challenges, orientations, lessons learned, ·...

Input statement for the Open Forum – Open-Space “Pitching”Section: The Need for Synthesis, Synopsis and Shared Action in view of the outcomes of 20+ years of Global Change exercises: Challenges, Orientations, Lessons Learned, and the need for Participation Opportunities and Options Heiner Benking Journalist, long-time experience with global issues, event planning, strategy advising Secretary of the Council of Global Issues and the Tagore-Einstein Council Vegetarianism: Essential to Save the Planet? Sunday, Dec 13th, Copenhagen UNFCCC COP 15

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  • Input statement for the Open Forum – Open-Space “Pitching”Section:

    The Need for Synthesis, Synopsis and Shared Action in view of the outcomes of 20+ years of Global Change exercises:

    Challenges, Orientations, Lessons Learned,and the need for

    Participation Opportunities and Options 

    Heiner BenkingJournalist, long-time experience with global issues, event planning, strategy advising

    Secretary of the Council of Global Issues and the Tagore-Einstein Council

    Vegetarianism: Essential to Save the Planet?  Sunday, Dec 13th, Copenhagen UNFCCC COP 15  


  • Vegetarianism: Essential to Save the Planet?  Sunday, Dec 13th, Copenhagen UNFCCC COP 15  

    PLEASE NOTE:´This slides are a resource prepared for the CopenVegan side-event and further events which took place in Copenhagen in December 2009

    Each slide will be explained in a tour presently under construction.

    Please wait for a week or more.. Deadline, Jan 1st, 2010The lecture, as a whole or in sections will be available at this website: and

  • Ashok Khosla, Founder Development Alternatives, Canada – India

    Founder, India's Office of Environmental Planning & Coordination

    President, IUCNCo-President, Club of RomeWorld Future Council …..

  • How to explain Copenhagen to a comedianMemo to Eugene Mirman Photo illustration / iStock images

    Comedian Eugene Mirman is going to Copenhagen for Grist to cover the international climate talks. Eugene is a fairly well-informed guy (he at least scans Google News looking for reviews of his latest album), but he’s the first to admit that he doesn’t live, eat, and smoke climate policy.At his request, the Grist staff threw together a basic cheat sheet on Copenhagen.  It’s overly simplistic. It avoids lots of important details. It’s probably offensive. In short, it’s just enough to help Eugene feign cluefulness when he’s accosting world leaders in Denmark.

  • Watch your metaphors and models !More: Overclaims and Oversimplifications 1997 & Sharing and Changing Realities: Landscape 1997 GeoEcoDynamics 1988 & Knowmap Spacial vs. Spatial 2001 & Access and Assimilation 1992 and Geo-Object Coding 1988 (GeoJournal) & Spatial Metaphors 1994 (Benking/Judge) – GEOSCIENCES exhibition - AWS 1991 & UN YEAR of the Mountains: Bridges for a World Divided 2002

    Source: USGCRP report 2000

    Source: BIOLOG, page 12Biodiversity and Global, Nov 2003

  • The greatest single achievement of science 

    in this most scientifically productive of centuries 

    is the discovery that we are profoundly ignorant; 

    we know very little about nature and understand even less. 

    Lewis Thomas 

    We will later show some blind spots - not only in Soils, Oceans, Athmosphere, Social/Cultural/Ecological/Human Systems, but their interaction....

  • Dimensions of GlobalisationDimensions of Globalisation







  • We lost 1 Decade ?

    NO !!we lost > 4 Decades !!

    WHY ?

  • Copenhagen Consensus 2008

    population, climate change

    peak oil ?

  • "Values in Isolation are like facts in isolation, they are meaningless !

    The facts alone are meaningless. Only when they appear

    at the end of a destructive chain do they take on richness, perspective, and


    Henry Margenau, OPEN VISTAS

  • BBK - Berliner Bibliotheks-wissenschaftliches Kolloqium 25. Mai 2004

    Introducing the 2nd edition of the

    International Encyclopaedia of Systems and CyberneticsCharles François, Heiner Benking



    Charles François (editor), KG Saur, München, 2004Updated and augmented in more than 740 pages, 1700 articles, some of them with figures, tables and diagrams,

    and 1500 bibliographical references.

    Please see these presentations at the introduction of the 2nd Edition: Maybe start with slide # 3. Charles François and the need for another languageand the work on a Cognitive Panorama and Cognitive Spaces for multi-perspective orientation in the Encyclopedia and a Global Embodied Covenant to share positions, perspectives, and mind-sets, and what this means for modern media, sign systems and systemic, holistic thinking.

  • UIA Online Databases


    Vol.1: World Problems (1976-1995). Vol.2: Human Potential: Transformation and Values (1976-1995). Vol.3: Actions - Strategies - Solutions (1995).

  • G lo b a l S ha ring a nd C o ping

    S ta rt ing P o ints

    HARMONIZATIONThe first and most central entry points have been around a G7 and SRU German Environmental experts initiative which was taken up by the UN- Environment Programme UNEP - HEM.

    GLOBAL CHANGE The other started with the GLOBAL CHANGE conference 1988 in Moskow. Germany and other countries had been invited to present „Challenges to Science and Politics“ in form of Conferences and Exhibitions. As I was invited to contribute I had to think anew on how such complex Issues could be communicated to the broader public, raising awareness and consciousness, and being correct and helpful for scientists, politicians, and industry at the same time. I go public now 1998 as after having this touring exhibition 8 years in Germany, but never been shown outside Germany, and being updated and in high demand, there is high danger of losing this piece and milestone. Politics look east and local when the exhibition was opened in May 1990. The result we have no public eye and information about the exhibition, its scope and results. As this is fatal in my view, I fee I have to change and address that.

    I could have also called this UIA guest page GLOBAL CHANGE or LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHANGE - as my work started about global environmental issues in 1988 with such wide and universal themes. Only because I was involved in two or more projects at that time, and have a certain background which was about preparing and documenting decisions and presenting results, I was able to make the bridge, combine what normally is not seen as one - or in one solution. As both project concepts are not only of wider interest and unique in their approach, specially in their time we are proposing here to follow each background independently and then join in again the flow of events.

  • See some more recommended links::

    HARMONIZATION, Information about Information, not meta-data, but meta-information, and Access and Assimilation/Understanding. 1989-1992

    ICSU-CODATA 1992 & 95 & 2005 see Bridges and a Masterplan, … NAS NRC 1993

    WORLDBANK – WPC and this BLOG overview link.




    UN AMR 2008

  • SOILS and HUMUS see this new FILM (2009) Humus - Forgotten climate aid - The implications are immense, see also the Ignorance statement in the beginning of this presentation, BioChar and Terra Preta. and another You Tube clip Biochar - agrichar - Terra Preta

    See also Aquaterra and WFC report.

  • [more]: New Renaissance 3, UN COP15 – UNFCCC side events Copenhagen 2009, Continuously updated this Blog:

    Breaking Down New Walls10th Annual Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Berlin, November, 9-11 2009 

    Third session:

    Walls of menace to the Environment Breaking down the walls that constrain environmental and sustainable development prospects). [Audio and Video]

    New Science, new Language, new Thinking ? HOW ABOUT? OLD and proven, traditional and NEW

    Thinking and Doing and Sharing ?

  • Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research Altenberg Workshops 1996/97 30. January 1997, Austria, Worldview Compositions and Cognitive Spaces - a necessary evolutionary step by Heiner Benking

    Source: Limits to Growth, Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers & William W. Behrens III, Potomac Associates, New York (1972)

    pls. see also The Club of Rome - The Predicament of Mankind, 1970

    Subtitle of Fig 1: Although the perspectives of the world's people vary in space and time, every human concern falls somewhere on the space time graph. The majority of the world's people are concerned with matters that effect only family or friends over a short period of time. Others look far ahead in time or over a large area - a city or a nation. Only few people have a perspective that extends far into the future. *Later we can read in the book: that in contrast to the majorities focus in the quadrant in the lower left “box”, the book concerns itself with the upper right quadrant or “box”.

  • Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research Altenberg Workshops 1996/97 30. January 1997, Austria, Worldview Compositions and Cognitive Spaces - a necessary evolutionary step by Heiner Benking

    Interactive relations among hierarchically ordered subsystems of an organism, Inscribed Domains, P. Weiss, In: Beyond reductionism, Alpbach 1968, pls. see more: IFSR - ISSS\..\..\Dokumente%20und%20Einstellungen\Heiner%20Benking\covenant\covenant.ppt

  • The Need for a Paradigm Shift

    •The step from Environmental Protection (Rio) to Sustainable Development (Johannesburg) implies a threefold shift of perspective, or paradigm shift:

    ❧ From sectorial thinking to systems thinking

    ❧ From deficit/problem to resource

    ❧ From knowledge to competence

    Dr. Ueli Nagel, Zurich University of Teacher Education

  • Copenhagen Consensus 2008

    population, climate change

    peak oil ?

  • "Values in Isolation are like facts in isolation, they are meaningless !

    The facts alone are meaningless. Only when they appear

    at the end of a destructive chain do they take on richness, perspective, and


    Henry Margenau, OPEN VISTAS

  • see the full interview with annotations, links, and references at:

  • Quest for Structured Response tp Growing World-wide Complexities and Uncertainties

    1970A PROPOSAL

    The Club of Rome - The Predicament of Mankind Early beginnings 1968- 1970

  • Documents relating to Polarization, Dilemmas and Duality, by Anthony Judge 1972 2008\..\WORK.benking-PC\Documents\FTP-july-2009\Dokumente und Einstellungen\REGENBOGENVOGEL\Eigene Dateien\Berlin-HUB-Sust-Days-June-2009\ECOTHEE-POWERPOINT-Select-NEW\L14

  • 1. To create knowledge in a spirit of openness to the world, integrating new perspectives

    1. To think and act in a forward looking manner

    2. To acquire knowledge and act in an interdisciplinary manner

    3. To be able to plan and act in cooperation with others

    4. To be able to participate in decision-making processes

    5. To be able to motivate others to become active

    6. To be able to reflect upon one’s own principles and those of others

    7. To be able to plan and act autonomously

    8. To be able to show empathy for and solidarity with the disadvantaged

    9. To be able to motivate oneself to become active

    Gestalt(ungs) – Competences Education for Sustainable Development

  • Gestaltungskompetenz 1 & 7

    To create knowledge in a spirit of openness to the world, integrating new perspectives



    To be able to reflect upon one’s own principles and those of others


    see: Creating a Driving Vision (PDF)and Getting out of THE BOX




  • Thinking/Reasoning learning room in Enlightenment Pedagogics

    DENK-LEHRRAUM der Aufklärungspädagogik !

    Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics


    • real spaces perceptual


    • concept spaces conceptual

    http://www.meta-self.comhttp://ceptualinstitute/genre/ benking/borderland.htm

    Why not think the thing deep, take space real and serious,enjoy and play in spaces,make spaces places whichcan help making sense, and ease understanding ?

    Sharing & bridging realities

  • Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics

    Otto Schärli drawing with me the flow of information across order schemas and how meaning connects across sign and media systems and what this could mean for our communication and shared awareness/consciousness.

  • G lo b a l S ha ring a nd C o ping C o nne c ting Wo rlds , S c a le s , Me dia , & F o rm s /S truc ture s

  • [more]: New Renaissance 3, UN COP15 – UNFCCC side events Copenhagen 2009, Continuously updated this Blog:

    Breaking Down New Walls10th Annual Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Berlin, November, 9-11 2009 

    Third session:

    Walls of menace to the Environment Breaking down the walls that constrain environmental and sustainable development prospects). [Audio and Video]

    New Science, new Language, new Thinking ? HOW ABOUT? OLD and proven, traditional and NEW

    Thinking and Doing and Sharing ?

  • Whoever imagines mental deep permeable barriers

    which actually do not exist  and then thinks them away, has understood the world. 

    As space is entrapped in geometry's network of lines,  thought is caught in its (own) inherent laws. 

    Maps make the world comprehensible to us;  we are still waiting for the star-maps of the spirit.  In the same way than ambling through fields  we risk getting lost, the spirit negotiates its terrain.

    Friedrich Rückert, Wisdom of the Brahmins, a didactic poem,

    Charles T. Brooks in 1882 – above is unfortunately only a clumsy first translation by Robinson/Benking

    as we could only get hold of the original German version. this is a critical translation issue: WALLS & BOUNDARIES are „man-made“ – They have no equivalent in Nature. The term “Schranken” therefore can be translated as restraining bounds, or semiphors, barriers & temporary permeable or translucent / transparent material/strata/membranes/transition zones).

    Friedrich RückertDie Weisheit des Brahmanen, ein Lehrgedicht in BruchstückenWerke, Band 2, Leipzig und Wien [1897], S. 50-51.

    Breaking Down New Walls10th Annual Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Berlin, November, 9-11 2009 

    Interview, Panel-Discussion, ….

  • How about that for a beginning?Elinor Ostrom, Economy and Political Sciences, Nobel Prize Lecture, Dec, 8., 2009

    More:Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Ostrom, Elinor, Cambridge

    University Press, 1990Understanding Institutional Diversity Ostrom, Elinor, Princeton, Princeton University Press. 2005.Understanding Knowledge as a Commons: From Theory to Practice Ostrom, Elinor and Hess,

    Charlotte, Editors, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2006

    Breaking Down New Walls10th Annual Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Berlin, November, 9-11 2009 

    • multi-perspective • multi-positional and multi-centric• mix of scales• nested• meta-data analysis research included• diversity of rules and systems• coping with dilemmas• multi-level

    • not chaotic – but complex• common pool resources and sets• common analytical tools and language• common and diverse regimes across scales• communication and agent-based models• clarifying concepts, trust and reputation•….


  • Global Ecological Integrity, Human Rights, and Human Responsibilities: Intersections Between International Law and Public Health, 2003, June 27- July 1,

    &Open Space, The Earth Charter in Action, June 26- 30, Urbino, Italy

    Ecological Integrity, Democracy, Governance, and Education:

    THE NEED and A WORK-REPORT towards an embodied Covenant

    Heiner BenkingIndependent Futurist and Facilitator


    Co-Laboratories of DemocracyHow Co-Laboratories Of Democracy Work

    Problematic Situation• Discover root causes;• Adopt consensual action plans:• Develop teams dedicated to implementing those plans, • Generate lasting bonds of respect, trust, and cooperation.

  • Possible elements for a more tangible, practical, and feasible shared Global Learning

    Elements needed for a different ways of (GLOBAL) learning and shared action and consensus building

    PRE-REQUISIT: Space (tangible=dimensionality and immersion) in multi-dimensional multi-sectorial realmsMODEL THINKING: (also making use of cognitive spaces).

    MAPS and (mental) MODELS to provide collectively explorable tangible spaces for multi-media and sign integration, multi-modal thinking and shared cognitive models, see super-signs and meta-models. See, Systems and Model (tangible pragmatics, Culture vs. Cyberculture.

    OUTLINE (CONTEXT) -bounds and PATTERN -matching thinking on different levels of details or granularity. See Global Covenant and general comparative studies

    DIALOG & DECISION CULTUREsee also extended version of the bullets above

    and a GLOSSAR indispensable for immersing into the approaches presented

  • My Topic – My Concern – My Offer to the Group:



    Vegetarianism: Essential to Save the Planet?

    Dec. 13th, 2009

    Open Forum Open SpaceVeg Climate Alliance

    Copenhagen Workshop

  • Why Democratic Dialogue?

    • Motivations (just a few): • Increasing complexity & globalization of issues • Increasing interconnectedness (systems thinking)

    – e.g. Global warming as a symptom: How do we reach agreement on root causes for action?

    • Need for citizen participation in public institutions • Weakness of citizens vs. corporations in civil

    issues– Not knowing how to make the most difference

    • Breakdown of media communications, distrust

  • • Socratic Dialogue • Gadamer’s hermeneutic dialogue• Habermas’ Communicative Action• Bohm’s “collective meaning”• Bakhtin’s dialogical imagination• Freire’s dialogue in education & social action• Facilitated dialogue, Art of Hosting• Talking Stick – World Cafe• Structured Dialogue – Dialogic Design• Magic Roundtables

    How we Dialogue

  • TOPIC 1

    Re-inventing Democracy with generative and disciplined transdisciplinary – intergenerational – intercultural

    Dialogues and Conversations


    The Hub Berlina space for people with good ideas for the world.

    HUB Sustainability Week 2009



    The graph and some links were developed around the  Leadership Development Dialog and Diversity site and initiative from the late 90ies:

    So let us check below some hurdles and barriers we have to address which prevent us from reaching the objectives of :

    Suspend Certainty

    Seek to Expand the Questions

    Grow Ideas Rather Than Take a Position

    Listen to Your Listening

    Be Open Rather Than Attaching to Outcomes

  • Getting the Whole System in the Room for convergence

    and action.Bertalanffy‘s 100th

  • UN – ECOSOC- AMR 2008:

    N) Proposal for Anna-Lindh-Foundation,  European – Mediteranian Countries, Berlin-Alexandria 2008. Transcultural Dialog and Peace-MakingRoundtable learning from experience during the last 40 years and new ideas Stumbling blocks preventing true dialog, peace-making, and reconciliation:1) we fight over words but do not check the meaning,2) we do not question and compare the values attached to statements and attitudes, 3) we do not contextualize and embody concepts and meaning, do not check the sectors, regions, scales, proportions and consequences of alternative actions, 4) we do not give voice, empower, listen, cherish and cultivate difference or variety in dialog and decision making, 5) Disorientation and dumbing-down in Cyberculture and a mis-administered and misunderstood, intangible “Globalisation / Glocalisation”: Where we get overloaded by communication noise (sign/symbol melange) and media demagogy which means: no trust and fidelity in the statements and no ways and means to check the credibility and impact/relevance, and get lost between the scales, brackets, and sectors.6) The above incompatibility and incomparability opens the door for over-claims and oversimplifications. Leaders use intangible jargon (plastic-words), neglect impacts and avoid instead of exploring differences and alternatives.



    "Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development".

  • B E P R E P AR E D T O B E

    S U R P R IS E D

    Open-Forum Open-Space

  • Vegetarianism: Essential to Save the Planet?TWITTER  

    UN-COP 15 – CopenVegan, Dec. 13, 2009

    This "Pitch“ of 10 Minutes to open the "Magic-Roundtable“ Open-Space section of the event, was designed to focus on what has been going on around Environmental Research and Management and Capacity Building during the last 40 years.

    The "Pitch“ is an invitation to go beyond the "winning“ argument of other lifestyles, diets, greater compassion towards all living things; reduction of suffering; and urges concerted action in all sectors. It argues that contributions towards caring for the soils, the water, healthy environment, energy efficiency and life-cycle thinking are a must in order to attain the objective of peaceful survival of living thing which is only possible by caring for the whole Creation on this planet. Mapping out our reach for and sharing of common grounds and insisting on the credibility of the whole proces in a workable and repeatable participative deliberation processis seen as an essential first step towards shared (embodied) covenants which give room for coexistence of oikos, ecumene, ecudomy and not just the juxtaposition of economy and ecology. Needed is a New Renaissance. Concretion and embodiment in times of Global Change.Please check the other presentations, follow the links, check this Blog, start the discussion or write an E-Mail to [email protected] THANK YOU !

    Open-ForumMogens Dahl Koncertsal[email protected]://

    Folie 1Folie 2Folie 3Folie 4Folie 5Folie 6Folie 7Folie 8Folie 9Folie 10Folie 11Folie 12Folie 13Folie 14Folie 15Folie 16Folie 17Folie 18Folie 19Folie 20Folie 21Folie 22Folie 23Folie 24Folie 25Folie 26Folie 27Folie 28Folie 29Folie 30Folie 31Folie 32Folie 33Folie 34Folie 35Folie 36Folie 37Folie 38Folie 39Folie 40Folie 41Folie 42Folie 43Folie 44Folie 45Folie 46Folie 47Folie 48Folie 49Folie 50Folie 51Folie 52Folie 53Folie 54Folie 55Folie 56Folie 57Folie 58Folie 59Folie 60Folie 61Folie 62Folie 63Folie 64