classification of aeromonas spp. strains from human ... · presumptive aeromonas veronii/sobria...

1,* 1 1 2 1 Ivo Sedláček, Eva Kroupová, Michaela Sedláčková, Eva Krejčí, Pavel Švec 1 Czech Collection of Microorganisms, Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 2 Public Health Institute, Ostrava, Czech Republic * Corresponding author: [email protected] Acknowledgements This study was supported by project CEB (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0183). References Abbott et al., 2003. The genus Aeromonas: Biochemical characteristics, atypical reactions, and phenotypic identification schemes. J. Clin. Microbiol. 41:2348-2357. Aravena-Román et al., 2011. Aeromonas aquariorum as widely distributed in clinical and environmental specimens and can be misidentified as A. hydrophila. J. Clin. Microbiol. 49:306-308. Austin et al., 1996. The genus Aeromonas. John Wiley & Sons. Chichester, England. MacFaddin, 2000. Biochemical Tests for Identification of Medical Bacteria. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia. Martin-Carnahan and Joseph, 2005. Genus I. Aeromonas, pp 557-578. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd edition. Volume 2. The Proteobacteria. Part B The Gammaproteobacteria. Springer, New York. Minana-Galbis et al., 2002. Biochemical identification and numerical taxonomy of Aeromonas spp. isolated from environmental and clinical samples in Spain. J. Appl. Microbiol. 93:420-430. Sedláček et al. 2012. Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. dhakensis – a causative agent of gastroenteritis imported into the Czech Republic. Ann. Agr. Envir. Med. 19:409-413. Švec et al. 2001. Evaluation of ribotyping for characterization and identification of Enterococcus haemoperoxidus and Enterococcus moraviensis strains. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 203, 23-27. Fig 1. Dendrogram based on cluster analysis of ribotype patterns of A. hydrophila complex strains . Fig 1. Dendrogram based on cluster analysis of ribotype patterns of A. veronii/sobria complex strains . Material and methods Bacterial strains A collection of 76 presumptive A. hydrophila and A. veronii bv. sobria strains was isolated from human clinical material (faeces samples – acute diarrhoea) on Bile salt Irgasan Brilliant Green Agar intended for isolation of aeromonds. Among them, two strains from A. hydrophila complex have been identified previously as A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis (Sedláček et al. 2012). Remaining 74 isolates were classified by extensive biotyping, ribotyping and cpn60 sequencing to the species level. The reference type strains of aeromonads were obtained from the Czech Collection of Microorganisms ( ). The isolates and reference strains were grown at 37°C for 24 h on blood agar during all experiments. Biotyping Basic phenotypic classification of isolates was performed using set of key conventional tube tests (Abbott et al., 2003; Austin et al., 1996, MacFaddin, 2000; Martin-Carnahan and Joseph, 2005). Further extensive phenotypic characterization and identification were achieved using the commercial identification system Biolog with the GN2 MicroPlates. Ribotyping Ribotyping of isolated strains and reference cultures was performed using PvuII restriction enzyme and DNA probe complementary to 16S and 23S rRNA (Roche Diagnostics) according to Švec et al. (2001). Obtained ribotype patterns were processed by BioNumerics v. 6.6 software (Applied Maths). The dendrogram was calculated by means of the UPGMA clustering method based on the Dice coefficient. cpn60 gene sequencing DNA isolation, the PCR conditions and primer sequences were used according to Minana-Galbis et al. (2009) and sequencing was performed by Eurofins MWG Operon (Ebersberg, Germany) classification service. Results Aeromonas hydrophila complex Ribotyping clearly distinguished members of A. hydrophila complex and A. veronii/sobria complex, because the ribotypes of A. hydrophila complex strains revealed typical band profiles with absence of bands smaller than 2.000 bp. Ribotyping showed high heterogeneity of ribotype patterns and also proved occurrence of a rare pathogen A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis in diarrheic stool samples. Several isolates revealed very close or almost identical ribotype profiles suggesting clonal distribution of isolates. Biochemical identification of presumptive A. hydrophila complex (species and subspecies level) was based on results of oxidase, catalase, Voges-Proskauer reaction, esculin, gelatine, DNA and Tween 80 hydrolysis, gas from glucose, D-L lactate utilization, acid production from L-arabinose, salicin, celobiose, lactose, sucrose, rhamnose and sorbitol, lysine decarboxylase, and indole production. Biolog identification system with the GN2 MicroPlates identified 33 strains as A. hydrophila (HG 1); one isolate P999 was classified as Aeromonas sp., one isolate P959 as A. encheleia and one P1026 as A. bestiarum (HG 2). In our opinion, the Biolog system is more convenient for aeromonads identification than other commercial kits intended for fermenting rods (e.g. API 20NE, ENTEROtest 24). The taxonomic position of selected A. hydrophila strains was determined by cpn60 sequencing (analysed strains are marked with asterisks in Fig 1.). Obtained results did not prove presence of Aeromonas aquariorum. According to Aravena-Román et al. (2011) this species is frequently occurring in clinical specimens but is often misidentified as A. hydrophila. Aeromonas veronii/sobria complex In total, 28 strains revealing multiple bands ranging from 1000 to 2000 bp were assigned by ribotyping into A. veronii/sobria complex. Ribotyping clearly distinguished this group from type strains of A. hydrophila complex. Only one couple of isolates from A. veronii/sobria complex (P1031 and P1036) had identical ribotype profiles showing clonal occurrence. In general, ribotyping with PvuII restriction enzyme showed high heterogeneity of ribotype patterns among analysed strains and also proved occurrence of rare pathogens Aeromonas allosaccharophila (P1051) and Aeromonas jandaei (P960) in diarrheic stool samples. Ribotyping clustered strains P1091, P1004, P948 and P1159 very closely to A. veronii bv. veronii T CCM 4359 ; with an exception of P948 the three remaining isolates were confirmed as A. veronii bv. veronii based on positive ornithine decarboxylase results. Biochemical identification of the presumptive A. veronii/sobria complex strains was based on results of oxidase, catalase, Voges-Proskauer reaction, esculin, gelatine, DNA and Tween 80 hydrolysis, gas from glucose, susceptibility to cephalothin, acid production from L-arabinose, salicin, celobiose, lactose, sucrose and mannose, lysine and ornithine decarboxylase, and indole production. GN2 MicroPlate identified only 15 strains as A. veronii bv. sobria (HG 8); 11 isolates were classified as Aeromonas sp., one isolate P1044 as A. encheleia and one P1004 as A. sobria (HG 7). Biolog system showed acceptable identification level for A. veronii/sobria complex. The taxonomic position of selected A. veronii bv. sobria strains was determined by cpn60 gene sequencing (analysed strains are marked with asterisks in Fig 2.). There is a problem with identification and differentiation of A. veronii bv. sobria and A. jandaei because only one feature (cephalothin susceptibility) is able to reliably distinguish these taxa. Classification of Aeromonas spp. strains from human clinical material Introduction Mesophilic aeromonads are widespread in the environment and some of them are important human and fish pathogens. Polyphasic taxonomic studies of aeromonads performed in recent years resulted in description of several novel taxa and extended our knowledge of the biodiversity of the genus Aeromonas inhabiting humans and different environmental niches. Infections caused by Aeromonas species increased interest of microbiologists in these bacteria. The ability to identify organisms rapidly and reliably to the species level is an important step in the treatment of bacterial infections and for monitoring the spread of microorganisms. The present study is a part of the project dealing with the diversity of bacteria in human clinical material. Presumptive Aeromonas veronii/sobria complex and Aeromonas hydrophila complex strains isolated from human intestinal clinical materials were tentatively identified using conventional and commercial biochemical tests. Subsequently, more extensive phenotype characterization and identification of both aforementioned groups was achieved by using the Biolog identification system. It is known that identification of aeromonads to the species level is sometimes problematic, even if widely accepted commercial identification systems are used. Thus characterization using ribotyping with PvuII restriction enzyme was performed and obtained ribotypes were compared with the reference cultures covering all taxa included in A. veronii/sobria complex and A. hydrophila complex. Selected isolates representing different ribotype patterns were determined by cpn60 sequencing to confirm their species identification. Czech Collection of Microorganisms XXXII Annual Meeting of the European Culture Collections' Organization “Biodiversity: Sustainability vs. Regulations” 12-14 June, 2013, Athens, Greece Conclusions Our findings demonstrated a continuous problem of Aeromonas spp. biochemical identification which is unreliable and unable to differentiate phenotypically similar species. Therefore it is necessary to apply molecular or chemotaxonomic methods for confirmation of unusual identification results. Combination of key biochemical tests, GN2 MicroPlate results and ribotyping enabled good species/subspecies/biotype identification of aeromonads; sequencing results (cpn60) confirmed identification to the species level. Both predominant taxa, A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila and A. veronii bv. sobria showed high heterogeneity of ribotyping patterns distributed in several clusters. Ribotyping and cpn60 gene sequencing results also proved occurrence of rare pathogens A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis, A. jandaei, A.veronii bv. veronii and A. allosaccharophila in diarrheic stool samples. similarity, % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 21.227 5.148 (bp) 834 947 1.375 1.587 2.027 3.530 4.269 1.904 A. veronii bv. sobria A. veronii bv. veronii A. allosaccharophila A. jandaei A. schubertii A. bestiarum A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis A. hydrophila complex A. hydrophila complex A. aquariorum A. popoffii A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. hydrophila complex A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. piscicola CCM 1242 T CCM 4359 T CCM 4363 T CCM 4355 T CCM 4356 T CCM 4707 P1095 P965* P1066 P1003 P1096 P968 P1074 P996* T CCM 7146 P1094 P1050 P1002 P1070 P1020 P944 P945 P961 P1011 P1084 T CCM 7695 P1000 P999 P1007 P1169 P947 P1054 P1092 P1100 P1173* T CCM 4708 P1163 P1015 T CCM 7232 P1029 P951 P954* P940 P946 P959 P1026* T CCM 7715 Lambda DNA/EcoRI+HindIII marker similarity, % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 (bp) 834 947 1.904 4.269 5.148 1.375 2.027 3.530 1.587 21.227 A. enteropelogenes A. popoffii A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila A. caviae A. veronii bv. veronii A. veronii bv. sobria A. veronii bv. veronii A. veronii bv. veronii A. veronii bv. veronii A. veronii bv. sobria A. veronii bv. sobria A. veronii bv. sobria A. veronii bv. sobria A. sobria A. jandaei A. veronii bv. sobria A. allosaccharophila A. allosaccharophila A. jandaei A. schubertii T CCM 7243 T CCM 4708 T CCM 7146 T CCM 7232 T CCM 4491 P1091 * P948 T CCM 4359 P1004 P1159 P1058 P941 P1012 P1090 P1013 P1161 P1069 CCM 1242 P1072 P995 T CCM 2808 P960 P1044 P1157 P1027 P1093 P1082 P1018 P998 T CCM 4363 * P1051 P1031 P1036 P997 P949 * P970 P1021 T CCM 4355 T CCM 4356 Lambda DNA/EcoRI+HindIII marker A. veronii bv. sobria

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Page 1: Classification of Aeromonas spp. strains from human ... · Presumptive Aeromonas veronii/sobria complex and Aeromonas hydrophila complex strains isolated from human intestinal clinical

1,* 1 1 2 1Ivo Sedláček, Eva Kroupová, Michaela Sedláčková, Eva Krejčí, Pavel Švec

1 Czech Collection of Microorganisms, Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

2 Public Health Institute, Ostrava, Czech Republic

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

Acknowledgements This study was supported by project CEB (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0183).

ReferencesAbbott et al., 2003. The genus Aeromonas: Biochemical characteristics, atypical reactions, and phenotypic identification schemes. J. Clin. Microbiol. 41:2348-2357.Aravena-Román et al., 2011. Aeromonas aquariorum as widely distributed in clinical and environmental specimens and can be misidentified as A. hydrophila. J. Clin. Microbiol. 49:306-308.Austin et al., 1996. The genus Aeromonas. John Wiley & Sons. Chichester, England.MacFaddin, 2000. Biochemical Tests for Identification of Medical Bacteria. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.Martin-Carnahan and Joseph, 2005. Genus I. Aeromonas, pp 557-578. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd edition. Volume 2. The Proteobacteria. Part B The Gammaproteobacteria. Springer, New York.Minana-Galbis et al., 2002. Biochemical identification and numerical taxonomy of Aeromonas spp. isolated from environmental and clinical samples in Spain. J. Appl. Microbiol. 93:420-430.Sedláček et al. 2012. Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. dhakensis – a causative agent of gastroenteritis imported into the Czech Republic. Ann. Agr. Envir. Med. 19:409-413.Švec et al. 2001. Evaluation of ribotyping for characterization and identification of Enterococcus haemoperoxidus and Enterococcus moraviensis strains. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 203, 23-27.

Fig 1. Dendrogram based on cluster analysis of ribotype patterns of A. hydrophila complex strains.

Fig 1. Dendrogram based on cluster analysis of ribotype patterns of A. veronii/sobria complex strains.

Material and methods

Bacterial strains A collection of 76 presumptive A. hydrophila and A. veronii bv. sobria strains was isolated from human clinical material (faeces samples – acute diarrhoea) on Bile salt Irgasan Brilliant Green Agar intended for isolation of aeromonds. Among them, two strains from A. hydrophila complex have been identified previously as A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis (Sedláček et al. 2012). Remaining 74 isolates were classified by extensive biotyping, ribotyping and cpn60 sequencing to the species level. The reference type strains of aeromonads were obtained from the Czech Collection of Microorganisms ( ). The isolates and reference strains were grown at 37°C for 24 h on blood agar during all

Biotyping Basic phenotypic classification of isolates was performed using set of key conventional tube tests (Abbott et al., 2003; Austin et al., 1996, MacFaddin, 2000; Martin-Carnahan and Joseph, 2005). Further extensive phenotypic characterization and identification were achieved using the commercial identification system Biolog with the GN2 MicroPlates.

Ribotyping Ribotyping of isolated strains and reference cultures was performed using PvuII restriction enzyme and DNA probe complementary to 16S and 23S rRNA (Roche Diagnostics) according to Švec et al. (2001). Obtained ribotype patterns were processed by BioNumerics v. 6.6 software (Applied Maths). The dendrogram was calculated by means of the UPGMA clustering method based on the Dice coefficient.

cpn60 gene sequencing DNA isolation, the PCR conditions and primer sequences were used according to Minana-Galbis et al. (2009) and sequencing was performed by Eurofins MWG Operon (Ebersberg, Germany) classification service.Results

Aeromonas hydrophila complex

Ribotyping clearly distinguished members of A. hydrophila complex and A. veronii/sobria complex, because the ribotypes of A. hydrophila complex strains revealed typical band profiles with absence of bands smaller than 2.000 bp.

Ribotyping showed high heterogeneity of ribotype patterns and also proved occurrence of a rare pathogen A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis in diarrheic stool samples. Several isolates revealed very close or almost identical ribotype profiles suggesting clonal distribution of isolates.

Biochemical identification of presumptive A. hydrophila complex (species and subspecies level) was based on results of oxidase, catalase, Voges-Proskauer reaction, esculin, gelatine, DNA and Tween 80 hydrolysis, gas from glucose, D-L lactate utilization, acid production from L-arabinose, salicin, celobiose, lactose, sucrose, rhamnose and sorbitol, lysine decarboxylase, and indole production.

Biolog identification system with the GN2 MicroPlates identified 33 strains as A. hydrophila (HG 1); one isolate P999 was classified as Aeromonas sp., one isolate P959 as A. encheleia and one P1026 as A. bestiarum (HG 2). In our opinion, the Biolog system is more convenient for aeromonads identification than other commercial kits intended for fermenting rods (e.g. API 20NE, ENTEROtest 24).

The taxonomic position of selected A. hydrophila strains was determined by cpn60 sequencing (analysed strains are marked with asterisks in Fig 1.).

Obtained results did not prove presence of Aeromonas aquariorum. According to Aravena-Román et al. (2011) this species is frequently occurring in clinical specimens but is often misidentified as A. hydrophila.

Aeromonas veronii/sobria complex

In total, 28 strains revealing multiple bands ranging from 1000 to 2000 bp were assigned by ribotyping into A. veronii/sobria complex. Ribotyping clearly distinguished this group from type strains of A. hydrophila complex. Only one couple of isolates from A. veronii/sobria complex (P1031 and P1036) had identical ribotype profiles showing clonal occurrence.

In general, ribotyping with PvuII restriction enzyme showed high heterogeneity of ribotype patterns among analysed strains and also proved occurrence of rare pathogens Aeromonas allosaccharophila (P1051) and Aeromonas jandaei (P960) in diarrheic stool samples. Ribotyping clustered strains P1091, P1004, P948 and P1159 very closely to A. veronii bv. veronii

TCCM 4359 ; with an exception of P948 the three remaining isolates were confirmed as A. veronii bv. veronii based on positive ornithine decarboxylase results.

Biochemical identification of the presumptive A. veronii/sobria complex strains was based on results of oxidase, catalase, Voges-Proskauer reaction, esculin, gelatine, DNA and Tween 80 hydrolysis, gas from glucose, susceptibility to cephalothin, acid production from L-arabinose, salicin, celobiose, lactose, sucrose and mannose, lysine and ornithine decarboxylase, and indole production.

GN2 MicroPlate identified only 15 strains as A. veronii bv. sobria (HG 8); 11 isolates were classified as Aeromonas sp., one isolate P1044 as A. encheleia and one P1004 as A. sobria (HG 7). Biolog system showed acceptable identification level for A. veronii/sobria complex.

The taxonomic position of selected A. veronii bv. sobria strains was determined by cpn60 gene sequencing (analysed strains are marked with asterisks in Fig 2.).

There is a problem with identification and differentiation of A. veronii bv. sobria and A. jandaei because only one feature (cephalothin susceptibility) is able to reliably distinguish these taxa.

Classification of Aeromonas spp. strains from human clinical material


Mesophilic aeromonads are widespread in the environment and some of them are important human and fish pathogens. Polyphasic taxonomic studies of aeromonads performed in recent years resulted in description of several novel taxa and extended our knowledge of the biodiversity of the genus Aeromonas inhabiting humans and different environmental niches. Infections caused by Aeromonas species increased interest of microbiologists in these bacteria. The ability to identify organisms rapidly and reliably to the species level is an important step in the treatment of bacterial infections and for monitoring the spread of microorganisms. The present study is a part of the project dealing with the diversity of bacteria in human clinical material. Presumptive Aeromonas veronii/sobria complex and Aeromonas hydrophila complex strains isolated from human intestinal clinical materials were tentatively identified using conventional and commercial biochemical tests. Subsequently, more extensive phenotype characterization and identification of both aforementioned groups was achieved by using the Biolog identification system. It is known that identification of aeromonads to the species level is sometimes problematic, even if widely accepted commercial identification systems are used. Thus characterization using ribotyping with PvuII restriction enzyme was performed and obtained ribotypes were compared with the reference cultures covering all taxa included in A. veronii/sobria complex and A. hydrophila complex. Selected isolates representing different ribotype patterns were determined by cpn60 sequencing to confirm their species identification.

Czech Collection of Microorganisms

XXXII Annual Meeting of the European Culture Collections' Organization“Biodiversity: Sustainability vs. Regulations”12-14 June, 2013, Athens, Greece


Our findings demonstrated a continuous problem of Aeromonas spp. biochemical identification which is unreliable and unable to differentiate phenotypically similar species. Therefore it is necessary to apply molecular or chemotaxonomic methods for confirmation of unusual identification results. Combination of key biochemical tests, GN2 MicroPlate results and ribotyping enabled good species/subspecies/biotype identification of aeromonads; sequencing results (cpn60) confirmed identification to the species level.

Both predominant taxa, A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila and A. veronii bv. sobria showed high heterogeneity of ribotyping patterns distributed in several clusters.

Ribotyping and cpn60 gene sequencing results also proved occurrence of rare pathogens A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis, A. jandaei, A.veronii bv. veronii and A. allosaccharophila in diarrheic stool samples.

similarity, %



























A. veronii bv. sobria

A. veronii bv. veronii

A. allosaccharophila

A. jandaei

A. schubertii

A. bestiarum

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis

A. hydrophila complex

A. hydrophila complex

A. aquariorum

A. popoffii

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. hydrophila complex

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. piscicola

CCM 1242TCCM 4359TCCM 4363TCCM 4355TCCM 4356TCCM 4707








P996*TCCM 7146










P1084TCCM 7695









P1173*TCCM 4708


P1015TCCM 7232







P1026*TCCM 7715

Lambda DNA/EcoRI+HindIII marker

similarity, %






























A. enteropelogenes

A. popoffii

A. hydrophila subsp. dhakensis

A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila

A. caviae

A. veronii bv. veronii

A. veronii bv. sobria

A. veronii bv. veronii

A. veronii bv. veronii

A. veronii bv. veronii

A. veronii bv. sobria

A. veronii bv. sobria

A. veronii bv. sobria

A. veronii bv. sobria

A. sobria

A. jandaei

A. veronii bv. sobria

A. allosaccharophila

A. allosaccharophila

A. jandaei

A. schubertii

TCCM 7243TCCM 4708TCCM 7146TCCM 7232TCCM 4491


P948TCCM 4359










CCM 1242


P995TCCM 2808








P998TCCM 4363







P1021TCCM 4355TCCM 4356

Lambda DNA/EcoRI+HindIII marker

A. veronii bv. sobria