ch12 z5e kinetics

1 Kinetics pp The study of The study of reaction rates reaction rates . . Spontaneous Spontaneous reactions are reactions are reactions that will happen - reactions that will happen - but but we can’t tell how fast. we can’t tell how fast. Diamond will spontaneously turn Diamond will spontaneously turn to graphite – eventually. to graphite – eventually. Reaction mechanism Reaction mechanism - the - the steps steps by by which a reaction takes place.

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  • 1.Kineticspp The study ofreaction rates . Spontaneousreactions are reactions that will happen -butwe cant tell how fast. Diamond will spontaneously turn to graphite eventually. Reaction mechanism- thestepsbywhich a reaction takes place.

2. 12.1 Reaction Rate Rate =Conc. of A at t 2- Conc. of A at t 1 t 2 - t 1 Rate = [A] t Change in concentration per unit time For this reaction N 2+ 3H 2 2NH 3 3. N 2+ 3H 2 2NH 3 As the reaction progresses the concentration H 2goes down Concentration Time [H 2 ] 4. As the reaction progresses the concentration N 2goes down 1/3 as fast as for H 2 3 moles H 2being consumed for every 1 mole of N 2 Concentration Time [H 2 ] [N 2 ] 5. As the reaction progresses the concentration NH 3goes up mole proportionally Concentration Time [H 2 ] [N 2 ] [NH 3 ] 6. Calculating Rates Average ratesare taken over long intervals Instantaneous ratesare determined by finding the slope of a line tangent to the curve at any given point because the rate can change over time We take the derivative. 7. Average slope method Concentration Time [H 2 ] t 8. Instantaneous slope method. Concentration Time [H 2 ] t 9. Defining Ratepp We can define rate in terms of thedisappearanceof thereactant orin terms of the rate ofappearanceof theproduct . In our example N 2+3H 2 2NH 3 - [ N 2 ]=- 3 [ H 2 ]=2 [ NH 3 ] t t t Since [ reactants ]alwaysdecreases with time, any rate expression includes (-) sign 10. 12.2 Rate Laws:An Introduction Reactions arereversible . As products accumulate they can begin to turn back into reactants. Early onthe rate will depend ononlythe amount ofreactantspresent. So, we want to measure the reactantsas soon as they are mixed . This is called theInitial rate method . 11. Two key points: The concentration of theproductsdo not appear in the rate law because this is aninitialrate (only the [reactants]). Theordermust be determinedexperimentally . Cannotbe obtained from the equations coefficients (remember this!). Rate Lawspp 12. Rate Laws N 2+ 3H 2 2NH 3 When forward & reverse reaction rates areequalthen there is no change in concentration of either. The reaction is atequilibrium . Rate =k [N 2 ] m [H 2 ] n Note:m and n arenot coefficientsof the balanced equation,must be determined experimentally . 13. You will find the rate depends only on the concentration of thereactants . Rate =k [ NO 2 ] n This is called arate law expression . kis called the rate constant. nis theorderof the reactant - usually a positive integer (1st, 2nd, etc.). It isnotthe coefficient of the balanced reaction (e.g., it could be 1) We caninsteaddefine Rate in terms ofproduction of O 2 vs.consumption of NO 2 2 NO 22 NO+O 2 14. The rate ofappearanceofO 2is . . . Rate '= [ O 2 ] =k ' [ NO 2 ] n t Because there are 2 NO 2consumed for each O 2produced . . . Rate = k[NO 2 ] n = 2 x Rate = 2 x k ' [NO 2 ] n Sok[NO 2 ] n = 2 x k ' [NO 2 ] n So k = 2 x k'2 NO 22 NO+O 2 15. Figure 12.1 p. 562 Definition of Rate. 2NO 2 2NO + O 2 16. Types of Rate Laws DifferentialRate law - describes howratedepends onconcentration . IntegratedRate Law - Describes howconcentrationdepends ontime . For each type of differential rate law there is an integrated rate law and vice versa. Rate laws can help us better understand reaction mechanisms. 17. 12.3 Determining Rate Laws Thefirststep is to determine theformof the rate law (especially itsorder ). Mustbe determined from experimental data ( notfrom the coefficients!!). For this reaction: 2 N 2 O 5(aq)4NO 2(aq) + O 2 (g) The reverse reaction wont play a role. Next slide shows experimental results (like youll do in lab 12). 18. Now graph the data [N 2 O 5 ] (mol/L)Time (s) 1.00 0 0.88 200 0.78 400 0.69 600 0.61 800 0.54 1000 0.48 1200 0.43 1400 0.38 1600 0.34 1800 0.30 2000 19. To find rate we have to find theslopeat two points We will use thetangentmethod. 20. At.90M the rate is - (.98 - .76)= -0.22=5.5x 10-4 M s -1 (0-400)-400 21. At.45 Mthe rate is - (.52 - .31)= -0.22= 2.7 x 10-4 (1000-1800)-800 22. Since the rate attwice the concentrationistwice as fast , the rate law must be.. Rate = - [N 2 O 5 ] = k[N 2 O 5 ] 1= k[N 2 O 5 ] tWe say this reaction isfirstorderinN 2 O 5 Theonlyway to determine order is to run the experiment. n isnotsame number as coefficient (only a coincidence). 1st order means doubling the [] doubles the rate(know this).Rate = k[A] 1 23. A Plot of [N 2 O 5 ] as f(t) for 2N 2 O 5 4NO 2+ O 2 pp Note that the reaction rate at 0.90Mis twice that at 0.45M So, the reaction is 1st order because doubling the [ ] doubles the rate 24. The method of Initial Ratespp This method requires that a reaction be run several times (do in Lab 12). The initial concentrations of the reactants arevaried . The reaction rate is measuredjust afterthe reactants are mixed. Eliminates the effect of the reverse reaction and makes it easier to calculate. 25. Heres an AP-type Questionpp Write general form of rate law for: BrO 3 -+ 5 Br -+ 6H + 3Br 2+ 3 H 2 O Answer is . . . Rate =k [BrO 3 - ] n [Br - ] m [H + ] p Determinen ,m ,pby comparing rates Add n ,m ,pvalues to getoverall order Find value ofkby plugging in valuesfromany oneof the experiment rates 26. An AP Test Examplepp For the reactionBrO 3 -+ 5 Br -+ 6H + 3Br 2+ 3 H 2 O The general form of the Rate Law is Rate = k[BrO 3 - ] n [Br - ] m [H + ] p Be able to write the above as the 1st question, given the above reaction. We useexperimental datato determine the values of n,m, and p 27. Now we have to see how theratechanges withconcentration Initial concentrations (M)pp Rate (M/s) BrO 3 - Br - H + 0.10 0.10 0.10 8.0 x 10 -4 0.20 0.10 0.10 1.6 x 10 -3 0.20 0.20 0.10 3.2 x 10 -3 0.10 0.10 0.20 3.2 x 10 -3 28. Findnby ratio of Rate 2/Rate 1, in which only [BrO 3 - ] changes n= 1 because (next slide) Initial concentrations ( M )pp Rate (M/s) BrO 3 - Br - H + 0.10 0.10 0.10 8.0 x 10 -4 0.20 0.10 0.10 1.6 x 10 -3 0.20 0.20 0.10 3.2 x 10 -3 0.10 0.10 0.20 3.2 x 10 -3 29. The mathpp Rate 2=1 .6 x 10 -3mol/Ls=k (0.20 mol/L) n (0.10 mol/l) m (0.10 mol/L) p Rate 18.0 x 10 -4mol/Ls k (0.10 mol/L) n (0.10 mol/l) m (0.10 mol/L) p =2.0=(0.20 mol/L0.10 mol/L) n= (2.0) n So,n= 1 30. Findmby ratio of Rate 3/Rate 2, in which only [Br - ] changes m= 1(ditto on math) Initial concentrations ( M )pp Rate (M/s) BrO 3 - Br - H + 0.10 0.10 0.10 8.0 x 10 -4 0.20 0.10 0.10 1.6 x 10 -3 0.20 0.20 0.10 3.2 x 10 -3 0.10 0.10 0.20 3.2 x 10 -3 31. Findpby ratio of Rate 4/Rate 1, in which only [H + ] changes p= 2(ditto on math) Initial concentrations ( M )pp Rate (M/s) BrO 3 - Br - H + 0.10 0.10 0.10 8.0 x 10 -4 0.20 0.10 0.10 1.6 x 10 -3 0.20 0.20 0.10 3.2 x 10 -3 0.10 0.10 0.20 3.2 x 10 -3 32. AP-type questionpp So, rate of reaction isfirstorder inBrO 3 - and Br -andsecondorder inH + Overall rate= 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 Rate lawcan be written as: Rate =k [BrO 3 - ][Br - ][H + ] 2 33. AP-type questionpp Rate =k [BrO 3 - ][Br - ][H + ] 2 Try calculatingkfrom Expt. 2BrO 3 1- Br 1- H 1+ Rate ( M /s )0.20 0.10 0.10 1.6 x 10 -3 The answer is . . . k = 8.0 L 3 /mol 3 s(or 8.0M -3 s -1 ) The complete rate law is . . . Rate =8.0 L 3 /mol 3 s[BrO 3 - ][Br - ][H + ] 2 Be sure to express the correct units! 34. AP-type question Units areveryimportant!!! Lets try Text # 27, p. 568 . . . Answer is . . . 25 a. Rate = K[NOCl] 2 b. k= 6.6 x 10 -29cm 3 /moleculess c. k = 4.0 x 10 -8 M -1 s -1 Do # 25 at home.(Quiz soon!) 35. 12.4 Integrated Rate Law Expresses the reaction concentration as a function oftime(vs. rate as f(conc.)). Form of the equation depends on theorderof the rate law (from differential). ChangesRate = - [A] n =k [A] n t We will only work with n = 0, 1, and 2 for reactions with only asingle reactant(decomposition) 36. First Order For the reaction2N 2 O 5 4NO 2+ O 2 We found the (differential) Rate =k [ N 2 O 5 ] 1 I.e. , if concentration doubles rate doubles. If weintegratethis equation with respect totimewe get theIntegratedRate Law ln[N 2 O 5 ] = -k t + ln[N 2 O 5 ] 0 (y = mx + b) ln is the natural log [N 2 O 5 ] 0is theinitialconcentration. 37. General formis Rate = - [A] / t = k[A] ln[A] = -k t + ln[A] 0 In the form y = mx + b y = ln[A] m = - k x = t b = ln[A] 0 A graph ofln[A]vs.timeis a straight lineifit is first order (otherwise, adifferentgraph is a straight line, see following slides). FirstOrder 38. By getting a straight line you prove it is first order. Conversely, if a plot of ln[A]vs . t (as opposed to plotting other values) isnota straight line, the reaction isnotfirst order in [A]. So, you have to plot several possibilities to determine which order it is. First Order 39. A Plot of [N 2 O 5 ] as f(t) for 2N 2 O 5 4NO 2+ O 2 . Decomposition reaction Note that the reaction rate at 0.90Mis twice that at 0.45M So, the reaction is 1st order because doubling the [ ] doubles the rate This is not a plot ofln [N 2 O 5 ], which would be a straight line if it was first order . . . 40. ln [A] = -k t + ln[A] 0 By getting the straight line (plotln [A]vs.t) you can prove it is first order. Often expressed in a ratio First Order 41. Figure 12.4 A Plot ofIn (N 2 O 5 ) Versus Time (1st order) 42. Half Life The time required to reachhalfthe original concentration. If a bacterium doubles every minute, and takes 40 minutes to fill the jar, how long to fill half the jar? 39 minutes. Ifthe reaction isfirstorder, then: [A] = [A] 0 /2whent = t 1/2 43. Figure 12.5:A Plot of (N 2 O 5 ) vs. Time for theDecompositionReaction of N 2 O 5 44. Half Life ln(2) =k t 1/2 Solving for t 1/2 : The time required to reach half the original concentration. Ifthe reaction is first order [A] = [A] 0 /2when t = t 1/2 45. Half Life t 1/2= ln(2)/k = 0.693/ k So, the time to reach half the original concentration doesnotdepend on the starting concentration. This is an easy way to findkif you know or can determine the t 1/2and the reaction is 1st order. 46. Second Order Rate = - [A] / t= k[A] 2 integratedrate law has the form: 1/[A] =k t + 1/[A] 0 , where y = mx + b, so: y= 1/[A]m = k x= t b = 1/[A] 0 Get a straight line if1/[A]vstis graphed (instead of ln[A] = -k t + ln[A] 0 ) Knowingkand [A] 0you can calculate [A] at any timetby graphing y = mx + b 47. Second Order Half Life [A] = [A] 0/2 att = t 1/2 48. Z7e545 Fig 12.6 (a) A Plot of In(C 4 H 6 ) Versust(not straight line, so not 1st order) (b) A Plot of 1/(C 4 H 6 ) Versust(straight line so must be 2nd order) 49. Determining Rate Laws Since we get a straight line with (b) and not with (a) in previous slide:The reaction must be second order in C 4 H 6 50. Zero Order Rate Law Rate = k[A] 0= k Rate doesnotchange with concentration Important for drug pharmacokinetics Integratedrate law:[A] = -kt + [A] 0 y = mx + b format When [A] = [A] 0/2t = t 1/2t 1/2=[A] 0/2kfor zero order. 51. Z7e 546 Figure 12.7 A Plot of[A] Versust for aZero-OrderReaction 52. Occurs most often when reaction happens on asurfacebecause the surface area stays constant. Also applies toenzyme chemistryand other reactions involvingcatalysts . Zero Order Rate Law 53. Fig. 12.8 Decomposition Reaction N 2 O2N 2+ O 2 Even though [N 2 O] is twice as great in (b) as in (a) the reaction occurs on a saturated platinum surface, so rate is zero order 54. Zero Order Graph Time Concentration 55. Zero Order Graph Time Concentration A]/ t = slope t -k = A] t 1/2= [A 0 ]/2k 56. More Complicated Reactions Reactions withmore than one reactant . BrO 3 -+ 5 Br -+ 6H + 3Br 2+ 3 H 2 O For this reaction we experimentally found the (differential) rate law to be Rate = k[BrO 3 - ][Br - ][H + ] 2 Toinvestigatethis reaction rate we need to control the conditions. 57. Rate = k[BrO 3 - ][Br - ][H + ] 2 We set up the experiment sotwoof the reactants are inlarge excess(Lab 12). [BrO 3 - ] 0 = 1.0 x 10 -3 M [Br - ] 0= 1.0M (1000 x as great) [H + ] 0= 1.0M (ditto) As the reaction proceeds [BrO 3 - ] changes noticeably ( limiting reactant ).[Br - ] and [H + ]do not (since in large excess) 58. This rate law can be rewritten . . . Rate = k[Br - ] 0 [H + ] 0 2 [BrO 3 - ] =k [BrO 3 - ] because, [Br - ] 0and [H + ] 0are constant (since in large excess).Solving fork . . . k = k[Br - ] 0 [H + ] 0 2and substitutingk into the original rate law . . . Rate =k [BrO 3 - ] This is called apseudo first orderrate law. k= k [Br - ] 0 [H + ] 0 2 Rate = k[BrO 3 - ][Br - ][H + ] 2 59. 12.5 Summary of Rate Laws Assume only theforwardreaction is important so can produce rate laws that only containreactantconcentrations Differentialrate law( akarate law) shows howratedepends onconcentration. Integratedrate lawshows howconcentrationdepends ontime . Choice of using either method depends on data being experimentally derived. 60. Summary of Rate Laws Most common method to determine thedifferentialrate law is method ofinitial rates(gettas close to zero as possible) We will use this method in Lab 12 If instead using theintegratedrate law, measureconcentrationat various times. Youllgraphthis in Lab 12 and plot the values to get a straight line as follows: 61. Summary of Rate Lawspp Memorize the followingrate laws(for AP questions) and use the t 1/2for our lab 12. (rf. Table 12.6 p. 548) - use for online HW! Reactionorderis found by whichever of the following gives straight line: Zeroorder when[A]vs . tyields straight line Rate = k and t 1/2= [A] o /2 k 1storder whenln [A]vs.tyields straight lineRate = k[A] and t 1/2= 0.693/ k 2ndorder when1/ [A]vs.tyields straight lineRate = k[A] 2and t 1/2= 1 /k[ A] o 62. Use for Online HWpp Use for online HW Hint:on one problem you will have to first determine theorder , then use thehalf-life equation(5 thline) to solve for k, then use theIntegrated rate law(2 ndline) to solve for time (t). 63. 12.6 Reaction Mechanisms The series of steps that actually occur in a chemical reaction. A balanced equation does not tell ushowthe reactants become products. Kinetics can tell us something about the mechanism. 64. Figure 12.9 A Molecular Representation of the Elementary Steps in the Reaction of NO 2and CO Overall:NO 2+ CONO + CO 2 Step 1:NO 2+ NO 2 NO 3+ NO(k 1 ) Step 2:NO 3+ CONO 2+ CO 2 (k 2 ) NO 3is anintermediate 65. 2NO 2+ F 2 2NO 2 FRate = k[NO 2 ][F 2 ] Theproposedmechanism is: NO 2+ F 2 NO 2 F+ F(slow) F+ NO 2 NO 2 F (fast)F is called anintermediate. It is formedthenconsumed in the reaction Reaction Mechanisms 66. Each of the two reactions is called anelementary step . The rate for each reaction can be written from itsmolecularity . Molecularity is the number of pieces that must come together (collide) to produce the reaction indicated by that step. Reaction Mechanisms 67. Unimolecularstep involves one molecule - Rate isfirstorder. Bimolecularstep - requires two molecules - Rate issecondorder Termolecularstep- requires three molecules - Rate isthirdorderTermolecularsteps are almost never heard of because the chances of three molecules coming into contact at the same time are miniscule. With molecularity the coefficientscanbecome the exponents. 68. Aproducts A+Aproducts 2Aproducts A+Bproducts A+A+BProducts 2A+BProducts A+B+CProducts This is also in Table 12.7, p. 550.Know. Rate = k[A]Rate= k[A] 2 Rate= k[A] 2 Rate= k[A][B] Rate= k[A] 2 [B] Rate= k[A] 2 [B] Rate= k[A][B][C] 69. Finding the Reaction Mechanismpp Must satisfytworequirements : Sumof theelementarystepsdoesgive theoverallbalanced equation for the reaction The proposedmechanismmustagreewith theexperimentally derivedrate law. 70. How to get rid of intermediatespp Use the reactions that form them. Ifthe reactions arefastandirreversible the concentration of theintermediateis based onstoichiometry .(Use spider). Ifit is formed by areversiblereactionsetthereversible reaction ratesequalto each other. 71. Formed inreversiblereactionspp 2 NO + O 2 2 NO 2 Overall reaction Given :Expt-derived Rate =k [NO] 2 [O 2 ] Proposed Mechanism :2 NON 2 O 2 (fast) N 2 O 2+ O 22 NO 2(slow) 2nd stepis rate determining (slow), so need to get this one to look like the expt.-derived rate,k [NO] 2 [O 2 ] 1st stepisreversibleso set both rates inthisstepequalto each other: k 1 [NO] 2= k -1 [N 2 O 2 ] 72. Formed inreversiblereactionspp 2 NO + O 2 2 NO 2 overall reaction Given:Expt-derived Rate =k [NO] 2 [O 2 ] Proposed Mechanism2 NON 2 O 2 (fast)N 2 O 2+ O 22 NO 2(slow) 2nd steprate comes frommolecularity A+Bproducts Rate= k[A][B] Rate = k 2 [N 2 O 2 ][O 2 ] 73. Formed inreversiblereactionspp Given:Expt-derived Rate =k [NO] 2 [O 2 ] 2 NO + O 2 2 NO 2 overall reaction Proposed Mechanism2 NON 2 O 2 (fast) N 2 O 2+ O 22 NO 2(slow)Rate =k 1 [NO] 2= k -1 [N 2 O 2 ](from 1st step)Rate = k 2 [N 2 O 2 ][O 2 ](from 2nd step) Solve for [N 2 O 2 ]from (1) & subinto (2) rate =k 2(k 1 / k -1 )[NO] 2 [O 2 ]= k[NO] 2 [O 2 ] 74. Formed inreversiblereactionspp 2 NO + O 2 2 NO 2 overall reaction Proposed Mechanism2 NON 2 O 2 (fast) N 2 O 2+ O 22 NO 2(slow) Since model-derivedRate = k[NO] 2 [O 2 ]agrees with theexpt.-derivedrate . . . And sum of the steps = overall reaction: The 2-step proposed mechanism works! 75. Formed inreversiblereactionspp Inother words: Since this last equation, which we derived by eliminating the intermediateis the sameas theexperimentallyderived rate: And , the sum of the 2 steps add up to the overall balanced reaction:The proposed 2-step mechanism is correct. There are AP questions that have you do this for. 76. Formed infast, irreversiblereactionspp 2 IBrI 2 + Br 2 overall reaction Experimentally-derivedRate =k [IBr] 2 Proposed Mechanism IBr I + Br(fast) IBr + BrI + Br 2 ( slow ) I + I I 2 (fast) Step 2 is slow, so its rate determining Slow Rate = k[ I Br][Br]but[Br]= [ I Br] So, Rate = k[ I Br][ I Br] = k[ I Br] 2 77. Formed in fast, irreversible reactionspp 2 IBrI 2 + Br 2 overall reaction Proposed Mechanism IBr I + Br(fast) IBr + BrI + Br 2 (slow) I + I I 2 (fast) Sum of steps = overall balanced reaction Rate= k[IBr][IBr]= k[IBr] 2issame as experimentally derived So, the mechanism works (But this doesnt prove its thecorrectmechanism) 78. 12.7 A Model for Chemical Kinetics Collision Theory Molecules must collide to react. Concentrationaffects rates because collisions are more likely with more []. Must collidehard enough . Temperatureandrateare related. Only a small number of collisions produce reactions ( orientation ,force ). 79. Terms Activation energy- the minimum energy needed to make a reaction happen. Activated Complex or Transition State- The arrangement of atoms at the top of the energy barrier. Write rate laws forCH 3 NC (g) CH 3 CN (g) O 3(g)+ O (g) 2O 2(g) Try #53 p. 571 ( similar to next slide): 80. Potential Energy Reaction Coordinate Reactants Products 81. Potential Energy Reaction Coordinate Reactants Products Activation Energy E a 82. Potential Energy Reaction Coordinate Reactants Products Activated complex 83. Potential Energy Reaction Coordinate Reactants Products E } 84. Potential Energy Reaction Coordinate 2BrNO 2NO + Br Br---NO Br---NO 2 Transition State 85. Arrhenius Said thatreaction rateshouldincreasewithtemperature . Athigh temperaturemore molecules have the energy required to get over the barrier(i.e . the activation energy). So ahigher E ameans slower reactionat a given temperature. The number of collisions with the necessary energy increasesexponentiallywith higher temperature. 86. Arrhenius Number of collisions with the requiredenergy = ze -E a /RT z = total collisions e is Eulers number (opposite of ln) E a= activation energy R = ideal gas constant = 8.314J /K mol T is temperature in Kelvin 87. Problems Observedrate islessthan the number of collisions that have the minimum energy. This is due to Molecularorientation Written into equation asp(thesteric factor ). k = z p e -E a /RT 88. Figure 12.13 Several Possible Orientations for a Collision Between Two BrNO Molecules. (a) & (b) can lead to a collision, (c) cannot. 89. No Reaction O N Br O N Br O N Br O N Br O N Br O N Br O N Br O N Br O N Br O N Br 90. Arrhenius Equation k= zpe -E a /RT= Ae -E a /RT A is called the frequency factor = zp lnk= -(E a /R)(1/T) + ln A Another line !!!! (y = mx + b) That is,lnkvs1/Tis a straight line Remember, T is temperature in Kelvin! Another form:ln(k 2 /k 1 ) = (E a /R)(1/T 1- 1/T 2 )You will do this in Lab 12 91. Figure 12.14pp Plot of In( k )vs.1/ Tfor 2N 2 O 5( g ) g )+ O 2( g ). Can get E afrom slope = -E a /R Do in lab 12. 92. Figure 12.14 Plot of In( k )vs.1/ Tfor 2N 2 O 5( g ) g )+ O 2( g ). Can get E afrom slope = -E a /R Do in lab 12. 93. Activation Energy and Rates The final saga 94. Mechanismsand rates There is an activation energy foreach elementarystep. Activation energy determinesk . k= Ae - (E a /RT)kdeterminesrate So,sloweststep(rate determining) must have thehighestactivation energy. 95. This reaction takes place in three steps 96. First step is fast Low activation energy E a 97. Second step is slow High activation energy E a 98. E a Third step is fast Low activation energy 99. Second step is rate determining 100. Intermediates are present 101. Activated Complexes or Transition States 102. 12.8 Catalysts Speed up a reactionwithout being used upin the reaction. Enzymes are biological catalysts. Homogenous Catalystsare in thesame phaseas the reactants. Heterogeneous Catalystsare in adifferentphase as the reactants. 103. How Catalysts Work Catalysts allow reactions to proceed by adifferent mechanism- a new pathway. Newpathway has aloweractivation energy (so, has a faster rate). Moremolecules will have this activation energy. Doesnotchange overall E 104. Figure 12.15 Energy Plots for a Catalyzed and an Uncatalyzed Pathway for a Given Reaction. Eis the same in both cases. 105. Figure 12.16 Effect of a Catalyst on theNumberof Reaction-ProducingCollisions (increases even though no temperature increase). 106. Hydrogen bonds to surface of metal. Break H-H bonds Heterogenous Catalysts Pt surface H H H H H H H H 107. Heterogenous Catalysts Pt surface H H H H C H H C H H 108. Heterogenous Catalysts The double bond breaks and bonds to the catalyst. Pt surface H H H H C H H C H H 109. Heterogenous Catalysts The hydrogen atoms bond with the carbon Pt surface H H H H C H H C H H 110. Heterogenous Catalysts Pt surface H C H H C H H H H H 111. Heterogenous Catalysts Summary:usually in 4 steps: Adsorption & activationof reactants onto the catalytic surface. Migrationof the adsorbedreactantsacross the surface. Reactionof the adsorbed reactants. Escape(desorption) of theproducts . 112. Homogenous Catalysts Chlorofluorocarbonscatalyze the decomposition of ozone. Both are in same phase (gas) Another example:Enzymesregulating the body processes. (Protein catalysts) 113. Catalysts and rate Catalysts will speed up a reactionbut only to a certain point . Past a certain point adding more reactants wont change the rate. BecomesZero Order(saturation kinetics) See saturation kinetics with renal disease & some drugs (aminoglycosides). 114. Catalysts and rate. Rate increases until the active sites of catalyst are filled. Then rate isindependentof concentration Concentration of reactants Rate