catalogue ledea light 2011 v15.2

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LED light solutions to save energy ! Focus on Quality, innovate & designed solutions to enlight our life by saving energy ...


Catalogue 2011 Eclairage LED 2 3 > Rduire denviron 80 90 % la consommation dclairage par rapport lhalogne. > la dure de vie peut tre jusqu 20 X plus longue;> Fini de devoir remplacer les ampoules. Une ampoule LEDde qualit a une dure de vie de 30.000 50.000 heures, lquivalent de 20 ampoules incandescentes. Vous vitez donc les dsagrments dune ampoule qui a saute, le cot de remplacement et son impact cologique, sans compter laspect esthtique.Dcouvrez les avantages et les applications qui vous sont offerts avec lclairage LED tout en faisant des conomies considrables. LED, la technologie dclairage actuelle Eclairons nous ! Lesfraisdemaintenance vonttresoulagsavecune rductionimmdiatede50%70%devotre budget de maintenance. Pour les entreprises et les commerces Notre engagement design et qualit Des composants de qualit et respectueux des rglesde qualit internationales Page 4 Les ides prconues sur les LEDs Les LEDs ont volues et sont maintenant en mesure de remplacer un clairage blanc chaleureux. Page 5 Que des avantages etune foule dapplications R-clairez votre intrieur tout en faisant des conomies, sans oublier lextrieur pour plus de scurit, confort ou beaut Page 6 4 Ledea Light fait de la qualit une priorit. Nous offrons des garanties de 2 ou 3 ans sur nos produits.

Nos fournisseurssont tenus de respecter les normes de qualit internationalesROHS et CE. La qualit, le design et linnovation sont nos priorits. LED lighting for a greener future 3r dFl oor, Bui l di ng36, Xi nMuI ndust r i al Par k, Pi ngHuTown, Longgang, Shenzhen, Chi naPRC TEL+86. 755. 6120. 1818 FAX+86. 755. 6120. 1817 sal es@br i l l i ance- t ech. com www. br i l l i ance- l ed. com EcoLED Bulb Series !Features !Light source: 1 pc 6W high flux, CRI LED !Long LED life: More than 40,000 hours !Low heat, less than 70C for 7W !No UV or IR light radiation !Instant ON to 100% brightness !No mercury or other inorganics !Highest optical efficiency: 55lm/watt for warm white color !CRI!90 !Homogeneous flood illumination !Aluminum heat fins with excellent thermal efficiencies !The EcoLED bulb is available in the following white color temperatures: 2600K 2800K (Warm White) !7W LED bulb can achieve directional light output equal to 60W incandescent bulb !1 year limited warranty (see page 6) !Works with worldwide electrical systems (110 or 220V AC) Typical Applications !Energy Saving Programs !Sustainable Energy !Replace Standard GLS lamps !General Lighting Note:Picture for illustration only 7 NEW! 55 lm/w La dure de vie dun produit LED dpend de ses composants. Afin de garantir une qualit dans le temps, Ledea Light propose exclusivement des produits avec des chips LED de marque telles que CREE, Sharp, Samsung, Edison ou Brigdelux.Floodlight 10 Watt PS 100FL10W Technische Specificatie Behuizingaluminium en glas Afwerkingzwart | grijs Temperatuur-40 C ~ 55 C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur2700K7000KVoltage85-265 AC | 50-60 Hz of DC12V DC24V Wattage10 W Cos Phi>0,95 Helderheid700-790 lumen Specificaties ! Hoge lichtopbrengst bij gebruik van 1 High Power LED ! Duurzaam ! Lichtdoorlaat: >85% ! Afmeting: 114,5 x 105 x 86 mm! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75ra ! IP 65 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!"##()"#*! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!***+&,*-.',)+/)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%Ledea Light est une socit belge tablie Bruxelles spcialise dans lclairage LEDs. Notre mission est de proposer un choix de solutions dclairage LEDs de qualit et design aux professionnels du march. Notre exprience dans le domaine de lclairage nous permet de proposer la solution LED la plus adapte la situation rencontre, que ce soit le remplacement dampoules sur un luminaire existant afin de garder celui-ci ou un nouveau luminaire LED. Notre philosophie est axe sur la qualit, linnovation et la recherche continuelle de solutions alliant conomie et confort. Nous sommes en constante volution afin de construire une entreprise o linnovation est une valeur partage comme base de notre mtier. 5 1Les LEDs produisent un clairage trop blanc?! La technologie LED offre une chaleur dclairage identique aux halognes de 2700K (kelvin).- blanc chaleureux :2700K - blanc naturel :4000K - blanc froid :>5000K Cette icone prcise le type de lumire propos pour chaque produit. Les LEDs ne compensent pas un clairage halogne existant Le rendu lumineux est maintenant identique aux halognes.Nous remplaons : - les spots halognes- les cloches lumineuses jusquaux armatures PL-C 2x18w - des projecteurs halognes allant jusqu 500W La technologie LED nest plus une technologie du futur mais bien celle du moment. 2 Les LEDs cotent cher, je prfre attendre LagammeSpotLEDproposeunlarge choixdespotsquipsdeLEDun prix dmocratique. Cest un investissement si vous calculez lconomie de consommation. Pourunclairageallum9heures/jour,le retoursurinvestissementestproched1an. Donc pourquoi attendre ? Dois-je remplacer toutes les ampoules par un clairage LED ? Ciblerlesampoulesavecunclairage deminimum4heuresparjourpour dgagerunretoursurinvestissementrapide. Il nest pas urgent de remplacer une ampoule quinesertquoccasionnellement...Attendez de devoir alors la changer !

Les ides prconues sur lclairage LED 6 1La consommation : jusqu 10 x moindre par rapport un clairage classique. Ladiminution de la consommation dlectricit est trs facile calculer. Selon lclairage actuel ou envisag, vous pouvez compter sur une rduction de 50 90%.Le nombre dheures dclairage par jour est dterminant.

>Illustration : 10h dclairage/jour, le retour sur investissement se fait souvent dans lanne de linvestissement !

>votre conomie : de 50 90 % de rduction de consommation directement ralise Une consommation et une dure de vie imbattables ! 2La dure de vie : jusqu 20 x plus longue permettant de diminuer des frais de maintenance.

Leur dure de vie est extra longue, pour exemple, une ampoule bulbLED peut donc remplacer jusqu' 20 ampoules incandescentes. >Illustration : vous diminuez considrablement les interventions et le remplacement dampoules.

>Un impact direct que lon peut estimer entre 40 et 70% de rduction sur les frais de maintenance. Un retour sur investissement trs intressant. Une ampoule quil ne faut plus remplacer rgulirement POURQUOI OPTER POUR UN ECLAIRAGE LED ? Suite

7 - Lorem Ipsum Ne contient pas de mercure et la dure de vie en fait la solution la plus cologique et durable Trs haute rsistance aux chocs (sans filament) Pas de dgagement dUV pour le bien-tre des yeux et de la peau Faible dgagement de chaleur Auparavant, la consommation ou lencombrement mettait des freins vos envies. Aujourdhui, la technologie LED vous permet de faire revivre la lumire et de crer des effets lumineux o votre imagination sera votre seule limite. > Diminution de la consommation:Exemple : 10 SpotLED de 5w versus un spot halogne de 50w > Diminution de lencombrement :Exemple des StripLED versus les tubes lumineux Et dautres avantages offrant des applications immenses Et un nouvel horizon pour votre imagination 8 >> Commerces>> Espaces de bureaux>> Parking et espace industriel>> htel et rsidentiel>> Facades et jardinsLclairage LED dans toutes ses applications 9 Remplacement dampoules existantes Une gamme complte vous permettant dquiper vos luminaires et spots existants dampoules LED. Page 10 Nouvel clairage LED Luminaire LED design et de qualit. Une solution trs conomique pour un nouvel clairage.Page 36 Eclairage extrieur Eclairer vos faades, terrasses, cours en LED et matriser votre consommation. Page66 3



3 gammes LED pour rpondre aux diffrentes situations accessoires + Page 82 10 Une gamme complte pour le remplacement des ampoules existantes. Certaines versions sont dimmables. 1

ArchiLEDBulbLED& flammeLED 1

Une solution pour presque tous les luminaires architecturauxAr 111 Par 20 - Par 30- Par 38 Remplacer des ampoules flamme jusqu 40W pour 80% de consommation en moins et une dure de vie 20X plus grande. Remplacer une ampoule jusqu 60W tout en gardant un effet lumineux semblable Ampoules PL-C ou YPZ, une atlernative cologique et conomique aux ampoules fluocompactes. Les tubes lumineux LED sont 2 x plus conomiques ! Remplace les spots halognes branchs directement sur 220V, donc sans transfo Dure de vie de 30.000 50.000h au lieu de 2000h Remplace les spots halognes sous basse tension 12V, ncessitant un transfo Dure de vie de 30.000 50.000h au lieu de 5.000h pour les halognes.

MR 16

E 14 GU 10 E 27 autres SpotLED Remplacement dampoules halognes par la technologie LED. PL-TL Remplacer des ampoules incandescentes ou halognes par des ampoules LEDs au lieu des fluocompactes est plus conomique et cologique. 11 1

MR11 > v1Applications:Household indoor lighting, Accent and ambient lighting.LMR16 series AZIS Spot LEDSpotlightAZIS Spot LEDSpotlightLMR16 series70 69DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTINGNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.LMR16D24-7 LMR16D36-7 LMR16D24-10 LMR16D36-10warm white - 2700k/ warm white - 3000k warm white - 2700k/ warm white - 3000k7 Watt AZIS Spot 10 Watt AZIS Spot12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc7 Watt300 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80cCree MX6 SSL LEDPC, Semi-transparent Finish12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc10 Watt370 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80cCree MX6 SSL LED57.9(H) x 50mm35W halogen lamp57.9(H) x 50mmAluminiumSpecications:2436 2436AZIS SpotMeasurement:AZIS Spot LED Spotlight7 WattLMR16D24-7-827 / LMR16D24-7-830LMR16D36-7-827 / LMR16D36-7-83057.9(H) x 50mm10 WattLMR16D24-10-827 / LMR16D24-10-830LMR16D36-10-827 / LMR16D36-10-83057.9(H) x 50mmHeight A x B (mm)BAModel No.OperatingInput VoltagePower ConsumptionLumenColourBeam AngleCRIOperating/ StorageTemp.Typeof LEDDimensionReplacement ForMaterial of CasingDiuserLifespanWeight 50.2 g35,000 hours50.2 g35,000 hours50W halogen lampPC, Semi-transparent FinishAluminium38.6> v5 GU10 MR16 AR111 LEDSpotlight seriesFeaturesSafest LED spotlights12V AC/DC or 110V AC or 230V ACHousing is machined pure aluminum with anodized finish Cool Beam-No UV or IRFully Recyclable,no mercury or other hazardous materialswww.led-brilliance.comBrilliance Technologies Co.,Ltd. PAR> v2 > v3 E14 E27LEDFeaturesSafest LED Light bulb550 lm 110VAC or 230VACStamped aluminum with silver anodize finish or white paint finish Cool Beam-No UV or IRFully Recyclable,no mercury or other hazardous materialsDimmable/Nondimmablewww.led-brilliance.comLight bulb seriesBrilliance Technologies Co.,Ltd.> vReflector> vX> v1> vX> v2L PL> vX> vWhite > vCDM Page 12 Page 24 Page 18 12 Idal pour remplacer des spots de 25-35W MR11, dun diamtre de 35 mm. Ce spotLED est quip dune chip CREE XRE offrant un CRI >80. Il est compatible avec lessentiel des transformateurs lectroniques de marques Philips & Osram. 30.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 2W (1x2W) CREE Remplacement des spots halognes sous 12v de 35 50W suivant la configuration de lespace.Equipde 4 CREE XPE LEDs. CRI >=8330.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 5W (4X1,2W) CREE 1

5041Unique aluminium shell design for the best heat sinking

MR 16

MR 11 35mm L : 30 mm>Sri e1 Reference Prix Htva121-05ww38N 11-18VAC/DC 5 w 2800-3200 300 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 25,95121-05cw38N 11-18VAC/DC 5 w 3500-5000 320 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 25,95Reference Prix Htva111-02ww38N 12VAC/DC 2 w 2900-3200 100 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 15,95111-02cw38N 12VAC/DC 2 w 6000-6500 120 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 15,95 13 Reference Prix Htva131-07ww38N 100-240 VAC 7 w 2800-3200 400 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 29,95131-07cw38N 100-240 VAC 7 w 5000-7000 450 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 29,95131-07ww38D 100-240 VAC 7 w 2800-3200 400 CREE DIM 38 IP40 30000 2years 35,95131-07cw38D 100-240 VAC 7 w 5000-7000 450 CREE DIM 38 IP40 30000 2years 35,95Reference Prix Htva131-05ww38N 100-240 VAC 5 w 2800-3200 300 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 25,95131-05cw38N 100-240 VAC 5 w 5000-7000 350 CREE / 38 IP40 30000 2years 25,95131-05ww38D 100-240 VAC 5 w 2800-3200 300 CREE DIM 38 IP40 30000 2years 32,95131-05cw38D 100-240 VAC 5 w 5000-7000 350 CREE DIM 38 IP40 30000 2years 32,95Remplacement des spots halognes sous 220v de 35w 50W. 4 CREE XPE LED offrant un CRI >80 30.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 5W (4X1,2W) CREE Version dimmable 7W (4X1,7W) CREE Version dimmableRemplacement des spots de 50WIdal pour les hauteurs de plafond importantes.4 CREE XPE LED offrant un CRI >8030.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 1


GU 10 >Sri e1 14 Reference Prix Htva132-07ww38N 100-240 VAC 6 w 3000 400 CREE XPE / 40 IP40 40000 2 years 25,95132-07cw38N 100-240 VAC 6 w 4000 400 CREE XPE / 40 IP40 40000 2 years 25,95132-07ww25N 100-240 VAC 6 w 4000 400 CREE XPE / 25 IP40 40000 2 years 25,95Notre nouveau produit SpotLED offrant un excellent rapport qualit/prix qui fait de la serie 2 une solution parfaite pour remplacer des spots halognes sous 220v de 50W. 40.000 heures - 2 ans de garantie 7W (4X1,7W) CREE 1

GU 10 >Sri e2 Un spot halogne de 50 w consomme lquivalent de 7 spotLED 7W pour un rendu similaire, de quoi redonner de la lumire dans vos pices. 15 Reference Prix Htva123-07ww25D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 7 w 2700 ! 300 CREE / 25 IP40 35000 2years 33,95123-07nw25D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 7 w 3000 300 CREE / 25 IP40 35000 2years 33,95123-07ww36D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 7 w 2700 ! 300 CREE / 38 IP40 35000 2years 33,95123-07nw36D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 7 w 3000 300 CREE / 38 IP40 35000 2years 33,95LMR16D24-7AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16D36-7AZIS Spot LED Spotlight LMR16D36-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16 series72 71DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTING090 -900.00108.07216.14324.21432.28540.350 45 -45 90 -90 135 -135Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve: Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:090 -900.00202.92405.83608.75811.661014.5845 -45 0 90 -90 135 -135 180 -180Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam angle of C150 plane: 23.05Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:202.92405.83608.75811.661014.58LMR16D24-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C150 plane: 29.76Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter53.13cm 1229.02lx106.27cm 307.26lx159.40cm 136.56lx0.00246.40492.80739.19985.591231.990 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C30 plane: 39.43Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.67cm 661.98lx143.34cm 165.49lx215.01cm 73.55lx1m2m3mHeight E Diameter40.94cm 955.25lx81.89cm 238.81lx122.83cm 106.14lxBeam Angle of C210 plane: 39.461m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.76cm 533.99lx143.52cm 133.50lx215.28cm 59.33lx0.00133.41266.83400.24533.65667.060 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:108.07216.14324.21432.28540.351231.99246.40492.08739.19985.59667.06133.41266.83400.24533.65LMR16D24-7AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16D36-7AZIS Spot LED Spotlight LMR16D36-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16 series72 71DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTING090 -900.00108.07216.14324.21432.28540.350 45 -45 90 -90 135 -135Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve: Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:090 -900.00202.92405.83608.75811.661014.5845 -45 0 90 -90 135 -135 180 -180Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam angle of C150 plane: 23.05Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:202.92405.83608.75811.661014.58LMR16D24-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C150 plane: 29.76Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter53.13cm 1229.02lx106.27cm 307.26lx159.40cm 136.56lx0.00246.40492.80739.19985.591231.990 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C30 plane: 39.43Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.67cm 661.98lx143.34cm 165.49lx215.01cm 73.55lx1m2m3mHeight E Diameter40.94cm 955.25lx81.89cm 238.81lx122.83cm 106.14lxBeam Angle of C210 plane: 39.461m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.76cm 533.99lx143.52cm 133.50lx215.28cm 59.33lx0.00133.41266.83400.24533.65667.060 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:108.07216.14324.21432.28540.351231.99246.40492.08739.19985.59667.06133.41266.83400.24533.65LMR16D24-7AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16D36-7AZIS Spot LED Spotlight LMR16D36-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16 series72 71DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTING090 -900.00108.07216.14324.21432.28540.350 45 -45 90 -90 135 -135Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve: Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:090 -900.00202.92405.83608.75811.661014.5845 -45 0 90 -90 135 -135 180 -180Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam angle of C150 plane: 23.05Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:202.92405.83608.75811.661014.58LMR16D24-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C150 plane: 29.76Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter53.13cm 1229.02lx106.27cm 307.26lx159.40cm 136.56lx0.00246.40492.80739.19985.591231.990 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C30 plane: 39.43Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.67cm 661.98lx143.34cm 165.49lx215.01cm 73.55lx1m2m3mHeight E Diameter40.94cm 955.25lx81.89cm 238.81lx122.83cm 106.14lxBeam Angle of C210 plane: 39.461m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.76cm 533.99lx143.52cm 133.50lx215.28cm 59.33lx0.00133.41266.83400.24533.65667.060 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:108.07216.14324.21432.28540.351231.99246.40492.08739.19985.59667.06133.41266.83400.24533.65LMR16D24-7AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16D36-7AZIS Spot LED Spotlight LMR16D36-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16 series72 71DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTING090 -900.00108.07216.14324.21432.28540.350 45 -45 90 -90 135 -135Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve: Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:090 -900.00202.92405.83608.75811.661014.5845 -45 0 90 -90 135 -135 180 -180Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam angle of C150 plane: 23.05Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:C90/C270:C0/C180:202.92405.83608.75811.661014.58LMR16D24-10AZIS Spot LED SpotlightLux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C150 plane: 29.76Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter53.13cm 1229.02lx106.27cm 307.26lx159.40cm 136.56lx0.00246.40492.80739.19985.591231.990 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:Lux Distance Curve: Light Distribution Curve:Beam Angle of C30 plane: 39.43Luminous Intensity Distribution Diagram:1m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.67cm 661.98lx143.34cm 165.49lx215.01cm 73.55lx1m2m3mHeight E Diameter40.94cm 955.25lx81.89cm 238.81lx122.83cm 106.14lxBeam Angle of C210 plane: 39.461m2m3mHeight E Diameter71.76cm 533.99lx143.52cm 133.50lx215.28cm 59.33lx0.00133.41266.83400.24533.65667.060 45 -45 90 -90 135 -13590 -900C90/C270:C0/C180:108.07216.14324.21432.28540.351231.99246.40492.08739.19985.59667.06133.41266.83400.24533.65Angle 38Angle 25 Angle 38Angle 25 Applications:Household indoor lighting, Accent and ambient lighting.LMR16 series AZIS Spot LED SpotlightAZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16 series70 69DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTINGNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.LMR16D24-7 LMR16D36-7 LMR16D24-10 LMR16D36-10warm white - 2700k /warm white - 3000k warm white - 2700k /warm white - 3000k7 Watt AZIS Spot 10 Watt AZIS Spot12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc7 Watt300 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80c Cree MX6 SSL LEDPC, Semi-transparent Finish12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc10 Watt370 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80c Cree MX6 SSL LED57.9(H) x 50mm35W halogen lamp57.9(H) x 50mmAluminiumSpecications:2436 2436AZIS SpotMeasurement:AZIS Spot LED Spotlight7 WattLMR16D24-7-827 / LMR16D24-7-830LMR16D36-7-827 / LMR16D36-7-83057.9(H) x 50mm 10 WattLMR16D24-10-827 / LMR16D24-10-830LMR16D36-10-827 / LMR16D36-10-83057.9(H) x 50mmHeight A x B (mm)BAModel No.OperatingInput VoltagePower ConsumptionLumenColourBeam AngleCRIOperating/ StorageTemp.Typeof LEDDimensionReplacement ForMaterial of CasingDiuserLifespanWeight 50.2 g35,000 hours50.2 g35,000 hours50W halogen lampPC, Semi-transparent FinishAluminium38.6 7W (4x1,7W) CREE- dimmable 1


MR 16 Idal pour remplacer des spots de 50W en 12v.Equip de CREE MX6 SSL LED et en aluminium pour un meilleur refroidissement 10W (4x2,5W) CREE- dimmable Applications:Household indoor lighting, Accent and ambient lighting.LMR16 series AZIS Spot LED SpotlightAZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16 series70 69DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTINGNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.LMR16D24-7 LMR16D36-7 LMR16D24-10 LMR16D36-10warm white - 2700k/ warm white - 3000k warm white - 2700k/ warm white - 3000k7 Watt AZIS Spot 10 Watt AZIS Spot12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc7 Watt300 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80cCree MX6 SSL LEDPC, Semi-transparent Finish12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc10 Watt370 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80cCree MX6 SSL LED57.9(H) x 50mm35W halogen lamp57.9(H) x 50mmAluminiumSpecications:2436 2436AZIS SpotMeasurement:AZIS Spot LED Spotlight7 WattLMR16D24-7-827 / LMR16D24-7-830LMR16D36-7-827 / LMR16D36-7-83057.9(H) x 50mm 10 WattLMR16D24-10-827 / LMR16D24-10-830LMR16D36-10-827 / LMR16D36-10-83057.9(H) x 50mmHeight A x B (mm)BAModel No.OperatingInput VoltagePower ConsumptionLumenColourBeam AngleCRIOperating/ StorageTemp.Typeof LEDDimensionReplacement ForMaterial of CasingDiuserLifespanWeight 50.2 g35,000 hours50.2 g35,000 hours50W halogen lampPC, Semi-transparent FinishAluminium38.6Idal pour remplacer des spots de 35-50W en 12v.Equip de CREE MX6 SSL LED et en aluminium pour un meilleur refroidissement 35.000 heures 2 ans de garantie Reference Prix Htva123-10ww25D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 10 w 2700 ! 370 CREE / 25 IP40 35000 2years 36,95123-10nw25D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 10 w 3000 370 CREE / 25 IP40 35000 2years 36,95123-10ww36D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 10 w 2700 ! 370 CREE / 36 IP40 35000 2years 36,95123-10nw36D MR16 - 12VAC/DC 10 w 3000 370 CREE / 36 IP40 35000 2years 36,95>Sri e3 Applications:Household indoor lighting, Accent and ambient lighting.LMR16 series AZIS Spot LED SpotlightAZIS Spot LED SpotlightLMR16 series70 69DIRECT REPLACEMENT LIGHTINGNote : All specifications subject to change without prior notice.LMR16D24-7 LMR16D36-7 LMR16D24-10 LMR16D36-10warm white - 2700k/ warm white - 3000k warm white - 2700k/ warm white - 3000k7 Watt AZIS Spot 10 Watt AZIS Spot12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc7 Watt300 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80cCree MX6 SSL LEDPC, Semi-transparent Finish12Vac 50~60Hz / 12Vdc10 Watt370 lm>800c ~ 40c / -40c ~ 80cCree MX6 SSL LED57.9(H) x 50mm35W halogen lamp57.9(H) x 50mmAluminiumSpecications:2436 2436AZIS SpotMeasurement:AZIS Spot LED Spotlight7 WattLMR16D24-7-827 / LMR16D24-7-830LMR16D36-7-827 / LMR16D36-7-83057.9(H) x 50mm 10 WattLMR16D24-10-827 / LMR16D24-10-830LMR16D36-10-827 / LMR16D36-10-83057.9(H) x 50mmHeight A x B (mm)BAModel No.OperatingInput VoltagePower ConsumptionLumenColourBeam AngleCRIOperating/ StorageTemp.Typeof LEDDimensionReplacement ForMaterial of CasingDiuserLifespanWeight 50.2 g35,000 hours50.2 g35,000 hours50W halogen lampPC, Semi-transparent FinishAluminium38.6 16 1

La technologie Catema offre un look et un effet similaire lampoule halogne classique grce lutilisationoptimalise dun rflecteur offrant une lumire non bouissante. Lutilisation des nouvelles chips* LED CREE XP-E HEW (High Efficiency White) permet de dlivrer un flux lumineux plus important avec un voltage plus faible et donc une rsistance la chaleur galement moindre, ce qui garantit une dure de vie plus fiable et de nouvelles applications. Dimmable (sauf la version MR16) et compatible avec lessentiel des dimmers sur le march (Niko 310-017, Legrand A8051, ) * The first high-power LEDs featuring Crees new Direct Attach LED technology 5W (3x1,7W) CREEHew Catema Series Idal pour remplacer des spots de 35-50W en 12v ou en 230VACEquip de CREE XP-E High Efficiency White.

En aluminium pour un meilleur refroidissement 40.000 heures 3 ans de garantie >Sri e5Catema

MR 16

GU 10 Les nouvelles ampoules MR16-GU10(diamtre 50mm) Reference Prix Htva124-05ww38N MR16 - 12VAC/DC 5 w 3000 280 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 27,95124-05nw38N MR16 - 12VAC/DC 5 w 4200 360 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 27,95134-05ww38N GU10 - 230VAC 5 w 3000 280 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 27,95134-05nw38N GU10 - 230VAC 5 w 4200 360 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 27,95 17 Http://www.kinglumi.comE-mail:[email protected]:0086-755-89392001Tel:0086-755-89392003/0086-755-89392005Advantages 1.CAMETA Technology--offers perfect lighting effect,the facula is much more even2.Anti-glare lens, effectively protect the eyes from glare burns3.Working well with 95% dimmers inmarket, both leading edge and trailing edge;dimmable to 10% without flicker4.Power Factor is above 0.955. 3 years warranty enhanced for module design6.Replacing 50W halogen lampsApplications:Landscape Accent / Spot LightingArchitectural LightingDisplay Case AccentArtwork LightingMood LightingAmusement Park AccentApplication notice:Operating temperature range is -20to 45 ambientUsing in dry location only, not for use in totally enclosed fixturePacking details:1. Box size: 120 x 120 x 150mm2. Carton Size: 490x420x310mm3. Qty/ctn: 32pcs4. Gross Weight: 13KgProduct DetailsOptical ParametersProduct Code:KL-MR-065Product Description3LEDS 10W MR16 MODULE CAMETA+ DRIVER12345267/449 ANGLE 60 DEG WWAvg./Max. E (lux)67/11230/5017/2811/18123451374/1900 0.280.560.841.121.40BEAM ANGLE 24 DEG WWAvg./Max. E (lux)343/475153/21186/11955/7612345702/984 0.561.121.682.242.80BEAM ANGLE 38 DEG WWAvg./Max. E (lux)175/24678/10944/6228/3912345294/499BEAM ANGLE 60 DEG NWAvg./Max. E (lux)74/12533/5518/3112/2012345301/510BEAM ANGLE 60 DEG CWAvg./Max. E (lux)75/12833/5719/3212/20123451511/2090BEAM ANGLE 24 DEG NWAvg./Max. E (lux)378/523168/23294/13160/84123451546/2138BEAM ANGLE 24 DEG CWAvg./Max. E (lux)386/534172/23897/13462/8612345772/1082BEAM ANGLE 38 DEG NWAvg./Max. E (lux)193/27186/12048/6831/4312345789/1107BEAM ANGLE 38 DEG CWAvg./Max. E (lux)197/27788/12349/6932/44Technical Specifications1. Name Wattage(W)Power FactorCRILuminoud Flux(lm)Lifetime (hrs)Beam Angle()Color TempMaximum Intensity(cd)DimmableKL-MR-065 10 0.95 80 400 40000 24 WW 1900 Yes0.95 82 440 40000 24 NW 2090 Yes0.95 78 480 40000 24 CW 2280 Yes0.95 80 40000 38 984 Yes0.95 82 40000 38 1082 Yes0.95 78 40000 38 1181 Yes101010101010 0.95 80 40000 60 449 Yes0.95 82 40000 60 499 Yes0.95 78 40000Voltage(V)110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230 60 544 Yes1010Current(mA)700700700700700700700700700WWNWCWWWNWCW*The dimmers in the referral list have good dimming performace at most of dimming level.but not guarantee no all levels.Recommended dimmers:33.5109Intensity(unit:cd) C0-18 0-90 90-75 75-105 105-60 60-120 120-45 45-135 135-30 30-150 150-15 15 00.01425190024611295047549222573833798444924 38 60- -Intensity(unit:cd) C0-18 0-90 90-75 75-105 105-60 60-120 120-45 45-135 135-30 30-150 150-15 15 00.0156820902701651045527331812496108266124 38 60- -Intensity(unit:cd) C0-18 0-90 90-75 75-105 105-60 60-120 120-45 45-135 135-30 30-150 150-15 15 00.0117022802951361140570590272885408118154424 38 60- - 7W (4x1,7W) CREEHew Catema Series dimmable en GU10 1

Idal pour remplacer des spots de 50W en 12v.Equip de CREE Equip de CREE XP-E Hew et de leffet de diffusion nouveau CATEMA. En aluminium pour un meilleur refroidissement et quip dun driver spar dimmable pour une plus longue dure de vie. 40.000 heures 3 ans de garantie 12W (4x3W) CREE Hew Catema Series - dimmable Idal pour remplacer des spots de 50W en 12v (MR16) ou en 230V (GU10) Equip de CREE XP-E Hew et de leffet de diffusion nouveau CATEMA. En aluminium pour un meilleur refroidissement 40.000 heures 3 ans de garantie

MR 16

GU 10 Reference Prix Htva124-07ww38N MR16 - 12VAC/DC 7 w 3000 455 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 29,95124-07nw38N MR16 - 12VAC/DC 7 w 4200 500 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 29,95134-07ww38N GU10 - 230VAC 7 w 3000 455 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 38 IP40 40000 3 years 33,95134-07nw38N GU10 - 230VAC 7 w 4200 500 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 38 IP40 40000 3 years 33,95Reference Prix Htva124-12ww38N 230VAC / terminal 12 w 3000 516 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 39,95124-12nw38N 230VAC / terminal 12 w 4200 671 CREE XP-E HEW / 38 IP40 40000 3 years 39,95Http://www.kinglumi.comE-mail:[email protected]:0086-755-89392001Tel:0086-755-89392003/0086-755-89392005Advantages 1.CAMETA Technology--offers perfect lighting effect,the facula is much more even2.Anti-glare lens, effectively protect the eyes from glare burns3.Working well with 95% dimmers inmarket, both leading edge and trailing edge;dimmable to 10% without flicker4.Power Factor is above 0.955. 3 years warranty enhanced for module design6.Replacing 50W halogen lampsApplications:Landscape Accent / Spot LightingArchitectural LightingDisplay Case AccentArtwork LightingMood LightingAmusement Park AccentApplication notice:Operating temperature range is -20to 45 ambientUsing in dry location only, not for use in totally enclosed fixturePacking details:1. Box size: 120 x 120 x 150mm2. Carton Size: 490x420x310mm3. Qty/ctn: 32pcs4. Gross Weight: 13KgProduct Details Optical ParametersProduct Code:KL-MR-065Product Description3LEDS 10W MR16 MODULE CAMETA+ DRIVER12345267/449 ANGLE 60 DEG WWAvg./Max. E (lux)67/11230/5017/2811/18123451374/1900 0.280.560.841.121.40BEAM ANGLE 24 DEG WWAvg./Max. E (lux)343/475153/21186/11955/7612345702/984 0.561.121.682.242.80BEAM ANGLE 38 DEG WWAvg./Max. E (lux)175/24678/10944/6228/3912345294/499BEAM ANGLE 60 DEG NWAvg./Max. E (lux)74/12533/5518/3112/2012345301/510BEAM ANGLE 60 DEG CWAvg./Max. E (lux)75/12833/5719/3212/20123451511/2090BEAM ANGLE 24 DEG NWAvg./Max. E (lux)378/523168/23294/13160/84123451546/2138BEAM ANGLE 24 DEG CWAvg./Max. E (lux)386/534172/23897/13462/8612345772/1082BEAM ANGLE 38 DEG NWAvg./Max. E (lux)193/27186/12048/6831/4312345789/1107BEAM ANGLE 38 DEG CWAvg./Max. E (lux)197/27788/12349/6932/44Technical Specifications1. Name Wattage(W)Power FactorCRILuminoud Flux(lm)Lifetime (hrs)Beam Angle()Color TempMaximum Intensity(cd)DimmableKL-MR-065 10 0.95 80 400 40000 24 WW 1900 Yes0.95 82 440 40000 24 NW 2090 Yes0.95 78 480 40000 24 CW 2280 Yes0.95 80 40000 38 984 Yes0.95 82 40000 38 1082 Yes0.95 78 40000 38 1181 Yes101010101010 0.95 80 40000 60 449 Yes0.95 82 40000 60 499 Yes0.95 78 40000Voltage(V)110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230110/230 60 544 Yes1010Current(mA)700700700700700700700700700WWNWCWWWNWCW*The dimmers in the referral list have good dimming performace at most of dimming level.but not guarantee no all levels.Recommended dimmers:33. 5109Intensity(unit:cd) C0-18 0-90 90-75 75-105 105-60 60-120 120-45 45-135 135-30 30-150 150-15 15 00.01425190024611295047549222573833798444924 38 60- -Intensity(unit:cd) C0-18 0-90 90-75 75-105 105-60 60-120 120-45 45-135 135-30 30-150 150-15 15 00.0156820902701651045527331812496108266124 38 60- -Intensity(unit:cd) C0-18 0-90 90-75 75-105 105-60 60-120 120-45 45-135 135-30 30-150 150-15 15 00.0117022802951361140570590272885408118154424 38 60- - 18 Remplacement des ampoules AR111 avec les mmes effets grce sa LED place dans un bridge... Idal pour les showrooms, htels, restaurants, halls, couloirs clairs en permanence... jusqu 75w Livr avec son tranfo 20V/100-240 volts 50/60HZ, 200 mA max. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 15W SpotLED AR111 bridge version dimmable disponible 1

AR111 Remplacement des ampoules AR111 halognes de 50 et mme 75W. Idal pour les showrooms, clairage de vitrines restant allum la nuit, couloirs clairs en permanence.. Fonctionne en 12VAC/DC, 1000mA.CRI >85 pour le blanc 12W SpotLED AR111 bridge- 12V version dimmable disponible Les ampoules AR111 Reflectorproduit un effet similaire lampoule classique AR111 >Sri e1&2Refl ector 12V 20v 240VAC Reference Prix Htva182-12ww15D 12VAC/DC 12 w 3000 500 Citizen / 15 IP20 40000 2 years 59,95182-12ww15D 12VAC/DC 12 w 3000 500 Citizen DIM 15 IP20 40000 2 years 64,95Reference Prix Htva181-15ww15N 220-240V AC 15 w 3000 600 Citizen / 15 IP20 40000 2 years 59,95181-15ww15D 220-240V AC 15 w 3000 600 Citizen DIM 15 IP20 40000 2 years 64,95 19 Remplacement des ampoules AR111 jsuq 50W selon la situation. Sa chip Zenigata projte et reflte sur son rflecteur en aluminium. Encombrement semblable une AR111 classique. Fonctionne en 12VAC/DC. 1 chip ZENIGATA Sharp de 6,7W CRI >870 pour le blanc chaleureux. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W Equip dune chip Zenigata Sharp, cette ampoule permet le remplacement dampoules halognes de 50 75W en soquet GU10 ou E27/PAR. 7W SpotLED AR11110W SpotLED CDM111 1

AR111 Les ampoules AR111.7W 7W 7W 7WAR111 AR111 AR111 AR111 Spotlight Spotlight Spotlight Spotlight Series Series Series Series3r d Fl oor, Bui l di ng 36, Xi n Mu ndust r i al Par k, Pi ng Hu Town, Longgang, Shenzhen, Chi na PRCTEL +86. 755. 6120. 1818 FAX +86. 755. 6120. 1817 sal es@br i l l i ance- t ech. comwww. br i l l i ance- l ed. comPRODUCT ORDERNG CODETypical Electrical Characteristics at Ta=25C7W AR111 ModelNote[*] Manufacturer projects AR111 lamp made with Sharp LED to maintain an average of 70% lumens maintenanceafter 50,000 hours. This estimation is made based on data fromLED manufacturer7W LED AR111 Bulb Illuminance Measurement3m:2m:1m:4m:Lux n/a 1900 1400 cm n/a 50 50Lux n/a 500 390 cm n/a 90 90Lux n/a 230 190 cm n/a 97 97Lux n/a 160 120 cm n/a 130 130Color CW NW WW!"#$%& '( )$*#$+ ,$-. /01 2% .$-%0+$3 42#5 6272#-/ 801 9$#$+ :9"3$/ ;'??@A(ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER CODE CODE CODE CODE CoIor CoIor CoIor CoIor CCT CCT CCT CCT ((((nm/ nm/ nm/ nm/K) K) K) K) Base Base Base Base Type Type Type TypeOperating Operating Operating OperatingVoItage VoItage VoItage VoItageLED LED LED LEDPower Power Power Power (W) (W) (W) (W)TypicaI TypicaI TypicaI TypicaILuminous Luminous Luminous LuminousFIux FIux FIux FIux (Im) (Im) (Im) (Im)TypicaI TypicaI TypicaI TypicaIIIIuminance IIIuminance IIIuminance IIIuminance@@@@2m 2m 2m 2m(Lux) (Lux) (Lux) (Lux)BEAM BEAM BEAM BEAMANGLE ANGLE ANGLE ANGLEAR111W-7-1/S Cool White 6000K~7000KG5312 VAC/DC1X6.7W400 lm n/a15 2 AR111N-7-1/S Natural White 5000K~6000K 450 lm 500AR111V-7-1/S Warm White 2600K~3000K 300 lm 390Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter SymboI SymboI SymboI SymboI Min Min Min Min Typ Typ Typ Typ Max Max Max Max Unit Unit Unit Unitnput Voltage (AC) VAC 10 12 14 Vnput Voltage (DC) VDC 9 10 12 VLED Forward Current F ! 600 ! mAEstimated Life[*] ! 50,000 ! hoursOptimized Body Temperature (1X6.7W LED) T ! 55 60 CLEDSpotlight seriesFeaturesSafest LED spotlights12V AC/DC or 110V AC or 230V ACHousing is machined pure aluminum with anodizedfinish Cool Beam-No UV or IRFully Recyclable,no mercury or other hazardous materialswww.led-brilliance.comBrilliance Technologies Co.,Ltd.AR111 Series SpotlightProduct DimensionLuminous Flux 7W

12V AC/DC2010 Brilliance Co., LimitedAll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trade marks are the property of Brilliance Technologies Co., Limited.or their respective owners.Technologies Cwww. - .com led brilliance T:+86-755-61201818F:+86-755-61201817E-mail:[email protected] white 3000KNatural white 4000KCool white 5000KInput voltagePowerWeightG53 Cool white 15 Beam(7W)O Warm White 15 Beam(7W)OCool white 10 Beam(10W)OWarm white 10 Beam(10W)O 10

W 12V AC/DC 125g

G53 850 Lux@1m 1106 Lux@1m 2337 Lux@1m2270Lux@1m


110.6+0.5 -AR111 Series SpotlightProduct DimensionLuminous Flux 7W

12V AC/DC2010 Brilliance Co., LimitedAll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trade marks are the property of Brilliance Technologies Co., Limited.or their respective owners.Technologies Cwww. - .com led brilliance T:+86-755-61201818F:+86-755-61201817E-mail:[email protected] white 3000KNatural white 4000KCool white 5000KInput voltagePowerWeightG53 Cool white 15 Beam(7W)O Warm White 15 Beam(7W)OCool white 10 Beam(10W)OWarm white 10 Beam(10W)O 10

W 12V AC/DC 125g

G53 850 Lux@1m 1106 Lux@1m 2337 Lux@1m2270Lux@1m


110.6+0.5 -AR111 Series SpotlightProduct DimensionLuminous Flux 7W

12V AC/DC2010 Brilliance Co., LimitedAll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trade marks are the property of Brilliance Technologies Co., Limited.or their respective owners.Technologies Cwww. - .com led brilliance T:+86-755-61201818F:+86-755-61201817E-mail:[email protected] white 3000KNatural white 4000KCool white 5000KInput voltagePowerWeightG53 Cool white 15 Beam(7W)O Warm White 15 Beam(7W)OCool white 10 Beam(10W)OWarm white 10 Beam(10W)O 10

W 12V AC/DC 125g

G53 850 Lux@1m 1106 Lux@1m 2337 Lux@1m2270Lux@1m


110.6+0.5 -AR111 Series SpotlightProduct DimensionLuminous Flux 7W

12V AC/DC2010 Brilliance Co., LimitedAll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trade marks are the property of Brilliance Technologies Co., Limited.or their respective owners.Technologies Cwww. - .com led brilliance T:+86-755-61201818F:+86-755-61201817E-mail:[email protected] white 3000KNatural white 4000KCool white 5000KInput voltagePowerWeightG53 Cool white 15 Beam(7W)O Warm White 15 Beam(7W)OCool white 10 Beam(10W)OWarm white 10 Beam(10W)O 10

W 12V AC/DC 125g

G53 850 Lux@1m 1106 Lux@1m 2337 Lux@1m2270Lux@1m


110.6+0.5 -LEDSpotlight seriesFeaturesSafest LED spotlights12V AC/DC or 110V AC or 230V ACHousing is machined pure aluminum with anodizedfinish Cool Beam-No UV or IRFully Recyclable,no mercury or other hazardous materialswww.led-brilliance.comBrilliance Technologies Co.,Ltd.Reference Prix Htva184-10nw15N 230VAC - GU10 10 w 4000 570 Zenigata DIM 15IP40 40000 2 years 49,95185-10nw15N 230VAC - E27 10 w 4000 570 Zenigata DIM 15 IP40 40000 2 years 49,95Reference Prix Htva183-07ww15N 12VAC/DC 7 w 3000 370 Zenigata DIM 15IP40 40000 2 years 43,95183-07cw15N 12VAC/DC 7 w 5000 410 Zenigata DIM 15 IP40 40000 2 years 43,95 20 1


La nouvelle gamme vX Alu alliant design et qualit. Par 20 7W Par 30 10W-12W Par 38 12w-16W E14 3W E27 6W-8W >Sri evX 21 1

PAR20 Les ampoules ParLED 20 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 7W SpotLED PAR20 vX CREE 5 High Power Chips LED CREE pour un total de 7W. Fonctionne entre 110-240V/AC. 30.000 heures - 2 ans de garantie Reference Prix Htva155-07ww30N 100-240 VAC 7 w 3000 380 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 35,95155-07nw30N 100-240 VAC 7 w 4000 400 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 35,95 22 1

PAR30 Les ampoules ParLED 30 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 10W SpotLED PAR30 Design CREE 7 High Power Chips LED CREE pour un total de 10W. Fonctionne entre 110-240V/AC. 30.000 heures - 2 ans de garantie 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 12W SpotLED PAR30 Design CREE 9 High Power Chips LED CREE pour un total de 12W. Fonctionne entre 110-240V/AC. 30.000 heures - 2 ans de garantie Reference Prix Htva165-10ww30N 100-240 VAC 10 w 3000 540 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 49,95165-10nw30N 100-240 VAC 10 w 4000 570 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 49,95Reference Prix Htva165-12ww30N 100-240 VAC 12 w 3000 650 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 59,95165-12nw30N 100-240 VAC 12 w 4000 690 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 59,95 23 1

11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 12W SpotLED PAR38 Design CREE disponible en version dimmable 9 High Power Chips LED CREE pour un total de 12W. Fonctionne entre 110-240V/AC. 30.000 heures - 2 ans de garantie Disponible en version Dimmable ! 12 High Power Chips LED CREE pour un total de 16W.Fonctionne entre 110-240V/AC.30.000 heures - 2 ans de garantie Disponible en version Dimmable ! 16W SpotLED PAR38 Design CREE disponible en version dimmable PAR38 Les ampoules ParLED 38 Reference Prix Htva175-12ww30N 100-240 VAC 12 w 3000 670 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 64,95175-12nw30N 100-240 VAC 12 w 4000 720 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 64,95175-12ww30D 100-240 VAC 12 w 3000 670 CREE DIM 30 IP40 30000 2 years 69,95175-12nw30D 100-240 VAC 12 w 4000 720 CREE DIM 30 IP40 30000 2 years 69,95Reference Prix Htva175-16ww30N 100-240 VAC 16 w 3000 900 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 79,95175-16nw30N 100-240 VAC 16 w 4000 960 CREE / 30 IP40 30000 2 years 79,95175-16ww30D 100-240 VAC 16 w 3000 900 CREE DIM 30 IP40 30000 2 years 84,95175-16nw30D 100-240 VAC 16 w 4000 960 CREE DIM 30 IP40 30000 2 years 84,95 24 Reference Prix Htva185-03ww120N 100-240 VAC 3 w 2600-3000 110 Edison / 120 IP40 30000 2 years 17,95Remplacement des ampoules E14 de 25W, son design et son effet apportent une touche vos luminaires. Input voltage 110-240V/ac.1 high power chip LED. 30.000 heures - 2 ans de garantie 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 3W FlammeLED vX 1

E14 Un effet filament grce sa technologie Prisme qui reproduit leffet du filament de lampoule incandescente Bientt 5-7 W FlammeLEDReference Prix Htva185-03ww180N 100-240 VAC 3 w 2600-3000 110 Edison / 180 IP40 30000 2 years 17,95 25 Remplacement des ampoules E27 denviron 40W.Design et angle douverture trs large de 330 rendent cette ampoule idale pour les abats-jour.4 high power chip LED CREE 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 6W BulbLED CREE vX 1

E14 Un effet trs semblable aux ampoules incandescentes grce un angle douverture de 330Remplacement des ampoules E27 denviron 60W.Design et angle de projection de 330 rendent cette ampoule idale pour les abats-jour.4 high power chip LED CREE. La version dimmable volue de 10 100%. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 8W BulbLED CREE vX disponible en version dimmable Reference Prix Htva195-06ww330D 100-240 VAC 6 w 2600-3000 300 CREE DIM 330 IP40 30000 2 years 29,95195-06nw330D 100-240 VAC 6 w 2600-3000 320 CREE DIM 330 IP40 30000 2 years 29,95Reference Prix Htva195-08ww180D 100-240 VAC 8 w 2600-3000 400 CREE DIM 330 IP40 30000 2 years 37,95195-08nw180D 100-240 VAC 8 w 2600-3000 430 CREE DIM 330 IP40 30000 2 years 37,95 26 1

E14 E27La nouvelle gamme White alliant lgance et qualit. E14 5W E14 5W E27 8W E14 5W E27 8W >Sri ewhi te E14 5W > crystal> Pearl 27 Remplacement des ampoules flamme E14 denviron 40W.Design parfait, angle douverture largeet effet filament grce son prisme pour remplacer au mieux les ampoules incandescentes. Cette ampoule est en plus dimmable de 20 100%. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 5W FlammeLED v7 Cristal dimmable 1

E14 Remplacement des ampoules flamme E14 denviron 40W.Design parfait, angle douverture largeet effet filament grce son prisme pour remplacer au mieux les ampoules incandescentes. Cette ampoule est en plus dimmable de 20 100%. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 5W FlammeLED v8 Pearl dimmable Une ligne pure et un effet le plus proche des ampoules incandescentes3597Reference Prix Htva186-05ww300D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 2700 !200 Bridgelux Array DIM 300 IP20 35000 2 years 19,95186-05nw300D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 4200 220 Bridgelux Array DIM 300 IP40 30000 2 years 19,95Reference Prix Htva187-05ww270D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 2700 !200 Bridgelux Array DIM 270 IP20 35000 2 years 19,95187-05nw270D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 4200 220 Bridgelux Array DIM 270 IP40 30000 2 years 19,95 28 Remplacement des ampoules bulbe E14 jusqu maximum 40W.Design parfait, angle douverture largeet effet filament grce son prisme pour remplacer au mieux les ampoules incandescentes. Cette ampoule est en plus dimmable de 20 100%. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 5W mini-BlubLED v7 Cristal dimmable 1

E14 Remplacement des ampoules bulbe E14 jusqu maximum 40W.Design parfait, angle douverture largeet effet filament grce son prisme pour remplacer au mieux les ampoules incandescentes. Cette ampoules est en plus dimmable de 20 100%. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 5W mini-BulbLED v8 Pearl dimmable Moderne, discrte et puissance 4278Reference Prix Htva188-05ww300D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 2700 !200 Bridgelux Array DIM 300 IP20 35000 2 years 19,95188-05nw300D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 4200 240 Bridgelux Array DIM 300 IP40 30000 2 years 19,95Reference Prix Htva189-05ww270D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 2700 !200 Bridgelux Array DIM 270 IP20 35000 2 years 19,95189-05nw270D E14 - 100-240 VAC 5 w 4200 240 Bridgelux Array DIM 270 IP40 30000 2 years 19,95 29 Remplacement des ampoules bulbe E27 jusqu maximum 60W.Design parfait, angle douverture largeet effet filament grce son prisme pour remplacer au mieux les ampoules incandescentes. Cette ampoule est en plus dimmable de 20 100%. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 8W BlubLED v7 Cristal dimmable 1

E27 Remplacement des ampoules bulbe E27 jusqu maximum 60W.Design parfait, angle douverture largeet effet filament grce son prisme pour remplacer au mieux les ampoules incandescentes.Cette ampoule est en plus dimmable de 20 100%. 11W MASTERLEDspot 75W 8W BulbLED v8 Pearl dimmable Simplicit, lgance et performance 60105Reference Prix Htva198-08ww270D E27 - 100-240 VAC 8 w 2700 !400 Bridgelux Array DIM 270 IP20 35000 2 years 29,95198-08nw270D E27 - 100-240 VAC 8 w 4200 440 Bridgelux Array DIM 270 IP40 30000 2 years 29,95Reference Prix Htva199-08ww210D E27 - 100-240 VAC 8 w 2700 !400 Bridgelux Array DIM 210 IP20 35000 2 years 29,95199-08nw210D E27 - 100-240 VAC 8 w 4200 440 Bridgelux Array DIM 210 IP40 30000 2 years 29,95 30 Remplacement des ampoules de 60W avec une lumire chaleureuse grce un rendement de plus de 55Lm/wen blanc chaleureux 7W (1x6,7W) Zenigata version dimmable 60mm L : 110 mm 1

Ps2 60 LED Light bulbProduct DimensionLuminous Flux2010 Brilliance Co., LimitedAll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trade marks are the property of Brilliance Technologies Co., Limited.or their respective owners.Technologies Cwww. - .com led brilliance T:+86-755-61201818F:+86-755-61201817E-mail:[email protected] 450 lm450 lm 8W8W

Warm white2600K 3000K -Power E26/E27 B22Cool white5000K-6000K 550 lm550 lm 80g 2g80g 2g

Weight-+-+90 240VAC90 240VAC Input voltageS60 60 60Ps2 60 LED Light bulbProduct DimensionLuminous Flux 2010 Brilliance Co., LimitedAll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trade marks are the property of Brilliance Technologies Co., Limited.or their respective owners.TechnologiesCwww.-.comledbrillianceT:+86-755-61201818 F:+86-755-61201817 E-mail:[email protected] 450 lm 450 lm 8W 8W Warm white2600K3000K-Power E26/E27 B22Cool white5000K-6000K 550 lm 550 lm 80g 2g 80g 2g Weight- +- + 90240VAC 90240VAC Input voltageS606060LEDFeaturesSafest LED Light bulb550 lm 110VAC or 230VACStamped aluminum with silver anodize finish or white paint finish Cool Beam-No UV or IRFully Recyclable,no mercury or other hazardous materialsDimmable/Nondimmablewww.led-brilliance.comLight bulb seriesBrilliance Technologies Co.,Ltd.8W (1x8W) Zenigata version dimmable Remplacement des ampoules de 60W avec une lumire et un niveau dclairage quivalent, elle offre une puissance de 450 550lm.Reference Prix Htva194-07ww180N 100-240 VAC 7 w 2600-3000 400 SharpZenigata / 180 IP40 40000 2 years 29,95194-07cw180N 100-240 VAC 7 w 5000-6000 450 SharpZenigata / 180 IP40 40000 2 years 29,95194-07ww180D 100-240 VAC 7 w 2600-3000 400 SharpZenigata DIM 180 IP40 40000 2 years 34,95194-07cw180D 100-240 VAC 7 w 5000-6000 450 SharpZenigata DIM 180 IP40 40000 2 years 34,95Reference Prix Htva194-08ww180Nw E27 - 100-240 VAC 8 w 2600-3000 450 SharpZenigata / 180 IP20 40000 2 years 34,95194-08cw180Nw E27 - 100-240 VAC 8 w 5000-6000 550 SharpZenigata / 180 IP20 40000 2 years 34,95 31 3W BulbLED design 45,5mm L : 82,5 mm 1

>Bul bLEDdesi gn E 27 32 1

Les ampoules LED sont une alternative idale aux ampoules fluocompactes. Ledea Light Ne contientde gaz, de mercure et ne produit pas dUV ou IR - Un allumage direct 100%, une LED na pas besoin de chauffer. - Elle ne contient pas de mercure ou de gaz, ne dgage pas dUV ou descintillement.-Leur dure de vie est nettement plus longue, en moyenne 3 fois suprieure aux ampoules fluocompactes -Une consommation 2 fois infrieure en moyenne -Les ampoules fluocompactes sont un rel problme au niveau cologique, tant en terme de production que de recyclage. 33 Remplacement des ampoules fluocompactes de 15W grce une puissance lumineuse de 670 lumen.Angle de diffusion large de 330 Allumage direct et clairage ne produisant pas de scintillement, ni Infrarouge ni UV. La dure de vie est en moyenne 3 fois suprieure aux ampoules fluocompactes. 9W PL-C LED SMD 330 38-42 mm L : 172,5 mm 1

15W YPZ 270 Remplacement des ampoules YPZ de 22W fluocompactes avec une lumire et un niveau dclairage quivalent. 41mm L : 179 mmLedea Light Reference Prix Htva196-09ww270N 100-240 VAC 9 w 3000 670 SMD3014 / 270 IP20 25000 2 years 43,95196-09cw270N 100-240 VAC 9 w 4000 670 SMD3014 / 270 IP20 25000 2 years 43,95Reference Prix Htva196-15ww270N 100-240 VAC 15 w 3000 1050 SMD3014 / 270 IP20 25000 2 years 59,95196-15cw270N 100-240 VAC 15 w 4000 1050 SMD3014 / 270 IP20 25000 2 years 59,95 34 1

Les Tubes TL-LED sont une alternative idale aux tubes lumineux T-8. - Un allumage direct 100%, une LED na pas besoin de chauffer. - Elle ne contient pas de mercure ou de gaz, ne dgage pas dUV ou de scintillement.-Leur dure de vie est nettement plus longue, en moyenne 3 fois suprieure aux ampoules fluocompactes. -Une consommation 2 fois infrieure. -Les tubes fluocompactes sont un rel problme au niveau cologique, tant en terme de production que de recyclage. Ne contientde gaz, de mercure et ne produit pas dUV ou IR 35 Remplacement des tubes non T8 de 18W grce une puissance lumineuse de prs de 1000 lumen pour une consommation de 10W. Angle de diffusion large de 180 Allumage direct et clairage ne produisant pas de scintillement ni Infrarouge ni UV. Cover opalin PMMA pour une illumination en douceur.10W T8-60 - SMD3528 LED 168p. 28,5 mm L : 604 mm 1

18W T8-120 - SMD3528 LED 336p.Remplacement des tubes non T8 de 36W grce une puissance lumineuse de 1600 lumen. Pour une consommation de 18W. Angle de diffusion large de 180 Allumage direct et clairage ne produisant pas de scintillement, ni Infrarouge ni UV. Cover opalin PMMA pour une illumination en douceur.28,5mm L : 1213 mmReference Prix Htva451-10ww180N T-8 600 mm 10 w 3000 850 SMD / 180 IP20 25000 2 years 39,95451-10nw180N T-8 600 mm 10 w 3000 850 SMD / 180 IP20 25000 2 years 39,95Reference Prix Htva451-18ww180N T-8 : 1200 mm 18 w 3000 1600 SMD / 180 IP20 25000 2 years 65,95451-18nw180N T-8 : 1200 mm 18 w 3000 1600 SMD / 180 IP20 25000 2 years 65,95 36 Une gamme complte etvarie de SpotLED aux lignes contemporaines. SpotLED DownlightCommercial et Industrial LED 2 DecoLED > Diriger lclairage dans une partie de la pice > Eclairer en douceur grce son rflecteur qui permet dviter les dsagrments dun clairage direct. > Remplacement des cloches ampoules fluocompactes. > Une gamme AR111 LED. > Eclairage spcial et dcoratif. > spotLED pour encastrement dans des meubles et placards. > Pour les surfaces commerciales ou espaces de bureaux, les TrackLED, PanelLED ou High Bay lineLED ou IndustrialLED offrent des solutions savrant trs conomiques. 37 > Orientable 2 > Reflector> Downlight> AR111 & HPL Downlight PS DL1039 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz Wattage3W | 9W Afmeting3x1W 105*H96mm | 3x3W 105*H123,5mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid3x1W 219-265 lumen | 3x3W 319-338 lumen Stralingshoek35!45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 3x1W of 3x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 !Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!,,,-&.,/0'.)-1)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%HPL Downlight PS DL1068A Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage6W | 18W Afmeting6x1W 195*H126mm | 6x3W 195*H126mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid6x1W 375-457 lumen | 6x3W 659-707 lumen Stralingshoek35! 45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 6x1W of 6x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+,! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!---.&/-01'/).2)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'(&)*+!,'-.%'(-!"/*#%'/(!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Sheenly Lighting Co., Ltd e-mail: [email protected] http://www.sheenly.com0121!!!"#$%'''#()*Anti-glare AR111 LED Down Light !!!!!!!!!!!! Part Number ! Dimension (mm)! LED Quantity! Voltage (V)! Lumen Output (lm)! Beam!SL-DOW-14W-WW-AN! 385*205*120 "# 100-240 800 15/30/45/60SL-DOW-14W-CW-AN! 385*205*120 "# 100-240 "$$$ 15/30/45/60!!!!!!SL-DOW-12W-XW-RNSheenly V-series AR111 LED Downlight !Shopping Mall !Restaurant !Bank !Office !School !Supermarket !Exclusive Store !Museum !Exhibition Centre !REV 1.202/11/2011Applications !Sheenly new designed V-series AR111 Anti-glare LEDdownlightisarevolutionaryproduct developedtoreplacetraditionalhalogen downlightsforvariouscommercialandretail accent lighting applications. It not only has the advantagesoftraditionaldownlightsbutalso surpassthemwithunexampledcharacteristics. Thislamphasbrillianttexture,appearance, superiorintegratedheatdissipationplatform andprecisesecondarylightreflector technology. SheenlyV-seriesLEDdownlightsbringsthe benefitsoflowheat,lowpowerconsumption, highCRIandlonglife.Itadoptsintegrated packagehighpowerCreeLED,highcolor renderingindexandappropriatebeamangle makemerchandiseandshowpieceattractive and appealing. Part NumberDimension(mm)Power(W)Voltage(V)Color Lumen Output(lm) BeamCRI SL-DOW-12W-XW-RN 172*4812100-240 Warm White220 15 80+ Cool White30075+ SL-DOW-12W-XW-HN185*4812100-240 Warm White220 15 80+ Cool White30075+ SL-DOW-12W-XW-TN150*4612100-240 Warm White220 15 80+ Cool White30075+ !Anti-glare AR111 LED Downlight Specification ! *LED Source: Original Cree 10w LED !SL-DOW-12W-XW-TN! SL-DOW-12W-XW-HN!HPL Downlight PS DL1072 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage1W | 3W Afmeting35*H49mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid1x1W 68-75 lumen | 1x3W 104-139 lumen Stralingshoek38! 50! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 1x1W of 1x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*%! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!+++,&-+./'-),0)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%HPL Downlight PS DLT1050 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DCWattage3W | 9W Afmeting3x1W 119*H35,6mm | 3x3W 119*H35,6mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid3x1W 170-205 lumen | 3x3W 296-328 lumen Stralingshoek60!Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 3x1W of 3x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! 30! Kantelbaar! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar """""#$%&$#$"'(")*+#$,$" " " " " " """"""---.'/-01(/*.2*"!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%Starwire Lighting Co.,LimitedTel: +86-755-27609413Fax: +86-755-27353407 Email: [email protected]:5th floor, No.119,Baoshi South Road, Shiyan Town, Bao'an, Shenzhen, China3W Puck LED Downlight (SW-PK103-C3W)LED quantity: 3 pieces 1W high-power Cree LEDnput: 350mAWattage: 3WDimension: 70mm x H13.5mmLumen: 180-220lmBeam angle: 120 degreesColor Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW)6000-6500K(W))3pcs puck light set (Blister package)38W LED Ceiling Light (SW-DLR215-E38X) Wealso has 30W/20W typenput voltage: 90-260VACLight Source: Epistar 38W chip COB LEDWattage: 38WDimension: 198mm x (H)121mm, Cutout Size- 165mmLumen: 2300-2800lm (38W)Beam Angle: 80Color Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW) 6000-6500K(W)15W LED Ceiling Light (SW-DLR212-E15X)has compatible dimmernput voltage: 90-260VACLight Source: Epistar 15W chip COB LEDWattage: 15WDimension: 132mm x (H)102mm, Cutout Size- 122mmLumen: 800-1200lm (15W)Beam Angle: 80Color Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW) 6000-6500K(W)8W LED Ceiling Light (SW-DLR211-E8X )has compatible dimmernput voltage: 90-260VACLight Source: Epistar 8W chip COB LEDWattage: 8WDimension: 132mm x (H)102mm, Cutout Size- 122mmLumen:480-640lm(8W)Beam Angle: 80Color Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW) 6000-6500K(W)New Product!""#$%%&&&'(")*&+*,-.,/'012 #)3,45416478 +961:(")*&+*,-.,/'012Starwire Lighting Co.,LimitedTel: +86-755-27609413Fax: +86-755-27353407 Email: [email protected]:5th floor, No.119,Baoshi South Road, Shiyan Town, Bao'an, Shenzhen, China3W Puck LED Downlight (SW-PK103-C3W)LED quantity: 3 pieces 1W high-power Cree LEDnput: 350mAWattage: 3WDimension: 70mm x H13.5mmLumen: 180-220lmBeam angle: 120 degreesColor Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW)6000-6500K(W))3pcs puck light set (Blister package)38W LED Ceiling Light (SW-DLR215-E38X) Wealso has 30W/20W typenput voltage: 90-260VACLight Source: Epistar 38W chip COB LEDWattage: 38WDimension: 198mm x (H)121mm, Cutout Size- 165mmLumen: 2300-2800lm (38W)Beam Angle: 80Color Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW) 6000-6500K(W)15W LED Ceiling Light (SW-DLR212-E15X)has compatible dimmernput voltage: 90-260VACLight Source: Epistar 15W chip COB LEDWattage: 15WDimension: 132mm x (H)102mm, Cutout Size- 122mmLumen: 800-1200lm (15W)Beam Angle: 80Color Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW) 6000-6500K(W)8W LED Ceiling Light (SW-DLR211-E8X )has compatible dimmernput voltage: 90-260VACLight Source: Epistar 8W chip COB LEDWattage: 8WDimension: 132mm x (H)102mm, Cutout Size- 122mmLumen:480-640lm(8W)Beam Angle: 80Color Temperature: 2800-3300K(WW) 6000-6500K(W)New Product!""#$%%&&&'(")*&+*,-.,/'012 #)3,45416478 +961:(")*&+*,-.,/'012> mini > FlatLED > TrackLED > PanelLED > Photo Part Number Specification UnitSamples 50-500 More than 500 RollLSP-300R-5000-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, Red,12VDCUS$29.41 US$27.31 US$25.49 RollLSP-300Y-5000-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long,Yellow, 12VDCUS$29.41 US$27.31 US$25.49 RollLSP-300B-5000-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, Blue,12VDCUS$29.41 US$27.31 US$25.49 RollLSP-300G-5000-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long,Green, 12VDCUS$29.41 US$27.31 US$25.49 RollLSP-300WW-5000-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, WarmWhite, 12VDCUS$29.41 US$27.31 US$25.49 RollLSP-300CW-5000-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, ColdWhite, 12VDCUS$29.41 US$27.31 US$25.49 RollSamples 50-500 More than 500 RollLSP-300R-5000P-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, Red,12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$36.20 US$33.61 US$31.37 RollLSP-300Y-5000P-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long,Yellow, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$36.20 US$33.61 US$31.37 RollLSP-300B-5000P-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, Blue,12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$36.20 US$33.61 US$31.37 RollLSP-300G-5000P-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long,Green, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$36.20 US$33.61 US$31.37 RollLSP-300WW-5000P-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, WarmWhite, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$36.20 US$33.61 US$31.37 Roll!"#! "#$%#$%&'&(&!("#$$EXW Shenzhen3528 Flexible Strip-60LED/M-IP20)**+#$ ,-./0"+#$,'&&1(&'3528 Flexible Strip-60LED/M-IP68Price List of DecoStrip SeriesLRS-030WW-0500-L1Superbright LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 500mmlong, Warm White, 12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsLRS-030CW-0500-L1Superbright LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 500mmlong, Cold White, 12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsLRS-030WW-0580-L1Superbright LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 580mmlong, Warm White, 12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsLRS-030CW-0580-L1Superbright LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 580mmlong, Cold White, 12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsLRS-030WW-0700-L1Superbright LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 700mmlong, Warm White, 12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsLRS-030CW-0700-L1Superbright LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 700mmlong, Cold White, 12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsSamples 50-500 More than 500 pcsLRS-030T-0500-L1LED RGB Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 500mm long, RGB,12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsLRS-030T-0580-L1LED RGB Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 580mm long, RGB,12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsLRS-030T-0700-L1LED RGB Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 700mm long, RGB,12VDCUS$12.44 US$11.55 US$10.78 pcsSamples 50-500 More than 500 pcsLAR-030R-0580-L1Aluminum LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 580mm long,Red, 12VDC, WaterproofUS$14.71 US$13.66 US$12.75 pcsLAR-030Y-0580-L1Aluminum LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 580mm long,Yellow, 12VDC, WaterproofUS$14.71 US$13.66 US$12.75 pcsLAR-030B-0580-L1Aluminum LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 580mm long,Blue, 12VDC, WaterproofUS$14.71 US$13.66 US$12.75 pcsLAR-030G-0580-L1Aluminum LED Rigid Strip, SMD 5060, 30leds, 580mm long,Green, 12VDC, WaterproofUS$14.71 US$13.66 US$12.75 pcsRemarks!Different LED quantities and lengthes can be customized upon requests.5050 Aluminium Rigid stripRemarks!Red, Yellow, Blue and Green colors are also available.Different LED quantities and lengthes can be customized upon requests.5050 RGB Rigid strip :GE-00068 greenearth!"#$%&'&(#)$*+(TEL:+86 755 2738 2862 FAX:+86 7 55 8295 6859 Email:info @ Web: www. . greenearthcn comNO. Specifications Beam angle1 5050 Not waterproof 0 5m . 1201201201202345050 waterproof 0 5m .5050 not waterproof 1m5050 waterproof 1mDC12VDC12VDC12VDC12V155050 not waterproof 0 5m .5050 waterproof 0 5m .5050 not waterproof 1m5050 waterproof 1m120120120120DC12VDC12VDC12VDC12V5678153030303060603.6W3.6W7.2W7.2W7.2W7.2W14.4W14.4WIp33Ip65Ip33Ip65Ip33Ip65Ip33Ip6518.4*7.5*520mm18.4*7.5*520mm18.4*7.5*1020mm18.4*7.5*520mm18.4*7.5*520mm18.4*7.5*1020mm18.4*7.5*1020mm18.4*7.5*1020mmCharacters:Aluminum plate,aluminum combined assembed closely, toensure good heat dissipation.color temperature optional, required preparation,inputvoltage optional:DC12V,DC24Vexcept above size, led qty and the length could be made bycustomer's requirement.Use of external power supply, low voltage work, safe and reliableLife of up to 50,000 hours, energy saving,Environmental protectionSeamless connectivity, maximum current can be achieved 5A,10M15W 28Wsingle color strip wiring diagram+-Power Driver144~180LM144~180LM360~450LM720~900LM360~450LM360~450LM360~450LM720~900LMLED qty Input wattage size waterproof input voltageAddress:6-Floor,1-Building,No.29,Makan,Xili,Nanshan district,Shenzhen City 518055,China.lum fluxled-15w equal to 28Wof Halogen tube-T5,saving 13W,if yearly work hours 18*365=6750HrsYearly energy saving:8760*13/1000=113.8LED Rigid StripModel NoLSP-300CW-5000P-L1LED Flexible Strip, SMD 3528, 300leds, 5000mm long, ColdWhite, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$36.20 US$33.61 US$31.37 RollSamples 50-500 More than 500 RollLSS-150R-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Red, 12VDCUS$42.99 US$39.92 US$37.25 RollLSS-150Y-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Yellow, 12VDCUS$42.99 US$39.92 US$37.25 RollLSS-150B-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Blue, 12VDCUS$42.99 US$39.92 US$37.25 RollLSS-150G-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Green, 12VDCUS$42.99 US$39.92 US$37.25 RollLSS-150WW-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Warm white, 12VDCUS$42.99 US$39.92 US$37.25 RollLSS-150CW-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Cold white, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$42.99 US$39.92 US$37.25 RollLSS-150T-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, RGB, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$47.51 US$44.12 US$41.18 RollSamples 50-500 More than 500 RollLSS-150R-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Red, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$50.90 US$47.27 US$44.12 RollLSS-150Y-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Yellow, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$50.90 US$47.27 US$44.12 RollLSS-150B-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Blue, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$50.90 US$47.27 US$44.12 RollLSS-150G-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Green, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$50.90 US$47.27 US$44.12 RollLSS-150WW-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Warm white, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$50.90 US$47.27 US$44.12 RollLSS-150CW-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, Cold white, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$50.90 US$47.27 US$44.12 RollLSS-150T-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 150leds, 5000mmlong, RGB, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$55.43 US$51.47 US$48.04 Roll5050 Flexible strip-30LED/M-IP205050 Flexible strip-30LED/M-IP68Samples 50-500 More than 500 RollLSS-300R-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Red, 12VDCUS$73.53 US$68.28 US$63.73 RollLSS-300Y-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Yellow, 12VDCUS$73.53 US$68.28 US$63.73 RollLSS-300B-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Blue, 12VDCUS$73.53 US$68.28 US$63.73 RollLSS-300G-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Green, 12VDCUS$73.53 US$68.28 US$63.73 RollLSS-300WW-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Warm white, 12VDCUS$73.53 US$68.28 US$63.73 RollLSS-300CW-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Cold white, 12VDCUS$73.53 US$68.28 US$63.73 RollLSS-300T-5000-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, RGB, 12VDCUS$79.19 US$73.53 US$68.63 RollSamples 50-500 More than 500 RollLSS-300R-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Red, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$80.32 US$74.58 US$69.61 RollLSS-300Y-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Yellow, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$80.32 US$74.58 US$69.61 RollLSS-300B-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Blue, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$80.32 US$74.58 US$69.61 RollLSS-300G-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Green, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$80.32 US$74.58 US$69.61 RollLSS-300WW-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Warm white, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$80.32 US$74.58 US$69.61 RollLSS-300CW-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, Cold white, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$80.32 US$74.58 US$69.61 RollLSS-300T-5000P-L1Superbright LED Flexible Strip, SMD 5060, 300leds, 5000mmlong, RGB, 12VDC, IP68 waterproofUS$85.97 US$79.83 US$74.51 RollSamples 50-500 More than 500 pcs 5050 LED Rigid strip5050 Flexible strip-60LED/M-IP685050 Flexible strip-60LED/M-IP20> High Bay LED > Orientable catema & bridge Page 48 Page 38 Page 58 38 > SpotLED Downlight 2 Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 240VAC 50-60HZ 700 mA.. Equivaut un spot halogne de 50W. CRI > 8012W (4x3w) CREE orientable version dimmable disponible Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 240VAC 50-60HZ 700 mA.. Equivaut un spot halogne de 50 75 W 40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie Cut :80mm Finition : 90 mmCut :80mm Finition : 90 mmHPL Downlight PS DLT1009 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingwit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage3W | 9W Afmeting3x1W 90*H75mm | 3x3W 90*H103,5mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid3x1W 178-206 lumen | 3x3W 282-338 lumen Stralingshoek35! 45! 60!Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 3x1W of 3x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! 20! Kantelbaar! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar """""#$%&$#$"'(")*+#$$," " " " " " """"""---.'/-01(/*.2*"!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%9W (3x3w) CREE orientable version dimmable disponible Un spotLED orientable blanc mat alliant simplicit et performance Reference Prix Htva211-09ww35Nw 220-240V AC 9 w 3000 380 CREE / 35 IP20 40000 2 years 44,95211-09ww35Dw 220-240V AC 9 w 3000 380 CREE DIM 35 IP20 40000 2 years 49,95211-12ww35Nw 220-240V AC 12 w 3000 600 CREE / 35 IP20 40000 2 years 49,95211-12cw35Nw 220-240V AC 12 w 4000 600 CREE / 35 IP20 40000 2 years 49,95211-12ww35Dw 220-240V AC 12 w 4000 600 CREE DIM 35 IP20 40000 2 years 55,95 39 HPL Downlight PS DL1039 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz Wattage3W | 9W Afmeting3x1W 105*H96mm | 3x3W 105*H123,5mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid3x1W 219-265 lumen | 3x3W 319-338 lumen Stralingshoek35!45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 3x1W of 3x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 !Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!,,,-&.,/0'.)-1)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 240VAC 50-60HZ 700 mA. Equivaut un spot halogne de 100 W. 40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 15 W (5x3w) CREE Reflector Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 240VAC 50-60HZ 700 mA.. Equivaut un spot halogne de 100 W ou les cloches quipes de lampes 2X14W dites conomiques. CRI > 75. 40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 18W (6x3w) CREE Reflector existe en version opaque Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 240VAC 50-60HZ 700 mA. Equivaut un spot halogne de 50W 75W grce 4 chip CREE de 3W. CRI > 75.40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie Cut :170mm Finition : 195 mmCut :94mm Finition : 110 mmCut :135 mm Finition : 155 mmHPL Downlight PS DL1039 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz Wattage3W | 9W Afmeting3x1W 105*H96mm | 3x3W 105*H123,5mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid3x1W 219-265 lumen | 3x3W 319-338 lumen Stralingshoek35!45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 3x1W of 3x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 !Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!,,,-&.,/0'.)-1)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%HPL Downlight PS DL1069 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage5W | 15W Afmeting5x1W 155*H146mm | 5x3W 155*H146mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid5x1W 312-415 lumen | 5x3W 556-606 lumen Stralingshoek35!45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 5x1W of 5x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!,,,-&.,/0'.)-1)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+% 2 HPL Downlight PS DL1068A Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage6W | 18W Afmeting6x1W 195*H126mm | 6x3W 195*H126mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid6x1W 375-457 lumen | 6x3W 659-707 lumen Stralingshoek35! 45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 6x1W of 6x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+,! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!---.&/-01'/).2)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%HPL Downlight PS DL1068A Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage6W | 18W Afmeting6x1W 195*H126mm | 6x3W 195*H126mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid6x1W 375-457 lumen | 6x3W 659-707 lumen Stralingshoek35! 45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 6x1W of 6x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+,! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!---.&/-01'/).2)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%15W18W 12W (4x3w) CREE Reflector version dimmable disponible 12W HPL Downlight PS DL1039 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz Wattage3W | 9W Afmeting3x1W 105*H96mm | 3x3W 105*H123,5mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid3x1W 219-265 lumen | 3x3W 319-338 lumen Stralingshoek35!45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 3x1W of 3x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 !Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!,,,-&.,/0'.)-1)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%HPL Downlight PS DL1068A Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage6W | 18W Afmeting6x1W 195*H126mm | 6x3W 195*H126mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid6x1W 375-457 lumen | 6x3W 659-707 lumen Stralingshoek35! 45! 60! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 6x1W of 6x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*+,! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!---.&/-01'/).2)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%Un spotLED Reflector Reference Prix Htva212-12ww35Nw 220-240V AC 12 w 3000 340 CREE XR-E P3 / 35 IP20 40000 2 years 54,95212-12ww35Dw 220-240V AC 12 w 3000 340 CREE XR-E P3 DIM 35 IP20 40000 2 years 59,95222-15ww40Nw 220-240V AC 15 w 3000 510 CREE /40 IP20 40000 2 years 89,95222-15cw40Nw 220-240V AC 15 w 4000 590 CREE / 40 IP20 40000 2 years 89,95222-18ww40Nw 220-240V AC 18 w 3000 660 CREE /40 IP20 40000 2 years 105,95222-18cw40Nw 220-240V AC 18 w 4000 710 CREE / 40 IP20 40000 2 years 105,95222-18ww40NO 220-240V AC 18 w 3000 660 CREE /40 IP20 40000 2 years 105,95222-18cw40NO 220-240V AC 18 w 4000 710 CREE / 40 IP20 40000 2 years 105,95 40 2 Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 220v. Equivaut un spot halogne de 50W. CRI > 82 pour le blanc chaleureux.40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 12W (4x3w) CREE orientable dimmableSpot intgr complet pour branchement en 220v. Equivaut un spot halogne de 50 75 W. CRI > 82 pour le blanc chaleureux. 40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie Cut :70-75mm Finition : 90 mmCut :70-75mm Finition : 90 mm10W (3x3w) CREE orientable dimmableUn spotLED orientableintgrant la technologie Catema La technologie Catema offre un look et un effet similaire lampoule halogne classique grce lutilisationoptimalise dun rflecteur. MR16 DOWNLIGHT CAMETA + DRIVERKL-DL-033BEAM ANGLE 24 DEG WWDistance (m) Avg./Max. E (lux) Diameter (m)1 1923/2660 0.282 481/665 0.563 214/296 0.844 120/166 1.125 77/106 1.40BEAM ANGLE 38 DEG WWDistance (m) Avg./Max. E (lux) Diameter (m)1 1375/1980 0.562 344/482 1.123 153/214 1.684 86/121 2.245 55/77 2.80BEAM ANGLE 60 DEG WWDistance (m) Avg./Max. E (lux) Diameter (m)1 524/880 1.082 131/220 2.163 58/98 3.244 33/55 4.325 21/35 5.40High effciencyAnti-glareUnique and stylish in lookOptical ParametersProduct code Output Current (mA) Voltage (V) Wattage (W) Power Factor Lifetime (hrs) Beam Angle (0) Colour CRI Luminous Flux (lm) MAX. Intensity (cd) DimmableKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 24 WW 82 560 2660 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 24 NW 82 616 2926 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 24 CW 80 630 2993 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 38 WW 82 560 1377 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 38 NW 82 616 1515 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 38 CW 80 630 1550 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 60 WW 82 560 628 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 60 NW 82 616 698 YesKL-DL-033 500 110/230 10 0.95 40,000 60 CW 80 630 714 Yes9.Lutilisation des nouvelles chips* LED CREE XP-E HEW (High Efficiency White) permet de dlivrer un flux lumineux plus important avec un voltage plus faible et donc une rsistance la chaleur galement moindre, ce qui garantit une dure de vie plus fiable et de nouvelles applications. * The first high-power LEDs featuring Crees new Direct Attach LED technology Reference Prix Htva214-10ww38D 230VAC / terminal 10 w 3000 460 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 38 IP40 40000 3 years 55,95214-10nw38D 230VAC / terminal 10 w 4200 530 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 38 IP40 40000 3 years 55,95214-12ww38D 230VAC / terminal 12 w 3000 516 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 38 IP40 40000 3 years 59,95214-12nw38D 230VAC / terminal 12 w 4200 671 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 38 IP40 40000 3 years 59,95 41 2 Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 220v. Equivaut un spot halogne de 75 W 100W. CRI > 82 pour le blanc chaleureux. 40.000 heures 2 ans de garantie Cut :120-125mm Finition : 135 mm22W (7x3w) CREE Hew orientable dimmableUn spotLED orientableintgrant la technologie Reflector Bridge Lutilisation des nouvelles chips* LED CREE XP-E HEW (High Efficiency White) permet de dlivrer un flux lumineux plus important avec un voltage plus faible et donc une rsistance la chaleur galement moindre, ce qui garantit une dure de vie plus fiable et de nouvelles applications. * The first high-power LEDs featuring Crees new Direct Attach LED technology La technologie Bridge offre un look et un effet similaire lampoule halogne AR111 grce lutilisation optimalise dun rflecteur. Reference Prix Htva224-22ww25N 220-240V AC 22 w 3000 910 CREE XP-E HEW / 25 IP20 40000 3 years 109,95224-22nw25N 220-240V AC 22 w 5000 970 CREE XP-E HEW / 25 IP20 40000 3 years 109,95224-22ww25D 220-240V AC 22 w 3000 910 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 25 IP20 40000 3 years 109,95224-22nw25D 220-240V AC 22 w 5000 970 CREE XP-E HEW DIM 25 IP20 40000 3 years 109,95 42 2 Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 240VAC 50-60HZ 700 mA. Idal pour remplacer les cloches de 2X14W. 35.000 heures 2 ans de garantie 16W CREE SpotLED - Flat - dimmable Cut :178mm Finition : 197 mm Hauteur : 78 mmIdal pour lclairage des couloirs, de bureauxou dun magasin. Lalternative aux cloches PL de 2x 14W ou 2x 18W, le downlight LED est 2 fois plus conomique, sallume directement et est dimmable. De plus, il ne contient pas de mercure et sa dure de vie est2 4 fois plus longue. >SpotLEDdownl i ght Colour Part No.20350501AACentral Intensity(cd)2600Lumen(Im)270 2800Colour Temp. (3)(K)AA indicated approval applicable (and packing detail) : 05 = CE version ; 29 = CCC versionWarm WhiteSeriesARRAY 1x1Power(W)1120360501AA 2600 540 2800 Warm White ARRAY 1x2 2220370501AA 2600 830 2800 Warm White ARRAY 1x3 3380CRI(Ra)80 20BeamAngle2080 2080 20 20230501AA 2600 1150 2800 Warm White ARRAY 2x2 45LED FIXTURES I ARRAYMKT-026-09/01/10(1)For Indoor use only.(2)Contents and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.(3)Color Temp. (Typical).207.6mm207.6mm119mm32mm72mm140mm372mm208mm119.5mm87.5mm72mm167.2mm538mm207.6mm230mm498mm360mm360mm334mm141mm87.5mm127.5mmCopyright 2010 OPTILED. All Rights Reserved.Reference Prix Htva225-15ww70D 220-240V AC 15 w 2800 650 CREE DIM 70 IP20 40000 2 years 105,95225-15cw70D 220-240V AC 15 w 4000 700 CREE DIM 70 IP20 40000 2 years 105,95 43 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'(&)*+!,'-.%'(-!"/*#%'/(!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Sheenly Lighting Co., Ltde-mail: [email protected]:// 0121!!!"#$%'''#()*Anti-glare AR111 LED Down Light !!!!!!!!!!!! Part Number ! Dimension (mm)! LED Quantity! Voltage (V)! Lumen Output (lm)! Beam!SL-DOW-14W-WW-AN! 385*205*120! "#! 100-240! 800! 15/30/45/60!SL-DOW-14W-CW-AN! 385*205*120! "#! 100-240! "$$$! 15/30/45/60!!!!!!!SL-DOW-12W-XW-RN Sheenly V-series AR111 LED Downlight !Shopping Mall !Restaurant !Bank !Office !School !Supermarket !Exclusive Store !Museum !Exhibition Centre !REV 1.2 02/11/2011 Applications !Sheenly new designed V-series AR111 Anti-glare LEDdownlightisarevolutionaryproduct developedtoreplacetraditionalhalogen downlightsforvariouscommercialandretail accent lighting applications. It not only has the advantagesoftraditionaldownlightsbutalso surpassthemwithunexampledcharacteristics. Thislamphasbrillianttexture,appearance, superiorintegratedheatdissipationplatform andprecisesecondarylightreflector technology. SheenlyV-seriesLEDdownlightsbringsthe benefitsoflowheat,lowpowerconsumption, highCRIandlonglife.Itadoptsintegrated packagehighpowerCreeLED,highcolor renderingindexandappropriatebeamangle makemerchandiseandshowpieceattractive and appealing. Part NumberDimension(mm)Power(W)Voltage(V)Color Lumen Output(lm) BeamCRI SL-DOW-12W-XW-RN 172*4812100-240 Warm White220 15 80+ Cool White30075+ SL-DOW-12W-XW-HN185*4812100-240 Warm White220 15 80+ Cool White30075+ SL-DOW-12W-XW-TN150*4612100-240 Warm White220 15 80+ Cool White30075+ !Anti-glare AR111 LED Downlight Specification !*LED Source: Original Cree 10w LED !SL-DOW-12W-XW-TN!! SL-DOW-12W-XW-HN!! 2 Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 220v. Il garantit un clairage semblable celui que propose une AR111 halogne grce lutilisation dun Bridge dans lequel est dispos une LED CREE de 12W. Un effet reflector pour une consommation nettement rduite.Equivaut un spot halogne de 50W. CRI > 80 3 ans de garantie 12W (1x12w) CREE SpotLED AR111 Cut :160mm Finition : 172 mm Hauteur : 48 mm! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'(&)*+!,'-.%'(-!"/*#%'/(!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Sheenly Lighting Co., Ltde-mail: [email protected]:// 0121!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Accent Factor Sheenly Lighting Co., LTD No. 88 Zhuyuan Road, Minhang District Shanghai 201112, China Tel: (+86)-21-6411 3138 Fax:(+86)-21-6411 3138 - 632 CRI !Shopping Mall Restaurant Bank Office School Supermarket Exclusive Store Museum Exhibition Centre !Shopping Mall !Restaurant !Bank !Office !School !Supermarket !Exclusive Store !Museum !Exhibition Centre *All specifications subject to change without notice. 2010 Sheenly Lighting all rights reserved.!!AccentingFactor(AF)isanindexforhighlightingeffect.ThedifferenceofAFcan initiate different visual impact. !!!CRIindexshouldnotbelessthan 70 in most applications in order to enablepeopletodifferentiate variouscolorsandworkmore efficiently and correctly. 2:1 Obvious effect!5:1 Low dramatic effect 15:1 Dramatic effect!30:1 Vivid effect!50:1 Very vivid effect!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'(&)*+!,'-.%'(-!"/*#%'/(!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Sheenly Lighting Co., Ltde-mail: [email protected]:// 0121!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Accent Factor Sheenly Lighting Co., LTD No. 88 Zhuyuan Road, Minhang District Shanghai 201112, China Tel: (+86)-21-6411 3138 Fax:(+86)-21-6411 3138 - 632 CRI !Shopping Mall Restaurant Bank Office School Supermarket Exclusive Store Museum Exhibition Centre !Shopping Mall !Restaurant !Bank !Office !School !Supermarket !Exclusive Store !Museum !Exhibition Centre *All specifications subject to change without notice. 2010 Sheenly Lighting all rights reserved.!!AccentingFactor(AF)isanindexforhighlightingeffect.ThedifferenceofAFcan initiate different visual impact. !!!CRIindexshouldnotbelessthan 70 in most applications in order to enablepeopletodifferentiate variouscolorsandworkmore efficiently and correctly. 2:1 Obvious effect!5:1 Low dramatic effect 15:1 Dramatic effect!30:1 Vivid effect!50:1 Very vivid effect!!>SpotLEDdownl i ghtrefl ector Un effet identique aux ampoules AR111 halognes. Lalternative parfaite pour une installation nouvelle, le downlight LED comprend larmature et lampoule AR111 avec un bridge dissimulant une chip LED CREE de 12W. Fini le remplacement dampoule prvoir Reference Prix Htva223-12ww15N 220-240V AC 11 w 3000 220 CREE / 15 IP20 40000 3 years 99,95223-12cw15N 220-240V AC 11 w 5000 300 CREE / 15 IP20 40000 3 years 99,95 44 2 Colour Part No.20350501AACentral Intensity(cd)2600Lumen(Im)270 2800Colour Temp. (3)(K)AA indicated approval applicable (and packing detail) : 05 = CE version ; 29 = CCC versionWarm WhiteSeriesARRAY 1x1Power(W)1120360501AA 2600 540 2800 Warm White ARRAY 1x2 2220370501AA 2600 830 2800 Warm White ARRAY 1x3 3380CRI(Ra)80 20BeamAngle2080 2080 20 20230501AA 2600 1150 2800 Warm White ARRAY 2x2 45LED FIXTURES I ARRAYMKT-026-09/01/10(1)For Indoor use only.(2)Contents and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.(3)Color Temp. (Typical).207.6mm207.6mm119mm32mm72mm140mm372mm208mm119.5mm87.5mm72mm167.2mm538mm207.6mm230mm498mm360mm360mm334mm141mm87.5mm127.5mmCopyright 2010 OPTILED. All Rights Reserved.ColourPart No.20350501AACentral Intensity(cd)2600Lumen(Im)2702800Colour Temp. (3)(K)AA indicated approval applicable (and packing detail) : 05 = CE version ; 29 = CCC versionWarm WhiteSeriesARRAY 1x1Power(W)1120360501AA26005402800Warm WhiteARRAY 1x22220370501AA26008302800Warm WhiteARRAY 1x33380CRI(Ra)8020BeamAngle208020802020230501AA260011502800Warm WhiteARRAY 2x245LED FIXTURES I ARRAYM K T - 0 2 6 - 0 9 / 0 1 / 1 0(1) For Indoor use only.(2) Contents and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.(3) Color Temp. (Typical).207.6mm2 0 7 . 6 m m1 1 9 m m3 2 m m72mm140mm3 7 2 m m208mm1 1 9 . 5 m m8 7 . 5 m m72mm167.2mm538mm207.6mm230mm498mm3 6 0 m m360mm334mm141mm87.5mm127.5mmCopyright 2010 OPTILED. All Rights Reserved.Le spotLED AR111ARRAY de OptiLED. Ce spot a reu un award pour son design et sa nouvelle technique de bridge dans laquelle la LED CREE est place pour reproduire le mme effet que les ampoules AR111 classiques.>SpotLEDArrayAR111 Un effet identique aux ampoules AR111 halognes. 45 2 En 3 spots, il offre une foule dapplications possibles.Sa finition fleur de plafond promet une discretion et un design parfait. 11W SpotLED AR111 Array CREE2x11W SpotLED AR111 Array CREE 3x11W SpotLED AR111 Array CREE4x11W SpotLED AR111 Array CREE Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 220v. Equivaut 2 spots halognes de 50W 1En 4 spots, il offre une foule dapplications possibles.Sa finition fleur de plafond promet une discretion et un design parfait. 2 Reference Prix Htva223-11ww20N 12VAC/DC 11,0 3000 270 CREE / 20 IP40 40000 2 years 105,95Reference Prix Htva223-22ww20N 12VAC/DC 22,0 3000 540 CREE / 20 IP40 40000 2 years 214,95Reference Prix Htva223-33ww20N 12VAC/DC 33,0 3000 830 CREE / 20 IP40 40000 2 years 284,95Reference Prix Htva223-33ww20N 12VAC/DC 33,0 3000 830 CREE / 20 IP40 40000 2 years 284,95 46 Spot intgr complet pour branchement en 240VAC 50-60HZ 700 mA. Discret et design, ce spot existe en 1 watt ou 3 watts. Il nest pas plus grand que 3 cm de diamtre ! CRI > 75. 3W (1x3w) CREE mini Cut :31mm Finition : 35 mm 2 HPL Downlight PS DL1072 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage1W | 3W Afmeting35*H49mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid1x1W 68-75 lumen | 1x3W 104-139 lumen Stralingshoek38! 50! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 1x1W of 1x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Garantie: 2 jaar !!!!!"#$%#"#!&'!()"#*%! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!+++,&-+./'-),0)!!"#$%&'(%)*"'(+%HPL Downlight PS DL1072 Technische Specificaties Behuizingaluminium Afwerkingzilver, chroom, wit glans, wit mat Temperatuur-20! C ~ 50! C CertificaatCE RoHS Levensduur>30.000 uur LichtbronHigh Power LED Lichtkleur3000K | 6000KVoltage100-240 AC | 50-60 Hz of 12 V DC Wattage1W | 3W Afmeting35*H49mm Cos Phi>0,85 Helderheid1x1W 68-75 lumen | 1x3W 104-139 lumen Stralingshoek38! 50! Omschrijving ! Helder bij gebruik van 1x1W of 1x3W High Power LED ! Duurzaam product ! Meer dan 90% lichtopbrengst ! Kleurweergave (CRI): >75 ! Ga