causes of rebellion turmoil in mass. battleslegislatures revolution docs potpurri 100 200 300 400...


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Causes of Rebellion

Turmoil in Mass.

Battles Legislatures Revolution Docs


100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Final Jeopardy

• The American Revolution’s Turning Point, and the diplomat responsible for it.

• Saratoga• Benjamin Franklin

Causes: 100

• Angered the colonists by preventing them from settling west of the Appalachians.

• Proclamation of 1763

Causes 200

• DOUBLE JEOPARDY• This hated act saw colonists have to

purchase these for most exchanges and documents?

• Stamp Act

Causes 300

• Amazingly these two acts saw the colonial tax burden reduced on two significant staples! (Parliamentary Acts)

• Tea Act and Sugar Act

Causes 400

• A series of taxes imposed on the colonies that included indirect taxes on necessary items.

• Townshend Acts

Causes 500• Saw the Port of Boston closed, revocation of

Massachusetts colonial charter, and the dreaded Quartering Act.

• Coercive Acts

• Plato

Turmoil in Massachusetts 100

• Organization created to protest the Townshend Acts?

• Sons of Liberty

Turmoil in Massachusetts 200

• The “Forgotten Founding Father” who was responsible for the committee of correspondence.

• Samuel Adams

Turmoil in Massachusetts 300

• The response to the Stamp Act being repealed: “Parliament to make laws and to bind the colonies and people of America in all cases what so ever”

• Declaratory Act

Turmoil in Massachusetts 400

• The artist of this painting, the event in this painting.

• Paul Revere, The Boston Massacre

Turmoil in Massachusetts 500

• Colonists set these up to communicate with one another about a variety of threats.

• Committees of Correspondence

Battles 100

• The Revolutions last major conflict prior to the Treaty of Paris?

• Yorktown

Battles 200

• British General Gage forced to engage colonists as he searched for stockpiles of weapons. The wars initial battle.

• Lexington and Concord

Battles 300


• Trenton

Battles 400

• A costly victory for the British. “Don’t fire until you see whites of their eyes”

• Bunker Hill

Battles 500

• Saratoga was the wars turning point, the British lost in large point thanks to the “dawdling” of…?

• Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne


• The first fully functioning government of the United States?

• Second Continental Congress

Legislatures 200

• Most famous product of the Second Continental Congress?

• Declaration of Independence

Legislatures 300

• President of the 2nd Continental Congress • John Hancock

Legislatures 400

• Met in October 1765 in New York City. Issued a “Declaration of Rights and Grievances” which stated Parliament couldn’t tax the colonies.

• Stamp Act Congress

Legislatures 500

• “No Taxation without Representation” Spoken to the House of Burgess by _______?

• Patrick Henry

Revolutionary Documents 100

• 50 Page Pamphlet urging the Colonies to revolt against the leadership of King George.

• Common Sense

Revolutionary Documents 200

• We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Revolutionary Documents 300

• Samuel Adams published this famed letter urging non-importation in response to the Townshend Acts.

• Circular Letter

Revolutionary Documents 400

• Loyalist response to the events of 7/4/1776

• Declaration of Dependence

Revolutionary Documents 500

• This wealthy Pennsylvanian earned great fame for his poetic essays “Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer” urging the colonist to stand against the Townshend Acts

• John Dickinson

Potpurri 100

• The Lowest Point for Washington and his continentals?

• Valley Forge

Potpurri 200

• “To ensure that King George could read it without his spectacles”

• John Hancock’s signature

Potpurri 300

• The Parliamentary Act levied against the colonies after their successful response to the Stamp Act. This act reminded the colonies they were subject to the British Parliament.

• Declaratory Act

Potpurri 400

• The Battle of ___________ saw the Second Continental Congress forced to flee Philadelphia.

• Brandywine Creek

Potpurri 500• This image is often associated with the

repeal of the • Stamp Act

Loyalists War in the South


200 200 200

400 400 400

600 600 600

800 800 800

1000 1000 1000

Loyalists: 200

• Loyalist or Patriot? Slaves.• Loyalists

Loyalists: 400

• Loyalist or Patriot? Wealthy New York Merchant

• Loyalist

Loyalists: 600

• Thomas Paine? Loyalist or Patriot• Patriot

Loyalists: 800

• Governor of Virginia who issued a declaration authorizing the emancipation of slaves who fought for the British.

• Lord Dunmore

Loyalist: 1000

• Massachusetts, Quakers, New York, Merchants…match them Loyalist or Patriot

• P, L, L, P

War in the South: 200

• Famous traitor who fought for the British after his plot to turn over West Point was revealed?

• Benedict Arnold

War in the South 400

• DAILY DOUBLE• The Frenchman who played such an

important role during the fight in Virginia.• Marquis de Lafayette

War in the South: 600

• Their presence led the British to focus on war in the South?

• Slaves or Loyalists

War in the South: 800

• Led to the Treaty of Paris• Yorktown

War in the South 1000

• Huge victory for the Colonists in South Carolina in 1781.

• Cowpens

Etc… 200

• Last ditch effort by the 2nd Continental Congress to re-establish peace?

• Olive Branch Petition

Etc… 400

• Wealthy Philadelphian who nearly single handedly funded the war effort?

• Robert Morris


• 12-16-1773• Boston Tea Party


• Controlled most of the North American continent after the American Revolution?

• Spain

Potpurri 1000

• Daily Double• Paul Revere’s “co-riders”• Samuel Prescott, William Dawes