chapter 13 programming languages and program development

Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

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Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development. Chapter 13 Objectives. Next. Differentiate between machine and assembly languages. Describe various ways to develop Web pages including HTML, scripting languages, DHTML, XML, WML, and Web page authoring software. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Chapter 13 Programming

Languages and Program


Page 2: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Chapter 13 Objectives


Describe various ways to develop Web pages including HTML, scripting languages, DHTML, XML, WML, and Web page

authoring software

Describe various ways to develop Web pages including HTML, scripting languages, DHTML, XML, WML, and Web page

authoring software

Differentiate between machine and assembly languages

Differentiate between machine and assembly languages

Identify and discuss the purpose of procedural programming languages

Identify and discuss the purpose of procedural programming languages

Identify and discuss the characteristics of object-oriented programming languages

Identify and discuss the characteristics of object-oriented programming languages

Discuss the advantages and uses of visual programming languages

Discuss the advantages and uses of visual programming languages

Identify the uses of other programming languages and other program development


Identify the uses of other programming languages and other program development


Identify the uses of popular multimedia authoring programs

Identify the uses of popular multimedia authoring programs

List the six steps in the program development cycle

List the six steps in the program development cycle

Differentiate between structured design and object-oriented design

Differentiate between structured design and object-oriented design

Explain the basic control structures and design tools used in designing solutions to

programming problems

Explain the basic control structures and design tools used in designing solutions to

programming problems

Page 3: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Computer Programs and Programming Languages

What is a computer program?

p. 664 Fig. 13-1 Next

Set of instructions that directs computer to perform tasks Programming language—used to write instructions

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Computer Programs and Programming Languages

What are low-level languages and high-level languages?

p. 665 Next

High-level language

High-level language



Machine-dependentruns only on one type of computer

Machine-dependentruns only on one type of computer Often machine-independent

can run on many different types of computers

Often machine-independentcan run on many different

types of computersMachine and assembly languages

are low-level

Machine and assembly languages are low-level

Page 5: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Low-Level Languages

What is machine language?

p. 665 Fig. 13-2 Next

Only language computer directly recognizes

Uses a series of binary digits (1s and 0s) with a combination of numbers and letters that represent binary digits

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Low-Level Languages

What is assembly language?

p. 666 Fig. 13-3 Next

Instructions made up of symbolic instruction codes, meaningful abbreviations and codes

Source program contains code to be converted to machine language

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Procedural Languages

What is a procedural language?

p. 666 Next

Most widely used are BASIC, COBOL, and C

Uses series of English-like words to write instructions

Often called third-generation third-generation language (3GL)language (3GL)

Programmer writes instructions that tell

computer what to accomplish and how to do it

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Procedural Languages

What is a compiler?

p. 667 Fig. 13-4 Next

Program that converts entire source program into machine language before executing it

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Procedural Languages

What is an interpreter?

p. 667 Fig. 13-5 Next

Program that translates and executes one program code statement at a time

Does not produce object program

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Procedural Languages

What is COBOL?

p. 668 Fig. 13-6 Next

Designed for business applications English-like statements make code easy to read, write,

and maintain COmmon

Business-Oriented Language

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Procedural Languages

What is C?

p. 668 Fig. 13-7 Next

Powerful language originally designed to write system software

Requires professional programming skills

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Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language?

p. 669 Next

Used to implement

object-oriented design

Major benefit is ability to

reuse existing objects

Event-drivenEvent-driven—checks for

and responds to set of events

C++ and Java are complete

object-oriented languages

Object is item that contains data and

procedures that act on


Event is action to

which program responds

Page 13: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is Java?

p. 669 Fig. 13-8 Next

Developed by Sun Microsystems

Similar to C++ but uses just-in-time (JIT) compiler to convert source code into machine code

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Page 14: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is C++?

p. 670 Fig. 13-9 Next

Includes all elements of C, plus additional features for working with object-oriented concepts

Used to develop database and Web applications

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Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is C#?

p. 670 Next

Object-oriented programming language based on C++ Accepted as a standard for Web applications and

XML-based Web services Uses a JIT compiler Resulting code is called Microsoft Intermediate

Language (MSIL)

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Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is a visual programming language?

p. 670 Next

Programmer writes and implements

program in segments

Visual programming environment (VPE) allows developers to

drag and drop objects to build programs

Often used in Often used in RAD RAD (rapid application (rapid application

development)development) environmentenvironment

Sometimes calledSometimes calledfifth-generation fifth-generation


Provides visual or Provides visual or graphical interface for graphical interface for creating source codecreating source code

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Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is Visual Studio 2005?

p. 671 Fig. 13-10 Next

.NET is set of technologies that allows program to run on Internet Comprised of Visual Basic 2005, Visual C++ 2005, Visual C# 2005, and Visual

J# 2005

Step 1. The programmer designs the user interface.

Step 2. The programmer assigns properties to each object on the form.

Step 4. The programmer tests the application.

Step 3. The programmer writes code to define the action of each command button.

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Page 18: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is Delphi?

p. 672 Fig. 13-11 Next

Powerful visual programming tool Ideal for large-scale enterprise and Web applications

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Object-Oriented Programming Languages

What is PowerBuilder?

p. 673 Fig. 13-12 Next

Another powerful visual programming tool Best suited for Web-based and large-scale

object-oriented applications

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Nonprocedural Languages and Program Development Tools

What are nonprocedural languages and program development tools?

p. 670 and 674 Next

Nonprocedural Language

The programmer writes English-like instructions or interacts with a visual environment to retrieve data from files or a


Nonprocedural Language

The programmer writes English-like instructions or interacts with a visual environment to retrieve data from files or a


Program Development Tools

User-friendly programs designed to assist both

programmers and users in creating programs

Program Development Tools

User-friendly programs designed to assist both

programmers and users in creating programs

Page 21: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Other Programming Languages

What is RPG (Report Program Generator)?

p. 674 Fig. 13-13 Next

Nonprocedural language used for generating reports, performing computations, and updating files

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Other Programming Languages

What is a fourth-generation language (4GL)?

p. 675 Fig. 13-14 Next

Nonprocedural language that allows access to data in database

Popular 4GL is SQL, query language that allows users to manage data in relational DBMS

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Other Programming Languages

What are other available programming languages?

p. 675 Next





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Other Program Development Tools

What is an application generator?

p. 676 Fig. 13-16 Next

Program that creates source code or machine code from specification

Consists of report writer, form, and menu generator Form provides areas for entering data

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Other Program Development Tools

What is Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)?

p. 676 - 677 Fig. 13-17 Next

Macro programming language Macro—series of statements used to automate tasks

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Page 26: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Web Page Development

What is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)?

p. 678 Fig. 13-18 Next

Used to create Web pages

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Page 27: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Web Page Development

How are special effects and interactive elements added to a Web page?

p. 679 Next


number of visitors to Web site

Image mapImage mapgraphic

image that points to



program that runs on client

AppletAppletusually runs

on client, but is compiled

Processing Processing formform

collects data from visitors to Web site

ServletServletapplet that

runs on server

ActiveX ActiveX controlcontrol

small program that runs on


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Web Page Development

What is the common gateway interface (CGI)?

p.679 - 680 Fig. 13-19 Next

Communications standard that defines how Web server communicates with outside sources

Step 3. When the user submits a request, it is sent to the CGI program. The CGI program contacts the database and requests information for the user. In this case, it looks for a movie titled The Wizard of Oz.

Step 1. The programmer stores the CGI program in a special folder on the Web server such as /cgi-bin.


CGI script—program that manages sending and receiving across CGI

Step 2. The Webmaster creates a link between the CGI program and Web page. When a user displays the Web page, the CGI program automatically starts.

Step 4. The CGI program receives information from the database, assembles it in an HTML format, and sends it to the user’s Web browser.

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Web Page Development

What is a scripting language?

p. 681 Fig. 13-20 Next

Typically easy to learn and use JavaScript—adds

dynamic content and interactive elements to Web page

VBScript (Visual Basic, Scripting Edition)—adds intelligence and interactivity to Web page

Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)—has powerful text processing capabilities

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Page 30: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Web Page Development

What is dynamic HTML (DHTML)?

p. 682 Fig. 13-21 Next

Allows developers to include more graphical interest and interactivity in Web page

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Web Page Development

What are XHTML, XML, and WML?

p. 682 - 683 Next

XHTML XHTML (Extensible HTML)(Extensible HTML)

enables Web sites to be displayed more easily on microbrowsers

XML XML (Extensible Markup Language)(Extensible Markup Language)

allows developers to create customized tags

WMLWML (Wireless Markup Language) (Wireless Markup Language)

allows developers to design pages specifically for microbrowsers

Includes features of HTML and XML

Many PDAs and smart phones use WML as their

markup language

Server sends entire record to client, enabling client to do much of processing without

going back to server

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Web Page Development

What is Web page authoring software?

p. 683 Next

Creates sophisticated Web pages without using HTML Generates HTML


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Multimedia Program DevelopmentWhat is multimedia authoring software?

p. 684 Fig. 13-22 Next

Combines text, graphics, animation, audio, and video into interactive presentation

Used for computer-based training (CBT) and Web-based training (WBT)

Software includes Toolbook, Authorware, and Director MX

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The Program Development CycleWhat is the program development cycle?

p. 685 Fig. 13-23 Next

Steps programmers use to build computer programs Programming

team—Group of programmers working on program

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Step 1 — Analyze Requirements

What is involved in analyzing the requirements?

p. 686 Fig. 13-24 Next

1. Review requirements2. Meet with systems analyst and users3. Identify input, output, processing, and data

components IPO chart—

Identifies program’s inputs, outputs, and processing steps

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Programmer Programmer begins with general begins with general

design and moves toward design and moves toward detailed designdetailed design

Step 2 — Design Solution

What is involved in designing the solution?

p. 687 Next

Object-oriented Object-oriented designdesign

Structured Structured designdesign, sometimes , sometimes

called top-down designcalled top-down design

Two Two approachesapproaches

Devise Devise solution solution algorithm, algorithm, step-by-step step-by-step procedure to procedure to solve problemsolve problem

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is a hierarchy chart?

p. 687 Fig. 13-25 Next

Shows program modules graphically Also called structure chart

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is object-oriented (OO) design?

p. 688 Fig. 13-26 Next

Programmer packages data and procedure into single unit, an object Objects are grouped into classes Class diagram represents hierarchical

relationships of classes graphically

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is a sequence control structure?

p. 688 Fig. 13-27 Next

Control structure that shows actions following each other in order Control structure depicts logical order of program


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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is a selection control structure?

p. 689 Fig. 13-28 Next

Tells program which action to take, based on a certain condition

Two types Case control structure If-then-else control

structure—yields one of two possibilities: true or false

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is a case control structure?

p. 689 Fig. 13-29 Next

Yields one of three or more possibilities

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is a repetition control structure?

p. 689 - 690 Figs. 13-30–13-31 Next

Enables program to perform one or more actions repeatedly Do-while control

structure—repeats as long as condition is true

Do-until control structure—repeats until condition is true

Do-While Control Structure Do-Until Control Structure

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is a program flowchart?

p. 690 Fig. 13-32 Next

Graphically shows logic in solution algorithm

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is an example of a flowchart?

p. 690 - 691 Fig. 13-33 Next

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is flowcharting software?

p. 690 - 691 Fig. 13-34 Next

Used by programmers to develop flowcharts

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Step 2 — Design Solution

What is pseudocode?

p. 690 Fig. 13-35 Next

Uses condensed form of English to convey program logic

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Step 3 — Validate Design

What is involved in validating the design?

p. 693 Next

Check program design for accuracy

Logic errorLogic errordesign flaw that causes

inaccurate results

Test dataTest datasample data that

mimics real data that program will process

Programmer checks logic for correctness

and attempts to uncover logic errors

Desk checkDesk checkprogrammers use test

data to step through logic

InspectionInspectionsystems analyst reviews

deliverables during the system development cycle

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Step 4 — Implement Design

What is implementation?

p. 693 - 695 Fig. 13-38 Next

Writing the code that translates the design into a program Syntax—rules that specify how to write instructions Comments—program documentation

Extreme programming (XP)—coding and testing as soon as requirements are defined

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Step 5 — Test Solution

What is involved in testing the solution?

p. 695 - 696 Next

Ensure program runs correctly Ensure program runs correctly and is error freeand is error free

DebuggingDebugging—locating and —locating and correcting syntax and logic correcting syntax and logic

errors, orerrors, or bugsbugs

Test copy of program, Test copy of program, called called betabeta, sometimes , sometimes

used to find bugsused to find bugs

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Step 6 — Document Solution

What is involved in documenting the solution?

p. 696 Next

Programmer performs two activities

Reviews program code—removes dead code, program instructions that program never


Reviews program code—removes dead code, program instructions that program never



Reviews documentation

Page 51: Chapter 13 Programming Languages and Program Development

Summary of Programming Languages and Program Development

Various programming languages used to write and develop

computer programs

Various programming languages used to write and develop

computer programs

The program development cycle and the tools used to make

this process efficient

The program development cycle and the tools used to make

this process efficient

Web development and multimedia development tools

Web development and multimedia development tools

Chapter 13 Complete