cassette recorder owner's guide - sears parts direct

MITSUBISHI Video Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide J (DO VCR Plus+ GOLD, C 3, AIISet and PlusCode are trademarks of Gemsta_ Development Corporation. The VCR Plus+ GOLD system is manufactured under license from Gemstar Development Corporation. With the VCR Plus+ GOLD system, this video cassette recorder can automatically select the appropriate channel on your compatible cable box or satellite receiver. S_] his Video Cassette Recorder is based on the S-VHS and VI--ISformats. Only video cassette tapes with the ,_ mark or the _ mark may be used with this model.

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Page 1: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct






VCR Plus+ GOLD, C 3, AIISet and PlusCode are trademarks of Gemsta_ DevelopmentCorporation. The VCR Plus+ GOLD system is manufactured under license from GemstarDevelopment Corporation.

With the VCR Plus+ GOLD system, this video cassette recorder can automatically select theappropriate channel on your compatible cable box or satellite receiver.

S_] his Video Cassette Recorder is based on the S-VHS and VI--ISformats. Only video cassette tapes withthe ,_ mark or the _ mark may be used with this model.

Page 2: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct






The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, _ithinan equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the userto the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage"within the product's enclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electricshock to persons.

The exclamation point within an equilateral[triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence

of important operating; and maintenance (servicing)instructions in the literature accompanying theproduct.






Page 3: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


Important Safeguards .................................... 2

PrefaceWelcome to Mitsubishi ................................... 5

Unpacking Your VCR ...................................... 5

Chapter OneGetting to Know Your VCR ........................... 6

Front Panel Buttons and Functions ............... 6

Fluorescent Display ......................................... 7Overview of the Remote Control ..................... 9Rear Panel Terminals ................................... 11

Chapter Two

Connecting Your VCR .................................. 12Connecting the Antenna or Cable

to the VCR .................................................. 12

Connecting cable antennas ........................ 12

Connecting other antennas ....................... 13Connecting separate UHF/VHF

antennas .................................................. 14

Connecting the Television ............................. 15

Determining if you need a splitter ............ 15Connecting the VCR to an older TV .......... 16

Connecting a TV with audio andvideo inputs ............................................. 17

Connecting a DSS ®or PRIMESTAR ®Receiver (optional) ..................................... 18

Connecting the A/V Network (optional) ....... 20

Chapter Three

Operating Your VCR ..................................... 21

Setting Up Your VCR for the First Time ..... 21Setting up your VCR if you are using a

TV equipped with Audio and VideoInputs (Modern TV) ................................ 21

Setting up your VCR if you are using aTV without Audio and Video Inputs(Older TV) ............................................... 22

Using the Remote Control ............................. 22

Using the remote control to operate• the VCR ................................................... 22

Using the remote control to operatethe TV ...................................................... 24

Viewing the Picture Coming fromYour VCR ................................................... 25

Loading and Unloading Tapes ...................... 26

Playing a Tape ............................................... 27Playing back a tape .................................... 27

Using basic playback controls ................... 27Using the Menus to Set Up Your VCR ......... 28

Using the AllSet TM feature to set up yourVCR automatically ................................. 28

Using video mute ....................................... 34

Adding and deleting channels ................... 34Selecting a channel .................................... 35

Setting the Clock ............................................ 36Using the auto clock function ..................... 36

Setting the clock manually ......................... 38

Setting the VCR Plus+ _ Guide Channe:[Numbers ..................................................... 39

Using the Audio and Video Functions ........... 42Descriptions of audio functions ................. 43

Descriptions of video functions .................. 44Selecting and adjusting the audio and

video functions ........................................ 45

Recording ........................................................ 45

Recording a current broadcast .................. 46Programming your VCR to record ............. 47

Programming with the VCR Plus+ ®

system ...................................................... 50Using Quick Program ................................. 51

Using One-Touch Recording (OTR) ............ 52

Using One Key Programming .................... 53Notes about programmed recording ........... 56

Chapter Four

Using the Advanced Features ..................... 59

Using the Advanced Playback Controls ....... 59Using special effects .................................... 59

Adjusting the tracking ............................... 60Using the time counter .............................. 61

Using the Advanced Recording Control,'; ...... 61

Using the PerfecTape * feature .................. 62

Displaying the time gauge and theremaining time ....................................... 63

Displaying the present time ...................... 64Searching Techniques .................................... 64

Quick searching (CM skip) ......................... 64Edit searching ............................................. 65

Speed searching .......................................... 65Using counter zero stop .............................. 66

Index search technique_ ............................. 66Using the .Advanced OpLicns ........................ 67

Using t:he auto power saving (auto-off) ..... 67Setting the RF converter ........................... 68

Using the Active A/V Network TM Features .... 68

Making a Copy of a Tape .............................. 69

Using your HS-U780 to record fromanother VCR ............................................ 70

Using your HS-U780 to play back toanother VCR ............................................ 71

Using edit control ........................................ 72

Using Child Lock ........................................... 72

Chapter FiveTroubleshooting .............................................. 73

Index .................................................................. 75

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Read Instructions

All the safety and operating instructionsshould be read before the product isoperated.

Retain Instructions

The safety and operating instructionsshould be retained for future reference.








Heed WarningsAll warnings on the product and in theoperating instructions should be adheredto.

Follow InstructionsAll operating and use instructions shouldbe followed.

CleaningUnplug this product from the wall outletbefore cleaning. Do not use liquid cleanersor aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth forcleaning.

AttachmentsDo not use attachments not recommendedby the product manufacturer as they maycause hazards.

Water and Moisture

Do not use this product near water -- forexample, near a bath tub, wash bowl,kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wetbasement, or near a swimming pool, andthe like.

AccessoriesDo not place this product on an unstable"cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. Theproduct may fall, causing serious injury toa child or adult, and serious damage tothe product. Use only with a cart, stand,tripod, bracket, or table recommended bythe manufacturer, or sold with the prod-uct. Any mounting of the product shouldfollow the manufacturer's instructions,and should use a mounting accessoryrecommended by the manufacturer.

A :product and cart combination should bemoved with care. Quick stops, excessiveforce, and uneven surfaces may cause theproduct and cart combination to overturn.





Slots and openings in the cabinet areprovided for ventilatiol] and to ensurereliable operation of the product and toprotect it from overheating, and th_seopenings must not be blocked or covered.The openings should never be blocked byplacing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, orother similar surface. This product shouldnot be placed in a built-in installationsuch as a bookcase or rack unless properventilation is provided or themanufacturer's instructions have beenadhered to.

Power Sources

This product should be operated on][y fromthe type of power source indicated on themarking label. If you are not sure of thetype of power supply to your home,consult your product d_aler or local powercompany. For products intended tooperate from battery power or othersources, refer to the operating instruc-tions.

Grounding or Polariza_;ionThis product may be equipped with apolarized alternating-current line plug (aplug having one blade wider than theother). This plug will into the poweroutlet only one way. This is a safetyfeature. If you are unable to insert theplug fully into the outlet, try reversingthe plug. If the plug should still fail to fit,contact :your electrician to replace yourobsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safetypurpose of the polarized plug.

Page 5: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

13. Power-CordProtectionPower-supplycordsshouldberoutedsothat theyarenotlikely to bewalkedonorpinchedbyitemsplaceduponoragainstthem,payingparticularattentionto cordsat plugs,conveniencereceptacles,andthepointwheretheyexit fromtheproduct.

14. OutdoorAntennaGroundingIf anoutsideantennaorcablesystemisconnectedtotheproduct,besuretheantennaorcablesystemisgroundedsoasto providesomeprotectionagainstvoltagesurgesandbuilt-upstaticcharges.

Article810oftheNationalElectricalCode,ANSUNFPA70,providesinforma-tionwith regardtopropergroundingofthemastandsupportingstructure,groundingofthe lead-inwireto anantennadischargeunit, sizeofgroundingconductors,locationofantenna-dischargeunit, connectionto groundingelectrodes,andrequirementsforthegroundingelectrode.





(NEC SECTION 810-20)







15. LightningFor added protection for this productduring a lightning storm, or when it isleft unattended and unused for longperiods of time, unplug it from the walloutlet and disconnect the antenna orcable system. This will prevent damage tothe product due to lightning and power-line surges.






Power LinesAn outside antenna system should, not belocated in the vicinity of overhead powerlines or other electric light or powercircuits, or where it can fall into suchpower lines or circuit_. When installingan outside antenna system, extreme careshould be taken to :keep from touchingsuch power lines or circuits as contactwith them might be fatal.

OverloadingDo not overload wall outlets, exterLsioncords, and integral convenience recep-tacles as this can result in a risk of"fire orelectric shock.

Object and Liquid EntryNever push objects of any kind into thisproduct through openings as they maytouch dangerous voltage points or short-out par_s that could[ result in a fire orelectric shock. Never spill liquid of' anykind on the product.

ServicingDo not attempt to ser_Ace this productyourself as opening or removing coversmay expose you to dangerous voltage orother hazards. Refer all servicing toqualified service personnel.

Damage Requiring ,ServiceUnplug this product from the wall outletand refer servicing to qualified servicepersonnel under the fi)llowing conditions:(a) When the,mpply cord or plug

is damaged.(b) If liquid has been spilled, or objects

have fallen intc the product.(c) If the product has been exposed to

rain or water.

(d) If the product does not operaten(n_nally by fol]iowing the operatinginstructions. Adj_Lst only thosecontrols that are covered by theoperating instruclfions as an improperadjustment of other controls mayresult in dama_:e and will oftenrequire extensive work by a qualifiedteclhnician to restore the product toits normal operation.

(e) If the product has been dropped or'damaged in an}' way.

(f) When the product exhibits a distinctchange in performance -- this indi-cates a need for service.

Page 6: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct





Replacement PartsWhen replacement parts are required, besure the service technician has used

replacement parts specified by the manu-facturer or have the same characteristicsas the original part. Unauthorized substi-tutions may result in fire, electric shockor other hazards.

Safety CheckUpon completion of any service or repairsto this product, ask the service technicianto perform safety checks to determinethat the product is in proper operatingcoadition.


The product should be situated away fromheat sources such as radiators, heatregisters, stoves, or other products (in-cluding amplifiers) that produce heat.

CONDENSATIONLeave the VCR on, without a tape in it, for 2hours if the VCR has been exposed to suddenchanges in temperature. Sudden temperaturechanges cause moisture to form on the metalparts inside the VCR. This moisture can causethe tape to stick and damage the head.Leaving the VCR on for a 2 hour period willdry the inside of the VCR.

PROTECTTHE POWERCORDDo not damage the power cord. Damage to thepower cord may cause a fire or shock hazard.When unplugging the pc w,_r cord, pleaE=e holdit by the plug and remove !:t carefully.

DONOT PLACEHEAVYOBJECTSON THERECORDERHeavy objects placed on the recorder willcause damage. (This does not mean your cablebox). The top of the recorder is also slotted toprovide venlLilation. Do _ot obstruct theseventilation ,;lots.

WHEN NOT IN USEV_Len you finish operating the recorder,always unload the cassette and turn OFF theVCR POWER.

CAREOFTHE VIDEOCASSETTETAPES• Avoid violent vibration or shock.

• Do not place in a locar.ien where strongmagnetic fields exist (near a motor, trans-former or magnet).

• Never place or store in direct sunlight.• Avoid dusty places.• Place the cassette in the cassette case and

store vertically.• :Never store tape in a ihi_,_hhumidity :loca-


INFORMATIONThis equipment has been tested and found to comply witch the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guaranteethat interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thi s equipment do,_s cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna;• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver;• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the

receiver is connected;• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for co:_apliance couldvoid the user's authority to operate the equipment.If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician foradditional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Commu-nications Commission helpful:

"How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems."This booklet is available from the US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402,Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.


Page 7: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

,_PREFACEWelcometo Mitsubishi

Congratulations on your purchase of this Mitsubishi VideoCassette Recorder. Your new VCR produces superior sound and

the highest quality S-VHS picture. It includes VHS Hi-Fi audiorecording and playback, delivering compact disc-quality audio.Your VCR also includes the VCR Plus+ system and converter box

control for simplified programming.

Your owner's guide has been designed with easy-to-follow expla-nations and directions. In addition, your VC,R comes with

Mitsubishi's exclusive _'on-screen ope]_al;ing system. This

system has been developed to simplify the operation of your VCRwith clear, understandable language and desi,_n.

Thank you for selecting our product and welcome to Mitsubishi.


Remote control


8o 8

0 ®

As you unpack your new VCR, please make sure the followingitems are included:

• 2 "AA" size batteries

Registration card


• 1 Audio/Video cable

1 stereo audio cable and 1 single video cable

may be included instead of 1 audio/video cable.

• 1 S-Video cable

If any of these items are missing, please contact your dealer.

A few suggestions:



Be sure to save the box and packing material your VCR camein. Your VCR should always be transported in this box.

Before you hook up your VCR, please take a few minutes to:• complete the registration card and send it back to us

immediately,• file your sales receipt in a safe place, a:ad• place the VCR on a stabile surface with sufficient lighting to

do the hook-up

DImportant: Never place any heavy objects on top of the VCR. (This de,es notinclude your cable box or satellite receiver.) Do not place the VCRon top of the television because of its instability.


Page 8: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Ge t ng ol nowYourVCR

Now that you have unpacked your player and read through thesafety information, it's time to become familiar with the buttonsand controls.

If you are experienced with using VCRs, you may just want toglance at this section and refer to it later. IfVCRs are new to you,you may want to take your time and become familiar with thelocations of all the controls.

On the following pages, you'll find information on:

$ Front PanelButtonsand Functions


Overviewof the RemoteControl

$ Rear PaneITerminals





1 2 3

7 8 9

4 5 6

10 11 12 13 14

power button (POWER)Press this button to turn the VCR on or

off. You must turn the VCR off after youhave programmed it to record.

eject button (EJECT)

Press this button to eject the cassette.

converter box control transmitter

This window (on top of the VCR) transmitssignals from your VCR to your cable box orsatellite receiver.

(_) cassette slot

This is where you insert the video cas-sette.

® jog dialWhen the tape is stopped, this dial will

change channels. When the tape ispaused, it will advance [he tape frame-by-frame. This dial can als_ adjust trackingand picture vibration.

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shuttle ringTurn this ring to the right to fast forwarda tape or to fast forward search. Turn thisring to the left to rewind a tape or toreverse search.

video input 2 terminalsIf you want to record or dub video fromanother source (such as a VCR orcamcorder), you plug the source in here.

audio input 2 terminalsIf you want to record or dub audio fromanother source (such as a VCR or

camcorder), you plug the source in here.

one key program button(ONE KEY PROGRAM)

By pressing this button, you may use oneof the methods of programming your VCRto record.

@) fluorescent displaySee the next section.





remote control sensor

This receives signals from the remotecontrol. Do not block it.

record button (REC/OTR)Press this button once to record until the

end of the tape. Press repeatedly to set thetime for One-Touch Recording (OTR).

pause button (PAUSE)Press this button to pause a tape w:henrecording, or to freeze a frame when

viewing a tape.

play and stop button (PLAY/STOP)Press this button to play a tape and pressagain to stop the tape. Also press to stoptape related functions or to resume normalplayback from special effects.


1 2 3 45


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I J-I13 14

10 11

_ [] dBN


digital tracking light (D)This will flash when you first play a newcassette, indicating that the VCR isadjusting the tracking. When tracking isfinished, it will glow steadily. If you adjustthe tracking manually, it will turn off.

® PRIMESTAR * light (•)

This will light up whe a your VCR hasselected channels from a PRIMESTARreceiver.


Page 10: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter1:Gettingto KnowYourVCR FluorescentDisplay(cont)










SAP indicator (SAP)

This will light up to indicate that the

channel you are watching has a SeparateAudio Program, or S.A.P. An S.A.P. is an

alternative soundtrack to the program youare watching. The S.A.P. is often anotherlanguage.

stereo indicator (ST)

This lights up when the VCR is receiving astereo TV channel.

cable tuning light ( • )

This lights up when your VCR is receivingcable broadcasts.

PerfecTape ®light (PT)This will flash when the PerfecTape test isin progress. It will stay illuminated whenthe test is completed.

S-VHS indicator (S-VHS)This will light up when you play or recordin Super-VHS (S-VHS).

tape speed lights (SP, EP)This will light to indicate the tape speed

you are using when playing or recording."SP" indicates standard play; "EP" indi-cates extended play.

VCR light (VCR)This will light up when the VCR/TVbutton is set to "VCR." It indicates that

the picture is controlled by the VCR.

programmed recording light (P7 [_)This lights up when the VCR is off andyou have programmed the VCR to record.

peak level metersThis displays the audio level in decibels

for both the left (L) and right (R) channels.





counter/present time/remainingdisplay

This area displays: t;he current time; a

time counter showing how long the tapehas run; the amount; of time remaining onthe tape; or the contents of a programmedrecording when you are programmingyour VCR.

The current time is displayed when theVCR is turned offor when you press theDISPLAY button. The counter is auto-

matically set to "0H00_00S" when a new

tape is loaded. The counter will display"- H- - M - - S" when no tape is in the VCR.

channel displayThis displays the cable, channel, broadcast

channel, or input you have selected. If youset up your VCR to receive signals from asatellite receiver, this area can display thesatellite channel you ace receiving.

lock light (LOCK)This lights up when the "Child Lock"feature is in use.

play and record light and cassettestatus symbolThese light up when the VCR is playing atape or recording. The symbol ( [-"_J ) willlight up when a tape is in the VCR. Thedashes in the center of the symbol simu-late the movement of the tape whenplaying and recording.

Page 11: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Overviewof the RemoteControl





















TV and VCR buttons (TV, VCR)Your VCR remote control can be used to

operate your VCR, and many of thefunctions of many brands of televisions.Press the VCR button to use your remoteto operate the VCR. After programmingyour remote to operate your brand oftelevision, (see page 24, "Using the remote

"control to operate the TV') press the TVbutton to use the remote to operate yourtelevision.

mute button (MUTE)Press this button to turn off the TV sound.

Press it again to restore the TV sound toits previous volume.

volume controls (VOLUME)Press the down arrow on the bottom half

of this button to lower the volume of the

TV; press the up arrow on the top half ofthis button to raise the volume of the TV.











input button (INPUT)Press this button to select between the

antenna and any other video equipment

that may be connected or to use doublespeed playback (with sound) when ])layinga tape.

record button (REC)

Press this button to start recording. Whenrecording, you can use the button to add amanual index mark.

index search buttons (INDEXSEARCH)

Use these buttons to begin index search.

rewind and rever,_e search button(REW)

Press this button to rewind a tape or toreverse search.

stop button (STOP)Press this button to stop a tape.

menu button (MENU)

Press this button to display the menus,which are lists of features and inst:cuc-

tions, on your television screen. Also pressthe button to exit the :menus.

adjust dial (ADJUST)When the tape is pau_ged, this dial willadvance the tape frame-by-frame. Whenusing the menus, this dial will select andadjust menu selections.

eject button (EJECT)Press this button to eject a tape.

power button (POWER)Press t:his button to turn the VCR on or

off. If you have programmed the V ,R torecord, you need to turn the VCR off.

quick view button (Q.V.)Press this button to use a Mitsubishi q.W's

quick view feature. (See your MitsubishiTV owner's guide for more details.)

channel buttons (C][tANNEL)Press these buttons to change channels.

Page 12: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter1:Gettingto KnowYourVCR Overviewof theRemoteControl(cont.)









display button (DISPLAY)Press this button to display the followinginfbrmation on the television:

• how much time has elapsed on thecurrent tape,

• the channel number and the audio

reception mode you are watching,• the audio channel(s) you selected,• the source that is supplying the VCR

with a signal,• the present time,• whether the VCR is stopped, playing,

or recording, and• how much time is left on the tape.

This button can also be used to turn onand off the "Child Lock" feature.

quick program and VCR Plus+ ®button (QUICK PROGRAM/VCR Plus+)

This button allows you to program yourVCR more quickly and easily. When youpress this button, you will immediately

see the "Program to record" screen, whereyou can enter a PlusCode programmingnumber or begin programming your VCRto record.

fast forward and fast forward search

button (FF)Press this button to fast forward a tape orto fast forward search.

play button (PLAY)Press this button to play a tape.

pause button (PAUSE)Press this button to pause a tape whenrecording or to freeze a frame whenviewing a tape.

shuttle ringWhen a tape is playing, turn this ring toadjust the playback speed. When usingthe menus, turn this ring to enter orcancel selections.

mode buttons (VCR-A, VCR-B)Use these buttons to operate two Mitsu-

bishi VCRs with one remote. (See page 23.)

number buttonsUse these buttons to select TV stations

and to enter PlusCode numbers. Also, use







5 ---2,4.

--- 25


--- 27---28

- 29

these buttons to set quick searching (CMskip) time.

audio function button (AUDIO)Press this button to select the VCR's audio

settings to be adjusted

picture-in-picture buttons(PIP SOURCE, PIP)Use these buttons to control the picture-in-picture functions of many Mitsubishi[TVs.

off-timer and one-tolJch recordingbutton (OFF-T/OTR)This button has two fuactions:

• If the remote is set up to operate aMitsubishi TV, use 1;his button to usethe TV's off-timer. (See your MitsubishiTV owner's guide fo:r more details.)

• It can be used to operate the VCR'sOTR feature (see :page 52).

VCR/TV button (VCFJIW)Press this button to switch between the

VCR's picture and the TV's picture, whenyou select '_VCR," you change channels onthe VCR; when you select "TV," youchange channels on the TV.

cancel button (CANCEL)Use this button to cancel selections on the

on-screen menus, or to reset the counterdisplay to "0H00M00S."

Page 13: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

@ enter button (ENTER)Use this button to enter selections on theon-screen menus.

(_ video function buttorL (VIDEO)Press this button to select the VCR's video

settings to be adjusted.







audio input and output terminalsThese red and white terminals are for

receiving (IN) and sending (OUT) audiosignals. Red signifies the right channel,and white signifies the left channel. Stereoaudio cables are also color coded red and

white. If you are receiving or sending a

mono (non-stereo) signal, you should useonly the left (white) terminal.

edit terminal (EDIT)When you use the edit terminal to connecttwo Mitsubishi VCRs, you can synchronize

both VCRs' pause and record functions,making it easier to edit copies of tapes.(See page 72.)

A/V Network terminals

(ACTIVE A/V NETWORK)Use these terminals to connect the VCR to

other Mitsubishi products that haveActive A/V Network terminals or A/V

Network terminals. (See page 20.)

antenna terminals• antenna in (ANTENNA IN)

Use this terminal to attach an external

antenna or cable. This "brings in" an

outside signal.• antenna out (ANTENNA OUT)

JJse this terminal to attach the VCR toyour TV. This terminal "sends out" thesignal to your TV.

video input and output terminalsThese yellow terminals are for receiving(IN) and sending (OUT) video signals. Youwill only need to use these if you have amonitor television, or for making copies oftapes. The black terminals marked withan "S" are called "S-Video" terminals andcan be used to connect televisions with S-

Video terminals. ("S-Video Terminal"refers to a Separated Luminance-Chromi-nance (Y/C) terminal that conforms to the

NTSC signal.)

1 2 3 4

5 6 5 7



timer reset button (T][MER RESt::T)

If you press this button with a pointedobject, you will erase all of your pro-j_ammed recording settings and reset theclock. Use this button with care.

If you use the auto clock function, theclock will be automatically set afterTIMER RESET has been pressed and the

VCR is turned off. (See page 37.)

converter box contro]L terminal(CONVERTER BOX CONTROL)Use this terminal to connect a cable that

sends si_,mals to a cab:[e box or satellitereceiver. (The cable is available from your

Mitsubishi dealer, part name, IR EMIT-TER.)

Use this cable if:

• your cable box, DSS% or PRIMESTAR ®

receiver cannot receive a signal fromthe Converter Box Control Transmitter

on top of the VCR, or• you would like to place your cable box

or satellite receiver away from the,VCR.


Page 14: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter2:ConnectingYourVCR ConnectingtheAntennaor(::abletothe VC£ (cont.)

Insert lead under screwsand tighten.

300-75 Ohm AdapterVCR Back


Follow the procedures for connecting the kind of leads yourantenna has, then go to page 15, "Connecting the Television."

connectingan antennawitha300-ohmflattwinlead

(If you have a 300-ohm flat twin lead, you will need to purchase a300-75 ohm adapter at your local hardware or electronics store )

O Disconnect the antenna from the back of the TV.

O Before you can attach the antenna leads to the adapter, youneed to expose a 5/8 inch segment of each lead by scraping offthe plastic covering. Sometimes these leads have "U" shapedclips that fit around the screw, in which case you will notneed to peel back tile plastic.


Wrap each exposed end of wire once or twice around the screwshanks of the adapter (or insert the clips under the screw

heads). Tighten the screws.

Push the adapter firmly onto the antenna terminal on theVCR labeled ANTENNA IN.

O Go to page 15, "Connecting the Television."


q[]) Disconnect the antenna from the back of the TV.

O Connect the antenna to the ANTENNA IN terminal on theback of the VCR. Screw or push the cable until it is tighL

Go to page 15, "Connecting the Television."

ConnectingseparateUHFNHF antennas

You may have two separate antennas (one UHF, one VHF) l_hatbring TV signals into your home:. If you do, you'll need to combinethe two antennas before connecting them to 1;he VCR. To do thi%

you'll need an attachment called a combiner (_hich is available atyour electronics store). This chart will help you determine thekind of combiner you need.

If your UHF antenna wire looks ... and your VHF antenna wirelike this.., looks like this ...

... then ycu need a combinerlike this.


Page 15: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

To connect your antennas:

O Disconnect the antennas from the back of the TV.

O Connect the antenna leads onto the combiner.

O Screw or push the combiner onto the ANTENNA IN te_ninalon the VCR.

O See "Connecting the Television," below.

If your VHF antenna wire is 300 Ohm Flat Twin Lead ... If your VHF antenna wire is 75 Ohm Coaxial Cable ...

VHF Antenna UHF Antenna

6, A

_ 3F00 Ohm Lead _ 30a0tOwhmLead

Iitl @ : ',/


VHF Antenna

75 OhmCoaxial (,'able

VCR Back Panel ,

UHF Antenna/'\



300 OhmFlat Twin Lead

VCR Back Panel

Connecting the Television

Now that you have completed the antenna connections to yourVCR, you're ready to connect the VCR to the TV. (If you haven'tconnected the antenna to the VCR, go to page 12, "Connecting the

Antenna or Cable to _he VCR.") Because every television isdifferent (especially older model TVs), your VCR may need to beconnected in one of a variety of ways. This section shows you:

• Determining if you need a splitter,• Connecting the VCR to an older TV, and• Connecting a TV with audio and video inputs.

Determiningif you need a splitter

You should look at the back panel of your _Fq to see if you needany special equipment to connect the VCR to the TV. You mayneed an attachment called a UHF!VHF splitter (which is awtil-able at your local electronics store).

The chart on the next page will tell you if you need a splitter, andwhich splitter you should use.


Page 16: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter2: ConnectingYourVCR Connectingthe Television(cont.)

If the"l-V'santennaterminal ... thenyouwillneeda splitterthatlookslikethis.looks like this...






No splitter led

UHF/VHF splitter _,


Connect to UHF INo_ TV

Connect to VHF IN

on TV

UHFNHF splitter


Connect to UHF INon-rV

Connect to VHF INo_TV

Connectingthe VCR to an olderTV

O Take the black cable (called a coaxial cable) that is suppliedwith your VCR and attach it to the terminal labeled AN-TENNA OUT on tile back of your VCR.

O Connect the other end of this cable to the terminal on your TVlabeled ANTENNA IN. This terminal is sometimes also called

"ANT-IN" or "VHF IN." If you have an older TV without th![s

kind of terminal, you will have to use a splitter and thenconnect the splitte:r to the television.

O If you have a TV with audio and video inputs, you should

proceed to the next section, "Connecting a TV with audilo andvideo inputs." Otherwise, your connections are complete.



s •




TV without ANTENNA IN terminal (single antenna terminal for VHF and UHF)

UHF/VHF splitter Connect to UHF IN

From ANTENNA OUT Connect to VHF INon VCR on TV


UHFNHF splitter Connect to UHF IN

From ANTENNA OUT Connect to VHF INonVCR on TV

_Important: Connecting your TV in the way shown above will not allow you toenjoy the stereo sound of your VCR, even if yo'_r TV is equippedwith stereo. To take advantage of your VCR:s :_Ii-Fi stereo sound,refer to the next section: "Connecting a TV with audio and video



Page 17: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Connectinga TV with audioandvideo inputs



Because you purchased a Hi-Fi VCR, you _4L want to take

advantage of its superior sound capability and connect it to astereo TV system with audio and video inputs. One audio/videocable (or one stereo audio cable and one vid[eo cable) is supplied

with your VCR.

Beforeyou begin this section:• You should have already completed 1;he section "Connecting

the VCR to an older TV".

O Connect the red and white audio cables to the AUDIO OUT-PUT terminals on the VCR labeled AUDIO OUT. The red

cable is for connecting the right (R) channel and the whitecable is for connecting the left (L) channel.

If you are connecting your VC,R to a mono (non-stereo) TV,

connect only the white (L) output from your VCR. Since the TV isnot stereo, you cannot take advantage of your VCR's Hi-FJ stereosound.

Connect the other ends of this cable to the AUDIO IN]?UT

terminals on your TV labeled AUDIO IN.

Connect the yellow video cable to the VIDEO OUTPUTterminal labeled 'VIDEO OUT on the VCR or connect an

single S-Video cable to the S-VIDEO O_? terminal on theVCR.

O Connect the other end of the video cable to the yellow VIDEOINPUT terminal labeled VIDEO IN on the TV or connect theother end of the S-Video cable to the S-V]DEO IN terminal onthe TV.

If you use the S-Video cable, do not use the yellow video cable.

You will need to set the RF converter to OFF when hookingup a TV with audio and video inputs. (Fo:r more information

on setting the RF converter, see page 68.)



(white cable)


(red cable)


._ VIDEO OUT(yellow cable)





AUDIO IN L ---i_

(whitecable) ?AUOIO IN R -_

(red cable) _





_j_,..-- S-VIDI--O IN

-- VIDEO IN(yellow cable)

AThe plugs on the S-Video cable contain pins thatneed to be aligned properly befo,'e the plugs can Jbe pushed into the terminals.


Page 18: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


Connectinga DSS or PRIMESTAWReceiver(optional)


If you have an RCA DSS, Sony DSS, or PRIMESTAR SatelliteReceiver, you can connect the receiver to your VCR. This will notonly allow you to record TV programs coming from the receiver,but it will allow you to control the receiver with the VCR.


To connect the satellite receiver, you should tLSe an S-Video cableand one stereo audio cable to preserve the m_ximum signal

quality. You can purchase these cables at your Mitsubishi dealeror at your local electronics store.

Top of Receiver

== Top of VCR

Front of VCR

before you begin, you should:• have complete(] all connections between your VCR, TV, and

cable or antenna; (see pages 12-17) and• make sure that your satellite receiver has been installed

correctly. (See your satellite receiver's manual for moreinformation.)

O Place the satellite receiver on top of your VCR. Align the rearof the receiver with the rear of the VCR and align the left sideof the receiver with the left side of the VCR.

O Connect one audio cable to the left audio output terminal ,on

the receiver; corm ect the other end of the cable to the terminalon the rear panel of the VCR labeled AUDIO IN I_AVIONO.Connect another audio cable to the right output terminal onthe receiver; connect the other end of this cable to the termi-

nal on the rear panel of the VCR labeled AUDIO IN R

O Connect an S-Video cable to the S-Video output terminal onthe receiver; connect the other end of the cable to the terminalon the rear of the VCR labeled S-VIDEO :IN. (You cannotconnect it to the terminal on the front c fthe VCR.)

BACK PANEL(VCR) BACK PANEL (Satellite receiver)



i I



I •


O/// O ._..

The plugs on the S-Video cable contain pins thaL ]need to be aligned properly before the plugs can Jbe pushed into the terminals.




Page 19: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

E>Important: If possible, you should have connected your VCR to your IW withan S-Video cable. Not only will this provide you with a betterpicture, but it will allow you to watch the sal;ellite video signal onyour TV even when the VCR is off. (When the auto clock function

(on pages 36-38) works to set the clock, you cannot watch thesatellite video signal.) If you connect your VCR to your TV with a

standard video cable, you will have to turn your VCR on to watchthe video signal from the satellite receiver. (You will be able to

hear the audio signal[ from your satellite receiver both when theVCR is on and when it is off.)

If you want to connect a cable box with audio/video outputs toyour VCR, connect it to the terminals on the front of the VCR.

When you connect a satellite receiver to the ,_-Vldeo'_" inpul; on therear of the VCR, you cannot record through the standard videoinput on the rear of the VCR.

_>Important: After you have connected the satellite receiw_r and completed the"AllSet" procedure (o:a pages 28-33), you need to see if your VCRcan control your receiver. To do this, use the CHANNEL buttonsor number buttons on the VCR remote to t-nne to a satellite

channel. If the satellite channels appear on your TV, then yourVCR can control your receiver. If it does not_ try repositioning ormoving the Satellite receiver. If they still do a't appear, you will

need to obtain an IR emitter (part name: IR EMITTER) from yourMitsubishi dealer.

DImportant: If you use a cable box and a satellite receiver, be sure to connectthe IR emitter described below.

connectingan IRemitter

Connect the IR emitter to the CONVERTER BOX CONTt_:OLterminal on the back of the VCR. Run the emitter to the satellitereceiver. Place the emitter so that the bulb fi_ces the IR window

on the receiver. Finally, follow the instructions in the paragraphabove to test your VCR's ability to control your satellite receiver.You can use the other emitter for the cable box, otherwise: store itout of the way.









For cable box



Page 20: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter2: ConnectingYourVCR

# ConnectingtheAN Network(optional)



Some Mitsubishi TVs and VCRs have special input and outputterminals called the "A/V Network." The pArnary purpose of the

A/V Network is to "pass" remote control codes between Mitsubishicomponents. That is, when the A/V Network is connected, you can

point your VCR remote control at the TV, and the TV will "pass"the commands on to the VCR.

To connect the A/V Network, you will need a cable with a "mini"jack at both ends. (A mini jack is the kind yoa find on headphonesfor personal stereos.) A cable may be included with your Mitsu-bishi TV. If not, you can purchase a cable with mini jacks at yourMitsubishi dealer or an electronics store. To connect the PJVNetwork:

O Connect a cable to the terminal on the TV labeled A/V NET-WORK OUT or ACTIVE A/V NETWORE:. Connect the otherend of the cable to the terminal on the VCR labeled ACTIVEA/V NETWORK :[N.

O If you have another Mitsubishi component equipped with A/VNetwork, attach a cable to the terminal en the VCR labeledACTIVE A/V NETWORK OUT. Attach the other end of this

cable to the terminal on the other component labeled _JVNETWORK IN or ACTIVE A/V NETWORK IN.


Mitsubishicom_oonent)A/V NETWORK /


e e


Mitsubishi "P_A/V NETWORK I

_Important: Never connect your A/V Network in a loop, as shown below.

mY output '__)___ input [ VCR ],_

input I,


connectingActiveAN Network

Your VCR has the ability to perform certain automated functionsin conjunction with Mitsubishi TVs that haw; ACTIVE A/VNETWORK terminals. These ;automated flmctions are called"Active A/V Network"

In order for Active A/V Network to function properly, you mustmake the connection.,; above and your VCR must be connected[ tothe EXT-1 or INPUT-1 terminals of your Mitsubishi TV. InfoiTna-tion on how to use the Active A/V Network begins on page 68.

Page 21: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


Now that you've completed your antenna, VCR, and TV connec-tions, you're ready to start enjoying your equipment. To get t!hemost satisfaction out of your VCR, you should carefully read thetwo sections, "Setting Up Your VCR for the First Time" and

"Viewing the Picture Coming from Your VCR." Then you can start

exploring what your new VCR can do.

In this chapter, you'll learn:

€ Setting Up YourVCRfor the FirstTime

€ Usingthe RemoteControl

$ Viewingthe PictureComingfrom YourVCR

$ Loadingand UnloadingTapes

€ Playing a Tape

€ Usingthe Menusto Set Up YourVCR

€ Settingthe Clock

$ Settingthe VCR Plus+®Guide ChannelNumbers

$ Usingthe Audio andVideo Functions

€ Recording

€ SettingUpYourVCRfor the FirstTime

It's important that your VCR is set up corre,:tly before you tr5 _touse it. If you carefully read this section, you will avoid confu:donlater and get the most out of operating your system. This sectionteaches you about:

• Setting up your VCR if you are using a TV equipped withAudio and Video Inputs (Modern rFV), and

• Setting up your VCR if you are using a TV without Audioand Video Inputs (Older TV).

Before you begin, you should:• have completed your antenna, VCR, and TV connections.

Settingup yourVCR if youare usinga TV equippedwith AudioandVideo Inputs(ModernTV)

0 Turn on your TV and switch it to the ,:o_:rect external input.(For most Mitsubishi TVs, this means pressing the 7_'sINPUT button until you see the words "Ext-l" or "Input-.1" onthe screen.) If you do not have a Mitsubishi TV, please refer

to your TV instruction book for this pl_ocedure.

Turn the VCR on by pressing the POWER button.


Page 22: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR SettingUpYourVCRforthe FirstTime(cont.)


O Turn the RF converter OFF by following instructions on p. 68.

SettingupyourVCRifyouareusinga TVwithoutAudioandVideoInputs(OlderTV)

If you are using an Older TV (A TV that does not have separateaudio and video inputs), then your VCR will need to "convert" theVCR's picture or menus into a channel, this channel can be eitherchannel 3 or channel 4. The factory has already selected channel

3, however, if channel 3 is a real channel in :your area, then youwill need to change this to channel 4.

O If you need to use channel 4, then before you turn on theVCR, turn the front panel jog dial clockwise while holdingdown the ONE KEY PROGILAM button on the front panel.

The words "Ant ch.4" will display on the front panel displayand the VCR will send signals on channel 4.

Turn the VCR on by pressing the POWER button.

The VCR will return to its initial setting (charmel 3) if you turn

the jog dial counter-clockwise while holding dc,wn the ONE KEYPROGRAM button on the front panel with t:he VCR turned off.

The word "Ant ch3" will be displayed.

Usingthe RemoteControl





In this section, you'll learn how to set up and use your remotecontrol. This section includes:

• Using the remote control to operate the VCR, and• Using the remote control to operate the TV.

Usingthe remotecontrol to operatethe VCR

installingthe batteries

Unpack two AA size batteries.

To remove the back cover, press the rid_;ed area gently, thenpush the cover in the direction of the an'ow and lift.

Load the batteries, making sure the polarities (+) and (-) arecorrect.

operatingthe remotecontrol

The HS-U780 has two VCR operation mode,_: VCR-A mode andVCR-B mode. The HS-U780 is pre-set to VCR-A operation mode.

Press the VCR button on the remote cor,Ltrol.This "tells" theremote that you want to control the VCR.

Press the VCR-A button on the remote control. Now your

remote is ready to operate your HS-U780.

Page 23: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct



O Whilewithin 23feetoftheVCR,pointti_eremotecontroltowardtheVCRandpressthebuttonsyoudesire.

usingoneremoteto operatetwoMitsubishiVCRs

If you have another Mitsubishi VCR (from 1986 or later) in

addition to this HS-U780, you can use the HS-U780 remote

control to operate both VCRs. There are two separate remotecontrol signal systems available with this remote. One is "VCR-A"

which can be used to operate all Mitsubishi VCRs introduced in1986 and later. The _ther si_,qlal system is '_TCR-B" which willoperate the HS-U780 and selected other Mitsubishi VCRs.

To operate the two different VCRs separately (only one VCRresponding at a time) with the same remote, you need to programone VCR to respond to VCR-A signals and the other VCR torespond to VCR-B signals.

Since all Mitsubishi VCRs since 1986 and later will respc,nd to

VCR-A signals, then you should program the HS-U780 to respondto VCR-B signals, and you also will need to program the remotecontrol to send VCR-B signals. Use the following procedures:

O Make sure the HS-U780 is plugged in but turned off. On thefront pane] of the VCR, turn the shutt:[e ring to the left whileholding down the ONE KEY PROGRAM button on the front

panel. (The lette:_ "b" will appear on the :_ront panel display toconfirm this setting.)

On the remote, press the VCR button, then press the VCR-B

button. The remote will now send VCR-]_ signals.

O To operate the other VCR... you need to reprogram the remoteto send VCR-A signals again. Press the VCR button on theremote control, then press the VCR-A button. The remote willnow send VCR-A signals.

To reprogram the HS-U780 to respond to VCR-A signals again,use the following procedures:

O Make sure the HS-U780 is plugged in but turned off. On thefront panel of the, VCR, turn the shuttle ring to the rightwhile holding down the ONE KEY PROGRAM button on the

front panel. (The letter '%" will appear on the front paneldisplay to confirm this setting.)

Some other models of MitsuMshi VCRs can respond to VCR-B

signals. If your other VCR is one of these models, and you wouldlike to program that other VCR to respond to VCR-B signals, referto the owner's guide that came with the other VCR.

Some of the buttons may not function or they may operate differ-ent features than expected, for the other VCF.


Page 24: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR Usingthe RemoteControl(cont.)

Brand of TV Brand codebuttons

Mitsubishi 1, 2, 3Fisher 0G.E. CANCEL

Goldstar 2, 9Hitachi 8

Magnavox 4NEC 2, 9Panasonic 6Pioneer AUDIO

Philips 4Proscan CANCELQuasar 6RCA CANCEL

Sanyo 0Sharp 3, 5Sony VCR/TVToshiba 7Zenith ENTER




Usingthe remotecontrol to operatetheTV

The HS-U780 remote control can operate many of the frequently-used functions of your TV. You only need one remote to operate

both your VCR and TV.

The HS-U780 remote control is pre-set to operate Mitsubishitelevisions, but it can also operate TVs from other manufacturers.If you need to set your remote control for your particular b:rand oftelevision, follow the instructions on the next page.

settingupyour remotecontroltooperateyourTV

0 Turn off your TV.

O On the HS-U780 remote control, press the TV button on top ofthe flip-up cover.

Flip up the (:over of the remote, then while holding in the PIPbutton, press the (.'ode button listed to the left that corre-

sponds to the brand of your TV.

O Close the cover tightly, then press the POWER button. If your

TV turns on, your remote i,; set up to operate your brand ofTV.

If your TV does not turn on, repeat step _ using the next ('ode,listed for the brand of your TV.

If none of the codes listed for the brand of your TV work, thenrepeat step _ several times, using a different code button untilone works. The possible code buttons are: 0, 1.-9, CANCEL,AUDIO, ENTER, and VCR/TV.

You do not need to perform this set-up again unless you change

the batteries, set up your remote for another brand of television,

or you get a new TV.

Once you have correctly set your remote control to operate yourTV, you will be able tc use the POWER, CHANNEL, VOLUME,MUTE and number buttons to operate your TiT.

Depending on the model TV you have, all or some of the buttonsmay not function, or they may operate different features thanindicated. You may need to use the TV's remoLe control.

Sometimes manufacturers will change the remote control codesfor their products, or they will use more than one code. If this isthe case, your remote may not be able to control your TV.

When you replace the batteries in your remote, the remote willreturn to its initial setting (code button "1"). Repeat the stepsabove to reset your remote control. If you enter a new code, theprevious code will be erased.


Page 25: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

operatingyourTV withthe HS-U780remotecontrol

O Press the TV button on the HS-U780 remote control.

O Point the remote control towards the remote sensor on the TV

and press the desired buttons.

O To once again control the VCR, press the VCR button.

Because of variations among models, some or all buttons may notwork, or they may operate different functions than expected,, foryour particular TV. If this occurs, you may need to use your TVremote control.



This is the most important part of using your VCR, but often themost confusing: how do you view a picture coming from tlhe VCR?

Beforeyoubegin,youshouldknow:• whether you are viewing a "Modern _I_¢" or an "Older TV"

(See page 21-'?.2.)

Viewingthe picturecomingfrom yourVCR if you are usin!;]amodernTV

O Turn on your TV and switch it to the correct external input.

(For most Mitsubishi TVs, this means pressing the T_sINPUT button until you see the words; "Ext-l" or "Input-1" onthe screen.)

Turn the VCR on by pressing the POWER button.

You are viewing the picture fl'om your VCR! If you wish to returnto normal TV _dewing, switch your TWs input back to its previousposition.

If you are using a modern TV, be sure to set the "RF converter" ofthe "Customize choices" menu to OFF to prevent noise in thepicture. (See page 68.)

If your system includes a home theater receiver or an A/V

receiver, refer to your home theater receiver's owner's guide.

Viewingthe picture comingfrom yourVCR if youare usinqanolderTV

O Turn on your TV and tune it to channel "l or 4.

Turn on the VCR by pressing the POWER button.

O Check to see if the '_VCR" light on the f_ont panel display islit. If it is not lit, press the VCR]TV button until it is lit. You

are viewing the picture from your VCR! This light must be onwhen you watch a video tape or use the VCR menus.


€ Viewingthe PictureComing



Page 26: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR ViewingthePictureComingfromYourVCR(cont,)


When you wish to watc.h a channel that is different than thechannel your VCR is recording, then the "VCR" light must be off.The VCR/TV button turns this light on and off The light will also

automatically turn on when you begin playback of a video tape oruse the VCR menus.

For the '%CR" light to turn on automatically when you play' atape or use the VCR menus, then the "RF converter" setting of the"Customize choices" menu must be set to ON. (See page 68.)


Loadinga tape


' i


Tapes can be loaded into your VCR as long as ":he VCR is pluggedin. Even when the VCR POWER is off, loading a tape will auto-matically turn the VCR on. Use only tapes that have a _labelor an _label.

O Hold the tape so that the long narrow edge with the contentslabel faces towards you. The other edge is i_inged and shouldface towards the VCR. The plastic window that shows thevideotape should face up.

Gently insert the tape evenly into the cassette slot until theVCR automatically takes it in.

[:>Important: If the VCR will not automatically take the tap e in, press theEJECT button and try again.

Your VCR will eject the tape if you improperly load it. If the VCRejects the tape, remow.' the tape, check to see that the contentslabel is facing you, that the geared tape reels are facing down-wards, wait a few seconds, and try again.

Unloadinga tape

Press the EJECT button on the front of th_ VCR or on the

remote control. If the VCR POWER is off, Lhe VCR will turnon, eject the tape, then tur_, off.

Remove the tape.

DImportant: You cannot eject a tape while it is recording. You must first pressSTOP. If the tape does not eject; properly, make sure the VCR is

not playing or recording. Then press EJECT again. If the tapestill will not eject, do not try to force the tape out. Take the VCR

to a qualified professional. Forcing the tape o_t may damage theVCR or the tape.


_/ /_ II

Erasure prevention tab


Tapes come with a tab, that, when removed, prevents you fromrecording on the tape. If you attempt to record over a tape 1:hat,has had this tab removed, the VCR will eject the tape. To record

Page 27: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

oversucha tape,simplyplaceapieceofviniy1tape over theopening.


t'Warning: We recommend that you take any broken or torn tapes to a

professional for repair. If you repair a torn tape with impropermaterials, you could damage, your VCR when you play the tape.


Your VCR automatically cleans the head an :l the drum of the

VCR whenever you load a tape. If you see "noise" or snow whenplaying a tape, eject the tape, re-load the tape, then wait 3 or 4

seconds. Repeat this process several times to improve the picture.

Playinga Tape

Now that your VCR is connected and properly set up, and you

know how to view a picture coming from your VCR, it's time toplay a tape. This section describes:

• Playing back a tape, and• Using basic playback controls.

Shuttle ring

I°_ _."_'_ I_ _::=:==::_

Shuttle ring

0 o \"_---_9

"- -

Playingbacka tape

Beforeyou begin,you needto know:• how to view the picture coming from your VCR (page 25).

To play a tape, load a pre-recorded cassette.

Press the PLAY/,_TOP button on the fi'ont panel or the PLAYbutton on the remote control.

The VCR will automatically play the tape ;at the correct speed.When the VCR reaches the end of the tape, it will automaticallyrewind the tape and stop. You can stop playing by pressing PLAY/STOP or STOP.

Playing a tape is also an Active A/V Network Feature. (For moreinformation, please see page 68.)

Usingbasic playbackcontrols

rewindinga tapePress the REW button on the remote control or turn the s]huttle

ring on the front panel to the left.

If the tape is stopped, you will begin rewinding. If the tape isplaying, you will begin "reverse speed search", with picture

fast forwardinga tape

Press the FF button on the remote control or turn the shuttle ringon the front panel to r,he right;.


Page 28: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR PlayingaTape (cont.)



If the tape is stopped, you will begin fast forwarding. If the tape is

playing, you will begin "forward speed search", with picture.

pausinga tape

Press the PAUSE button either' on the remote control or on the

front panel to freeze the picture on the screen.

If you leave the VCR in pause fbr more tharL 5 minutes, the VCRwill automatically stop to prevent damage to the tape.


If the picture vibrates during still frame, turn the jog dial whileholding down the ONE KEY PROGRAM button on the front paneluntil the picture is steady.

€ Usingthe Menusto Set UpYourVCR

Before your VCR can :receive television channels or you can

program your VCR to record, you need to program all of thechannels you can receive into your VCR and set the clock. Addi-tionally, if you want to program with the VCI_: Plus+ ® system, youmust do a one-time setup to record using the PlusCode numbers.Fortunately, your VCR makes this an easy process with our menusystem. This section explains:

• Using the AllSet'" feature to set up your VCR automati-cally,

• Using video mute,• Adding and deleting channels, and• Selecting a channel.

This section will also show you how to use the on-screen menus.You will use the menus to operate many features. You will learnhow to use the menus by actually performing "Using the AllSetfeature to set up your VCR automatically."

On the on-screen merms, the selected item :is highlighted in white.You will use the ADJUST dial and the shuttle ring on the remotecontrol to select and adjust menu functions, not the front panel.

Usingthe AIISetTM feature to set upyour VCR automatically

Using this feature, your VCR will automatically set the clock,memorize all of the television stations avai:Lable to you and alsoset the VCR Plus+ guide channel numbers. (You need to manuallyset the guide channel numbers, for the channels from a satellitereceiver.)

For information about the VCR Plus+ guide channel numbers,please see page 39.


Page 29: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

:: -__A special notetocable boxsubscribers

O Firsl; Time Set-UpYour choices are:

OSet the clock

Addldelete channels

@Set VCR Plus+ Guides

Use ADJUST %0 selec%,

and ENTER.

Press MENU for Main Menu



Fully Automatic Settins

ClockVCR Plus+ GuidesChannel memory

P;ess ENTER to continue.

MENU for Set-Up Menu

If your local cable company scrambles some or all stations, and/orrequires you to use a cable box, then your ability to programchannels will be limited. ThE, cable box receives ai1 of your c.han-neIs and then sends only one to your TV (and your VCR), usuallyon channel 3 or 4.

If you are required to use a cable box, you should choose "Cablebox only" option in ',;tep _ on the next page and turn the cablebox on. Your HS-U780 _qll use its special Converter Box Controltechnology to change the channels on the cable box.

If your cable box or cable system seems incompatible wil:h your

new VCR, call your cable company. They m_y be able to providesolutions to your problems.

Beforeyoubegin,youstlould:• have completed all connections between your VCR, TV, cable,

antenna, cable box, and satellite receiver (if any); (pages 12-20)• make sure to leave the cable box on (if you use a box); and

• know how to view the picture coming from your VCR.(page 25)

@ Make sure you are viewing the picture coming from yourVCR. Then, pre,;s the MENU button on the remote control.You will see the "VCR Main Menu." Ma _e sure the words

"First Time Set-Up" is highlighted. If it is not, use the AD-JUST dial on the remote control to highlight it.

Turn the shuttle ring on the remote control to the right. The"First Time Set-Up" menu will appear. The "AllSet" ,,_ill be

highlighted. Turn the shuttle ring to the right.

If you are recording or playing back a tape, Lhe words "Notavailable" will flash and an error message will appear. To correctthis, stop the tape.

O You will see the "AllSet" explanation ,_creen. Turn the shuttlering to the right.

_AllSetNhat type of sources areconnected _o the VCR?[e]-__L_ (OFF)O CableOC_ble box onlyO Indoor/outdoor antUse ADJUST to select,end ENTER. PressMENU for Set-Up Menu

O You will see the menu for automatically memorizing chan-nels. If you are using a satellite receiver, turn the ADJUST

dial to select "Sat. receiver." Then use the shuttle ring toselect correct code for your satellite receiver. Select "1" if youare using an RCA or GE satellite receiver; select "2" if you areusing a PRIMESTAR _ satellite receiw;r; and select "3" if youare using a Sony satellite receiver. Now you can select all ofthe channels coming from your satellke receiver.

If you are not using a satellite receiver, make sure "Sat...... OFF."rece,ver is set to


Page 30: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR Usingthe Menusto:SetUpYourVCR(cont.)

BAIISet '_ ......_!:_!_!'(__iii :

What type of sources are

connected to the VCR?

OSat. receiver (OFF)

OCable box only

0 Indoor/outdoor an%.

Use ADJUST So select,

and ENTER. Press

MENU for Se_-UP Menu

0 Using the list below as a reference, turn the ADJUST diLal toselect the kind of antenna you connected.• If you are using a cable box that sends; signals to your VCR

on only one channel and can be operated by a remotecontrol, choose ",Cable box only," and skip to step O, below.

• If you are using any cable combination, :including a cablebox with an A/B switch, choose "Cable."

• If you are using an antenna that receives only over-the-airbroadcasts, such as "rabbit ears" or a roof-mounted an-

tenna, choose "Indoor/outdoor ant."


Now memorizin9 all _he

s_ations you can receiveChannel 3

Szand by zhis may %ake

a feH minuZes

To cancel memorization,press CANCEL


Please enZer code from

your Owner's Guide:

[] l:I-_?ra=l_g_-_

Use ADJUST _o select.and ENTER. PressMENU for Set-Up Menu

After you have selected, turn the shuttle ring to the right.

O If you choose "Cable" or "Indoor/outdoor ant," an on-screenmessage and the display on the front of your VCR will showyou that the VCR is memorizing the statioas you can receive.After the VCR has programmed all the ch_,nnels, you will seethe screen for entering the zip code. Go to step O in thissection.

Ifyouchoose"Cable boxonly,"

You need to tell the VCR which manufacturer makes your cable

box, and on which channel the cable box sends a signal. You willsee the screen to the left.

O The word "Brand code" will be highlighted. Turn the ADJUSTdial or press the number buttons to select Lhe manufacturer'scode number for your cable box. The codes are listed be!low.

After you have selected the manufacturer's code, turn theshuttle ring to the right. The word "Channel" will be high-lighted.


Your cable box sends asisnal on which channel?OBrand code 1


Use ADJUST _o selecZ,an_ ENTER. PressMENU for Set-Up Menu


EagleEasternG C ElectronicGeminiGeneral ElectricGeneral InstrumentHamlinHitachiJerroldMacom


1,2,1129, 58, 6529, 6529, 6554, 5817, 18, 19, 61,62, 636829, 65

5,60351,2,3,4,5,41,42,43,44,69,9122, 23, 45, 46, 47241,2,3,4,5,41,42,43,44,69,9128

0 Use the ADJUST dial to select the channel on which yourcable box sends a signal to the VCR. If you connected yourcable box with audio/video cables, use the [NPUT button to

select "LI" if you connected them to the rear panel, or select"L2" if you connected them to the front panel.






SamsungScientific Atlanta

Code Number

59, 61,6730, 31,51, 5420, 51,5227, 39, 40, 49, 50, 6114, 21,256,7

14, 15, 16, 92, 93, 9426, 61,62, 63, 6414, 21,2537, 3845, 486855, 565, 14, 21, 25, 2910, 11,12, 13


SheritechSL MarxSprucerStargateSylvaniaTeknikaTexscanTocomToshibaUnikaUnited Cabl_Universal


Code Number575, 14,2914, 21, 255, 14, 29, 65663653, 661,2,3,4,5,41,42,_3,44,69,9132, 33, 3448230, 31, 54, 656,717, 18, 19, 61,62, 636,7,8,9


Page 31: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


_AIISe_ ; ......

Now memorizins all thes_ations you can receive

Channel 3S_and by zhis may takeaofew minutes

To:cancel memorization,


Use number keys to enterZieCode30071

P_ess ENTER _hen;dOne.Press CANCEL _o erasethe ZipCode :Press ::MENU £or:Se_UP Menu

@ You need to determine whether or not you have selected the

correct "Brand code." To do this, press the CHANNEL, buttonson the remote control. As you press the buttons, the channelnumber on the front of your VCR shou:ld change. Watch yourcable box. Your cable box ,should show the exact same number

a moment after it appears on your VCR.

If your cable box does not change channels at all, or does notshow the exact same number, do one of the following:

• Try moving the cable box on top of t:he VCR.• If more than one "Brand code" is listed for your type of

cable box, try a different one. (You can use the CANCE, Lbutton to move back to the "Brand code" option.)

• Obtain an IR Emitter cable (part name IR EMITTER) from

your Mitsubishi dealer and refer to the section "cor, nectingan IR emitter':' on page 19.

If no code number is listed for your cable box, or if none of thenumbers listed will work, try' each code, from 01 to 94.

If your cable box cannot be operated by a remote control (i.e., if itis operated with a mechanical dial or slide), then your VCR willnot be able to change channels on the cable box.

If your cable box will not respond to any of' the codes, your VCRcannot change channels on the cable box. Yon will need to changechannels yourself, using the cable box's remote control. Youshould re-program your VCR, choosing "Cab:e" in step _ on :page

30. When programming to record, you will need to leave yourcable box ON and tuned to the channel you wish to record.

If you connected a satellite receiver, press the CHANNEl, buttonsto see that the TV shows the channels coming from the receiver.If it does not, try repositioning or moving the satellite receiver. Ifthey still don't appear, you will need to obtain an IR emitter (partname: IR EMITTER) from your Mitsubishi dealer.

@ After you have determined that you are using the correctBrand code, turn the shuttle ring to the right to begin memo-

rizing channels. The TV screen will sh_w you a message thatthe VCR is memorizing the channels coming from your cablebox. Your TV screen, the f_ont of your VCR, and your cablebox should all display each channel number, one by one.

@ When the VCR is finished memorizing, you will see the screen

for entering the zip code. ]Use the number buttons to enter thezip code in your area. For' example, if the zip code in yourarea is 30071, enter "30071."

If you enter a number incorrectly, turn tlhe shuttle ring to theleft or press the CANCEL button.

When you have finished entering the zip code, turn theshuttle ring to the right.


Page 32: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR Usingthe Menusto SetUpYourVCR(cont.)

1st Step in Progress...

Please Hai_.

MENU _or Se_-UP Menu


_AllSet ..... ,

Ist Step successful.

Please leave

your VCR off Overnish_

AIISeZ will be

compleZed Overnishz

MENU for Se_-UP Menu



Setup CompleZed.

Press MENU sO exit !I.....


Se%up has no_ been

compleZed yeZ.

Your choice is necessary

Zo cemple_e SetuP.

Press ENTER _o continue.


Guide VCRCH Guide VCRCHNBC -- 023 .......HBO -- 027 .......

Use AD3UST _o choose

oorreo Lineup,and ENTER:


The VCR will begin to search for a channel that carries a time

signal to set the clock. If the VCR can find the channel, it willset the clock. You can see if the clock has been set on the

fluorescent display on the VCR.

The first set-up (clock setting) may take about half an hour.For the VCR searches for a channel that carries a time signal,

one by one. The time required to set the clock vary accordingto the channels.

If the VCR will not set the clock (the present time disp:Lay still

shows -:- -), see instructions for setting: the clock on page 36.

Once the VCR has set the clock, it shows the message indicat-

ing that the first set-up is completed. Then, press the POWERbutton to tram off the VCR and leave the VCR off for the

night. The full set-up will be completed overnight (from aboutMidnight to 7:00AM).

During this time, the VCR will search fi)r a channel thatcarries data to set the VCR Plus+ guide channel numbers for

your area and then check the guide channel number againstthe channel number you receive in your home and select the

correct lineup automatically.

If you use a cable box, you will need to leaw_ your cable box ONwhile using the "AllSet" feature.

(_ ,O Turn on the VCR the next day ]f the V _1_,has completed theset-up, it will display the screen shown le1%.Then, press theMENU button to exit the menus.

If youseethemessage"Setup failed," goto page33andfollow thedirectionsfor "If "Setup failed" is displayedonthescreen".

If youseethe message"Press MENUto seethe messageof AIISet"onthescreenwhenyouturnonthe VCR,

The VCR cannot identify the correct lineup If this occurs, youwill need additional procedures to complete set-up.

q[_ Press the MENU button. You will see the screen indicating

that the set-up has not been completed. To continue the set-up, turn the shuttle ring to the right.

You will see the "]Lineup" screen, listing all possible lineupsamong which you can manually select th_ correct one.

In the "Guide" column on the left is a list of Broadcast call

letters, and in the '_¢CRCH" column on the right is a list ofthe actual channels your VCR receives. To select the correct

lineup, you need to know the actual channel on which yourVCR receives indb4dual stations.


Page 33: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


Broadcast orcable stations

(call letters)NBCHBO

Channel number

your VCRreceives on

Example only

Broadcast orcable stations

(call letters)NBCHBO

Channel numberyour VCR

receives on

correct lineup for your area


Guide VCRCH Guide VCRCHNBC -- 032HBO -- 005

Use ADJUST _o choosecorrect Lineup_........and ENTER.


Setup failed.

Press ENTER to _ry asain

MENU for SeZ-Up Menu



You may see "A E', not "A&E" in the "Guide" column as theVCR's memory, cannot store every character.

O On a piece of paper, prepare a two-column list and place theheadings "Broadcast or cable stations (call letters)" and"Channel number your VCR receives on" as shown.

0 In the left column, write the call lette:cs displayed in the left"Guide" column on the screen.

O In the right column, write down the nur_ber on which yourVCR receives that channel. (For example, if you rece![ve NBCon channel 32, v/rite "32".) The channels; in this column arethe correct lineup for your area. (Note: the numbers in theillustration are examples only.)

O Turn the ADJUST dial until the correct lineup is displayed inthe 'WCRCH" column on the screen. Turning the ADJUSTdial will show each possible lineup one after another. Whenthe correct; lineup is displayed, turn the shuttle ring to theright.

Then follow steps _) and O on page 32.

If the correct lineup is not displayed or you ,;ee the message"Setup failed" again, the VCR cannot set up the VCR Plus+ ®guidechannel numbers automatically. Set them manually.

If "Setup failed" is displayedonthe screen

If the message "Setup failed" appears on the screen after step @)or _, the zip code you entered may be wrong or the VCR cannotidentify the channel carrying the data for some reason. Turn the

shuttle ring to the right to move back to re-enter the zip code. Ifyou entered the zip code incorrectly, re-enter it and turn the

shuttle ring to the right. (If t:he zip code is correct, repeatedlyturn the shuttle rinE[ to the right until the message "1st Step inProgress...Please Wait." is displayed.) The VCR will try to set upagain. If the VCR still displays the message "Setup failed," thenthe VCR cannot set up the VCR Plus+ guide channel numbersautomatically. Set them manually. (See "Setting the VCR Plus+ ®Guide Channel Numbers" on page 39.)

Automatic channel programming using the AllSet TM featu:re mayinclude vacant channels if there are stray sil,mals or noise onthose channels. If this occurs, you can manually delete the chan-

nels using the procedure in the section "Add:[ng and deletingchannels." You cannot delete satellite channels.

You do not need to perform this set-up again unless you move theVCR to a new address. After a power fail_ce: the "AllSet" will beautomatically performed again, if you have set the "Clock set"setting of the "Set the clock" menu to AUTO. (See page 37.)


Page 34: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR UsingtheMenusto SetUpYourVCR(cont.)

_>Im _ortant:

_VCR Main Menu

Your choices are:

_'Prosram to record

IN= k-% _ -1. I, II.'_d _ •1,1,4:;

First Time Set-Up

Use ADJUST to select,andENTER.Press MENU to exit menus

Cuszomize choices(ON)

OAuto Power save (OFF)ORF converter (ON )O PerfeoTaPe (AUTO)OA/V Network (OFF)

Use ADJUST to select.and ENTER to chanse.Press MENU for Main Menu

OFirst Time Set-UpYour choices are:_AIISe_OSet the clock

Set VCR Plus+ Guides

Use ADJUST _o select.and ENTER.Press MENU for Main Menu

Once the VCR has completed the "AllSet" set-up, it can automati-cally set the clock, even your time zone and daylight saving time,when the VCR is turned off (auto clock function). For the auto

clock function to activate automatically, the "(',lock set" setting ofthe "Set the clock" menu must be set to AUTO. (See "Using theauto clock function" on page 36.)

Usingvideo mute

When you turn video mute ON, any blank section of tape, or anystation with a weak signal, will be replaced by a blue screen. The

sound will also be turned off. If there is a time when you wouldlike to try to tune in a weak station, turn video mute OFF.

Beforeyoubegin,youshouldknowhow:• (",to view the picture coming from your V _R; (see page: 25),• to use the menus. (See page 28.)

' CO Press the MENU button on the remote control. The _V,R

Main Menu" appears on your TV.

Use the ADJUST dial on the remote control to select "Cus-tomize choices." Turn the shuttle ring to tine right.

The "Customize choices" menu appears on your screen. Use

the ADJUST dial to select "Wideo mute.:' Then, turn theshuttle ring to the right to :set video mute to ON or OFF.

Press the MENU button once to return to the "VCR Main

Menu" menu; press the MENU button a second time to turnoff the menus.

Adding anddeleting channels

If necessary, you can manually add or delete channels after youhave completed the automatic channel programming by using theAlISet TM feature. (You cannot do this for channels coming from asatellite receiver.)

Beforeyoubegin,youshouldknowhow:• to view the picture coming from your VCR; (see page 25)• to use the menus. (See page 28.)

Make sure that video mute is ON. (See above.)

Press the MENU button on the remote control. The '_V'CR

Main Menu" appears on your TV.



Turn the ADJUST dial on the remote control to select "First

Time Set-Up." Turn the shuttle ring to the right.

You will see the "First Time Set-Up" menu. Turn the AD-JUST dial to select "Add/delete channel s.:' Turn the shuttle

ring to the right.


Page 35: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


Add/delete channels

Channel 39Not in memory

Use ADJUST to select,a channel. Use ENTERto add it. CANCEL zodeleze!!it. Press!!_:i_:iMENU for Set,Up Menu



If you are recording or playing back a tape, or if you are watchinga channel from a satellite receiver, then the words "Not available"

will flash and you will see an error messalge. To correct this stopthe tape or switch the VCR to a local channel.

O You will see the screen for adding or deleting channels. Usethe ADJUST dial to select the channel that you want to addor delete. Press the ENTER button or turn the shuttle riag tothe right to add the channel; press the C,ANCEL button orturn the shuttle ring to the left to delete it.

O When you are finished adding or deleting channels, press theMENU button once to return to the "First Time Set-Up"menu; press the MENU button a second time to return to the"VCR Main Menu"; press the MENU button a third time toturn off the menu.

If you use 'memorize channels' from the AllSet TM menu again, youwill lose all of the manual changes you made. All of the clhannelsyou deleted will be added; all of the channels you added will be

deleted. If you are using a cable box that receives only one or twodigit channels_ you cannot add a three-digit channel.

Selecting a channel

Now that you have programmed your channels, and added ordeleted some, you will want to be able to select channels. (If youhave not yet programmed channels using the AllSet feature, seepage 28.)

If you selected indoor!outdoor antenna, the VCR can receive UHF/

VHF channels 2-69. If you selected cable box only, the VCR canreceive cable box channels 0-99. If you selected cable am_enna,the VCR can receive cable channels 1-125. i[fyou try to s:elect achannel number that the VCR cannot receive, the VCR will notchange channels. If you are using a satellite receiver, you cannotselect cable channels 100-125.

Also, your VCR can ,;elect all of the channels of your Sony, RCA,or PRIMESTAR ® satellite receiver. If you are using an RCA or aSony receiver, you can select channels 100-999. If you are using aPRIMESTAR ® receiver, you can select 1-999 channels. If you

select a channel coming from an RCA or Sony receiver, yourreceiver will automatically turn on.

There are two basic ways to select channels: sequentially ordirectly.


Press the CHANNEL buttons on the remote control or turn tlhe

jog dial on the VCR f_ont panel. This will cycle through thechannels in sequential numerical order. If you have connecte,:lyour VCR to a satellite receiw_r, the lowest rnmbered satellite


Page 36: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR Usingthe Menusto SetUpYourVCR(cont.)

channel comes after the highest numbered ,cable or antenna

channel. If you have connected your VCR to a satellite receiver,

you can change channels in 10-digit increments by holding" downthe CHANNEL button for one second or by turning the jog dialquickly.


Use the number buttons on the remote control. For examp]Le, tochoose channel 23, press the "2" button, then Lhe "3" button.

To select a single digit channel:, such as chanrLel 5, press the "0"button, then the number button, "5." You can also press thenumber button "5," then press ENTER.

To select PRIMESTAR channels, such as channel 150, press theINPUT button until the channel number with the PRIMESTAR

light (_) appears on the fluorescent display and then press thenumber button "1", "5", "0".

Settingthe Clock

If your clock is set correctly, you can skip this section.

If your VCR cannot set the clock automatically in the AllSet TM

procedure, you have to set the clock using one of the two proce-dures below.

This section tells you about the following setti:ag procedures:

• Using the auto ('.lock function, and• Setting the clock manually.

Usingthe auto clock function

Your VCR can set the clock automatically by picking up a ti[mesignal which some TV and cable channels transmit with their

broadcasts. Most PBS stations send this signa:[, however, thisfunction works only if a channel in your area i:_broadcasting atime signal. If you don't receive this signal, set the clock manuallyusing the procedure in the section "Setting t:he clock manually."

Your VCR automatically sets the clock, your time zone andDaylight Saving Time; you don't haw_ to adjus!; to DaylightSaving Time.

Beforeyoubegin,youshould:• know how to view the picture coming from your VCR (page


• have completed the "AllSet" procedure (page 28),• make sure to leave the cable box on (if you use a box); and• know how to use the menus (page 28).


Page 37: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Your choices are:

_AllSetr]_"[=_[ _1 Ik dlqT[r_E=_m _=][=-]

Add/delete channelsSet VCR Plus+ Guides

Use ADJUSTito_selec_,;,and ENTER.Press MENU for Main Menu

OSe_:%he clock :,_:! :i


Use ADJUST to select,and ENTER. PressMENU for Set-Up Menu


OSet %he clock =(AUTO)

Time zone (AUTO)

Daylish% savinss(AUTO)

To activa%e Auto Clock.turn off the VCR.Use ADJUST _o select,and ENTER. PressMENU for Set-Up Menu

OSe_._he_clock , -....Channel (065)

(Eastern )ODaylish% savinss(AUTO)

To activate Auto Clock,turn off the VCR.Use ADJUST to select.and ENTER. PressMENU for Set-Up Menu

To use the auto clock function:

O Press the MENU button ,on the remote control. You _ll seethe "VCR Main :Menu."

O Turn the ADJUST dial to select "First 25me Set-Upl Turnthe shuttle ring to the right. The "Fir,_t Yime Set-Up :*menuwill appear. Turn the ADJUST dial to select "Set the clock."Turn the shuttle ring to the right.

You will see the "Set the clock" menu. The words "C:[ock set"

will be highlighted. Turn the ADJUST dial to select AUTO.

Turn the VCR off to activate the auto clock setting function.

The VCR will search for a channel that carries a time si_._al andset your time zone and daylight saving time. If there are only a

few channels in your area that carry time signals, the se'Lting maytake about 30 minutes to complete. If you turn the VCR on before

the correct time displays, the auto clock setting will be canceled.You can see if the clock has been set on the fluorescent display onthe VCR.

If the VCR displays the wrong time, the time zone setting maynot be correct. To adjust this setting, follow the directions in "Ifthe VCR displays the wrong time," below.

When you memorized channels, if you chose "Cable box only",make sure that you leave the cable box on. At 3:00 AM, when the

VCR power is off, the VCR will begin to automatically changechannels on the cable box, one by one, to s_et the clock. At thistime you cannot use the cable box. If you want to use it, turn onthe VCR or set the "Clock set" of the "Set Lh._ clock" menu to

MANUAL. (In both cases, auto clock function will be canceled.)When you memorized channels, if you chose "Cable" or "Indoor/outdoor ant", the VC,R will set the clock as soon as you turn offthe VCR and also at 3:00 AM.

IftheVCRdisplaysthe wrongtime,

O Follow the procedure above up to step _}. Then, turn the

shuttle ring to the right.

O You will see the auto clock setting menu. The word "Channel"will be highlighted. If you know the channel that ca_-ies atime signal, turn the ADJUST dial to enter the channel. MostPBS stations broadcast a time signal. For the fastest re-sponse, enter your local PBS station. If you don't know it,leave the channel setting at AUTO. Turn the shuttle right.

The words "Time zone" will be highlig:hted. Turn the ADJUSTdial to select the time zone of your area. The available timezones are: Atlan_:ic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific,

Alaska, and Hawaii. Then turn the shutLle ring to the right.


Page 38: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR Settingthe Clock(cont.)

Q Channel (065)

Time zone (Eastern )

To activate Auto Clock,

turn off _he VCR.

Use _ADJUST i_!_Selec_ i_ ii!ii!!i!!I

ana!ENTER.!ipress! i _iii_!_iil

MENU for Se_-Up Menu


Use ADJUST %o select,and ENTER. PressMENU for SeZ-Up Menu

OSet %he clockKe]D__s-_,Dm,_ (OFF)0 _onth --0 Year --O Date --0 Time

Use ADJUST zo selec%_i

and ENTER. PressMENU for Set'Up Menu

O The "Daylight savings" will be highlighted. Turn the ADJUSTdial to select the daylight savings settings AUTO, ON or OFF.If you follow daylight saving time, select ON. If not, selectOFF. If you select AUTO, the VCR automatically sets thedaylight saving time.

To activate the auto clock fimction, turn off the VCR.

Settingthe clock manually

You can skip this section if your VCR has set the clock correctlyusing the AllSet feature.

Beforeyoubegin,youshouldknowhow:q_• to view the picture coming from your V .JR (page 25).

• to use the menus (page 28).

O Press the MENU button on the remote control. You will seethe '5/CR Main Menu.

O Turn the ADJUST dial to select "First Time Set-Up." Turn

the shuttle ring to the right. The "First Time Set-Up" menu

will appear. Turn the ADJUST dial to select "Set the clock."

Turn the shuttle ring to the right.

O You will see the "Set the clock" menu. The words "Clock set"

will be highlighted. Turn the ADJUST dial to selectMANUAL. Then turn the shuttle ring to the right.

O The words "Daylight savings" will be highlighted. Turn theADJUST dial to select the daylight savings setting ON orOFF. If you are currently ibllowing daylight savings, selectON. Otherwise, select OFF. After you have selected, turn theshuttle ring to the right.

Sez Zhe clockODavlisht sav_nss (OFF)

-March-0 Year 1997 _

ODate 1 Sazurday0 Time 12:00em

0 Turn the ADJUST dial until the correct month appears onscreen. Turn the shuttle ring to the right.

_Se% _he clock

ODaylisht savinss (OFF)

0 Month M_rch-1997-

Date 1Sa_turday

0 Time 12:00pm

Use ADJUST _o seleoZ ....and ENTER. :PressMENU £ob:Se_:Uv MdhU <

0 Turn the ADJUST dial to set the year. Turn the shuttle ringto the right.


Page 39: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

ODaylisht savinss (OFF)O Month March0 Year 19971

-16 Sunday-OTime I l_:OOpm

use i AD3"UST lec_ _"

and ENTER::%>Press ,. _-_MENU for Set-Up Menu

0 Turn the ADJUST dial to set the date. l)urn the shuttle ring

to the right.

ODaylisht savinss (OFF)0 Month March0 Year 1997ODate 16 S_nday_

MENU for Se_-Up Menu

O Se_i!_%heolockDaylish% savinss (OFF)

0 Month March0 Year 1997

ODate 16 Sunday

Use ADJUST to select.and ENTER. PressMENU for Set-Up MenU!

0 The hour numbers and the am/pm indicator will be blin_dng.Turn the ADJUST dial to set the hour and am/pm at the sametime. Turning the dial right moves the dock forward; turningthe dial left moves the clock backwards. Turn the shuttle ring

to the right.

O Turn the ADJUST dial to set the minutes. When you have setthe correct time. turn the shuttle ring to the right. Thedisplay will return to the "First Time S_,.t-Up" menu and theclock will start running.

O Press the MENU button once to return _o the '_V'CR MainMenu"; press the MENU button again to turn off the menus.

You can adjust the daylight saving time manually. Make: sure thewords "Daylight savings" is highlighted, and turn the ADJUSTdial to select ON or ,OFF. If you select ON, the VCR will set the

clock forward one hour. If you select OFF, the VCR will s:et theclock back one hour.

_Important: Any time you adjust this setting, check your programmed record-ings to be sure they are set to the correct tiraes.

If you have a Mitsubishi TV with StarSight _ feature, the TV canset the time on your VCR. (See your TV Owner's Guide for de-tails.) To allow StarSight ®to do this, you must set "Clock: set"setting of the VCR's "Set the Clock" menu to MANUAL, and the

VCR's "A/V Network" setting to ACTIVE.

StarSight ®is a registered trademark of StarSight Telecast, Inc.

Settingthe VCRPlus+®GuideChannelNumbers(You can skip this section if your VCR has set the guide channels using the ,_AlSet feature. Thissetting is necessary if your VCR cannot set the guide channels automatically or you use thesatellite receiver.)

The VCR Plus+ system allows you to program your VCR to recordtelevision shows by simply entering a PlusCode programmingnumber found after each program in your TV listings.

The VCR Plus+ system assigns a unique nu:mber to each stationin your area. You must do a one-time set-up of your VCR usingthese assigned guide channel numbers in order to record correctlywhen using the PlusCode numbers. This set-up is required


Page 40: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR Settingthe VCRPlus+®GuideChannelNumbers(cont.)

A specialnotetocable boxsubscribers

!i ¸


because not everyone receives their stations on the same channel

numbers. You simply tell your VCR on which channel number youreceive stations.

If your local cable company scrambles some o1"all stations, and!orrequires you to use a cable box, then you may need to take anextra step when using" the VCR Plus+ ® system to program yourVCR.

If the HS-U780 is able to control your cable box (and youhave chosen "Cable box only" when you memorized chan-nels), simply follow the instructions below.If the HS-U780 is unable to control your cable box (or youhave chosen "Cable" when you memori;,,ed channels), youwill need to set all of the VCR Plus+ Channel Guides to the

channel on which your cable box sends a signal (usu:allychannel 3 or 4). Then, when you prog_'am, leave your cablebox turned ON, tuned to the channel you wish to record.

If you have difficulty .recording; your cable company may be ableto suggest an alternat.ive hook-up method th_:t will allow you touse the VCR Plus+system without leaving :_he cable box on, or

they may be able to provide additional solutions. Contact 1:hem formore help.

Beforeyoubegin,youneed:• to know how to view the, picture coming from your VCR;

(see page 25),• to know how to use the menus (see page 28), and• have completed the "A]lSet .... procedure (page 28), and• to correctly set the VCR for your satellite receiver in the

"AllSet" menu, if you are using a satellite receiver. (See

page 29.)

Most importantly, you need to have a list of the VCR Plus+Channel Guides for your area. This list can be found in TV Guide.Your local newspaper or your cable company may also be able toprovide you with this list.

Tosetthe VCRPlus+ChannelGuides:

Complete the following set-up procedure olfly for each stationwhose assigned guide channel number is different from thechannel number that you receive it on. For example, if the guidechannel number for NBC is 2, and your VCR receives NBC on 23,

you need to "set up" these numbers using the following procedure.

If all the channels whose numbers are the same (for example, ifthe guide number for' NBC is ,_'_,and your VCR also receives NBCon 2), you can skip this set-up procedure.

O Locate a list of the VCR Plus+ Channel Guides for your area.This list can be fbund in TV Guide. Your local newspaper orcable company may also be able to pro'tide you with this list.


Page 41: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Plus VCR OGuide Channel name Channel On a piece of paper, prepare a three-celumn list. Place theheadings "Plus Guide" and "Channel name" and "VCR Chan-nel" at the top of' the list as shown.

Plus VCRGuide Channel







Channel nameI


VCRChannel name IChannel

NBC I 23



HBO 112

ESPN2 150

VCRChannel name! Channel

HB01 I 112

Q First ;TimeiiiiSe_=Up:_Your choices are:_AIISe%OSe% the clock

Add/deleZe channels

Use ADJUST I;oselect,





In the center column, write the name of .each channel that youcan receive through your antenna or cable system. In the'_VCR Channel" column, _rrite down the number on which

your VCR receives that channel.

Using the VCR Plus+ ® Channel Guide List you obtained mstep O, write the VCR Plus+ Channel Guide for each channelin the "Plus Guide" column. When the numbers in both

columns are the same, mark them with a check mark. (Note:

the numbers in the illustration are exan_ples only. Refer toyour list for the correct numbers.)

If you are using a satellite receiver, w_ite the name of eachchannel that you can receive through your receiver. In the'%CR Channel" column, _Tite down the number on which

your receiver receives the channel. If your satellite systemreceives more than one version of the same channel (ibrexample, HBO1, HBO2, etc.), check the time schedules in

your local listings to see which version being listed. You canonly set up the particular version that is listed. In your chart,draw a line through the other versions.

Press the MENU button on the remote control. Turn the

ADJUST dial to select "First Time Set--Up." Turn the shuttlering to the right.

The "First 'rime Set-Up" menu appears on your screen. _srnthe ADJUST dial to select "Set VCR Plus+ Guides." Turn the

shuttle ring to the right.

SeZ:VCR Plus÷:GuidesPlus Guide VCR Channel, ool _ -bO_-

eo2 002

003 003004 004005 005

Use MENU for::Se_-UP Henu

@ You will see the "Set VCR Plus+ Guides" menu on yourscreen. In the "Plus Guide" column on the left is a list of the

VCR Plus+ guide channel numbers (from "Plus Guide" co}nmnof your worksheet), and in the "BOX Channel" or 'WCRChannel" column on the right is a list of 1;he actual channelsyour VCR receiw_s in your home (from '%CR Channel" columnof your worksheet). Beginning with number 001, check the

number in the left column of the VCR menu against the leftcolumn of your li,_t.

O If the number does not appear in the left column of your list,turn the ADJUST dial to move the cursor to the next number.


Page 42: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR Settingthe VCRPlus+®GuideChannelNumbers(cont.)

Plus Guide VCR Channel

ooi o01oo2 _ -'oo_-003 %09004 004005 005006 006

Use MENU for SeZ-UP Menu

@Se% VCR Plus+ GuidesPlus Guide VCR Channel

ooi o01002 _--"02_--003 %0_004 004005 005006 006

Use MENU for Sez,Up Menu

@SeZ, VCR Plus+_Guides

Plus Guide VCR Channel

031 031032 0,32

, 033mE F)11 034 034

035 035

036 036

Use MENU for Se%-UP Menu

0 If you find the number in the left column o[ your list, turn theADJUST dial to place the cursor next to a VCR Plus+ _idenumber for the channel. For example, if you want to set NRC,and if the VCR Plus+ guide channel number for NBC is "2,"move the cursor next to "2." You may have to cycle through anumber of "screens" before the higher number guide channels

are displayed on the screen.




Use the number buttons to enter the actual VCR channel on

which you receive the station. For example, if your VCRreceives NBC on channel 23, enter the nuraber "23" next to

the VCR Plus+ ® guide channel for NBC.

• For DSS ®channels simply enter the threedigit number.

(The letter "S" will display next to the channel number.)

• If you are using a PRIMESTAR * receiw,r, press the ]NPUTbutton and then press the number buttons to selectPRIMESTAR channels. (The letter "S" will display next to

the channel number.)

• If you are using a cable box that the VCR cannot control,enter the channel on which your cable box sends signals to

your VCR (usually channel 3 or 4).

Repeat steps abow_ for all numbers in the left column of theVCR menu. If the numbers in the left and right columns of

your chart are the same (indicated by a check mark), leavethem the same in the VCR menu.

When you are finished, press the MENU button three timesto exit the menus. Your VCR can now use the PlusCode

numbers in your local listings to record shows from an an-tenna, a cable system, or a satellite receiver.


Your VCR has two function menus: video function menu and

audio function menu. You can select many of the VCR's audio andvideo functions and adjust their settings with these menus. Youcan also choose some advanced features. The VCR will display the

functions and settings on the television's screen.

This section will teach you about:• Descriptions of audio functions,• Descriptions of video functions, and• Selecting and adjusting the audio and video functions.

The audio functions you can select are:-- audio monitor, and-- normal record.


Page 43: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


Thevideofunctionsyoucanselectare:-- recordspeed,-- recordformat,-- tape,-- playPerfecTape®,-- sharpness,-- counterzerostop,-- repeatplayback,and-- PerfecTape®.

Descriptionsof audio functions

Below are descriptions of the audio function,,;, their uses and theirsettings. To select these functions and adjust their settings, referto the section "Selecting and adjusting the audio and videofunctions". (See page 45.)

audio monitor(Listen to:)The monitor function allows you to listen to the various audio

tracks that your VCR is capable of recording. You can choose tolisten to a MONO track, both channels of the STEREO track,either of the channels (left (L)and right (F_)) of the stereo track.

Choose "Stereo" to listen to both stereo channels.Choose "L" to listen to the left channel of a stereo track.

Choose "R" to listen to the right channel of the stereo track.The MONO track is lower in quality tlhan the others, andthe monitor is automatically set to ":Mono" if you are

watching a tape that was not recorded in VHS Hi-Fi. Setthe audio monitor to "Mono" to hear an S.A.P. signal

recorded on the mono track of a Hi-Fi tape (see below)

If you have your VCR connected to a surround sound system, setthe audio monitor to "Stereo." Surround sound requires both left

and right channels to create the rear channel effects.

If you are receiving a stereo signal, when changing the channelsthe word "Stereo" will display on the TV screen for four seconds.If you are receiving an S.A.P. broadcast, the word "SAP" willdisplay on the TV screen for four seconds.

normalrecording(Record:)When your VCR is recording, it actually records the audio portionof a program twice: once on the stereo Hi-Fi tracks, and once onthe mono track. Additionally, your VCR is able to receive Sepa-rate Audio Program broadcasts, also known as an S.A.P. broad-cast. An S.A.P. broadcast is an alternative a_dio soundtrack for a

program; it is often a soundtrack in another language.

You can use the normal recording function to record the S.A.P.broadcast on the mono track by choosing "Stereo+SAP." Other-wise, choose "Stereo". In either case, the main program is re-corded on the stereo Hi-Fi track. Also, if there is no S.A.P'. broad-cast, the VCR will record the :main program on the mono track.


Page 44: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR UsingtheAudioandVideoFunctioMls(cont.)


Be careful if you choose S.A.P. If you play your tapes on a iron-Hi-Fi VCR, you only hear the mono track. ¥0u may have to watchyour favorite show in a language you don't understand!

Descriptionsof video functions

Below are descriptions of the vi[deo functions, their uses and their

settings. To select these functions and adjust their settings;, referto the section "Selecting and adjusting the audio and videofunctions". (See page 45.)

recordingspeed(RECspeed)The recording speed has an effect on picture quality. SP producesthe best picture quality and records up to two hours of video o11a•T-120 tape. Mitsubishi's EP speed has only slightly poorer qual-

ity, and records up to six hours on a T-120.

recordingformat(RECformat)This function allows you to choose between recording in standard

VHS or Super-VHS (S-VHS) when you use an S-VHS tape. If youuse a VHS tape, the VCR will automatically record in VHS.

tape(Tape)Adjust this function to ensure the accuracy of the Tape Remain-ing display. If you are using a tape that is two hours long or less(labeled T-30 through T-120), set this function to "T-120." ]if yc,u

are using a tape labeled T-160, set it to "T-160." If you are using atape labeled T-180, set it to "T-180." If you are using a tapelabeled T-210, set it to "T-210." The tape remaining function does

not work properly with a tape that is less than 30 minutes long.

play PerfecTape®(PlayPerfecTape)This function is used _.oturn on the Play PerfecTape circuitry,

which automatically maximizes picture quality when playing atape. Set the switch to "ON" if you want to use this feature. If not,set it to "NORMAL." Set it to "DUB" when you are using the

HS-U780 as the playback VCR while copying tapes.

sharpness(Sharpness)Use this function to adjust between sharp (+) and soft (-) picture.

counter zero stop (Counter zero stop)This function is used 1_oautomatically fast forward or rewind to"0H00M00S" and stop the tape. (For more infi)rmation on this

feature, please see page 66.)

repeat playback (Repeat play)Use this function to repeatedly play a section of tape between twoindex marks. (For more information on this feature, please: see

page 67.)

PerfecTape®PerfecTape function allows you to test the quality of video tapesyou will record on. After each test, the VCR will adjust its inter-nal circuitry in order to make the best possible recording on yourtape. (For more inforraation on this feature: please see page 62.)

Page 45: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


Below are instructions on how to select and. adjust the audio andvideo functions.

Before you begin, you need to know:• how to view the picture coming from your VCR (page 25).

O Press the AUDIO button on the remote control to see theaudio function menu, or press the VIDE() button on theremote control to see the video function menu.

audio function menu video function menu

VCRListen to: STI;REO

Use ADJUST to ,._elect

VCRREC sF, eed SPUse ADJUST to select




Press the AUDIO or VIDEO button repeatedly until t]_efunction you want to adjust appears.

Turn the ADJUST dial on the remote to adjust the setting.

The functions will di,;appear if you do not press any buttons for 5seconds.

The audio and video function menus do not appear when the VCRmenu is displayed; when plating a tape and :'Play PerfecTape _' isset to "DUB"; or during special effects playback. The recordingspeed (REC speed), recording format (REC format) and tapefunctions do not appear during playback. The "Sharpness"

function only appears during playback when "Play Perfec]'ape" isset to "NORMAL". The PerfecTape function is displayed only

when a tape with its erasure tab intact is loaded and the VCR isstopped.

Your new VCR offers a wide variety of recording options that takefull advantage of our advanced electronics. This section tells youabout the following recording procedures:

• Recording a current broadcast,• Programming your VCR to record,• Programming with the VCR Plus+ ® system,• Using Quick l:'rogram,• Using One-Touch Recording (OTR),• Using One Key Programming, and• Notes about programmed recording.


Page 46: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR Recording(cont.)

__ L°

3/' 0


Recordinga currentbroadcast

Beforeyoubegin,youneedto knowhow:• to view the picture coming from your VCR. (See page 25)

To record a TV program that is currently playing:

O Load a tape with its erasure tab intact into the VCR. If'youhave not yet recorded on this tape, the VCR will test the tapewith the PerfecTape ® feature. (For more information on thisfeature, please see page 62.)

O If you have not ah'eady done so, set the speed at which you.

would like to record. (See "Selecting and adjusting the audioand video functions" on page 45.)

O Set the VCR's input to tuner. If"Lr' or "L2" appears insteadof a channel number, press the INPUT button on the remoteuntil the channel number shows on-screen or on the front

panel display. (If you would like to record channels from a

PRIMESTAR ® receiver, press the INPUT button until thechannel number with the PRIMESTAR light appears on thefront panel display.)

O Select the channel you wish to record by using the CI-[M_NELbuttons or the number buttons on the remote or the jog dialon the front panel. (If you are using a cable box that the VCRcannot control, select channel 3 or 4 on the VCR, and changethe channel on the cable box, not on the VCR.)

Press the REC button on the remote control or the REC/OTR

button on the front panel of the VCR.

Recording will start. "When you reach the end of the tape, theVCR will automatically rewind. You can stop recording at anytime by pressing the ;STOP or PAUSE button on the remote or the

PLAY/STOP button on the front panel. To resume recording fcomSTOP, press REC. Tc. resume recording from PAUSE, pressPAUSE. (You cannot use the REC/OTR butt_:,n to resume record-ing from PAUSE.)

If you pause the VCR for more, than five minutes, recording willstop automatically to protect the tape. If you record in extendedplay (EP), you will only be able to play the tape on a VCR

equipped for EP play, such as this one. If you attempt to record ona tape that has had its erasure prevention tab removed, t]_e VCRwill eject it.


Record cancel allows you to stop a recording you started acciden-tally and then rewind the tape to the point where this recordingstarted. You can use record cancel only if you start recording fromthe record-pause mode. To use record cancel press the REWbutton on the remote control or turn the shuttle ring on tlhe front


Page 47: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

VCR nain MenuYour choices are:

"_ _1al-l.: lal_-I.] /_,ld_- -)e•

Customize choicesFirst Time Set-Up

Use ADJUST to select.and ENTER.Press MENU to exit menus

J_Prosram to record

Use number keys to enZerVCR PlusCode

or press ENTER toProsram.

Press;gENU for Main genu

_'_rosram to record \i/

ODay --O Start _imeO Stop timeO Record speed AUTO

Use ADJUST zo select,and ENTER.;,Press CANCEL to clearl

panel to the left within eight seconds of wher.l you accidentallystarted recording. The VCR rewinds to where the recordingstarted and enters the record-pause mode.

ProgrammingyourVCR to record

You can program your VCR to record with the help of Mitsubishi'son-screen operating system. You can schedule up to eight record-

ing "events" within a one month period.

Before you begin, you must:• know how to view the picture coming fl_om your VCR; and• make sure the clock has been correcdy set.

To program your VCR to record:

@ Load a tape with its erasure tab intact into the VCR. !Ifyou

have not yet recorded on t:his tape, the VCR will test the tapewith the PerfecTape ®feature. (For more reformation on this

feature, please see page 62.)

O Press the MENU button on the remote control. The "VCR

Main Menu" appears on your screen. U's_ the ADJUST dial onthe remote control to select "Program to record." Turn theshuttle ring to the right.

If there is at least one programmed recording already entered,

you will see the "recap" screen. You can choose an emptyrecording slot, or wait four seconds and the VCR will auto-matically choose the first empty slot.

O You will see the VCR Plus+ "Program to record" menu. (Formore information on using the VCR Plus+ system to programyour VCR, see page 50.) Turn the shutde ring to the right to

skip this screen.

O You will see the "Program to record" menu. Turn the ADJTJSTdial to choose the channel you would like to record (for ex-

ample, channel 2). Turn the shuttle ring to the right.• If you are using a cable box that the VCR cannot control,

enter the channel number on which the cable box sends a

signal to your VCR (usually channel 3 or 4).• If you wish to record from an external source, press the

INPUT button or turn the ADJUST dial until "External

LI" or "External L2" appears. Select "External LI" torecord from an external source connected to the rear panel;select "External L2" to record from an external source

connected to the front panel.• If you are recording from a DSS ® or P]__IMESTAR ®re-

ceiver, you do not need to select "LI." Simply choose thechannel you would like to record (for example, channel245.) The word "SAT" will display next to the channelnumber.


Page 48: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR _ Recording(cont.)

li_proS_am to0 Channel _ , f2

--M3nday "17--OSzart time0 Stop ZimeORecord speed AUTO

3se ADJUST to selecZ

and ENTER ; ;Press MENU for Main Menu

@ The "Day" will flash. Turn the ADJUST dial to choose the dayon which you want to record (for example, Monday the seven-

teenth). Turn the shuttle ring to the right.


_'ProSram 1o recora0 Channel 2

0 Day Monday 17_

Stop timeRecord speed AUTO

Use iADJUSTI_oselect.

Press MENU for Main Menu

_Prosram to record(_ Channel 2

<_ Day Monday _7

1 l_-_3,<a m_)S_;op timeORecord speed AUTO

Use ADJUST I;o select

Press :MENU for Main Menu

When selecting a day, your choices are: a single day up to onemonth away, every day from lVIonday through Friday, or the sameday every week. To program for every day t'rcm Monday through

Friday (to tape a soap opera, fi)r example), turn the ADJUST dialuntil "Monday-Frida3 z' appears. To program t;he same day everyweek (to tape your favorite weekly sitcom, For example), turn theADJUST dial until "Every" and the desired day of the week


O The hour number's of the starting time: along with the am/pmindicator, will flash. Turn the ADJUST dial to set the hourwhen you wish recording to start. Turn the shuttle ring to theright.

The minute numbers of the start time will flash. Turn the

ADJUST dial to set the minutes when you wish recording tostart. Turn the shuttle ring to the righL

_Prosram to record0 Channel 2(_Day Monday 17

OSzart time l_:30am\ /. '/

(_Record speed -}_UT6_m<1_O_p

Use ADJUST 1;o selecZ.and ENTER _Press MENU for Main Menu

Q The hour numbers of the stop time, along with the arrdpmindicator, will flash. Turn the ADJUST dial to set the hour

when you wish recording to stop. Turn the shuttle ring to theright.

_'Pros_am!!%o record!!;=0 Channel 20 Day Monday 17

OSzar_ time ll:30am

ORecord speed AUTO

Press MENU: for ;Main Menu

0 The minute numbers of the stop time will flash. Turn theADJUST dial to ,;et the minutes when you wish recording tostop. Turn the shuttle ring to the right.


Page 49: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

_ Channel 2Day Monday 17

QS%ar_ _ime ll:30am

0 Szoe z ime i:3,0pm

@ Turn the ADJUST dial to set the recording speed (SP, EP:, orauto recording speed (AUTO)). (See "auto speed program-ming" on page 56 for an explanation of the auto speed record-ing feature.) Turn the shuttle ring to the right.


2 MOlT ll:30a I:30pSP

: : SP: : SP

: : SP

Press MENU for Main :Menu



O The contents of the programmed memory will appear on the"recap" screen. The letter "S" will be displayed next to thesatellite channel.

O To program additional recording times, select an empl;yprogram line by turning the ADJUST dial. Then, turn theshuttle ring to the right. You will return to the VCR Plus+"Program to record" screen. Continue the programmingprocedure from step 0.

® When you are finished with all programming, turn the VCRpower OFF and make sure the prograramed recording light islit. However, if you have a cable box or a PRIMESTAR ®receiver, leave the cable box or receiver turned ON. Addition-ally, if the HS-U780 does not control your cable box, leave thebox tuned to the station you wish to record.

Only four of the eight program lines appear on-screen at any onetime. To see additional program lines, turn the ADJUST dial toscroll the lines on the screen.

cancellinga recordinginprogress

There are two ways to cancel a recording in progress:

1. Press the STOP or PLAY/STOP button. The recording isstopped, but the program is not cancelled. Therefore, if youpress REC_ the recording will start ag_dn.

2. Press the POWER button on the front panel. The recording isstopped and the program is cancelled.


If you wish to change one of your settings (such as start time)while you are programming, turn the shuttle ring on the remoteto select the setting you wish to change. Turning the ring rightwill move you forward through the list, while turning the ring leftwill move you backwards. Then, use the ADJUST dial to changethe setting.

If you turn the shuttle ring to the left while the channel number

is flashing, you will cancel the entire program.


Page 50: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR Recording(cont.)

_VCR Main MenuYour choices are:

Til i['_ I i[':- |li|_['i I[ _[i_[ =1 •

_Customize choicesQ First Time Set-UP

Use AD3UST to select.and ENTER.Press MENU to exit menus

_Prosram to record

Use number keys to enterVCR PlusCode

5678 ....

Press ENTER when done.Press CANCEL to erasethe VCR PlusCode.Press MENU for Main Menu

_Prosram to record

VCR PlusCode: 5678

O DailyO Heekly

Use_AD3UST to select.andiENTER, iPressMENU for Main Menu


Programmingwiththe VCR Plus+®system

The VCR Plus+ system allows you to program your VCR to. recordby simply entering a PlusCode programming number. You canfind this number in TV Guide or (possibly) your local TV listings.

Beforeyoubegin,• you need to know how to view the picture coming from your

VCR; (see page 25)• you must make sure the clock has been set correctly; and• you must make sure your VCR Plus+ Channel Guides have

been set.

O Load a tape with its erasure tab intact inl;o the VCR. If youhave not yet recorded on this tape, the VCR will test the tapewith the PerfecTape ®feature. (For more information on thisfeature, please see page 62.)

O Press the MENU button on the remote control. The 'WCR

Main Menu" appc,ars on your screen. Use the ADJUST dial onthe remote control to select "Program to record." Turn theshuttle rin_ to the right.

If there is at least one programmed recor:ling already entered,you will see the "recap" screen. You can choose an emptyrecording slot, or wait four' seconds and the VCR will auto-

matically choose the first empty slot.

O You will see the VCR Plus+ "Program to record" screen. Usethe number buttons on the remote control to enter the

PlusCode number for the television show you want to record.For example, if the PlusCode number for the program youwant to record is 5678, simply enter "5678." See your localnewspaper or TV Guide for PlusCode numbers.

O If you enter a number incorrectly, turn the shuttle ring to theleft or press the CANCEL button on the :_emote control. When

you have finished entering the PlusCode number, turn theshuttle ring to the right.

O Use the ADJUST dial to select whether you want to recordyour program once, daily, or weekly.• If you choose "Once," your VCR will only record the show


• If you choose "Daily," your VCR will record the same

channel at the, same tkae, Monday through Friday.• If you choose "Weekly/' your VCR will record the same

channel at the same time, on the same day, each week.

After you have made your choice, turn the shuttle ring to theright.

If two programmed recording times overlap, the message, "VCR isalready programmed for that time" will display on the screen. You


Page 51: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

_Prosram _o reco_a


t-- 2 M01? 11:30a I:30__PSP-"' "-- SP

--: .... :-- SP

........ :.... :-- SP

Press MENU _for M_n:Menu

_J_PrOsram !zo

Use number keys to enZerVCR PlusCode

or preS_ ENTER

will need to erase the previous program before you can enter thenew one. If the code number you entered is v<mng, the message,"VCR PlusCode_ Not a valid code" will display on the screen.

O The program you have chosen to record will appear in the"recap" format, and will flash for three seconds.

@ If you wish to change the record speed, turn the shuttle ringto the right repeatedly until the record speed is flashing.Change the recording speed by turning the ADJUST dial.When finished, turn the shuttle ring to the right once more.



To program additional recording times, select an emptyprogram line by turning the ADJUST dial. Then, turn theshuttle ring to the right. You will return to the VCR Plus+ ®"Program to record" screen. Continue the VCR Plus+ pro-gramming procedure from step O.

When you are finished with all programming, turn the VCR

power OFF and make sure the programmed recording light islit. However, if you have a cable box or a PRIMESTAR _receiver, leave the cable box or receiver turned ON. Addition-

ally, if the HS-U780 does not control your cable box, leave thebox tuned to the station you wish to record. If you want tostop the programmed recording after it started, press l:hePOWER button on the front panel. (See page 49.)


Quick Program is an exclusive Mitsubishi feature that simplifies

the process of programming your VCR to record. When you pressthe QUICK PROGRAM/VCR Plus+ button or.. the remote control,

you will immediately see the VCR Plus+ "Program to record"menu and can begin programming right away.

You can use this feature even when the VCR is stopped, playing,

recording, fast tbrwarding, rewinding, or off. However, theQUICK PROGRAM/VCR Plus+ button does not function duringOne Key Programming.

Quick Program is also an "Active A/V Network" feature. If"youhave a Mitsubishi TV with Active A/V Network, see page 68 formore information.

To use quick program:

@ Press the QUICK PROGRA_M/VCR Plus+ button on theremote control. If' the VCR is off, it will turn on. After tuning

your TV to the correct channel or input, you will see theVCR Plus+ "Program to record" screen.


Page 52: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR Recordinq(cont.)








ll:30a I:30pSP

9:00pIO:OOpEP8:OOa 9:00aEP

5:30P S:4SpEPll:OOe 0:30aSP

7:OOp ?:ISpEP

8:00e 9:00pEP7:OOa 9:00aSP

Recap Screen


If the VCR's memory is full, you will see the recap screen(left) instead of the VCR P]Lus+®"Program to record" sc,reen.You will need to use the CANCEL button to erase an ent[7before you can add another one.

O Complete programming as described in "Programming yourVCR to record," or "Programming with the VCR Plus+ '_system." When you are finished, press the QUICK PRO-GRAM/VCR Plus+ button again. If the VCR is stopped, it willturn off and be ready to record your program at a later time.If the VCR is playing, recording, fast forwarding or rewinding,the menus will turn off, but the VCR power will remain on.

When you are finished with all programming, be sure theVCR power is OFF and the programmed recording light i,; lit.However, if you have a cable box or a PR][MESTAR ®receiver,leave the cable box or receiver turned ON. Additionally, if theHS-U780 does not control your cable box_ leave the box tunedto the station you wish to record.

If you press the QUICK PROGRAM/VCR Plus+ button, but theclock is not set, you will see the "Set the clock" menu. Set theclock manually.

If you have set the AFV Network to ACTIV_E, you should point;your remote control at the television when u,_ing Quick Program.

UsingOne-Touch Recording(OTR)

One-Touch Recording (also called OTR) is a way to begin record-ing immediately, and have your VCR stop recording and turn offautomatically after your show is over.

Beforeyoubegin,youneedto knowhow:• to view the picture coming fl'om your VCR. (See page 25.)

Q Load a tape with its erasure tab intact into the VCR. If youhave not yet reccrded on this tape, the VCR will test the tapewith the PerfecTape ® feature. (For more information on t:hisfeature, please see page 62.)

If you have not already done so, set the speed at which youwould like to record. (See "Selecting and adjusting the audioand video functions" on page 45.)

O Set the VCR's input to tuner. To do thiis, press the INPUTbutton on the remote until the channel r_umber shows on-

screen or on the front panel display. (If you would like torecord channels from a PRIMESTAR ®receiver, press theINPUT button until the channel number with the

PRIMESTAR light appears on the front panel display.)

_]P Use the CHANNEL buttons or the number buttons on the

remote or the jog dial on the front panel to select the channel


Page 53: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct



you would like to record. If' you are using a cable box that theVCR does not control, select channel 3 or 4 on the VCR, and

change the channel on the cable box.

Press the REC/OTR button on the front panel twice. The first

time you press the button, recording will begin. The se,condtime you press the button, 30 minutes is added to the OTRtimer, which is displayed on the front panel. (You can also usethe OTR/OFF-T button on the remote control. When you first

press this button, the VCR will begin recording and 30 min-utes is added to the OTR timer.)

O Press the REC/OTR button or OTtVOFF-T button for each 30

minutes you want to add to the OTR timer, up to 4 hours. Ifyou press the button 10 times, you will see the word "End" onthe front panel display. The VCR will record until the end ofthe tape. If you press the button an eleve:ath time, the VCRwill resume normal manual recording.

The OTR timer will begin to count down. When it reaches zero,the VCR will stop recording and turn off. If you have previouslyprogrammed your VC:R to record, the VCR will be ready to recordwhat you've programmed. If the end of the tape is reached betbreOTR is finished, the VCR wil! stop and the power will turn off'.

If you attempt to record on a tape that has had its erasure pre-vention tab removed, the VCR will eject the tape.

If youprogramtoomuchlimeintothe OTRtimer,continue pressing the REC/OTR button or OTR/OFF-T button.You will "cycle" around once you have reached the 4-hour point.You can start over, adding time in 30 minute intervals.


If you press the PAUSE button during OTR, the VCR will pauserecording, but the OTR timer continues to count down. If you

press STOP during OTR, you erase the OTR programming.

You cannot use the REC/OTR button on the t_ont panel to resume

recording from the record-pause mode. Press the PAUSE buttonagain to resume recording.

UsingOne Key Programming

One Key Programming is a programming method that is simpleto use and easy to learn, without using the remote control.

Beforeyoubegin,• you need to know how to view the picture coming from your

VCR; (see page 25) and• you must make sure the clock has been set correctly.


Page 54: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR Recording(cont.)

I'J_'Prog_am _o record :i

Start time

(_ St;oP time

(_Record speed AUTO

Select :wi%h O.K_PROGRAM;Zhen for 4 seconds


_Prosram %0 record

(_Channel . , 2--noonday _117-

(_Start time0 S_op 1_imeORecord speed AUTO

Selec_ wizh O.K.PROGRAM%hen p_use _or 4 seconds

_Prosram %0 record0 Channel 2

0 Day Mendel 17 , i

Li%÷ooa_Stop time

ORecord speed AUTO

To use One-Key Programming:

O Load a tape with iLtserasure tab intact into the VCR. If youhave not yet recorded on this tape, the VCR will test tile tapewith the PerfecTape ®feature. (For more information on thisfeature, please see page 62.)

O Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button. (If you have not setthe time, the "Set the clock:" menu will appear. Set the clock

manually, and then proceed.) If there is; already a program inthe VCR's memory, you will see the "recao" screen. You canuse the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to _;elect an emptyprogramming slot, or you can wait 4 seconds for the VCR toautomatically select an empty slot.

O You will see the "Program to record" screen. Press the ONEKEY PROGRAM button until the channel you would like to

record (for example, channel 2) appear.,;. IIfyou are recordingfrom a cable box that the VCR cannot control, set the channel

to 3 or 4, whichever the cable box sends signals on.) Then,wait for 4 seconds. The "Day" will be highlighted.

If you wish to record from an external source, press the ONE KEY" , L2"PROGRAM button until "External LI" or External appears.

O Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to choose the day youwould like to record (for example, Monday the seventeenth).Then, wait for 4 :_econds. The hours of the starting time willflash.

Press the ONE KEY PRO _RAM button to choose the hour

when you wish recording to start. Then, wait for 4 seconds.The minute numbers will begin to flash.

_Prosram %o record :

O Channel 2

0 Day Monday \_7

ll_3,Oam• \Stop %ime

0 Record speed AUTO

Selec:t wi_h:!O.K.PROGR_M_

0 Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to choose the minute

when you wish recording to start. The_a, wait for 4 seconds.The word "Stop time" is highlighted.


Page 55: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Channel 20 Day Monday 17

Q _tar't "time 1_ : 30_m

(_Record speed

then pause _oriiii4 seCOndS

@ Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to choose the hour

when you wish recording to stop. Then, wait for 4 secondsThe minute numbers will begin to flash.

_Prosram _o record i: ii

Channel 2

Day Monday 17

OStart time ll_Oam

AuToRecord speed

SelecZi _i_h O_K.PROGRAM;

_hen i_ause _ori4 seconds.....

@) Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to choose the minutewhen you wish recording to stop. Then, wait for 4 seconds.

The record speed will flash.

_Prosram _o record

0 Channel 2

ODay Monday 17

0 S_arz time Ii:30am0 Stop time i :.3_Opm

Selec_ !wizh O.K.PROGRAM._hen .....pause for 4 seconds


O Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to set the recordingspeed. After 4 seconds, the menus will turn off.

@ When you are finished with all programming, turn the VCR

power OFF and make sure the programmed recording light islit. However, if you have a cable box or a PRIMESTAE, _receiver, leave the cable box or receiver turned ON. Addition-

ally, if the HS-U780 does not control your cable box, leave thebox tuned to the station you wish to record.

The VCR is ready to record wlhat you've programmed.


If you make a mistake when using One Key Program:

O Turn the shuttle ring on the front panel to select the settingyou wish to chan_;e. Turning the ring to the right will moveyou forward, while turning the ring to the left will move youbackward. If you wish to use the remote control, you can useENTER to move forward or CANCEL to move backward.

Once you have chosen a setting; you can change it by usingthe jog dial on the front panel or the ADJUST dial on _;heremote control.

O Once you have corrected the setting, turn the shuttle ring to

the right or press the ENTER button t_ resume your place.

If you press CANCEI_, or turn the shuttle ring left while thechannel number is flashing, you will cancel the entire program. Ifyou want to stop using One Key Programming before completingthe programming, press the MENU button on the remote control.


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Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR Recording(cont.)




Notesabout programmedrecording

If you want to use the VCR befi_re programmed recording begins,

press the POWER button on the remote once. This turns theprogrammed recording light off and the VCR ,_n.

If you use the POWER button on the front pa:ael for this purpose,you will have to press it twice. Pressing it once turns offtheprogrammed recording light; pressing it a second time turns theVCR on.

When you are finished using the VCR, turn the VCR power offagain, either with the POWER. button on tile remote or thePOWER button on the front panel. Make sure the programmedrecording light is back on.

After a program has been recorded, the VCR memory is cleared(unless you have scheduled the VCR to record the program everyday or every week).

If there is already a program in the VCR's memory, you will seethe "recap" screen when you bring up the menus for programmingto record (unless you are progl:amming with "_he QUICK PRO-GRAM/VCR Plus+ button). If the VCR's memory is full, you nmsterase a prograra before you can enter a new one.

If a tape runs out du:dng programmed recording, the VCR ejectsthe tape and the programmed recording ligh_ and the tape statussymbol will flash. Load a new tape and pres_, the REC button. TheVCR will resume recording. Do not overlap the recording times

you program.

Remember that when your VCR is off, it may also be in st;and-byfor programmed recc.rding. Also remember that the VCR, whenprogrammed, will record over the next sectic,n of tape. So:, to ;avoidrecording over tapes you want to save, remember that the VCRautomatically shuts off during OTR recording and auto powersaving.

Your VCR will not record over a tape that has the erasure preven-tion tab removed (see "Preventing accidental erasure"). All rental

movies have this tab removed[, so they are safe from being acci-dentally erased.


Use auto speed programming if you want to record as much of theprogram as possible in standard play (SP) s!_eed, but you wantthe VCR to automatically switch to extended play (EP) if there isnot enough tape left.

Auto speed programming is only available i:a one programmingslot. In the first slot, the recording speed is automatically set toAUTO. If you want to use auto speed programming in this pro-gramming slo_, you don't need to change anything.

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_Prosram %o record


2 MOlT ll:30a I:30pSP

i0 TH20 9:00pIO:OOpEP

...... : : SP

--: .... :-- SP

Use ADJUST %0 selec%.

and ENTER. ! : '

Press MENU for Main Menu

_Prosram %0 record

0 Channel 2

Day Monday 17

OS%ar% 1:ime ii :30am

S't;op %ime 1 : 3,0pm

Use AD3UST %0 selec%,

and ENTER.Press MENU £or Main Menu

Make sure that the "Tape" video function ma:tches the kind of

tape you are using. (See "Selecting and adjusting the audio andvideo functions" on page 45.)

Set the time for recording to end a minute or two beyond the

program's scheduled broadcast time to avoid discrepancie:;between the VCR's clock and tlhe broadcast station's clock,_.

programmingTV programsthatendonthedayafter

If you want to start the recording at 11:00 PM and end it at 2:00AM the next day, simply set the start time to 11:00 PM on therecording start day and the end time to 2:00 AM. There is no need

to change the day of the week.


If you have already entered a program into your VCR's memory,you can skip the program without going into the VCR's menus.Simply press the POWER button on the front panel once. The

programmed recording light will turn off, and the program will beskipped. If you decide not to skip the program, press the I?O_rERbutton on the front panel twice; the programmed recording light

will light up again.


If you want to change the programmed recording settings::

O Press the MENU button on the remote control. Your VCR will

turn on and the "VCR Main Menu" will[ appear on yourscreen. Turn the ADJUST dial to selecl: "Program to record."

Turn the shuttle ring to the right. You'll see the "reca]?"screen.

Turn the ADJUST dial to place the cursor next to the pro.-gram you wish to change 'Turn the shuttle ring to the rig:ht.You will see the _Program to record" me,re.

Repeatedly turn the shuttle ring to the right to select the item

you wish to change. Use the ADJUST dial to change i1:.

Use the MENU button to turn off the rnenus. Then, u,;e thePOWER button to turn off the VCR. Mal_:e sure the pro-

grammed recording light is on.

cancelinga programmedrecordingbeforethe recordingstarts

0 Press the MENU button on the remote control. Your VCR will

turn on and the "VCR Main Menu" appears on your screen.Use the ADJUST dial on the remote control to select "Pro-

gram to record." Turn the shuttle ring to the right.


Page 58: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR _ Recordil_

CH DAY ON OFF2 MOI7 ll:30a I:30PSP

lO TH20 9:00pIO:OOpEP..... : : SP

: : SP

Use ADJUST _6 Sele6i;_ :and ENTER :Press MENU for Main Menu

Recap Screen

O You will see the "recap" screen. Use the ADJUST dial to place

the cursor next to the program you wish to cancel.

O Press the CANCEL button. The prograra is erased.

O Press the MENU button once to return to the '_v'CR Main

Menu"; press it again to tu_rn off' the menus.


You can use the TIMER RESET button on the rear panel to eraseboth the time and all programmed recordings.

To use the TIMER RESET button, press it with a pencil or a ball

point pen. The power will turn off and the clock will be cleared.All programmed recording is erased. Howevel:, if you have set the"Clock set" setting of the "Set the clock" menu to AUTO, the autoclock function will automatically set the clock again.(See 1c,age 37.)


If, after programming, you forget to load a tape, or if you load atape with its erasure tab removed, then the Frrogrammed record-ing light and the tape status symbol will flash. A tape withoul_ anerasure tab will be ejected. To correct this, load a tape with itserasure tab intact, and turn off the VCR.


If you are using an RCA or a Sony satellite receiver, your VCRcan automatically turn the receiver on and off when it is time fora programmed recording. However, if you are using aPRIMESTAR ® receiver, you will have to t_trn the receiver onbefore the programmed recording begins.

Before turning off the VCR to put your VCR in stand-by fi)rrecording, make sure that the satellite receiver's menu turns off.

You can view satellite channels through your VCR when yourVCR is off only if you connected your VCR and TV with anS-Video cable. (Howe:ver, if the VCR is off and when the auto

clock function works to set the clock, you cannot view satellitechannels.) If you used a standard video cable, you can only viewsatellite channels through your VCR when the VCR is on


If the VCR is without power fi)r 30 minutes or less, it will retainthe clock and the programmed settings, provided the VCR has

been plugged in for at least an hour beforehand. If the power islost for more than 30 minutes, the clock and the programmedsettings will be lost. However, if you have set the "Clock set"setting of the "Set the clock" menu to AUTO, the auto clockfunction will automatically set the clock again. (See page 37.1


Page 59: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

,_ CHAPTER FOURUsingtheAdvancedFeatures

Now that you've learned about the basic operation of your VCR,

you're ready to discover its advanced features. You'll find infor-mation on:


Usingthe AdvancedRecordingControl.,;


Usingthe AdvancedOptions

Usingthe ActiveAN NetworkTM Features

Makinga Copy of a Tape

UsingChild Lock

Before you use the advanced features, you ,_hould be familiar withall of the VCR's basic operations, including viewing a picturecoming from your VCR (page 25), playing back a tape (page 27),using the menus (page 28), and recording (page 45). If you findany of the information in this ,;ection confusing, you may want toreview the previous clhapters.

, Usingthe AdvancedPlaybackControls

In this section, you'll discover some of the advanced playback

features of your VCR. These include:• Using special effects,• Adjusting the tracking, and• Using the time counter.


You can use the shuttle ring and the jog dial on the front panel, orthe shuttle ring and the ADJUST dial on the remote to control

the playback speed of' the tape..

usingthe shuttleringwhenthe tapeis pausedTurning the shuttle ring will Change the playback speed in steps.

1 Reverse high speed search2 Reverse speed search3 Reverse fast playback4 Reverse playback5 Reverse slow-motion playback6 Still

7 Slow-motion playback8 Playback9 Quickview

10 Forward speed search11 Forward high speed search



While the VCR is playing a tape, press the PAUSE button tofreeze the picture on the screen.

Turn the shuttle _ng and hold it to play the tape at a particu-lar speed (see the chart to the left). If you release the ring:, itwill come back to the center position, and the still (PAUSE)mode will resume.

To resume normal playback, press the PLAY or the PLAY/STOP button.


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Chapter4: UsingtheAdvancedFeatures UsingtheAdvancedPlaybackControls(cont.)

1 Reverse high speed search2 Reverse speed search3 Reverse fast playback4 Playback5 Quickview6 Forward speed search7 FoP,yard high speed search




After about five minutes in the still or slow-motion mode, theVCR will automatically stop to avoid damage _;othe tape. Depend-ing on the type of TV you are using, the picture may vibratevertically when you pause the VCR's picture.

using still adjustmentSometimes during still frame, the picture may vibrate or shake.To correct this problera, turn the jog dial on the front panel whilepressing the ONE KEY PROGTL&M button on the front paneluntil the vibration is reduced or stops. (Side-to-side vibrationcannot be corrected.)

using the shuttle ringwhen the tape is playingYou can also change the playback speed with the shuttle ringwithout entering the PAUSE mode. To do this, turn the shuttle

ring and hold it to play the tape at a particular speed (see !_hediagram to the left). If you release the ring, it will come back tothe center position, and normal playback will resume.

using the jog dial or the ADJUSTdial

You can use the jog dial or the ADJUST dial to advance the tapeframe by frame.

While the VCR is playing a tape, press the PAUSE button tofreeze the picture on the screen.

Turn the jog (or the ADJUST) dial clockwise to advance the

tape forward. Turn it counl:er-clockwise to reverse the tape.The faster you turn the dial, the faster the tape will move.

To resume normal playback, press the ]?LAY button or thePLAY/STOP button.

usingthetwo times playbackwithsoundYou can see the contents of the videotape in double speed play-back with Hi-Fi sound. Two times playback with sound is avail-able only if your tape was recorded in extended (EP) speed[.

0 While the VCR is playing a tape, press the INPUT button onthe remote control. You'll see the picture in double speedplayback. A certain amount of"noise" in 1;he picture oz' thesound is normal.

To resume normal playback, press PLAY or PLAY/STOP.

If you are playing back a tape recorded in standard (SP) speed,the sound is muted. You cannot hear the sound if you set 1;heaudio monitor to "Mono" or if the tape was recorded on a monoVCR.

Adjusting the tracking

automatictrackingYour VCR automatically adjusts the tape to give you the bestquality picture. When you start the playback, the DIGIT_.%

Page 61: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

D (digital tracking) light

I°I-I _-I I-I I-I I_-I s_+.



TRACKING light (D) will flash, showing that the VCR is adjust-

ing the picture. When the VCR has finished adjusting the picture,the DIGITAL TRACKING light will shine _,;t_!,adily.

A certain amount of"noise" in the picture c,r sound is normalwhile the VCR is tracking a tape.

manual trackingFrom time to time, you might, play a tape that has excess "noise"in the picture (often looking like vibration or interference at the

top or bottom of the screen). To correct the pi,._ture, you will haveto manually track the tape.

O While the tape is playing, press and hold the ONE KEY

PROGRAM button and turn the jog dial on the front paneluntil the picture is clear of excess "noise.':

To continue automatic tracking, press the ONE KEY PRO-GRAM button again. Automatic tracking will also resumewhen you eject the tape.

slow tracking

Slow tracking is used to adjust the playback quality during slowmotion playback and still frame. You can only use slow tracking ifyour tape was recorded in extended play (EP) speed. To adjust theslow tracking, put a tape into slow motion, then press and holdthe ONE KEY PROGIP_M button and turn the jog dial on thefront panel until the best picture is obtained.

Usingthe time counter

Time counter

ILI.(-U =LiIZio

Your VCR has a time counter that shows the amount of time the

tape has run in hours, minutes, and seconds. This counter is

useful when you want to find specific points on a tape. Thecounter will not work with blank tapes, on blank sections of tape,or when the VCR's power is off.

setting the counter

To set the counter to "0H00._0()_';,"press the C,_NCEL button onthe remote control. (You cannot reset the counter if the VCR

channel number is being displayed on the _[_7or if you are usingthe VCR's menus.)

Your VCR will automatically reset the counter to "0H00MOOs"

when you load a tape into the VCR. It will display "- _ - - M- - S"when there is no tape in the VCR.

Usingthe AdvancedRecordingControls

In this section, you'll ]earn about some of the _dvanced recordingfeatures of your VCR, including:

• Using the PerfecTape ® feature,

• Displaying the Lime gauge and the remaining time, and• Displaying the present time.


Page 62: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter4: UsingtheAdvancedFeatures UsingtheAdvancedRecordingControls(cont.)

_VCR Main MenuYour choices are:_Prosram to record

First Time Set-UP

Use ADJUST _o select, _and ENTER.Press MENU to exi_ menus

Customize choicesVideo mute (ON )Auto power ssve (OFF)

0 RF converter (ON )(AUTO)

OA/V Network (OFF)

Use AD3UST _o select,and ENTER to chanse.Press MENU for Main'Menu


Hi'sh ...... J

Mid ..... I

Low .... I

Testins-the "cape


Your" tape is rsted:

Averase Excellent

Your VCR is now set tomake the best possiblerecordins on this.tape;_i

Usingthe PerfecTape®feature

PerfecTape is an exclusive Mitsubishi feature that tests the

quality of video tapes you will record on. Afi_er each test, the VCRwill adjust its internal circuit1_ in order to make the best possible

recording on your tape.

settingupPerfecTapeYou have the option of setting PerfecTape to fhnction only when

you start a test, or to ,automatically function every time you inserta tape that has not yet been recorded. To do tlhis:

O Press the MENU button on the :remote control to display the'qCCR Main Menu."

Use the ADJUST dial on the remote control to select "Cus-tomize choices." Turn the shuttle ring on the remote control to

the right.

O The "Customize c.hoices" menu will appear. Use the AI)JUSTdial to select "PerfecTape." Then, turn the shuttle ring to the

right to set "PerfecTape" to AUTO or MANUAL.

Press the MENU button once to return to the "VCR MainMenu"; press the MENU button again to turn off the menus.

If you set PerfecTape to AUTO, the VCR will automatically testany non-recorded tapes you place in the VC,R. It will not auto-matically test recorded tapes -you must choose to test those


If you set PerfecTape to MANUAL, the VCR will not automati-cally test any tapes. PerfecTape will only function when youinitiate a test.


Beforeyoubegin,youneedto:• have set "PerfecTape" to "AUTO" in the "Customize

choices" menu.

O Load a tape that has not been recorded into the VCR.

The VCR will display the testing status screen. When testing,the VCR records :[or one second, then evaluates the recording

it made. The entire test takes about eigh;_ seconds. Duringthis time, the "PT" light on the front panel will flash. If youwish to cancel the test, press the STOP button on the remotecontrol while the "PT" light is still flashing.

When the test is :finished, the VCR will display the raring of

your tape for eight seconds. On the front panel, the "PT" lightwill shine steadily, indicating that the VCR has set its inter-nal circuitry to make the best possible re_ording on this tape.


Page 63: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct



Use ENTER Co start

Time gauge


S_EREI_ I : 40


Tape remaining display

Tape remaining display

I-,I 17 -1-I sP,_,I i- LI _-I_-I

usingPerfecTapemanuallyO Load a tape that has its erasure tab intact into the VCR.

O Find a portion of the tape that is OK to record over; thisfeature will record over one second of your tape.

O Press the VIDEO button on the remote control. You will seethe video function menu. Press the VIDE() button until the

PerfecTape function appears.

O Turn the shuttle iing right on the remote to begin the test.The VCR will display the testing status screen. When testing,

the VCR records for one second, then evaluates the recordingit made. The test takes about eight seconds. During th:is time,the "PT" light on the front. ]pane] will flash. To cancel the test,press the STOP button on the remote control while the "PT"light is still flashing.

When the test is finished, the VCR will display the rating ofyour tape for eight seconds. On the front panel, the "PT" light

will shine steadily, indicating that the VCR has set its inter-nal circuitry- to make the best recording on the tape. You canquickly turn off the display by pressing the STOP button onthe remote control[.

Should you wish to erase the settings, eject the tape. Thesettings will also be erased if you press the TIMER RESETbutton or if the VCR loses power. After the test is finis]he&the PerfecTape function will not appear unless the tape isejected.

Displayingthe time gauge and the remainingtime

The time gauge is a graphic representation of"your position on avideo tape. The left side of the gauge is the start (S) of the tape,

and the right side is the end (E) of the tape. For a T-120 lengthtape, played at standard (SP) speed, each mark on the gaugerepresents about 15 minutes. The remaining time display showsthe time, in hours and. minutes, left until the end of a tape.

Thetimegaugeandthe remainingtimeautomaticallyappear:during fast forward and rewind[ (from a stopped tape), duringcounter zero stop, during index searches, and when rewinding forrepeat playback.

You can turn off the time gauge and the remaining time bypressing the DISPLAY button twice

Tomakethetime gaugeandthe remainingtimeappear:Press the DISPLAY button once. The time gauge and remaining

time will appear on the TV screen, and the remaining time willappear on the fluorescent display. They will disappear after fourseconds when playing a tape. To turn off the display, press theDISPLAY button twice.


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Chapter4: UsingtheAdvancedFeatures UsingtheAdvancedRecordingControls(cont.)


Present time display

rt --] rl "1-i spI "_.l U _1 _1 _.


SE_Z__..CCC]ESun ? :30p--


Present time display

The time gauge and remaining time work by detecting controlsignals on recorded tapes. They will therefore not function withtapes that have not yet been recorded. Also, you must have setthe "Tape" video function correctly.

Depending on the length of the tape being used, it may take amoment for the display to appear.

The tape remaining display may not show the correct remainingtime if the tape function is incorrectly set (see "Using the Audioand Video Functions" on page 42), if you are using speed search, ifyou are using a special length cassette (such as T-10 length), or ifyou are using an S-VHS-C or a VHS-C tape with an adapter.

Displayingthe presenttime

The present time display on the fluorescent display panel or oi1the TV screen shows the current time. If you have not set theclock, or if there has been a power failure of longer than 30,

minutes, the display will show - : - -. The current time will bedisplayed when the VCR is off'. To see the cur_:ent time when theVCR is on:

O Press the DISPLAY button on the remote control twice. Thecounter will be re:placed by the present time.

To turn off the present time, press DISPLAY once.

Searching Techniques

The VCR lets you search through a tape in a aumber of ways.These include:

• Quick searching (CM skip),• Edit searching,• Speed searching,• Using counter zero stop, and• Index search techniques.


This feature lets you skip over the tape you are playing in about

30 second intervals. It is designed so that you can quickly speedthrough any commercials you may have recorded. To do this:

O Make sure that you have set the VCR remote to '_VCR" mode.

O While playing a tape, choose the desired search time bypressing the number button. (See the f_llowing chart.)

Number1 2 5 6


Search 30 sec. 1 ml 2 min. 3 rain.time 30 sec.


Page 65: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

CM SkiP3mOOs



The VCR will speed through the selected len_,_h of tape, thenresume playback. The screen to the left wil[ appear and show thesearch time and the gauge. Each mark on th,!_ gauge represents15 seconds. The marks will disappear, one by one, every 115seconds of the search time. You can set the s_arch time up to 3minutes.

Edit searching

Edit search is very useful for editing out co:mmercials if you arerecording a program while you are watching it. It is also useful asa general editing feature. This feature is sometimes called EE

(electronic-to electronic) editing. This function works only whenyou are in "record-pause" mode.

O During record pause, press the FF or REW buttons or use the

shuttle ring to locate the point where you want to resumerecording.



When you find the point where you want to continue record-ing (e.g. the last frame before the commercial), the VCR will

return to record pause; you will see the live picture.

Press the PAUSE button (NOT the REC button) to resume

recording (when the commercials are over).

Edit search will begin any time you are in record-pause andoperate the REW, FF button or the shuttle ring. Edit search willend after 3 seconds of not using the buttons o_"shuttle ring.

Speed searching

You can use speed search to visually search through the contentsof a videotape. To do this:

O While playing a tape, press FF or REW button on the remote

control. You will see the picture as it fast :_orwards or rewinds.It is normal to see some "noise bars".



If you press the FF or REW button and ihold it down for about1 second, the search speed will increase.

To resume normal playback, press FF or REW again quickly,or press PLAY (or PLAY/STOP).

The fastest search speed that allows you to see the picture isabout 30 times normal speed. It is normal for the number of noise

bars on the screen to increase and roll from top to bottom as thevisual search speed increases. Using speed search for longstretches of tape may cause the video heads tc become dirtyfaster. The fastest way to mow_ through thc_ tape is without apicture, which allows you to search up to 25,3 times normal speed.To do this, press STOP, then FF or REW.


Page 66: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter4:UsingtheAdvancedFeatures SearchingTechniques(cont.)


Coun.Zer zero stop

Use ENTER to start



_CR Lookinsfor index+ 1

SK r IEREM 1 : 40Oh2OmOSs


Counter zero stop is useful to quickly access to the beginning of arecorded or playback section of a tape. The VCR will automati-

cally fast forward or rewind to "0_00M00S" and stop the tape.

O Press the CA!XICEL button on the remote control at the point

you wish to locate later. The counter will reset to "0H00M00S".

O When you wish to return to the point specified in step O,press the VIDEO button on the remote control. The videofunction menu appears on your screen. Press the VIDEObutton until the counter zero stop functio:a appears.

O Turn the shuttle :ring right; to start the counter zero stop. 'TheVCR will automatically search to the counter "OHOOMOOs" and

then stop.


Index search is a way to find specific points on a tape. Beforeusing index search, index marks are placed at important placeson a tape. Then, index search iis used to find these marks. Indexmarks are added automatically whenever your VCR starts a new

recording; you can also add index marks manually at any pointduring recording.

automaticindexmarksWhenever recording i.sbegun from the STOP mode, an indexmark is automatically added to the tape. The on-screen messagewill indicate that the mark is being recorded.

Index marks are not added when you press PAUSE to begin

recording from the record-pause mode.

manual index marksTo add an index mark yourself, press the RE C button on theremote control while a tape is recording.

Index marks must be added at least one minute apart.


Osearch for an index mark:Press the INDEX SEARCH "+" button o_ the remote control

to begin a forward search; press INDEX SEA!_CH "-" tosearch in the reverse direc.tion. The VCR will fast forward or

rewind and index search display appears on the TV.

Once the VCR finds an index mark, it will begin playing back

the tape from that point.

O You can press the plus (+) or minus (-) buttons up to 19 timesto search for that many index marks. For example, to find the

third index mark ahead, press the plus; (+) button three times.The on-screen di,_play will count down the number of marks

to be passed before playback begins.


Page 67: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

O Tocancelindexsearch,pressPLAYorSTOP.


RePeat Play

Use ENTER to start

usingrepeatplaybackYou can play back a section of tape over and over using thefollowing procedure. The tape will play until[ tlhe next index mark,rewind to the previous index mark, and resun:te playing. If thereis only one index mark on the tape, then the, ¥CR will play orrewind to that mark and resuine playback. If there is no index

mark, the entire cassette will repeat.

O Press the VIDEO button on the remote control to display thevideo function menu. Press the VIDEO bu Lton until the

repeat playback function appears.

@ Turn the shuttle ring right to start the playback. When theVCR encounters the next mark (or the end of the tape), it willautomatically rev<ind to the. previous mark and begin play-back again.

The VCR will also search for a blank section ol' tape. If the VCR

encounters any section longer than four seconds in length, therepeat playback will begin.

Press the STOP button to cancel the repeat.


You can make some optional sel;up choices. 3?his section explains:• Using the auto power saving (auto-off), and• Setting the RF converter.

Usingthe auto powersaving(auto-off)

VCR Main Menu

Your choices are:

_Prosram to record

OFirst Time Set-Up

Prees_iMENU _o exit menus

Customize choices

Video mute (ON )


ORF conver_er (ON )

O PerfecTape (AUTO)

A/V Network (OFF)

Use AD3UST to select,and ENTER _o change.Press MENU for Main Menu

When the Auto Power Save feature is turned on, the VCR willautomatically turn off after remaining idle fi)r 30 minutes. If a

control, such as a menu function or channel sdection, is used or ifthere is a tape playing or being recorded, the VCR will remain on.To use this:




Press the MENU button on the remote control. The "VCR

Main Menu" appears on your TV.

Use the ADJUST dial on the remote to select "Customize

choices". Turn the shuttle ring to the right.

The "Customize choices" menu will appear. Use the ADJUST

dial to select "Auto power save". Then tu:rn the shuttle ring toset to ON.

0 Press the MENU button two times to turn off the menus.

DImportant: When you are viewing broadcast; stations through the VCR 1;hewords "3minutes->Power off' will appear on l:he TV screen threeminutes before the VCR power turns off. The display will count


Page 68: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter4: UsingtheAdvancedFeatures UsingtheAdvancedOptions(cont.)

down the number of minutes until the VCR turns off. If you wantto continue using the VCR, load a cassette or press any of thebuttons.

Settingthe RF converter

_ VCR Maln?MenU _i!!_ii_ii!i_;i_!_?_ii!_i

Your choices are;

_Program to record

*X01[1_=_ ,][=J. p _-4 =lE,.1,1[. IH[._I=

First Time Set-Up

If you are using an older TV without audio and video inputs, theRF converter will need to be set to ON. The setting "RF converter"

of the "Customize choices" menu is preset by the factory to ON. Ifyou are using a modern TV with both audio and video inputs, youwill need to turn the RF converter OFF. To set the RF converter:

O Press the MENU button on the remote control. The '_VCRMain Menu" appears on your TV.

Video mute (ON)OAuto power save (OFF)

(ON)PerfecTape (AUTO)

OA/V Network (OFF)

UseAD3UST_to seleotili,ili_iii!ii!i!!ana ENTER to chanse. ;:Press MENU for Main Mehu



Use the ADJUST dial on the remote to sei[ect "Customize

choices". Turn the shuttle ring to the right.

The "Customize choices" menu will appear. Use the ADJUSTdial to select "RF converter." Then, turn the shuttle ring toselect ON or OFF

Press the MENU button two times to turn off the menus.

Dlmportant: If the "RF converter" is set to ON, you don't need to press theVCR!TV button to play a tape or to use VCR menus. The "VCR"light will automatically light up when you press PLAY or :MENU.

Usingthe ActiveAN NetworkTM Features

The Active A/V Network is a benefit of certain Mitsubishi TVs

and VCRs. The Actiw_ A/V Network allows you to use marly of thecommonly used features of your system at the press of one button.

O iiiCuS%0mize cho ices!;_i"_:OVideo mute (ON )OAuto power save (OFF)ORY converter (ON )O PerfecTape (AUTO)


Use ;ADJUST "co




youbegin,your VCR must be connected to External 1 (EXT-1) or

Input-1 of a M:itsubishi TV with Actiiw; A/V Network;(pages 15-17)you must have turned on video mute (:page 34);you must have turned on the Active A2¢ Network settingon your TV (see your T_Ts owner's _aide for information);you must have set the VCR remote mode to VCR-A; andyou must have connected a cable from the Active AFVNetwork OUT terminal of the TV to the Active A/V Net.-

work IN terminal of the VCR (page 20).

To turn on the Active A/V Network on your VCR:O Press the MENU button on the remote control. The '_CR

Main Menu" appears on your TV.

Use the ADJUST dial on the remote to select "Customize

choices." Turn the shuttle ring right.

@) The "Customize choices" menu appears on your screen. Usethe ADJUST dial to select "A/V Network."

Page 69: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

0 Turn theshuttleringright to set "A/V Network" to ACTIVE.

O Press the MENU button two times to turn offthe menus.

whattheActiveAN NetworkdoesThe Active A/V Network makes it easier and faster to use the

VCR's Quick Program, MENU, and Play commands.

WhenyoupressQUICKPROGRAMNCRPlus+ to beginprogramming:• Active A/V Network will turn on your VCR and bring it to

the VCR Plus+ "Prograra to record" Screen.• Active A/V Network will turn on your TV (if it is off), and

switch the TV to EXT-1.

WhenyoupressQUICKPROGRAMNCRPlus+ to endprogramming:• Active AiV Network will turn off your VCR (unless a tape is

currently playing or recording).• Active A/V Network will return your TV to the channel it

was on before, or turn it off (if it was off originally).

WhenyoupressMENUontheremote:• Active A/V Network will turn your VCP on and bring it to

the "¢CR Main Menu" screen.• Active A/V Network will turn the TV on, set to EXT-1.

WhenyoupressPLAYon the remote:• Active A/V Network will turn your VCP on and begin

playing the tape.• Active A/V Network will turn the TV on, set to EXT-1.

Whenyou turnyourTVoff:• Your VCR will _:urn off, unless it is playing or recording.

Active A/V Network ailso affects your VCR when your TV's P.I.P.

function is used. Active A/V Network can set your VCR's clock ifyour TV is equipped with the "StarSight" feature. See your TVOwner's Guide for more information.

_>Important: When using the Actiw: A/V Network, you should always pointyour remote control at your television, not at your VCR.


There are two basic ways to make a copy of a tape. One way is to

use the HS-U780 to play a tape and use another VCR to record.The other way is to use another VCR to play a tape and theHS-U780 to record.

Whichever method you choose, you will need oae RCA audio cableand one RCA video cable (or one S-Video cah,le) to connect t:he two

VCRs. If you do not have these cables, they are available at yourlocal electronics retailer. In this section you':l_l learn:

• Using your HS-1J780 to :record from another VCR,• Using your HS-U780 to play back to am:,ther VCR, and• Using edit control.


Page 70: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter4: UsingtheAdvancedFeatures Makinga Copyof aTape(cont,)

Usingyour HS-U780to recordfrom anotherVCR


I oo oo..11 L_ Immu_m



__ ,__

I_ The plugs on the cable contain pins that need to (-You only need to use this cabte when o3nnectingqbe atigned properly before the pk_gs cart be _t¢, a Mitsubishi VCR with an EDIT terminal __pushed into the terminals.

__ /





Connect one RCA audio cable to the AUDIOOUTPUT terminal on the other VCR.Connect the other end of this cable to theAUDIO INPUT terminal on the HS-U780

labeled L/MONO. If the other VCR is mono,this is the only audio connection necessary.

If the other VCR has stereo outputs, con-nect another RCA audio cable to the AUDIO

OUTPUT terminal of the playback VCR.Connect the other end of this cable to theAUDIO INPUT terminal on the HS-U780

(labeled R).

If you are recording from a standard VHSVCR, connect a video cable to the VIDEO

OUTPUT terminal on the playback VCR.Connect the other end of this cable to theVIDEO INPUT terminal on the HS-U780

(labeled VIDEO IN). If you are dubbing• from an S-VHS VCR, connect an S-Video

cable to the S-VIDEO OUTPUT terminal on

the playback VCR. Connect the other end ofthis cable to the S-VIDEO INPUT terminalon the HS-U780 (labeled S-VIDEO IN). Useeither an RCA video cable or an S-Video

cable, not both.

If you want to record from a standard videosource connected to the HS-U780, you mustdisconnect any S-Video cables (such asthose from a satellite receiver.)

If you are using another Mitsubishi VCRwith an EDIT terminal, connect an RCA

cable between the two VCR's EDIT termi-nals.

If the other VCR is a Hi-Fi deck, set theaudio monitor to "STEREO".





If you attached the connection cables to theback of the HS-U780: use the INPUT buttonto set the HS-U780 to External 1 (L1). If

you attached the cab]e_, to the front of theHS-U780, use the INPUT button to set theHS-U780 to External 2 (L2).

If you connected the EDIT terminals, see"Using edit control" later in this chapter.

Put a blank tape into the HS-U780 and find

where you want to begin recording. PressSTOP. If you are recording in S-VHS, youshould use an S-VHS t._pe and set ti5erecording format to S-VHS for betterrecording quality.

Put the tape you want to copy into the otherVCR and find the place from which youwant to begin copying. Press STOP.

_) On the HS-U780, press REC (or REC/OTR),then PAUSE.

O On the other VCR, press PLAY, thenPAUSE.

Release the PAUSE button on both VCRs atthe same time.

_) When finished, press STOP on both VCRs.


Page 71: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Usingyour HS-U780to play backto anotherVCR


mB mm







jb_ __.

The plugs on the cable contain pins that need to ] {You only need to use :hit cable when connecting /

be aligned properly before the plugs can be ! [_a IVlitsubishi VCR with an EDIT terminal. .Jpushed into the terminals.





Connect one RCA audio cable to the AU-DIO INPUT terminal on the other VCR.Connect the other end of this cable to theAUDIO OUTPUT terminal on the

HS-U780 (labeled L). If the other VCR is

mono, you need a Y-adapter to record bothaudio channels.

If the other VCR has stereo inputs, connectanother RCA audio cable to the AUDIOINPUT terminal of the other VCR. Connectthe other end of this cable to the AUDIOOUTPUT terminal on the HS-U780 (la-beled R).

If you are dubbing to a standard VCR,connect a video cable to the VIDEO INPUTterminal on the other VCR. Connect theother end of this cable to the VIDEOOUTPUT terminal on the HS-U780 (la-

beled VIDEO OUT). If you are dubbing to aS_per VHS VCR, connect an S-Video cableto the S-VIDEO INPUT terminal on theother VCR. Connect the other end of this

cable to the S-VIDEO output terminal onthe HS-U780 (labeled S-VIDEO OUT). Useeither an RCA video cable or an S-Video

cable, not both.

If you are using another Mitsubishi VCRwith an EDIT jack, you can connect the twoVCRs for synchronized editing. This makesediting much easier and requires only oneadditional RCA video cable for connection.

Connect the cable between the EDIT jackson the both VCRs.

Set the audio monitor on the HS-U780 to"Stereo." (See "Select:Lng and adjusting the

audio and video functioas," on page 45.)

O Set "Play PerfecTape ®"(m your HS-U780 to':DUB." Tihis turns off the sharpness controland improves the quality of your copy. Inaddition, the on-screen displays will not

appear, so they won't be accidentally copiedonto your new tape. Make sure to set "PlayPerfecTape" to ON or N()RMAL whenyou're done.

el Set the input of the othe:: VCR to "Exter-nal."




If you con:aected the EDIT jack, see "Usingedit control" la_er in t_is chapter to makethe copy.

Put a blank tape into the other VCR andfind the place where you want to beginrecording. Press STOP. I f the other VCR isa Super VHS VCR, be sure to use an S-VHStape, and to set the recording format to S-_S for better recording quality.

Put the tape you want to copy into theHS-U780 and find the place from which youwant to begin copying. Press STOP (orPLAY/STOP).

On the other VCR, press REC, and thenPAUSE.

el On the HS-U780, press PLAY and the_aPAUSE.


Page 72: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

Chapter4:UsingtheAdvancedFeatures Makinga Copyof aTape(cont.)

Release the PAUSE button on both VCRs at the same time.

Press STOP on both VCRs when you are finished.

Usingedit control

If the other VCR you are using is a Mitsubishi VCR with an EDITjack, you can synchronize the starting and stopping of the VCRs

when editing. This greatly simplifies editing, and requires onlythe additional connection of an edit cable between the two VCRs.

Connect the two VCRs as described in the previous section (Using

your HS-U780 to pl_ back to another VCR), and follow theinstructions in the table below.



Locate the start of the scene you want to copyand press PAUSE.

Press the PLAY button. Your HS-U780 auto-

matically rewinds a short way and then beans

t,o play back. (This function, called "preroll,"allows the HS-U780 to get up to speed beforethe edit begins, resulting in cleaner edits.)

Press the PAUSE button when you want tostop the edit.

You may use the ADJUST dial, the shuttlering, or the jog dial to find the next edit point.When you have located the edit point, pressPLAY.

OtherMitsubishiVCRwithan EDITjack(RecordingVCR)

While in PLAY, locate the point where youwant recording to begin, press PAUSE, thenREC.

Once PLAY is pressed on the HS-U780,recording will automatically begin on thisVCR.

Thi s VCR will automatical:[y PAUSE.

This VCR will been recording.


[ f-I -I I-I I-I I-IU J_- LI .U CI

lLOCK light


The child lock feature prevents others from using your VCR. Tolock the VCR:

101 Press and hold down the DISPLAY button on the remote

control for about 8 seconds. The LOCI( light on the fluores-cent display will light up.

To cancel the child lock, press and hold down the DISPLAYbutton for about. 8 seconds, until the LOCK light on thefluorescent display goes out.

You can lock the VCR with the power off, even if the VCR isstanding by for a programmed recording. If you lock the VCR with

no cassette in it, the VCR will not accept a cassette.


Page 73: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

ro les hF-o0 ingProblems PossibleSolutions ForMoreInformation

The VCR won't turn on. Check the power cord and the AC outlet.Is the LOCK light ON? If so, press and holdthe DISPLAY button for more than 8 seconds

until the LOCK light disappears.

See Chapter 1, "Getting toKnow Your VCR."

The VCR power is on butno controls work.

• Is the LOCK light ON? If so, press and holdthe DISPLAY button for more than 8 seconds

until the LOCK light disappears.• Press the TIMER RESET but_;on.

See Chapter 3, "OperatingYou,: VCR."

You can't see the VCR's

picture on your TV.• Check the TV's input setting.• Check to see that your VCR is not set to "LI"

or "L2."

See Chapter 3, "OperatingYour VCR."

Poor picture when watch-ing the VCR's tuner on yourTV.

• Check the video channel setting.• Check your TV's fine tuning if'using an older


• Check your connections to make sure they aresecure.

See Chapter 3, "OperatingYour VCR."

VCR REC button doesn'tfunction.

• Check the erasure prevention tab on thecassette.

See Chapter 3, _OperatmgYour VCR."

No picture duringrecording.

• Checkthe hook-up.• Check to see if your TV is set to the correct

channel or input.

See Chapter 2, "Connect-ing Your VCR" or ChapLer3, "Operating Your VCR."

VCR does not record TV

program.Check the VCR tuning.Check the input selection on the VCR. Doesthe front panel display show "LI" or "L2"? If so,

you must switch it to tuner by pressing theINPUT button.

See C,hapter 3, "Operati ngYour VCR."

The VCR timer recordingdoes not operate.

• Check that the programmed recording lightlights up on the fluorescent display.

• Check the clocktime.

• Make sure you have turned the VCR off beforethe start time.

See Chapter 3, "OperatingYour VCR."

Noise in the picture and • Check the tracking control. Adjust manually if See Chapter 4, "Using thedistorted sound, necessary. Advanced Features."

Poor or no Hi-Fi sound. • Check the monitor settings. See Chapter 3, "Operating• Check the quality of the video tape. Your VCR."

Playback is noisy or • Try automatic head cleaning."snowy':'. • Clean the video heads using a dry-type video

head cleaning cassette. Do not use a wet-typecleaning cassette, as it may damage your VCR.Excessive use of a cleaning cassette couldshorten head life. Be sure to follow the

cleaning instructions carefully.• Have your VCR video heads cleaned by a

qualified service technician.


Page 74: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct



VCR remote does notfunction.

Your converter box orsatellite receiver does not

respond to any signals fromthe VCR's Remote Control

Transmitter (the smallwindow on top of the VCR).

PossibleSolutions ForMoreinformation

• Check the remote mode of the VCR.

• Press the VCR button and the correspondingbutton, VCR-A or VCR-B, on the remotecontrol before operating your VCR.

• Press the TV button on the remote control

before operating your TV.

Se_ Chapter 3, "OperatingYour VCR."

• Try moving the cable box so that there is aclear line of sight between tlhe transmitter andthe box's remote sensor.

• Sometimes a cable box needs to be set by thecable company to receive sigmals. Contact yourcable company.

• You may need to connect a cable (part. name,"IR EMITTER" to the CONVERTER BOXCONTROL terminal on the rear of the VCR.

Contact your Mitsubishi dealer for more help.

See Chapter 3, "OperatingYour VCR."

DSS ®is a registered trademark of DirecTV, Inc.

PRIMESTAR ®is a registered trademark of PrimeStar Partners, Inc.


Page 75: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct



A/V Networkactive ............................. 68

connecting ...................... 20terminals ...................... 11

adding channels ............... 34adjust dial .................... 9, 60adjusting tracking ........... 60advanced

options ........................... 67playback controls .......... 59recording controls ........ 61using features ............... 59

AllSet TM feature ................ 28antenna

connecting ...................... 12terminals ....................... 11


connecting a TV withinputs .......................... 17

function button .............. 10

input, output terminals 11input terminals .............. 7monitor .......................... 43

audio video functions

selecting ........................ 45using .............................. 42

auto clock function .......... 36

auto power saving ........... 67auto speed programming. 56


backup, memory ................ 58batteries, installing .......... 22


cable: connecting ............... 12cable box, connecting ....... 13cable tuning light .............. 8cancel

button ............................ 10

programmed recording 57recording in progress.. 49

cassette slot ........................ 6

cassette status symbol ...... 8changing programmed record-

ing settings ............... 57changing settings whileprogramming .............. 49, 55


adding and deleting ...... 34buttons ............................ 9

display ............................. 8memorize ....................... 28

selecting ......................... 35VCR Plus+ ® Guide .. 28, 39

child lock ........................... 72

clock setting ...................... 36CM skip ............................. 64connecting

antennas ........... 12, 13, 14A/V Network ................ 20cable ............................. 12cable box ....................... 13DSS ® or PRIMESTAR ®

Receiver .................... 18IR emitter .................... 19

VCR to TV ............. 16, 17converter box control

terminal ........................ 11transmitter ..................... 6

copying a tape .................. 69counter display ................... 8

counter zero stop ....... 44, 66


daylight savings time ....... 36digital tracking light ........ 7display button .................. 10displaying present time. 64

displaying time gauge .... 63



control .......................... 72

searching ...................... 65terminal ........................ 11

eject button .................... 6, 9enter button ..................... 11

erasure, preventing tape . 26


fast forward button ........... 10

fast forwarding a tape ...... 27fluorescent display ............ 7front panel buttons and

functions ...................... 6


guides, VCR Plus+channe| .................. 28, 39


head cleamng .................... 27


important safeguards ........ 2index search

buttons ............................ 9

techniques .................... 66input butt(m ....................... 9installing the batteries ... 22


jog dial .......................... 6, 60


loading tapes ............. 26, 58lock light ............................ 8locking ............................... 72


memory backup ................ 58menu button ...................... 9

menus, using .................... 28mode buttons ..................... 10mute button ........................ 9


normal reccrding ............... 43number buttons ............... 10


off-timer button ............... 10

one key p co;_am button .... 7one key programming ..... 5:3one touch recording

(OTR) ............................ 52


pause button ................ 7, 10pausing a tape .................. 28peak level meters .............. 8


Page 76: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct

PerfecTape®light .................................8using.......................44, 62


playandrecordlight ........ 8playandstopbutton.........7play[Jack.........................27playbutton.......................10PlayPerfecTape...............44playbackcontrols............27

advanced.........................59powerbutton................6, 9PRIMESTARlight ............7programmedrecording

light .................................8notesabout...................56



channels.....................28VCRto record...............47VCRPlus+®system..... 50


quick programbutton ............................. 10

using .............................. 51quick searching ............... 64quick view button .............. 9


rear panel terminals ....... 11record button ................ 7, 9re_ord cancel .................... 46record light .......................... 8record, programming

VCR to ........................... 47

record speed ................ 44, 56recording

advanced controls ......... 61

canceling programmed. 57canceling one

in progress ................... 49current broadcast ....... 46format ............................ 44notes about

programmed ................. 56

one key programming... 53

one-touch ........................ 52

Quick Program ............... 51settings ........................... 44speed ....................... 44, 56VCR Plus+ ..................... 50

remote controlbuttons ............................. 9

installing batteries ....... 22overview .......................... 9

sensor ............................. 7

using .............................. 22repeat playback ......... 44, 67rewind search button ....... 9

rewinding a tape ............. 27RF converter

setting ............................ 68


S-VHS indicator ................ 8SAP indicator .................... 8SAP broadcast .................... 43

safeguards, important ........ 2satellite receiver,

connecting ...................... 18memorizing channels ... 29notes about using ....... 58programming to record. 47


edit ................................. 65index ................................ 66

quick ................................ 64speed .............................. 65techniques .................... 64

setting the clock .............. 36sharpness ......................... 44shuttle ring ........... 7, 10, 59

skipping programs ......... 57special effects .................. 59speed search .................... 65stereo indicator. ................ 8

still adjustment ............... 60stop button ......................... 9


tape function ..................... 44tape speed lights ............... 8tape

copying ........................... 69loading ..................... 26, 58playing ........................... 27

preventing erasure ....... 26repaired ........................... 27

repeating .................. 44, 67

unloading ....................... 26television

connecti:ng ...................... ]5operating with remote .. 124

terminals, rear panel ....... 11time counter ..................... 61

time, display present ........ ,64time gauge ......................... 63time, remaining .................. 63time, setting ...................... 36timer reset button ..... 11, 58tracking ............................. 60troubleshooting ................ 73TV and VCR buttons ......... 9


unloading tapes ............... 26


VCRbutton ................................ 9

light .................................. 8

operating ........................ 21operating two with one

remote ....................... 23

setting up ...................... 21viewing picture coming

from your ................... 25VCR Plus.+ ®Guide

channels setting .... 28:39VCRYrV button ................. 10video

function button ............ 11

inpm;, output terminals 11input: terminals ............... 7mute. .............................. 34

using functions ............... 42volume, controls .................. 9


Page 77: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct



MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. ("MELA") warrants to the 3riginal purchaser of this video rassette recorder if purchased

from an authorized MITSUBISHI AudioNideo Dealer that, should it prove defective by reason of improper workmanship and/or material:

a. Parts. For one year from the date of original purchase at retail, we will repair or replace, at our option, any defective part

including the video head without charge for the part. Parts used for replacement are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period.

b. Labor. For six months from the date of original purchase at retall, we will provide the labor for a warranty repair without chargeat an authorized MITSUBtSHI service center.

c. Notice. TO obtain warranty service, you must notify an authorized MITSUBISHI service canter of any defect within the

applicable warranty time period.

1. ].O OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE, deliver your VCR to the nearest MITSUBISt-II service center.

Shipping expenses are your responsibility. The name and address of the nearest service center can be obtained from your MITSUBISHI Dealer,

or by writing or calling MELA at the address and telephone number below. Proof of purchase date from an authorized MITSUBISHI Dealer is

required when requesting warranty service. Present your sales receipt or other document which eslablishes proof and date of purchase. THE


the Owner Registration Card so that we can contact you should a question of safety arise which could affect you.

2. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER damage caused by: modification, alteration, repair or service of this product by anyone other

than an authorized MITSUBISHI service center; physical abuse to, or misuse of, the VCR; operation in a manner contrary to the instructions which

accompany the VCR; freight damage; or any damage caused by acts of God such as lightning or fluctuation in e ectrical power. This warranty

a{so excludes a_lcosts arising from installation, adjustment of user controls, external antenna systems, service of p_oducts purchased or serviced

outside the U.S.A., initial technical adjustments (set-up) and user-required maintenance including head cleaning. Consult the operating

instructions enclosed with the product for information regarding user controls.





5. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental, special, or

consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

6. ]his warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

7. BEFORE REQUESTING SERVICE, please review the instruction booklet to insure proper installation and correct customer control

adjustment. If the problem persists, contact your nearest MtTSUBISHI Dealer for name(s) of authorized MITSLIB_SHI Service Center(s). If you

are unable to obtain the information, please call 1-800-332-2119, or write us at the address below.


Norcross_ GA 30091-5025













Page 78: Cassette Recorder Owner's Guide - Sears Parts Direct


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Norcross, GA 30071-1305

© 1997 Mitsubishi Electronics America, Inc.*U780"