colonial america - · the french and indian wars start between...

Colonial America

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Page 2: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

Famous Explorers of America Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Leif Ericson Sir Francis Drake Ponce de Leon Giovanni da Verrazzano Sir John Hawkins Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo Jean Ribault Vasco de Balboa Henry Hudson Hernando de Soto The Spanish in America Exploration of America The French in America Colonialism Francisco Vasquez de Coronado America, the New World Amerigo Vespucci Samuel de Champlain Sir Walter Raleigh Jacques Cartier John Cabot Hernando Cortes Colonial America Sitemap Colonization of America

Discovery and the Explorers of America

Page 3: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty
Page 5: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

13 Colonies List in Order of Founding 1607 Virginia - First Colony John Smith John Rolfe 1626 New York - Second Colony Peter Minuit Peter Stuyvesant 1630 Massachusetts - Third Colony John Winthrop 1633 Maryland - Fourth Colony George Calvert 1636 Rhode Island - Fifth Colony Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson 1636 Connecticut - Sixth Colony Thomas Hooker 1638 New Hampshire - Seventh Colony John Mason 1638 Delaware - Eighth Colony Peter Minuit 1653 North Carolina - Ninth Colony Lords Proprietors 1663 South Carolina - Tenth Colony Lords Proprietors 1664 New Jersey - Eleventh Colony Lord Berkeley George Carteret 1682 Pennsylvania - Twelfth Colony William Penn 1732 Georgia - Thirteenth Colony James Oglethorpe 1620 Plymouth Settlement (De-established 1691) William Bradford

Page 6: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

1. Virginia - First American Colony founded in 1607 2. New York - Second American Colony founded in 1626 3. Massachusetts - Third American Colony founded in 1630 4. Maryland - Fourth American Colony founded in 1633 5. Rhode Island - Fifth American Colony founded in 1636 6. Connecticut - Sixth American Colony founded in 1636 7. New Hampshire - Seventh American Colony founded in 1638 8. Delaware - Eighth American Colony founded in 1638 9. North Carolina - Ninth American Colony founded in 1653 10. South Carolina - Tenth American Colony founded in 1663 11. New Jersey - Eleventh American Colony founded in 1664 12. Pennsylvania - Twelfth American Colony founded in 1682 13. Georgia - Thirteenth American Colony founded in 1732

Page 7: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America

February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty of Paris 1783 ends the French and Indian War in North America. The British left with a massive war debt. The British look for ways of imposing new taxes in the colonies.

1688 - 1763

Page 9: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

Stamp Act November 1, 1765.

The Stamp Act of 1765 was a British Law, passed by the Parliament of Great Britain during the reign of King George III The Stamp Act took effect on November 1, 1765. It was designed to raise revenue from the American Colonies by a duty (tax) in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents. The Stamp Act was first direct tax to be levied on the American colonies. It was the first serious attempt to assert governmental authority over the 13 colonies. For fast facts refer to the article on the Facts about the Stamp Tax.

Page 10: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

Sons of Liberty

The Sons of Liberty were a secret, underground organization that was founded in Boston by Samuel Adams and John Hancock in July 1765. The Sons of Liberty were opposed to the Stamp Act and their membership

spread to a number of colonial towns.


Page 11: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

The Sons of Liberty Flag The Sons of Liberty Flag was known as the "Rebellious Stripes". When the Sons of Liberty flag was raised on the Liberty Tree or Liberty Pole, it was a sign for all the Sons of Liberty and other supportive townspeople to meet and discuss their complaints about British rule. Their flag then had nine alternating red and white vertical stripes consisting of four white stripes and five red stripes.

Page 12: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

Boston Massacre Facts

March 5, 1770

Page 13: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

Quartering Act

The 1765 Quartering Act made provisions for British troops to be given food and shelter at the expense of the American colonists. The 1774 Quartering Act was one of the series of Intolerable Acts passed as a reprisal to the Boston Tea Party. The history of the Quartering Acts is directly linked to the causes of the American Revolution.


Page 17: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty
Page 18: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty

September 17, 1787


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Page 19: Colonial America - · The French and Indian Wars start between France and Great Britain for lands in North America February 10, 1763: The Peace Treaty


The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties, the Bill of Rights lists specific prohibitions on governmental power.