change your brain by transforming your mind: neuroscientific studies of meditation

Change your brain by transforming your mind: Neuroscientific studies of meditation Richard J. Davidson Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior, Laboratory for Affec>ve Neuroscience, and Center for Inves>ga>ng Healthy Minds Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry University of WisconsinMadison

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Page 1: Change your brain by transforming your mind: Neuroscientific studies of meditation

Change your brain by transforming your mind: Neuroscientific studies of


Richard  J.  Davidson  Waisman  Laboratory  for  Brain  Imaging  and  Behavior,    

Laboratory  for  Affec>ve  Neuroscience,  and  Center  for  Inves>ga>ng  Healthy  Minds  

Departments  of  Psychology  and  Psychiatry  University  of  Wisconsin-­‐Madison  

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A brief autobiographical interlude…

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The  contemporary  convergence  

•  Neuroplas>city  and  contempla>ve  prac>ce  •  Epigene>cs  •  Neurally-­‐inspired  behavioral  interven>ons  •  PuKng  the  brain  back  into  biomedicine:    A  pathway  back  to  the  mind  

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The voluntary cultivation of compassion

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40 sec

15 sec

Neutral state


Neutral state

Neutral state


Block design


Neutral State

Neutral State

Neutral State

Meditation Meditation

Neutral State

= Auditory stimuli from the Lang database

Event-related design

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“Here, what we have tried to do, for the sake of the experiment, is to generate a state in which love and compassion permeate the whole mind, with no other consideration, reasoning or discursive thoughts. This is sometimes called ‘pure compassion’, or ‘non-referential compassion’ (in the sense that it does not focus on particular objects to arouse love or compassion), or ‘all-pervading compassion’.” Matthieu Ricard

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Lutz  et  al.,    2004,  PNAS  

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Lutz  et  al.,    2004,  PNAS  

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Which  circuits  are  recruited  by  the  voluntary  cul>va>on  of  compassion?  

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15  expert  meditators,  15  aged-­‐matched  controls  

Voxel-­‐wise  3-­‐way  Interac>on:    Group  by  State  by  Emo>onal  Valence  (corrected,  p<  0.05)  

Lutz  et  al.,  PLoS  One,  (2008)  

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Lutz  et  al.,  PLoS  One,  (2008)  

Compassion  medita>on  modulates  BOLD  signal  in  the    amygdala  and  right  TPJ  in  response  to  emo>onal  sounds  

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The  heart  of  compassion  

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Lutz  et  al.,  2009  Neuroimage  

Heart rate during compassion vs. neutral blocks

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Neurocardiac coupling

Lutz  et  al.,  2009  Neuroimage  

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Neurocardiac coupling

Lutz  et  al.,  2009  Neuroimage  

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Can  short-­‐term  compassion  training  affect  the  brain  

•  Two  week  compassion  interven>on  – Daily  prac>ce  via  the  internet  for  30  min/day  for  2  weeks  

•  Comparison  group  was  taught  cogni>ve  reappraisal    

Weng  et  al.,  Psychological  Science,    in  press  

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Elements  of  Compassion  Training  

•  Contemplate  and  visualize  the  suffering  and  then  wishing  the  freedom  from  that  suffering  for:  –  A  loved  one  –  Themselves  –  A  stranger  –  A  difficult  person  –  All  beings  

•  Phrase  most  used:    "May  you  be  free  from  suffering.    May  you  experience  joy  and  ease."    

•  Instructed  to  no>ce  visceral  sensa>ons  (especially  in  the  area  of  the  heart)  

•  Instructed  to  feel  the  compassion  emo>onally;  not  simply  repeat  phrases  cogni>vely  

Weng  et  al.,  Psychological  Science,    in  press  

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Study  Design  

Randomiza>on:  Simula>on  Scan  



Time  1  Measures  

Time  2  Measures  Training:  2  weeks  

30  min/day  


fMRI                  Economic                            Games  

Compassion  Training  

Reappraisal  Training  

Training  Ques>onnaires  

Weng  et  al.,  Psychological  Science,    in  press  

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The  Compassion  group  is  more  prosocial  afer  2  weeks  of  training.  











Compassion Reappraisal







Mann-­‐Whitney    U  =  135.5  *p  <  0.05  


N  =  20   N  =  21  

Weng  et  al.,  Psychological  Science,    in  press  

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Training-­‐induced  increases  in  IPC  and  DLPFC  are  associated  with  increases  in  altruis>c  

behavior  in  COM    

Weng  et  al.,  Psychological  Science,    in  press  

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Increased  training-­‐related  increases  in  PFC-­‐Nacc  connec>vity  predicts  increases  in  

altruis>c  behavior  in  COM    

Weng  et  al.,  Psychological  Science,    in  press  

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Effects  on  ajen>on  

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“And  the  faculty  of  voluntarily  bringing  back  a  wandering  ajen>on,  over  and  over  again,  is  the  very  root  of  judgment,  character,  and  will.  No  one  is  compos  sui  if  he  have  it  not.  An  educa>on  which  should  improve  this  faculty  would  be  the  educa>on  par  excellence.  But  it  is  easier  to  define  this  ideal  than  to  give  prac>cal  direc>ons  for  bringing  it  about.”    William  James,  The  Principles  of  Psychology,  1890.  

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Children with ADHD have more variable response times

Leth-­‐Steensen  et  al.,  2000  

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Lutz et al., (2009), J. Neuroscience

Meditation reduces response time variability

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Lutz et al., (2009), J. Neuroscience

Frontal phase locking increases from T1 to T2 and predicts decreased RT variability

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Does  intensive  a+en,on  training,  as  cul,vated  during  medita,on,    change  the  distribu,on  of  a+en,onal  resources?  

*  Ajen>onal  blink  task  *  EEG:  64  channels  

*  Two  groups:    

 PracDDoner  group  (n=17):  tested  before  and  afer  a  3-­‐month  retreat      during  which  they  prac>ced  mindfulness  medita>on  for      approximately  10  hours  per  day.  

 Control  group  (n=24):  also  tested  twice  with  a  3-­‐month      period  in  between  sessions.  This  group  was  provided      with  a  one-­‐hour  medita>on  instruc>on  class  and  then      was  asked  to  prac>ce  similar  medita>ve  techniques      daily  for  twenty  minutes  for  one  week  prior  to  each      session.  

Slagter  et  al.,  2007,  PLoS  Biology  

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Attentional Blink

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A  D  S  R  3  U  7  P  

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T1 T1-­‐T2  Interval:    short  (336  ms)  or  long  (672  ms)  

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As  mindfulness  medita>on  cul>vates  non-­‐reac>ve  sensory  awareness,    we  predicted  that  intensive  medita>on  would  reduce  the  ajen>onal  blink.  

(note:  par>cipants  were  not  ac>vely  engaged  in  medita>on  while  performing  the  task)    

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Both groups showed a smaller blink at time 2 (Main effect Time; p<.001). This reduction was more pronounced for the practitioners than the controls (Interaction between Group and Time; p=.007). Slagter  et  al.,  2007,  PLoS  Biology  

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Prac>>oners  show  decreased  ajen>onal  blink  and  more    efficient  neural  processing  following  the  retreat  compared  with  performance  at  baseline  while  controls  show  lijle  change  

Slagter  et  al.,  2007,  PLoS  Biology  

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What  about  effects  on  peripheral  biology  that  may  be  consequen>al  for  health?  

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Meditation effects on antibody titers to influenza vaccine

Davidson  et  al.,  2003  

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Tumor  Necrosis  Factor-­‐alpha  (TNF-­‐α) and  Interleukin-­‐8  (IL-­‐8)  levels    

in  suc>on  blister  fluid  

Rosenkranz  et  al.,  2012,  Brain,  Behavior  &  immunity  

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Flare  size  

Rosenkranz  et  al.,  2012,  Brain,  Behavior  &  immunity  

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Rosenkranz  et  al.,  2012,  Brain,  Behavior  &  immunity  

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*r  =  -­‐.53,  n  =  27  r  =  .38,  n  =  16    

Change  in  inflamma>on  from  T1  to  T2  and    minutes  of  prac>ce  

Rosenkranz  et  al.,  2012,  Brain,  Behavior  &  immunity  

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MBSR  leads  to  steepening  of  cor>sol  slope  

Rosenkranz  et  al.,  in  prepara>on  

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Interim  summary  and  conclusions  

•  Emotion regulation, compassion, kindness, mindfulness and other related characteristics are best viewed as products of trainable skills

•  Mental training to enhance these skills changes the brain and body

•  This growing body of evidence provides a scientific underpinning for many contemplative practices and can lead to a more widespread incorporation of these practices into institutions of education, medicine and other major societal venues

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Challenges,  conundrums  and  opportuni>es  

•  Ac>ve  comparison  groups  •  Measurement  of  prac>ce  •  Scalable  interven>ons,  e.g.,  internet-­‐based  •  Studies  with  pa>ents  with  par>cular  physical  disorders  in  which  stress  is  known  to  exacerbate  the  disease  and  neural  bases  are  tractable,  e.g.,  asthma  

•  Other  intervening  variables  that  may  be  important  in  producing  effects,  e.g.,  sleep  

•  Novel  outcome  measures  – Health  care  u>liza>on  –  Sustainable  well-­‐being  

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Envisioning  the  future  

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In  2050…  •  Mental  exercise  will  be  accepted  and  prac>ced  in  the  same  way  physical  exercise  is  today  

•  We  will  have  a  science  of  virtuous  quali>es    

•  We  will  incorporate  the  mind  back  into  medicine  and  bejer  understand  how  the  brain  can  modulate  peripheral  biology  biology  in  ways  that  affect  health.    This  will  lead  us  to  take  more  responsibility  for  our  own  health  

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•  We  will  develop  a  secular  approach  to  provide  methods  and  prac>ces  from  contempla>ve  tradi>ons  to:    –   Teach  teachers  and  children  ways  to  bejer  regulate  emo>ons  and  ajen>on  and  cul>vate  quali>es  like  kindness  and  compassion  

–  Increase  awareness  of  our  interdependence  upon  others  and  upon  the  planet  and  be  more  responsible  caretakers  of  our  precious  environment  

– Promote  their  more  widespread  adop>on  into  the  major  ins>tu>ons  of  our  culture.    This  will    help  to  restore  civility,  humility,  gra>tude  and  other  virtues  in  our  culture  

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Example of development and education

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The dilemma of adolescence

•  Puberty is occurring earlier yet cognitive development and frontal lobe maturation is more strongly correlated with age and experience

•  Result is a longer period than ever in history with development of prefrontal regulatory circuits lagging pubertal development

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Age at which puberty occurs is growing younger

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From  Lenroot  &  Giedd,  2006  

Brain maturation continues past 20 years of age

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New  Imaging  Methods:    Visualizing  the  uncinate  fasiculus  

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Can we teach our children to better regulate their negative emotions,

cultivate more positive social skills, and better focus their attention?  

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Social and emotional learning competencies

•  Self awareness •  Social awareness •  Self management •  Relationship skills •  Responsible decision making

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SEL is now legally mandated in several states

•  In Illinois, three broad learning goals: – Develop self-awareness and self-

management skills to establish and maintain positive relationships

– Use social awareness and interpersonal skills to achieve school and life success

– Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school and community contexts

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SEL programs change behavior and improve academic performance

•  A recent analysis of 207 studies of SEL that involved a group of more than 288,000 students from around the country. This study found: –  Improvement in social and emotional skills –  More positive attitudes toward themselves, others and

school –  Improvement in social and classroom behavior –  Decreases in classroom misbehavior and aggression –  Decreases in emotional distress such as stress and

depression –  Improvement in test scores and school grades

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To  catalyze  and  focus  our  research  efforts  on  these  topics,  we  have  


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Major activities

• Basic Research • Translational Research • Outreach • Training

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Preschool  children  

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Preschool  kindness  curriculum  

•  Week  One-­‐  Mindful  bodies  and  plan>ng  seeds  of  peace  

•  Week  Two-­‐  How  I  feel  on  the  Inside  shows  by  what  I  do  on  the  outside  

•  Week  Three-­‐  We  can  work  with  problems  on  the  inside  and  outside  

•  Week  Four-­‐  Kindness  place:  A  place  to  go  to  be  mindful  of  what  is  happening  on  the  inside  

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Preschool  kindness  curriculum  

•  Week  Five-­‐  Working  out  problems  when  we  have  calmed  down  

•  Week  Six-­‐  Gra>tude:  Prac>cing  posi>ve  emo>ons  

•  Week  Seven-­‐  Interconnectedness  with  all  people  and  the  planet  

•  Week  Eight-­‐  Gra>tude  and  caring  for  our  world  and  wrap  up  

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•  Curriculum  consists  of  24  lessons,  3/week,  ~30  minutes  per  lesson  

•  17  preschool  students  (4-­‐5  years  of  age)  in  treatment  group;  12  in  control  group  

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Teacher  Report:  Prosocial  Behavior  

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In the Standard Flanker Task, the participant should focus on the CENTRAL stimulus and ignore the flanking stimuli on either side.

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Other Sharing

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Pre Post


ber o

f Stic


Intervention Group

Friend Non-friend Stranger Sick

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Waisman Center University of Wisconsin-Madison

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With  a  very  deep  bow  of  gra>tude!  

•  Antoine  Lutz  •  Helen  Weng  •  Drew  Fox  •  Heleen  Slagter  •  Julie  Brefczynski    •  John  Dunne  •  Majhieu  Ricard  •  Andy  Francis  •  Donal  MacCoon  •  Dave  Perlman  •  Lisa  Flook  •  Emma  Seppala  

•  Laura  Pinger  •  Daniel  Levinson  •  Melissa  Rosenkranz  •  Katherine  Bonus  •  Larry  Greischar  •  Andy  Alexander  •  Isa  Dolski  •  Susan  Jensen  •  Barb  Mathison  

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"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

Albert Einstein, 1921

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“The systematic training of the mind—the cultivation of happiness, the genuine inner transformation by deliberately selecting and focusing on positive mental states and challenging negative mental states—is possible because of the very structure and function of the brain…But the wiring in our brains is not static, not irrevocably fixed. Our brains are also adaptable” (His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness, pp. 44-45).

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Does length of training predict magnitude of gamma signal?

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0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000





Practitioners with more years of practice show greater relative gamma power during the initial baseline


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Some  unanswered  (and  mostly  unasked)  ques>ons  

•  What  is  the  func>onal  significance  of  the  different  brain  signals  we  have  observed  in  response  to  compassion  training?  

•  What  is  the  rela>on  between  the  cul>va>on  of  compassion  and  self-­‐related  processes?    In  par>cular,  how  is  self-­‐iden>fica>on  modulated  by  compassion  training  and  are  some  of  the  effects  produced  by  compassion  training  mediated  by  the  impact  on  self-­‐relevant  processes?  

•  What  is  the  rela>on  between  self-­‐compassion  and  pain?    How  does  self-­‐compassion  alter  one’s  rela>onship  to  pain  and  is  pain  a  useful  probe  in  the  study  of  compassion?  

•  How  does  the  cul>va>on  of  compassion  increase  the  likelihood  of  ac>ng  in  the  face  of  suffering  and  how  best  should  this  ques>on  be  studied  in  the  laboratory?  

•  What  is  the  impact  of  a  highly  compassionate  person  on  others?    Is  this  interpersonal  context  a  viable  one  to  bring  into  the  laboratory?  

•  What  are  the  rela>ons  among  the  four  immeasurables?    Does  cul>va>ng  one  strengthen  each  of  the  others?    Is  there  a  norma>ve  developmental  progression?    What  do  the  contempla>ve  tradi>ons  say  about  this?  

•  Cul>va>ng  compassion  in  children?    Where  to  begin?  

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