestone @ 165cm







E: 76-107cm; light gray(10YR 7/2) sand; loose; 2% Fe nodules & redox conc.& dep.;

abrupt smooth boundary;

structureless single grain structure

Btg2: 135-165cm;blue gray

(Gley 1 8/N) sandy clay; friable; redox

conc.; mineral rock; weak subangular blocky structure

Btg1: 107-135cm; dark grey(10YR 5/1) sandy clay loam; friable; redox conc.;

clear smooth boundary; weak subangular blocky structure

Soil B

Page 14: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)


E Btg1 Btg2

Page 15: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Soil A Soil BSoil PropertiesInfiltration Rate

High High

Hydraulic Conductivity

High Low

Available Water

Very Low (≤ 7.5cm) Low (> 7.5 - ≤ 15cm)

SHWT 25 < 50cm 100 to <150cm

Soil Interpretations

Dwellings w/ basements

3 (SHWT@46cm) 1

Septic tank absorption

3(SHWT@46cm & High Hydraulic Conductivity-poor filter)

3(Low Hydraulic Conductivity-perc slowly)

Local roads and streets

2(SHWT@46cm) 1

Site CharacteristicsPosition of Site Upland Upland

Parent Material

Marine Marine

Soil Slope Nearly Level (0-2%) Gently Sloping(2 - 6%)

Surface Runoff Very Slow Slow

Erosion Potential

Very Low Low

Page 16: Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Soil ClassificationSoil Epipedon Subsurface

HorizonOrder Suborder, Great

Group, etc.

A Ochric Albic & Spodic

Spodosol Aeric Alaquods

B Umbric Albic & Argillic

Ultisols AericPsammudults
