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Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 1 | P a g Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps In collaboration with Microsoft

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Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 1 | P a g

Certification Program in

Cloud & DevOps In collaboration with Microsoft

Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 2 | Page

Table of Contents

1. About the Program

2. Partnering with E&ICT, IIT Guwahati

3. Collaborating with Microsoft

4. About Intellipaat

5. Key Features

6. Career Support Services

7. Eligibility Criteria & Application Process

8. Course Offered

9. Course Advisors

10. Program Curriculum

11. Certification

12. Success Stories

13. Contact Us

Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 3 | Page

About the Program

This certification program aims to provide extensive training on Cloud and DevOps and

help you master tools and skills, which are in high demand, such as AWS, Microsoft

Azure, DevOps, Python, Splunk, Hadoop Administration, etc.

This Cloud & DevOps certification program by E&ICT, IIT Guwahati, and Intellipaat is

created with an objective to provide high-end skills to working professionals and young

engineers, as well as to help them grow in their career.

This course will provide academic rigor and research elements, along with real-time

industry exposure, through case studies and project work. In this program, you will be

mentored by top industry experts, and sessions will be delivered by professors from top

universities and industry professionals. This certification program is a blend of self-

paced online videos, live virtual classes, hands-on projects, and lab sessions paced

online videos, live virtual classes, hands-on projects, and lab sessions.

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Partnering with E&ICT, IIT Guwahati

This certification program in Cloud and DevOps is in partnership with E&ICT Academy, IIT

Guwahati. E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati is an initiative of MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and

Information Technology, Govt. of India) and is formed with a team of IIT Guwahati professors

to provide high-quality education programs to working professionals.

Upon the completion of this program, you will:

Receive a joint certificate from E&ICT, IIT Guwahati, and Intellipaat

Gain an alumni status of E&ICT, IIT Guwahati

Work on 30+ case studies

Attain a certificate from a top university

Have sessions from top professors and industry experts

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Training in Collaboration with Microsoft Microsoft is one of the largest organizations in terms of inventing creative tools for various

purposes inclined to Cloud & DevOps. Experts from Microsoft and other top MNCs will

offer you their experience and knowledge in the field through this online certification.

Moreover, you will also get insights into the concepts and gain hands-on experience by

working in industry-specified assignments.

Benefits for students from Microsoft:

Industry-recognized Microsoft certification

Real-time projects and exercises

Course material for Azure certification from Microsoft

About Intellipaat

Intellipaat is one of the leading e-learning training providers with more than 600,000

learners across 53+ countries. We are on a mission to democratize education as we

believe that everyone has the right to quality education.

Our courses are delivered by subject matter experts from top MNCs, and our world-class

pedagogy enables quick learning of difficult topics in no time. Our 24/7 technical support

and career services will help learners jump-start their careers in their dream companies.

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600 Hrs Applied













Key Features

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Get mentored by experts, receive personalized feedback on your


We match your profile with the right industry mentor based on your


Mock interviews to make you prepare for cracking interviews by top


Get interviewed by our 400+ hiring partners


Get assistance in creating a world-class resume

from our career services team

Career Support

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Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join this


Clear the admission test and have a personal interview

with our interview panel


Shortlisted candidates would be offered the admission

Eligibility Criteria & theApplication Process

Those wishing to enroll in this certification program in Cloud and DevOps will be required

to follow the admission process mentioned below.

Eligibility Criteria

For the admission to the certification program in Cloud and DevOps, candidates should:

Have a bachelor’s degree with an average of 50% or higher marks

Be working professionals with zeal to build a career in Cloud and DevOps

Application Process

The application process consists of three simple steps. Candidates have to submit their

application. An offer of admission will be made to the selected candidates, and their

application will be accepted upon the payment of the admission fee.

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Courses offered


1. Linux Administration Course

2. AWS Solutions Architect Certification

3. Microsoft Azure Administration Certification

4. DevOps

5. Python

6. Google Cloud

7. Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect

8. Azure Data Factory

9. Azure Security

10. AWS DevOps

11. AWS Big Data

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Course Advisor

Birendra Kumar Sahu

Head of Data Engineering and Science at Razorpay

In his 15+ yrs of IT experience, he has achieved excellence and was

appointed as the CTO & VP-Engineering for a Big Data patent pending

product. He has contributed to 85 intellectual disclosure reports, 4 USA

patents, 4 orange books, articles & papers.

Muthusamy Manigandan

Head- Engineering, Amazon India

Manigandan has 16+ years of experience in cloud projects for Fortune 500

companies. He comes with a strong background in architecture and

implementation of AWS, Azure, GCP, along with a hands-on experience in

DevOps tools.

David Callaghan

Big Data Solutions Architect, USA

A Blockchain expert, David has been bringing integrated blockchain,

particularly Hyperledger, Ethereum and Big Data solutions to the cloud. He

has previously worked on Hadoop, AWS Cloud, Big Data and Pentaho


Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 11 | Page

Pre-Requisite Skills


Introduction to Linux

Introduction to Linux, Basics of Shell, Basics of Kernel, CentOS 8 installation and VBox additions,

Basic Linux Commands, ECHO and EXPR command, Set and unset a variable, Header of a shell

script (#!)

File Management

Text editors and file creation; Users, Groups and Processes; Root and Linux file hierarchy,

Understanding file hierarchy, Understanding file permissions, chmod and chown commands, the

LS command, Metacharacters, Editing a file using VIM, Displaying contents of a file, Copy, Move

and Remove files

Files and Processes

Everything is a file in UNIX/Linux (files, directories, executables, processes), Process control

commands (ps and kill), other process control tools (top, nice, renice)

Introduction to Shell Scripting

What is shell scripting, Types of shell, Creating and writing a shell script, Changing the permission

of the shell script, Executing the script, Environment variables, Defining a local and a global

variable, User input in a shell script

Conditional, Looping statements and Functions

What are Conditional statements, Using IF, IF-ELSE, Nested IF statements, What are Looping

statements, Using WHILE, UNTIL and FOR statements, Using the case…esac statement, What is

a Function, Creating a function in Linux, Calling functions

Text Processing

Using GREP command, Using SED command, Using AWK command, Mounting a file to the virtual

box, Creating a shared folder (mounting a folder), Using SORT command and Using pipes to

combine multiple Commands

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Scheduling Tasks

What are Daemons, Introduction to Task scheduling in Linux, Scheduling a job in Linux, What is

Cron and Crontab, How to use cron, Using the AT command

Linux Networking

What is networking in Linux, Using networking commands – IFCONFIG, PING, Wget and cURL,

SSH, SCP and FTP, Learning Firewall tools – iptables and firewalld, DNS and Resolving IP

address, nslookup and dig

Program Curriculum


Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Service and Deployment Models, AWS S3, EC2,

VPC, EBS, ELB, AMI, AWS Architecture and AWS Management Console,

Virtualization in AWS, What is Auto-scaling? AWS EC2 Best Practices and Cost


Elastic Compute and Storage Volumes

Introduction to EC2, Regions and Availability Zones (AZs), Introduction to AWS EC2,

Demonstrating How to Launch an AWS EC2 Instance, Introduction to AMIs,

Introduction to EBS, EFS, Reserved and Spot Instances, and Pricing and Design


• Load Balancing, Auto-scaling, and DNS

Introduction to Elastic Load Balancer, Types of ELB – Classic, Network, and

Application, Load Balancer Architecture, Cross-zone Load Balancing, Introduction to

Auto-scaling, Using Load Balancer with Auto-scaling, Routing Policy, Route 53

Terminology, and Pricing

Virtual Private Cloud

What is Amazon VPC? VPC as a Networking Layer for EC2, IP Address and CIDR

Notations, Components of VPC – Network Interfaces, Route Tables, Internet

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Gateway, NAT, VPC Peering with Scenarios, VPC Endpoints, and VPC Pricing and

Design Patterns

Storage - Simple Storage Service (S3)

Introduction to AWS Storage, Pre-S3 – Online Cloud Storage, API, S3 Consistency

Models, Storage Hierarchy, Buckets in S3, Objects in S3, Cross-region Replication, Data

Encryption, Connecting Using VPC Endpoint, and S3 Pricing

Databases and In-memory Data Stores

What is a Database? Types of Databases, Introduction to Amazon RDS, Multi-AZ

Deployments, Read Replicas in RDS, Introduction to Amazon Aurora, Introduction to

DynamoDB, What is Amazon Redshift? What is ElastiCache? and Why ElastiCache?

Management and Application Services

Introduction to CloudFormation, CloudFormation components, CloudFormation

templates, functions and pseudo parameters, Introduction to Simple Notification

Service, Introduction to Simple Email Service, Introduction to Simple Queue

Service, how does SQS work.

Access Management and Monitoring Services

Pre-IAM, Why Access Management? Amazon Resource Name (ARN), IAM

Features, Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) in IAM, IAM Roles, Introduction to

CloudWatch Dashboards, CloudWatch Alarms, Introduction to CloudTrail, and

Tracking API Usage

Automation and Configuration Management

What is AWS Lambda? Benefits and Limitations of Lambda, Integration S3 with

Lambda, What is Elastic Beanstalk? What is Configuration Management? What is

AWS OpsWorks? CloudFormation vs OpsWorks, Services in OpsWorks, and AWS

OpsWorks Stacks

Amazon FSx and Global Accelerator

What is FSx? Types of FSx, FSx for Lustre, Use Cases of FSx, Automatic Failover

Process, Supported Clients and Access Methods, What is a Global Accelerator?

What are AWS Organizations? What are ENAs? ENAs and EFAs, and Enhanced

Networking with ENA

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Architecting AWS – Whitepapers

Important Guidelines for Creating a Well-architected AWS Framework that is Resilient

and Performant, Designing of Fault-tolerant and High-availability Architecture,

Resilient Storage, Decoupling Mechanism, and Scalable and Elastic Solutions

DevOps on AWS

What is DevOps? Introduction to AWS DevOps, AWS Developer Tools –

CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline, Integrating GitHub with

CodePipeline, and Creating a DevOps Lifecycle Using AWS DevOps Tools

AWS Migration

What is Cloud Migration? Why Migration is Important? 6 Rs Migration Strategy,

Migrating a Local VM onto the AWS Cloud, Migrating Databases Using Database

Migration Service (DMS), and Migrating an On-premises Database Server to RDS


AWS Architect Interview Questions

Guidance for Clearing the Exam, Most Probable Interview Questions, and Other

Helpful Tips for Clearing the Exam and Interview


Introduction to Cloud Computing and Microsoft Azure

Introduction to Cloud Computing, What is Microsoft Azure? Microsoft Azure

Services, Creating a Microsoft Azure Account, Azure Portal, Azure CLI, Azure

PowerShell, Azure Resources and Subscriptions, Azure Resource Manager,

Microsoft Azure Architecture, and Managing Azure Resources

Implementing Azure Storage

Azure Storage, Azure Storage Account and Its Types, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files

Storage, Azure Table Storage, Azure Queue Storage, Azure Storage Explorer,

Attaching and Detaching an External Storage Account, and Azure Shared Access

Signature (SAS)

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Securing and Managing Azure Storage

Azure Storage Replication, Why Azure Storage Replication? Data Replication

Options, Azure Import/Export Service, How Import/Export Service Works, Azure File

Sync, Azure Backup Service, and Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Creating and Configuring Virtual Machines

Introduction to Azure Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Configurations, Creating and

Configuring an Azure VM, Data Disks in Azure, Creating a VM from an Existing OS

Disk, Azure VMs and Interfaces, Introduction to ARM Templates, Introduction to VHD

Templates, Creating Virtual Machines Using Templates, and Introduction to Custom

Images of Azure VM

Configuring High Availability for Azure VMs

Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Why Use Virtual Machine Scale Sets? Virtual Machine

Availability Sets, Backing up Azure Virtual Machines, VM Backup Policies, Restoring

Azure Virtual Machines, and Azure Site Recovery

Azure Virtual Networks and Network Security Groups

Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks, Azure VNet Components, IP Addresses –

Public and Private IPs, Azure VNet Subnets, Azure Network Interface Cards (NIC),

Network Security Group (NSG), NSG Rules, Creating Route Tables, Service Tags,

Introduction to Azure DNS, and Introduction to Private DNS

Managing Traffic and Connectivity

Introduction to Azure Load Balancers, Troubleshooting Azure Load Balancers,

Azure Network Watcher, Virtual Network Gateway, VNet Peering, VNet-to-VNet

Connection Gateway, VNet Site-to-Site Connection, Azure ExpressRoute,

ExpressRoute Circuits, and ExpressRoute Peering

Access Management in Azure

What is Access Management in Azure? Role-based Access Management (RBAC),

Built-in Roles in Access Management, Role Definitions, Structure of Role Definitions,

Creating a Custom Role, Role Assignment in Azure Resources, Azure Users and

Groups, and RBAC Policies

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Managing Azure Active Directory

What is Active Directory? Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Why Azure Active

Directory? What is Windows Active Directory? Windows AD vs Azure AD, Azure AD

Users, Azure AD Groups, Azure AD Domains, and Azure AD Tenants

Managing Hybrid Identities and Implementing Authentication

What is Azure AD Connect? Features of Azure AD Connect, Azure Active Directory,

Authentication Options, AD Connect Password Hash Synchronization, AD Connect

Pass-through Authentication, AD Connect Federation Integration, Azure AD Connect

Health Monitoring, Self Service Password Reset (SSPR), and Implementing Multi-

factor Authentication (MFA)


Infrastructure Setup

EC2 Walkthrough, Installation of DevOps Tools on Cloud: Git, Docker,

Selenium, Maven, Jenkins, Puppet, Ansible, Kubernetes, and Nagios

Introduction to DevOps

What is Software Development? Software Development Life Cycle, Traditional

Models for SDLC, Why DevOps? What is DevOps? DevOps Lifecycle, and

DevOps Tools

Software Version Control

What is Version Control? Types of Version Control Systems? Introduction to SVN,

Introduction to Git, Git Lifecycle, Common Git Commands, Working with Branches

in Git, Merging Branches, Merge Conflicts, and Git Workflow

Containerization with Docker

Introduction to Docker, Understanding Docker Lifecycle, Components of Docker

Ecosystem, Common Docker Operations, Creating a Docker Hub Account,

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Committing Changes in a Container, and Creating Custom Docker Images Using a


Containerization with Docker: Ecosystem and Networking

What are Docker Volumes? Deploying a Multi-tier Application Using Docker Network,

Using Docker Compose to Deploy Containers, What is Container Orchestration?

Container Orchestration Tools, Introduction to Docker Swarm, and Deploying a 2-

node Cluster Using Docker Swarm

Configuration Management Using Puppet

Need of Configuration Management, Configuration Management Tools, What is

Puppet? Puppet Architecture, Setting up Master–Slave Using Puppet, Puppet

Manifests, Puppet Modules, Applying Configuration Using Puppet, and Puppet File


Configuration Management Using Ansible

What is Ansible? Ansible vs Puppet, Ansible Architecture, Setting up Master– Slave

Using Ansible, Ansible Playbook, Ansible Roles, and Applying Configuration Using


Continuous Testing Using Selenium

What is Continuous Testing? Introduction to Selenium, What is Maven? Using Maven

with Selenium, Creating a Test, Cases with Selenium, Running Test Cases on

Chromium WebDriver, and What is Headless Mode?

Continuous Integration Using Jenkins

Introduction to Continuous Integration, Jenkins Master–Slave Architecture,

Understanding CI/CD Pipelines, and Creating an End-to-end Automated CI/CD


Continuous Orchestration Using Kubernetes

Introduction to Kubernetes, Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes, Kubernetes Architecture,

Deploying Kubernetes Using Kubeadm, Alternate Ways of Deploying Kubernetes,

YAML Files, Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes Using YAML,

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Services in Kubernetes, Ingress in Kubernetes, Case Study – Kubernetes


Continuous Monitoring Using Nagios

What is Continuous Monitoring? Introduction to Nagios, Nagios Architecture,

Monitoring Services in Nagios, What are NRPE Plugins? and Monitoring System Info

Using NRPE Plugins


Python Environment Setup and Essentials

Introduction to Python Language, Features, the Advantages of Python over Other

Programming Languages, Python Installation, Windows, Mac, and Linux Distribution

for Anaconda Python, Deploying Python IDE, Basic Python Commands, Data Types,

Variables, Keywords, and More

Python Language - Basic Constructs

Built-in Data Types in Python, Tabs and Spaces Indentation, Variables and Names,

Numeric, Int, Float, Complex, List, Tuple, Set Dict, Containers, Null Object, Ellipsis,

Debug, Basic Operators, and Loop and Control Statements, While, For, If, Break, Else,

and Continue

OOP Concepts in Python

How to Write an OOP Program in Python? Connecting to a Database, Classes and

Objects in Python, OOPs Paradigm, Important Concepts in OOP - Polymorphism,

Inheritance, and Encapsulation, Python Functions, Return Types, and Parameters,

Lambda Expressions, and Connecting to a Database and Pulling Data

Database Connection

Understanding a Database, Need of a Database, Installing MySQL on Windows,

Showing Databases Available in MySQL Database Server, Creating a Database in

Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 19 | Page

MySQL Workbench and Showing It, and Understanding a Database Connection

Using Python


Introduction to Google Cloud

Understanding the Fundamentals of Google Cloud Platform, Google Global

Infrastructure, Products for Storage, Compute, Networking, Machine Learning and

More, Various Availability Zones, and Different Projects Running on the GCP

Infrastructure, Including Google Projects

Google Cloud Services

Introduction to Google Cloud Services, Managing Google Services Using

Command-line Tools, App, Console, Installing and Configuring SDK,Deploying

Cloud Shell for GCP Environment Management, and How to Deploy Gsutil?

Google Computing Services

Understanding the Google Computing Services, Creating and Managing Virtual

Machines in Google Cloud, Launching VMs on Demand Using Google Compute

Engine, and How to Choose the Right Computing Solutions Based on the Workload

Like Memory or vCPU and Balance the Load?

Google Storage Services

Various Storage Services Offered by Google Cloud, the Process of Storing and

Retrieving Data, Rich Content Management, Hosting a Website, How to Choose the

Right Storage Options, Integrating On-premises with the Cloud Storage

Environment, Nearline and Coldline Storage, Cloud Datastore, and Managing Cloud

Storage Using Gsutil

Google Cloud APIs

Deploying the Google Cloud for Developing Applications and for Debugging and

Monitoring Purposes, How to Choose the Right Data Storage for Application Data,

Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 20 | Page

Automating Infrastructure, Managing the API, Cloud Source, Functions, and

Special APIs, Implementing and Configuring Cloud Launcher, Deployment

Manager, and Application Deployment Using the Cloud Engine

Google Networking Services

Introduction to Google Networking, Setting up the Google Network, Connecting to

Various Google Cloud Platform Resources, Isolation Using Firewalls and Network

Policies, Creating and Managing a Virtual Private Network, Working with Cloud

Routers, and Interconnecting Networks

IAM and Security Services

Various Security, Identity, and Access Management Services, Various Roles in IAM,

Creating and Managing Google Resources Permissions, IAM APIs, Creation of Custom

Roles, Sharing Resources and Isolation, Deploying Penetration Testing, and Auditing

and Security Controls

Migrating to the Google Cloud

Introduction to Migrating to the Google Cloud, Various Criteria to be Considered,

Choosing the Right Options as per the Specific Needs, How to Manage a Hybrid Cloud

Model, Complete Migration from the On-premises Model to the Cloud, and Choosing

an Automation Framework for Resource Provisioning


Introduction to Cloud and Microsoft Azure

Introduction to Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing Models, What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure Services, Azure Resources and Subscriptions, Understanding Azure

Resource Manager, Managing Resource Groups, Configuring Resource Locks and

Policies, and Moving Resources

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Implementing and Managing Storage

Azure Storage, Azure Storage Account and Its Types, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files

Storage, Azure Table Storage, Azure Queue Storage, Azure Storage Explorer, Azure

Shared Access Signature (SAS), Azure Import/Export Service, and Azure Content

Delivery Network (CDN)

Creating and Configuring Azure Virtual Machines

Introduction to Azure Virtual Machines, Creating and Configuring an Azure VM,

Introduction to ARM Templates, Introduction to Custom Images of Azure VM,

Backing Azure Virtual Machines, VM Backup Policies, Restoring Azure Virtual

Machines, and Azure Site Recovery

Azure Virtual Networks

Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks, Azure VNet Components, IP Addresses –

Public and Private IPs, Azure VNet Subnets, Azure Network Interface Cards (NIC),

Network Security Group (NSG), NSG Rules, Creating Route Tables, Introduction to

Azure DNS, and Introduction to Private DNS

Managing Traffic and Connectivity

Introduction to Azure Load Balancers, Troubleshooting Azure Load Balancers,

Azure Network Watcher, Virtual Network Gateway, VNet Peering, VNet-to-VNet

Connection Gateway, VNet Site-to-site Connection, Azure ExpressRoute,

ExpressRoute Circuits, and ExpressRoute Peering

Implementing Identity and Access management

What is Access Management in Azure? Role-based Access Management (RBAC),

Azure Users and Groups, RBAC Policies, What is Active Directory? Azure Active

Directory (Azure AD), Self Service Password Reset (SSPR), and Implementing Multi-

factor Authentication (MFA)

Creating and Deploying Apps

What is Azure App Service? Azure Web Apps Features, What are Azure Logic Apps?

Designing Apps That Run on Containers, Docker Basics, Azure Kubernetes

Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 22 | Page

Service, Deploying an AKS Cluster Using the Azure CLI, Azure Container Registry,

Azure Container Instances, and a Web App for Containers

Managing Traffic, Implementing Workloads, and Monitoring

What is Azure Site Recovery? Azure Migrate, Azure Traffic Manager, Managing Role-

based Access Control, Azure Monitoring, Metrics, Characteristics of Metrics, Azure

Monitoring: Alerts, Activity Log, Diagnostic Logs, Action Groups, Service Health

Notification, and SMS Alert

Developing for Cloud and Azure Storage

NoSQL and NoSQL Database, Cosmos DB, Multiple APIs and Data Models,

Exceeding Reserved Throughput Limits, Cosmos DB Resource Model, Resource

Properties, Creating User-defined Functions (UDFs), Table API, Writing Gremlin

Queries, and Azure Table Storage


Non-Relational Data Stores and Azure Data Lake Storage

Data Lake and Azure Cosmos DB

Relational Data Stores

Why Azure SQL?

Azure Batch

Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Bricks

Azure Stream Analytics

Monitoring & Security


Overview of Azure Security

Active Directory (AD) of Azure for Workloads

Network Security for the Protection of the Platform

Host Security for the Protection of the Platform

Security and Containers

Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and Security Operations

Data Services Security

Security of Storage

Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 23 | Page


Introduction to Cloud Computing & AWS

Database services

Object Storage

Autoscaling and load balancing

Virtual Private Cloud

Application services, AWS Lambda and CLI

IAM and monitoring

Configuration management and automation

Architecting AWS – whitepaper

AWS Architect Questions

AWS Migration

AWS Security

Infrastructure Setup

Introduction to Devops

Software Version Control

Containerization using Docker – Part I

Containerization using Docker – Part II

Configuration Management using Puppet

Configuration Management using Ansible

Continuous Testing

Continuous Integration using Jenkins

Continuous Orchestration using Kubernetes

Continuous Monitoring using Nagios

DevOps on AWS

Deploying Infrastructure with Terraform

Terraform Modules & Workspaces


Introduction to Big Data and Data Collection

Introduction to Cloud Computing & AWS

Elastic Compute and Storage Volumes

Virtual Private Cloud

Storage – Simple Storage Service (S3)

Databases and In-Memory DataStores

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Data Storage

Data Processing

Data Analysis

Data Visualization and Data Security


Learners will work on multiple case studies and projects from different domains as mentioned below:

Marketing, Web, and Social Media Analytics

Fraud and Risk Analytics

Supply Chain and Logistics Analytics

HR Analytics

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Certification After the completion of course get certificate from E&ICT, IIT Guwahati and Microsoft

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Intellipaat Success Stories

Vishal Pentakota

Best part of this online course is the series of hands-on demonstrations the

trainer performed. Not only did he explain each concept theoretically, but also

implemented all those concepts practically. Great job. Must go for beginners.

Shreyashkumar Limbhetwala

I want to talk about the rich LMS that Intellipaat data science training offered.

The extensive set of PPTs, PDFs, and other related course material were of

the highest quality and due to this my learning with Intellipaat was excellent

and I could clear the Cloudera Data Scientist certification in the first attempt.

Giri Karnal

I had taken the Data Science masters’ program which is a combo of SAS, R

and Apache Mahout. Since there are so many technologies involved in the

Data Science course, getting your query resolved at the right time becomes

the most important aspect. But with Intellipaat, there was no such problem as

all my queries were resolved in less than 24 hours.

Sharath Reddy Yellapati

The course material was very well organized. The trainer

explained the basics of each module to me. All my queries were

addressed very clearly. The trainer also made me realize how

important this course is for beginners in IT stream.

Certification Program in Cloud & DevOps 27 | Page

Contact Us



AMR Tech Park 3, Ground Floor, Tower B, Hongasandra Village, Bommanahalli, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560068


1219 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Suite 205, Foster City, CA 94404

If you have any further queries or just want to have a conversation with us, then do call us

IND: +91-7022374614 | US: 1-800-216-8930