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CANDIDATE NAME : WWW.SSCQUESTION.COM EXAM START TIME : 13:15:00 EXAM DURATION : 01:15 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS : 100 Click to Print logout Challenges REGISTRATION NUMBER : 3206033584 EXAM DATE : 3-February-2017 EXAM NAME : SSC Examination 2016 TOTAL MARKS : 200 QID : 101 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. Dissemble : Feign : : Divulge : ? िदए गए िवकप संबंिधत शद/अर/संया को िनए। वग रचना : बहाना करना : : कािशत करना : ? Options: 1) Mollify शत करना 2) Request अनरोध करना 3) Agree सहमत होना 4) Disclose उघािटत करना Correct Answer: Disclose उघािटत करना Candidate Answer: Disclose उघािटत करना QID : 102 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. EF : OP : : ? : ST िदए गए िवकप संबंिधत शद/अर/संया को िनए। EF : OP : : ? : ST Options: 1) GH 2) LM 3) JK 4) IJ Correct Answer: IJ Candidate Answer: IJ QID : 103 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. TZ : GA : : QR : ? िदए गए िवकप संबंिधत शद/अर/संया को िनए। TZ : GA : : QR : ? Options: 1) KN 2) RS 3) NQ 4) JI Correct Answer: JI Candidate Answer: RS QID : 104 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. 15 : 62 : : 16 : ? िदए गए िवकप संबंिधत शद/अर/संया को िनए। 15 : 62 : : 16 : ?

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    Click to Print logout Challenges

    REGISTRATION NUMBER:3206033584EXAM DATE:3-February-2017EXAM NAME:SSC Examination 2016TOTAL MARKS:200

    QID : 101 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    Dissemble : Feign : : Divulge : ?


    : : : : ?Options:1)Mollify 2)Request 3)Agree 4)Disclose Correct Answer: Disclose Candidate Answer: Disclose

    QID : 102 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    EF : OP : : ? : ST


    EF : OP : : ? : STOptions:1)GH



    4)IJCorrect Answer: IJCandidate Answer: IJ

    QID : 103 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    TZ : GA : : QR : ?


    TZ : GA : : QR : ?Options:1)KN



    4)JICorrect Answer: JICandidate Answer: RS

    QID : 104 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    15 : 62 : : 16 : ?


    15 : 62 : : 16 : ?


  • Options:1)66



    4)56Correct Answer: 66Candidate Answer: 66

    QID : 105 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    /// Options:1)Narora



    4)BhilaiCorrect Answer: BhilaiCandidate Answer: Rawatbhata

    QID : 106 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    /// Options:1)AIO



    4)BOICorrect Answer: BOICandidate Answer: BOI

    QID : 107 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    /// Options:1)5611



    4)9911Correct Answer: 5611Candidate Answer: 5611

    QID : 108 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    /// Options:1)289



    4)1331Correct Answer: 1331Candidate Answer: 784

    QID : 109 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    Mohammad Hamid Ansari,Bhairon Singh Shekhawat,Krishan Kant, ?

    , ,

    , , ,

  • Options:1)Rajendra Prasad 2)K.R.Narayanan. . 3)Shankar Dayal Sharma 4)V.V.Giri. . Correct Answer: K.R.Narayanan. . Candidate Answer: Shankar Dayal Sharma QID : 110 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    GH, LM, PQ, ST, ?

    , ,

    GH, LM, PQ, ST, ?Options:1)UZ



    4)UVCorrect Answer: UVCandidate Answer: UVQID : 111 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    SR, ON, ?, GF

    , ,

    SR, ON, ?, GFOptions:1)EF



    4)HKCorrect Answer: KJCandidate Answer: KJQID : 112 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    60, 121, 243, ?

    , ,

    60, 121, 243, ?Options:1)480



    4)486Correct Answer: 487Candidate Answer: 487

  • QID : 113 - In the following question, two statements are given each followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if theyseem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements.

    Statement:(I) Holidays are meant to relax, rejuvenate and recollect energy.(II) People generally go for outing in holidays and get tired in those days as well.

    Conclusions:(I) Holidays are meant for resting.(II) Outing and different environment automatically rejuvenate.

    , I II / / ,

    (I) , (II)

    (I) (II) Options:1)Only conclusion II follows II 2)Conclusion I and II both follow I II 3)Neither I nor II follow I II 4)Only conclusion I follows I Correct Answer: Only conclusion I follows I Candidate Answer: Only conclusion I follows I QID : 114 - There are five boys P, Q, R, S and T standing in a line. Q is taller than T but shorter than P. S is shorter than T but taller than R. Who is the shortest?

    P, Q, R, S T Q T P S, T R ?Options:1)S2)R3)T4)PCorrect Answer: RCandidate Answer: RQID : 115 - Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

    i. Catadromeii. Catagenesisiii. Cataboliciv. Catabolism

    i. Catadromeii. Catagenesisiii. Cataboliciv. CatabolismOptions:1)ii,iii,iv,i2)iii,iv,i,ii3)iii,iv,ii,i4)i,ii,iii,ivCorrect Answer: iii,iv,i,iiCandidate Answer: iii,iv,i,iiQID : 116 - In a certain code language, "TOMATO" is written as "023402" and "ORIONL" is written as "275269". How is "NORMAL" written in that code language?

    , "TOMATO" "023402" "ORIONL" "275269" "NORMAL" ?Options:1)627340



    4)627430Correct Answer: 627349Candidate Answer: 627349

  • QID : 117 -

    Options:1)172)503)404)25Correct Answer: 40Candidate Answer: 40QID : 118 - If +' means minus', x' means divided by', ' means plus' and -' meansmultiplied by', then

    104 13 + 9 - 5 6 = ?

    +' ', x' ', ' ' -' ' ,

    104 13 + 9 - 5 6 = ?Options:1)-312)-363)-374)-34Correct Answer: -31Candidate Answer: -31QID : 119 - In the following question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?






    4)abdcCorrect Answer: cbcaCandidate Answer: abcdQID : 120 - Arjun is facing south, then he turns 45 right and goes 50 m, then turns north-west to move 50 m and from there 50 m to west. In which direction/place ishe from his original place?

    , 45 50 , - 50 50 - / ?Options:1)West2)North3)East4)North-west-Correct Answer: WestCandidate Answer: North-west-

  • QID : 121 -

    Options:1)02,23,65,31,972)02,23,56,13,783)02,23,56,13,974)02,33,56,13,97Correct Answer: 02,23,56,13,97Candidate Answer: 02,23,56,13,97QID : 122 - Introducing a boy, a girl said, "He is the son of the sister of my mother's brother". How is that boy related to that girl?

    , " " ?Options:1)Cousin 2)Uncle3)Father-in-law4)NieceCorrect Answer: Cousin Candidate Answer: Cousin QID : 123 -

  • Options:1)




    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

    QID : 124 - Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.

    Metal, Oxygen, Copper

    , , Options:1)




    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

  • QID : 125 -





    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

    QID : 126 - Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is in _________ .

    _________ Options:1)Tamil Nadu2)Assam3)Bihar4)Himachal Pradesh Correct Answer: AssamCandidate Answer: AssamQID : 127 - Which Indian Cricketer has not received the Arjuna Award yet?

    ?Options:1)Virat Kohli 2)Rohit Sharma 3)MS Dhoni..4)R Ashwin. Correct Answer: MS Dhoni..Candidate Answer: Virat Kohli

  • QID : 128 - Which drug is used as a Thyroid Hormone?

    ?Options:1)Metformin2)Ketoconazole3)Promethazine4)LevothyroxineCorrect Answer: LevothyroxineCandidate Answer: PromethazineQID : 129 - Which of the following constitute to form a gene?

    "" ?Options:1)Polynucleotides2)Hydrocarbons3)Lipoproteins4)LipidsCorrect Answer: PolynucleotidesCandidate Answer: LipidsQID : 130 - Atomic number of which of the following elements is greater than that of Iron?

    ?Options:1)Manganese2)Cobalt3)Calcium4)ChromiumCorrect Answer: CobaltCandidate Answer: CobaltQID : 131 - A series of instructions written by a programmer according to a given set of rules or conventions is called______________.

    _________ Options:1)Syntax2)a Byte 3)a Set 4)MacroCorrect Answer: SyntaxCandidate Answer: SyntaxQID : 132 - Kuchipudi is a folk dance of _________.


  • Options:1)Mizoram2)Andhra Pradesh 3)Jammu & Kashmir 4)MaharashtraCorrect Answer: Andhra Pradesh Candidate Answer: Andhra Pradesh QID : 133 - If price of an article decreases from Rs P1 to Rs 240, when quantity demanded increases from 8000 units to 8400 units, and if point elasticity of demand is-1.25 find P1?

    8000 8400 P1 240 -1.25 , P1 ?Options:1)Rs 250250 2)Rs 200200 3)Rs 220220 4)Rs 210210 Correct Answer: Rs 250250 Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]QID : 134 - An increase in price will _________.

    ?Options:1)increase consumer surplus 2)decrease consumer surplus 3)have no affect on consumer surplus 4)decrease producer surplus Correct Answer: decrease consumer surplus Candidate Answer: decrease consumer surplus QID : 135 - Which of the following is a greenhouse gas or a gas which can deplete the ozone layer?

    , ?Options:1)BF3



    4)Cl2Correct Answer: CHClF2Candidate Answer: O2QID : 136 - Which of these is not an Indian Bank?

    ?Options:1)Axis Bank 2)HDFC Bank 3)ICICI Bank 4)HSBC Bank Correct Answer: HSBC Bank

  • Candidate Answer: HSBC Bank QID : 137 - __________ are also called monsoon forests.

    Options:1)Tropical Rain Forest 2)Tropical Deciduous Forests 3)Mangrove Forests 4)Thorny Bushes Correct Answer: Tropical Deciduous Forests Candidate Answer: Tropical Deciduous Forests QID : 138 - Patna is the Capital City of_________.

    _________ Options:1)Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2)Andhra Pradesh 3)Bihar4)West Bengal.Correct Answer: BiharCandidate Answer: BiharQID : 139 - Gandhi Irwin pact happened in which year?

    - ?Options:1)1905



    4)1942Correct Answer: 1931Candidate Answer: 1931QID : 140 - In 1739, who defeated the Mughal army at the Battle of Karnal?

    1739 ?Options:1)Nader Shah 2)Genghis Khan 3)Hemu Vikramaditya 4)Bajirao I ICorrect Answer: Nader Shah Candidate Answer: Nader Shah QID : 141 - Who Invented LCD Projector?


  • Options:1)Gene Dolgoff 2)Brendan Eich 3)Douglas Engelbart 4)Federico Faggin Correct Answer: Gene Dolgoff Candidate Answer: Federico Faggin QID : 142 - A cannon ball is fired. The motion of this ball is an example of ______.

    ______ Options:1)Straight line motion 2)projectile motion 3)Hyperbolic motion 4)horizontal motion Correct Answer: projectile motion Candidate Answer: projectile motion QID : 143 - What is the unit of the physical quantity, Magnetic flux?

    " " ?Options:1)farad2)weber3)tesla4)henry Correct Answer: weberCandidate Answer: weberQID : 144 - The Panchayati Raj was first adopted by which of the following states?

    ?Options:1)Haryana2)Rajasthan3)Madhya Pradesh4)KarnatakaCorrect Answer: RajasthanCandidate Answer: RajasthanQID : 145 - According to our Constitution, India is _________.


  • Options:1)A Religious State 2)A Secular State 3)A Capitalist State 4)A Plutocratic State Correct Answer: A Secular State Candidate Answer: A Secular State QID : 146 - Which of these sports generally has the shortest match duration?

    ?Options:1)Kabaddi2)Hockey3)Football4)CricketCorrect Answer: KabaddiCandidate Answer: KabaddiQID : 147 - Who is the author of "The Inheritance of Loss"?

    " " ?Options:1)Sunjeev Sahota 2)Anne Enright 3)Shobha De 4)Kiran Desai Correct Answer: Kiran Desai Candidate Answer: Kiran Desai QID : 148 - Vertebrates belongs to the phylum

    () _________ Options:1)Arthropoda2)Annelida3)Cnidaria4)ChordataCorrect Answer: ChordataCandidate Answer: ArthropodaQID : 149 - What is washing soda?


  • Options:1)Aluminium bicarbonate 2)Sodium bicarbonate 3)Aluminium sulphate 4)Sodium carbonate Correct Answer: Sodium carbonate Candidate Answer: Sodium carbonate QID : 150 - __________ is the movement of chemical in the upper layers of soil into lower layers or into groundwater by being dissolved in water.

    _________ , Options:1)infiltration2)salinisation3)eutrophication4)leachingCorrect Answer: leachingCandidate Answer: leachingQID : 151 - If sin 60 + cos 45 = x, then the value of x is

    sin 60 + cos 45 = x, x ?Options:1)1/2



    4)3Correct Answer: (3+2)/2Candidate Answer: (3+2)/2QID : 152 - If cot(A/2) = x, then the value of x is

    cot(A/2) = x, x ?Options:1)[(1 - cosA)/(1 + cosA)]

    2)[(1 + cosA)/2]

    3)(1 + cosA)/sinA

    4)[(1 - cosA)/2]Correct Answer: (1 + cosA)/sinACandidate Answer: [(1 - cosA)/2]QID : 153 - A shopkeeper, sold pistachios at the rate Rs 1140 a kg and bears a loss of 5%. Now if he decides to sell it at Rs 1260 per kg, what will be the result?

    1140 .. 5% 1260 .. , ?Options:1)10 percent gain10 2)5 percent gain5 3)5 percent loss5 4)10 percent loss10 Correct Answer: 5 percent gain5 Candidate Answer: 5 percent gain5

  • QID : 154 - Mandar works 3 times as fast as Samarth. If Samarth can complete a job alone in 28 days, then in how many days can they together finish the job?

    3 28 , ?Options:1)4 days4 2)5 days5 3)8 days8 4)7 days7 Correct Answer: 7 days7 Candidate Answer: 7 days7 QID : 155 - If the shopkeeper sells an item at Rs 2275 which is marked as Rs 3250, then what is the discount he is offering?

    2275 , 3250 , ?Options:1)30 percent30 2)20 percent20 3)25 percent25 4)37.5 percent37.5 Correct Answer: 30 percent30 Candidate Answer: 30 percent30 QID : 156 - A thief is stopped by a policeman from a distance of 500 metres. When the policeman starts the chase, the thief also starts running. Assuming the speedof the thief as 10 km/h and that of police man as 18 km/h, how far the thief would have run, before he is over -taken?

    500 , 10 ../ 18 ../ , ?Options:1)625 metres625 2)500 metres500 3)750 metres750 4)375 metres375 Correct Answer: 625 metres625 Candidate Answer: 625 metres625 QID : 157 - What smallest number should be added to 2957 so that the sum is completely divisible by 17 ?

    2957 , 17 ?Options:1)9



    4)1Correct Answer: 1Candidate Answer: 1

    QID : 158 - If (sin2A - sin2B)/(cos2A cos2B) = x, then the value of x is

    (sin2A - sin2B)/(cos2A cos2B) = x, x ?

  • Options:1)tan2A - tan2B

    2)cot2A - cot2B

    3)tanA - tanB

    4)cotA - cotB

    Correct Answer: tan2A - tan2B

    Candidate Answer: cot2A - cot2B QID : 159 - How many balls of radius 3 cm can be made by melting a bigger ball of diameter 48 cm?

    48 .. 3 .. ?Options:1)1024



    4)256Correct Answer: 512Candidate Answer: 512QID : 160 - By increasing the price of entry ticket to a fair in the ratio 9:13, the number of visitors to the fair has decreased in the ratio 7:4. In what ratio has the totalcollection increased or decreased?

    9:13 , 7:4 ?Options:1)increased in the ratio 52:6352:63 2)increased in the ratio 36:9136:91 3)decreased in the ratio 63:5263:52 4)decreased in the ratio 91:3691:36 Correct Answer: decreased in the ratio 63:5263:52 Candidate Answer: decreased in the ratio 63:5263:52 QID : 161 - A student multiplied a number by 5/7 instead of 7/5. What is the percentage error in the calculation?

    7/5 5/7 ?Options:1)48.98 percent48.98 2)96 percent96 3)24.49 percent24.49 4)48 percent48 Correct Answer: 48.98 percent48.98 Candidate Answer: 48.98 percent48.98 QID : 162 - The average revenues of 9 consecutive years of a company is Rs 68 lakhs. If the average of first 5 years is Rs 63 lakhs and that of last 5 years is Rs 75lakhs, find the revenue for the 5th year.

    9 68 5 63 5 75 , 5 Options:1)Rs 80 lakhs80 2)Rs 76 lakhs76 3)Rs 78 lakhs78 4)Rs 74 lakhs74 Correct Answer: Rs 78 lakhs78

  • Candidate Answer: Rs 78 lakhs78 QID : 163 - GHI is similar to KLM. If the ratio of Perimeter of GHI : Perimeter of KLM = 9:4 and length of GH is 27 cm what is the length of the correspondingside KL?

    GHI, KLM GHI KLM 9:4 , GH 27 .. , KL Options:1)12 cm12 ..2)9 cm9 ..3)24 cm24 ..4)18 cm18 ..Correct Answer: 12 cm12 ..Candidate Answer: 12 cm12 ..QID : 164 - A(7,-8) and C(1,4) are vertices of a square ABCD. Find equation of diagonal BD?

    A(7, -8) C(1,4) ABCD BD ?Options:1)x - 2y = -82)x - 2y = 83)x + 2y = -84)x + 2y = 8Correct Answer: x - 2y = 8Candidate Answer: x - 2y = 8QID : 165 - What is the measure of an exterior angle of a regular dodecagon?




    4)30Correct Answer: 30Candidate Answer: 30QID : 166 - The perimeter of a square is 40 cm, find its area?

    40 .. , ?Options:1)100 sq cm100 ..2)25 sq cm25 ..3)50 sq cm50 ..4)160 sq cm160 ..Correct Answer: 100 sq cm100 ..Candidate Answer: 100 sq cm100 ..

    QID : 167 - A bank offers 5% compound interest per half year. A customer deposits Rs. 6400 each on 1st January and 1st July of a year. At the end of the year, theamount he would have gained by way of interest is:

    5% 1 1 6400 ?Options:1)Rs 19521952 2)Rs 488488 3)Rs 976976 4)Rs 244244

  • Correct Answer: Rs 976976 Candidate Answer: Rs 488488

    QID : 168 - Coefficient of x2 in (x + 3)(2 - 4x)(5x - 6) is

    (x + 3)(2 - 4x)(5x - 6) x2 Options:1)26



    4)-26Correct Answer: -26Candidate Answer: -26

    QID : 169 - If a + b = 10 and a2 + b2 = 58, then find ab

    a + b = 10 a2 + b2 = 58, ab Options:1)21



    4)16Correct Answer: 21Candidate Answer: 21QID : 170 - The ten's digit of a 2-digit number is greater than the units digit by 2. If we subtract 18 from the number, the new number obtained is a number formed byinterchange of the digits. Find the number.

    2 18 Options:1)75



    4)86Correct Answer: 86Candidate Answer: 64QID : 171 - If 2x - 2(4 - x) < 2x - 3 < 3x + 3; then x can take which of the following values?

    2x - 2(4 - x) < 2x - 3 < 3x + 3; x ?Options:1)2



    4)5Correct Answer: 2Candidate Answer: 4

  • QID : 172 -




    4)254Correct Answer: 51.78Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]QID : 173 -




    4)1890Correct Answer: 926Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]

  • QID : 174 -

    Options:1)55 cm55 ..2)50 cm50 ..3)45 cm45 ..4)60 cm60 ..Correct Answer: 50 cm50 ..Candidate Answer: 50 cm50 ..QID : 175 -

  • Options:1)2.5 hours2.5 2)3.5 hours3.5 3)4 hours4 4)4.5 hours4.5 Correct Answer: 4 hours4 Candidate Answer: 4 hours4 QID : 176 - Select the antonym of

    grotesqueOptions:1)horrid2)pleasing3)appalling4)grislyCorrect Answer: pleasingCandidate Answer: pleasingQID : 177 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.

    A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.Options:1)memento2)variable3)glimmer4)vestigeCorrect Answer: vestigeCandidate Answer: glimmerQID : 178 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. Ifa sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    She decided to drink(A)/water instead of soft drinks(B)/ in order to lose weight.(C)/No error(D)Options:1)A2)B3)C4)DCorrect Answer: DCandidate Answer: BQID : 179 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate itby selecting the appropriate option.

    He is so ________________ in his beliefs that no one can change his mind!Options:1)vigorous2)adamant3)tough4)stiffCorrect Answer: adamantCandidate Answer: adamantQID : 180 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    fixed in one's waysOptions:1)not wanting to change how one does things2)one will succeed if one does not change thier path3)trapped in a particular unpleasant situation4)a dilemma of two different pathsCorrect Answer: not wanting to change how one does thingsCandidate Answer: a dilemma of two different pathsQID : 181 - In the following question, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, select the one, which best expresses thesame sentence in Passive/Active voice.

    We will send you your laboratory reports as soon as they are ready.Options:1)You would be sent your laboratory reports as soon as they will be ready.2)Your laboratory reports will be sent to you as soon as they are ready.3)You would be send your laboratory reports as soon as they will be ready.4)Your laboratory reports should be sent to you as soon as they are ready.Correct Answer: Your laboratory reports will be sent to you as soon as they are ready.Candidate Answer: Your laboratory reports will be sent to you as soon as they are ready.

  • QID : 182 - Select the antonym of

    to procureOptions:1)to forfeit2)to appropriate3)to solicit4)to wangleCorrect Answer: to forfeitCandidate Answer: to appropriateQID : 183 - Select the synonym of

    impassiveOptions:1)ardent2)reticent3)agitated4)susceptibleCorrect Answer: reticentCandidate Answer: agitatedQID : 184 - Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

    I feel (out for sorts) today.Options:1)of sort2)out of sort3)out of sorts4)no improvementCorrect Answer: out of sortsCandidate Answer: out of sortsQID : 185 - In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one, which best expressthe same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

    'Are you coming with us?' Isha asked Nishi.Options:1)Isha asked Nisha whether she would be going with them.2)Isha asked Nisha if she was going with them.3)Isha asked Nisha whether she would go with them.4)Isha asked Nisha whether she would come with us.Correct Answer: Isha asked Nisha if she was going with them.Candidate Answer: Isha asked Nisha if she was going with them.QID : 186 - Select the synonym of

    to revampOptions:1)to overhaul2)to maraud3)to raze4)to sabotageCorrect Answer: to overhaulCandidate Answer: to sabotageQID : 187 - Select the word with the correct spelling.Options:1)mistique2)chimmeras3)plesure4)obituaryCorrect Answer: obituaryCandidate Answer: obituaryQID : 188 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.

    To trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.Options:1)to totter2)to stammer3)to stumble4)to blunderCorrect Answer: to stumbleCandidate Answer: to stumbleQID : 189 - Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

    An increase in incidents of chain snatching (has been reported) in the newspapers recently.

  • Options:1)has been written2)have been reported3)are being reported4)no improvementCorrect Answer: no improvementCandidate Answer: have been reportedQID : 190 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. Ifa sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    You want to stay(A)/with him, in spite(B)/off what he did?(C)/No error(D)Options:1)A2)B3)C4)DCorrect Answer: CCandidate Answer: CQID : 191 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate itby selecting the appropriate option.

    I shall ____________ receipt of your email even if I cannot respond to it immediately.Options:1)acknowledge2)endorse3)ratify4)allowCorrect Answer: acknowledgeCandidate Answer: acknowledgeQID : 192 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

    It may not be a simpleP-someone does stand to gainQ-by keeping farmers dividedR-case of "divide and rule", butOptions:1)QPR2)PQR3)RPQ4)QRPCorrect Answer: RPQCandidate Answer: RPQQID : 193 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

    Rewarding an encroacher on publicP-reward to a pickpocketQ-site is like giving a R-land with free alternativeOptions:1)QRP2)QPR3)PRQ4)RQPCorrect Answer: RQPCandidate Answer: QPRQID : 194 - Select the word with the correct spelling.Options:1)coroded2)topalogy3)homogony4)protuzoaCorrect Answer: homogonyCandidate Answer: homogonyQID : 195 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    flash in the panOptions:1)a trick one learn which makes thier work easier2)a thing or person whose sudden but brief success is not repeated3)to build something good but it gets destroyed4)to find something unpleasant in foodCorrect Answer: a thing or person whose sudden but brief success is not repeatedCandidate Answer: a thing or person whose sudden but brief success is not repeated

  • QID : 196 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    Since the justification for the demand of anonymity and confidentiality is______________ questioned by reporters, and since the deals ____________ routinely betweenreporter and privileged source to grant confidential ________________ are rarely monitored and supervised properly within the newsroom, the misuse of sources byjournalists, and what is ____________________ damaging, the misuse of journalists and the news media by privileged sources____________________ epidemicproportions.

    confidentiality is______________ questioned by reportersOptions:1)rarely2)ever3)once4)infinitelyCorrect Answer: rarelyCandidate Answer: rarelyQID : 197 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    Since the justification for the demand of anonymity and confidentiality is______________ questioned by reporters, and since the deals ____________ routinely betweenreporter and privileged source to grant confidential ________________ are rarely monitored and supervised properly within the newsroom, the misuse of sources byjournalists, and what is ____________________ damaging, the misuse of journalists and the news media by privileged sources____________________ epidemicproportions.

    since the deals ____________ routinely between reporterOptions:1)strike2)striked3)striking4)struckCorrect Answer: struckCandidate Answer: struckQID : 198 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    Since the justification for the demand of anonymity and confidentiality is______________ questioned by reporters, and since the deals ____________ routinely betweenreporter and privileged source to grant confidential ________________ are rarely monitored and supervised properly within the newsroom, the misuse of sources byjournalists, and what is ____________________ damaging, the misuse of journalists and the news media by privileged sources____________________ epidemicproportions.

    privileged source to grant confidential ________________ are rarely monitoredOptions:1)dignity2)pride3)status4)degreeCorrect Answer: statusCandidate Answer: statusQID : 199 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    Since the justification for the demand of anonymity and confidentiality is______________ questioned by reporters, and since the deals ____________ routinely betweenreporter and privileged source to grant confidential ________________ are rarely monitored and supervised properly within the newsroom, the misuse of sources byjournalists, and what is ____________________ damaging, the misuse of journalists and the news media by privileged sources____________________ epidemicproportions.

    and what is ____________________ damagingOptions:1)more so2)more of3)even more4)even tooCorrect Answer: even moreCandidate Answer: even moreQID : 200 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    Since the justification for the demand of anonymity and confidentiality is______________ questioned by reporters, and since the deals ____________ routinely betweenreporter and privileged source to grant confidential ________________ are rarely monitored and supervised properly within the newsroom, the misuse of sources byjournalists, and what is ____________________ damaging, the misuse of journalists and the news media by privileged sources____________________ epidemicproportions.

    the news media by privileged sources____________________ epidemic proportions.Options:1)assume2)have assumed3)so assume4)being assumedCorrect Answer: have assumedCandidate Answer: being assumed