colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

Colonic Irrigation in London Common Questions and Answers

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Colonic irrigation London clinic - Parkland Natural Health is dedicated to introducing new and exciting alternative health products for correctly managing your health and to provide life changing information about health and the world of natural medicine. MAKE A BOOKING Our most popular services: ✓Colonic irrigation / colon hydrotherapy - ✓Endermologie anti-cellulite Lipomassage - ✓Endermologie Facelift - Endermolift - ✓Waxing hair removal for men and women - Brazilian hot wax - ✓Laser hair removal - Ellipse IPL - ✓Osteopathy - ✓Diamond Microdermabrasion & Skin Rejuvenation - ✓Dermalogica treatment for face, neck & decolte - ✓Botox, Mesotherapy and Dermal fillers - ✓Hyperhydrosis - Sweat reduction ✓Bio-resonance diagostic - Oberon -


Page 1: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

Colonic Irrigation in London Common

Questions and Answers

Page 2: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

How expensive is a Colonic irrigation in London?

Although cost is obviously relevant, far more important is your health. A knowledgeable colonic therapist can help you on the road to vital health.

Prices for Colonic Irrigation at the Parkland Natural Health Clinic in London

Page 3: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

What is colonic irrigation?

Also known as a "Colonic", "colon lavage", colon hydrotherapy", or "high Colonic", Colonic irrigation is a safe, effective method for cleansing the colon of waste material by repeated, gentle flushing with water.

The colon, or large intestine, is the end portion of the human digestive tract (food carrying passageway extending from the mouth to the anus). "K" and portions of the vitamin "B" complex.

Page 4: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

What is the purpose of having a colonic?

Waste material, especially that which has remained in the colon for some time, (i.e. impacted faeces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites, worms, etc.), poses several problems. First this material is quite toxic (poisonous). These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream making us feel ill, tired or weak. Second, impacted materials impair the colon's ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria- produced vitamins. And finally, a build up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, constipation, and the result of these disorders.

Page 5: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

What conditions can be treated?

Many conditions benefit from colonic irrigation, including:

Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Atonic (sluggish) colon, Bloating, Candida, Colitis in remission, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Diverticulosis (i.e Diverticulitis in remission), Flatulence, Leaky gut, Haemorrhoids, Headache, toxic, Halitosis, IBS, Indigestion, Lethargy, Mucous colitis, Multiple sclerosis, ME, Parasitic infections, Skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, etc.

Urinary urgency in females

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How can I tell if I have toxic material in my colon?

This condition is prevalent in all civilised societies, and particularly in the UK. Common signs include: headaches, backaches, constipation, fatigue, bad breath, body odour, irritability, confusion, skin problems, abdominal gas, bloating, diarrhoea, sciatic pain, and so forth. But the colon isn't the only organ of elimination, what makes the colonic irrigation so important? While the lungs, skin, kidneys and liver also serve to eliminate toxins, people have experienced throughout history that when they ensure that the colon is cleansed and healed, the well-being of the whole body is greatly enhanced. Colonic irrigation has been found to be the most effective process available to accomplish this work quickly and easily.

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What makes a Colonic so special?

In a 45 minute session the filtered water is used to gently flush the colon. Through appropriate use of massage, pressure points, etc., the colon therapist is able to work loose and eliminate far more toxic waste than any other short-term technique.

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What will Colonics do to the colon?

Specifically, a colonic irrigation is used to accomplish the following:

✔ Cleanse the Colon✔ It Exercises the Colon Muscles✔ It Reshapes the Colon✔ It Stimulates Reflex Points

Page 9: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

It sounds like a Colonic irrigation may be good for me, but will it be

painful?It rarely is. Usually, painful experiences are the result of resistance and tension. A professional colonic irrigation therapist is skilled at putting you at your ease and minimising discomfort. Most people actually enjoy the Colonic and are especially pleased with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling lighter, clean and clear afterwards.

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Is it embarrassing to have a Colonic irrigation?

No, you will fully maintain your personal dignity. You will be in a private room with only your therapist, who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the Colonic irrigation procedure and will help you feel at ease. Your emotions will be acknowledged and honoured. After the gentle insertion of a small tube into the rectum, you are completely covered. Rubber tubing carries clean water in and waste out in a gravity pressured system.

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Is there anything I need to do to get ready for a Colonic irrigation?Since your abdomen will be massaged it is a good idea to eat or drink lightly in the 2 hours immediately preceding a Colonic irrigation. Also helpful, but not essential, emptying the rectum with a bowel movement just prior to the Colonic irrigation saves time and permits more to be accomplished.

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And what can I expect afterwards?

Most likely, you'll feel great. Probably you'll feel lighter and enjoy a sense of well-being. Not infrequently, someone having their first Colonic irrigation will remark that it was one of the most wonderful experiences of their life. As soon as the Colonic irrigation is finished you can carry on with daily routine. For some, the Colonic irrigation may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won't be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. It's also possible you may feel light-headed or chilled for a few moments following a Colonic irrigation.

Page 13: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

Are Colonics dangerous in any way?

Being an essentially natural process, there is virtually no danger with a Colonic irrigation. Our intent is to provide a safe and healthy service so that you do not have to worry. Cleaning and sterilisation of the necessary equipment is done as normal procedure and clean linen is used for each Colonic irrigation as well.

Page 14: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

Will a Colonic irrigation make me constipated or give me

diarrhoea?The most frequent post-Colonic experience is to have a slight delay in bowel movements and then a resumption of a somewhat larger, easier to move stool. Sometimes if the colon is weak and sluggish, there may be no bowel movement for several days following a Colonic irrigation. However this is not due to the Colonic irrigation, but rather to the weakness of the colon, and should be interpreted as an indication that the colon requires strengthening and healing. Very infrequently diarrhoea or loose bowels may be experienced. This could be due to the extra water introduced into the colon or to the stirring up of toxic waste. If this should occur, it is usually of very short duration. However, since severe diarrhoea dehydrates the body, it must be carefully monitored.

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Suppose I have been suffering from constipation for a long time,

will Colonic irrigation help?We want to state that constipation can be successfully treated with natural, harmless techniques, including the use of Colonic irrigation. Constipation is one of what may be termed "civilised man's diseases". There are three factors involved in having a well functioning colon: diet, exercise and attitude. All three must be in balance for the colon to function well. Often, however, because the colon has been sluggish for so long, it has become severely weakened due to being constantly bathed in toxic waste, stretched from holding excessive amount of stools, and frequently, constricted by chronic tension in the colon. The process of Colonic irrigation is excellent for cleansing and healing the colon sufficiently so that changes in diet, exercise, and attitude are then able to produce their effects. Many people find the relief provided by Colonic irrigation stimulates the motivation and enthusiasm to institute positive changes in their lifestyle.

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Some people say that Colonics wash out intestinal flora and valuable nutrients. Is this so?

The truth is that the washing out of putrefied material in the large intestine, increases the good intestinal flora. Good bacteria can only breed in a clean environment, which has been washed free of putrefaction and its accompanying harmful bacteria. This is why the intestines of a newborn baby immediately begin to grow good intestinal flora. Each time you clean out the putrefying rubbish and make a better environment for the good flora, they start to multiply immediately in their natural media. It also stands to reason that valuable nutrients can better be absorbed in a clean environment than in a putrefied one.

Page 17: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

How long does a Colonic take?

Probably 90% of all Colonics take about 45 minutes. It could also be shorter or longer than that, based upon the judgement of the therapist and sometimes, the wishes of the client. There will also be about 15 minutes required before the Colonic for the therapist to go over your medical history, another 15 minutes should be allowed for changing. On a first Colonic irrigation you should expect to spend 90 minutes at the clinic.

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Is there a special kind of water used for Colonic irrigation?

We use highly filtered water, which passes through separate filters before being heated to the correct temperature. This kind of water is capable of absorbing and flushing more toxins out of the colon because of its drawing effect on solid particles, chemicals and other matter. Tap water is not used because it already has numerous chemicals and inorganic substances present.

Page 19: Colonic irrigation in london common questions and answers

Will it be all right to eat after having a Colonic irrigation?

We suggest that you eat at your normal mealtime, and consume a moderate amount of whatever seems gentle and nourishing to you. Just as it doesn't make sense to have you car cleaned and then immediately drive it through mud, eating a meal known to cause trouble in your abdomen directly after a Colonic irrigation isn't an intelligent choice. Salads, vegetable soups or broths, fruit, or juices are the best choice.

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Will one Colonic completely empty the colon?

Almost never. Firstly, many of us have a considerable amount of impacted faeces in our colon. These is hardened, rubbery or wallpaper like material. Substantial work must be done to remove it. Secondly, there is a subtle learning process involved in receiving Colonics. As you become more aware of what is going on in your abdomen, and as your body learns how to allow the cleansing experience, you are better able to enter into that process, and therefore more material is released. One Colonic irrigation will remove some of the stagnant waste in the colon. The second and subsequent Colonics will remove more. How many you may wish to have will depend upon your personal objectives.

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How will I know when the colon is empty?

It will probably never be completely empty, as it’s an organ in continuous use. As more of the old impacted material is released you will actually feel the water enter higher regions of the colon without any sense of obstruction. The objective should not be an empty colon, but rather a well functioning colon.

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Will a Colonic irrigation clear up my skin?

Your skin actually "breathes" and is an important organ of elimination of waste material. Sometimes, if the colon, liver or kidneys are functioning poorly, the skin will be required to make up the difference. Surface eruptions on the skin of various sorts may occur due to toxins being released. Cleansing and healing the colon diminishes the burden placed upon the skin as well as the other organs of elimination: lungs, liver and kidneys. As elimination is accomplished through its proper channels, the skin will very often clear up.