colour symbolism task

Colour Symbolism By: Paula Duru Andreea Cristea Ina Bayson Delia Dan

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Page 1: Colour symbolism task

Colour Symbolism

By: Paula Duru Andreea Cristea Ina Bayson Delia Dan

Page 2: Colour symbolism task

Shades of black

By: Group

Absorption of light

Page 3: Colour symbolism task

BlackBlack Cat

Represents bad luck

Black Suit/tie

Represents professional, mysterious, modern.

Black Cloak

Represents darkness, fear, bad, death, mystery.

BlackBerry (phone)

By: Group

Looks professional.


Represents evil, darkness, the woman in the picture shows her heart is cold, no feelings.

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By: Group

Very modern, popular.Fast – because the car is advertised as moving fast.

Black text, so it can stand out,Looks very simple, but catchy at the same time

Black background, shows classiness, very effective, and the white title can stand out.

Black text, so it can stand out on the gray-white background.

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Shades of White

By: Group

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White Wedding dress

Symbolises happiness, pureness, clean celebration, unique.


Symbolises pureness. Sterile.


Symbolises coldness, but also the beauty of winter. -clean-sterile

By: Group


Symbolises sweetness, is tasty, also pure


Symbolises pureness, sterile, healthy, soft.

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By: Group

White writing, to stand out, makes it more summerish.

White background , makes the other colurs stand out, also shows that is neat.

White shirt- shows purity, .

White background , makes the other colurs stand out, also shows that is neat.

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YELLOW - Shades

Andreea Cristea

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Represent classiness, celebrations.

Represent sadness, because yellow leaves represent autumn, and autumn is a sad and calm season.

Represents danger.

Represents luckiness.

Represents sour, something uncomfortable.

Represents wealth.

Gold fishYELLOW

Coins Lemon

Yellow leaves Champagne Fire

Andreea Cristea

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Yellow – What communicates/symbolises?

Represents life, because it is an energetic colour, so it is suitable for a kid. A kid is full of

energy so her yellow clothes represents the kid.

But at the same time she is very stylish by wearing bright colours such as yellow for a kid.

Bright yellow, represents classiness, very stylish, calm.

Andreea Cristea

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Yellow – What communicates/symbolises?

Makes it stand out.

It is a very bright colour, and it makes the word DANGER stand out.

Warm yellow, makes it look goldish, very classic, and makes it stand out.

Andreea Cristea

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Orange - shades

Andreea Cristea

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Orangeorange tiger fox


Represents a sweet fruit, used mostly for natural juices.

Represents a strong colour, full of strength (energy) as the tiger.

Symbolises a sneaky colour, as the fox, also fast (energy)

Represents healthiness, because carrot is a healthy vegetable.

Andreea Cristea

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Orange – What communicates/ symbolises?

LucozadeThe color orange in this advert, shows energy,

because it is an energy drink.

It shows that once you drink “lucozade”, it makes you work more.

From amber orange, to peach orange, shows that the sun is burning, therefore comes the cream,

so it can be used for sun protection.

Andreea Cristea

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Orange – What communicates/ symbolises?

- Pumpkin orange- A colour that stands out, also represents

energy, because Britney Spears is there, and from her videos you can see she has energy,

because she dances a lot.

- Coral orange-Represents youngness, as the girl from the

cover is young, classiness, because the dress looks stylish.

Andreea Cristea

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Andreea Cristea

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BrownSoil Coffee Tree trunk

Bear Deer

Represents a natural growth, dirt, earth. Represents growth, and

strongness, because tree trunk is strong, but it also represents nature.

Represents strongness, because it has a strong taste, and brown is a strong colour.

Represents danger, because bears ar dangerous.

Represents fear, and also freedom.


Represents sweetness, but also dark chocolate, has a bitter taste. Andreea Cristea

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Brown - what communicates/symbolises?

Seal Brown Chocolate advert, shows pleasure eating it, because its brown melted chocolate.

Shows that using the brown shampoo for brunettes , will make the woman look very attractive.

Andreea Cristea

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The Colour REDRed can symbolize many things from blood, to love, lust, danger importance and many more.

Basically red symbolizes strong emotions, or things of strong emotions.

Red can also symbolize excitement, energy, speed, strength, danger, passion, and aggression. The colour of blood and fire, represents life and vitality

The rose symbolises Love and passion.

Red also is a colour of importance. Usually used on stop signs or important messages

Paula Duru

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• The colour red grabs attention and

• Use red to suggest speed combined with confidence and perhaps even a dash of danger.

Represents passion and seduction. It’s feminine.

In the bible the apple Eve ate is a connotation of sin.

Represents sex appeal and desire


Blood - danger

Paula Duru

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Pink is the colour of universal love.

Pink is a quiet girly colour. Lovers of beauty favour pink.

A lighter shade of pink represents innocence

Pink is a very feminine colour for females.

Paula Duru

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Calming: Pink calms our emotional energies.

Affectionate: Pink offers warmth and tenderness to friends and family.

Caring: Sensitivity and tender loving care relate to pink's feminine and energies.

Immature: Pink is the color of the sweet young girl, before life's experiences take over.

Paula Duru

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Shades of purple

Delia Dan

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PurpleDifferent Shades of Purple :

Purple is warm and cool, shows royalty. Purple has light and dark shades from palest orchid to deep dark violet and indigo.

Lilac Amethyst



Shows wealth, royalty.Shows freshness, because lilac has a fresh smell, and also growth. Shows growth.

Purple hair

Shows rebellion, but also style.

Shows health.

Delia Dan

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Objects that are associated with the colour … How and why they use them ?

Royalty clothes – They wear them to show richness, wealth and that they from a royal family, they have power and luxury.

Delia Dan

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What it is that purple Symbolizes .. RoyaltyPowerCreativityWisdomSpiritual KnowledgeMagicMysterious

Combination of Red and BlueDelia Dan

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Shades of gray

All shades of gray can be good, neutral background colors. Use lighter grays in place of white and darker gray in place of black.

Delia Dan

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Shows cold, because metal is cold when you touch it.


Shows power, strength, coldness, seriousness, as the eagle.

Shows power, because elephants are big, but also nature.

Elephant Gray suit

Represents oldness, also classiness.

EmotionlessClassic ColourWisdomNeutralSymbolizes old fashion

What gray symbolises.

Delia Dan

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Objects that are associated with the colour …

The expression “gray-hair” is sometimes used to refer to an elderly person

Delia Dan

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Different shades of Blue

Ina Bayson

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Objects that are associated with colour Blue

Blue sky- calm Blue sea- calm Winter- cold atmosphere

Blue room- Calm and restful

Car- masculine, fast, cool, powerful

Lobster- strong, cold

Ina Bayson

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What it communicates/symbolises (you must consider different shades) with 2-3 examples to support. The examples should be from magazines: adverts or layouts. The examples should be

annotated to explain how and why it communicates different meanings.

Peaceful, calming and relaxingShowing that this place is relaxing- calming sky and water

Colour is not a darker shade of blue- show feminine

Darker shade- masculine, advert is only for men (men watch & bracelet)

Ina Bayson

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Different shades of Green

Ina Bayson

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Objects that are associated with colour Green

Lime (Fruit)- growth, refreshing

Nature- calming, wealth, tranquillity

Frog- life, slimy

energyMoney- wealth, generosity Ina Bayson

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What it communicates/symbolises (you must consider different shades) with 2-3 examples to support. The examples should be from magazines: adverts or layouts. The examples should be

annotated to explain how and why it communicates different meanings.

Symbolises wealth- amount of the ring

Darker shade of green- envy, sexiness (how the model is lying down and the dress is above her knees)

Green trees- growth of nature, peace

Ina Bayson