cheap and easy recipes

Quick & Easy Recipes Cod In Butter Sauce With Sliced Potatoes & Vegetables

Upload: michelle-eaton

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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Quick & Easy Recipes

Cod In Butter Sauce With Sliced Potatoes & Vegetables

Page 2: Cheap and Easy Recipes

You Will Need.....● Frozen Boil In Bag Cod In Butter Sauce (Or Similar)

○ 137 calories ● One Small Potato (approx. 60g) thinly sliced

○ 50 calories ● Frozen Spinach (Or fresh)

○ 17 calories ● 2 Mushrooms

○ 4 calories ● A few slices of Courgette

○ 5 calories

Page 3: Cheap and Easy Recipes

Instructions!Defrost spinach if it isfrozen

Spray a good quality non-stick frying pan with Fry-lite (or equivalent) and set to medium heat

Add sliced potatoes to the pan.

Pierce the boil in the bag fish several times and cook in the microwave according to instructions (usually 5 mins or so)

Add another spray of oil to the pan

Slice mushrooms, and addto pan. Add sliced courgette, turn potatoes and add another spray of oil if necessary...

Page 4: Cheap and Easy Recipes

This not meant to be gourmet! Just quick & easy!

Add spinach to the pan when fish is ready... flip everything over regularly and check if any more oil spray is needed...

Now serve everything...

Page 5: Cheap and Easy Recipes

This meal is 213 calories, factor in the spray oil at 1 cal per spray... so e.g. 7 sprays - this will be a 220 calorie meal - I'm telling you, it is so tasty and fills you up for a good
