cold war


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Cold War. WWII. During WWII – US and USSR joined forces to fight against the Germans When the allied forces met each other at the Elbe river – they embraced each other warmly Yes, Soviet and American forces shaking hands and smiling…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Cold War


Page 2: Cold War

WWII During WWII – US and USSR joined forces

to fight against the Germans When the allied forces met each other at

the Elbe river – they embraced each other warmly

Yes, Soviet and American forces shaking hands and smiling….

So what happened to make these countries end up HATING each other?

What is the Cold War…write down all the terms associated with this

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During WWII Yalta Meeting

Who are the three men?

What were they discussing?

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WWII and Post WWII

Agree to divide GR into 3 zones GR would have to pay USSR reparations

Satellite nations under Stalin would have free


Stalin agrees to help in war with Japan


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Creation of the United Nations What is the United Nations? What was in place before the UN? Did it work, why or why not? UNITED NATIONS HANDOUT

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Superpower Define the term superpower. Why were the US and USSR considered

superpowers after WWII? Are they superpowers today? Why or why


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For each bullet, write down one or two major points for both

COMMUNISM CAPITALISM/DEMOCRACY Basic principles Political Social Cultural Economic

Basic Principles Political Social Cultural Economic

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Differing ideologies of the USSR and the USA

Communism Basic Principles -Marxist-

Leninist ideas, dictatorship of the proletariat

Political - Internationalistic, one party rule, supreme leader

Social - Supported by workers and peasants

Cultural - Censorship, indoctrination, secret police

Economic - Collective ownership, centralized state planning

Capitalism/Democracy Basic Principles –

Democratic, individual rights Political – National elections

of leaders, multi party rule Social – Supported by

citizens Cultural – individualistic,

freedom of expression and from tyranny

Economic – Individual wealth, capitalistic economy with some restrictions, opportunity to become wealthy

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What are the most important differences between the two nations?

Why do these ideologies matter? Did the two nations have a chance to get

along? Did it really matter about ideology or was

the intent of the post war world to dominate?

Define the Cold War. Define first, second and third world.

Page 10: Cold War

Goals of each countryUSSR USA

Encourage communism

Rebuild war ravaged economy using satellite nations

  Control eastern Europe to

balance US influence  Keep GR divided to

prevent war

Encourage democracy

Gain access to raw materials for industry

Rebuild Europe to create new markets

Reunite GR to stabilize it and increase security

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Dividing the Globe First World – nations aligned

with the US Second World – nations

aligned with the USSR Third World – non aligned

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What were the satellite nations?

Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia

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Satellite Nations

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Iron Curtain ..\activities\Iron Curtain speech\Iron Curta

in speech.docx

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Satellite Nations and the Iron Curtain

Iron Curtain – what was it? Label on the map above.

Satellite nations were a wall of nations that was to shield USSR from invasion

Why would Stalin break his promise about free elections for the satellite nations?

-to keep control of the area

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Division of Germany Draw a map of how GR was divided up

among the winners of the war below

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Division of Germany How will this division create tensions? When does Germany become reunited? Who do you think would most likely

oppose reunification and why?

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Truman Doctrine Activity ..\activities\truman

doctrine drawings\Truman Doctrine.docx

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Major Events of the Cold War

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1946 Containment Policy:

Proposal for dealing with the Soviet Union

The communist government will break down if we contain it

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1947 Truman Doctrine:

States that the US will not let Greece and Turkey become communist and therefore will come to the aid of nations that need help to keep them from turning to communism

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1948 Marshall Plan

Lend $12 Billion in aid to 16 European nationsUS afraid that many nations are so broke that the miserable masses might want to turn to communism

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1948 Berlin Blockade:

Berlin divided among powersCity in Soviet territory Soviets irritated at the containment policies

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A CITY DIVIDEDBlockaded Berlin in an attempt to force western nations out

Western nations, led by US sent a huge airlift to send food and supplies over the blockade and into the city

The powers decided to split Germany into east and west which increases tensions

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1949NATO Permanent military alliances with free democratic European nations to protect members against communist invasions

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1949China goes communistErupts into civil war with Mao Zedong leading communists against nationalists

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1949Soviets explode their 1st atomic bomb launching arms race

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Korea and Vietnam activity ..\activities\korea and vietnam

\Korea and Vietnam Review.docx

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1950Korean war beginsSoviets in charge in North, US in South

North invaded the south

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1950Causes Truman to agree about conspiracy that Soviets trying to take over and spread

Idea that can’t just contain them any more but roll them back

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1950 Ordered troops to help

South Korea Any part of the world is a

potential battlefield

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Korean War

Why was Korea divided at the 38th parallel? Split b/w US/USSR

What nation surrendered this territory?How was it divided? What happened in June of 1950?

N.K invaded S.KHow did the US and the UN react?

Followed policy of containment and sent an army to oppose

Why did China send 300,000 troops to aid N. Korea?

Chinese felt threatened when American troops were near border

Why did MacArthur disagree with Truman over military policy?

thought it would be reckless - start world war

What was the result?signed a cease fire agreement and divided Korea along 38th parallel

Why is this war considered a Cold War conflict?


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1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

Soviets building nuclear missile bases in Cuba

JFK after discovery demanded Soviets remove missiles

blockaded Cuba

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Cuban Missile Crisis Fearful time –brink of

nuclear war? Troops in Florida ready to


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Cuban Missile Crisis A Narrow escape

Soviets remove missiles, US promises not to invade Cuba

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1956-1973 “A defeat for freedom

anywhere is a defeat for freedom everywhere”

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Vietnam Vietnam = French colony

never under one solidified government before

1954 groups of Vietnamese succeeded in overthrowing the French

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Vietnam Us supports France through

funds because Ho Chi Minh claims to be a communist

US makes sure this is no election because Minh would have won, so we divided Vietnam in Two and supported the South

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Vietnam Have poured a lot of money

into effort and send advisors to help police and military in S. Vietnam become more effective

By 1963 lost confidence in leader we were supporting in S. Viet and we support a military coup

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Vietnam By 1965 – 15,000 advisors

involved Can’t withdraw now and

have to increase effort to win -begin with bombing,

therefore needed air force, bases, marines, military etc

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Domino Theory “You have a row of dominoes

set up, and you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly” Pres Eisenhower explaining why the US needed to stop the Communists in Vietnam

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Reasons for Vietnam 1965 – internal documents

listed the following 10% for freedom 20% to avoid Vietnam going

to the communists 70% to avoid humiliating US


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Vietnam War

Why was America supplying financial aid, advisors, etc to Vietnam?

Was Vietnam once a French Colony? YesWho was Ho Chi Minh?

a freedom fighter who asked the Communists for help against French What was the Vietminh? Vietnam

Independence LeagueWhen the Japanese lost World War

Two, did Ho Chi Minh believe Vietnam would be free?


When the French lose control in 1954, why did America get

involved?domino theory

How did Vietname get divided at the 17th parallel? Geneva peace

talk s divide Vietnam Who was the leader in the North and the South? Diem

What was the Vietcong? Communist guerillas who hated Diem and his policiesWhat was the Gulf of Tonkin resolution? after an incident where N.Vietnamese

ships attacked American ships - America escalates involvement in Vietnam


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Space Race Race to the moon Sputnik – soviet satellite

launched into space before the US can – causes humiliation and wanting to invest in more technology

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Cold War Photostory Chapter 17-5 and Chapter 19 3,4,5 Overview of Major events

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17-5 Cold War Thaws In the postwar years, the Soviets kept a

firm grip on satellite nations – Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and East Germany

After the Death of Stalin, March of 1953, more moderate leaders came to power

During the 50’s and 60’s, Eastern European nations try to gain more autonomy and independence

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List of leaders of the Soviet Union

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Nikita Khrushchev Denounces Stalin Enacts de stalinization program

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October 1956 – Hungarian Protest

Imre Nagy forms a new government Response of Soviet Union -

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Gorbachev Comes to power in 1982 He will fundamentally change the USSR

with Perestroika and Glasnost

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Reforms in Poland, 1989 Gorbachev’s policies cue the satellite

nations that change can come Poland – Union of workers called

Solidarity call for reforms in Communist State

Enough pressure was put on government for change

1989 – first free elections democratically elects Lech Walesa as president

Communism is out

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Hungary, 1989 Inspired by Poland, reforms are

encouraged Private enterprise, stock market, new

constitution Communist party dissolves itself under

pressure and national elections brings in a democratic govt

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Fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989

East Germany tried to resist change going on in Poland and Hungary

Hungary allowed East Germans to cross border into Austria and into West Germany

East Germany closes border completely Protests erupt Pressure allows Berlin Wall to fall Communist party dissolves

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Collapse of the Soviet Union

Gorbachev was in charge as Eastern European nations break away

Now those within the Soviet Union, like Lithuania, try to break away from Soviet Union

Horrifies many of the hardliner or hard core communists

Try to overthrow Gorbachev – August Coup

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Boris Yeltsin First elected president of Russia After the failure of the August Coup,

Yeltsin dissolves the Communist party Gorbachev resigns

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Break up of Yugoslavia After WWII, Yugoslavia became a

federation of six republics and each republic has a mixed population

Six major groups – Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Slovenes, Macedonians, Montenegrins

Tito held this communist country together from 1945-1980

Ethnic and religious differences pull this country apart – NATIONALISM STRIKES AGAIN

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