case of renal calculi

Case of renal calculi by Dr. Anubha Sikka MO(H), Janak Puri, Dte. Of AYUSH, Govt. of NCT of Delhi A fifty five year old male patient (Mahesh Kumar, OPD No.6732 ) presented with complaints of left renal pain with mild burning of micturation. Whose ultrasound report shows left ureterovesical junction causing moderate hydroureteronephrosis 7mm in size at lower end of left ureter . Patient was prescribed berb vulgaris 30 /tds & colocyth 200 / sos for 1wk. The patient was advised lots of fluids & less spicy food. The patient did not c/o pain .The prescription was repeated and he was advised usg which shows no calculi. It was resolved in 2 months. Before Treatment

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Post on 22-Jan-2016




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by Dr. Anubha Sikka MO(H), Janak Puri, Dte. Of AYUSH, Govt. of NCT of Delhi


Page 1: Case of Renal Calculi

Case of renal calculiby Dr. Anubha Sikka MO(H), Janak Puri, Dte. Of AYUSH, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

A fifty five year old male patient (Mahesh Kumar, OPD No.6732 ) presented with complaints of left renal pain with mild burning of micturation. Whose ultrasound report shows left ureterovesical junction causing moderate hydroureteronephrosis 7mm in size at lower end of left ureter . Patient was prescribed berb vulgaris 30 /tds & colocyth 200 / sos for 1wk.

The patient was advised lots of fluids & less spicy food. The patient did not c/o pain .The prescription was repeated and he was advised usg which shows no calculi. It was resolved in 2 months.Before Treatment

Page 2: Case of Renal Calculi

After Treatment