coleção do tempo

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  • 7/29/2019 Coleo do Tempo


    Os gregos antigos tinham duas palavras para o tempo: chronos e kairos. Enquantochronos refere-se ao tempo cronolgico, ou sequencial, que pode ser medido, kairosrefere-se a um momento indeterminado no tempo, em que algo especial acontece, em Teologia, "o tempo de Deus".

    Na mitologia grega, Kairos(?a????, o momento certo ou oportuno) filho de Chronos,deus do tempo e das estaes. Ao tempo existencial os gregos denominavam Kairos e acreditavam nele para enfrentar ao cruel tirano Chronos. Na filosofia grega e romana a experincia do momento oportuno. Os pitagricos lhe chamavam Oportunidade. Kairos o tempo em potencial, tempo eterno, enquanto que Chronos a durao de um movimeno, uma criao.

    ChronosNot to be confused with Cronus, a Titan. For other uses, see Chronos (disambiguation)

    In Greek mythology, chronos (Ancient Greek: ??????) in pre-Socratic philosophical works is said to be the personification of time. His name in Modern Greek alsomeans "year" and is alternatively spelled Chronus (Latin spelling).

    Chronos was imagined as an incorporeal god. Serpentine in form, with three headsthat of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, serpentine Ananke (Inevitability), circled the primal world-egg in their coils and split it apart to formthe ordered universe of earth, sea and sky. He is not to be confused with the Titan Cronus.Chronos is usually portrayed through an old, wise man with a long, gray beard, such as "Father Time". Some of the current English words whose etymological rootis khronos/chronos include chronology, chronometer, chronic, anachronism, and chronicle.

    [edit] Mythical cosmogoniesIn the Orphic cosmogony the unageing Chronos produced Aither and Chaos, and made

    a silvery egg in the divine Aither. It produced the bisexual god Phanes, who gave birth to the first generation of gods and is the ultimate creator of the cosmos.

    Pherecydes of Syros in his lost Heptamychos (the seven recesses), around 6th century BC, claimed that there were three eternal principles: Chronos, Zas (Zeus) and Chthonie (the chthonic). The semen of Chronos was placed in the recesses andproduced the first generation of gods.[1]

    [edit] References^ G.S.Kirk,J.E.Raven and M.Schofield (2003). The Presocratic Philosophers. Cambridge University Press. pp. 24, 56.

    KairosFor the Greek personification of opportunity, see Caerus

    Palestinian Christian leaders say the situation in occupied Palestine has reached "the moment of truth," or Kairos as the concept is called in Christian theolog

  • 7/29/2019 Coleo do Tempo


    ical lexicon. 24, 56.

    KairosFor the Greek personificat