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Post on 21-Nov-2015




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ghostthe spirit of someone who has died, esp. one that is believed to have returned to earth to haunt a place or living people.

goblinin folklore and fairy tales, an ugly creature that does evil or mischief to humans.

hauntedinhabited or visited by ghosts.

maska covering for all or part of the face, usu. worn to disguise the wearer's identity.

monsteran imaginary or mythical creature, often with features of two different animals or of animals and humans.

mummya corpse preserved by embalming, esp. one embalmed and wrapped by or in the manner of the ancient Egyptians.

potiona mixture for drinking, esp. one that is supposed to have medicinal, magical, or poisonous effects.

pumpkina large, roundish, gourdlike orange fruit that has thick edible flesh and is borne on a low-growing vine.

batany of various usu. night-flying mammals that have wings that are covered with membranes, and that sense objects mostly by means of reflected sound waves rather than by vision.

scarycausing fear; frightening.

spella word, phrase, or the like used to bewitch or enchant; charm; incantation.

vampirea legendary being, often said to be a revived corpse, that preys on people in order to suck out their blood.

warlocka man who practices witchcraft or magic arts; sorcerer.

witcha woman who practices or is believed to practice occult magic; sorceress .

zombiea spell or supernatural force that, according to voodoo belief and legend, can enter a corpse, return life to it, and then control its actions.

carveto form or inscribe by cutting.

costumea set of clothes suited to a particular season, occasion, or activity.


Dear Terry:Hello, my friend, from Monster Town!Let me give you a tour and show you around.Over there is Batty, the town's favorite bat.And, oh, there's Warina, the big witch with a cat.Spooker's our spook, he tries to scare girls and boys,But he's friendly...instead he just plays with toys.There's many more monsters in our little town,They're busy planting candy corn trees all around.We're all getting ready for Halloween night.So look for us, we'll be there! Go out on Halloween night!Take a flashlight and hold onto a grown-up real tight.Happy Halloween!

Shelly the Skeleton

1. Where is the writer sending this letter from?_________________________________


2. What is the name of witch who has a cat?_________________________________


3. Who is often found playing with toys in Monster Town?_________________________________



4. On which month of the year do you think this letter was writing? Why?_________________________________



Name ________________________Date ____________________

HalloweenCryptogramDirections:Unscramble the words by placing the correct letter in the shaded boxes. Use the numbered boxes to complete the answer to the riddle.

RIDDLE:What do mummies use to hide?







