class 4 safety question and answers

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  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    QuestionSr 4, 3 2010.

    Considering that the engine room is the most common single space on board ship

    for fires to break out, discuss the merits and demerits of the following fixed fire

    fighting systems:-

    (a) Carbon dioxide

    (b) Pressure water-spray

    (c) High expansion foam.


    (a) Carbon dioxide


    Gas is clean and causes no damage

    Well known and well understood

    Simple to operate

    Suitable for machianary space and cargo space

    Suitable for deep rooted fire such as burning sludge


    If sealing of compartment is not adequate then fire is not completely extinguished

    The space has to be completely evacuated if not then fatal for human life

    Not suitable for smoldering fire

    It has no cooling effect

    Delay before application due to evacuation of space is required

    Entry into space after extinguishing takes considerable time along with breathing

    apparatus is required

    (b) Pressure water-spray

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    Good cooling effect on fire thus good knocking down property

    It covers a large surface area in engine room

    Can be applied without any delay

    No need to evacuate the engine room

    Adequate and uninterrupted supply of water is available

    Personal can be rescued very easily by entering the engine room

    Immediate entry after fire is extinguished


    It affects certaing delicate equipment

    Creates stability problem due to accumulation of water

    Electrical equipment insulation resistance drops down

    (c) High expansion foam.


    It is simple to operate


    Does not damage any equipment

    Once positioned very little physical exertion is required

    Has no stability problem

    Has some cooling effect


    It will not flow against pressure above atom pressure therefore arrangement are to

    be made for venting the protected space whilst it is filled with foam

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    Once engine room fire is developed since foam is put from top it is carried away

    by convention current

    Heat radiation rapidly destroys the foam surface there fore high filling rate is


    QuestionSr. No. 4 2009, NOV 2006, SR 6 2006

    W.R.T. H.O system describe

    Bunkering arrangement with safety fittings provided

    Onboard oil purification system

    Remote shut off arrangement

    How environmental pollution is avoided

    Temperature control arrangement

    The use of oil record book


    Bunkering arrangement.

    Bunkering connection is made on bunkering manifold of ship from where it is

    taken to different tank through valves.

    Valves are situated in engine room, controlling fuel flow into the storage tank and

    are placed near tank depth gauge this is termed as bunkering station.

    Air vents on tank extend upto weather deck level, thus if tank overflows due to

    overfilling, oil will be spilled on deck,

    During and oil transfer. To avoid this risk overflow arrangement is provided to fuel


    The air vent of double bottom tank, come up to deck and led into a pipe running in

    fore and aft direction on each side.

    Starboard air vent are connected pipe on starboard and port vent pipe are connected

    on port line pipe.

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    In some ships, ring main is formed by connecting up pipes with cross over at each


    In other case on cross over is fitted about mid length of port and starboard pipe.

    The downcomer are led fro sides of ring main or from centre of cross over into

    overflow tanks, the downcomer has sight glass indicating overflow to engine room


    In case of overflow alarms are activated at bunker station and control room.

    Overflow tanks are safeguarded against overpressure by an air pipe extending up to

    deck, if overflow tank overflow then oil will be spilled on deck.

    All air vents are provided with wire mesh screen, on weather deck, which avoid

    any spark entering from outside into bunker tanks.

    Remote shut off arrangement

    Every ship to which fire fighting appliance rule is applicable

    Oil transfer pump fuel oil supply pump and all such fuel pumps should have

    remote control situated outside the machinery space by which in case of fire, pump

    can be stopped from outside.

    Every pipe connected to fuel storage, settling tank or daily tank, not being double

    bottom tank, should have quick closing valve. i.e. to be shut from readily

    accessible position outside the space in which tank is situated, in case pipe burst

    and oil spilling in engine room which is major fire hazard. Inlet pipe to such tank is

    provided with non return valve

    How environment pollution is avoided

    Heavy fuel oil system has potential of causing degradation effect on environment.

    Therefore control of such discharge from ship is essential. Marpol 73/78 is main

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    convention which is meant to prevent pollution caused by discharge of such oil


    Annex 1 on marpol 73/ 78 deals with prevention of pollution by oil.

    The discharge of oily bilge water into sea is restricted except under specified


    The machinery space bilge water, when mixed with heavy fuel oil, due to leaks, is

    to be 1st passed through oily water separation and then through the oil discharge

    monitoring and control system.

    Regulation stipulates

    Discharge of machinery space bilges into sea water.

    Bilge water does not originate from cargo pump room bilge.

    Bilge water is not mixed with oil cargo residue from pump room

    Pumping out bilge is permitted if,

    Ship is en route

    The oil content in bilge water do not exceed 15ppm.

    If ship is not in special area.

    If tanker is 50 Nm away from nearest land.

    Instantaneous rate of discharge of oil constant do not exceed 30 lt/Nm

    Total quantity of oil discharged into sea do not exceed 1/30,000 of total cargo


    Oil residue is transferred to reception facility

    Marpol 73/78, annex 6 has come in force from 19th may 2005. it sets limits of

    sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emission from ships exhaust.

    Sulphur in fuel should not exceed more than 4.5% when not in Sox emission

    control area, and less than 1.5% when in Sox emission control area.

    To control Nox emission

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    All diesels engines above 130Kw power output, which are constructed or under

    gone major conversion on or after 1st Jan 2000, should be tested and issued with

    Engine international air pollution prevention certificate [eiapp]

    On board oil purification system.

    The purification of heavy oil is done in 2 stages. Here oil is 1st passed through

    purifier and then through clarifier

    The residual fuel is heated in supply tank to temperature of 50 to 60 degree C then

    drawn from this tank by purifier inlet pump.

    The pump delivers oil to thermostatically controlled heaters which raise the

    temperature of oil to 80 degree C, which is then fed to purifier with low feed rate

    to obtain maximum purification. Here water content in fuel is removed.

    The oil is now fed to clarifier, which is used to separate only solids. Oil from

    purifier is discharged to clarifier by purifier discharge pump.

    After clarification discharge pump delivers oil to daily service tank for engine use.

    For higher density fuel ALCAP system is now days used, here fuel up to density

    of 1010 Kg/m3 at 15 degree C can be treated.

    Temperature control arrangement

    Residual fuel have very high viscosity thus separation and purification of such fuel

    is difficult. Therefore they are heated to bring down viscosity in range so that fuel

    oil can be used run propulsion system.

    Stem plant 15 65 c.s.t

    Diesel plant 8-27 c.s.t.

    The oil is heated either in steam heater or electrical heater

    In steam heater and low pressure [7Kg/cm2] saturated steam is passed which

    reduce viscosity of oil. Overheating of oil in both types of heater is essential

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    because it leads to cracking of oil which leads to deposits formation of heating

    surface, which impairs the efficient operation of heater

    In electrical heater elements are used.

    A viscosity controller is fitted downstream of heater, which measures the viscosity

    of oil and compares it with set value required, accordingly signal is generated

    which control the steam inlet valve to heater, to increase or reduce the steam flow

    in to heater.

    Use of oil record book

    Regulation 17

    Oil Record Book, Part I Machinery space operations

    1 Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross

    tonnage and above other than an oil tanker shall be provided with an Oil Record

    Book Part I (Machinery space operations). The Oil Record Book, whether as a part

    of the ship's official log-book or otherwise, shall be in the form specified in

    appendix III to this Annex.

    2 The Oil Record Book Part I shall be completed on each occasion, on a tank-

    to-tank basis if appropriate, whenever any of the following machinery space

    operations takes place in the ship:

    .1 ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks;

    .2 discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks;

    .3 collection and disposal of oil residues (sludge and other oil residues);

    .4 discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has

    accumulated in machinery spaces; and

    .5 bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil.

    3 In the event of such discharge of oil or oily mixture as is referred to in

    regulation 4 of this Annex or in the event of accidental or other exceptional

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    discharge of oil not excepted by that regulation, a statement shall be made in the

    Oil Record Book Part I of the circumstances of, and the reasons for, the discharge.

    4 Each operation described in paragraph 2 of this regulation shall be fully

    recorded without delay in the Oil Record Book Part I, so that all entries in the book

    appropriate to that operation are completed.

    Each completed operation shall be signed by the officer or officers in charge of the

    operations concerned and each completed page shall be signed by the master of


    The entries in the Oil Record Book Part I, for ships holding an International Oil

    Pollution Prevention Certificate, shall be at least in English, French or Spanish.

    Where entries in an official national language of the State whose flag the ship is

    entitled to fly are also used, this shall prevail in case of a dispute or discrepancy.

    Any failure of the oil filtering equipment shall be recorded in the Oil Record Book

    Part I.

    Oil record book to be kept in readily accessible place and kept on board for 5years

    after last entry made in it

    Component authority may inspect the oil record book such as port state control.

    QuestionSr 2 2010, April 2007, NOV 2006, SR 6 2006

    With reference to bunkering on board vessel describe the following: -

    Initial preparation for H.O. & D.O. bunkering;

    Precautions for overflow during bunkering;

    Method of taking soundings during bunkering and operation of line valves.

    Initial preparation for H.O. & D.O. bunkering;


    Are all personnel aware of the intention to bunker?

    Are they aware of emergency procedures in case of an oil spill?

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    Has the bunkering plan been discussed with the officers involved?

    Are they aware of

    Their stations and duties during the bunkering operation

    Signals and alarms to be used in case of a spill

    Type(s), specifications and quantities of fuel to be taken

    Tanks to be filled and sequence

    Present soundings and expected soundings on completion

    Are all associated overboard discharge valves closed & secured?

    Are all unnecessary manifold valves/connections closed and blanked off

    Are all deck scuppers plugged?

    Are all save-alls emptied out and plugged?

    Is oil spill control equipment readily available in key locations?

    Are means of draining off any accumulation of water on deck provided?

    Is a common communication link between bunkering station, duty

    officer & engine room established?

    Are all bunker tank air pipes checked to be open and unblocked?

    Are all sounding pipe caps tight?

    Are all bunker tanks sounded?

    Are all bunker tank high level alarms checked for proper functioning?

    Is all fire equipment in position and fire precautions being observed?

    Precautions for overflow during bunkering;

    Monitor tank level getting filled continuously

    Reduce rate of flow or open next tank before topping up

    Give timely warning to bunker station for reducing flow, for stopping pumping

    Monitor supply line pressure, leakage via hose connection

    Close valve of tank whose bunkering is completed

    Ensure sufficient ullage in tank for hose draining air blowing

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    Notify supplier that last tank has reached

    The person stationed at the tank filling station is in overall charge of the bunkering

    procedure, he will monitor the tanks as they fill, keeping an eye on the filling line

    pressure and the filling rate.

    As the tanks approach 95% capacity, the next tank(s) should be opened and the full

    tanks shut off.

    If the bunkering to capacity, then the filling rate will have to be slowed right down

    whilst topping off the tanks.

    At the finish of bunkers, it is his responsibility to shut the valves, dip the tanks, and

    fill in the Oil Record Book.

    QuestionSr 1 2011,

    What are the main features of the ISPS CODE. What are the function of the SSO,

    CSO, PFSO.

    The objectives of this Code are:

    .1 to establish an international framework involving co-operation between

    Contracting Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the

    shipping and port industries to detect security threats and take preventive measures

    against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international


    .2 to establish the respective roles and responsibilities of the Contracting

    Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the shipping and

    port industries, at the national and international level for ensuring maritime


    .3 to ensure the early and efficient collection and exchange of security-related


    .4 to provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place

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    plans and procedures to react to changing security levels; and

    .5 to ensure confidence that adequate and proportionate maritime security

    measures are in place.

    In order to achieve its objectives, this Code embodies a number of functional

    requirements. These include, but are not limited to:

    .1 gathering and assessing information with respect to security threats and

    exchanging such information with appropriate Contracting Governments;

    .2 requiring the maintenance of communication protocols for ships and port


    .3 preventing unauthorized access to ships, port facilities and their restricted


    .4 preventing the introduction of unauthorized weapons, incendiary devices or

    explosives to ships or port facilities;

    .5 providing means for raising the alarm in reaction to security threats or

    security incidents;

    .6 requiring ship and port facility security plans based upon security

    assessments; and

    .7 requiring training, drills and exercises to ensure familiarity with security

    plans and procedures


    11.1 The Company shall designate a company security officer. A person

    designated as the company security officer may act as the company security officer

    for one or more ships, depending on the number or types of ships the Company

    operates provided it is clearly identified for which ships this person is responsible.

    A Company may, depending on the number or types of ships they operate

    designate several persons as company security officers provided it is clearly

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    identified for which ships each person is responsible.

    11.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this part of the Code, the duties and

    responsibilities of the company security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

    .1 advising the level of threats likely to be encountered by the ship, using

    appropriate security assessments and other relevant information;

    .2 ensuring that ship security assessments are carried out;

    .3 ensuring the development, the submission for approval, and thereafter the

    implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan;

    .4 ensuring that the ship security plan is modified, as appropriate, to correct

    deficiencies and satisfy the security requirements of the individual ship;

    .5 arranging for internal audits and reviews of security activities;

    .6 arranging for the initial and subsequent verifications of the ship by the

    Administration or the recognised security organisation;

    .7 ensuring that deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal

    audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance are

    promptly addressed and dealt with;

    .8 enhancing security awareness and vigilance;

    .9 ensuring adequate training for personnel responsible for the security of the


    .10 ensuring effective communication and co-operation between the ship

    security officer and the relevant port facility security officers;

    .11 ensuring consistency between security requirements and safety requirement;

    .12 ensuring that, if sister-ship or fleet security plans are used, the plan for each

    ship reflects the ship-specific information accurately; and

    .13 ensuring that any alternative or equivalent arrangements approved for a

    particular ship or group of ships are implemented and maintained.

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    12.1 A ship security officer shall be designated on each ship.

    12.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this part of the Code, the duties

    and responsibilities of the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

    .1 undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that

    appropriate security measures are maintained;

    .2 maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan,

    including any amendments to the plan;

    .3 co-ordinating the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ships stores

    with other shipboard personnel and with the relevant port facility security officers;

    .4 proposing modifications to the ship security plan;

    .5 reporting to the Company Security Officer any deficiencies and non-

    conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security

    inspections and verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective


    .6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;

    .7 ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, as


    .8 reporting all security incidents;

    .9 co-ordinating implementation of the ship security plan with the company

    security officer and the relevant port facility security officer; and

    .10 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and

    maintained, if any.


    17.1 A port facility security officer shall be designated for each port facility. A

    person may be designated as the port facility security officer for one or more port

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    17.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this part of the Code, the duties and

    responsibilities of the port facility security officer shall include, but are not limited


    .1 conducting an initial comprehensive security survey of the port facility

    taking into account the relevant port facility security assessment;

    .2 ensuring the development and maintenance of the port facility security plan;

    responsibilities imposed by chapter XI-2 and this part of this Code.

    .3 implementing and exercising the port facility security plan;

    .4 undertaking regular security inspections of the port facility to ensure the

    continuation of appropriate security measures;

    .5 recommending and incorporating, as appropriate, modifications to the port

    facility security plan in order to correct deficiencies and to update the plan to take

    into account of relevant changes to the port facility;

    .6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance of the port facility personnel;

    .7 ensuring adequate training has been provided to personnel responsible for

    the security of the port facility;

    .8 reporting to the relevant authorities and maintaining records of occurrences

    which threaten the security of the port facility;

    .9 co-ordinating implementation of the port facility security plan with the

    appropriate Company and ship security officer(s);

    .10 co-ordinating with security services, as appropriate;

    .11 ensuring that standards for personnel responsible for security of the port

    facility are met;

    .12 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and

    maintained, if any; and

    .13 assisting ship security officers in confirming the identity of those seeking to

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    board the ship when requested.

    17.3 The port facility security officer shall be given the necessary support to fulfil

    the duties and

    QuestionMarch 2009. Feb, Jan 2009. DEC 2006, Sr 3, 2. 2006, Sr 11,8,7,2, 2005

    State the causes of scavenge fire in a two-stroke engine and explain how the

    possibility of such an occurrence can be reduced. If a Scavenge fire does occur

    what action should be taken? Discuss the use of CO2 and dry powder for

    extinguishing such a fire and describe a fixed installation for applying one of these



    Carbonized lube oil, unburned fuel oil and carbon from the residual products of the

    combustion spaces are accumulated in the scavenge spaces with the running of the

    engine. Under certain faulty running condition of the engine, these may ignite

    causing afire in the enclosed scavenge space, known as scavenge fire

    Factors Contribute to the Scavenge Fire:

    1. Blow past of combustion products caused by

    a) Leaky sticky or broken piston rings.

    b) Bodily worn out liner, scoring or scuffing at the liner surface.

    c) Faulty cylinder lubrication (i.e. quantity, quality or timing.)

    d) insufficient axial clearance of piston rings.

    2. Overheated piston dissipates heat to the under piston area caused by

    a) Faulty atomization and injection pressure.

    b) Faulty fuel pump timing.

    c) Loss of compression.

    d) Engine overload.

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    c) Failure of coolant circulation or insufficient cooling due to formation of


    3. Blow back of exhaust gases caused by

    a) Exhaust back pressure or carbon deposits on exhaust ports.

    b) Fouling of grid before turbine inlet1

    c) Fouling of turbine blades.

    d) Choking of EGB or economizer gas outlet.

    4. Sometimes contain fuel oil due to

    a) Defective fuel injectors

    b) Incorrect pressure setting of injectors.

    c) Fuel particles landing on the cylinder liner.

    5. Excessive cylinder lubrication which is drained down to the scavenge spaces.

    6. Oxygen plentiful during engine operation.

    7. Fouled scavenge manifold.

    Prevention of scavenge fire:

    1. Clean scavenge space and drain at regular interval.

    2. Keep scavenge space drain open at regular interval.

    3. Excess cylinder lubrication must b avoided-

    4. In case of timed lubrication, the time has to be checked as per PMS.

    5. Piston rings must be properly maintained and lubricated adequately.

    6. Piston rod stuffing box must be maintained to prevent oil ingress in the

    scavenge space.

    7. Prolong engine or any cylinder over loading must be avoided.

    8. Cylinder liner wear must be within admissible limit

    Action to be taken:

    1. Reduce engine speed and inform bridge.

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    2. Cut off fuel supply to the affected unit and shut off valves.

    3. Cylinder lubrication is increased.

    A. Coolant flow through jacket and piston is maintained.

    5. Drains to be shut to prevent flow of spark in engine room.

    6. Keep clear of scavenge space relief door to prevent human Injury.

    As per regulation at least 2 bottles are to be installed for extinguishing fire , one

    bottle is sufficient but for extinguishing fire in all scavenge space 2 bottles may be


    Procedure of admission of CO2

    Stop engine, auxiliary blower

    Cover T\C suction filters

    Shut all scavenge drains

    Open CO2 admission valve on respective scavenge space

    Open the CO2 cylinder valve and admit CO2

    Carry out boundary cooling

    For extinguishing fire in scavenge space CO2 OR Dry powder can be used

    CO2 is preferred followed by dry powder

    Dry powder residue cleaning is difficult

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  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers



  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    Describe with the aid of sketch the braking arrangement for controlled lowering of life boat.

    State the periodic survey requirement relating to the launching appliance and wire rope falls of

    life boat.

    The wires that the lifeboat is lowered on are called the 'Falls' and are controlled by a small

    winch. A handbrake to the winch is released by lifting a lever against a counterweight ('dead

    mans handle') so that the lifeboat can be lowered. In the example shown, the outer casing rotates

    and is braked by downward pressure on the handle, which forces the brake shoes against the


    A static and dynamic test is used on the handbrake. The static test is applied to the brake by

    raising the lifeboat 50 to 100mm up from the rests with the boat loaded to 150% of its maximum

    and the harbour pins in.

    The dynamic test involves lowering the boat at maximum speed with 110% maximum load and

    applying the handbrake. The maximum travel of the boat after applying the brake should be 1m.


    A centrifugal brake is fitted so that the speed of lowering does not exceed 36 m/min (2 ft/sec). In

    the example shown the rotating brake shoes are pressed against the drum when the centrifugalforce overcomes the force in the springs. The centrifugal brake undergoes the dynamic test with

    110% maximum loading and should contain the lowering speed to the maximum.

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    (i) The roller ratchet will lock the brake drum against lowering until the central cam is rotated a

    small amount (by lifting the handbrake lever).

    The static test on the handbrake will also test the roller ratchet.

    (ii) The roller ratchet is fitted alongside the handbrake and is required so the when the process of

    lifting the lifeboat back to the davits is interrupted, the falls will lock in that position and not start

    to lower.

    State the periodic survey requirement relating to the launching appliance and wire rope falls of

    life boat. Every lifeboat to be launched by a fall or falls, except a free-fall lifeboat, shall be fitted

    with a release mechanism complying with the following requirements subject to paragraph .5


    .1 the mechanism shall be so arranged that all hooks are released simultaneously;

    .2 the mechanism shall have two release capabilities as follows:

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    .2.1 a normal release capability which will release the lifeboat when it is waterborne or when

    there is no load on the hooks; and

    .2.2 an on-load release capability which will release the lifeboat with a load on the hooks. This

    release shall be so arranged as to release the lifeboat under any conditions of loading from no-

    load with the lifeboat waterborne to a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded

    with its full complement of persons and equipment. This release capability shall be adequately

    protected against accidental or premature use. Adequate protection shall include special

    mechanical protection not normally required for offload release, in addition to a danger sign. To

    prevent an accidental release during recovery of the boat, the mechanical protection (interlock)

    should only engage when the release mechanism is properly and completely reset. To prevent a

    premature on-load release, on-load operation of the release mechanism should require a

    deliberate and sustained action by the operator. The release mechanism shall be so designed that

    crew members in the lifeboat can clearly observe when the release mechanism is properly and

    completely reset and ready for lifting. Clear operating instructions should be provided with a

    suitably worded warning notice;

    .3 the release control shall be clearly marked in a colour that contrasts with its surroundings;

    .4 the fixed structural connections of the release mechanism in the lifeboat shall be designed with

    a calculated factor of safety of 6 based on the ultimate strength of the materials used, assuming

    the mass of the lifeboat is equally distributed between the falls; and

    .5 where a single fall and hook system is used for launching a lifeboat or rescue boat in

    combination with a suitable painter, the requirements of paragraph need not be

    applicable; in such an arrangement a single capability to release the lifeboat or rescue boat, only

    when it is fully waterborne, will be adequate. Every lifeboat shall be fitted with a device to secure a painter near its bow. The device

    shall be such that the lifeboat does not exhibit unsafe or unstable characteristics when being

    towed by the ship making headway at speeds up to 5 knots in calm water. Except for free-fall

    lifeboats, the painter securing device shall include a release device to enable the painter to be

    released from inside the lifeboat, with the ship making headway at speeds up to 5 knots in calm



    With respect to equipment supplied to detect and combat held fire in dry cargo

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    a) Describe for a ship that carries dangerous cargo, the bridge based detection


    b) Explain how fires described in (a) above are dealt with, bearing in mind the

    cargo quantity varies.

    this system of smoke detection, alarm and Co2 flooding infrequently used for hold

    spaces and in some instances may be found as additional fire fighting equipment

    for engine room.

    For the detection of smoke 20 mm dia. sampling pipes are led from various

    compartments in the vessel to a cabinet on the bridge. Air is drawn continuously

    through these pipes to the cabinet by suction fans, which deliver the air through a

    .diverting valve into the wheel house.

    When a fire breaks out in a compartment smoke issues from the diverting valve

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    into the wheelhouse, warning bridge personnel of the outbreak. Simultaneously, an

    electronic smoke detector in the cabinet sets off audible alarms, hence if the bridge

    is unoccupied (i.e. in port) the notice of outbreak of fire is still obtained.

    With the cabinet is a dark chamber, where the sampling pipes terminate in labelled

    chimneys. Diffused light illuminates strongly any smoke, issuing from a chimney,

    hence the compartment which is affected by fire can easily be identified. Below the

    dark chamber in the cabinet is a well lighted compartment fitted with a glass

    window and hinged flap cover. Inside this compartment, 13 mm dia glass tubes are

    fitted which are the ends of sampling pipes, these glass tubes protrude into metal

    chimneys in the dark.

    chamber above. Small nylon propellers are visible inside the glass tubes in the

    lighted portion of the cabinet and when the fans are in operation these propellers

    will be seen to be continuously whirling indicating that the sampling tube is clear.

    b) Change over valves are generally situated inside the lower portion of the

    cabinet, one for each of the sampling pipes. To flood an affected compartment with

    Co2 gas, the operator would first operate the appropriate change-over valve and

    secondly release the requisite number of Co2 cylinders for the compartment. Co2

    gas would then pass through the sampling pipe to the space in which fire exists.

    Only the number of cylinders required for the hold should be released. Free

    volume of affected cargo hold is to be calculated (total volume of hold - volume of

    cargo) and 30% of which is required Co2 released. Specific volume of free Co2 is

    taken as 0.56 m3/kg. So according to required volume of Co2, only that many

    cylinders are to be opened individually for release into the cargo hold instead of

    gang release. Normally cylinders contain 45.2 kg Co2. Number of bottles to be

    released can be calculated easily from above data.

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    (a) Describe with the aid of a sketch the release arrangement for a machinery space

    fixed fire-fighting installation using CO2.


    Quick release valve (Figure) is held in place by a hinged linkage arrangement until


    Figure Valve type release

    Bottle pressure is normally about 52 bar (750 Ib/in2) but this varies with

    temperature. Bottles should not be stored where the temperature is likely to exceed

    55C. The seal/bursting discs are designed to rupture spontaneously at pressures of177 bar produced by a temperature of about 63C.

    The master valve prevents CO2 released in this way from reaching the engine

    room. Gas is released by the relief arrangement on the manifold, into the CO2

    space where, in the event that the release was caused by a fire in the compartment,

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    the fire would be extinguished.


    State in your answer any special need for rapid delivery of the gas and the time-

    permitted for discharge.


    Rapid injection of CO2 is necessary to combat an engine room fire which has

    attained such magnitude that the space has to be evacuated. Hence the rule that

    85% of the gas must be released within two minutes. The quantity of gas carried

    (a) must be sufficient to give a free gas volume equal to 40% of the volume of the

    space except where the horizontal casing area is less than 40% of the general area

    of the space, or (b) must give a free gas volume equal to 35% of the entire space,

    .whichever is greater. The free air volume of air receivers may have to be taken

    into consideration.

    (b) Explain precautions to be taken prior release of CO2.


    Before releasing the CO2, personnel must be accounted for and the engine room

    must be in a shut down condition with all openings and vent flaps closed

    The closing of all engine room openings and vent flaps will prevent entry of air to

    the space.

    All fans and pumps for fuel, can be shut down remotely as can valves on fuel pipes

    from fuel service and storage tanks.


    (a) Describe with the aid of a sketch the release arrangement for a machinery space

    fixed fire-fighting installation using CO2.

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers



    Quick release valve (Figure) is held in place by a hinged linkage arrangement until


    Figure Valve type release

    Bottle pressure is normally about 52 bar (750 Ib/in2) but this varies with

    temperature. Bottles should not be stored where the temperature is likely to exceed

    55C. The seal/bursting discs are designed to rupture spontaneously at pressures of

    177 bar produced by a temperature of about 63C.

    The master valve prevents CO2 released in this way from reaching the engine

    room. Gas is released by the relief arrangement on the manifold, into the CO2space where, in the event that the release was caused by a fire in the compartment,

    the fire would be extinguished.


  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    State in your answer any special need for rapid delivery of the gas and the time-

    permitted for discharge.


    Rapid injection of CO2 is necessary to combat an engine room fire which has

    attained such magnitude that the space has to be evacuated. Hence the rule that

    85% of the gas must be released within two minutes. The quantity of gas carried

    (a) must be sufficient to give a free gas volume equal to 40% of the volume of the

    space except where the horizontal casing area is less than 40% of the general area

    of the space, or (b) must give a free gas volume equal to 35% of the entire space,

    .whichever is greater. The free air volume of air receivers may have to be taken

    into consideration.

    (b) Explain precautions to be taken prior release of CO2.


    Before releasing the CO2, personnel must be accounted for and the engine room

    must be in a shut down condition with all openings and vent flaps closed

    The closing of all engine room openings and vent flaps will prevent entry of air to

    the space.

    All fans and pumps for fuel, can be shut down remotely as can valves on fuel pipes

    from fuel service and storage tanks.


    With respect to MARPOL 73/78, Annex - II, Noxious liquid chemicals are

    divided into categories;

    (a) State the number of categories, and what does each category signify.

    (b) State the requirement of Procedures and Arrangements Manual, and what

    information is available.


  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    Regulation 6

    Categorization and listing of noxious liquid substances and other substances

    1 For the purpose of the regulations of this Annex, noxious liquid substances

    shall be divided into four categories as follows:

    .1 Category X: Noxious liquid substances X Which, if discharged into the sea from

    tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a major hazard to

    either marine resources or human health and, therefore, justify the prohibition of

    the discharge into the marine environment;

    .2 Category Y: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from

    tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a hazard to either

    marine resources or human health or cause harm to amenities or other legitimate

    uses of the sea and therefore justify a limitation on the quality and quantity of the

    discharge into the marine environment;

    .3 Category Z: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from

    tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to present a minor hazard to

    either marine resources or human health and therefore justify less stringent

    restrictions on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine


    .4 Other substances: Substances indicated as OS (Other Substances) in the

    pollution category column of chapter 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code

    which have been evaluated and found to fall outside category X, Y or Z as defined

    in regulation 6.1 of this Annex because they are, at present, considered to present

    no harm to marine resources, human health, amenities or other legitimate uses* of

    the sea when discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations.

    The discharge of bilge or ballast water or other residues or mixtures containing

    only substances referred to as "Other Substances" shall not be subject to any

    requirements of the Annex.

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    The relevant text from the updated MARPOL Annex II is as follows:

    Regulation 14

    Procedures and Arrangements Manual

    1. Every ship certified to carry substances of Category X, Y or Z shall have on

    board a Manual approved by the Administration. The Manual shall have a standard

    format in compliance with Appendix 4 to this Annex.

    In the case of a ship engaged in international voyages on which the language used

    is not English, French or Spanish, the text shall include a translation into one of

    these languages.

    2. The main purpose of the Manual is to identify for the ships officers the physical

    arrangements and all the operational procedures with respect to cargo handling,

    tank cleaning, slops handling and cargo tank ballasting and deballasting which

    must be followed in order to comply with the requirements of this Annex.

    QuestionApril 2009 DEC 2006

    Explain why weighted cocks fitted on tank sounding pipes,


    Cocks and valves are designed to control or interrupt flow. This is done in cocks by rotating the

    plug and in valves by lowering, raising or rotating a disc in relation to a seating surface or by

    controlling the movement of a ball


  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    Figure Example of a sleeve-packed cock

    A cock may be straight-through, right-angled or open-bottomed as required by its situation in a

    pipe system. Its plug may be tapered or parallel with tightness achieved by lapping in or by

    resilient packing material (Figure 4.a) often in the form of a ready made sleeve.

    In machinery spaces, the short sounding pipes for fuel or lubricating oil tanks must be fitted with

    cocks having parallel as opposed to tapered plugs.

    This, together with the requirement for weighted handles which will automatically close the cock

    when released, is for safety.

    Tapered plugs, when tightened to hold the cock open for sounding and then forgotten, have

    contributed to fires when tanks have overflowed.

    Remote operated gear for bilge valve

    In the case of flooding of engine room it is not possible to operate the valve from local position it

    can be operated remotely

    Emergency bilge valve is operated remotely

    Ventilation pipe

    While deballasting air should entre from outside to prevent vacuum formation in tank and during

    ballasting air must escape to prevent tank getting pressurized other wise tank will collapse

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    During rolling and pitching tank level continuously changes since mass of water movement

    which leads to development of air pr or vacuum

    At this point air should entre to release vacuum or should go out to avoid over pressurization

    Gauze are made of some good conducting material such as copper M.S. or S.S.

    They act as flame arrestor because of expanded surface of gauze flame front will get cooled

    down and there by extinguish the flame thus preventing flame or spark from outside from

    entering the tank and preventing fire and explosion

    If the mesh size is too big then efficiency of flame trap will reduce and it will not serve the

    purpose for which it is fitted

    If too small it will get chocked due too rust cargo dust hence tank will get pressurized and it will

    affect the functioning of vent

    Hence tanks may over pressurizes or go into vacuum condition


    With reference to an automatic water sprinkler, fire detecting, alarm and

    extinguishing system for accommodation spaces :

    (i) Sketch a typical system


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    (ii)Describe the operation of this system

    The sprinkler system is an automatic fire detecting, alarm and extinguishing

    system that is constantly 'on guard' to deal quickly and effectively with any out

    break of fire that may occur in accommodation or any other spaces. The system

    shown (Figure) has a pressure tank which is kept part-filled with fresh water and

    pressurized to 8 bar by compressed air. When the pressure drops below 5.5 bar, a

    salt water pump cuts in automatically so that if the sprinklers operate a supply of

    water is maintained. Each installation is divided into sections containing up to 200

    sprinkler heads and each section has an alarm valve. When a head comes into

    operation the non-return alarm valve for the section opens and water flows to the

    sprinkler head. This non-return valve also uncovers the small bore alarm pipe lead

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    and water passes through this small bore alarm pipe to a rubber diaphragm. The

    water pressure acts upon the diaphragm and this operates a switch which causes a

    break in the continuously live circuit. Alarms, both visible and audible, fitted in

    engine room, bridge and crew space are then automatically operated.

    Stop valves, A and B are locked open and if either of these valves are inadvertently

    closed a switch will be operated that brings the alarms into operation. The alarm

    system can be tested by opening valve C which allows a delivery of water similar

    to that of one sprinkler head to flow to drain.

    State the sources of water available

    Water is supplied from an air pressurised water tank (thus the system functions

    without electrical power), this water is fresh water to minimise damage. The tank is

    half filled with water and the rest is compressed air at pressure sufficient to ensure

    that all the water is delivered to the highest sprinkler at sprinkler head working

    pressure. Once this source of water is exhausted, falling main pressure is detected

    by a pressure switch. This activates a sea water supply pump. A valve is fitted on

    the system to allow proper testing of this function. After sea water has entered the

    system proper flushing with fresh water is required to prevent corrosion

    A shore connection may be connected to the system to allow function during dry-


    Describe the sprinkler head and its operation

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    Each sprinkler head is made up of a steel cage fitted with a water deflector, a

    quartzoid bulb, which contains a highly expansible liquid, is retained by the cage.

    The upper end of the bulb presses against a valve assembly which incorporates a

    soft metal seal. When the quartzoid bulbs are manufactured, a small gas space is

    left inside the bulb so that if the bulb is subject to heat, the liquid expands and thegas space diminishes. This will generate pressure inside the bulb and the bulb will

    shatter once a predetermined temperature (and hence pressure) is reached. Once the

    bulb is shattered the valve assembly falls permitting water to be discharged from

    the head, which strikes the deflector plate and sprays over a considerable area.

    State how the temperature rating of the sprinkler head is determined

    Generally the operating temperature range permitted for these bulbs is 68C to

    93C but the upper limit of temperature can be increased. This would depend

    upon the position where the sprinkler head or heads are to be sited. Quartzoid bulbs

    are manufactured in different colours, the colour indicates the temperature rating

    for the bulb:

    e.g.: Rating colour: 68C - Red; 80C - Yellow; 93C - Green.

    (c) State the action that should be taken after the use of sea water in the fire

    fighting system.


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    Sea water has entered the system proper flushing with fresh water is required to

    prevent corrosion

    QuestionSR 11 2008.

    With reference to independent emergency fire pumps;

    State three areas where they are commonly installed and give reasons why:

    Describe with the aid of a sketch an air pump or primer used to initiate suction

    when the fire pump is situated above seawater level;

    State the suction lift which would be expected from a single stage pump system.

    State how the capacity of the fire pump should be tested;State how it can be ensured that the pump is kept in good working order;

    State the precautions which must be taken in sub-zero temperatures.


    a) The areas that an emergency fire pump would normally be situated are in

    steering flats, tunnels or at the forward end of the ship, away from the engine

    room, as if it were situated in the engine room, a fire or flood in that location could

    disable the pump.

    b) Sketch

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    This sketch shows the 1st stage pump below the water line, this being the priming

    device, it is driven by a hydraulic motor. The 2nd stage pump and hydraulic unit

    are driven either by an electric motor fed from the emergency switchboard or by a

    diesel engine, these being situated in a position above the water line. This system is

    mainly used on larger vessels such as tankers where there is a high freeboard.

    c) The water jet output capacity of the fire pump must be that it is capable of

    supplying two powerful jets of water simultaneously to any part of the ship.

    d) It is ensured that the fire pump is in good working order by testing it weekly,

    checking it's coupling, seals and bearings, greasing them if necessary, pressures

    and current should be recorded when running.

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    e) Precautions in sub zero temperatures are that lines are drained of any water and

    if using a priming device such as a water ring type, some sort of antifreeze must be



    (a) Emerg fire pump is located away from the e/r. It may be located in fwd part of

    the ship, shaft tunnel or in steering gear room.

    The boundaries of the space containing the fire pump shall be insulated to a

    standard of structural fire protection.

    No direct access shall be permitted between the machinery space and the space

    containing the emergency fire pump and its source of power.

    If it is there it should be through a water tight door.

    Ventilation arrangements shall be such as to preclude the possibility of smoke from

    a machinery space fire entering or being drawn into that space,

    (b) fig :liquid ring pump

    The liquid ring air pump consists of a bladed circular rotor, shrouded on the

    underside, which rotates in an oval casing. Sealing water is drawn into the oval

    casing through a make-up supply pipe. The water, thrown out to the casing

    periphery by the turning rotor, whirls around, to torm a moving layer against oval

    casing. The water seals the rotor blades and also recedes from and re-approaches

    the rotor boss twice in each revolution. The effect is to produce a series of

    reciprocating water pistons between the blades.

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    As the water surface moves out from the rotor boss, it provides a suction stroke

    and , as it moves in-.a disch stroke. The shaped suction and disch ports provided

    above the elliptical cone formed by the roatingwater, permit air to be drawn in

    from the main pump suction pipe float chamber and expelled thus the disch ports

    to atmosphere.

    (c ) The capacity of the emergency fire pump shall not be less than 40% of the

    total capacity of the main fire pumps and in any case not less than 25 m cube/hour.

    When the emcy fire pump is delivering the quantity of water (as above), the pr at

    any hydrant (2 nos) shall be not less than

    Passenger ships - 3.5 kg/cm2

    4000 gross tonnage and upwards -0.31n/mm2 1000 gross tonnage and upwards

    but under 4000 gross tonnage - 0.27 n/mm2

    Cargo ships - 3.0 kg/cm2

    6000 gross tonnage and upwards - 0.27 n/mm2 1000 gross tonnage and upwards

    but under 6000 gross tonnage - 2.6 kg/cm2

    Also emcy fire pump shall be capable of supplying 2 jets of water at the hydrant in

    the above condition.

    We should run the pump once a week and check for its output i.e.

    we get two water jets at sufficient pr. we must ease up the v/vs, greasing

    of bearing should be done. The prime mover is to checked for c/case oil level and

    f.o level. The suction filter of the pump should be cleaned. Check the priming

    system for its proper operation.

    We must drain the fire main line, hence preventing the freezing at sub-zero temp,

    which otherwise may lead to cracking of pipes. For this drains are provided at fwd

    and aft in the fire main.]

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    QuestionSr 4 2010, 2008 JAN 2007

    What is meant by ballast water management?

    How does ballast water pollute costal water?


    Ballast water management plan

    The ballast water management plan should include a list of circumstanceswhen ballast water exchange should not be undertaken. These

    circumstances may result from critical situations (emergencies), stress of weather,

    or any other circumstance where the safety of life is threatened.

    The ballast water management plan should include the nomination of key

    shipboard personnel undertaking ballast water exchange at sea.

    Ships officers and ratings engaged in ballast water exchange at sea should be

    trained and familiarized with the following:

    i. The ship's pumping plan and ballast pumping arrangements, positions of air and

    sounding pipes, all compartment and tank suctions with the pipelines connecting

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    them to the ship's ballast pumps and in the case of the flow-through method, the

    opening at the top of the tank for release of water together with the overboard

    discharge arrangements.

    ii. The methods for ensuring that sounding pipes are clear and that air pipes and

    non-return devices are in good order.

    iii. The different times required to undertake the various ballast water exchange


    iv. The methods in use for ballast water exchange at sea and safety precautions

    v. The method of on-board ballast water record keeping, reporting and recording of

    routine soundings

    Globally, it is estimated that about 10 billion tonnes of ballast water is transferred

    each year. The water taken on board for ballasting a vessel may contain aquatic

    organisms, including dormant stages of microscopic toxic aquatic plants - such as

    dinoflagellates, which may cause harmful algal blooms after their release. In

    addition, pathogens such as the bacterium vibrio diolerae (cholera), have been

    transported with ballast water. As ships travel faster and faster, the survival rate of

    species carried in ballast tanks has increased. At the same time, studies have shown

    that many species of bacteria, plant and animals can survive in ballast water after

    journeys of several months duration. As a result, many non-indigenous organisms

    have been introduced in new locations, often with disastrous consequences for the

    local ecosystem -which may include important fish stocks or rare species.

    QuestionSr 4 2010, 2008

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    With reference to cargo tanks of oil tanker

    The purpose of pressure vacuum valve

    Sketch a high velocity vent

    Describe the operation of this vent and why such a device is used


    The dangers of venting during the loading via open tank hatches

    Moderate pressures of 0.24 bar {3.5 Ib/in2) acting on the large surfaces in liquid

    cargo tanks, are sufficient to cause damage and rupture. The pressure on each unit

    of area multiplied by the total area gives a very large loading on the underside of

    the top of a tank or other surface. Distortion can result or the metal plate may be

    ruptured. Similarly, a vacuum within a tank, can result in damage in the form of

    inward collapse, due to greater atmospheric pressure on the outside.

    Pressure/vacuum valves (Figure) attached to tank vents or in the ventilation

    system, will prevent either over or under pressure. They are set usually so that tank

    pressure of about 0.14 bar (2 lb/in2) will lift the larger main valve (the smaller

    valve will lift with it) and release excess pressure.

    One liquid-filled pressure-vacuum breaker, or more, should be fitted, unless

    pressure-vacuum valves are fitted that have the capacity to prevent excessive

    pressure or vacuum.

    (2) These devices require little maintenance, but will operate at the required

    pressure only if they are filled to the correct level with liquid of the correct density;

    either a suitable oil or a freshwater/glycol mixture should be used to prevent

    freezing in cold weather; evaporation, ingress of seawater, condensation and

    corrosion should be taken into consideration and adequately compensated for; in

    heavy weather, the pressure surge, caused by the motion of liquid in the cargo

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    tanks, may cause the liquid


    Figure Principles of liquid

    (3) The designer should ens

    pressure-vacuum breakers a

    the high and low inert gas d

    to check that all pressure-va


    High velocity vents

    The type shown (Figure) ha

    seal around the bottom of a

    proceeds causes the moving

    the fixed cone gives high ve

    with an estimated velocity o


    f the pressure-vacuum breaker to be blo

    illed pressure-vacuum breakers

    re that the characteristics of the deck w

    nd pressure-vacuum valves and the press

    ck pressure alarms are compatible; it is

    cuum devices are operating at their desig

    a moving orifice, held down by a count

    ixed cone. Pressure build up in the tank

    orifice to lift. The small gap between ori

    locity to the emitted vapour. It is directe

    f 30 m/s. Air drawn in by the ejector eff

    n out (see

    ter seal,

    ure settings of

    lso desirable

    ned pressure

    rweight to

    as filling

    fice lip and


    ct dilutes the

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    The conical flame screen fixed to the moving orifice to give protection against

    flame travel will, like the moving parts, require periodic cleaning to remove

    gummy deposit. The cover is closed (as shown) when the vessel is on passage.

    Fig. high velocity gas venting valve

    Tank vapours can be released and sent clear of the decks during loading through

    large, high velocity vents.


    (i) The dangers of venting during the loading via open tank hatches

    Tanks should be vented during loading through high velocity or masthead vents.

    The practice of venting through open tank hatches is dangerous because vapours

    produced due to crude oil cargo are heavy than air therefore these settle down on

    deck area also deck is considered as hazardous zone thus if there is accumulation

    of vapour and spark is generated due to falling tools or spark from shoes or due to

    dragging of equipment on deck will lead to an explosion on deck

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    There fore cargo venting is to be done at 6m height above deck for which vent

    pipes were fitted on tankers nowadays high velocity vent are used

    (ii) Why the pressure / vacuum valve is not used for venting

    Pressure vacuum valves can relieve moderate changes in tank pressure due to

    variations of temperature and vapour quantity. A drop towards vacuum conditions

    as the result of the condensation of steam will also be handled by the valve. A

    rapid pressure rise due to an explosion would not be relieved nor is the

    pressure/vacuum valve suitable as a vent when loading.

    QuestionSr. No. 4 2009, NOV 2006, SR 6 2006

    W.R.T. H.O system describe

    Bunkering arrangement with safety fittings provided

    Onboard oil purification system

    Remote shut off arrangement

    How environmental pollution is avoided

    Temperature control arrangement

    The use of oil record book


    Bunkering arrangement.

    Bunkering connection is made on bunkering manifold of ship from where it is

    taken to different tank through valves.

    Valves are situated in engine room, controlling fuel flow into the storage tank and

    are placed near tank depth gauge this is termed as bunkering station.

    Air vents on tank extend upto weather deck level, thus if tank overflows due to

    overfilling, oil will be spilled on deck,

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    During and oil transfer. To avoid this risk overflow arrangement is provided to fuel


    The air vent of double bottom tank, come up to deck and led into a pipe running in

    fore and aft direction on each side.

    Starboard air vent are connected pipe on starboard and port vent pipe are connected

    on port line pipe.

    In some ships, ring main is formed by connecting up pipes with cross over at each


    In other case on cross over is fitted about mid length of port and starboard pipe.

    The downcomer are led frosides of ring main or from centre of cross over into

    overflow tanks, the downcomer has sight glass indicating overflow to engine room


    In case of overflow alarms are activated at bunker station and control room.

    Overflow tanks are safeguarded against overpressure by an air pipe extending up to

    deck, if overflow tank overflow then oil will be spilled on deck.

    All air vents are provided with wire mesh screen, on weather deck, which avoid

    any spark entering from outside into bunker tanks.

    Remote shut off arrangement

    Every ship to which fire fighting appliance rule is applicable

    Oil transfer pump fuel oil supply pump and all such fuel pumps should have

    remote control situated outside the machinery space by which in case of fire, pump

    can be stopped from outside.

    Every pipe connected to fuel storage, settling tank or daily tank, not being double

    bottom tank, should have quick closing valve. i.e. to be shut from readily

    accessible position outside the space in which tank is situated, in case pipe burst

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    and oil spilling in engine room which is major fire hazard. Inlet pipe to such tank is

    provided with non return valve

    How environment pollution is avoided

    Heavy fuel oil system has potential of causing degradation effect on environment.

    Therefore control of such discharge from ship is essential. Marpol 73/78 is main

    convention which is meant to prevent pollution caused by discharge of such oil


    Annex 1 on marpol 73/ 78 deals with prevention of pollution by oil.

    The discharge of oily bilge water into sea is restricted except under specified


    The machinery space bilge water, when mixed with heavy fuel oil, due to leaks, is

    to be 1st passed through oily water separation and then through the oil discharge

    monitoring and control system.

    Regulation stipulates

    Discharge of machinery space bilges into sea water.

    Bilge water does not originate from cargo pump room bilge.

    Bilge water is not mixed with oil cargo residue from pump room

    Pumping out bilge is permitted if,

    Ship is en route

    The oil content in bilge water do not exceed 15ppm.

    If ship is not in special area.

    If tanker is 50 Nm away from nearest land.

    Instantaneous rate of discharge of oil constant do not exceed 30 lt/Nm

    Total quantity of oil discharged into sea do not exceed 1/30,000 of total cargo


    Oil residue is transferred to reception facility

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    Marpol 73/78, annex 6 has come in force from 19th may 2005. it sets limits of

    sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emission from ships exhaust.

    Sulphur in fuel should not exceed more than 4.5% when not in Sox emission

    control area, and less than 1.5% when in Sox emission control area.

    To control Nox emission

    All diesels engines above 130Kw power output, which are constructed or under

    gone major conversion on or after 1st Jan 2000, should be tested and issued with

    Engine international air pollution prevention certificate [eiapp]

    On board oil purification system.

    The purification of heavy oil is done in 2 stages. Here oil is 1st passed through

    purifier and then through clarifier

    The residual fuel is heated in supply tank to temperature of 50 to 60 degree C then

    drawn from this tank by purifier inlet pump.

    The pump delivers oil to thermostatically controlled heaters which raise the

    temperature of oil to 80 degree C, which is then fed to purifier with low feed rate

    to obtain maximum purification. Here water content in fuel is removed.

    The oil is now fed to clarifier, which is used to separate only solids. Oil from

    purifier is discharged to clarifier by purifier discharge pump.

    After clarification discharge pump delivers oil to daily service tank for engine use.

    For higher density fuel ALCAP system is now days used, here fuel up to density

    of 1010 Kg/m3 at 15 degree C can be treated.

    Temperature control arrangement

    Residual fuel have very high viscosity thus separation and purification of such fuel

    is difficult. Therefore they are heated to bring down viscosity in range so that fuel

    oil can be used run propulsion system.

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    Stem plant 15 65 c.s.t

    Diesel plant 8-27 c.s.t.

    The oil is heated either in steam heater or electrical heater

    In steam heater and low pressure [7Kg/cm2] saturated steam is passed which

    reduce viscosity of oil. Overheating of oil in both types of heater is essential

    because it leads to cracking of oil which leads to deposits formation of heating

    surface, which impairs the efficient operation of heater

    In electrical heater elements are used.

    A viscosity controller is fitted downstream of heater, which measures the viscosity

    of oil and compares it with set value required, accordingly signal is generated

    which control the steam inlet valve to heater, to increase or reduce the steam flow

    in to heater.

    Use of oil record book

    Regulation 17

    Oil Record Book, Part I Machinery space operations

    1 Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross

    tonnage and above other than an oil tanker shall be provided with an Oil Record

    Book Part I (Machinery space operations). The Oil Record Book, whether as a part

    of the ship's official log-book or otherwise, shall be in the form specified in

    appendix III to this Annex.

    2 The Oil Record Book Part I shall be completed on each occasion, on a tank-

    to-tank basis if appropriate, whenever any of the following machinery space

    operations takes place in the ship:

    .1 ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks;

    .2 discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks;

    .3 collection and disposal of oil residues (sludge and other oil residues);

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    .4 discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has

    accumulated in machinery spaces; and

    .5 bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil.

    3 In the event of such discharge of oil or oily mixture as is referred to in

    regulation 4 of this Annex or in the event of accidental or other exceptional

    discharge of oil not excepted by that regulation, a statement shall be made in the

    Oil Record Book Part I of the circumstances of, and the reasons for, the discharge.

    4 Each operation described in paragraph 2 of this regulation shall be fully

    recorded without delay in the Oil Record Book Part I, so that all entries in the book

    appropriate to that operation are completed.

    Each completed operation shall be signed by the officer or officers in charge of the

    operations concerned and each completed page shall be signed by the master of


    The entries in the Oil Record Book Part I, for ships holding an International Oil

    Pollution Prevention Certificate, shall be at least in English, French or Spanish.

    Where entries in an official national language of the State whose flag the ship is

    entitled to fly are also used, this shall prevail in case of a dispute or discrepancy.

    Any failure of the oil filtering equipment shall be recorded in the Oil Record Book

    Part I.

    Oil record book to be kept in readily accessible place and kept on board for 5years

    after last entry made in it

    Component authority may inspect the oil record book such as port state control.

    QuestionJune 2009, SEP 2006

    With reference to MARPOL 73/78;

    (a) Explain the purpose of an oil record book?(b) What is the regulation concerning above requirement?

    (c) What all is recorded in oil record book Part-1?

    (d) What is SOPEP?

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    (e) What are contents of a SOPEP locker?

    (f) Prepare a Pre Bunkering checklist.(g) Precautions to be taken during bunkering

    Regulation 17

    Oil Record Book, Part I - Machinery space operations 1 Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnageand above and every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above other than an oil tanker shall be

    provided with an Oil Record Book Part I (Machinery Space Operations). The Oil Record Book,whether as a part of the ships official log-book or otherwise, shall be in the Form specified in

    appendix III to this Annex.

    2 The Oil Record Book Part I shall be completed on each occasion, on a tank-to-tank basis if

    appropriate, whenever any of the following machinery space operations takes place in the ship:

    .1 ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks; .2 discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil

    fuel tanks; .3 collection and disposal of oil residues (sludge and other oil residues); .4 dischargeoverboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces; and

    .5 bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil.

    3 In the event of such discharge of oil or oily mixture as is referred to in regulation 4 of this

    Annex or in the event of accidental or other exceptional discharge of oil not excepted by that

    regulation, a statement shall be made in the Oil Record Book Part I of the circumstances of, andthe reasons for, the discharge.

    4 Each operation described in paragraph 2 of this regulation shall be fully recorded without delay

    in the Oil Record Book Part I, so that all entries in the book appropriate to that operation arecompleted. Each completed operation shall be signed by the officer or officers in charge of the

    operations concerned and each completed page shall be signed by the master of ship. The entries

    in the Oil Record Book Part I, for ships holding an International Oil Pollution PreventionCertificate, shall be at least in English, French or Spanish. Where entries in an official national

    language of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly are also used, this shall prevail in case

    of a dispute or discrepancy.

    5 Any failure of the oil filtering equipment shall be recorded in the Oil Record Book Part I.

    6 The Oil Record Book Part I, shall be kept in such a place as to be readily available forinspection at all reasonable times and, except in the case of unmanned ships under tow, shall be

    kept on board the ship. It shall be preserved for a period of three years after the last entry has

    been made.

    The competent authority of the Government of a Party to the present Convention may inspect the

    Oil Record Book Part I on board any ship to which this Annex applies while the ship is in its portor offshore terminals and may make a copy of any entry in that book and may require the master

    of the ship to certify that the copy is a true copy of such entry. Any copy so made which has

    been certified by the master of the ship as a true copy of an entry in the ship's Oil Record BookPart I shall be made admissible in any judicial proceedings as evidence of the facts stated in the

    entry. The inspection of an Oil Record Book Part I and the taking of a certified copy by the

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    competent authority under this paragraph shall be performed as expeditiously as possible without

    causing the ship to be unduly delayed.

    SOPEP stands for Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.

    Marpol 73/78 Annex 1 Regulation 26 states "Every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above

    and every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above shall carry on board a Shipboard OilPollution Emergency Plan approved by the Administration."

    The purpose of the plan is to provide guidance to the Master and officers on the steps to be takenin the event of a pollution incident or in the likelihood of one.

    The Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan ("SOPEP") is to be seen as an information from

    the owners to the Master of a particular ship.It shall advise the Master how to react in case of an oilspill to prevent or at least mitigate

    negative effects on the environment.

    The Plan contains operational aspects for various oilspill scenarios and lists communication

    information to be used in case of such incidents.Its main contents include the person to be contacted in case of oil spill, his contacting methods

    such as phone number and address, the procedure to be adopted in case of oil spill, such as thedisposal methods, anti-pollution equipment and materials.

    For easy reference, the following plans must be included in SOPEP.

    Principal particulars of the vesselGeneral Arrangement Plan

    Capacity plan

    Midship section

    Shell expansion planPumping arrangement

    It must be kept in the masters office

    The materials used for oil spillage mainly include the following: 1) the material used forcleaning up spilled oil, for example, the oil absorbent such as saw dust and oil felt.2)The material

    for preventing split oil from spreading out, such as oil booms



    Are all personnel aware of the intention to bunker?

    Are they aware of emergency procedures in case of an oil spill?Has the bunkering plan been discussed with the officers involved?

    Are they aware of

    Their stations and duties during the bunkering operationSignals and alarms to be used incase of a spill

    Type(s), specifications and quantities of fuel to be taken

    Tanks to be filled and sequencePresent soundings and expected soundings on completion

    Are all associated overboard discharge valves closed & secured?Are all unnecessary manifold valves/connections closed and blanked off

    Are all deck scuppers plugged?

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    Are all save-alls emptied out and plugged?

    Is oil spill control equipment readily available in key locations?Are means of draining off any accumulation of water on deck provided?

    Is a common communication link between bunkering station, duty

    officer & engine room established?

    Are all bunker tank air pipes checked to be open and unblocked?Are all sounding pipe caps tight?

    Are all bunker tanks sounded?Are all bunker tank high level alarms checked for proper functioning?

    Is all fire equipment in position and fire precautions being observed?

    PRIOR TO BUNKERING :Are the bunker hoses of sufficient length?

    Are the hoses and couplings in good condition?

    Is the capacity of the lifting gear sufficient for the hose?

    Is the hose tested to required pressure and suitable for the oil to beloaded?

    Has the delivery note quantity and specification verified to be correct?Has the bunkering plan been discussed, agreed and signed with thesupplier?

    Has the ship's and supplier's emergency response procedures been

    discussed?Has a communication system been established between the ship and


    Have signals for the following been agreed

    Commence pumping

    Increase pumping rate

    educe pumping rateCease pumping

    Emergency stop

    Has a method for determining quantity pumped aboard been agreed?

    Has shore/barge readings/soundings been sighted/recorded?

    Have compatibility tests, if necessary, been carried out?

    Have all bolts been fitted on the connecting flange and nuts tightened?Is the filling line prepared and all relevant valves to the tank opened?

    Has an overflow tank been designated?

    Have fire wires been rigged fore and aft?Has a seaman been detailed to tend moorings?

    Are the appropriate signals being displayed2?

    Are names and contact numbers (telephone, telex, fax, VHF)of the following available

    Terminal/Port AuthorityLocal Emergency Services

    Regulatory Services (e.g. USCG)

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    Precautions to be taken during bunkering

    Two people will be involved directly in the bunkering procedure; one man stationed at the

    manifold, and one at the tank valve controls.

    However the Deck OOW is also involved, as he must be informed at the start and finish ofbunkers.

    He will make sure that the bunkering flag is raised, and that the ship is securely moored.He will also be involved in coordinating procedure should an oil spillage occur.

    The Duty Engineer will also be involved as he must know which tanks are being filled, and

    which can be used. Transfer of fuel may not be possible during bunkering; it is not advisable todo so anyway.

    If the overflow tank flow or high level alarm goes off in the ECR he will have to take action to

    stop the bunkers.

    It may also be his job to test a sample of the fuel being bunkered for compatibility, water,viscosity, density and catalytic fines.

    The person stationed at the manifold will stay in communication with the barge and the tankfilling station.He will ensure that there are no leaks from pipeline or manifold.

    He will also ensure that the drip sampling is being carried out correctly.

    He is also the first response in the case of an oil spill, his duty being to stop the bunkering,summon assistance and take initial pollution limitation action.

    The person stationed at the tank filling station is in overall charge of the bunkering procedure, he

    will monitor the tanks as they fill, keeping an eye on the filling line pressure and the filling rate.

    As the tanks approach 95% capacity, the next tank(s) should be opened and the full tanks shutoff.

    If the bunkering to capacity, then the filling rate will have to be slowed right down whilst

    topping off the tanks.At the finish of bunkers, it is his responsibility to shut the valves, dip the tanks, and fill in the Oil

    Record Book.

    QuestionApril 2009

    SKETCH a simple outline of a garbage incinerator type auxiliary boiler and show in some detail

    the standard furnace for normal steam raising and the adjoining pyrolyzing furnace for garbagesewage and waste disposal.

    Describe the pyrolyzing process

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    These are capable of dealing with waste oil, oil and water mixtures of up to 25% water content,

    rags, galley waste, etc., and solid matter from sewage plants if required.Fig. shows a small water tube type of boiler combined with incinerator plant in order to provide

    an economy.

    Homogenous oil/water mixtures that have been formed by passing them through a comminutor -kind of grinder, macerator, mixer which produces a fine well dispersed emulsion - are supplied

    to the rotating cup burner. Solid waste from the galley and accommodation, etc., would be

    collected in bags and placed in the chamber, the loading system of which is self evident in thediagram. The loading arrangement incorporates a locking device which prevents the doors

    (loading and ash pit) being opened with the burner on. The solid waste goes through a process

    that may be described as pyrolysis, that is the application of heat. Hydrocarbon gases are formed,

    due to the low air supply to this compartment, which pass into the main chamber through a seriesof small holes and burn in the furnace. Dry ash remaining in the chamber has to be removed

    periodically through the ash pit door.

    Solid matter from sewage systems could be incinerated in this unit, a connection would have tobe made from the sewage plant to the pyrolysis chamber of the incinerator.

    QuestionApril 2009

    Sketch an infra red flame detector, give a brief description of it's Operation;

    Sketch a light scatter smoke detector, give a brief description of it's operation;

    State what type of fire the infra-red detector is used to sense, and why it must always be usedtogether with a smoke detector.


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    a) Sketch of infra-red flame detector:

    Flicker radiation from flames reach the lens / filter of the detector which only allows infra-red

    rays to pass through and are focused on to a photo cell. The signal from the photo cell istransmitted to an amplifier and frequency unit, which is tuned to 25HZ, being the characteristic

    of flames, then via a time, delay ( to minimize false alarms ) which triggers an alarm.

    Sketch of light scatter smoke detector

    In this type of smoke detector, a photo cell is separated by a barrier from a semi-conductor

    Intermitting flashing light, this is all enclosed in an enclosure that only allows smoke topenetrate, not light. When smoke is present in the enclosure, light is scattered around the barrieronto the photo cell, which then sends a signal to an alarm and control circuit, triggering an alarm.

    b)Infra-red type fame detectors are best suited to machinery spaces and high risk areas, it should be

    used together with a smoke detector as a smoke detector gives an earlier warning of fire.

  • 7/30/2019 Class 4 Safety Question and Answers


    QuestionMarch 2009 JAN 2007, SR 9 2006

    In Engine room that is operated under U.M.S. condition, describe the following

    The Perforation of high pressure fuel pipe.


    The high pressure fuel oil system for each cylinder is provided with safety system

    that actuates the Fuel Pump locking device in case hot pipe fracture on other

    causes of extensive leakage on high pressure system.

    All high pressure pipes in the system are provided with Steel wire armoured

    protecting nose. Through holes drilled in the flanges, the space between the pipes

    on hose is connected to a diaphragm valve Fitted to the end of the distribution


    The diaphragm valve is fitted with a spring loaded non return Valve which is Set to

    open at a pr of 1Kg\cm2. Besides, there is a Small drain n hole through which Oil

    originating from smaller leakage can be drained to drain funnel with out acting on

    the diaphragm valve.

    In the event of pipe Fracture or other extensive leakage in the system the drain hole

    will not be able to take the increased amount of oil and an oil pressure will built up

    in the space between the high pressure pipe and the protective hose. However the

    pr cannot rise above 1Kg/cm2 at which the non return valve will open and allow

    the oil to be conveyed to drain Funnel

    Due to action of oil pressure the diaphragm valve will Cause the valve which e

    interposed in the air supply line to the cylinder of the fuel pump leaking

    arrangement to change over and actuate the locking arrangement.

    The Fuel pump roller guide is locked in its upper position, the Combustion in the

    cylinder will cease, and the will give warning for falling exhaust temperature.

    B. The imminence possibility of scavenge fire.

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    In ships, where the Engine room is periodically U.M.S. [Temp sensors are fitted at

    critical point within the scavenge space.] a monitoring device can be installed in

    the scavenge air space, which gives an alarm at abnormal temp rise.

    In uniflow scavenged engine sensors are fitted around the cylinder liner just above

    the scavenge ports; temp higher than reference will actuate the alarm system.

    In U.M.S. ship it will actuate slowing down procedure; increase of abnormal temp

    rise will cause the main engine to slow down.

    These sensors Fitted in scavenge spaces sense a rise in temp and actuate an alarm

    in E\R as well as respective remote Station.

    3- Condition that may be conducive to a crank case explosion.