chapter 20 – 1492-1800

Warm-up #13.3 (Ch. 19.3) –due today 8. The power of the ______ prevented Japan from having a centralized government prior to 1500. 9. Who were the first Europeans to reach Japan? 10.The _______ Shogunate feared religious uprisings and kicked Europeans out of Japan as a result. 11.What was the name of the policy instituted in Japan to control foreign ideas? 8. Daimyo 9. Portuguese 10.Tokugawa 11.Closed- Country

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Chapter 20 – 1492-1800. The Atlantic World. Section 1 Spain Builds an American Empire. Columbus. 1492 – Columbus’s goal was to reach Asia by sailing west. Failed to reach Asia, landed instead on an island in the Caribbean (probably the Bahamas) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 20 – 1492-1800

Warm-up #13.3 (Ch. 19.3) –due today

8. The power of the ______ prevented Japan from having a centralized government prior to 1500.

9. Who were the first Europeans to reach Japan?

10. The _______ Shogunate feared religious uprisings and kicked Europeans out of Japan as a result.

11. What was the name of the policy instituted in Japan to control foreign ideas?

8. Daimyo9. Portuguese10. Tokugawa11. Closed-


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Chapter 20 – 1492-1800The Atlantic World

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Section 1Spain Builds an American Empire

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Columbus 1492 – Columbus’s goal was to

reach Asia by sailing west. Failed to reach Asia, landed

instead on an island in the Caribbean (probably the Bahamas)

Looking for gold, he moved from island to island, claiming each for Spain (colonies)

Others would quickly follow, each claiming the land in the name of their European country Magellan would be the first to sail

around the world (technically didn’t make it himself)

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Competing Claims French explorers were initially

looking for a quicker route to the Pacific Ocean Not finding one, they claimed the

lands in the NE US/Canadian Region

Cartier/Champlain’s expeditions created Montreal and Quebec

Started in Eastern Canada and then expanded down the Mississippi (became known as New France/Louisiana)

French profited off the fur trade, no permanent settlements.

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Spanish Conquest (Mexico) 1519 – Hernando Cortes lands in

Mexico in search of gold. With the Aztecs in the way, Cortes and his conquistadors (Spanish conquerors) will destroy their civilization.

Montezuma, leader of the Aztecs, gave him a tribute of gold but it only made him want more.

Reasons the Spanish success: Superior weapons Aztec opposing tribes joined the

Spanish DISEASE – never having been exposed

meant the natives had no immunities

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Spanish Influence American colonies made Spain

the wealthiest of the European nations in the 1500s Led to a stronger army/navy

As they grew, they sought to expand their colonies into the southwestern US region 1513 – Ponce de Leon claims

Florida 1541 – Colonized Arizona to Texas

Lacked significant gold so they sent mostly priests seeking converts

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Peruvian Conquests Francisco Pizzaro, of Spain,

conquered the Incan Empire in 1532

200 men met and kidnapped Incan Emperor Atahualpa Ransomed for gold and silver Killed Atahualpa after receiving

the ransom By 1600, Spain had created a vast

empire from Mexico south. Began to “rebuild” civilization by

having children with the native people (children = mestizos)

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Encomienda system used by the Spanish to

create a labor force Gave the owner of the land the

right to enslave native people. The Spanish landowner would

be responsible for converting the native to Christianity and having them learn Spanish

This helped the Spanish colonies by creating a cheap labor source that will function the same way slavery does later.

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Brazilian Conquest Outside of Spanish control,

Brazil was colonized by Portugal

Settled almost entirely on the coast.

Since there was no gold/silver to be found, they used the land for sugar plantations

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And nowChapter 20 – Section 1

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Page 12: Chapter 20 – 1492-1800

Warm-up #14.1 (Ch. 20.1)1. Where did Columbus

land first?2. Who conquered the

Aztecs?3. What advantages

allowed for the Spanish to conquer the Aztecs?

4. What economic system provided cheap labor for New Spain?

1. An island in the Caribbean

2. Cortez3. Guns, disease,

and native enemies

4. Encomienda

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Section 3The Atlantic Slave Trade

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Causes of African Slavery As natives died by the millions in the

Americas, Europeans looked for a new source of labor

Africa had a history of slavery going back for centuries in Africa and Muslim societies Difference: they used captives from war

and they had some chance to move up. In the Americas, it is for life, based on race, and hereditary

Africans made better workers in the Americas Already exposed to most diseases Experienced farmers Less likely to escape because they didn’t

know the land Race made them stand out among


Page 15: Chapter 20 – 1492-1800

Atlantic Slave Trade The practice became so

widespread that the term, Atlantic slave trade, referred to the transfer of Africans straight to the Americas

In total, Europeans brought nearly 10 million Africans to the Americas as slaves

The slave trade originated with the Spanish and the Portuguese in the Caribbean and Brazil (40% of slaves in the 1600s went to Brazil)

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Spread of Slavery As the English colonies

expanded, so did their need for slave labor

African rulers/merchants participated in the slave trade by using captured Africans

When rulers failed to cooperate, merchants would simply find a way around them.

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Triangular Trade Refers to the trade route

between Europe, Africa, and the Americas From Americas: cotton, tobacco,

rum, sugar, molasses From Europe: Manufactured

goods/guns From Africa: Slaves and gold

The part of the trade network that brought slaves specifically became known as the middle passage. Became known for its cruelty and

mistreatment of enslaved Africans 20% (est.) died en route.

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American Slavery After arriving, slaves were usually

auctioned off Used to work in mines, fields, or as

house servants Typically it was indefinite and

hereditary To cope, Africans developed their own

customs Musical traditions and stories of the

ancestors Occasionally, they would resist

Broke tools, uprooted plants, worked slow, ran away

Uprisings will slowly grow beginning as early as 1522 and lasting through the 1800s

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Consequences of Slavery African Effects

Lost generations of the fittest Tore apart families Introduced guns to Africa Accelerated the fall of kingdoms

American Effects Kept the colonies “alive” by

providing cheap labor and expertise

Brought culture (art, music, religion, and food)

Still has a major impact on the ethnic makeup of the US, Brazil, and Caribbean nations

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And nowChapter 20 – Section 3 Worksheet

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Page 21: Chapter 20 – 1492-1800

Warm-up #14.2 (Ch. 20.3) – due today5. Because they didn’t have

allies or know where to hide, ______ made a better source of labor than ______ _______ for Europeans.

6. Which country was the first to import African slaves to the Americas?

7. Why did the Europeans have to find a new source of labor in the Americas?

8. Unlike slavery in African and Muslim societies, slavery in the Americas was based on _____ and was ________.

5. Africans; Native Americans

6. Spain7. The natives

died due to disease

8. Race; hereditary

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Section 4The Columbian Exhange and Global Trade

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Columbian Exchange Refers to the global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during

the age of colonization From the Americas:

Crops like tomatoes, tobacco, potatoes, and corn From Europe:

Livestock and diseases

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Global Trade New wealth significantly

changed the economic culture of the world

Capitalism was born – based on private ownership and the desire for profit

The sudden increase in money brought staggering inflation with it Inflation is the dramatic rise in


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Joint-Stock Companies A new way of doing business

emerged. Known as a joint-stock

company, they operated by selling shares of a company where investors have a common goal Goal in the 16-17th centuries:

colonize! Benefit: reduced the weight of

the investment which was very risky to begin with

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Mercantilism Refers to an economic policy that says that the strongest

nation is the wealthiest nation Two ways to do this:

Get all the gold/silver you can Establish a favorable balance of trade

Sell more than you buy (ultimately become self-sufficient)

Page 27: Chapter 20 – 1492-1800

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