city of vineland · 2020. 12. 30. · city of vineland 640 east wood st vineland, nj 08360 lice...

CITY OF VINELAND 640 EAST WOOD ST VINELAND, NJ 08360 LICE NSEAN DI NSPECTIO N@VI N ELANDCITY.ORG CITY OF VINELAND ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS and COMMERCIAL USES Zoning Office (856) 79113 pflnley Revised 1 /4/19 FEE: $44.00 Check or Money Order Only A Zoning Permit must be obtained prior to any construction, alteration, addition, or change of use. This application must be filled out complete, and submitted along with three copies of a Plot Plan. The Plot Plan must show the dimensions of the lot and all EXISTING structures and the size and location of PROPOSED structures. All structures shall have all dimensions to the property lines shown. All street frontages must be identified, along with any easements to the property. The counting of days for issuance of a zoning permit does not begin until the application is deemed complete by the Zoning Officer. An incomplete application is cause for denial of a zoning permit. NOTE: ZONING PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL ALL CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN ZONING PERMIT HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. ..PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY•• L ocation: ______________________________ Block: _______ _L ot: ______ _ Owner: __________________ _ Address: ________________ _ Phone:_______ _ Applicant_________________ Address:_______________ _ Phone _______ _ Contact Person D Owner D Applicant Email Address: __________________________ _ 1. Describe ALL EXISTING Commercial/BusinessUses or Activities on this site (i.e.: glass factory, used car lot, grocery store, etc.): 2. Describe in detail the PROPOSED Use or Activity on this site (attach a written statement of use If necessary. 3. Has the proposed activity been approved by the Planning or Zoning Boards or the Redevelopment Authority? D Yes D No If yes, D Planning Board D Zoning Board Date: _________ Site Plan Approval? D Yes D No D Redevelopment Authority Approval Date: _________ _ Note: It Is REQUIRED that a copy of the Planning or Zoning Boord Resolution, approved site pion, and approval from Redevelopment Authority be attached to this application. NOTICE FOR PROJECTS WITH BOARD APPROVED SITE PNS or IN REDEVELOPMENT ZONE A Zoning Permit will not be issued unless a memorandum from the Planning Division, releasing the activity for permits or an approval from the Redevelopment Authority, Is received by the Zoning Office. Obtaining & attaching the Planning release memorandum and Redevelopment Authority Approval will expedite the permit process. 4. Current number of Employees? ___ Proposed?___ Current Parking Spaces? ____ Proposed?___ _ 5. Are there any DwellingUnits on site? OYes D No HowMany? ___ Where? _________________ _ 6. Check the appropriate box or boxes for the PROPOSED activity, construction or alteration: D Construct D Building or D Addition _____ x _____ x _____ (Height) @_____SF Number of Stories: ___ _ D Other construction or alteration D Interior Renovations - Tenant Fit-Up for (Name/Occupation) D Renovations - No change in Use or Footprint. D Interior D Exterior Describe:. _____________________ _ D Renovations - Use Change, No Footprint change. D Interior D Exterior Describe:_____________________ _ D Change ofUse or Establish Use of property, as described above, without Renovations, Alterations or Construction. D Other (describe)

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    CITY OF VINELAND ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS and COMMERCIAL USES Zoning Office (856) 794-4113 pflnley Revised 1 /4/19

    FEE: $44.00Check or Money Order Only

    A Zoning Permit must be obtained prior to any construction, alteration, addition, or change of use. This application must be filled out completely, and submitted along with three copies of a Plot Plan. The Plot Plan must show the dimensions of the lot and all EXISTING structures and the size and location of fill PROPOSED structures. All structures shall have all dimensions to the property lines shown. All street frontages must be identified, along with any easements to the property. The counting of days for issuance of a zoning permit does not begin until the application is deemed complete by the Zoning Officer. An incomplete application is cause for denial of a zoning permit. NOTE: ZONING PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL ALL CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN ZONING PERMIT HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. ..PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY••

    Location: ______________________________ Block: ________ Lot: ______ _

    Owner: ___________________ Address: ________________ _ Phone: _______ _

    Applicant _________________ ---'Address: _______________ _ Phone _______ _

    Contact Person D Owner D Applicant Email Address: __________________________ _

    1. Describe ALL EXISTING Commercial/Business Uses or Activities on this site (i.e.: glass factory, used car lot, grocery store, etc.):

    2. Describe in detail the PROPOSED Use or Activity on this site (attach a written statement of use If necessary.

    3. Has the proposed activity been approved by the Planning or Zoning Boards or the Redevelopment Authority? D Yes D No

    If yes, D Planning Board D Zoning Board Date: _________ Site Plan Approval? D Yes D No

    D Redevelopment Authority Approval Date: _________ _

    Note: It Is REQUIRED that a copy of the Planning or Zoning Boord Resolution, approved site pion, and approval from Redevelopment Authority be


    A Zoning Permit will not be issued unless a memorandum from the Planning Division, releasing the activity for permits or an approval from the Redevelopment Authority, Is received by the Zoning Office. Obtaining & attaching the Planning release memorandum and Redevelopment Authority Approval will expedite the permit process.

    4. Current number of Employees? ___ Proposed?___ Current Parking Spaces? ____ Proposed? ___ _

    5. Are there any DwellingUnits on site? OYes D No HowMany? ___ Where? _________________ _

    6. Check the appropriate box or boxes for the PROPOSED activity, construction or alteration:

    D Construct D Building or D Addition _____ x _____ x _____ (Height) @ _____ SF Number of Stories: ___ _

    D Other construction or alteration

    D Interior Renovations - Tenant Fit-Up for (Name/Occupation)

    D Renovations - No change in Use or Footprint. D Interior D Exterior Describe:. _____________________ _

    D Renovations - Use Change, No Footprint change. D Interior D Exterior Describe: _____________________ _

    D Change of Use or Establish Use of property, as described above, without Renovations, Alterations or Construction.

    D Other (describe)

  • 12

    Location: Block: Lot: Owner: Address: Phone: Appllcant: Address_2: Phone_2: Contact Person D Owner D Applicant Email Address: 1 Describe ALL EXISTING CommercialBusiness Uses or Activities on this site ie glass factory used car lot grocery store etc: 2 Describe In detail the PROPOSED Use or Activity on this site attach a written statement of use if necessary: If yes D Planning Board D Zoning Board Date: D Redevelopment Authority Approval Date: 4 Current number of Employees: Proposed: Current Parking Spaces: Proposed_2: 5 Are there any Dwelling Units on site D Yes D No How Many: Where: SF Number of Stories: D Construct D Building or D Addition: x: x_2: Height: D Interior Renovations Tenant FitUp for NameOccupation: undefined: D Renovations No change in Use or Footprint D Interior D Exterior Describe 1: D Renovations No change in Use or Footprint D Interior D Exterior Describe 2: D Renovations Use Change No Footprint change D Interior D Exterior Describe 1: D Renovations Use Change No Footprint change D Interior D Exterior Describe 2: D Other describe: Check Box1: OffCheck Box2: OffCheck Box3: OffCheck Box4: OffCheck Box5: OffCheck Box6: OffCheck Box7: OffCheck Box8: OffCheck Box9: OffCheck Box10: OffCheck Box11: OffCheck Box12: OffCheck Box13: OffCheck Box14: OffCheck Box15: OffCheck Box16: OffCheck Box17: OffCheck Box18: OffCheck Box19: OffCheck Box20: OffCheck Box21: OffCheck Box22: OffCheck Box23: OffCheck Box24: OffCheck Box27: OffCheck Box28: OffText29: Text30: