chapter 11.2: dna to protein

Chapter 11.2: DNA to Protein

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Chapter 11.2: DNA to Protein. Protein Overview. Made up of amino acids DNA codes for RNA which makes proteins. DNA vs RNA. Double stranded vs. Single stranded Deoxyribose sugar vs Ribose sugar Thymine vs Uracil A now bonds with U NOT with T in RNA. mRNA (messenger). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 11.2:  DNA to Protein

Chapter 11.2: DNA to Protein

Page 2: Chapter 11.2:  DNA to Protein

Made up of amino acids DNA codes for RNA which makes proteins

Protein Overview

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Double stranded vs. Single stranded Deoxyribose sugar vs Ribose sugar Thymine vs Uracil A now bonds with U NOT with T in RNA


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Travels from nucleus to cytoplasm “Reads” DNA in nucleus Brings message from nucleus to ribosome

mRNA (messenger)

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Found in ribosomes Reads the message mRNA brought Tells tRNA what to do “Boss” of the RNA

rRNA (ribosomal)

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Found in cytoplasm Listens to rRNA Brings correct amino acid to the ribosomes Allows a protein to be built “Workers” of RNA


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Going from DNA to mRNA AAATTTCCCGGG UUUAAAGGGCCC End result = One single stranded RNA


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We have 20 amino acids in us Every 3 nucleotides (letters) codes for 1

amino acid Called a codon EX: UUU = phenylalanine 64 possible codons Some codons code instructions, not amino

acids UAA = stop AUG = start

Amino Acids

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Page 10: Chapter 11.2:  DNA to Protein

Going from mRNA to a protein Happens in ribosomes
