chapter 2 psych 1 online stud

Behavioral Neuroscience

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Post on 08-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Behavioralneuroscience > from several disciplines; how the nervous system is related to behavior; biological basis of behavior. Concerned with:Sensing Processing Responding These processes of sensing, processing, and responding are used to interact with the environment. [next]

2. Specialized cells of nervous system that sense stimuliReceptorsSensation typically takes place in brainBrain sends messages to muscles to produce response 3. Natural SelectionSurvival of the fittest? 4. Central Nervous System Brain Spinal cordPeripheral Nervous System2-6 5. Thespinal cord is composed of sensory (afferent or ascending) and motor (efferent or descending) nerves. Interneurons27 6. Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Auditory-vestibular Glossopharyngeal Vagus Spinal Accessory Hypoglossal 2-8 7. 2-9 8. 2-10 9. somatic divisionautonomic division [next]Reflex Arc2-11 10. Autonomic division > sympathetic division mobilizes the body's resources; parasympathetic division returns the body to a normal state of homeostasis.2-12 11. 2-13 12. 2-14 13. Acetylcholine(ACh) Dopamine Serotonin Endorphins Norepinephrine Gammaamino butryic acid (GABA)After reading your text, why do researchers now suggest that solution to the problems of Parkinsons disease is not administering dopamine? 2-15 14. Agonist Antagonist 15. ExcitationInhibition 16. Neurotransmittersmust be removed from the synapse before another signal can be transmitted. Removal is accomplished either by destroying the neurotransmitter (breakdown) or by taking it back into the terminal buttons (reuptake).2-18 17. Neuromodulators Influence transmission of signals between neurons Can have simultaneous effects on diverse brain regions Facilitate release or inhibition of neurotransmitters 2-19 18. Ions(electrically charged particles) are found on the inside and outside of the neuron'ssemipermeable cell membrane When a neuron is in a resting state, more negative ions are on the inside of the cell (measured at -70 mV) than on the outside.2-20 19. The reversal in electrical charge is known as an action potential.2-21 20. lmages of the structures the PET (positron emission EEG tomography), Electroencephalograph (EEG) the CT or CAT (computerized axial tomography), the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and the fMRl (functional magnetic resonance imaging). 2-22 21. back of headfront of headThe image above is a PET scan of a patient with Broca's aphasia. 2-23 22. 2-24 23. Thebrain is divided into the hindbrain, the midbrain, and the forebrain.2-25 24. 2-26 25. Balance and movement2-27 26. The midbrain, pons, and medulla lie on top of the spinal cord. Together they make up the brain stem.2-28 27. Millions of myelinated axons connecting the brains hemispheres2-29 28. The forebrain consists of subcortical structures and the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex2-30 29. Motivation Emotions2-31 30. Thecerebral cortex covers the forebrain and is divided into four lobes: frontal Parietal temporal occipital2-32 31. Visual center233 32. Includes somatosensory cortex (input from environment) Helps process perceptions234 33. Hearing Understanding language Memory235 34. You are who you are because of this lobe. Personality Emotions Controlling judgment Impulses Sexual behavior Using Language Movement Motor Cortex 236 35. 237 36. AphasiaCAT Scan238 37. Apraxia Loss or impairment of the ability to execute complex, coordinated movements (no impairment of the muscles or senses).Apraxia of lid opening (blepharospasm)239 38. More About the Brain240 39. 241 40. Patient is able to select object by touch from a group and identify it verbally.Patient is able to locate object by touch, but cannot identify it verbally. 41. Endocrinesystem: Hormones: Secreted into thebloodstream 2-44