center for mathematical economics (imw) the non ...anderson–zame 2005,riedel–herzberg...

28 Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW) Frank Riedel Patrick Beissner Center for Mathematical Economics Bielefeld University Université Paris–Dauphine Ceremade Séminaire Décision, Interaction et Marchés November 18, 2014 Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014) The Non–Implementability of Arrow-Debreu Equilibria under Knightian Uncertainty

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Frank Riedel Patrick Beissner

    Center for Mathematical EconomicsBielefeld University

    Université Paris–DauphineCeremade

    Séminaire Décision, Interaction et MarchésNovember 18, 2014

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Non–Implementability of Arrow-DebreuEquilibria under Knightian Uncertainty

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    1. Informal Presentation of Results

    2. Equivalence under Risk

    3. Equilibria under Volatility Uncertainty

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)


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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    1. Informal Presentation of Results

    2. Equivalence under Risk

    3. Equilibria under Volatility Uncertainty

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)


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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Financial Market with ambiguity–averse agents

    Individuals face risk and ambiguity at the individual level

    no aggregate ambiguity

    existence of static Arrow–Debreu equilibrium

    Characterization of Equivalence to Radner Equilibrium

    generically, no Radner implementation

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)


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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Static versus Dynamic Equilibrium

    Arrow–Debreu equilibrium: agents trade efficiently all contingentplans at time 0

    somewhat unrealistic market institution

    perfect insurance in Arrow-Debreu equilibrium

    can these efficient equilibria be implemented by dynamic trading insuitably chosen assets?

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Equilibrium in Uncertain Models

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Equivalence Results

    The answer is yes in the classic setting at different levels if the assetmarket is dynamically complete:

    real assets, endogenous asset prices, “most demanding case”Anderson–Zame 2005, Riedel–Herzberg 2014, Malamud et al. 2013

    “intermediate” case: no dividends, bondDuffie–Zame 1989, Dana, Pontier 1992, Karatzas et al. 1990

    asset prices nominal, can be freely chosen by the market, “easiest case”Duffie–Huang

    Our claim: even in the easiest case, it will be difficult to get equivalenceof static and dynamic equilibria under Knightian uncertainty

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Equilibrium in Uncertain Models

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    1. Informal Presentation of Results

    2. Equivalence under Risk

    3. Equilibria under Volatility Uncertainty

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)


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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Let (Ω,F , P) be a probability space endowed with a d–dimensionalBrownian motion W = (Wt) and canonical filtration (Ft)The commodity space is X = L∞(Ω,FT , P) for consumption at terminaltime T > 0 (Lp–spaces possible if relevant objects are square–integrable)I Agents with endowments ei ∈ L∞+ and expected utility functionsUi(c) = EPui(c) for some standard Bernoulli utility function ui

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)


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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    All trade takes place on a contingent market at time 0

    An AD equilibrium consists of a price functional Ψ : X → R andan allocation (ci) such that markets clear,

    ∑(ci − ei) = 0 and agents

    maximize utility subject to their budget constraint: if Ui(d) > Ui(ci), thenΨ(d − ei) > 0

    In general,Ψ ∈ ba(Ω,F , P). With suitable assumptions,Ψ(x) = EPψx for some ψ ∈ L1(Ω,F , P). With e bounded away from zero,

    even ψ bounded.

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Arrow–Debreu Model

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Agents trade dynamically in financial markets and buy consumptiongoods on spot markets in the moment of consumption

    A nominal asset market consists of a bond with price S0t = 1(numéraire) and d risky assets with price processes Sjt > 0, given bypositive semimartingales

    A feasible trading strategy is a predictable, S–integrable process θ withvalues in Rd with gains from trade

    ∫ T0 θudSu

    Agent i finances the consumption plan ci for a spot consumption priceψ with a feasible trading strategy θi such that (ci − ei)ψ =

    ∫ T0 θ


    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Radner’s Dynamic Equilibrium

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    A Radner equilibrium consists of trading strategies (θi) financingconsumption plans (ci), and a spot consumption price ψ such that marketsclear and agents maximize utility subject to their budget constraint

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Radner’s Dynamic Equilibrium

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Let ((ci),Ψ) be an Arrow–Debreu equilibrium.Ψ can be identified with a positive, suitably bounded random variable ψ

    Can we find a Radner equilibrium with the same (efficient) allocation?

    Theorem (Duffie, Huang 1985)

    Let Md, d = 1, ... , D be a martingale generator (e.g., one can take S0t =1 (numéraire) and Sd = Wd, d = 1, ... , D the Brownian motion itself(Bachelier model of finance))Then there exist trading strategies θi and a spot price ψ such that ((θi, ci),ψ)form a Radner equilibrium.

    Intuition: In diffusion models, finitely many assets span the market.

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Duffie–Huang Theorem

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    1. Informal Presentation of Results

    2. Equivalence under Risk

    3. Equilibria under Volatility Uncertainty

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)


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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Now we assume that the volatility of the Brownian motion W is uncertain.This can be described by a family of probability measures Pσ where σ isan adapted process taking values in some convex, compact subset of Rd

    Construction: P0 Wiener measure on the canonical space with Brownianmotion W

    Pσ = law(∫ ·


    )Important: the measures are not dominated by one common measureQuasi–sure Analysis necessaryAn event is negligible for agents if it is null simultaneously under all Pσ

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Uncertain Volatility

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    I agents with endowment ei bounded

    Aggregate endowment e =∑

    ei is ambiguity–free:for all P, Q ∈ P we have P[e ∈ ·] = Q[e ∈ ·]Utility functions of the Gilboa–Schmeidler expected utility form

    Ui(c) = Eui(c) = infP∈P


    for smooth, strictly increasing, strictly concave Bernoulli utilityfunctions ui that satisfy an Inada condition

    Ambiguity washes out in the aggregate - option for insurance

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Economy

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Arrow–Debreu Model

    An allocation (ci) isfeasible if we have

    ∑i ci = e quasi–surely

    efficient if there is no other feasible allocation (di) with Ui(di) > Ui(ci)for all agents i

    A price is a positive linear functionalΨ : X → RAn equilibrium consists of an allocation (ci) and a priceΨ such that


    ci =∑


    2. ci maximizes Ui subject to the budget constraintΨ(c) ≤ Ψ(ei)

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Static Equilibrium Notion

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Agents trade dynamically in a financial market with asset pricesS =


    ), , d = 0, ... , D, t ≥ 0; the spot price of consumption at time T is


    1. agents finance net demand ci − ei, i.e. there are S-integrable portfolioprocesses θi such that

    ψ(ci − ei) =∫ T


    2. asset markets clear :∑I

    i=1 θi = 0

    3. ci maximizes utility Ui over all c that can be financed with tradingdynamically S

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Dynamic (Radner) Equilibrium

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Let ((ci),Ψ) be an Arrow–Debreu equilibrium.Ψ can be identified with a positive, suitably bounded random variable ψ

    Can we find a Radner equilibrium with the same (efficient) allocation?Under risk, in diffusion settings, the answer is yes!

    If the filtration has a martingale generator Md, d = 1, ... , D, then we can setS0t = 1 (numéraire) and S

    d = Md, d = 1, ... , D

    In Brownian settings, one can thus take the Brownian motion itselfBachelier model of finance

    Our claim: “usually” this result breaks down under Knightian (volatility)uncertainty.

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Duffie–Huang Theorem (Repetition)

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    TheoremEvery efficient allocation (ci) is ambiguity–free.It satisfies the probability–free characterization of identical marginalrates of substitution among agents: for some weights αi > 0 we have

    αiui′(ci) = αjuj′(cj)

    As a consequence, ci = f i(e) for some monotone, continuous function f i.

    Proof different from Dana, 2002: no comonotonicity, no dominating measure.

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Analysis of the Market: Efficient Allocations

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    We denote EP the expected utility economy with homogenous priors P.

    TheoremLet (ci),ψ) be an AD equilibrium in the expected utility economy EP.Then ((ci),Ψ) with

    Ψ(X) = EP(Xψ)

    is an AD equilibrium in the economy E.

    RemarkThe market chooses P and state-price ψ.Ψ is not unique in general.Indeterminacy

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Static Equilibrium

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    e = 1, no aggregate uncertaintyWe use two financial assets, a riskless one with price 1, and theG–Brownian motion W as the “uncertain” assetUnder risk, these assets suffice to span a complete market

    TheoremImplementation of an Arrow–Debreu equilibrium ((ci),Ψ) is possible ifand only if the net trade values (ci − ei)ψ are mean–ambiguity–free.In particular, if some individuals face proper Knightian uncertainty inthe mean, implementation will not be possible.

    Intuition: It is possible to hedge perfectly under each Pσ, but impossibleto do so under all Pσ simultaneously

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    Implementation under no Aggregate Uncertainty

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Prevalence (Hunt, Sauer, Yorke, Anderson, Zame): a measure–theoreticnotion of “large sets” for infinite–dimensional spacesA ⊂ X is (finitely) prevalent if there is a finite–dimensional subspace V of X such that for all x ∈ X the complement of A has

    Lebesgue measure zero in x + V .

    TheoremThe set of economies for which no Arrow–Debreu equilibrium can beimplemented is (finitely) prevalent.

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    “Usually” Impementation Fails

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Knightian Uncertainty is important

    Asset markets work well when we are faced with risk and diffusions

    risk = well–defined probabilities

    diffusion = no jumps, trembling paths

    asset markets are inefficient when there are jumps (known)

    new: when there is Knightian uncertainty about volatility, even the“nice” asset markets can break down

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Message

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Knightian Uncertainty is important

    Asset markets work well when we are faced with risk and diffusions

    risk = well–defined probabilities

    diffusion = no jumps, trembling paths

    asset markets are inefficient when there are jumps (known)

    new: when there is Knightian uncertainty about volatility, even the“nice” asset markets can break down

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Message

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Knightian Uncertainty is important

    Asset markets work well when we are faced with risk and diffusions

    risk = well–defined probabilities

    diffusion = no jumps, trembling paths

    asset markets are inefficient when there are jumps (known)

    new: when there is Knightian uncertainty about volatility, even the“nice” asset markets can break down

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Message

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Knightian Uncertainty is important

    Asset markets work well when we are faced with risk and diffusions

    risk = well–defined probabilities

    diffusion = no jumps, trembling paths

    asset markets are inefficient when there are jumps (known)

    new: when there is Knightian uncertainty about volatility, even the“nice” asset markets can break down

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Message

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Knightian Uncertainty is important

    Asset markets work well when we are faced with risk and diffusions

    risk = well–defined probabilities

    diffusion = no jumps, trembling paths

    asset markets are inefficient when there are jumps (known)

    new: when there is Knightian uncertainty about volatility, even the“nice” asset markets can break down

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Message

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    Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)

    Knightian Uncertainty is important

    Asset markets work well when we are faced with risk and diffusions

    risk = well–defined probabilities

    diffusion = no jumps, trembling paths

    asset markets are inefficient when there are jumps (known)

    new: when there is Knightian uncertainty about volatility, even the“nice” asset markets can break down

    Center for Mathematical Economics (Ceremade 2014)

    The Message

    Informal Presentation of ResultsEquivalence under RiskEquilibria under Volatility Uncertainty