comparative vs competitive advantage why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply...

Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

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Page 1: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Comparative vs Competitive Advantage

Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others?

What should a region produce?

Page 2: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?


How can we define “competitiveness” of a region or location with respect to a particular product

What do we mean by competitiveness?

Page 3: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Definitions – two concepts

Comparative advantage Competitiveness

Page 4: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Comparative Advantage

The issue: What is the location best advantaged to produce and sell a

particular product?

Page 5: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Comparative Advantage

The issue: What is the location best advantaged to produce and sell a

particular product?

Where should biofuel feedstocks be produced? Should the US attempt to compete with India in auto


Should the Federal government try to save Detroit but not Georgia’s auto plants?

Page 6: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Comparative Advantage

The issue: What is the location best advantaged to produce and sell?

Constraints on the decision: spatial distribution of Natural conditions and resources Technology available for producing manufactured

goods; Human resources are differentially distributed Social preferences

Focus is on resource use

Page 7: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?


If you have a fixed resource that can be used to produce value, how should you use it?

Page 8: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

What resources might be fixed? Ag land Mineral deposits Educated workforce? Transportation infrastructure? Information technology?

We call these “nontradables” also “limited resources” and because they are located in particular region, sometimes called “domestic” resources

Page 9: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Opportunity cost and resource use Use the resource such that it produces the highest value


If you chose some other use, the “opportunity cost” of that lower value use would be Opp cost = highest value – value of your choice


What is the highest and best use of PA’s farm land?

Page 10: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Comparative advantage

Suppose you have two regions with fixed resources as follows. What is the comparative advantage of each region?

Region 1: Located far away from urban population, rich ag land.

Region 2: Urbanized coastal location with deep-water ports, substantial labor force. High population density.

Page 11: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Definition: Comparative AdvantageAdam Smith says……

"What is prudence in the conduct of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a way in which we have some advantage. The general industry of the country, being always in proportion to the capital which employs it, will not therby be diminished... but only left to find out the way in which it can be employed with the greatest advantage."

(Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book IV:2, Modern Library edition)

Page 12: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Boiling it down……

Locations can produce nearly anything, but what would best serve their interests? What would pay greatest return on fixed resources?

Comparative advantage says two things Produce what you are relatively best at producing Specialize and let others produce your lesser advantaged products

If a country is relatively better at making wine than wool, it makes sense to put more resources into wine, and to export some of the wine to pay for imports of wool.

Because it is relative advantage that matters, it is meaningless to say a country has a comparative advantage in nothing.

Page 13: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Comparative advantage - implicationsRegion 1: Located far away from urban population, rich ag land.

Region 2: Urbanized coastal location with deep-water ports, substantial labor force. High population density.

Specialize – region 1 produces land intensive ag products, region 2 produces labor and raw material (e.g. ore) intensive manufactured goods.

Why does this make sense?

Page 14: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

What determines Comparative Advantage? If technology diffuses instantaneously across

geographic space, If there are no fixed or unique resources,

why would one region have a particular advantage over another?

Page 15: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Fixed resources as a basis for advantage? The traditional perspective is

Each region specializes and exports products that are relatively more intensive in their use of fixed resources with which that region is endowed.


Page 16: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Your product

Think about your product, what regions have a comparative advantage in producing it?


Page 17: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

How can we measure comparative advantage?Comparison of

productivity costs of production <<price profitability?

The idea was to find intrinsic relative advantage, but how can we do that without looking at prices, institutions, etc?

Page 18: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Old school approach to comparative advantageDoes Senegal have a comparative advantage in rice production?Should the World Bank grant a loan for development of rice

production to Senegal?

How could we analyze quantitatively Senegal’s comparative advantage?

New concept: domestic resource cost (DRC)

DRC compares price of importing rice to cost of producing it in the country. Cost includes opportunity cost of using scarce resources.

Page 19: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

DRC intuition

Suppose a product like rice is produced using Fixed “domestic” resources Tradable inputs

Suppose the product could be imported. DRC compares the opportunity cost of using fixed

domestic resources to product it vs. net value created from tradables.

Page 20: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

DRC calculation Domestic fixed (nontradable) resources

Yd quantity used to produce a product, e.g. rice

Pd opportunity cost of using Yd

Product to be produced (e.g. rice) Yo quantity producible with Yd Po border price of Yo

Tradable goods usedYT quantity used PT price

DRC = Pd Yd / [Po Yo - PT YT ]

= value of limited resources used/value-added created

= 1/rate of return to limited resources

Page 21: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Using the DRC to evaluate comparative advantage

DRC = Pd Yd / Po Yo - PT YT

So, product Y has a comparative advantage if DRC = Pd Yd / [Po Yo - PT YT ] = 1/rate of return < 1

In practice, you compute DRCs for a set of possible uses of the domestic resources, the best use is that which provides the lowest DRC highest rate of return to use of domestic fixed resources.

Page 22: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Opportunity cost of using the fixed resource?DRC = Pd Yd / Po Yo - Pt Yt

How could we measure Pd Yd ??

Next highest value of alternative use of the resource.

Rice or what? Peanuts? Cassava?

Page 23: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

DRC use

Type of social valuation of cost vs. benefit of producing vs. importing

Senegal rice - Thai broken imports are cheap,

Senegal has ag land with potential, should it produce rice or something else?

Page 24: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Critique of comparative advantage Today, many of the resources that were once

thought of as nontradable are in fact tradable. Technology that once provided advantage to one

country or region, is now easily tradable.

What might be the basis of comparative advantage? If useful, we must recognize comparative advantage

changes over time, today that change is rapid.

Page 25: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Competitiveness, a better measure? Michael Porter’s book Plain old economic sense

If the economic environment is taken as given,

what can a location most profitably produce how can it create greatest value from its resources?

Definition: A location is relatively competitive in a product if it can profitably produce and market it.

Competitiveness is a much broader concept than comparative advantage.

Page 26: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?


Focus is on profitability Considers

Fixed resources But also,

Strategic capability of achieving and maintaining profits.

Depends on use of technology, tradable and nontradable inputs!

Page 27: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?


Locate production where it is most profitable.


We want an indicator of persistent relative advantage, can we use price related measures when prices are institutionally, socially, and politically affected?

Page 28: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Interest in competitiveness

Nearly every region and country is looking for its competitive advantage.

Google “competitiveness” “your favorite region or nation”


Page 29: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Appendix – Details on DRC

For the brave at heart…..

Page 30: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Back to our notation in profits….

..332211100 iiiiiii ZrZrZrdYP

We define profits as return to fixed inputs,

Suppose we define the opportunity cost of using the fixed, local (domestic) resources as involving multiple domestic resources………

0|0)(/ 11111 iiiiii YYACPY

Page 31: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

Back to our notation in profits….

iii /dDRC 111

Domestic resource cost compares value created to opportunity cost of use of resources

We argue location i has competitive advantage in good 1 if

1111 iii /dDRC

Page 32: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?

How to measure…..

..ZrZrZrd iiiiiii 3322111

We measure profits based on “border prices” for variable cost and revenue

we define the opportunity cost of using these fixed, local, or domestic resources Z as r, the highest value next use……

0|0)(/ 11111 iiiiii YYACPY

Page 33: Comparative vs Competitive Advantage Why is it that some regions can produce a product more cheaply than others? What should a region produce?


For any case where we have a fixed or limited resource, we can examine competitiveness.

Labor force….what is its comparative advantage Fixed resource is its current educational attainment,

knowledge, skills. What is its best use?

Region…….shale deposits under ag land what is best use of surface ?