community organizing training series

Community Community Organizing Organizing Training Series Training Series Part 1: Relational Part 1: Relational Power Power Part 2: Building Part 2: Building Powerful Organizations Powerful Organizations Part 3: Initiating Part 3: Initiating Public Relationships Public Relationships

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Community Organizing Training Series. Part 1: Relational Power Part 2: Building Powerful Organizations Part 3: Initiating Public Relationships. Definition of Power. “ To be able ” The ability to act. Ways of Understanding Power. Dominant Power Unilateral (one-way) Zero-sum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Community Organizing Training Series

Community Community Organizing Organizing

Training SeriesTraining Series

Part 1: Relational PowerPart 1: Relational Power

Part 2: Building Part 2: Building Powerful Powerful


Part 3: Initiating Public Part 3: Initiating Public RelationshipsRelationships

Page 2: Community Organizing Training Series

Definition of Definition of PowerPower

““To be ableTo be able”” The ability to actThe ability to act

Page 3: Community Organizing Training Series

Ways of Ways of Understanding Understanding

PowerPower Dominant PowerDominant Power

Unilateral (one-way)Unilateral (one-way) Zero-sumZero-sum Power Power ““overover””

Relational PowerRelational Power Multi-lateralMulti-lateral IncreasingIncreasing Power Power ““withwith””

Page 4: Community Organizing Training Series

Sources of Sources of Power in a Power in a DemocracyDemocracy

PositionPosition Organized MoneyOrganized Money Organized PeopleOrganized People

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Context for Community OrganizingContext for Community Organizing

Public Sector•Elected officials

(national, state, and local)•Government Agencies

Civic Sector•Families

•Religious Congregations•Labor Unions

•Civic associations•Advocacy Groups

Private Sector•Financial Services•Energy companies

•Real Estate/Construction•Health Care/Insurance





Values: administration/controlPower: Position

Values: ProfitPower: Organized $

Values: All other motivesPower: Organized People and organized $

Page 6: Community Organizing Training Series

Three Levels of Three Levels of PowerPower

1.1. Get to the tableGet to the table

2.2. Make a dealMake a deal

3.3. Keep a dealKeep a deal

Page 7: Community Organizing Training Series

Our Purpose: Our Purpose: Relational Relational Power for Power for

JusticeJustice Ability to get to the Ability to get to the

decision making table decision making table and negotiate on behalf and negotiate on behalf of our interests and of our interests and valuesvalues

Make and keep dealsMake and keep deals Organizing our people Organizing our people

and our moneyand our money

Page 8: Community Organizing Training Series

Context for Community OrganizingContext for Community Organizing

Public Sector•Elected officials

(national, state, and local)•Government Agencies

Civic Sector•Families

•Religious Congregations•Labor Unions

•Civic associations•Advocacy Groups

Private Sector•Financial Services•Energy companies

•Real Estate/Construction•Health Care/Insurance





Values: administration/controlPower: Position

Values: ProfitPower: Organized $

Values: All other motivesPower: Organized People and organized $

Page 9: Community Organizing Training Series

Living Between Two Living Between Two WorldsWorlds

World as it World as it IsIs

PowerPower Self Self

InterestInterest RelationshiRelationshi


World as it World as it Should BeShould Be

LoveLove Do good/AltruismDo good/Altruism Recognition of Recognition of

common common humanityhumanity




Page 10: Community Organizing Training Series

Self InterestSelf Interest Selfishness (me only)Selfishness (me only)

Self interest (Self interest (inter-esse:inter-esse: me amongst others) me amongst others)

Selflessness (others only)Selflessness (others only)

Page 11: Community Organizing Training Series

Rabbi Hillel Rabbi Hillel Says:Says:

““If I am not for myself, If I am not for myself, who will be for me? who will be for me?

““If I am only for myself, If I am only for myself, what am I?what am I?

““If not now, when?If not now, when?””

Page 12: Community Organizing Training Series

Spectrum of Spectrum of Self-InterestSelf-Interest

Self PreservationSelf Preservation

Self RealizationSelf Realization

Page 13: Community Organizing Training Series

Context for Community OrganizingContext for Community Organizing

Public Sector•Elected officials

(national, state, and local)•Government Agencies

Civic Sector•Families

•Religious Congregations•Labor Unions

•Civic associations•Advocacy Groups

Private Sector•Financial Services•Energy companies

•Real Estate/Construction•Health Care/Insurance





Values: administration/controlPower: Position

Values: ProfitPower: Organized $

Values: All other motivesPower: Organized People and organized $

Page 14: Community Organizing Training Series

Discuss with Discuss with PartnerPartner

What self-interest What self-interest brought you here brought you here tonight?tonight?

10 minutes10 minutes

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Malcolm Malcolm Gladwell Gladwell

DiscussionDiscussion What key points did you What key points did you

take from this article?take from this article? What were the self-What were the self-

interests of the students interests of the students who initiated the sit-ins?who initiated the sit-ins?

Why these students?Why these students?

15 minutes15 minutes

Page 16: Community Organizing Training Series

Context for Community OrganizingContext for Community Organizing

Public Sector•Elected officials

(national, state, and local)•Government Agencies

Civic Sector•Families

•Religious Congregations•Labor Unions

•Civic associations•Advocacy Groups

Private Sector•Financial Services•Energy companies

•Real Estate/Construction•Health Care/Insurance





Values: administration/controlPower: Position

Values: ProfitPower: Organized $

Values: All other motivesPower: Organized People and organized $

Page 17: Community Organizing Training Series

Joseph McNeil Joseph McNeil and the and the

ChickensChickens Self-interestsSelf-interests




Page 18: Community Organizing Training Series

How will we How will we build power in build power in

thethe Civic Sector? Civic Sector?

Identifying common Identifying common self interests we can self interests we can only realize togetheronly realize together

Intentionally building Intentionally building relationships necessary relationships necessary to motivate and sustain to motivate and sustain actionaction

Page 19: Community Organizing Training Series

Two Organizing Two Organizing Tools to Identify Tools to Identify

Interests and Build Interests and Build RelationshipsRelationships

1.1. Individual meetings Individual meetings (next week)(next week)

2.2. House meetings House meetings (January training)(January training)

Page 20: Community Organizing Training Series

Definition of Definition of LeadershipLeadership

Someone who has Someone who has followersfollowers

How many followers do How many followers do you have?you have?

Page 21: Community Organizing Training Series

How do you How do you build your build your

Leadership?Leadership? Intentionally expand your Intentionally expand your

network of of relationships. Members of your Members of your

congregationcongregation Members of other Members of other

congregations and congregations and organizationsorganizations

Other community leaders.Other community leaders.

Page 22: Community Organizing Training Series


We build powerful We build powerful organizations by building organizations by building relationships between civic relationships between civic sector institutions that have sector institutions that have common self interests.common self interests.

We unlock the power of We unlock the power of organized people by developing organized people by developing leaders with a following.leaders with a following.

Page 23: Community Organizing Training Series

Next TrainingNext Training

Homework: Malcolm Gladwell Homework: Malcolm Gladwell ArticleArticle

““Six Degrees of Lois WeinbergSix Degrees of Lois Weinberg””

October 21, 7-9 pmOctober 21, 7-9 pmTrinity CathedralTrinity Cathedral

Theme: Initiating Public Relationships