christopher stapleton consulting · christopher stapleton consulting level 1, ... conducted using...

CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON CONSULTING Level 1, 85 William Street East Sydney NSW 2010 Phone: +612 9360 6788 Chris Stapleton M.B.Env. Dip C Eng. MIE Aust. MPIA, FAITPM Fax: +612 9360 6230 CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON CONSULTING PTY LTD BAS 49 051 948 531 Email: [email protected] Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006 Prepared for Hunters Hill Council Prepared by Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd & Mr John Bates

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Page 1: CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON CONSULTING · CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON CONSULTING Level 1, ... conducted using the SCATES and INTANAL intersection performance models ... as a whole operates at


Level 1, 85 William Street East Sydney NSW 2010 Phone: +612 9360 6788 Chris Stapleton M.B.Env. Dip C Eng. MIE Aust. MPIA, FAITPM Fax: +612 9360 6230 CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON CONSULTING PTY LTD BAS 49 051 948 531 Email: [email protected]

Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan

Traffic Report

July 2006

Prepared for

Hunters Hill Council

Prepared by

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd


Mr John Bates

Page 2: CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON CONSULTING · CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON CONSULTING Level 1, ... conducted using the SCATES and INTANAL intersection performance models ... as a whole operates at

Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 1


i This report has been prepared by Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd for Hunters Hill

Council to assess traffic impacts arising from potential zoning and FSR changes associated

with a Draft Masterplan for the Hunters Hill Village and its immediate surrounds.

ii The report has been prepared specifically to determine the future performance of local

intersections during the morning and evening peak periods, an assessment that has been

conducted using the SCATES and INTANAL intersection performance models as requested

by Hunters Hill Council. A technical report detailing the modelling prepared by Mr John

Bates is attached as an Appendix to this report.

iii This report is divided into 3 primary sections: -

1. Existing Traffic & Trip Generation and Network Performance

2. Draft Masterplan Trip Generation, Distribution and Future Network Performance

3. Conclusions & Recommendations

iv Assumptions in regard to the future maximum lots within the Study Area, their access

points and parking, have been made in consultation with Hunters Hill Council and


v Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Hunters

Hill Council officers and Architectus in the preparation of this report, and the work of Mr

Bates in the preparation of the technical modelling report.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 2

Executive Summary

Study Methodology

i In preparing the this Report, Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd has: -

Commissioned surveys of all key local intersections and reviewed existing intersection

geometry and controls to determine the existing performance of the local network.

Used the surveyed traffic data to generate traffic generation estimates of the proposed

future sites.

Used the surveyed traffic data to generate distribution profiles for the traffic generated by

the proposed future sites.

Assigned the additional traffic generation to the most appropriate access points within the


Assessed the resulting performance of key intersections within the Village using the

SCATES and INTANAL intersection models.

ii Following a review of the resulting SCATES and INTANAL data output, Christopher

Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd provides the following conclusions.

The Existing Traffic Network

The existing local network � that is the coordinated system along Gladesville Road

between Ryde Road and Church Street - as a whole operates at a good level of service.

This is not surprising as the vast majority of trips, through trips between Ryde Road and

Burns Bay Road/Church Street, are not delayed for the majority of their trip.

The intersection of Gladesville Road and Ryde Road operates at a good level of service,

with low average delays and spare capacity.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 3

The minor intersection of Gladesville Road with Pitt Street operates satisfactorily as part of

the overall network, through delays are recorded for the minor turning demand to, and

particularly from, Pitt Street.

The intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church Street currently operates

near capacity, with moderate to high average delays for a number of key approaches to the

intersection. As a result it reports a satisfactory to poor Level of Service under existing


The Draft Masterplan

Following the introduction of the additional Draft Masterplan traffic, the intersection of

Gladesville Road and Ryde Road continues to operate at a good Level of Service, even

though [proportionally] it accommodates the bulk of additional traffic generation from

development in Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road.

The minor intersection of Gladesville Road with Pitt Street continues to operate

satisfactorily as part of the overall network, through delays increase marginally for the

minor turning demands. Importantly, the Draft Masterplan proposals would not

significantly increase traffic flows at this intersection above current levels.

The traffic generated by the Draft Masterplan exacerbates the existing operating conditions

at the intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church Street, increasing

delays and reducing available capacity; however, the SCATES analysis shows that Level of

Service remains unchanged following the assignment of additional vehicle trips.

It is our opinion that the additional traffic generated by the Draft Masterplan is not in and of

itself significant, and in fact represent less than the normal daily variation in flows through

the key intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church Street.

Essentially, the modelling shows that the additional traffic generated by the Draft

Masterplan can be accommodated within the existing local traffic network without altering

existing performance levels.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 4

Impact Minimisation

iii Notwithstanding these findings, Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd and Mr John

Bates have examined the alignment and lane configuration at the Gladesville Road, Burns

Bay Road & Church Street intersection to determine means by which the performance

(existing and future) could be improved without significant upgrades.

iv Specifically, we have investigated the following: -

A realignment of the existing westbound lanes from Church Street to Burns Bay Road, and

specifically an increase to the short (15m) kerbside lane to 40m by increasing the �No

Parking� distance on the northern side of Church Street..

A reassignment of the existing eastbound lanes to Church Street from Gladesville Road,

and specifically the provision of a single eastbound through lane and two right hand turn

lanes (to Burns Bay Road) within the available carriageway.

v This proposal provides a significant improvement for the operation of the intersection, such

that delays are reduced to acceptable levels even with the additional Draft Masterplan

traffic volumes. All the key indicators � average and maximum delay (and by association

Level of Service), and Degree of Saturation � show improvements arising from this


vi It is our understanding that a similar proposal has previously been examined by Hunters

Hill Council and the RTA, but was not adopted.


vii This report provides the following key recommendations: -

1. That Hunters Hill Council examine the potential benefits and impacts of the revised

Church Street approach to the Gladesville Road & Burns Bay Road intersection, and if

appropriate discuss the proposal with the RTA.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 5

2. That to as great an extent possible, access for amalgamated developments in

Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road � including the key Draft Masterplan site that

straddles the intersection � be provided from Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road

rather than Pitt Street. This recommendation does not preclude smaller developments

accessing the road network at the most direct location, which may be Pitt Street.

3. That parking is provided on-site for new developments in accordance with the

[potentially revised] parking rates outlined in the final Masterplan. This will reduce the

demand for parking in the residential streets to the north, west [and potentially south]

of the Study Area.

4. Further to 3 above, that Council give consideration to a reduction in current parking

requirements for sites within the Study Area. A reduction in parking requirements

would reflect the potential for public transport and residential walk trips, as well as

current RTA and local Council parking standards.

5. That Council undertake ongoing monitoring of parking demands � particularly in

residential streets - to ensure residential parking demand continues to be

accommodated in an appropriate manner.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 6

1 Existing Traffic Profile

1.1 Study Area

1.1.1 The Study Area included in the analysis is the same as that identified as the Draft

Masterplan area, and is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 The Study Area

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 7

1.1.2 The following intersections with Gladesville Road have been included in the Study Area

assessment: -

Ryde Road

Pitt Street

Hunters Hill Hotel (Car Park)

Joubert Street North and South

Burns Bay Road on and off ramps

Pedestrian signals west of Joubert Street

1.1.3 We have also included in the analysis the intersection of George Street and De Milhau

Road; this intersection was included (and surveyed) in order to assess Village traffic

generation characteristics, and specifically residential generation which distributes to

this intersection as well as the intersections of Gladesville Road with Pitt Street and with

Joubert Street (south). The process of determining [existing] traffic generation

characteristics is examined in greater detail below.

1.1.4 From an access and traffic perspective, key features of the Study Area include: -

A coordinated traffic signal system operating through the Village, and specifically

including Gladesville Road�s intersections with Ryde Road, the signalised pedestrian

crossing, Burns Bay Road and Church Street.

A number of local access intersections operating within the coordinated system, as

well as a small number of site access points � and specifically access to commercial

and residential car parking - within the Village.

A private off-street parking area (Hunters Hill Hotel) which attracts a significant number

of Village trips.

1.1.5 Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd notes that the Hunters Hill Hotel car park is a

private parking area, public access to which is subject to the discretion of the owners.

As such, while the access point has been considered as part of overall analysis, no

specific recommendations have been made relating to this access point.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 8

1.2 Existing Traffic Surveys

1.2.1 In May 2006, Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd commissioned morning and

evening peak hour traffic surveys at all key intersections within the study area (as

detailed in Section 1.1). The surveys were completed by Curtis Traffic Surveys Pty Ltd

on Thursday 11th May, with additional spot surveys on subsequent Thursdays.

1.2.2 The results of the surveys are provided in Appendix A.

1.3 Existing Intersection Performance

1.3.1 In order to determine the existing level of service at the key intersections through the

Study Area, Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd commissioned Mr John Bates to

assess performance using the SCATES and INTANAL intersection models. We note

that SCATES has specifically been chosen for the assessment due to the existing

coordination of signals through the village using the RTA�s SCATS automated

coordination system.

1.3.2 For coordinated signals, SCATES determines the average delays that vehicles

encounter, the degree of saturation, and the level of service provided at each

intersection in the coordinated network. The degree of saturation is the ratio of the

arrival rate of vehicles to the capacity of the approach, while average delays and Level

of Service (LoS) are provided with reference to Table 1.3.1 below.

1.3.3 INTANAL provides the same level of assessment but for intersections that are not


1.3.4 The analysis has been completed using the following key data: -

Intersection vehicle movements (surveys)

Intersection phase and cycle characteristics provided by the RTA

Existing road and intersection geometry, and specifically existing lanes, turning

and parking restrictions

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 9

Table 1.3.1 SCATES & INTANAL Level of Service

The Level of Service (LoS) for the [relevant] Control Modes is shown. This is based on the average delay in seconds per vehicle.

For Traffic Signals it is as follows: - 0 TO 14 = "A" Good 15 TO 28 = "B" Good with minimal delays and spare capacity 29 TO 42 = "C" Satisfactory with spare capacity 43 TO 56 = "D" Satisfactory but operating near capacity 57 TO 70 = "E" At capacity & incidents will cause excessive delays > 70 = "F" Unsatisfactory and requires additional capacity

For Give Way and Stop Signs: - 0 TO 14 = "A" Good 15 TO 28 = "B" Acceptable delays and spare capacity 29 TO 42 = "C" Satisfactory but accident study required 43 TO 56 = "D" Near capacity and accident study required 57 TO 70 = "E" At capacity and requires other Control Mode

> 70 = "F" Unsatisfactory and requires other Control Mode

1.3.5 Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd notes that the average delay for the

assessment of LoS is selected from the movement with the highest average delay.

1.3.6 The results of the analysis of existing conditions are provided below in Table 1.3.2.

Table 1.3.2 Existing Intersection Performance

LOS Average Delay


Degree of


Worst Delay



Coordinated System B B 21 25 0.97 0.99 58 78

Gladesville Rd & Ryde Rd A A <10 <10 0.63 0.49 48 47

Gladesville Rd & Pitt St F D <10 <10 0.46 0.24 79 47

Gladesville Rd & Burns

Bay Rd & Church Street1 D E 51 57 0.98 1.00 59 81

1.3.7 With reference to Table 1.3.2: -

The existing local network � that is the coordinated system along Gladesville Road

between Church Street and Ryde Road - as a whole operates at a good level of

service. This is not surprising as the vast majority of trips, through trips between Ryde

Road and Burns Bay Road/Church Street, are not delayed for the majority of their trip.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 10

The intersection of Gladesville Road and Ryde Road operates at a good level of

service, with low average delays.

The minor intersection of Gladesville Road with Pitt Street operates satisfactorily as part

of the overall network, through delays are recorded for the minor turning demand to,

and particularly from, Pitt Street.

The intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church Street currently

operates near capacity, with high average delays for a number of key approaches to

the intersection. As a result it reports a satisfactory to poor Level of Service under

existing conditions.

1.3.8 This final intersection result is critical to the assessment. The poor performance of the

key Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church Street intersection suggests that

any additional traffic flows to or from the Study Area will exacerbate its performance;

indeed, the intersection operates so close to capacity that it is highly probable that a

LoS �E� or �F� is effectively recorded at least once a week already, simply based on

minor fluctuations in traffic flows through the intersection.

1.4 Existing Traffic Generation Rates

1.4.1 While the surveys are essential in order to determine the existing LoS at key

intersection within the Study Area, they also provide information on the generation of

key sections of the Study Area, and more specifically key sections within the Village

where access is limited (and can therefore be isolated and assessed).

1.4.2 This in turn allows us to determine existing traffic generation rates within the Village,

which can be compared with the generation rates provided in the RTA�s Guide to

Traffic Generating Developments.

1.4.3 In consultation with Hunters Hill Council and Architectus, and following our own survey

of local conditions, a summary of the land uses within the Study Area was prepared.

The summary provides information on land use and site area, and is shown in Table

1.4.1 below.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 11

Table 1.4.1 Existing Study Area Land Uses

3 Ryde Rd A/433644 1/2 storey Cottage 0.69 297 2051Ryde Rd B/433644 1 storey/Vet 0.26 288 75

58 Gladesville Rd C/4336441 storey office/

vacant0.62 433 268

60 1/906226 1 storey/Architect 0.43 508 218

62 1/1277251 storey/Stone

cottage0.44 508 224

64-681/903544 and E+F /392378

2 storey/Hotel + carpark*

0.32 2783 900

501 storey/heritage listed Solicitors

office *0.35 488 172


storey/Butcher/Fruit *

0.51 493 252

54 1 storey cottage * 0.25 280 7056 1 storey/Dentist * 0.24 416 100

571/126681 and

1/1277392 storey/Bottle shop

+ Restaurant.1.08 588 635

59 2/127739 1 storey/Fruit Shop 0.66 296.5 196

61 2/127739 2 storey/Hairdresser 1.47 296.5 436

63 1/572557 1 storey/Butcher 1.16 296.5 344

65 6/14452 2 storey/Fruit Shop 1.1 296.5 326

67 7/144522 storey/Dry

Cleaner0.55 296.5 163

69 8/650911 1 story/vacant? 0.5 296.5 148


1+2/456027, 1/127739

2 storey/bank, offices and shops (Joubert Square)

0.93 1308 1216

77 3/655077 1 storey/Café 0.66 231 152

79 Pt4/17107 1 storey/Video shop 1.2 207 248

16D 1/656224 2 storey/Real Estate 1.26 171 215

Residential Houses 51Residential Units 69

45 - 55 Office 380

Retail 100Office 350

35 - 45 Office 250Retail 250

Residential 1Restaurant 250

Community Centre 1000

Croquet Club 250Residential 1Residential 1

Residential 4

Residential 3Residential 14

GFA (sqm)

Ryde Road Nth, west of Gladesville Road

Gladesville Road Nth, west of Ryde Road

George Street etc Residential

Street Number Lot/DP Land Use FSR (:1)Site area


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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 12

1.4.4 Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd notes that the information provided in Table

1.4.1 is as detailed as possible given the available information. Characteristics of the

sites within the Village itself provide a higher level of accuracy as they are based on a

formal survey completed in 2003.

1.4.5 Conversely, characteristics of the sites outside of the Village � and specifically sites in

Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road, and in Ryde Road north-west of Gladesville Road

� are based on aerial photos and on-site inspections.

1.4.6 These land uses were then matched with the traffic survey data to determine basic

generation rates of key sections within the Village. We have specifically concentrated

this analysis on the commercial area on the southern side of Gladesville Road between

Joubert Street (South) and Pitt Street. Along with residential trips (which are generated

to both streets as well as to George Street to the south) it is possible to build a general

profile of the trips generated by this �sector� of the Village, and with reference to the

land areas generate a resulting trip rate for the components of this sector.

1.4.7 This analysis is relatively general given the prevalence of on-street parking in (and

outside of) the Village, but supports the following basic generation rates for different

land uses: -

AM Peak Hour

Residential houses generate ~0.85 trips per dwelling

Residential units generate ~0.29 trips per dwelling

Office generate ~1.5 trips per 100m2

Retail generates ~2.5 trips per 100m2

Cafes/ Restaurants generate ~1 trip per 100m2

The Hunters Hill Hotel itself generates only a single trip (see 2005 DA for detail)

PM Peak Hour

Residential houses generate ~0.85 trips per dwelling

Residential units generate ~0.29 trips per dwelling

Office generates ~2 trips per 100m2

Retail generates ~4 trips per 100m2

Cafes/ Restaurants generate ~1 trips per 100m2

The Hunters Hill Hotel generates 25 trips (see 2005 DA for detail)

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 13

1.4.8 With regard to the generation factors outlined above: -

The residential rates identified in both the morning and evening peak correspond

directly with RTA rates.

Office and retail generation during the AM peak is not significantly different from rates

provided in the RTA�s Guide, and tallies with our own studies of morning peak

generation in smaller villages.

In the PM peak, the office and retail rates match those provided by the RTA�s Guide.

The Hotel generation is based on surveys provided in the 2003 Hunters Hill Hotel DA

submission, and revised figures provided in the December 2005 DA submission. We

note that flows to and from the Hotel car park in both peak periods are higher than the

generation of the Hotel itself, identifying the number of diversion trips which [currently]

park in the Hotel car park but actually access the Village.

1.4.9 Having determined these rates of generation for the existing Village, Christopher

Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd has transposed the applicable rate to each part of the

Study Area to build an existing trip profile. As outlined further in Section 2 below, this

allows us to deduct existing trips from the future generation of the Study Area (based

on the Draft Masterplan proposal).

1.4.10 The resulting trip totals for each of the key sites within the Study Area are shown in

Table 1.4.2 (AM Peak) and Table 1.4.3 (PM Peak) below.

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 14

Table 1.4.2 Existing AM Peak Traffic Generation

Office Retail House Unit Other Hotel1.5 2.5 0.85 0.29 1 1

3 Ryde Rd A/433644 1/2 storey Cottage 0.69 297 205 1 11Ryde Rd B/433644 1 storey/Vet 0.26 288 75 1 1

58 Gladesville Rd C/4336441 storey office/

vacant0.62 433 268 4 4

60 1/906226 1 storey/Architect 0.43 508 218 3 3

62 1/1277251 storey/Stone

cottage0.44 508 224 1 1


64-681/903544 and E+F /392378

2 storey/Hotel + carpark*

0.32 2783 900 1 1


501 storey/heritage listed Solicitors

office *0.35 488 172 3 3


storey/Butcher/Fruit *

0.51 493 252 6 6

54 1 storey cottage * 0.25 280 70 1 156 1 storey/Dentist * 0.24 416 100 1.5 2


571/126681 and

1/1277392 storey/Bottle shop

+ Restaurant.1.08 588 635 6 6

59 2/127739 1 storey/Fruit Shop 0.66 296.5 196 5 5

61 2/127739 2 storey/Hairdresser 1.47 296.5 436 11 11

63 1/572557 1 storey/Butcher 1.16 296.5 344 9 9

65 6/14452 2 storey/Fruit Shop 1.1 296.5 326 8 8

67 7/144522 storey/Dry

Cleaner0.55 296.5 163 4 4

69 8/650911 1 story/vacant? 0.5 296.5 148 4 4


1+2/456027, 1/127739

2 storey/bank, offices and shops (Joubert Square)

0.93 1308 1216 9 15 24

77 3/655077 1 storey/Café 0.66 231 152 2 2

79 Pt4/17107 1 storey/Video shop 1.2 207 248 6 6

16D 1/656224 2 storey/Real Estate 1.26 171 215 5 5

Residential Houses 51 43 43Residential Units 69 20 20


45 - 55 Office 380 6 6

Retail 100 3 3Office 350 5 5

35 - 45 Office 250 3.75 4Retail 250 6 6

Residential 1 0.85 1Restaurant 250 3 3


Community Centre 1000 15 15

Croquet Club 250 4 4Residential 1 0.85 1Residential 1 0.85 1


Residential 4 3.4 3

Residential 3 2.55 3Residential 14 11.9 14

20Total 55 82 66 20 10 1 237

Ryde Road Nth, west of Gladesville Road

Gladesville Road Nth, west of Ryde Road

Total Trips

George Street etc Residential

AM Peak Hour Traffic Generation RatesStreet Number Lot/DP Land Use FSR (:1)

Site area (sqm)

GFA (sqm)

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 15

Table 1.4.3 Existing PM Peak Traffic Generation

Office Retail House Unit Other Hotel2 4 0.85 0.29 1 25

3 Ryde Rd A/433644 1/2 storey Cottage 0.69 297 205 1 11Ryde Rd B/433644 1 storey/Vet 0.26 288 75 1 1

58 Gladesville Rd C/4336441 storey office/

vacant0.62 433 268 5 5

60 1/906226 1 storey/Architect 0.43 508 218 4 4

62 1/1277251 storey/Stone

cottage0.44 508 224 1 1


64-681/903544 and E+F /392378

2 storey/Hotel + carpark*

0.32 2783 900 25 25


501 storey/heritage listed Solicitors

office *0.35 488 172 3 3


storey/Butcher/Fruit *

0.51 493 252 10 10

54 1 storey cottage * 0.25 280 70 1 156 1 storey/Dentist * 0.24 416 100 2 2


571/126681 and

1/1277392 storey/Bottle shop

+ Restaurant.1.08 588 635 6 6

59 2/127739 1 storey/Fruit Shop 0.66 296.5 196 8 8

61 2/127739 2 storey/Hairdresser 1.47 296.5 436 17 17

63 1/572557 1 storey/Butcher 1.16 296.5 344 14 14

65 6/14452 2 storey/Fruit Shop 1.1 296.5 326 13 13

67 7/144522 storey/Dry

Cleaner0.55 296.5 163 7 7

69 8/650911 1 story/vacant? 0.5 296.5 148 6 6


1+2/456027, 1/127739

2 storey/bank, offices and shops (Joubert Square)

0.93 1308 1216 12 24 36

77 3/655077 1 storey/Café 0.66 231 152 2 2

79 Pt4/17107 1 storey/Video shop 1.2 207 248 10 10

16D 1/656224 2 storey/Real Estate 1.26 171 215 9 9

Residential Houses 51 43 43Residential Units 69 20 20


45 - 55 Office 380 8 8

Retail 100 4 4Office 350 7 7

35 - 45 Office 250 5 5Retail 250 10 10

Residential 1 0.85 1Restaurant 250 3 3


Community Centre 1000 20 20

Croquet Club 250 5 5Residential 1 0.85 1Residential 1 0.85 1


Residential 4 3.4 3

Residential 3 2.55 3Residential 14 11.9 14

20Total 73 131 66 20 10 25 329

GFA (sqm)

Ryde Road Nth, west of Gladesville Road

Gladesville Road Nth, west of Ryde Road

Total Trips

George Street etc Residential

PM Peak Hour Traffic Generation RatesStreet Number Lot/DP Land Use FSR (:1)

Site area (sqm)

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Hunters Hill Village Draft Masterplan Traffic Report July 2006

Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 16

2 Future Masterplan Proposal

2.1 Draft Masterplan Proposal

2.1.1 A Draft Masterplan proposal for the Study Area has been provided to Christopher

Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd by Hunters Hill Council and Architectus Pty Ltd, and is

shown in Figure 2.1.

2.1.2 The Draft Masterplan proposal provides for an increase in the floor space ratio (FSR)

across key sites within and just outside of the Village, thereby providing scope for

additional development. The proposal also allows for changes in landuse, and

specifically the introduction of residential apartments within the Village centre.

2.1.3 Figure 2.1 provides a summary of the potential land uses and areas/dwellings

provided for by the increased FSR, as well as more general potential increases along

Ryde Road. From a simple numbers perspective, the proposal increases retail space

and residential areas, while reducing commercial (office space) floor space. Some of

the key component changes include: -

Retail floorspace within the Study Area increases from approximately 4,000m2 to over


Residential houses/dual occupancy within the Study Area increase from 78 dwellings

to 89 dwellings

Residential units within the Study Area increase from 69 units to 121 units

Commercial floorspace within the Study Area reduces from approximately 4,300m2 to

1,350m2. [Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd notes that some of the potential

retail areas may actually be retained for commercial � that is office - development].

2.1.4 Importantly, the assessment of the Hunters Hill Hotel � that is the future traffic

generation of the Hotel - is based directly on the recent DA for the site (December


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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 17

Figure 2.1 Draft Masterplan Proposal

3 Ryde Rd A/4336441/2 storey

Cottage0.69 297 205

1Ryde Rd B/433644 1 storey/Vet 0.26 288 75

58 - 60 Residential 10

Retail 300

62 1/1277251 storey/Stone

cottage0.44 508 224

64-681/903544 and

E+F /392378

2 storey/Hotel

+ carpark*0.32 2783 900

50 - 56 Residnetial 7

Retail 1285

57 - 79 Residential 33

16D Joubert Retail 3300



Residential Units 69

35 - 45 Residential 35

45 - 55 Retail 3495

Community 1250

Residential 2

Residential 32

Residential 3

Gladesville Road Nth, west of Ryde

Ryde Road Nth, west of Gladesville

Site area (sqm) GFA (sqm)Street Number Lot/DP Land Use FSR (:1)

George Street etc Residential

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 18

2.2 Future Access & Road Network

2.2.1 One of the key considerations in the assessment of the future traffic environment is

changes to the access environment, in this case brought about by the amalgamation of

sites. In this regard, this assessment was originally designed to examine more

significant changes resulting from past proposals for the Hunters Hill Hotel, and

specifically new intersections and turning restrictions within the Village.

2.2.2 However, a more recent application for the Hotel site (December 2005) proposes only

minor alterations, and most significantly the retention of the existing [priority] access

point. This means that the Draft Masterplan proposals have been assessed using the

existing road network.

2.2.3 A second consideration � linked to the designation of future access point locations

within the Village - is the provision of parking. The Draft Masterplan sets out the

parking required for the potential amalgamated sites, and there is an expectation that

parking for each site will be provided on-site.

2.2.4 For this assessment, Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd has assumed that

parking for each of the new sites will be provided on-site, but that the use of the

Hunters Hill Hotel car park will continue to the extent it currently occurs, i.e. it will

continue to provide a small amount of short-term parking for the Village. This is in line

with the expectation of the Hotel operators, outlined in the Traffic Impact Assessment

accompanying the December 2005 DA.

2.2.5 The modelled access points for each of the key development areas are shown in

Figure 2.2.

2.2.6 The other significant �assumption� in the assignment of trips to access points is for the

development at 35 � 55 Gladesville Road, which currently has access from both Pitt

Street and Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road through the customer car park.

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 19

Figure 2.2 Proposed Access Points

2.2.7 Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd has recommended that any future

amalgamation of these sites include an access point from Gladesville Road west of

Ryde Road; this would provide for maximum through trip capacity within the Village,

and specifically would not exacerbate delays at the Pitt Street intersection.

2.2.8 Similarly, for the potential development of the corner site at the intersection of

Gladesville Road and Ryde Road, access should be provided to Gladesville Road (as it

is currently).

2.2.9 Importantly, both these recommendations are made based on creating the most

efficient local access network. The potential exists for smaller sites to be developed

under the Draft Masterplan provisions; access to such sites would need to be provided

to the road network in the most appropriate manner, which may include additional

access to Pitt Street or Ryde Road north of Gladesville Road. Under such

circumstances, the additional flows (and subsequent performance of Pitt Street) would

be assessed as part of the DA process for each site.

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 20

2.3 Future Traffic Generation

2.3.1 The future traffic generation of the Draft Masterplan sites has been calculated with

reference to the generation rates determined for the existing Study Area sites. In

applying these rates in the analysis, we have considered the following issues: -

The more intensive use of the Study Area, and particularly the central Village, has the

potential to generate additional trips simply due to the potential increase in services

available within the Village, and particularly the increase in retail area.

Conversely, this additional generation would be off-set by the potential for more linked

trips (than currently occur) and also because the general traffic conditions in the area

during peak periods would continue to �discourage� the maximum generation potential

of the Village (during these periods).

Further, the significant increase in the residential population within the Study Area

would contribute a percentage of trips to the retail (and potentially office) components

of the Draft Masterplan, but would not generate vehicle trips.

2.3.2 So as to provide for a reasonable maximum assessment, Christopher Stapleton

Consulting Pty Ltd � following discussions with Hunters Hill Council - has used the

same generation rates as calculated for the existing land uses.

2.3.3 The exception is the Hunters Hill Hotel, for which we have based future flows on the

latest development application for the site (December 2005) which provides for only

minor on-site changes, and no network (road) changes. Details of these traffic

assumptions � based on slight revisions to existing accommodation, and the relocation

(internal) of the bottle shop � are outlined in the Traffic Impact Assessment prepared by

Project Planning Associates which accompanies the DA.

2.3.4 Applying these rates to the future land uses, and including the existing generation of

sites not be affected by the Masterplan proposals, provides traffic generation estimates

which are shown in Table 2.3.1 (AM Peak) and Table 2.3.2 (PM Peak).

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 21

Table 2.3.1 AM Peak Hour Future Traffic Generation

Office Retail House Unit Unit Hotel Other1.5 2.5 0.85 0.29 0.29 5

3 Ryde Rd A/433644 1/2 storey Cottage 0.69 297 205 1 11Ryde Rd B/433644 1 storey/Vet 0.26 288 75 1 1

58 - 60 Residential 10 2.9 3Retail 300 7.5 8

62 1/1277251 storey/Stone

cottage0.44 508 224 1 1


64-681/903544 and E+F /392378

2 storey/Hotel + carpark*

0.32 2783 900 5 5

550 - 56 Residnetial 7 2.03 2

Retail 1285 32 3234

57 - 79 Residential 33 9.57 1016D Joubert Retail 3300 83 83

Residential Houses 51 43 43Residential Units 69 20 20

15535 - 45 Residential 35 10.15 1045 - 55 Retail 3495 87 87


Community 1250 19 19

Residential 2 1.7 220

Residential 32 27.2 27

Residential 3 2.55 330

TOTAL 20 210 77 25 20 5 0 356

-35 127 10 4 -10 121

Total Trips

George Street etc Residential

Street Number Lot/DP Land Use FSR (:1)Site area



AM Peak Hour Traffic Generation RatesGFA (sqm)

Ryde Road Nth, west of Gladesville Road

Gladesville Road Nth, west of Ryde Road

Table 2.3.2 PM Peak Hour Future Traffic Generation

Office Retail House New Unit Unit Hotel Other2 4 0.85 0.29 0.29 31

3 Ryde Rd A/433644 1/2 storey Cottage 0.69 297 205 1 11Ryde Rd B/433644 1 storey/Vet 0.26 288 75 1 1

58 - 60 Residential 10 2.9 3Retail 300 12 12

62 1/1277251 storey/Stone

cottage0.44 508 224 1 1


64-681/903544 and E+F /392378

2 storey/Hotel + carpark*

0.32 2783 900 31 31

3150 - 56 Residnetial 7 2.03 2

Retail 1285 51 5153

57 - 79 Residential 33 9.57 1016D Joubert Retail 3300 132 132

Residential Houses 51 43 43Residential Units 69 20 20

20535 - 45 Residential 35 10.15 1045 - 55 Retail 3495 140 140


Community 1250 25 25

Residential 2 1.7 227

Residential 32 27.2 27

Residential 3 2.55 1441

TOTAL 26 335 77 25 20 31 0 525

-47 204 10 6 -10 187

Ryde Road Nth, west of Gladesville Road

Gladesville Road Nth, west of Ryde Road


PM Peak Hour Traffic Generation RatesTotal Trips

George Street etc Residential

Street Number Lot/DP Land Use FSR (:1)Site area

(sqm)GFA (sqm)

2.3.5 Some of the key figures provided in Table 2.3.1 and Table 2.3.2 include: -

In the morning peak period, the trip generation of the Study Area increases by

approximately 121 vehicle trips.

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In the evening peak period, the trip generation of the Study Area increases by

approximately 187 vehicle trips

The most significant increase in traffic generation arises from the provision of additional

retail floorspace.

Within the Study Area, the highest increases in traffic generation are from the

amalgamated sites in Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road. At present, the generation

of these sites is relatively low (and thus the Draft Masterplan provides a higher

proportional increase).

2.3.6 Overall, the assessed increases in traffic generation for the Study Area through both

peak periods would not be considered significant within a Village centre context,

particularly as the additional trips are generated to and from numerous access points.

This is an important consideration in the evaluation of future impacts.

2.4 Future Traffic Distribution

2.4.1 Having determined the generation of each of the new development sites, Christopher

Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd has then reviewed the access proposals arising from the

assessment discussed in Section 2.2 above.

2.4.2 Directional distribution has then been assigned in accordance to the existing traffic

surveys, as are arrival and departure characteristics in both the AM and PM peak.

2.4.3 We note that for the sites in Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road we have examined the

survey of the existing retail access point (adjacent to the arcade/Michel�s Patisserie) to

determine what percentage of this traffic arrives and departs to/from the west, and

therefore does not enter the intersections being assessed.

2.4.4 This is important, as during the morning peak period much of the traffic generated by

these sites is actually assigned to and from the west; and in the evening peak arrivals

from the east (i.e. through the key intersections) are high but departures to the east are


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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 23

2.4.5 The resulting total future flows on the network are shown in Appendix A.

2.4 Future Intersection Performance

2.4.1 Using the future flows and changes to the road network, the key intersections have

again been assessed using the SCATES and INTANAL models.

2.4.2 The results of the assessment are provided below in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Future Intersection Performance

LOS Average Delay


Degree of


Worst Delay



Coordinated System B C 23 29 0.99 1.03 66 99

Gladesville Rd & Ryde Rd A A <10 <10 0.65 0.53 46 45

Gladesville Rd & Pitt St F D <10 <10 0.61 0.26 87 53

Gladesville Rd & Burns

Bay Rd & Church Street1 D E 55 70 0.99 1.03 68 106

2.4.3 With reference to the modelling results provided in Table 2.4: -

Following the introduction of the additional Draft Masterplan traffic, the intersection of

Gladesville Road with Ryde Road continues to operate at a high level of service, even

though [proportionally] it accommodates the bulk of additional traffic generation from

development west of Ryde Road.

The minor intersection of Gladesville Road with Pitt Street continues to operate

satisfactorily as part of the overall network, through delays increase marginally for the

minor turning demands to, and particularly from, Pitt Street.

The traffic generated by the Draft Masterplan exacerbates the existing operating

conditions at the intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church Street;

however, the SCATES analysis shows that Level of Service remains unchanged

following the assignment of additional vehicle trips.

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 24

Significantly, the additional traffic does reduce the available capacity at this key

intersection; however, it is our opinion that the additional traffic generated by the Draft

Masterplan is not in and of itself significant, and in fact represent less than the normal

daily variation in flows through the intersection.

2.5 Alternative Intersection Design

2.5.1 Notwithstanding these findings � which essentially show that the Draft Masterplan can

be implemented without altering the existing performance of the local road network �

we have reviewed the performance of the key intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns

Bay Road and Church Street , and specifically investigated means by which its Level of

Service could be improved.

2.5.2 Our review identified a significant delay to vehicles at the eastern end of the

intersection, and specifically to vehicles travelling westbound from Church Street to

Gladesville Road; and to vehicles travelling eastbound from Gladesville Road to

Church Street and [southbound] to Burns Bay Road.

2.5.3 The existing intersection configuration is shown in Figure 2.5.1.

2.5.4 Using only the existing carriageway, Mr John Bates has assessed a revised

intersection design which provides significant improvements to performance without

major infrastructure requirements. Specifically, the proposal provides: -

Two westbound through lanes in Church Street (to Gladesville Road), and one

extended left hand turn lane from Church Street to Burns Bay Road; at present this

lane provides only 15m length, and the proposal would remove existing on-street

parking on the northern side of the street so as to provide a lane of 40m length.

One eastbound through lane from Gladesville Road to Church Street, and two

southbound right hand turn lanes from Gladesville Road to Burns Bay Road

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Figure 2.5.1 Gladesville Rd, Burns Bay Rd & Church St Existing Intersection

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 26

2.5.5 The design proposal is shown in Figure 2.5.2, and would not require any new lanes or

[we believe] road widening, but only use the existing carriageway. The most

significant impact of this proposal would appear to be on existing on-street parking in

Church Street east of Burns Bay Road, which based on anecdotal evidence provides

for residents and some local community uses. Essentially, the proposal would result in

the loss of 4 � 5 parking spaces.

2.5.6 The revised design was then tested using SCATES and INTANAL under both existing

and Draft Masterplan conditions. The results of the analysis are provided below in

Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Redesigned Gladesville Rd, Burns Bay Rd

and Church St Intersection Performance

LOS Average Delay


Degree of


Gladesville Road/Burns Bay

Road/Church Street AM PM AM PM AM PM

Existing Flows D E 51 57 0.98 1.00

Existing with Redesign C C 29 32 0.87 0.90

Plus Draft Masterplan Flows D E 55 70 0.99 1.03

Draft Masterplan with Redesign C C 29 40 0.88 0.92

2.5.7 The results in Table 2.5 clearly show that the capacity of the existing interchange can

be improved without infrastructure works so as to provide a good Level of Service in

both peak periods even with the additional Draft Masterplan traffic flows, along with a

significant improvement in available capacity.

2.5.8 The improved performance of Church Street matches our observations and also

anecdotal evidence that it is the movements to and from Church Street that are

primarily delayed during peak periods.

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Figure 2.5.2 Gladesville Rd, Burns Bay Rd & Church St Proposed Intersection

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2.5.9 The potential loss of parking as part of this proposal may or may not be a significant

issue in relation to the local parking environment in Church Street, and will certainly

require further investigation. Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd understands

that a similar proposal was developed by Hunters Hill Council and put to the RTA for

consideration; we are not aware of the reasons why the proposal was not implemented

at an earlier time.

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 29

3 Conclusions & Recommendations

3.1 Conclusions

3.1.1 This report has been prepared by Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd for Hunters

Hill Council to assess the traffic impacts associated with potential zoning and FSR

changes associated with a Draft Masterplan for the Hunters Hill Village and its

immediate surrounds.

Study Methodology

3.1.2 In preparing the this Report, Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd has: -

Commissioned surveys of all key local intersections and reviewed existing intersection

geometry and controls to determine the existing performance of the local network.

Used the surveyed traffic data to generate traffic generation estimates of the proposed

future sites.

Used the surveyed traffic data to generate distribution profiles for the traffic generated

by the proposed future sites.

Assigned the additional traffic generation to the most appropriate access points within

the network.

Assessed the resulting performance of key intersections within the Village using the

SCATES and INTANAL intersection models.

3.1.3 Following a review of the resulting SCATES and INTANAL data output, Christopher

Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd provides the following conclusions.

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 30

The Existing Traffic Network

The existing local network � that is the coordinated system along Gladesville Road

between Ryde Road and Church Street - as a whole operates at a good level of

service. This is not surprising as the vast majority of trips, through trips between Ryde

Road and Burns Bay Road/Church Street, are not delayed for the majority of their trip.

The intersection of Gladesville Road and Ryde Road operates at a good level of

service, with low average delays and spare capacity.

The minor intersection of Gladesville Road with Pitt Street operates satisfactorily as part

of the overall network, through delays are recorded for the minor turning demand to,

and particularly from, Pitt Street.

The intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church Street currently

operates near capacity, with moderate to high average delays for a number of key

approaches to the intersection. As a result it reports a satisfactory to poor Level of

Service under existing conditions.

The Draft Masterplan

Following the introduction of the additional Draft Masterplan traffic, the intersection of

Gladesville Road and Ryde Road continues to operate at a good Level of Service, even

though [proportionally] it accommodates the bulk of additional traffic generation from

development in Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road.

The minor intersection of Gladesville Road with Pitt Street continues to operate

satisfactorily as part of the overall network, through delays increase marginally for the

minor turning demands. Importantly, the Draft Masterplan proposals would not

significantly increase traffic flows at this intersection above current levels.

The traffic generated by the Draft Masterplan exacerbates the existing satisfactory

operating conditions at the intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and

Church Street, increasing delays and reducing available capacity; however, the

SCATES analysis shows that Level of Service remains unchanged following the

assignment of additional vehicle trips.

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Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd 31

It is our opinion that the additional traffic generated by the Draft Masterplan is not in

and of itself significant, and in fact represent less than the normal daily variation in

flows through the key intersection of Gladesville Road, Burns Bay Road and Church


Essentially, the modelling shows that the additional traffic generated by the Draft

Masterplan can be accommodated within the existing local traffic network without

altering existing performance levels.

Impact Minimisation

3.1.4 Notwithstanding these findings, Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd and Mr John

Bates have examined the alignment and lane configuration at the Gladesville Road,

Burns Bay Road & Church Street intersection to determine means by which the

performance (existing and future) could be improved without significant upgrades.

3.1.5 Specifically, we have investigated the following: -

A realignment of the existing westbound lanes from Church Street to Burns Bay Road,

and specifically an increase to the short (15m) kerbside lane to 40m by increasing the

�No Parking� distance on the northern side of Church Street..

A reassignment of the existing eastbound lanes to Church Street from Gladesville

Road, and specifically the provision of a single eastbound through lane and two right

hand turn lanes (to Burns Bay Road) within the available carriageway.

3.1.6 This proposal provides a significant improvement, such that delays are reduced to

acceptable levels even with the additional Draft Masterplan traffic volumes. All the key

indicators � that is average and maximum delay (and by association Level of Service)

and Degree of Saturation � show improvements arising from this proposal.

3.1.7 It is our understanding that a similar proposal has previously been examined by

Hunters Hill Council and the RTA, but was not adopted.

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3.2 Recommendations

3.2.1 Christopher Stapleton Consulting Pty Ltd makes the following recommendations: -

1. That Hunters Hill Council examine the potential benefits and impacts of the revised

Church Street approach to the Gladesville Road & Burns Bay Road intersection,

and if appropriate discuss the proposal with the RTA.

2. That to as great an extent possible, access for amalgamated developments in

Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road � including the key Draft Masterplan site that

straddles the intersection � be provided from Gladesville Road west of Ryde Road

rather than Pitt Street. This recommendation does not preclude smaller

developments accessing the road network at the most direct location, which may

be Pitt Street.

3. That parking is provided on-site for new developments in accordance with the

[potentially revised] parking rates outlined in the final Masterplan. This will reduce

the demand for parking in the residential streets to the north, west [and potentially

south] of the Study Area.

4. Further to 3 above, that Council give consideration to a reduction in current

parking requirements for sites within the Study Area. A reduction in parking

requirements would reflect the potential for public transport and residential walk

trips, as well as current RTA and local Council parking standards.

5. That Council undertake ongoing monitoring of parking demands � particularly in

residential streets - to ensure residential parking demand continues to be

accommodated in an appropriate manner.