children’s specialty care - thrive...children’s specialty care kids often bounce back quickly...

KAISER PERMANENTE LOS ANGELES MEDICAL CENTER CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE Kids often bounce back quickly from illnesses and injuries. But whether they’re dealing with a minor infection or a serious condition, they still need care with a special touch. At our Los Angeles Medical Center, we offer comprehensive pediatric care for members from one day old to age 18. We know it can be very hard to see your child face a serious condition. That’s why we provide a variety of specialty physicians to focus on your child and a compassionate support team to help you and your family through this difficult time. CARE IN MULTIPLE SPECIALTIES We provide lots of different pediatric specialty services so that your child can get the high-quality care he or she needs, including: • Cardiology • Endocrinology • End-stage renal disease (ESRD) care • Gastroenterology • Hematology/Oncology • High-risk infant care • Infectious Disease • Learning and development • Nephrology Pediatric Pulmonology and Cystic Fibrosis • Rheumatology • Teenage Medicine A SPECIAL FOCUS Our Children’s Specialty Care team is also supported by several pediatric clinics. For example, the Teenage Medicine Clinic provides services such as sports and camp physicals, diagnosis and treatment of chronic conditions among teens, and specialty care for eating disorders. We also offer clinics that evaluate children for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), infectious diseases, asthma, autism, and autoimmune diseases such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Our specialty physicians and nurses in areas such as cardiology and hematology/oncology are trained to deal with children and their special needs. BODY AND SPIRIT The playful spirit of a child is something to be nurtured and cherished. We work hard to take care of the physical and emotional needs of your child through education and with compassion. Together, we’ll work to help your child get better and stay well. SPECIALTY SERVICES

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Page 1: CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE - Thrive...CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE Kids often bounce back quickly from illnesses and injuries. But whether they’re dealing with a minor infection



Kids often bounce back quickly from illnesses and injuries. But whether they’re dealing with a minor infection or a serious condition, they still need care with a special touch.

At our Los Angeles Medical Center, we offer comprehensive pediatric care for members from one day old to age 18. We know it can be very hard to see your child face a serious condition. That’s why we provide a variety of specialty physicians to focus on your child and a compassionate support team to help you and your family through this difficult time.

CARE IN MULTIPLE SPECIALTIES We provide lots of different pediatric

specialty services so that your child

can get the high-quality care he or she

needs, including:

• Cardiology

• Endocrinology

• End-stage renal disease (ESRD) care

• Gastroenterology

• Hematology/Oncology

• High-risk infant care

• Infectious Disease

• Learning and development

• Nephrology

• Pediatric Pulmonology and Cystic Fibrosis

• Rheumatology

• Teenage Medicine

A SPECIAL FOCUSOur Children’s Specialty Care team is also

supported by several pediatric clinics. For

example, the Teenage Medicine Clinic

provides services such as sports and camp

physicals, diagnosis and treatment of

chronic conditions among teens, and

specialty care for eating disorders. We

also offer clinics that evaluate children

for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

(ADHD), infectious diseases, asthma, autism,

and autoimmune diseases such as juvenile

rheumatoid arthritis. Our specialty

physicians and nurses in areas such as

cardiology and hematology/oncology are

trained to deal with children and their

special needs.

BODY AND SPIRITThe playful spirit of a child is something

to be nurtured and cherished. We work hard

to take care of the physical and emotional

needs of your child through education and

with compassion. Together, we’ll work to

help your child get better and stay well.


Page 2: CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE - Thrive...CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE Kids often bounce back quickly from illnesses and injuries. But whether they’re dealing with a minor infection

By your side: Your Children’s Specialty Care team

A Member’s Story

A su lado: Su equipo de Atención Especializada para Niños

La historia de un miembro

Depending on the needs of your child,

your Children’s Specialty Care team may

include physicians, nurses, social workers,

or care managers from a variety of

pediatric subspecialties within the Pediatrics

Department at our Los Angeles Medical

Center. This team is assembled specifically

to ensure that your child receives the proper

referrals and specialty care needed for his

or her condition.

Our specialty physicians are supported by

a nursing team that has received extensive

training in pediatrics. Specially trained social

workers can help you and your family work

through the emotional issues you may face

when your child is seriously ill or hospitalized.

Your child’s physicians, therapists, and

nurses will closely monitor his or her

treatment. We’re here to answer your

questions or address any concerns you may

have so you can have the peace of mind

knowing your child is in good hands.

Isaac Magpantay, 2, was diagnosed with a heart malformation before he was born. Specialists from our Pediatric Cardiology team worked to repair his heart soon after birth. The following is his story, as told by his mother, Rhea Cruz Magpantay.

Isaac needs a series of surgeries to

repair his heart. He was born with

a heart that had only three chambers instead

of four. This congenital defect, if not corrected,

could affect how blood is delivered to other parts

of his body. He underwent his first surgery when

he was only 3 days old. The surgeon put in a

heart shunt to redirect his blood flow.

After three months a second shunt was placed,

and when Isaac turned 10 months old, the

surgeons did another procedure to ensure that

his heart wouldn’t have to work as hard.

It was so hard to see him go through this.

It was only me and my husband here in Los

Angeles. All our relatives are back home in

the Philippines. That’s why we’re really thankful

that we met Dr. Timothy Degner,

Isaac’s pediatric cardiologist. The first time we

talked to Dr. Degner, he just told us everything’s

going to be fine, and I believed him. Since then,

he’s become family to us.

Isaac is still expecting one more surgery, but just

like any other normal kid, he’s very playful.

Page 3: CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE - Thrive...CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE Kids often bounce back quickly from illnesses and injuries. But whether they’re dealing with a minor infection



ATENCIóN EN MúLTIPLES ESPECIALIDADESOfrecemos muchos servicios diferentes especializados de pediatría para que su niño pueda recibir atención de alta calidad cuando la necesite, incluyendo:

• Cardiología

• Endocrinología

• Atención para insuficiencia renal crónica en fase terminal (IRCT)

• Gastroenterología

• Hematología/Oncología

• Atención para recién nacidos con alto riesgo

• Enfermedades infecciosas

• Aprendizaje y desarrollo

• Nefrología

• Neumología Pediátrica y la Fibrosis Quística

• Reumatología

• Medicina para adolescentes

UN ENFOqUE ESPECIALNuestro equipo de Atención Especializada para Niños también cuenta con el respaldo de varias clínicas pediátricas. Por ejemplo,

la Clínica de Medicina para Adolescentes presta servicios como exámenes físicos para deportistas y para campamentos, diagnóstico y tratamiento de problemas médicos crónicos entre adolescentes, y atención especializada para trastornos de la alimentación. Ofrecemos asimismo clínicas que evalúan a los niños para determinar si tienen el trastorno de hiperactividad por déficit de la atención (ADHD), enfermedades infecciosas, asma, autismo y enfermedades autoinmunes como artritis reumatoide juvenil. Nuestros médicos y enfermeras especializados en áreas como cardiología y hematología/oncología están capacitados para tratar a niños y sus necesidades especiales.

CUERPO Y ESPíRITUEl espíritu juguetón de un niño es algo que se debe cultivar y apreciar. Trabajamos duro para cuidar de las necesidades físicas y emocionales de su niño por medio de educación y con compasión. Colaboraremos para ayudar a que su niño se sienta mejor y se mantenga sano.

Los niños a menudo se recuperan rápidamente de enfermedades y lesiones. Pero aunque tengan una infección menor o un problema grave, siguen necesitando atención con un toque especial.

En nuestro Los Angeles Medical Center ofrecemos atención pediátrica completa para los miembros de un día a 18 años de edad. Sabemos que puede ser muy duro ver a su niño sufrir de un problema médico grave. Por eso contamos con diversos médicos especializados que se concentran en su niño y un equipo de apoyo compasivo para ayudarles a usted y a su familia en este momento difícil.


Page 4: CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE - Thrive...CHILDREN’S SPECIALTY CARE Kids often bounce back quickly from illnesses and injuries. But whether they’re dealing with a minor infection

Según las necesidades de su niño, es

posible que su equipo de Atención

Especializada para Niños incluya

médicos, enfermeras, trabajadores sociales

o administradores de atención de diversas

subespecialidades pediátricas en el

Departamento de Pediatría de nuestro

Los Angeles Medical Center. El equipo se

integra específicamente para asegurarse

de que su niño reciba las referencias

apropiadas y la atención especializada

que requiera para su problema médico.

Nuestros médicos especializados cuentan

con el apoyo de un equipo de enfermería

que ha recibido amplia capacitación

en pediatría. Los trabajadores sociales

especialmente capacitados pueden

ayudarles a usted y a su familia a

enfrentarse a cuestiones emocionales

que pudiesen surgir cuando su niño esté

gravemente enfermo u hospitalizado.

Los médicos, terapeutas y enfermeras de

su niño supervisarán estrechamente su

tratamiento. Estamos aquí para contestar

sus preguntas o atender cualquier

inquietud que usted pudiese tener a fin de

que esté tranquilo al saber que su niño está

en buenas manos.

A su lado: Su equipo de Atención Especializada para Niños

Isaac necesita una serie de cirugías

para repararle el corazón. Cuando

nació, su corazón sólo tenía tres cavidades en

lugar de cuatro. Este defecto congénito, si no

se corrige, puede afectar la manera en que se

envía la sangre a otras partes del cuerpo.

Se le sometió a su primera cirugía cuando tenía

únicamente 3 días de edad. El cirujano instaló

una derivación cardiaca para redirigir su flujo


Tres meses después se le colocó una segunda

derivación, y cuando cumplió 10 meses

de edad, los cirujanos administraron otro

procedimiento para asegurarse de que el

corazón no le tuviera que trabajar tan duro.

Fue muy difícil verlo pasar por todo esto. Mi

esposo y yo estábamos solos en Los Angeles.

Todos nuestros parientes viven en las Filipinas.

Por eso estamos realmente agradecidos de que

conocimos al Dr. Timothy Degner, el cardiólogo

pediátrico de Isaac. La primera vez que

hablamos con él, nos dijo que todo iba a salir

bien y le creí. Desde entonces, le hemos

considerado como familia.

Todavía se espera que Isaac tenga

otra cirugía pero, como cualquier

otro niño normal, es muy juguetón.

La historia de un miembroA Isaac Magpantay, de 2 años de edad, se le diagnosticó con una malformación del corazón antes de nacer. Los especialistas de nuestro equipo de Cardiología Pediátrica trabajaron para repararle el corazón inmediatamente después de su nacimiento. Ésta es su historia conforme la relata su madre Rhea Cruz Magpantay.