cloze passage.docx

5/26/2018 1/3 Cloze Passage  (4.1) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the most suitable word.  Sang Nila Utama  The first king of Singapore was Sang Nila Utama. He was _____in Sumatra. He came to Singapore in 1299. He ____________ as kingfor forty-eight years. Sang Nila Utama set ______________ from Sumatra in a ship toTemasek, the  __________ name of Singapore. On his ___________,the ship met a fierce storm. He and his  __________ had to throw theirpossessions __________ to make their ship lighter. All this didn't help___________ Sang Nila Utama threw his royal ___________ into the sea. Immediately the storm ____________. When Sang Nila Utama and his men came ______________ onto the island of Temasek, they saw a strange animal. The animal was strong and graceful, it was a lion. For this ___________ he called the island Singapore which means "Lion City". He decided to stay behind and became its king. Animals Many people love fur coats __________ they don't think of where the fur comes from. Even when there are laws which ____________ the killing of wild animals, many animals are still being __________ for their skins. Today there are many people who feel upset at the ____________ of killing wild animals to __________ coats and other goods. There are many ways to keep us warm, why must we kill animals for just this __________? We can use plastic, canvas and other man- made materials to __________ bags and shoes. We don't _________ real animal skins at all. If we choose not to buy products _________ from animal skins than these animals need not be killed for this purpose. In 1908, the Queen of England ___________ that she didn't want any of her subjects to  ____________ their hats with feathers. Soon women all over the world stopped wearing hats with feathers. Since the __________ of feathers stopped so did the killing of birds. Lim Bo Seng Lim Bo Seng was a war ____________ of Singapore during the Second World War. He was the _____________ of a group of Malay and Chinese guerrillas fighting the Japanese who were __________ Singapore. When Singapore was ____________ by the Japanese in 1942, Lim Bo Seng  ____________ to the jungle. He ____________ many men to join forces to fight the Japanese. He ____________ them in jungle warfare and also shooting with the rifles. Lim Bo Seng and his men _____________ great trouble for the Japanese. They  _______________ patrols and outposts, killing the enemy. They also ___________ on the movements of the Japanese army.

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Fill in the blanks for english


Cloze Passage(4.1)

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the most suitable word.

Sang Nila Utama

The first king of Singapore was Sang Nila Utama. He was _____in Sumatra. He came to Singapore in 1299. He ____________ as kingfor forty-eight years.Sang Nila Utama set ______________ from Sumatra in a ship toTemasek, the __________ name of Singapore. On his ___________,the ship met a fierce storm. He and his __________ had to throw theirpossessions __________ to make their ship lighter. All this didn't help___________ Sang Nila Utama threw his royal ___________ into the sea. Immediately the storm ____________.When Sang Nila Utama and his men came ______________ onto the island of Temasek, they saw a strange animal. The animal was strong and graceful, it was a lion. For this ___________ he called the island Singapore which means "Lion City". He decided to stay behind and became its king.

AnimalsMany people love fur coats __________ they don't think of where the fur comes from. Even when there are laws which ____________ the killing of wild animals, many animals are still being __________ for their skins.Today there are many people who feel upset at the ____________ of killing wild animals to __________ coats and other goods. There are many ways to keep us warm, why must we kill animals for just this __________? We can use plastic, canvas and other man-made materials to __________ bags and shoes. We don't _________ real animal skins at all. If we choose not to buy products _________ from animal skins than these animals neednot be killed for this purpose.In 1908, the Queen of England ___________ that she didn't want any of her subjects to ____________ their hats with feathers. Soon women all over the world stopped wearing hats with feathers. Since the __________ of feathers stopped so did the killing of birds.

Lim Bo SengLim Bo Seng was a war ____________ of Singapore during the Second World War. He was the _____________ of a group of Malay and Chinese guerrillas fighting the Japanese who were __________ Singapore.When Singapore was ____________ by the Japanese in 1942, Lim Bo Seng ____________ to the jungle. He ____________ many men to join forces to fight the Japanese. He ____________ them in jungle warfare and also shooting with the rifles.Lim Bo Seng and his men _____________ great trouble for the Japanese. They _______________ patrols and outposts, killing the enemy. They also ___________ on the movements of the Japanese army.To aviod capture, Lim Bo Seng often ___________ himself so that he cannot be recognised. One day, he was ___________ andcaptured in Ipoh on Malaysia. The Japanese put him in prison and tortured him.

Clouds And RainThe heat from the Sun warms the Earth's ______________. This causes the warm air near the ground to ___________. As the air rises, it cools and the moisture ____________ into clouds of water droplets. The highest clouds are the cirrus and they may reach a ___________ of 12,000 metres.The tiny water droplets in a cloud __________ to become larger droplets and these _______________ back to the Earth as rain. Rain ____________ water for animals and plants. When the water droplets are _____________ agitated electric current may be created and this ____________ in lightning.A rainbow is _________ when sunlight is refracted several times over by the tiny raindrops. A rainbow is such a ______________ sight because the white light is ____________ into seven different colours.

Destruction Of The Earth

As Man seeks a more comfortable ___________, he destroys or uses the Earth's natural resources. Fossil ____________ are burned to provide energy but this burning ______________ the environment. Burning of fossil fuels _____________ sulphur dioxide which causes acid rain ____________ consequently the destruction of forests.Forests are destroyed for the cultivation of _____________ and rearing of animals. Deforestation leads to a ____________ of wildlife and habitats and will endanger the ____________ of many species.Water pollution has killed many animals and plants __________ once the pollutants __________ the water cycle they are transportedeverywhere.Waste that are dumped contains toxins. _________ these toxins do not disintegrate, they ____________ poisonous and will gradually destroy the Earth. We need to protect our environment.