ch05 solutions

Solutions Chapter 5: Decisions Multiple Choice 1. What kind of statement lets a program carry out different actions depending on a condition? A) if B) decision C) which D) condition Ans: A Section Ref: Section 5.1 The if Statement Title: TB 5.1 What kind of statement lets a program carry out different actions depending on a condition? Difficulty: Easy 2. What kind of statement groups several statements together? A) simple B) boolean C) block D) condition Ans: C Section Ref: Section 5.1 The if Statement Title: TB 5.2 What kind of statement groups several statements together? Difficulty: Easy 3. Block statements are enclosed by _____________? A) < > B) { } C) [ ] D) ( )

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SolutionsChapter 5: Decisions

Multiple Choice

1. What kind of statement lets a program carry out different actions depending on a condition?A) ifB) decisionC) whichD) condition

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.1 What kind of statement lets a program carry out different actions depending on a condition?Difficulty: Easy

2. What kind of statement groups several statements together?A) simpleB) booleanC) blockD) condition

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.2 What kind of statement groups several statements together?Difficulty: Easy

3. Block statements are enclosed by _____________?A) < >B) { }C) [ ]D) ( )

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.3 Block statements are enclosed by _____________?Difficulty: Easy

4. Conditions are enclosed by _____________?A) ( )B) < >

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C) [ ]D) { }

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.4 Conditions are enclosed by _____________?Difficulty: Easy

5. Which if condition correctly checks whether there are sufficient funds in the bank account?A) if (balance = amount)B) if {balance >= amount}C) if [balance >= amount]D) if (balance >= amount)

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.5 Which if condition correctly checks whether there are sufficient funds in the bank account?Difficulty: Easy

6. The following code is an example of what kind of statement? balance = balance - amount;

A) simpleB) blockC) loopD) compound

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.6 The following code is an example of what kind of statement?Difficulty: Medium

7. The following code is an example of what kind of statement?if (balance >= amount) balance = balance - amount;

A) loopB) compoundC) simpleD) block

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.7 The following code is an example of what kind of statement?

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Difficulty: Medium

8. Which Java statement correctly implements the following pseudocode:

Display "A" when the student's grade is higher than 90 (inclusive)

A) if (studentGrade = 90) System.out.println("A");B) if (studentGrade > 90) System.out.println("A");C) if (studentGrade >= 90) System.out.println("A");D) if (studentGrade < 90) System.out.println("A");

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.8 Which Java statement correctly implements the following pseudocode for a grade higher than 90 (inclusive):Difficulty: Medium

9. Which statement is true about the following code fragment involving a conditional?if (amount > balance) ; System.out.println("Insufficient funds");

A) Never prints out "Insufficient funds". B) Does not compile.C) Only prints out "Insufficient funds" when amount > balanceD) Always prints out "Insufficient funds".

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.1 The if StatementTitle: TB 5.9 Which statement is true about the following code fragment involving a conditional?Difficulty: Medium

10. What is the following operator called where the value of the expression is either value1 if the condition is true or value2 if it is false? condition ? value1 : value2;

A) conditionalB) switchC) question markD) if/else

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Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.1 The Selection OperatorTitle: TB 5.10 What is the following operator called where the value of the expression is either value1 if the condition is true or value2 if it is false?Difficulty: Easy

11. Consider the code fragment involving a selection operator: q = (p % 4) != 0 ? (p % 4) : 4;

What is the value of q when p is 8? A) 3B) 2C) 0D) 4

Ans: DSection Ref: Special Topic 5.1 The Selection OperatorTitle: TB 5.11 What is the value of the selection?Difficulty: Easy

12. Consider the code fragment involving a selection operator: q = (p % 4) != 0 ? (p % 4) : 4;

What is the value of q when p is 9? A) 0B) 4C) 2D) 1

Ans: DSection Ref: Special Topic 5.1 The Selection OperatorTitle: TB 5.12 What is the value of the selection?Difficulty: Easy

13. The following statement involving the selection operator is similar to which statement? y = x >= 0 ? x : -x;

A) if (x >= 0) y = x; else y = -x;B) if (x >= 0)

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y = x;C) if (x >= 0) y = -x;D) if (x >= 0) y = -x; else y = x;

Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.1 The Selection OperatorTitle: TB 5.13 Which statement is similar to the statement given involving the selection operator?Difficulty: Hard

14. What kind of operator compares two values? A) conditionalB) booleanC) relationalD) predicate

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.14 What kind of operator compares two values? Difficulty: Easy

15. Which operator tests for equality? A) !=B) ===C) =D) ==

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.15 Which operator tests for equality? Difficulty: Easy

16. Which of the following is a relational operator?A) !=B) ||C) /D) &&

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.16 Which of the following is a relational operator?

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Difficulty: Medium

17. What is the opposite of the operator < ?A) >B) >=C) <=D) =>

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.17 What is the opposite of the operator < ?Difficulty: Easy

18. What is the opposite of the operator > ?A) =<B) <=C) <D) =>

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.18 What is the opposite of the operator > ?Difficulty: Easy

19. Which operator should you use to test whether an object reference is null?A) ==B) >=C) <=D) =

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.19 Which operator should you use to test whether an object reference is null?Difficulty: Medium

20. Which is the preferred approach to determine whether two integer variables (i1 and i2) are equal, assuming the following declarations?int i1; int i2; final double EPSILON = 1E-14;

A) if (i1 == i2) ...

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B) if Math.abs(i1 - i2) <= EPSILON ...C) if (Math.abs(i1 - i2) <= EPSILON) ...D) if (i1 = i2) ...

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.20 Which is the preferred approach to determine whether two integer variables (i1 and i2) are equal?Difficulty: Easy

21. Which is the preferred approach to determine whether two double variables (d1 and d2) are equal, assuming the following declarations?double d1; double d2; final double EPSILON = 1E-14;

A) if (d1 = d2) ...B) if Math.abs(d1 - d2) <= EPSILON ...C) if (Math.abs(d1 - d2) <= EPSILON) ...D) if (d1 == d2) ...

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.21 Which is the preferred approach to determine whether two double variables (d1 and d2) are equal?Difficulty: Medium

22. Which condition should be used to test whether the contents of two strings referenced by string1 and string2 have the same value?A) (string1.equals(string2))B) (String.equals(string1, string2))C) (string1 == string2)D) (Equals(string1, string2))

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.22 Which condition should be used to test whether the contents of two strings referenced by string1 and string2 have the same value?Difficulty: Easy

23. Which method compares strings in dictionary order?A) compareB) compareDictionary

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C) equalsD) compareTo

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.23 Which method compares strings in dictionary order?Difficulty: Easy

24. What does it mean if the following test is true: s.compareTo(t) < 0? A) s is nullB) t is nullC) s comes before t in the dictionaryD) s comes after t in the dictionary

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.24 What does it mean if the following test is true: s.compareTo(t) < 0 ?Difficulty: Medium

25. What does it mean if string1 comes after string2 in dictionary order? A) string2.compareTo(string1) > 0B) string1.compareTo(string2) < 0C) string1.compareTo(string2) > 0D) string2.compareTo(string1) <> 0

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.25 What does it mean if string1 comes after string in dictionary order?Difficulty: Medium

26. If string1 and string2 are equal, then string1.compareTo(string2) _______. A) .equals(0)B) == 0C) == trueD) == null

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.26 If string1 and string2 are equal, then string1.compareTo(string2) ______.Difficulty: Medium

27. Which choice indicates that a string variable refers to no string?

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A) nilB) ""C) nullD) empty

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.27 Which choice indicates that a string variable refers to no string?Difficulty: Medium

28. Which choice denotes an empty string?A) emptyB) ""C) nilD) null

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.28 Which choice denotes an empty string?Difficulty: Medium

29. Consider the following code:String greeting = "Hello, World!";String hello1 = "Hello";String hello2 = greeting.substring(0,6);String hello3 = hello1;

Which statement correctly checks whether hello1 and hello2 have the same value and displays the string "Hello"? A) if hello2 == hello1 System.out.println("Hello");B) if (hello1.equals(hello2)) System.out.println("Hello");C) if (hello1 == hello2) System.out.println("Hello");D) if hello2.equals(hello1) System.out.println("Hello");

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.29 Which statement correctly checks whether hello1 and hello2 have the same value and displays the string "Hello"?Difficulty: Medium

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30. Consider the following code:String greeting = "Hello, World!";String hello1 = "Hello";String hello2 = greeting.substring(0,6);String hello3 = hello1;

Which statement correctly checks whether hello1 and hello3 are identical string references and displays the string "Hello"? A) if hello3.equals(hello1) System.out.println("Hello");B) if (hello1.equals(hello3)) System.out.println("Hello");C) if (hello1 == hello3) System.out.println("Hello");D) if hello3 == hello1 System.out.println("Hello");

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.30 Which statement correctly checks whether hello1 and hello3 are identical string references and displays the string "Hello"?Difficulty: Medium

31. Which operator or method tests whether two object references are identical?A) ==B) equalsC) =D) identity

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.31 Which operator or method tests whether two object references are identical?Difficulty: Easy

32. Which operator or method should you use to determine whether the contents of objects have the same value?A) ==B) equalsC) =D) same

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing Values

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Title: TB 5.32 Which operator or method should you use to determine whether the contents of objects have the same value?Difficulty: Easy

33. Consider the following code:Faculty f = new Faculty(...);Student s = new Student(...); // Assume f is assigned as the advisor of the studentFaculty deptChair = f; Which statement correctly checks whether the faculty advisor of a student is in the department in which a student is majoring, assuming that getMajor, getAdvisor, and getDept are valid accessor methods? A) if s.getAdvisor.getDept.equals(s.getMajor) {...} ;B) if s.getAdvisor().getDept().equals(s.getMajor()) {...} ;C) if (s.getMajor.equals(s.getAdvisor.getDept)) {...} ;D) if (s.getMajor().equals(s.getAdvisor().getDept())) {...} ;

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.33 Which statement correctly checks whether the faculty advisor of a student is in the department in which a student is majoring?Difficulty: Medium

34. Consider the following code:Student s = new Student(...); Which statement correctly checks whether the student has been assigned a faculty advisor, assuming that getAdvisor is a valid accessor method? A) if (s.getAdvisor() = null) {...} ;B) if (s.getAdvisor() == null) {...} ;C) if s.getAdvisor() = null {...} ;D) if (s.getAdvisor == null) {...} ;

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing ValuesTitle: TB 5.34 Which statement correctly checks whether the student has been assigned a faculty advisor?Difficulty: Medium

35. Which is the correct Java code to assign a letter grade (A, B, or C) to a student based on a score?A) if (score >= 90) letterGrade="A";

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else if (score >= 80) letterGrade = "B"; else letterGrade = "C";B) if (score >= 90) letterGrade="A" else if (score >= 80) letterGrade = "B" else letterGrade = "C";C) if (score >= 70) letterGrade="C"; else if (score >= 80) letterGrade = "B"; letterGrade = "A"; D) if (score >= 90) letterGrade="A"; if (score >= 80) letterGrade = "B"; if (score >= 70) letterGrade = "C";

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.3 Multiple AlternativesTitle: TB 5.35 Which is the correct Java code to assign a letter grade to a student based on a score?Difficulty: Medium

36. What type of statement can be used to implement a sequence of if/else/else that compares a single value against several constant alternatives?A) compareB) ifElseC) switchD) sequence

Ans: CSection Ref: Special Topic 5.2 The switch StatementTitle: TB 5.36 What type of statement can be used to implement a sequence of if/else/else that compares a single value against several constant alternatives?Difficulty: Easy

37. Which code fragment involving a switch correctly maps a letter grade to a gpa value, assuming the following declarations?String letterGrade;double gpaValue;

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A) Char letter = letterGrade.charAt(0); switch (letter) { 'A': gpaValue = 4.0; break; ... }B) switch (letterGrade) { "A": gpaValue = 4.0; ... }C) switch (letterGrade) { "A": gpaValue = 4.0; break; ... }D) switch (letterGrade) { A: gpaValue = 4.0; break; ... }

Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.2 The switch StatementTitle: TB 5.37 Which code fragment involving a switch correctly maps a letter grade to a gpa value?Difficulty: Medium

38. Consider the following code fragment: String letterGrade = ""; if (grade < 90) if (grade >= 80) letterGrade = "B"; else letterGrade = "A"; System.out.println(letterGrade);

What is the value of letterGrade when the grade is 95? A) nullB) "A"C) "B"D) ""

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.3 Multiple AlternativesTitle: TB 5.38 What is the value of letterGrade when the grade is 95?Difficulty: Medium

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39. What type has a finite set of values?A) StringB) doubleC) intD) enumerated

Ans: DSection Ref: Special Topic 5.3 Enumerated TypesTitle: TB 5.39 What type has a finite set of values?Difficulty: Medium

40. An enumerated type variable can have ___A) an infinite number of values or nullB) a finite number of predetermined values but not nullC) a finite number of predeternimed values, or nullD) an infinite number of values

Ans: CSection Ref: Special Topic 5.3 Enumerated TypesTitle: TB 5.40 An enumerated type variable can have ___Difficulty: Medium

41. Which statement correctly declares an enumerated type for the classification of students?A) public enum StudentClassification { FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR, SENIOR }B) public enumerated StudentClassification { "FRESHMAN", "SOPHOMORE", "JUNIOR", "SENIOR"}C) public enum StudentClassification = { FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR, SENIOR }D) public enumerated StudentClassification = { FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR, SENIOR }

Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.3 Enumerated TypesTitle: TB 5.41 Which statement correctly declares an enumerated type for the classification of students?Difficulty: Medium

42. Which statement correctly checks the value of an enumerated type variable, assuming the following declarations? public enum Semester { SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER } Semester currentSemester; // Assume assigned a valid value

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A) if (currentSemester == FALL) {...};B) if (currentSemester == Semester.FALL) {...};C) if (currentSemester.equals(Semester.FALL)) {...};D) if currentSemester.equals(Semester.FALL) {...};

Ans: BSection Ref: Special Topic 5.3 Enumerated TypesTitle: TB 5.42 Which statement correctly checks the value of an enumerated type variable?Difficulty: Medium

43. Which type has the two values: true and false?A) enumeratedB) predicateC) flagD) boolean

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.43 Which type has the two values: true and false?Difficulty: Easy

44. Which operator takes a single condition and evaluates to true if that condition is false and false if that condition is true?A) ~B) !C) !=D) not

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.44 Which operator takes a single condition and evaluates to true if that condition is false and false if that condition is true?Difficulty: Easy

45. What type of method returns a boolean value?A) voidB) staticC) finalD) predicate

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.45 What type of method returns a boolean value?Difficulty: Easy

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46. The following code fragment is an example of a ___ method. public boolean hasAvailableFunds(){ return balance > 0;}

A) predicateB) conditionalC) staticD) relational

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.46 This is an example of a ___ method.Difficulty: Medium

47. The operators &&, ||, and ! are what type of operators?A) conditionalB) conjunctionC) relationalD) boolean

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.47 The operators &&, ||, and ! are what type of operators?Difficulty: Easy

48. What is the name of the && operator?A) andB) notC) ampersandD) or

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.48 What is the name of the && operator?Difficulty: Easy

49. What is the name of the || operator?A) notB) andC) vertical bar

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D) or

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.49 What is the name of the || operator?Difficulty: Easy

50. What is the name of the ! operator?A) notB) exclamation markC) orD) and

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.50 What is the name of the ! operator?Difficulty: Easy

51. Which operator combines several tests into a new test that passes only whenall conditions are true?A) ==B) ||C) !D) &&

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.51 Which operator combines several tests into a new test that passes only whenall conditions are true?Difficulty: Easy

52. Which operator combines several tests into a new test that succeeds if at least one of the conditions is true?A) ||B) ==C) !D) &&

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.52 Which operator combines several tests into a new test that succeeds if at least one of the conditions is true?Difficulty: Easy

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53. What is the value of the following boolean expression when x is 100? 0 < x && x < 100

A) falseB) trueC) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.D) The code compiles but has a logic error.

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.53 What is the value of the boolean expression involving and?Difficulty: Medium

54. What is the value of the following boolean expression when s is "y"? s.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("N")

A) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.B) trueC) falseD) The code compiles but has a logic error.

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.54 What is the value of the boolean expression involving or?Difficulty: Medium

55. What is the value of the following boolean expression when x is -10? 0 < x || x < 100

A) trueB) The code compiles but has a logic error.C) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.D) false

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.55 What is the value of the boolean expression involving or?Difficulty: Medium

56. What is the value of the following boolean expression when x is 100? !(0 < x)

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A) The code compiles but has a logic error.B) trueC) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.D) false

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.56 What is the value of the boolean expression involving not?Difficulty: Medium

57. Consider the following code fragment:Circle c1 = new Circle(3);Circle c2 = new Circle(3);Circle c3 = c2;boolean condition = c1 == c2; What is the value of condition? A) trueB) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.C) falseD) The code compiles but has a logic error.

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing Values, Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.57 What is the value of the boolean condition that compares objects?Difficulty: Medium

58. Consider the following code fragment:Circle c1 = new Circle(3);Circle c2 = new Circle(3);Circle c3 = c2;boolean condition = c3.equals(c1); What is the value of condition assuming that two circles are considered equal if they have the same radius value?A) falseB) trueC) The code compiles but has a logic error.D) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.

Ans: BSection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing Values, Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.58 What is the value of the boolean condition that compares objects?Difficulty: Medium

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59. Consider the following code fragment:int i1 = 7;int i2 = (2 * 4) - 1;int i3 = 11 - 2 * 2;boolean condition = i1 == i2; What is the value of condition?A) trueB) The code compiles but has a logic error.C) falseD) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.

Ans: ASection Ref: Section 5.2 Comparing Values, Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.59 What is the value of the boolean condition that compares values?Difficulty: Medium

60. Which of the following conditions tests whether x is between 1 and 10 (inclusive)?A) 1 <= x && x < 10B) 1 < x && x <= 10C) 10 >= x && x >= 1D) 1 <= x <= 10

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.60 Which of the following conditions tests whether x is between 1 and 10 (inclusive)?Difficulty: Medium

61. Consider the following code fragment:String s1 = "Y";String s2 = "y"boolean condition = s2.equalsIgnoreCase(s1); What is the value of condition? A) The code compiles but has a logic error.B) The code has a syntax error and will not compile.C) falseD) true

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.61 What is the value of the boolean condition that compares strings?Difficulty: Medium

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62. Consider the following code fragment:response == 'Y' || value <= 6 && value >= 1;

Which of the following conditions is equivalent to the code fragment?A) (response == 'Y' || (1 <= value <= 6));B) ((response == 'Y' || value <= 6) && value >= 1);C) (response == 'Y' || (value <= 6 && value >= 1));D) ((response == 'Y' || value >= 1) && value <= 6);

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.62 Which of the following conditions is equivalent to the code fragment involving boolean expressions?Difficulty: Medium

63. Which of the following statements determines whether the input string is a question?A) input.charAt(input.length()) == '?'B) input.charAt(input.length()-1).equals("?")C) input.charAt(input.length()-1) == "?"D) input.charAt(input.length()-1) == '?'

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.63 Which of the following statements determines whether the input string is a question?Difficulty: Medium

64. In XML, an element has an opening tag and a matching closing tag. Tag names are enclosed by an opening angle bracket (<) and a closing angle bracket (>). Which of the following statements determines whether the input string is enclosed in angle brackets?A) input.charAt(0).equals("<") && input.charAt(input.length()-1).equals(">")B) input.charAt(0) == "<" && input.charAt(input.length()-1) == ">"C) input.charAt(0) == '<' && input.charAt(input.length()) == '>'D) input.charAt(0) == '<' && input.charAt(input.length()-1) == '>'

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.64 Which of the following statements determines whether the input string is enclosed in angle brackets?Difficulty: Medium

65. What is the definition of lazy evaluation in the context of boolean operators?

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A) Logical expressions are evaluated from left to right, and evaluation stops as soon as the truth value is determined.B) Logical expressions are combined into a new test that succeeds if at least one of the conditions is true.C) Logical expressions are combined into a new test that evaluates to true if that condition is false and false if that condition is true.D) Logical expressions are combined into a new test that passes only when all conditions are true.

Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.4: Lazy Evaluation of Boolean OperatorsTitle: TB 5.65 What is the definition of lazy evaluation in the context of boolean operators?Difficulty: Easy

66. Which of the following operators uses lazy evaluation?A) &B) |C) !D) &&

Ans: DSection Ref: Special Topic 5.4: Lazy Evaluation of Boolean OperatorsTitle: TB 5.66 Which of the following operators uses lazy evaluation?Difficulty: Medium

67. Consider the following code fragment:String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter item quantity: ");

Which statement illustrates a correct application of lazy evaluation?A) validInput = input != null & Integer.parseInt(input) > 0;B) validInput = Integer.parseInt(input) > 0 & input != null;C) validInput = Integer.parseInt(input) > 0 && input != null ;D) validInput = input != null && Integer.parseInt(input) > 0;

Ans: DSection Ref: Special Topic 5.4: Lazy Evaluation of Boolean OperatorsTitle: TB 5.67 Which statement illustrates a correct application of lazy evaluation?Difficulty: Medium

68. Consider the following code fragment:validInput = input != null && Integer.parseInt(input) > 0;

Under which condition will lazy evaluation occur?A) Integer.parseInt(input) <= 0B) input != nullC) Integer.parseInt(input) > 0

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D) input == null

Ans: DSection Ref: Special Topic 5.4: Lazy Evaluation of Boolean OperatorsTitle: TB 5.68 Which statement illustrates a correct application of lazy evaluation?Difficulty: Medium

69. Consider the following code fragment:

String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Continue (Y or N)? ");if (input != null) ___________________________________;

Which statement illustrates a correct application of lazy evaluation?A) validInput = input.equals("Y") || input.equals("N");B) validInput = input.equals('Y') || input.equals('N');C) validInput = input.equals("Y" || "N");D) validInput = input.equals('Y' || 'N');

Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.4: Lazy Evaluation of Boolean OperatorsTitle: TB 5.69 Which statement completes the code fragment, illustrating a correct application of lazy evaluation?Difficulty: Medium

70. Consider the following code fragment:validInput = input.equals("Y") || input.equals("N");

Under which condition will lazy evaluation occur?A) !input.equals("N")B) input.equals("Y")C) input.equals("N")D) !input.equals("Y")

Ans: BSection Ref: Special Topic 5.4: Lazy Evaluation of Boolean OperatorsTitle: TB 5.70 Which statement illustrates a correct application of lazy evaluation?Difficulty: Medium

71. Consider the following code fragment:String input =;

Which of the following conditions tests whether the user input is NOT Yes (ignoring case)?A) if !(input.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {...}

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B) if !(input.equalsIgnoreCase('Yes')) {...}C) if (!input.equalsIgnoreCase('Yes')) {...}D) if (!input.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {...}

Ans: DSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.71 Which of the following conditions tests whether the user input is NOT Yes (ignoring case)?Difficulty: Hard

72. You can store the outcome of a condition in what type of variable?A) predicateB) logicalC) booleanD) conditional

Ans: CSection Ref: Section 5.4 Using Boolean ExpressionsTitle: TB 5.72 You can store the outcome of a condition in what type of variable?Difficulty: Easy

73. Which of the following conditions tests whether x is NOT between 1 and 10 (inclusive)?A) 10 < x || x < 1B) !(1 <= x <= 10)C) 1 <= x || x <= 10D) 1 > x && x <= 10

Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.5 DeMorgans LawsTitle: TB 5.73 Which of the following conditions tests whether x is NOT between 1 and 10 (inclusive)?Difficulty: Hard

74. In XML, an element has an opening tag and a matching closing tag. Tag names are enclosed by an opening angle bracket (<) and a closing angle bracket (>). Which of the following statements determines whether the input string is NOT enclosed in angle brackets?A) input.charAt(0) != '<' || input.charAt(input.length()-1) != '>'B) input.charAt(0) != '<' && input.charAt(input.length()) != '>'C) input.charAt(0) == '<' && input.charAt(input.length()-1) == '>'D) input.charAt(0) != "<" || input.charAt(input.length()-1) != ">"

Ans: ASection Ref: Special Topic 5.5 DeMorgans Laws

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Title: TB 5.74 Which of the following statements determines whether the input string is NOT enclosed in angle brackets?Difficulty: Hard

75. Which of the following statements determines whether a person is ineligible for a junior or senior discount, assuming that a person is eligible for the discount if they are younger than 18 or older than 62?A) age >= 18 && age > 62B) age >= 18 || age <= 62C) age <= 18 || age >= 62D) age >= 18 && age <= 62

Ans: DSection Ref: Special Topic 5.5 DeMorgans LawsTitle: TB 5.75 Which of the following statements determines whether a person is ineligible for a junior or senior discount?Difficulty: Hard