cisco intelligent dc automation

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  • 8/13/2019 Cisco Intelligent DC Automation


    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 1 of

    Product Data Sheet

    Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud

    Early adopters of cloud-based service delivery were seeking additional cost savingsbeyond those achieved with server virtualization and abstraction. However, they

    quickly understood that the real value of cloud-based computing was the speed,

    flexibility, and agility that allow IT to rapidly align with business decisions.

    Such alignment frees IT staff to focus on critical projects that deliver advanced business capabilities supporting

    competitive innovation. IT recognizes that to optimize cloud deployments for greater speed, flexibility, and agility,

    they need better cloud management solutions.

    The foundational element IT now needs to put in place in order to unlock the potential for greater speed, flexibility,

    and agility that cloud can deliver is holistic cloud management that delivers automation and the comprehensive

    orchestration of services. This type of solution helps IT make the transition from virtualization and abstraction totransparent end-to-end service delivery.


    Intelligent Automation for Cloud (Cisco IAC) is a holistic cloud management solution with broad coverage

    for various types of cloud deployments. This solution provides automated IT operations for cloud computing with

    policy-based controls to provision virtual and physical resources in private, public, and hybrid cloud environments.

    The solution includes a self-service portal, orchestration engine, and advanced cloud management capabilities

    that are fundamental to delivering the agility, flexibility, and speed desired by todays transformational data


    Cloud automation allows IT to align more closely than ever before with the demands of todays 24-hour-per-day

    business environment. As organizations continue to rapidly adopt cloud-based service delivery, automated

    management has become essential for IT to realize the full value, flexibility, and agility needed by todays virtualdata centers.

    Product Overview

    Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud is a cloud management software solution that delivers a critical foundation

    layer for deploying and managing cloud-based computing in a holistic and unified way. The solution provides

    essential automated management and orchestration that allows organizations to control and manage cloud-based

    services transparently throughout their lifecycles (Figure 1). This solution can cover diverse cloud deployments

    and is a flexible solution that can scale from test and development to production workloads, from initial cloud pilots

    to large-scale enterprise-wide initiatives to deliver maximum value to customers.

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    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of

    The Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud foundational building blocks of cloud computing that help IT

    organizations to advance their cloud deployments to gain greater speed, flexibility and agility are shown in

    Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud Solution

    Web-based self-service portal and service catalog

    Authorizing customers to order from a standardized list of service menus and provisioning templates

    facilitates the wide-scale automation that significantly expedites setting up resource requests. These

    environments need to be set to corporate standards and governance guidelines while reducing human

    error. The Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud web-based self-service portal gives users the ability to

    browse from a catalog of predefined service options or from customized workflows defined by IT or the

    service provider. Once services are orders, end users can track order status, modify and manage

    completed orders, and view usage, consumption, and costs for all service orders.

    Service delivery automation

    Automation is critical to unifying and standardizing data centers, because it simplifies operations, reduces

    costs, and promotes business flexibility. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud automation engine breaks

    end-user requests into individual components and orchestrates the order across infrastructure resources,

    the operating system, and applications. It also reports back to the end user on consumption through

    metering, chargeback, and billing systems. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud also provides updates toconfiguration management databases (CMDBs) as well as system management tools to help ensure that

    configuration-related information used by incident, change, and release management systems are up to


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    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of

    Operational process automation

    Operational process automation benefits the organization by reducing the risk and latency of managing

    both physical and virtual environments. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud automates IT best practices

    in a secure and repeatable manner through service templates for operational and support tasks, user and

    performance management, and reports for audit tracking and reporting. Cisco Intelligent Automation for

    Cloud provides over 200 predefined best practices and workflows, as well as tools that allow IT

    administrators to easily construct customized workflows or processes.

    Resource management

    Resource management in large-scale cloud models requires performance isolation and efficient use of the

    hardware infrastructure. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud uses the concept of resource pools, or

    logical containers, across hypervisor, compute, network, and storage infrastructures allocated to specific or

    multiple virtual machines to the users specific order. Allocating resources into logical containers provides

    isolation from noisy neighbors as well as the ability to share resources across multiple users. Cisco

    Intelligent Automation for Cloud complements the Cisco Unified Computing System(Cisco UCS) and

    Cisco Network Services Manager (NSM), but other Cisco and third-party solutions can be easily integrated,

    including service management tools and operational processes.

    Lifecycle management

    Lifecycle management of a cloud service runs from service request through decommissioning of the

    service and allows optimal utilization of resources, whether human, virtual, or physical. Cisco Intelligent

    Automation for Cloud tools facilitate tracking of all aspects of individual services, including project and

    business information captured during the initial order and data about the various elements being

    provisioned to support the service from initiation to retirement. Decommissioning of resources reduces

    underutilization and potential virtual server sprawl.

    Cloud Management

    Infrastructure and the foundational elements are vital to a successful cloud deployment, but cloud management

    provides the connections that make cloud computing effective. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud extends

    beyond basic cloud computing to include extensive management support and comprehensive coverage for simple

    or complex cloud deployments. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud delivers:

    Scalable clouds, from single virtual machines up to large-scale deployments in virtual data centers

    Management of multiple cloud environments, from industry leaders to open-source solutions

    Standardized extensions, to easily configure IT processes and workflows

    The end result for Cisco customers is a cloud operating model that delivers increased speed, responsiveness,

    user satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

    Features and Benefits

    We provide several newcloud management featureswith the release of Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud

    3.1, delivering greater business value while reducing total cost of ownership for our customers. Some of these

    important new capabilities of version 3.1 are described below.

    Virtual Data Centers

    Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud can manage a wide range of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) use cases,

    from simple ordering of virtual machines from a shared pool of resources with no approvals to more advanced

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    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 4 of

    virtual data centers with dedicated resource pools for project teams, departments, or entire organizations (see

    Figure 2). Virtual data centers are perfect for organizational units where a range of defined sizes

    (for example, small, medium, and large) can be requisitioned with specific configuration limits. To guard against

    unrestrained resource reservations, approval and oversight is completed by the organizations cloud administrator

    or by the service provider, through the portal. Once approved, all users in the specific organization have equal

    access to resources. The same requisition and approval process is used in the event an organization needs to

    add resources.

    Figure 2. Dashboard of All Virtual Data Centers


    A new and unique feature in cloud computing is CloudSync, which introduced infrastructure discovery to provide

    visibility to cloud infrastructure elements and the management systems connected to them (Figure 3).

    Figure 3. Infrastructure Discovery Keeps Administrator in Control of the Service Catalog

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    2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 5 of

    Infrastructure discovery can be completed on demand or scheduled in 1- to 24-hour increments as specified by

    the administrator. CloudSync places the cloud administrator in control of the service catalog menus available for

    order by simply controlling the rank of a specific service or element. For example, if an error is detected in a

    service template, the administrator can change the status to maintenance, temporarily removing this service from

    the catalog. To permanently remove a service from the catalog, the administrator changes its status to ignore.

    Once errors or problems are discovered, CloudSync empowers the administrator to prevent further propagation of

    problems while remediation occurs.

    Network as a Service

    Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud bundles Cisco Network Services Manager (NSM), providing the foundation

    for end-to-end network services provisioning. This is the first step in a deeper integration between Cisco Intelligent

    Automation for Cloud and NSM that will be released over the next 12 months. A Cisco NSM adapter, included with

    Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud 3.1, permits rapid building of network automation for network provisioning

    that can be completed by a trained customer or through a partner or Cisco Services engagement.

    Service Remediation

    Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud provides workflow remediation capabilities that deliver industry-leading

    capabilities to the cloud administrator or service provider when errors occur. Using a simple dashboard, the

    administrator can quickly identify the services affected and select the appropriate action to continue or return to

    the beginning of the specific workflow.

    Actions include:

    Cancel workflow

    Retry from point of failure

    Restart from workflow beginning

    Ignore error, continue to next step

    Roll back to previous workflow version

    Clouds Your Way

    Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud provides over 200 extension points for the self-service portal and

    orchestration workflows to protect the investment in custom extensions required by todays cloud environments.

    These extension points promote best practices and the reuse of IT intellectual capital, allowing knowledge of

    domain experts to be automated into workflows and system provisioning templates across the entire organization.

    Additionally, these extension points reduce the complexity of integration with system management tools from

    different vendors. Extension point examples include: integration into IT service management system or service

    desk application, document asset management changes, and setup and decommissioning of monitoring or serviceassurance.

    Solution Acceleration Extensions

    Solution accelerator kits can be used to complement Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud ability to manage

    physical and virtual infrastructures across multicloud and multihypervisor environments. A new multicloud

    accelerator kit allows Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud to manage physical and virtual infrastructures across

    OpenStack, Amazon EC2, and VMware vCloud Director. When using the OpenStack cloud platform to develop

    open-source clouds, the accelerator kit extends Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud hypervisor support to

    include Red Hat RHEV, Citrix XenServer, and Microsoft Hyper-V.

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    Major Requirements

    Hardware and software requirements for Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud are listed in Table 1.

    Table 1. System Requirements for Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud

    VMware vCenter 1 vCenter instance supported1000 hosts; 10,000 power-on virtual machines

    Hypervisor and manager ESXi 4.1 (including bare metal)

    ESXi 5.0 (excluding bare metal)

    vCenter/vSphere 4.1 or 5.0 (5.0U1)

    Cisco UCS blade models and UCS Manager (UCSM) B200, B230, B250, B440, C2x0

    UCSM releases 2.0 and 2.1

    Cisco Network Services Manager Release 5.0.2

    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server Portal:

    Microsoft Active Directory 2008

    Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 P6

    IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.1

    Orchestrator: Microsoft Active Directory 2003, 2008

    Operating system Portal and orchestrator: Windows Server 2008 64-bit

    Portal and server provisioner: Red Hat 5.6 or CentOS 5.6

    Web server Portal:

    Apache 2.2

    IBM HTTP Server 6.1

    Microsoft IIS 7.5

    Orchestrator: Microsoft IIS 6.0, 7.0

    Application server Portal:JBoss 7 + Sun JDK 6 Update 23+

    Orchestrator: .NET Framework 4.0

    System database MS SQL Server 2008 R2

    Oracle 11g R2

    Browser Internet Explorer 8 or 9

    Firefox 3.5, 3.6, and 4.0

    For More Information

    Additional information about Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud is available at

    To learn more about our other Cisco Intelligent Automation solutions, please visit

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