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Guide to Using Certified Defence-related Enterprise Register Last update: 01/04/2015

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Guide to Using

Certified Defence-related Enterprise Register

Last update: 01/04/2015

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CERTIDER (Europa) Contents • i


Overview 1

Consulting the Register 2

Certified Enterprises View .............................................................................................. 3 Certificates View ............................................................................................................. 6 Free Search .................................................................................................................... 9 General Licences View ................................................................................................. 12 Legislations View .......................................................................................................... 15 Defence-related Products View .................................................................................... 17 Competent Authorities View ......................................................................................... 18

Glossary of Terms 20

Index 21

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CERTIDER (Europa) Overview • 1


The Directive 2009/43/EC simplifying terms and conditions of transfers of defence-related products within the European Union foresees in article 9 that the companies that intend to be recipients of defence items under general licenses would be certified. And the Commission is required to make publicly available on its website a central register of such recipients that have been certified by their respective Member States.

Certider is the web-based application developed to support the publication of this central register by the Commission.

This User Manual describes the use of the application in Europa.

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CERTIDER (Europa) Consulting the Register • 2

Consulting the Register IN THIS SECTION

Certified Enterprises View 3

Certificates View 6

Free Search 9

General Licences View 12

Legislations View 15

Defence-related Products View 17

Competent Authorities View 18

Different consultation options are available in Certider to search and browse through the register, perform searches and display custom views.

These will be detailed in this section:


Certified Enterprises

Per country overviews of Certified Enterprises. A Certified Enterprise is a legal or natural person established within the Union, that has been certified as a reliable potential recipient of defence-related products.

Certificates Overviews and details of Certificates delivered by Competent Authorities within a given country to establish the reliability of a recipient undertaking, in particular its capacity to observe potential export limitations of defence-related products received under a general transfer licence.

Free Search User-defined overviews based on custom combinations of advanced search criteria about Competent Authorities, Certified Enterprises, Certificates and defence-related products within the Certider register.

General Licences Overview of the General Licences published by Competent Authorities in each Member State.

Legislations Per country overviews of defence-related legislation adopted at EU or national level.

Defence-related products

Overview and details of all defence-related products set out in the Annex of Directive 2009/43/EC (or in other ensuing legislation that may have been published since then to modify that Directive).

Competent Authorities

Overview of all institutions that have been designated by their respective Member States to carry out the certification of defence Enterprises established on their territory as recipients of defence-related products transferred under general transfer licences.

[ NOTE ] The criteria used to assess recipient undertakings are set out in the Transfer Directive 2009/43/EC

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Certified Enterprises View

The Certified Enterprises menu provides per country overviews of Certified Enterprises. Defence product-related Certified Enterprises are legal or natural persons established within the Union, that have been certified as reliable potential recipients of defence-related products. If a company is certified, suppliers from other Member States can deliver defence-related products to this company by using a general transfer licence.

♦ To consult Certified Enterprises

1. Select the Certified Enterprises option from the left-hand menu bar.

Result: Certider displays a list of countries with an indication of the number of companies that have been certified in the related country. A separate hyperlink is available to list all Certified Enterprises that have been updated in the register over the past 30 days:

Figure 1 – Certified Enterprises: country selection

2. Click on the appropriate country name to display the correspond-ing list of Certified Enterprises. Result: The list of Certified Enterprises for the selected country is


List of EU countries with an indication of the number of companies certified

Click this hyperlink to show all Certified Enterprises updated over the past 30 days

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Figure 2 – Certified Enterprises in selected country

3. To view the details of a displayed Certified Enterprise, click on its Name hyperlink. Result: All details of the selected company are displayed, including:

company general identification (i.e. company name, address, VAT number, EORI, website, etc.), production unit(s) designated in the related certificate(s) and identification of the company’s received certificate(s):

Figure 3 – Details of a Certified Enterprise

4. From here, you can further: – save/print the displayed information as a PDF: click the little PDF icon next to ’Extract in’ at the top right of the page:

– view information about the certifying Competent Authority: click the Competent Authority's abbreviated name hyperlink:

Legend: White row = fully valid certified enterprise. Greyed row = the Certified Enterprise is considered inactive because its Certificate(s) has/have expired. Greyed row + red date = the Certified Enterprise is no longer active in the system because its validity date has expired.

[ NOTE ] The word 'Inactive' may show at the top right of the page if the Enterprise is no longer certified (i.e. validity date expired):

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– view the details of the Certified Enterprise’s Certificate(s): click the related Certificate number hyperlink:

– view previous versions of the Certified Enterprise (if any, i.e. when the details of the related enterprise have been updated at least once after being accepted in the system): click the related version number:

The details of the selected previous version of the Certified Enterprise will then show in grey, with the word History in red to indicate that this is not the latest, current version of the Enterprise, as in the figure below:

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Certificates View

The Certificates menu provides lists and details of Certificates delivered by Competent Authorities within a given country. A Certificate establishes the reliability of a recipient enterprise, in particular its capacity to observe potential export limitations of defence-related products received under a transfer licence. Information about Certificates is refreshed and updated regularly.

♦ To consult Certificates

1. Select the Certificates option from the left-hand menu bar.

Result: Certider displays a list of countries with an indication of the number of Certificates that have been delivered to recipient enterprises in the related country. A separate hyperlink is available to obtain a list of certificates that have been updated over the past 30 days.

Figure 4 – Certificates: country selection

2. Click on the appropriate country name to display the corresponding list of Certificates. Result: The list of certificates for the selected country is displayed:

List of EU countries with an indication of the number of delivered Certificates

Click this hyperlink to show all Certificates updated over the past 30 days

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Figure 5 – Certificates in a given country

3. To view the details of a displayed Certificate, click the related Certificate number hyperlink:

Figure 6 – Certificate details

[ NOTE ] The word 'Inactive' may show at the top right of the page if the Certificate is no longer valid:

Legend: White row = fully valid Certificate. Greyed row + red date = the

validity date (in red) of the Certificate has expired.

Depending on the actual content of the Certificate, the lower section may show either a specific list of products that the Certified Enterprise is allowed to receive…

… or a list of products that the Certified Enterprise is NOT allowed to receive.

Note that some Certificates do not have any defence-related products attached. For this type of Certificates, the lower section will not show at all on the Certificate Details page.

A Documents section will show if one or more certificate-related documents were attached by the Competent Authority. To view the content of such documents, click on the related hyperlink.

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4. From here, you can further:

– save/print the displayed information as a PDF: click the little PDF icon next to 'Extract in' at the top right of the page:

– view information about the Competent Authority that delivered the Certificate: click the Competent Authority's abbreviated name hyperlink:

– view previous versions of the Certificate (if any, i.e. when the content of the certificate has been updated at least once after being accepted in the system): click the related version number:

The details of the selected previous version of the Certificate will then show in grey, with the word History in red to indicate that this is not the latest, current version of the Certificate, as in the figure below:

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Free Search

The Free search feature provides advanced search options to find specific Certified Enterprises or Certificates (depending on the Scope that you choose). Searches are based on a set of selected criteria that you can combine as you want to limit the quantity of returned information.

♦ To perform free search

1. Select the Free search option from the left-hand menu bar. Result: The Free search page is displayed:

Figure 7 – Free search

2. Complete the Free search page with one or more search criteria to find the searched Certified Enterprises or Certificates:

Country The country where the searched Certified Enterprise(s) is/are located, or where the searched or Certificate(s) has/have been delivered.

Last Update If known and appropriate, use the calendar icon to select the date when details of the searched Enterprise(s) or Certificate(s) were last updated in Certider.

The Scope of search determines the type of information to be returned by the search.

– If you select Enterprises as Scope of the search and you specify a combination of criteria in the Enterprise, Certificates and Defence-related products sections, the search will return a list of matching Enterprises with Certificates matching the Certificate-related criteria that you have specified and where the matching defence-related products are specified. – If you select Certificates as Scope of the search and you specify a combination of criteria in the Certificates and Defence-related products sections, the search will return a list of matching Certificates which are detained by Certified Enterprises matching the Enterprise-related criteria that you have specified and where the matching defence-related products are specified.

The more criteria you combine, the more narrow and specific the search will be, and the fewer results will be returned.

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Competent Authority If known and appropriate, select the Competent Authority that certified the searched Enterprise(s) or that delivered the searched Certificate(s).

Scope of search Select either Enterprises or Certificates to indicate the type of information to be returned as a result of the search.


– Name If known and appropriate, enter the name (or part of the name) of a searched Enterprise.

– Commercial registration number

If known and appropriate, enter here (part of) the searched Enterprise’s commercial number (if any).

– EORI number If known and appropriate, enter here the unique 'Economic Operators Registration and Identification' (EORI) number that may have been assigned to the searched Enterprise by its Member State. EORI numbers are structured as follows: a 2-digit prefix identifying the country in which the Enterprise is established or registered, followed by maximum 15-alphanumeric characters, usually containing at least the VAT registration number of the entity. For example: PL1234567890ABCDE, GB123456789000.

– VAT number If known and appropriate, enter here (part of) the searched enterprise’s national VAT number (or domestic fiscal number for non-EU countries). Please enter the VAT number without country code and without spaces or digits.

– Enterprise locality If known and appropriate, enter here (part of) the searched enterprise’s registered address city.

– Production unit locality

If known and appropriate, enter here (part of) the city where the searched enterprise has (one or more of) its production unit(s) registered in Certider.

Certificates: – Number If known and appropriate, enter here (part

of) the unique identification number or reference of the searched Certificate.

– Issue date If known and appropriate, use the calendar icon to select the date when the searched Certificate was issued by the related Competent Authority.

– Place of issue If known and appropriate, enter here (part of) the city of issuance of the searched Certificate(s).

– Valid from If known and appropriate, use the calendar icon to select the date when the searched Certificate has entered into force.

– Relevant national law If known and appropriate, select here the national law against which the searched Certificate(s) was/were issued.

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Defence-related products:

– ML identifier If known and appropriate, select here the main defence-product category identifier of the searched product in the Common Military List (ML) of the European Union (see Annex of Directive 2009/43/EC).

– Product type description

If known and appropriate, you may enter here (part of) the general description of the searched defence-related product in the Common Military List (ML) of the European Union.

3. Click Search at the bottom of the Free search page. Result: A list of Certified Enterprises or Certificates matching your

search criteria is displayed.

4. To view the details of a selected Certified Enterprise or Certificate in the list, click on its hyperlink in the first column. Or,

To save/print the displayed information as a PDF, click the little PDF icon next to ’Extract in’ at the top right of the page:

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General Licences View

The General Licences menu provides up-to-date information on published General Licences authorising suppliers established in a Member State to perform transfers of defence-related products, which are specified in the licence, to categories of recipients located in another Member State.

♦ To consult a General Licence

1. Select the General Licences option from the left-hand menu bar.

Result: Certider displays a list of countries with an indication of the number of General Licences published in the related country. A separate hyperlink is available to obtain a list of General Licences that have been updated over the past 30 days:

Figure 8 – General Licences: country selection

2. Click on the appropriate country name to display the correspond-ing list of General Licences. Result: An up-to-date list of matching General Licences is displayed:

List of EU countries with an indication of the corresponding number of published General Licences

Click this hyperlink to show all General Licences updated over the past 30 days

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Figure 9 – General Licences published for a selected country

3. To view the details of a displayed General Licence, click on its Title hyperlink. Result: Additional details are displayed about the selected licence:

Figure 10 – General Licence details

Different links on this page will bring you to different types of information about each General Licence:

Title Links in the Title column open the details of the corresponding General Licence.

Link Hyperlinks (when available) in the Link column open external web pages with additional information about/the text of the corresponding General Licence.

Please note that not all sections are always displays. Sections which were not completed at creation will not show at all on the general licence page. For example, the lower 'Documents' section will not show if no documents were attached to the general licence, and the 'Purpose' and 'Restrictions' sections will appear only in English if the text was not provided in the national language.

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From here, you can further:

– save/print the displayed information as a PDF: click the little PDF icon next to 'Extract in' at the top right of the page:

– view information about the Competent Authority that published the General Licence: click the Competent Authority's abbreviated name hyperlink:

– view previous versions of the General Licence (if any, i.e. when General Licence details were modified in the system at least once after being accepted): click the related version number:

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Legislations View

The Legislations menu provides up-to-date information on published defence-related legislation adopted at EU or national level.

♦ To consult a legislation

1. Select the Legislations option from the left-hand menu bar. Result: Certider displays a list of countries with an indication of the

number of defence-related laws adopted in the related country. A separate hyperlink is available to obtain a list of defence-related legislation that have been updated over the past 30 days:

Figure 11 – Legislation: country selection

2. Click on the appropriate country name to display the correspond-ing list of laws. Result: An up-to-date list of matching laws is displayed:

Figure 12 – Legislation: product-related laws in a given country

Different links on this page will bring you to different types of information about each law:

Title Links in the Title column open the details of the corresponding law.

Link Hyperlinks (when available) in the Link column open external web pages with additional information about the corresponding law.

Certificates Clicking the word 'List' in the Certificates column gives an overview of all Certificates associated to the corresponding law.

List of EU countries with an indication of the corresponding number of defence-related legislations

Click this hyperlink to show all legislations adapted at EU level

Click this hyperlink to show all legislations updated over the past 30 days

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3. To view the details of a displayed law, click on its Title hyperlink. Result: Additional details are displayed about the selected law:

Figure 13 – Legislation: law details

4. From here, you can further: – save/print the displayed information as a PDF: click the little PDF icon next to 'Extract in' at the top right of the page:

– view information about the Competent Authority associated to the law: click the Competent Authority's abbreviated name hyperlink:

– view previous versions of the law (if any, i.e. when the law was amended or its details modified in the system at least once after being accepted): click the related version number:

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Defence-related Products View

The Defence-related products menu provides a comprehensive list of product categories from the Common Military List (ML) of the European Union as set out in the Annex of Directive 2009/43/EC (or in other ensuing legislation that may have been published to modify that Directive).

♦ To consult the defence-related product list

1. Select the Defence-related products option from the left-hand menu bar. Result: The full ML list is displayed. It includes both main categories

and subcategories of defence products (use the expand icons to show subcategories):

Figure 14 – Defence-related products: list

2. To view all enterprises that are certified in connection with a given product category or subcategory, click the List hyperlink in the related Enterprises column.

Or, To view all Certificates delivered in connection with a given product category or subcategory, click the List hyperlink in the related Certificates column. Or, To save/print the displayed information as a PDF: click the little PDF icon next to ’Extract in’ at the top right of the page:

[ TIP ] Click the little square icon to expand/collapse individual categories, or use the Expand/Collapse hyperlink at the top of the list to expand/collapse all categories.

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Competent Authorities View

The Competent Authorities menu provides a comprehensive list of Competent Authorities under Certider, i.e. organisations that have been designated by their respective Member States to carry out the certification of defence Enterprises established on their territory as recipients of defence-related products transferred under general transfer licences.

♦ To view the list and details of Competent Authorities

1. Select the Competent Authorities option from the left-hand menu bar. Result: The complete list of Competent Authorities is displayed.

Competent Authorities are sorted by country:

Figure 15 – Competent Authorities: list

2. To view the details of a specific Competent Authority in the list, click on the List hyperlink in the related Name column. Or,

To view the list of all Enterprises that are certified by a specific Competent Authority in the list, click on the List hyperlink in the related Enterprises column.

Different links on this page will bring you to different types of information about each Competent Authority:

Name Links in the Name column open the details of the corresponding Competent Authority.

Enterprises Links (when available) in the Enterprises column give an overview of all Enterprises certified by the corresponding Competent Authority.

Certificates Links in the Certificates column give an overview of all Certificates delivered by the corresponding Competent Authority. Legislations Links in the Legislations column give an overview of all defence-related laws under which the corresponding Competent Authority is accredited to certify Enterprises.

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To view the list of all Certificates that are delivered by a specific Competent Authority in the list, click on the List hyperlink in the related Certificates column.


To view the list of all defence-related laws under which a specific Competent Authority has been accredited to certify Enterprises, click on the List hyperlink in the related Legislations column.


To save/print the displayed information as a PDF: click the little PDF icon next to 'Extract in' at the top right of the page:

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CERTIDER (Europa) Glossary of Terms • 20

Glossary of Terms

Certification The official procedure whereby a Competent Authority

establishes the reliability of a recipient undertaking, in particular its capacity to observe potential export limitations of defence-related products received under a transfer licence. Recipient undertakings are assessed against a number of criteria set out in the Transfer Directive.

Certified Enterprise A Legal or natural person established within the Union that has been certified as a reliable potential recipient of defence-related products.

EORI Economic Operators Registration and Identification. The EORI system is established in order to implement the security measures introduced by Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 648/2005. They will be more effective if the persons concerned can be identified by a common number that is unique to each individual and valid throughout the Community. Traders have consistently been calling for this ever since mandatory identification codes for traders were introduced by Regulation 2286/2003. An EORI number means a number, unique throughout the European Community, assigned by a customs authority or designated authority or authorities in a Member State to economic operators and other persons in accordance with the rules laid down in Part I, Title I, Chapter 6 of the Customs Code Implementing Provisions (CCIP). The provisions on the EORI number neither limit nor undermine the rights and obligations derived from rules governing the requirement to register for, and obtain, any identification number which may be required in individual Member States in fields other than customs, such as taxation or statistics.

General licence A licence established by national act published by Member States, that directly authorises a supplier that fulfils its terms and conditions to transfer specified (categories of) defence-related products to certain (categories of) recipients located in another Member State.

Transfer Directive Short name for Directive 2009/43/EC on simplifying terms and conditions of transfers of defence-related products within the Community.

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CERTIDER (Europa) Index • 21


C Certificates ................................... 2, 6

issue date ....................................... 10 national law ..................................... 10 number ............................................ 10 place of issue .................................. 10 validity ............................................. 10

Certification .................................... 20 Certified Enterprises .......... 1, 2, 3, 20

commercial number ........................ 10 name ............................................... 10 production units .............................. 10 VAT ................................................. 10

Commercial Number ...................... 10 Competent Authorities ......... 2, 10, 18

D Defence-related products ................ 1 Defence-related Products .... 2, 11, 17

ML identifier .................................... 11 type description ............................... 11

Directive 2009/43/EC ....................... 1

E EORI .......................................... 4, 20 EU Legislations .............................. 15 Expired Certificates .......................... 4

F Free search ...................................... 9

G General licence .............................. 20 General Licences ........................... 12 General Transfer Licences .... 1, 2, 18

Greyed rows ................................. 4, 6

I Issue Date ...................................... 10

L Last Update ...................................... 9 Legislations ................................ 2, 15 Licences ..................................... 1, 12

M ML (Military List) ............................. 17

N National Legislations ...................... 15

P Production unit ............................... 10 Production units ............................... 4

S Search .............................................. 9

T Transfer Directive ........................... 20

V Validity .............................................. 4 VAT number ............................... 4, 10

W Website ............................................ 4