carrie pomije, dchs heidi stringer, dchs annie mesich, dvr bill huisheere, adrc anna park, mmsd deb...

What Happens Next? An Overview of Long-Term Support Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

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Page 1: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

What Happens Next? An Overview of Long-Term Support

Carrie Pomije, DCHSHeidi Stringer, DCHS

Annie Mesich, DVRBill Huisheere, ADRC

Anna Park, MMSDDeb Notstad, Parent

Page 2: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Why Employment First?

Employment promotes :

-Community Participation & Connections

-A Valued Social Role

-Community Presence and Involvement

-A way to contribute individual gifts, skills, and capacities

- $$$ (Income!)

Page 3: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent
Page 4: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Transition for the Adam Notstad


Everyone is involved in a piece of the pie!

Page 5: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

The term “transition” means different things to different people. Involvement Communication Training and Research Feedback Recognition & Respect Stay the Course

Page 6: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent


Transition Team

PATH Meeting

Robotics Team

LOVDaneStudent at SHS

Personal Care Mandt Community Center StoughtonRecycling Center

Insurance Agent

Businesses in our Community

Page 7: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Interagency Agreement

Department of Public Instruction

Department of Workforce Development

Department of Health Services

Page 8: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Department of Public Instruction

Division of Learning Support

Teachers and School


Individualized Education


Page 9: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Teachers/School Personnel

Transition Planning(beginning at age 14)

Help student develop goals for work and living after

finishing high school

Design activities to meet goals

Measure progress towards

achieving goals

Page 10: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Teachers/School Personnel

Coordination of Transition

Identify outside agencies

Facilitate application

process/provide referral


Invite outside agencies to IEP

(with consent)/coordina

te transition planning

meetings with outside agencies

Page 11: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Legal Basis for Transitions IDEA 2004 requirements relative to Transition Services Definition: Transition Services means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that: • is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is

focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living or community participation;

• is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences, and interests and

• includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives and when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.

Page 12: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Wisconsin state law requires all transition planning begin not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child is 14, and updated annually thereafter. This includes:

• appropriate measurable post-secondary goals based upon age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate independent living skills;

• the transition services (including courses of study) needed to assist the child in reaching those goals;

Page 13: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent
Page 14: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Continuum of Service Options

In School Options

Consultation with General EducationTeam-Taught Classes

Supported Classes with Curricular Modifications Self-Contained Classes

Accommodations in classNo direct support staff in classObservations of student in class if appropriate Ongoing communication between case manager and general education teacherOption for support outside of class (e.g., resource, guided study)

General education and special education collaborate and teach content class togetherCollaboration roles: *General education: content expertise, teaching expertise *Special education: teaching expertise, accommodations and/or modifications for ALL students as needed

General education curriculum with modificationsDirect support staff visibleIEP goals embedded across content areas

Replaced curriculumClasses designed to meet student need as defined by IEP teamFunctional skills instruction as defined by IEP team

Community-Based Options

Age 17 Age 21

Alternative ProgramsCommunity Skills Instruction

Job Shadows/VisitsSupervised Work Experience

Transition Job

MATC *Direct or indirect support *for credit or non- credit courses *defined by IEP team *aligned with long- term visionApprenticeshipsOFSGED/HSED

As defined by IEP team aligned with long-term vision, carefully designed * Public transportation *Banking *Money management *Grocery shopping *Domestic skills *Recreation *Social skills *Housing Work is focused in areas where reasonable level of independence is anticipated

Visit work sites to learn about a variety of jobsOne time visit or series of visits Might include trying some work tasks alongside other workersData collected re: *interests/preferences *skills *strengths *challenges *accommodations

Unpaid *volunteer/internship *community servicePaid *short term *micro-enterpriseInstructional focus *worker behaviors *skill development *identify interestsData collected re: *interests/preferences *skills *strengths *challenges *accommodations *supervision level varies

Paid employment *competitive wage *will transition with student post exitBased on data collected *interests/preferences *skills *strengths *challenges *accommodationsMeaningfulLinkages with long-term Support *supported employment *targeted natural supports *self-employment


Page 15: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Transition Planning Scope

Community-Based Options

Ages 19 - 21Paid Employment in Inclusive Work Settings

Jobs Transition with Student Post-Exit

In/Out OptionsAges 17 - 19

Vocational Exploration in Inclusive Work Setting ANDContinued Development of Functional Skills in Inclusive

School Setting

In School Options

Ages 14 - 17Development of Social, Academic, and Functional Skills in

Inclusive School Setting

Page 16: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Department of Workforce Development

Division of Vocational


Vocational Counselor

Individualized Plan for


Page 17: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

DVR Counselor

Transition Planning (IPE)(generally beginning two years prior to

graduation)Help student

develop work and

living goals for after school

Help determine

what student can do now and in the future to achieve goals

Help ensure the student is making progress towards


Page 18: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

DVR Counselor

Participation in Transition Planning

Provide information on DVR services and eligibility

criteria to students,

parents, and other


When requested, provide

application for services and determine eligibility

Respond to IEP meeting

requests/coordinate services with

the school

Page 19: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Department of Human ServicesDivisions of

Long Term CareAnd

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

County Case ManagersContracted Agencies

(FSRC, PCS, etc.)County Mental Health

Individualized Service Plan

Page 20: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Human Services (“Dane County”)

Transition Planning(referral process begins at age 17.5)

Work with IEP team to identify options, choices

related to support of post-school work and

living goals

Help determine what student

can do now and in the future to achieve goals

Help ensure that student is

meeting goals that can be

supported in the long term

Page 21: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

“Dane County”

Participation in and Coordination of Transition Activities

Provide information about

programs, services, and supports (and

eligibility criteria) to

parents, students, and other


When requested, assist with

applications for services

Attend IEP meetings when

invited/work with other

stakeholders to align services

Page 22: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent


17 yrs.Guardianship applications (done prior to age 18)Social Security Administration application

608-270-1141 or apply online @ If already eligible need to renew/reapply at age 18

17.5 yrs.Contact the Aging and Resource Center (ADRC) to begin

eligibility determination process

Page 23: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Timeline continued

18 years (or year prior to school exit year)Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Begin this

process AT LEAST 1.5 years prior to exit for all students who may be determined eligible for DVR services. School staff will assist students with the application to this process.

19 -21 yearsSchool continues to work with student to

develop/expand/cement paid employmentRepresentatives from DVR, Dane Co. are invited to attend

IEP meetings

Page 24: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Timeline continued

21 yrs (Last Year of High School)September/October – Meet with Dane County Transition Coordinator.

Establish timeline for remaining year with team OR if student already has Dane County Social Worker or Family

Support and Resource worker, that person will act as transition coordinator during student’s last year of school.

January – Dane County establishment of individual rate based on employment support needs.

February/March – Hiring of vocational agency providerApril/May – Hiring of support brokerMay/June – Transition to new vocational agency provider. Job

shadowing w/ new job coaches and vocational supports.

Page 25: Carrie Pomije, DCHS Heidi Stringer, DCHS Annie Mesich, DVR Bill Huisheere, ADRC Anna Park, MMSD Deb Notstad, Parent

Next Up in Transition Series:

October 15: Building Community Connections

November 20: Customized Employment

January 27: Person-Centered Transition Planning

February 23: Guardianship/Estate Planning