cengage webinar: raising the bar & support to achieve desired academic outcomes

Raising the Bar (and Support) to Get Desired Academic Outcomes Christine Harrington Ph.D. Middlesex County College www.drchristineharrington.org

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View this one-hour, interactive webinar to learn how increasing expectations and support can lead to amazing results. Participants will walk away with several easy-to-implement ideas about how to further support student learning. You'll learn strategies to use during and outside of class, including: • Using a model of scaffolded assignments that begin where students are and bring them to a new level of achievement (no stakes, low stakes, moderate stakes, and higher stakes assignments) • Learning how technology tools such as screencasting and Adobe Pro can be used to provide narrated "walkthroughs" of challenging readings • Discovering how integrating several brief but powerful review strategies into lectures can lead to increased learning.


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Raising the Bar (and Support) to

Get Desired Academic Outcomes

Christine Harrington Ph.D.Middlesex County College


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What do you think leads to the best outcome?

a. Difficult goalsb. Moderate goalsc. Easy goalsd. “Do Your Best” goals

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Power of High Expectations• Research• Challenging Goals

Current Practices• Faculty Expectations• Faculty Practices

Getting Back on Track- A Challenge and Support Model• Challenging Assignments• Providing Support

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Goal Setting: What Works?

Challenging Goals, Better


Locke and Latham (2002)Wicker, Hamman, Reed, McCann, &

Turner (2005)

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Students Generally Do What is Expected

Kuh, Laird, & Umbach (2004)

Expect Students to:• Write• Read• Think Critically

And they will!

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Goal Theory

“The more difficult a valued goal, the more intense our effort to attain it, and the more success we experience

following attainment.” Latham & Locke, 2006, 337

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Depression: Is there a Downside to Challenging Goals?

Reynolds & Baird (2010)


• Ages 14-22• 12,686 participants


• 9,016 participants

Highest Degree

• 4,892 participants

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Goal Attainment?Reynolds & Baird (2010)

Fell Short of Goal Achieved Goal Exceeded Goal0









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Results… Go Ahead Challenge Yourself

• No evidence of “emotional cost” (depression) for unrealized goals

• Higher expectations were associated with lower levels of depression

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Challenging but NOT out of reach

Moeller, Theiller, & Wu, 2012,168; Schunk (1990)

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Goals Need to be Specific and Measurable

Roney & Connor (2008)

“Do Your Best” Goals DON’T Work

Locke & Lathum (2002)

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Call for Challenge is Not NewChickering and Gamson 1987

“Expect more and you will get more. High expectations are

important for everyone -- for the poorly prepared, for those

unwilling to exert themselves, and for the bright and well motivated.”

7 Principles for Undergraduate Education

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A Lack of Learning at College?Roska & Anum 2011

The Bad News…

Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses- 1st 2 years of college• Critical thinking, analytical reasoning and

writing skills only increased by .18 SD• 45% of students made no gains at all • Less than half of the students reported

being required to engage in substantial reading and writing

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Are Students Reading?Clump, Bauer, & Bradley (2004)

Read BEFORE Class

Read BEFORE Exam




Read Textbook

Read Textbook

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Reading Compliance is Decreasing

Direct from Burchfield and Sappington, 2000

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Any Good News?Roska & Anum 2011


• Students with professors who expect significant reading and writing DO spend more time on task each week (2 more hours per week)- this increases skills!

• Students who reported having professors with high expectations also had higher scores!

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What We Say and What We Do…Two Different Stories

“Clearly, there is a mismatch between what institutions say students must do to be successful

and what students’ actual experience with the institution has taught them is really necessary.”

(Schilling & Schilling, 1999, 6)

Not really!

2-3 hours per class


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Another ExampleWyatt, Saunders, & Zelmer (2005)

Hours for "A"

Hours for "B"









Interestingly….Student expectations were related to grade!

So….Faculty not requiring students to engage in effort they expect

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Most students walk into college expecting it to be challenging. What percentage of first year students report that that their experience matched their expectation?a. 5%b. 17%c. 48%d. 79%

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Student Expectations Drop After Starting College

(Meyer, Spencer, & French 2009)

Before Starting College….

• Almost everyone expected college to be a lot of work

First Year Students






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An Unfortunate Relationship

• More likely an activity facilitates critical thinking skills

• Less likely it will be used by faculty!

Lawrence, Serdikoff, Zinn & Baker (2008)

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The First Semester Really Matters!

“What is required of students in their first

semester appears to play a strong role in shaping

the time investments made in academic work by students in their last semester of their senior


(Schilling & Schilling, 2006, 8)

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In your classes, do you ask students to complete an assignment that will be graded the very first week of school?a. Yes- alwaysb. Yes- most of the timec. Sometimesd. Not usuallye. Never

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Why Aren’t We Challenging Students?

• Fear of negative evaluations or student complaints if we go beyond what other faculty do

• Discouraged by prior attempts not resulting in desired product- need to learn how to get better outcomes

• Increased workload

• Lack of support by administration; teaching and high expectations not valued by institution

(Stewart & Schlegel, 2009; Lei et al., 2010; Lawrence, Serdikoff, Zinn & Baker, 2008)

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A Call for Support to Accompany Rigor

Campbell (2009)

Types of Support:

• Emotional- belief in their ability

• Instrumental- time teaching skills

• Informational- how to access information

• Appraisal- useful feedback

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Starting with our Syllabus(Smith & Razzouk, 1993)

152 Upper Level College Students

72 Males 80 Females

Completed QuestionnaireOn Syllabus Content and Use

Surveyed at 3 weeks or 7 weeks

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The Results: Students DO Use the Syllabus Regularly!

Syllabus Usage


Every day 20%

Once a week


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The Results!

Course Objectives Percent Recalled

One objective 60%

Two objectives 8%

More than 2 objectives 3%

No objectives Almost 30%!!!

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What Messages are you Sending?

An Example…

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High, Clear Expectations:

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The Message that Should be Sent…

Get Ready to Work! But… I’ll be there to Support You!

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Challenging Activities that Promote Productive, Critical Thinking…

• Critique of articles, websites, or other readings

• Debates

• Case studies

• Research papers or presentations

• On-line or in-person discussions

• Edmund (2008)

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Scaffolding Assignments

Low-High Stakes to Build Self-Efficacy

No Stakes

Low Stakes

Moderate Stakes

Higher Stakes

Breaking Down Assignments to Benefit from Feedback





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Need for Accountability: Helping Students Master Content

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Mastering Content: Retrieval Practice is a Memory Tool!

Roediger & Karpicke (2006)

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More Retrieval Ideas…

• Quizzes or Use of Clickers

• Publisher Technology Tools such as Aplia or Mind Tap

• Dusting off the Cobwebs Exercise

• Think, Pair, Share

• Jeopardy Reviews

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How many quizzes do you give to your classes?

a. I don’t use quizzes- I only give exams.b. I give 5 or fewer quizzes in a course.c. I give 6-10 quizzes in a course.d. I give more than 10 quizzes in a course.

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An Alternative to the “Pop Quiz”-Random Quizzing Works!

Ruscio (2001)

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Random Quizzing

• Emphasize need to come to class prepared

• Coin toss at beginning of class to determine if quiz will be given

• 1-2 open ended questions

• Counts as 15% of final grade

• Students Read!– Students in 4 sections

passed average of 74% of the quizzes

– 85.7% of the students read at least 50% of the time

– Students in upper level courses read more than students in introductory courses

How? Results?

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Quizzing Research

• Weekly quizzing leads to higher final exam performance, especially for lower performing students (Landrum, 2007)

• Test until you get it correct quizzing method leads to higher exam performance (Di Hoff, Brosvic, and Epstein, 2003; Epstein, Epstein, and Brosvic, 2001).

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Homework: Focused WorksheetsRyan (2006)

124 Psychology students

25% of Grade

Planned Quizzes (10-12 Multiple Choice Questions)

Focus Worksheets with Check, Check Plus, Check


Focus Worksheets with Feedback

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Focus Worksheet

Direct from Ryan (2006)

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The Results!

Midterm Exam Final Exam66










QuizWorksheetWorksheet Plus Feedback

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Positive Feedback and Goals

Positive Feedback Leads to Higher Goals

Repeated Success Leads to Higher Personal Goals

• Having several successful experiences (as compared to a single success or repeated failures) lead to higher goals

West & Thorn, 2001, 55 Spieker & Hinsz (2004)

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Many Learning Opportunities

Feedback should be given

early and often!

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Characteristics of Effective Feedback (Wlodkowski, 2008):

• Connected to a “standard” (i.e. rubric)

• Informs the student

• Specific and constructive

• Prompt and frequent

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A Word of Caution

“Comforting” feedback that encourages “acceptance” of

limitation (ex. “It’s okay- not everyone is good at

math”) can lower motivation!

(Rattan, Good, & Dweck, 2012)

When giving feedback, be sure to focus on

internal, changeable factors such as effort

(Mueller & Dweck, 1998)

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Using Technology to Support Student Learning

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Do you make your Power Point Slides available to your students?a. I don’t use Power Point.b. Yes, I make them available before class.c. Yes, I make them available after class.d. No, I do not make my slides available to


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Power Point Slides or Outline

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Power of Visual AidsAustin & Carr 1994


No Visual AidNo Notes

SlidesVisual Aid

UsedSlides not Provided

Slides Plus Guided Notes

Visual Aid Used

Most of Slide Information Provided

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Critical Points

•Traditional: 62%•Slides: 97%•Guided Notes: 100%


•Traditional: 13%•Slides: 26%•Guided Notes: 60%

Extra Points

•Traditional: 9•Slides: 7•Guided Notes: 29

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Visual Aids should… Mayer (2009)

•Only include key information

•Include IMAGES

•Use visual signals to draw attention to important points

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Have you used Adobe Pro before?a. Yesb. No

Have you used Screencasting tools such as Jing before?c. Yesd. No

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Narrated PDF Documents

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Digital Story-telling- Screen Capture with Narration

• How to access course materials

• How to search library databases

• Walk through websites, articles, etc.

• How to create powerful Power Points

Free Versions:• Jing• Screencast-o-matic

Paid Versions:• Camtasia• Adobe Captivate

Check out Gormely & McDermott (2011).

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A Model: Freshman Seminar

• Professor Selects Peer Reviewed Article and Explains Why Skills are Important

• Teach students about research articles

• Students use reading, critical thinking, and note-taking skills

• Supports provided- Models; Narrated “walk-throughs”

• Increasingly Challenging Tasks- Student selects articles for learning activity

Content and Process Simultaneously

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Productive Thinking!

• Students interpreting, questioning, and making sense of the findings

• Applying the findings to their lives in a productive way

• Focusing on the value of research based information

• Identifying areas for further inquiry and study

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Assessment Data


- Libr





- Pee

r Rev








te In















Fall 2011Spring 2012

Scores went up on every item with exception of staying the same on 1 item

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Visit Dr. Harrington’s website www.drchristineharrington.org

or e-mail her at [email protected]

For an instructor copy of the text, visitwww.cengage.com/community/harrington

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ReferencesAustin, J. L., Lee, M., & Carr, J. P. (2004). The effects of guided notes on undergraduate students’

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Brusso, R. C., Orvis, K. A., Bauer, K. N. & Tekleab, A. G. (2012). Interaction among self-efficacy, goalorienttation and unrealistic goal-setting on videogame-based training performance.

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ReferencesMeyer, M. E., Spencer, M., & French, T. (2009). The Identity of a "College Student": Perceptions of

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