causes, historical development, effects and future ... · the effects of eutrophication are most...

Hydrobiologia 475/476: 1–19, 2002. E. Orive, M. Elliott & V.N. de Jonge (eds), Nutrients and Eutrophication in Estuaries and Coastal Waters. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 1 Causes, historical development, effects and future challenges of a common environmental problem: eutrophication Victor N. de Jonge 1,2 , M. Elliott 2 & E. Orive 3 1 Department of Marine Biology, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Biological Sciences & Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, U.K. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Universidad del Pa´ ıs Vasco, Facultad de Ciencias, Dpto. Biolog´ ıa Vegetal y Ecolog´ ıa, Apartado 644-48080 Bilbao, España E-mail: [email protected] Key words: eutrophication, nutrients, hypoxia, algal blooms, coastal areas Abstract The impact of the presence of us humans as well as our activities to nature has led to over-exploitation of natural resources and to dramatic changes in land-use including the use of artificial fertilizers contributes to the deteri- oration of the natural environment. The population density, industrial processes and the use of fertilizers are the main causes for the eutrophication of river systems, estuaries and seas. There are several ways to determine the actual nutrient levels back to the 1950s, back to 1900 or even back to 1800. Available data indicate that the natural background concentrations of nutrients (pristine conditions or the period prior to the widespread use of artificial fertilizers and detergents) were dramatically lower than today. Available time series on chemical and biological data collected from different parts of the world show the (sometimes tremendous) increase in nutrient levels and the related productivity. The same time series, however, also show the decreases in values when measures were taken to reduce the nutrient emissions. Investigations of different systems all over the world show that nearly every system responses differently to eutrophication. Especially physical boundary conditions play an important role in the manifestation of the ultimate effect of local eutrophication. Apart from the physical boundary conditions also the transformation and retention of nutrients in estuarine and coastal systems contribute to system specific responses. Depending on all these different conditions, site specific responses with even site specific problems may occur. The challenge of this millennium is to really reach a balance between nature and mankind including its population size. A beneficial step in this discussion is assessing criteria to reduce eutrophication back to a level acceptable to both humans and nature. Introduction Eutrophication is a process that contains several as- pects when considering the processes responsible for it. There are coastal areas that due to local nat- ural characteristics show eutrophication phenomena as increased mineralization of organic matter and de- creased oxygen concentrations (Fig. 1). Characteris- tics responsible for it are the geomorphology of the systems (percentage of subtidal and intertidal areas), shape of the tidal curve (rate of change in current velocities during flood and ebb), mean depth of en- tire system, its channels and tidal flats (Van Straaten & Kuenen, 1958; Postma, 1967). Apart from nat- ural eutrophication also human induced eutrophication occurs due to nutrient loadings from point sources (outfall discharges of industrial plants and sewage treatment works) and of human-influenced ‘diffuse sources’ (run-off from any but specifically an agricul- tural catchment). Point source discharges are usually relatively easy controllable while diffuse and atmo- spheric sources are more difficult to control. The last

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Page 1: Causes, historical development, effects and future ... · the effects of eutrophication are most manifest in the coastal zone, including estuaries. In this introductorypaper to the

Hydrobiologia 475/476: 1–19, 2002.E. Orive, M. Elliott & V.N. de Jonge (eds), Nutrients and Eutrophication in Estuaries and Coastal Waters.© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Causes, historical development, effects and future challenges of a commonenvironmental problem: eutrophication

Victor N. de Jonge1,2, M. Elliott2 & E. Orive3

1Department of Marine Biology, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The NetherlandsE-mail: [email protected] of Biological Sciences & Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull,Hull HU6 7RX, U.K.E-mail: [email protected] del Paı́s Vasco, Facultad de Ciencias, Dpto. Biologı́a Vegetal y Ecologı́a,Apartado 644-48080 Bilbao, EspañaE-mail: [email protected]

Key words: eutrophication, nutrients, hypoxia, algal blooms, coastal areas


The impact of the presence of us humans as well as our activities to nature has led to over-exploitation of naturalresources and to dramatic changes in land-use including the use of artificial fertilizers contributes to the deteri-oration of the natural environment. The population density, industrial processes and the use of fertilizers are themain causes for the eutrophication of river systems, estuaries and seas. There are several ways to determine theactual nutrient levels back to the 1950s, back to 1900 or even back to 1800. Available data indicate that the naturalbackground concentrations of nutrients (pristine conditions or the period prior to the widespread use of artificialfertilizers and detergents) were dramatically lower than today. Available time series on chemical and biologicaldata collected from different parts of the world show the (sometimes tremendous) increase in nutrient levels andthe related productivity. The same time series, however, also show the decreases in values when measures weretaken to reduce the nutrient emissions. Investigations of different systems all over the world show that nearly everysystem responses differently to eutrophication. Especially physical boundary conditions play an important rolein the manifestation of the ultimate effect of local eutrophication. Apart from the physical boundary conditionsalso the transformation and retention of nutrients in estuarine and coastal systems contribute to system specificresponses. Depending on all these different conditions, site specific responses with even site specific problemsmay occur. The challenge of this millennium is to really reach a balance between nature and mankind includingits population size. A beneficial step in this discussion is assessing criteria to reduce eutrophication back to a levelacceptable to both humans and nature.


Eutrophication is a process that contains several as-pects when considering the processes responsible forit. There are coastal areas that due to local nat-ural characteristics show eutrophication phenomenaas increased mineralization of organic matter and de-creased oxygen concentrations (Fig. 1). Characteris-tics responsible for it are the geomorphology of thesystems (percentage of subtidal and intertidal areas),shape of the tidal curve (rate of change in current

velocities during flood and ebb), mean depth of en-tire system, its channels and tidal flats (Van Straaten& Kuenen, 1958; Postma, 1967). Apart from nat-ural eutrophication also human induced eutrophicationoccurs due to nutrient loadings from point sources(outfall discharges of industrial plants and sewagetreatment works) and of human-influenced ‘diffusesources’ (run-off from any but specifically an agricul-tural catchment). Point source discharges are usuallyrelatively easy controllable while diffuse and atmo-spheric sources are more difficult to control. The last

Page 2: Causes, historical development, effects and future ... · the effects of eutrophication are most manifest in the coastal zone, including estuaries. In this introductorypaper to the


Figure 1. Causes of eutrophication.

ones require a change in agricultural and technicalpractice. It is clear that the extend of the nutrient loadsis directly dependent on human activities which inturn is dependent on the development of the world’shuman population. Human induced eutrophication isconsequently in a way related to the increase of thehuman population. This increase is today dramaticcompared to the available historic information (Fig. 2).To date, the human population has increased over 35-fold to 6 milliard individuals. The growth rate of thepopulation has increased from 0.0002 in the periodbetween 0 and 1500 AD to 0.071 in the period 1950to 2000 AD, a factor of over 350-fold. According tothe present data, we will have reached the level of 8milliard people within 30 years time.

There is in general a good qualitative understand-ing of the processes that contribute to eutrophication.The quantitative influence on the ecological processesand the changes in community structure are, however,still not well understood.

Nutrient inputs are indispensable for the function-ing of aquatic systems. Occurrence of eutrophicationeffects indicate when the system cannot cope withthe available internal and or external nutrient inputs.Areas with low hydrodynamic energy conditions orwith other suspended matter accumulation stimulat-ing mechanisms (lagoons, estuaries and enclosed seas)can in a relative way be considered as naturally or-ganically enriched. Consequently, little additional ma-terial is required to make them eutrophic. In contrast,there are also naturally oligotrophic areas which drainpoor upland areas and receive little organic matter.

The inputs of nutrients may lead to both observableand less obvious undesired phenomena which includeturbid and foul smelling (mephitic) waters, foam onthe beach, oxygen depletion accompanied by a massmortality of animals and accompanying H2S smell,proliferation of opportunistic macrophyte algae suchas representatives of the genera Enteromorpha and

Figure 2. Increase in the world human population since era.

Ulva, the development of noxious algal blooms result-ing in DSP, ASP or PSP (respectively, diarrhoeic, am-nesic or paralytic shellfish poisoning) or possibly eventhe occurrence of the recently discovered ‘phantom’dinoflagellate (Pfiesteria piscicida) along the eastcoast of the U.S. (Burkholder et al., 1992).

Since era low lying areas near the river and thecoasts of the sea have been experienced to be veryattractive for transport purposes and thus also for hu-man settlement. This has resulted in a situation wherethese areas have been developed in densely populatedand highly urbanized areas all over the world. Today,with an increasing quality of infrastructure, the humanpopulations in these low lying areas will dramaticallycontinue to increase, e.g. within 10 years, over 75% ofthe US population will live within 75 km of the coast.In developing countries, there is a continuing migra-tion from rural, inland areas to urban, coastal areasand these trends are exacerbated by the exponentialrise in populations (cf. Fig. 2) which in turn has led tolarge environmental problems such as eutrophication.In addition to the above, increased and more efficientagriculture has included more efficient drainage andthus the increased rate of run-off of organic matter and

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nutrients which contribute to high chlorophyll and pro-ductivity in estuaries (e.g. Cloern, 1991) and estuarineareas like the Dutch Wadden Sea (de Jonge, 1990,1997; de Jonge et al., 1996). The increased productionof organic waste by agriculture and increasing humanpopulation includes excess nutrients from domestic(human-induced eutrophication), intensive arable andpastoral farming and, since the late 1960s, the wide-spread use of artificial fertilisers in agriculture anddomestic and industrial detergents. Different land usessignificantly influence the release of sediment, nitro-gen and phosphorous from a catchment as was shownfor the Chesapeake Bay area (Fig. 3).

The consequence of the characteristics of manycoastal areas is that about 28% of the total globalprimary production takes place here, while the surfacearea of these systems covers only 8% of the earthssurface (Holligan & de Boois, 1993). This means thatthe effects of eutrophication are most manifest in thecoastal zone, including estuaries.

In this introductory paper to the ECSA symposium2000 “Managing Eutrophication of Estuaries and Nearshore Waters: a Challenge for the New Millennium”,we focus on the causes and mechanisms of eutrophic-ation as well as the consequences. We give examplesvarying from eutrophication caused by freshwater in-flow to that caused mainly by atmospheric inputsand nutrient import from the sea instead of land andatmosphere. It will be shown that increased nutri-ent enrichment may lead to organic enrichment andconsequently to dystrophication (the modification ofbacterial activity) leading ultimately to hypoxia andanoxia.

Historical information

Nutrient enrichment of the aquatic environment hasalways occurred but the general problem of eutrophic-ation’ has been recognised only since the 1800s. Wastedeposited in the streams and rivers either stimulated ina positive way the productivity of the aquatic systemsor negatively influenced systems by, e.g., structuralchanges in community structure (species composition)and the occurrence of hypoxia (oxygen depletion) andanoxia (total lack of oxygen). Larger bodies of watersuch as estuaries, the coast or enclosed seas have agreater assimilative capacity and thus require greateramounts of organic matter to create deleterious effects.For example, C, N and P enrichment has been demon-strated in Chesapeake Bay (U.S.) (Cooper & Bruch,

1991) where enrichment of sediments could be tracedback to colonial times. This increase in the carbon con-tent of the sediments could be related to eutrophicationsince ca. 1800 when the local population started to in-crease. Andrén (1999) recently reported changes in thediatom flora of the Oder estuary (Germany/ Poland;Europe) since the early 1900s and that this could alsobe related to increased eutrophication of the heavilypopulated lower reaches of the river system and itsestuary.

In Narragansett Bay (U.S.A.), pre-developmentnutrient inputs and productivity assessments (Table 1)(Nixon, 1997) suggest that the system presumablywas nitrogen limited and that the total dissolved inor-ganic nitrogen (DIN) input to the system has increased5-fold and that of dissolved inorganic phosphorous(DIP) 2-fold. During the pre-development period,most of the nutrients (77–93% of DIN input and nearly100% of the DIP input) probably entered the bay fromthe ocean by the estuarine water circulation rather thanfrom the drainage basin. This feature was also postu-lated for European estuaries and the Dutch WaddenSea some 40 years ago (Postma, 1954). All of thesereported values are the best possible historical valuesbut are still approximations. The ‘pre-development’primary production for U.S. coastal waters (i.e. be-fore ca. 1800) was obtained by a functional regressionof field and experimental data and estimated to haveapproximated circa 130 g C m−2 a−1.

For the rivers Rhine and Ems, the shallow coastalDutch Wadden Sea and the estuary of the river Ems(Germany, The Netherlands; western Europe), the‘natural background’ inputs and concentrations havebeen calculated (Table 1) given the present main coast-line and the present reduced volume and residencetime of the connected freshwater systems (van Raa-phorst & de Jonge, 2000). These concentrations verywell approximate the few reliable values that werepublished for the early 1930s (see data in Laane etal., 1993), viz. before the large-scale introductionof artificial fertilisers and detergents and the wide-spread connection of sewage systems to open waters.The data in Table 1 show that there has been a verylarge increase in nutrient concentrations in fresh wa-ter and consequently in its inputs and concentrationsin the coastal areas. In comparison to the ‘naturalbackground concentrations’, the input of total nitrogenincreased 12-fold for the river Ems and its estuary, 4-fold for the Baltic (Scandinavia) and 10-fold for theriver Rhine. Compared to the ‘pre-industrial period’

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Table 1. Recent and ‘prehistoric’ loadings of some systems by nitrogen and phosphorus and the resultant annual primary production of thesesystems

System N influx P influx Mean annual Mean annual Annualnitrogen phosphorus primaryconcentration concentration productionin system in system

(period/ year) (mmol m−2 a−1) (mmol m−2 a−1) (µmol l−1) (µmol l−1) (g C m−2 a−1)River Rhine & riverEms‘background’ 45 ± 25 (tN) 1.8 ± 0.8 (tP)situationearly 1980searly 1990sEnglish Channel‘backgroundsituation 5.5 ± 0.5 0.45 ± 0.05early 1930s (winter NO3) (winter DIP)early 1980searly 1990sNorth Sea‘background’situation 9.1 ± 3.1 (NO3) 0.57 ± 0.13 (DIP)early 1930s (near coast) (near coast)early 1980searly 1990sDutch westernWadden Sea‘background’ 13 ± 6 (tN) 0.8 ± 0.3 (tP) <50situation ca. 4 (DIN) ca. 0.3 (DIP)

early 1980searly 1990sEms estuary (rivers) (rivers) (for salinity (for salinity‘background’ 315 (tN) 16 (tP) gradient) gradient)situation 10–45 (tN) 0.7–1.8 (tP)

early 1980s 3850 (tN) 90 (tP)early 1990s 3850 (tN) 50 (tP)The Baltic Sea‘background’ 57 (tN) 0.8 (tP)situation (ca. 1900) (rivers+AD+fix) (rivers + AD) 80–105

early 1980s 230 (tN) 6.7 (tP) 135(rivers+AD+fix) (rivers + AD)

Narragansett Bay‘prehistoric’ 18 – 76 (DIN) ∼ 1 (DIP) 130situation (rivers + AD) (rivers + AD)

270–330 (DIN) 61 (DIP)(+ sea input) (+ sea input)

‘recent’ (1990s) 1445 (DIN) 73 (DIP) 290(rivers + AD) (rivers + AD)1725 (DIN) 140 (DIP)(+ sea input) (+ sea input)

Long Island Sound1952 - - ca. 200early 1980s 1040 (tN) 70 (tP) 300

(rivers + AD) (rivers + AD)Chesapeake Baymid 1980s 290–2140 (DIN) 30 (DIP)

1430 (tN) 40 (tP) 400–600

Page 5: Causes, historical development, effects and future ... · the effects of eutrophication are most manifest in the coastal zone, including estuaries. In this introductorypaper to the


Figure 3. Release of sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus from catchment to Chesapeake Bay (modified after data from Magnien et al., 1995).

Figure 4. Operating forcing variables in the development of estuarine and marine biological communities.

the loads of total dissolved nitrogen (DIN) increasedover 19-fold for Narragansett Bay (USA).

For total phosphorous (Table 1), the increase wasover 8-fold for the Baltic, 6-fold for the river Ems andits estuary and 12-fold for the load of the river Rhine.Compared to the ‘pre-industrial period’ the phosphate

(DIP) loads possibly increased over 50-fold to Nar-ragansett Bay. The examples given above cover thedevelopment period of the now developed countries.Consequently, the future industrialisation and urban-isation of presently less-developed countries is likelyto give a future similar trend.

Page 6: Causes, historical development, effects and future ... · the effects of eutrophication are most manifest in the coastal zone, including estuaries. In this introductorypaper to the


Figure 5. Schematic representation of conversion processes of nitrogen and phosphorus. Dashed lines represent assimilation, full lines representbiotic conversion (mainly microbial) and dotted lines represent geochemical equilibria. (Modified after Wiltshire, 1992 and van Beusekom &de Jonge, 1998 and references therein).

The differences in loads over the different systemsare an important function of the land use (today as wellas in the past). The effect of land use on nutrient andsediment release (Fig. 3) shows the absolute as well asthe relative differences in these fluxes for the U.S.A.which also will be relevant for other countries with acomparable land use and application of modern equip-ment. The changed loads per system over time reflectthe historical development in human activities and thusthe changes in land use while for recent years the ef-fect of P-reduction measures (cf. values for 1980s and1990s for rivers Rhine and Ems in Table 1) are alsonotable.

Structuring elements and processes

In addition to the inputs, the mechanisms and pro-cesses which will influence the fate and effects ofexcess nutrient inputs will be considered. In coastalsystems, eutrophication will influence not only the

nutrient-related processes of the system but will alsoaffect structural elements of the ecosystem.

Structuring elements

The physical and chemical characteristics mainly cre-ate the basic habitat conditions and niches of themarine system to be colonised with organisms. Theseconditions also determine colonisation rate which isdependent on the organisms’ tolerances to environ-mental variables. Following this, the biological pro-cesses such as primary production and decompositioncan modify the physico-chemical conditions while thebiological inter-relationships such as reproduction, re-cruitment and predator–prey cycles can modify thecommunity structure which in turn can have furtherconsequences for the modification of the physical andchemical system in the water phase and sediment (Fig.4). In the case of eutrophication, these processes canbe summarised by the nutrient levels producing con-ditions for high primary production and consequentdegradation possibly modifying the system throughdystrophication.

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Figure 6. Typical concentration gradients between the non-tidalfresh river water and the sea. Dilution lines. (A) conservative di-lution of substance within the area, (B) condition with removal ofsubstance between the end members, (C) situation with addition ofsubstance, (D) Illustrating different levels and slopes due changesin input and transformation rate in the system under consideration(Estuarine gradients after Officer, 1979; tidal river spikes after vanBeusekom & de Jonge, 1994).

The autochthonous inputs of organic matter to theestuarine and coastal systems include reed beds, saltmarshes, phytoplankton, microphytobenthos (benthicmicro algae) and macro algae, whereas the allochthon-ous inputs are from riverine, atmospheric and mar-ine sources, terriginous-blown material and anthropo-genic inputs such as sewage. Each of these sourcessupplies organic matter to the system and many of theformer will retain nutrients for a short period beforebeing degraded and releasing the nutrients through themicrobial loop.


As a transition area, estuaries play a filtering role forboth dissolved and particulate matter, including thecompounds associated to it. These estuarine areas canbe considered as a reactor vessel with input, trans-formation, sink and output functions related to organiccarbon and nutrients. Part of the transformation pro-cesses is illustrated in Figure 5 (Wiltshire, 1992; vanBeusekom & de Jonge, 1998 and references therein).From the figure presented it is clear that estuaries mayoperate as sources and as sinks of organic matter andnutrients.


The import from especially the sea is difficult to as-sess. This is due to the fact that the net transport of

the several compounds is only a very small fractionof the total amounts moving in and out with the floodand the ebb tide. In the Ems estuary, the annual im-port of organic carbon was for example estimated tobe only 4.5% of the annual longitudinal flux throughthe tidal inlet (de Jonge, 1995). Similarly, the riverimport to an estuary is poorly known and difficultto assess especially as in the freshwater tidal zonethe mud from either marine or terrestrial origin al-ternately is in contact with either fresh or brackishwater over a single tidal cycle. Due to the differ-ing ionic composition of these water bodies at thefreshwater–brackish water interface, sudden and ex-treme variations in physico-chemical conditions resultin rapidly changing adsorption–desorption equilibriaand consequently spiking of concentrations of severalelements as dissolved Fe, dissolved Al, DIP, Eh, pH,dissolved organic carbon (Fig. 6). A possible solu-tion for the problem of calculating the river input waspresented by Officer (1979) and was based on calcu-lating the river inputs based on estuary reaches withapparent conservative nutrient behaviour.


Within the estuarine system, the shape of gradients innutrients and suspended matter, and also the slopesand levels of it all vary over different time scales.General patterns are, however, observable. Import-ant large-scale transformations take place in whichbiological (uptake of nutrients by primary producers,transformation by grazers and degradation by detri-vores) as well as geo-chemical processes (adsorption-desorption, precipitation and dissolution) and burialof substances play a role. This produces a model ofconservative behaviour and the illustrative deviationby nutrient measurements from that behaviour. In theabsence of any operating process, except dilution, anyconcentration gradient of a substance with relativelyhigh concentrations at the freshwater end-member andrelatively low values in the sea would be a straightline (curve type ‘A’ in Fig. 6). When, however, sig-nificant removal of the substance occurs, due to e.g.transformations or deposition, the curve type ‘B’ willappear while during significant addition of substances,by point sources or local transformation processes,curve type ‘C’ will emerge. However, the addition orwithdrawal of substances over the entire system willalso change the slope of the gradient or even the levelof the entire gradient (‘D’ type in Fig. 6).

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Figure 7. Typical concentration gradient of dissolved inorganicphosphate (DIP) in a turbid mesotidal estuary with a mean flushingtime of ca. 30 days.

The concentration gradients of total dissolved ni-trogen (DIN) and reactive silicate are often of the ‘A’type (Fig. 6), while those of reactive dissolved phos-phate (DIP) often experience distributions of the ‘B’type as well as the ‘C’ type or even mixtures (Fig. 7).This is due to transformation processes (a combina-tion of biological, geochemical and physical processesoperating) and the strong reactivity of phosphate inaquatic systems. This also indicates that the beha-viour of silicate, nitrogen and phosphorous differ inaquatic coastal systems. The cycle of nitrogen is al-most completely determined by biological processes,that of silicate by a combination of physical processes(e.g. the physically determined dissolution of diatomfrustules) and geo-chemical conditions (adsorption–desorption processes) while the phosphorous cycle isstrongly determined by biological processes in com-bination with geo-chemical processes (adsorption–desorption processes and apatite formation). The basicpathways of the elements N, P and Si is presented inthe simplified cycles of Figure 8.

The governing processes with the dominant ef-fect depends on physical factors such as the input ofnutrients, the turbidity of the system, the residencetime (see below) and occurrence of stratification (Fig.9). Systems with low turbidity are more sensitive toincreased nutrient concentrations than highly turbidsystems as productivity is directly governed by lightextinction coefficient. With increasing natural turbid-ity of coastal systems, this phenomenon becomesproportionally less important. For example, in most ofthe North Sea estuaries which have a notable turbiditymaximum zone in their upper reaches, it does not playany role in the upper reaches but does in the lower

reaches cf. de Jonge, 2000). It is, however, extremelyimportant for fjordic systems (Norway, Scotland), theBaltic Sea and very sheltered estuarine systems asfound in the U.S.A. Similarly, stratification causesdifferent physico-chemical conditions which may res-ult in hypoxia or anoxia and corresponding processessuch as hypoxia-stimulated denitrification and, due tolow redox conditions, high concentrations of DIP (Fig.5). The produced compounds may be transported tothe surface layers where they will stimulate processrates.


There are two main mechanisms that stimulate reten-tion of nutrients: denitrification (output of nitrogento atmosphere) and burial (Fig. 9). Only the latterrepresents the physical retention of substances. Theresidence time or the flushing time of fresh water de-termines the degree of retention of fresh water andimplicitly also determines how much of the availablenutrients will be removed from the system by incor-poration and storage as plant tissues, to the atmosphere(denitrification) or to the bottom sediments (by burial).All systems show, dependent on flushing time andgeomorphologic characteristics, a certain removal ordisappearance of nutrient compounds.


Denitrification may significantly contribute to the re-moval of nitrogen under favourable conditions. Thereare indications that denitrification and nitrification arestimulated by the existence of oxygenated and hypoxicwater masses (and sediment pockets) close to eachother. The relative nitrogen removal by denitrificationranges between 20 and 50% of the annual input (Fig.10 after Seitzinger, 1988 modified and supplied withrecent data). This suggest a wide variation in bacterialprocesses enhancing the transformation of nitrogen.The presented values are, however, based on differentapproximations and measuring methods so that a goodand close comparison of the data presented so far isdifficult. Newer methods lead to higher figures.

Nutrient mass balances show remarkable differ-ences between systems. In Table 2, values are presen-ted for three systems which largely differ in size (Emsestuary, Chesapeake Bay and Baltic Sea). These sys-tems are situated in western countries with relativelyhigh population density. Important differences emerge

Page 9: Causes, historical development, effects and future ... · the effects of eutrophication are most manifest in the coastal zone, including estuaries. In this introductorypaper to the


Table 2. A phosphorus and nitrogen budget for the Ems estuary for 1992/93 (van Beusekom & de Jonge, 1998) and for theChesapeake Bay (Boynton et al., 1995) and the Baltic Sea (original data from Larsson et al., 1985, cf. also de Jonge et al., 1995)

Ems estuary Phosphorus Nitrogen

(463 × 106 m2) (%) (%)

τ f: 0.11 yrMean Kz: 8.2–0.8 Input Output Input Output

Rivers 71.4 92.3

Point sources ∼ 0

Atmosphere 1.4 0.4 1.5 20.2


Sea (dissolved) 59.3 77.1

Sea (particulate) 27.3 6.2

Sediment (burial) 40.3 2.7



Fisheries harvest ∼ 0

TOTAL 44.7 (100%) 44.7 (100%) 2362 (100%) 2278 (100%)

(× 106 mol yr−1) 96 mmol m−2 a−1 5100 mmol m−2 a−1

Chesapeake Bay Phosphorus Nitrogen

(11 478 × 106 m2)τf: 0.5 yrMean Kz: 3.0–0.75 Input Output Input Output

Rivers 43.7 59.7

Point sources 26.4 28.3

Atmosphere 4.8 12.0 26.0


Sea (dissolved) 0 30.3

Sea (particulate) 25.1

Sediment (burial) 96.3 34.8



Fisheries harvest 3.7 8.9

TOTAL 485 (100%) 485 (100%) 10834 (100%) 10 834 (100%)

(× 106 mol yr−1) 42 mmol m−2 a−1 944 mmol m−2 a−1

The Baltic Sea Phosphorus Nitrogen

(373 000 × 106 m2)τf: 22 yrMean Kz: ‘clear’ Input Output Input Output

Rivers 65.5 54

Point sources 26.5 8

Atmosphere 7.2 27 70–75

N-fixation 11

Sea (dissolved) 10 10

Sea (particulate)

Sediment (burial) 70 5–10

Water: 20 10


Fisheries harvest

TOTAL 2500 (100%) 2500 (100%) 85 000 (100%) 85 000 (100%)

(106 mol yr−1) 6.7 mmol m−2 a−1 228 mmol m−2 a−1

Page 10: Causes, historical development, effects and future ... · the effects of eutrophication are most manifest in the coastal zone, including estuaries. In this introductorypaper to the


Figure 8. Cycles of N, P and Si. Explanation of the number in the N-cyclus: 1. Nitrogen fixation 2. Aerobic or anaerobic degradation orammonification 3. Ammonium assimilation by algae 4. Nitrate assimilation by algae (at low ammonium concentrations) 5. Nitrification bychemo-autotrophic bacteria: a: NH4

+ + 1 1/2 O2→ NO2− + 2 H+ + H2O b: NO2

− + 1 1/2 O2 →NO3− 6. Dissimilative nitrate reduction as

denitrification 7. Dissimilative nitrate reduction or nitrite ammonification by a special group of bacteria (fermentative bacteria as Clostridiumspec. and Bacillus spec) in strongly reduced environments as bottom sediment 8. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) 5NH4

+ +3NO3

− 4 N2 + 2 H+ + 9H2O.

when focusing on relative importance of the output ofnutrients.

In the Baltic Sea and the Chesapeake Bay, bothwith a long flushing time, respectively, 90% and 96%of all the phosphorous influx is accumulated within thesystem (both sediments and water column) decreas-ing to only 40% for the Ems estuary due to mainlyapatite formation (van Beusekom & de Jonge, 1997,1998). For nitrogen, the differences are even greater asnearly 75% of the influx for the Baltic Sea is removedby denitrification, while in the Chesapeake Bay 35%of all the nitrogen influx is buried and for the Emsestuary most of the nitrogen influx (almost 80%) istransported to the open sea. This information showsthe importance of the water column in the Baltic Seaas an accumulation compartment for nutrients.

The great differences between systems are relatedto the input of nutrients and to the differences in the di-mensions of these systems and related factors such asthe tidal range (energy) and freshwater inflow (flush-ing time of fresh water, residence time of fresh orseawater and turnover time of the basin water) andrelated important determinants as turbidity.

Despite the inherent variation, it is possible todefine the most important factors in the expression ofeutrophication and those that may qualitatively predictwhich type of system is sensitive to eutrophication(Fig. 11). The most important factors are: flushingtime (fτ ), the turbidity (gradient) expressed as lightextinction coefficient (kz), and the input (external aswell as internal turnover flux) and consequent concen-tration (gradient) of the nutrients N, P and Si. The

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Figure 9. Diagram representing the main governing processes in an estuary.

Figure 10. Scatter plot with regression line of denitrification as afunction of N input of a number of systems. The systems indicatedshow removal between 20 and 50% of the input. Figure partly basedon Nixon et al. (1996) and new data. Ems estuary (van Beusekom& de Jonge, 1998), Norsminde Fjord (Nielsen, K, L.P. Nielsen &P. Rasmussen, 1995), North Sea (Lohse et al., 1996), Wadden Sea(Kieskamp et al., 1991) and Western Scheldt (Middelburg et al.,1996).

combination of mainly these three factors determineswhether an estuarine system has a low or high risk ofproducing eutrophication symptoms.

The longer the flushing time, then the more vul-nerable the system is to nutrient enrichment as theprimary producers have a greater period to utilise theexcess nutrients. If the flushing time is shorter, than

Figure 11. A 3-D classification scheme of eutrophication risk ofestuaries based on flushing time, turbidity and nutrient input.

the mean growth rate of the algae (areas with high dis-persion capacity), flushing of the population will occurand thus prevent problems within the system althoughtransport to the open sea will increase. Hence, if algalblooming does not occur within the estuary it may de-velop in the lowest reaches of the system or even just

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outside the system in the sea. A factor not includedin Figure 11 is the mean depth of the system and itsmixing state (stratified or not) which, in combinationwith (fτ ), (kz) and nutrient influx, may indicate thesensitivity of any system to eutrophication.

Trends and symptoms in eutrophication

Trends in eutrophication

Several trends indicate changes that have occurred insystems recently or since era. In doing this we mayfollow the diagram in Figure 9, thus considering inputvalues, gradients within the estuary and output values.The symptoms following from these changed inputvalues will be given in a separate subsection.

An example of the changes in input values aregiven for one of the important European rivers, theRhine (Fig. 12) and another one for Laholm Bay inthe south-western part of Sweden (Fig. 13). The riverRhine graph shows that the maximum phosphorousloads were reached in the late 1970s and early 1980sfollowed by a dramatic decline due to measures taken.The nitrogen loads, however, increased from the late1950s until the late 1980s. Since then, the valuesdropped back to those of the 1960s.

This picture clearly shows the delay between thetwo components which is mainly due to the fact thatphosphorous loads are better controllable than thoseof nitrogen because phosphorous mainly reaches theestuary from point sources while nitrogen is mainlyderived from diffuse sources.

The primary effects of these long term fluctuationsin loads, which were not caused by the fluctuations inriver discharge, were also variations in the concentra-tions of these compounds in the fresh water of the riverRhine.

The biological response of the increases in theloads and concentrations were increases in the annualprimary production along the coast and in the WaddenSea, the biomass of macrozoobenthos in the west-ern Dutch Wadden Sea, the meat content of the bluemussel and the concentrations in the western DutchWadden Sea (de Jonge et al., 1996).

Apart from changes in fresh water, also the con-centrations of DIN and DIP in our coastal systems, theWadden Sea included, changed over time (de Jonge &Postma, 1974; de Jonge, 1997). Even more remarkableis that the effect of the river Rhine plume was restrictedto mainly the western Dutch Wadden Sea as no clear

indications for eutrophication have been found for theeastern Dutch Wadden Sea (de Jonge & Essink, 1991;van Beusekom & de Jonge, this volume)

Of great concern is that also DIN and DIP (wintervalues) in part of the inflowing water of the NorthSea, the Strait of Dover, have been increased since1960. Whether this increase can be ascribed to hu-man induced inputs or to natural phenomena like localup welling or the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation)is not yet clear, but the effects are very important.Due to political and management measures, the con-centrations of DIP in the inflowing fresh water hasdecreased substantially locally even reaching levelsthat are lower than the winter levels in the Strait ofDover. When applying the simple but very illustrat-ive conservative plot of fresh water values and thoseof Atlantic water it becomes clear that at present thesea may be a source for phosphorous again instead ofthe main freshwater bodies as it must have been underpristine conditions.

The trends in loads and in concentrations of nitro-gen in the coastal waters have not strongly changedyet and consequently N/P ratios have increased dra-matically in Dutch coastal waters since the successfulreduction measures for phosphorous. The combina-tion of the still high nutrient concentrations and theincreasing ratios have been blamed for the occurrenceof nuisance blooms.

Symptoms of eutrophication

General effects

Based on the information presented so far, it may bedifficult to assess the anthropogenic impact against thebackground of the natural variability in nutrient con-centrations and related processes. This means that alsothe interpretation of apparent eutrophication relatedsymptoms is sometimes very difficult.

Increase in the decomposition of organic mattermay lead to hypoxia and even anoxia although theseeffects are strongly dependent on the turbulence of thesystem.

This degradation of organic material reflect a majorcommunity response, by species changes through theloss of intolerant or k-selected species and the increaseof opportunistic or r-selected fauna. Loss of vascularplants is a primary effect due to which complete com-munities may disappear as happened in Australia andNorth America. Although very often the loss of thelong living and slow growing species (i.e. k-selectedspecies) is compensated by the occurrence of more op-

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Figure 12. Development of the loads in total phosphorus and total nitrogen as measured on the border between Germany and The Netherlands(data from Rijkswaterstaat and van Raaphorst & de Jonge, 2000).

portunistic macrophytes (i.e. r-selected genera) suchas representatives of the genera Enteromorpha, Ulva,Chaetomorpha, Rhizoclonium and Cladophora, thisrepresents a deterioration of quality as these algae mayform dense layers or mats associated with oxygen de-ficiency and high degradation rates of organic matterleading to anoxia (Raffaelli et al., 1998).

An increase in nutrient ratios may, based on differ-ences in affinity of algae to nutrients, cause a changein the algal species composition.

The occurrence of noxious blooms of toxin-producing algae is another problem. Possibly evenworse is the phenomenon of the ‘phantom’ algae∗Burkholder et al., 1992) of which the possible re-

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Figure 13. Nutrient loads to Laholm Bay at the south-western coastof Sweden (after Rosenberg et al., 1990) (with permission).

lation with eutrophication is yet unclear. Harmfulalgal blooms seem to be more common today thanin the past. They can have serious effects in fish killsand neuro-toxin production (PSP, DSP, ASP) affectinganimals with complex nervous systems.

The amenity value of shores is negatively in-fluenced through foams produced by the gelatinousmicroalgae such as Phaeocystis and Chaetoceros so-cialis. The presence of the ‘phantom’ algae willcompletely destroy locally any form of recreationwhich will strongly affect local economy. Low turbid-ity systems may change from macrophyte-dominatedinto a phytoplankton-dominated system even with mi-croalgal blooms affecting the integrity of the system.

In highly turbid systems where primary productionis light limited, the situation usually differs from theabove because benthic communities are usually poorin vascular plants like eelgrass and large brown algae.However, the effects of eutrophication from riverinesources in these systems will occur in nearby coastalarea (cf. de Jonge et al., in press). Furthermore, watertransport processes dictate that the effects of nutrientenrichment occur either in the lower reaches of the es-tuary or in the coastal area itself. Ultimately, the effectof ‘habitat loss’, poor water quality and a deteriorationof the marine environment may negatively influenceany form of human use.

Large scale effects

Symptoms of eutrophication are for instance the in-crease in productivity of seas as e.g. North Sea(Peeters et al., 1993) and the Wadden Sea (de Jonge etal., 1996 and references therein), the observed increasein surface algal blooms in the Dutch EEZ of the NorthSea (Fig. 14), a major sudden change in planktoncomposition from diatoms to small flagellates (Hickel

et al., 1993) and the (temporarily) large scale oxy-gen deficiencies in e.g. the North Sea (Zevenboom,1993; Zevenboom et al., 1997), the Baltic, Long IslandSound and Chesepeake Bay (de Jonge et al., 1995).

Eutrophication in Florida Bay possibly produced alarge scale sea grass die off (4000 ha of Thalassia tes-tudinum and Halodule wrightii disappeared between1987 and 1988), followed by increased phytoplanktonabundance, sponge mortality and a perceived declinein fisheries (Rudnick et al., 1999). This very largechange in the health of the system followed majorengineering works to the Everglades area and reflec-ted changes in the nutrient concentrations, the nutrientpool, the chlorophyll levels and turbidity. The pre-liminary nutrient budget for the bay assumes a largeoceanic and atmospheric input of N and P to the Bayalthough the denitrification rates are unknown. Thecause(s) of the sea grass mortality in 1987 is stillunknown.

Another symptom is the dramatic increase of thepermanent anoxic layer of the Baltic which rose from18 000 to near 70 000 km2 which is nearly the entirehypolimnion (Jonsson et al., 1990). The increase of theanoxic layer had dramatic ecological consequences. Itresulted in a dramatic structural decline in populationsize of two important prey species (the large iso-pod Saduria entomon and the snake blenny Lumpenuslampetraeformis) which in turn greatly influenced thelocal cod populations (Elmgren, 1989). The givenchanges were the result of an increase in the primaryproduction of only 30–70%. Another consequencewas an increase in the density of algal mats whichreduced the development of herring eggs, possiblyby production of exudates. Finally, the hypoxic areasadversely affected cod egg development (Elmgren,1989).

Sommer (1996) performed experiments withperiphytic micro algae showing complex behaviourunder changing ratios of Si, P and N. Relative highSi led to dominance of diatoms while relatively low Siand low N favoured the development of cyanobacteriawhile chlorophytes took advantage at low Si and lowP. Moreover, variations in light intensity influenced theoutcome.

The extensive bloom of the micro alga Chryso-chromulina species in the late 1980s in the outer Balticapparently developed in response to nutrient build upon the eastern North Sea and contributed to the hyp-oxia and eutrophic symptoms. Near the west Atlanticcoast in the U.S.A. the ‘phantom algae’ (Pfiesteria pis-

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Figure 14. Surface algal blooms observed during Dutch airborne surveys over the period 1979–1995 (after Zevenboom, 1993; and Zevenboomet al., 1997) (A) frequency per annum (B) surface area in km2 per annum.

cicida) occurred since the early 1990s (Burkholder etal., 1992).

Observed changes in primary producers generallyreflected vascular plants operating as k-strategists un-der stress and replaced by more opportunistic algaelike phytoplankton species (cf. Margalef, 1978). Al-

though not discussed here, also synergistic effectswhere eutrophication effects are exacerbated by otherpollutants are expected in urbanised and developedareas.

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Local effects

Apart from large scale general effects as reportedabove, there are also strong local effects observabledue to fish farming (Bonsdorff et al., 1997). These au-thors further stated that 35% and 55% of the total localnitrogen and phosphorous inputs are accounted for bylocal inputs leading to a strongly reduced N/P ratio.The local nutrient enrichment in the Baltic producedan increase in the primary production and an increasein turbidity which negatively affected the macrophytepopulations as eelgrass (Zostera marina). It furtherstimulated the blooming of cyanobacteria. Loss offive benthic crustaceans have been observed while again of four was reported of which two were poly-chaetes (Polydora redeki, Marenzelleria viridis) newto the area. The macrozoobenthos community furthershowed a structural change from suspension feeders todeposit feeders.

The Peel-Harvey estuarine system (South PacificWest coast of Australia) receives a high nutrient load-ing, but has an additional phosphorous release duringstratification-induced anoxia from the bottom sedi-ments. This happens after a clear loading of the estuaryand the subsequent development of dense populationsof microphytobenthos which is responsible for the nu-trient storage (McComb & Lakatelich, 1995). Thisrelease contributed to changes in macro algal com-munity structure and increased turbidity due to algalblooms.

Creation of red-tides (noxious, toxic and nuisancemicro algal blooms) in Tolo Harbour (Hong Kong)resulted from large urban nutrient inputs, a water res-idence time of 16–42 days and a low turbidity (cf. Figs15 and 11) which led to dense phytoplankton popula-tions. Diatoms decreased in abundance from 80–90%to 53% in 1982–85, dinoflagellates increased con-currently with red tides and chlorophyll-a levels alsoincreased significantly. Oxygen depletion occurreddue to nutrient loadings and the local development ofphytoplankton in combination with reduced water ex-change (long flushing time), features associated with alow-energy eutrophic environment (Hodgkiss & Yim,1995).

In other systems, e.g. North Sea waters regularblooms of nuisance algae occurred of which it isassumed that these are related to high nutrient con-centrations and high N/P ratios (Zevenboom et al.,1997). Among these species are Phaeocystis species,Noctiluca scintillans, Gyrodinium aureolum, Dino-physis acuminata, Alexandrium tamarensis, and sev-eral Prorocentrum species.

Effects at the conceptual level

A conceptual model of the main effects of eutrophic-ation is presented in Figure 16 which gives the con-sequences of nutrient enrichment on primary produc-tion and for nutrient cycling, and shows the secondaryeffects of turbidity, changes in species compositionand organic decomposition. Increased nutrient con-centrations may lead to changes in both the speciescomposition (lethal and sub lethal concentrations ofnitrate and ammonium to e.g. sea grasses) and theprimary production. The turbidity effect is particu-larly relevant to systems with a natural low turbiditybecause these often contain communities of macro-phytes and are therefore sensitive to nutrient enrich-ment. Among these vulnerable species are macro algaeand/or vascular aquatic plants (e.g. sea grasses) whichhave a restricted immersion tolerance and thus maybe lost from the low turbidity systems in poor lightconditions.

Future challenges

The variation in the percentage of denitrification of thetotal N input (Fig. 10), which might partly be causedby the application of different methods, suggests thatit is necessary to reconsider the importance of thisprocess.

The finding of anaerobic ammonium oxidation(Mulder et al., 1995) suggests that it might be worth-while to further explore this and other unknown nitro-gen transformation processes and routes in estuarineareas. In addition to these transformation processesand given the trend in decreasing nitrogen loads, itseems of increasing importance to study N fixationprocesses under estuarine conditions (e.g. Pearl, 1990;Pearl et al., 1994).

There are several recent and historical indicationsfor the significant role of geochemical processes onextremely strong fluctuations in values of e.g. pH, Eh,DIP, dissolved Fe, Al and carbon in the freshwatertidal part of rivers which strongly influence particlecomposition (Morris et al., 1982, 1987) and hampermeasuring of correct input data (van Beusekom & deJonge, 1994). It is necessary to further unravel theinteraction between fresh water, brackish water, riverborn mud and sea born mud during the tidal cycle andits impact on the above given concentrations.

The internal silicate input within estuarine systemsfrom local, weathering of clay minerals should be de-

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Figure 15. Red tides and associated fish kills in Tolo Harbour (after Hodgkiss & Yim, 1995; with permission).

Figure 16. Overview of potential effects of nutrient enrichment in combination with turbidity conditions and residence time of water in anestuarine area.

termined. Also the role of dissolved reactive silicatein preventing the development of harmful blooms offlagellates should be investigated.

Finally, the effects of high N/P ratios should furtherbe assessed.


Man has a choice of deciding how to treat naturalresources, of acknowledging that organic waste (in-cluding nutrients) will continue to be produced and

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that there may be decisions of whether to treat itthrough techniques or allow natural systems the seaincluded to degrade it. In essence, the biological de-gradation occurs whether in a treatment works or inaquatic systems.

What has to be safeguarded, however, is the in-tegrity and sustainability of the natural system un-dertaking that degradation. The examples here showthe very great spatial and temporal changes that mayoccur, under the influence of our own activities andfocusing on compounds and elements that are part ofthe system. Unlike many other pollutants, nutrients arerequired for the well being of the system which hasa natural ability to degrade, disperse and accumulatethem. Only when this natural assimilative capacity isexceeded will problems occur.

Atmospheric input, river run off of point sourcesand diffuse sources will further increase the concen-trations of nutrients in sea water on a global scale andwhile past ‘hot spots’ have centered on point sources,which are relatively easy to control, future controlswill have to concentrate on diffuse terrestrial and aerialinputs.


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