clever leaf case presentaton

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  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    Cloverleaf plc.

    Presented by


    Gokul Ram

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    Introduction to Cloverleafplc

    UKbased supplier of bottlin! plant.

    "#o years a!o it opened an overseassales o$ce.

    %ver &''' or!ani(ation in thosecountries

    that had bottlin! facilities. )i!h e*pectation of sales but less


  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    +dvanta!es of their product,

    &' per cent speed advanta!e overthe nearest competition #ith e-ualllin! accuracy.

    Cloverleaf/s marketin! strate!y,

    hi!h -uality0 hi!h price competitivepositionin!.

    Salespeople #ere told to stress thehi!her speed and enhancedreliability.

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    Sellin! team consists of,

    Sales mana!er.

    "hree sales people.

    "echnical specialist.

    1uyin! institutions consists of,

    Production mana!er

    Production en!ineer

    Purchasin! o$cer"echnical director.

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    Introduction to Case

    2ohn Goodman received a call from 3r4eblanc0 the technical director of CommercialS.+.0 to kno# about the bottlin! plant.

    March 7Called on 3r 4eblanc #ho told that

    Commercial S.+. had decided to purchase ane# bottlin!

    March 8Visited 5. +rtois #ho sho#ed him the

    specications that he had dra#n up.

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    March 11

    Visited 3r 4eblanc

    #hy they should buy from us

    )e su!!ested him contact 5. 1ernard0 the purchasin! mana!er.

    Got appointment to see him in t#o days/ time.

    March 13

    Called on 5. 1ernard and discussed the technical features ofthe system #ith him.

    +sked about price.

    March 15Visited 3r 4eblanc #ho said a decision #as bein! made #ithin a


    +sked him about price

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    March 20

    Sa# 5. 1ernard.

    )e told him our price #as 6 &.&m. )e replied that a keycompetitor had -uoted less than 6 &m.

    March 21)ad a meetin! #ith 5ike 1ull sales mana!er to discuss


    )e told 2ohn to reduce the price by 6 7'0''' to satisfy 5.1ernard/s e!o.

    March 25"old 5. 1ernard of our ne# -uotation.

    )e said he still did not understand #hy #e could not

    match the competition on price

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    March 30

    Visited 3r 4eblanc0 #ho said a meetin! had been arran!ed for +pril&8 to make the nal decision

    but that our price of 6 &.'7m #as too hi!h for the likes of 5.1ernard.

    April 4

    )astily arran!ed a meetin! #ith 5ike 1ull to discuss the situation.

    "old him about 3r 4eblanc/s

    concern that 5. 1ernard thou!ht our price #as too hi!h.

    April 5

    "ook our nal o9er to 5. 1ernard.

    )e said he #ould let me kno# as soon as a decision

    )e stressed that the decision #as not his alone: several otherpeople #ere involved.

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    April 16

    Received a letter from 5. 1ernardstatin! that the order had beenplaced #ith )ofstead Gm.

    )e thanked 2ohn for the #ork I hadput into the bid made by Cloverleafplc.

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    ;hat ;ent ;ron!o# ?decider role.

    "he production en!ineer 5 +rtois technical specications of productin>uencer position.

    "he purchasin! o$cer 5 1ernard nancial aspects of the purchase ?1uyer role0 this is a po#erful position in the 35U as he can ne!otiateprices0 and ultimately decide if the order is value for money.

    "echnical 3irector ? responsible for technical issues @inal decisionmaker

  • 8/9/2019 Clever Leaf Case Presentaton


    Thank You