caribjam bulletin 3

Welcome Dear Brothers and Sisters Scout: In approximately eight months, the Scouts of the Caribbean Subregion will meet in Curaçao for a one-time experience: the 15th Caribbean Jamboree. We are preparing extensively to welcome you to our “Dushi Kòrsou”. The Organizing Committee together with more than 50 volunteers is working hard to deliver a unique CaribJam to all participants. During this Jamboree participants will meet up, create cross-border friendships and, together, track the treasures of life in sunny Curaçao. With module activities related to the basic elements of life, participants will bring their creativity to life, explore nature, discover history, elaborate on the present and imagine the future of our region and their role in it. This bulletin contains essential information required to give your scouts the best possible Jamboree Experience. We look forward to meeting you in April during our Contingents Leaders’ Meeting. LIFE: TRACKING TREASURES BULLETIN 3 CaribJam CaribJam 2014 NOVEMBER 2013 Contents Contingent Checklist Contingent Leaders’ Meeting ISTs at the Jamboree Volunteers and International Scout Interns The Jamboree website Terms and Conditions Timetable Info Required! Facebook: Caribbean Jamboree 2014

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The third bulletin for the 15th Caribbean Jamboree to be held in Curaçao from July 21 to July 28, 2014. For questions: [email protected]


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Dear Brothers and Sisters Scout:

In approximately eight months, the Scouts of the Caribbean Subregion will meet in Curaçao for a one-time experience: the 15th Caribbean Jamboree. We are preparing extensively to welcome you to our “Dushi Kòrsou”. The Organizing Committee together with more than 50 volunteers is working hard to deliver a unique CaribJam to all participants.

During this Jamboree participants will meet up, create cross-border friendships and, together, track the treasures of life in sunny Curaçao. With module activities related to the basic elements of life, participants will bring their creativity to life, explore nature, discover history, elaborate on the present and imagine

the future of our region and their role in it.

This bulletin contains essential information required to give your scouts the best possible Jamboree Experience. We look forward to meeting you in April during our Contingents Leaders’ Meeting.




CaribJam 2014



!Contingent Checklist

Contingent Leaders’ Meeting

ISTs at the Jamboree

Volunteers and International Scout Interns

The Jamboree website

Terms and Conditions


Info Required! !Facebook: Caribbean Jamboree 2014

Page 2: Caribjam bulletin 3

Contingent Check List Preparing for your contingent’s participation at the 15th Caribbean Jamboree is a large task, with many steps to be undertaken. In this section of our bulletin, we will provide you with ongoing check lists to help you with your preparations.


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1. Agree to send a contingent to the Jamboree

The first step in preparing for the CaribJam in Curaçao is to decide, as a National Scout Organization, that you will send a delegation to the Jamboree. Every scout attending the CaribJam must come as a part of a National Contingent. Each National Scout Organization registered as a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, or an associate member of the Interamerican Scout Region, may register as a Contingent with the Jamboree Office. Girl Guides are also welcome to the CaribJam as they register as part of an NSOs contingent. The Jamboree Office only accepts registrations from National Scout Organizations (NSOs).

Organizing a contingent successfully for its participation at the CaribJam requires commitment of time, people and resources. Therefore, it is important for national leaders to make that commitment to help their Contingent Leaders and participants on their journey.

2. Appoint a Contingent Leader

The Contingent Leader (Head of Contingent) is an important appointment since this person will be responsible for ensuring a safe, worthwhile and enjoyable Jamboree experience for your Contingent.

We do understand that each NSO has its own way of appointing a Contingent Leader. Yet, we strongly encourage all NSOs to appoint someone who is a proven leader, has ample Scouting experience, and preferably, has some international experience. Not less important is

this leader’s time available to dedicate to attend to the necessary preparations.

3. Register with the Jamboree Office

3.1 Complete and submit the Preregistration Form

The next step after appointing the Contingent Leader is to complete and return the Preregistration form (appendix to this bulletin). This form shall provide the Organizing Committee with the information on whether your NSO is interested in attending the Jamboree and give us an idea of the number of participants expected as well as how International Service Team members we can expect.

Do not forget that Scouts must attend the Jamboree in patrol of nine scouts, with one Unit Leader for each Patrol. Four patrols together make up a Scout Unit.

The number of members you may bring in your Contingent Management Team is based on the number of young people you will bring to the Jamboree. The table can be found in this bulletin.

3. 2 Register the Contingent Leader

Once the Contingent Leader has been appointed, please let us know by completing and sending in the Contingent Leader nomination form (appendix to this bulletin).

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4. Build a Contingent Management Team

Organizing and running a successful Jamboree Contingent is a big job. We therefore recommend that each NSO recruit a Contingent Management team to support the Contingent Leader.

The Contingent Management Team should be recruited early in the preparations.

5. Prepare a budget

The Jamboree fee charged by the organizers is only one part of the cost of attending the CaribJam. Contingents will also need to pay for many other items including travel, insurance, preparatory meetings and training sessions, purchase and shipping of equipment, National Scout Organization support costs and any special Contingent/NSO clothing, badges or equipment.

When you have budgeted for all of your costs and decided how many participants, Unit Leaders, IST members, and CMT members you will bring to the Jamboree, you can work out what your National Jamboree fee will be.

For your reference, please find below a table containing the Jamboree fees as determined by the organizing committee of the CaribJam.


6. Start promoting the Jamboree

Now is the time to start telling Scouts throughout your country about the opportunities there are to attend the 15th CaribJam in Curaçao.

During the coming weeks, support materials will be made available through our website These include electronic files for documents and flyers which you can translate and adapt to the needs of your Contingent, before printing and distributing in your country. For other queries, please contact the Jamboree Office.

If you have a National Contingent Website, please let us know in the Jamboree Office so that we can link to it from the main website

7. Attend our Contingent Leaders’ Meeting

The first opportunity for Contingent Leaders to see the Jamboree site and talk with organizers of the CaribJam will be in April 2014. We recommend that all Contingents send representatives to this visit.You must register with the Jamboree Office to come to the Contingent Leaders Meeting. More information is given in this bulletin.

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Day of registration & payment

Participant/ CMT Fee


Before January 1, 2014 USD 160 USD 180

Before April 1, 2014 USD 180 USD 180

After April 1, 2014 USD 200 USD 180

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Contingent Leaders’ Meeting The Contingent Leaders’ Meeting will be held from Friday, April 25 to Sunday, April 27, 2014. We recommend that all Contingents send representatives to this meeting.


The Contingent Leaders’ Meeting will be held at the Headquarters of Scouting Antiano in Groot Kwartier. A visit to Rondeklip (The Campsite is planned) This is approximately 15 minutes by car from the City Centre.

Who should attend?

The Contingent Leaders’ Meeting is for Heads of Contingents and members of National Contingent Management Teams. If your country has not yet registered your Head of Contingent with the Jamboree Office, please do so as soon as possible.


We will meet all participants for the Contingent Leaders’ Meeting at Curaçao International Airport (Hato), where they will be picked up. Participants should aim to arrive in Curaçao by Friday noon. The program will finish at 14:00 on Sunday afternoon (April 27).


Accommodation for the weekend will be Home Hospitality. Members of the Organizing Committee and Scout Leaders of Scouting Antiano are more than happy to host you at their house.

There are hotels in Curaçao which can be booked if you require a higher standard of accommodation.These must be paid directly by participants. Please contact the Jamboree Office if you would like assistance with making a hotel booking.


The meeting will be fully catered. If you have any special dietary requirements, please indicate this on the registration form.


The formal program for the weekend will run from Friday afternoon to Sunday early afternoon, and will include presentations about the Jamboree preparations, question and answer sessions with the Jamboree Planning Team and a site visit.

Participants are asked to wear Scout uniform or neat casual wear for the working sessions. Saturday will be on the Jamboree site, so bring outdoor shoes.


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The cost for attending the Contingent Leaders’ Meeting is USD 125 per person. This includes:

Accommodation for the weekend (Home Hospitality).

Dinner on Friday night, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday.


All materials and program for the weekend

Any alternative accommodation or transport arrangements are not included in the registration fee for the weekend and must be covered by the participant.


Registration for the Contingent Leaders’ Meeting is now open. Please find attached the registration form. We kindly request you to send or fax this form to the Jamboree Office. Registration should be received by February 1, 2014.


ISTs at the Jamboree The Caribbean Jamboree 2014 will have Scouts working with the International Service Team. These Scouts aged 18 or over on July 21, 2014, will help with the CaribJam in different ways, and enjoy a fantastic experience. Every member of the IST will have to register through their national contingent. Everyone should speak English, and be prepared to do anything needed to ensure that the CaribJam runs smoothly.

The members of the IST will arrive at the site a few days before the official opening of the CaribJam, and can leave on the 28th of July.

The camp fee for the International Service Team members is USD 180.


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Volunteers and International Scout Interns The Caribbean Jamboree 2014 organization will need access to the expertise and time of hundreds of volunteers. At this point, we are looking for volunteers with expertise and recent experience in planning major events, who are available and ready to commit to take on this challenge.

Anyone interested in helping to organize The Caribbean Jamboree 2014 as an international Scout intern can contact [email protected]


The Jamboree Website Soon, the Jamboree Website will be launched November 15, 2013. We are working hard putting the final touches in order to provide you every little detail you need to make your Jamboree Experience the best one. We’re adding information, sections to explore, photos and news, as well as developing some fun areas that will be available soon.


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Terms and ConditionsAs soon as our website is launched, this section can be downloaded as a separate pdf document from t h e C o n t i n g e n t R e s o u r c e s s e c t i o n o n

Participant Ages

Young people aged between 12 and 18 years old at the start of the camp (that is those born between 21th July 2002 and 28th July 1996) may take part in the 15th Caribbean Jamboree as Participants.

Those aged 18 and above (those born on or before 20th July 1996) should apply to be members of the International Service Team (IST).

Fees & Payment Schedule

The fees for the 15th Caribbean Jamboree as have been determined by the Organizing Committee are as follows:

What is included:

The fee for participants includes:

• The Jamboree Program • All meals for the duration of the 15th Caribbean

Jamboree, from dinner on 21th July 2014 until breakfast on 28th July 2014

• Upon arrival, transportation from the airport to the Jamboree site.

• At the end of the Jamboree, transportation from the Jamboree site to the airport.

• Medical care in the case of illness (excluding pre-existing conditions) or accidents, including minor surgery or treatment when necessary during the period of the Caribbean Jamboree. Medication

and any costs relating to hospitalization are NOT included in the fee.

• A Jamboree participation kit. !The fee for members of the International Service team (IST) includes: • Briefing and training (including role specific

training) prior to the arrival of Participants. • The Jamboree IST Experience, including a program

of activities for when not required to work. • All meals for the duration of the 15th Caribbean

Jamboree, from dinner on 21th July 2014 until breakfast on 28th July 2014.

• Upon arrival, transportation from the airport to the Jamboree site.

• At the end of the Jamboree, transportation from the Jamboree site to the airport

• Medical care in the case of illness (excluding pre-existing conditions) or accidents, including minor surgery or treatment when necessary during the period of the Caribbean Jamboree. Medication and any costs relating to hospitalization are NOT included in the fee.

• A Jamboree IST Experience pack.

Registration Process

Only National Scout Organizations can register Contingents, and there can only be one Contingent per country.

Please note that Participants will be registered in Patrols of nine Scouts, each Patrol accompanied by one Unit Leader. Four Patrols shall be registered as a Unit (therefore made up of 36 youth Participants and 4 Unit Leaders).

As the Caribbean Jamboree is primarily for young people, the size of the Contingent Management Team must be in accordance with the following:

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Day of registration & payment

Participant/ CMT Fee


Before January 1, 2014 USD 160 USD 180

Before April 1, 2014 USD 180 USD 180

After April 1, 2014 USD 200 USD 180

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The International Service Team is essential for the successful running of the 15th Caribbean Jamboree and NSOs are encouraged to assist the organizers by recruiting suitable adults for the IST. Regardless of Contingent size, no NSO may have more adults than young people in their Contingent.

Registration will be divided into four categories: Participants, Unit Leaders, members of the International Service Team and members of Contingent Management Teams. Each category will be required to send us slightly different information.

Registration will be based on an electronic registration system. There will, however, be a possibility for Contingents who are unable to complete the electronic registration to make arrangements with the Jamboree Office for postal registration. When available, further information about registration will be uploaded to the Contingent Resources section on the CaribJam website.

Contingents that register and pay their fees by a certain date will be given a discount. Please see the information about payment schedules.

The discount achieved for your deposit and full payment will be considered separately. That is to say, if the deposit is paid before January 2014, a 20% discount is given on the deposit amount. If full payment then is paid on the 1 April 2014 or later, there is no discount on the full payment amount, but it will not affect the discount given when the deposit was paid.

The final payment must be received before 1 July 2014, or an additional 5% will be charged.

Information on Bank Transfer will be published in an upcoming bulletin.


Scouting Antiano will put in place cancellation insurance cover in the event that the 15th Caribbean Jamboree has to be cancelled. Contingents should note the following restrictions on this cancellation insurance:

• Certain events outside of our control (for example acts of terrorism or natural disasters) are excluded from the insurance cover. If the Jamboree has to be cancelled for any such reason, there will be no refund of fees paid. (If you wish to have more information about the specific events excluded from the cancellation insurance, please contact the Jamboree office.)

• In the event of cancellation after the opening day of the Jamboree, there will be no refund of fees paid.

• Our cancellation insurance does not provide cover for any costs such as travel, equipment, or pre and post Jamboree activities that are additional to the Jamboree fee. We recommend that you obtain your own insurance for these elements.


Those participating in the 15th Caribbean Jamboree will be given access to the Jamboree’s own medical facilities and, where necessary, we will facilitate access to the Curaçao National Health Service. Contingents should, however, note the following:

• This applies for the period from the time of meeting our representatives at the Jamboree entry point (or arrival at the Check-In centre) until the time of leaving our representatives at the Jamboree exit point (or departure from the Check-In centre).

• We recommend that you obtain appropriate insurance cover (including medical cover) for the period before arrival at the Check-In centre and period after departure from the Check-In centre (and please note that such insurance may be required for the visa application process).

• Those with pre-existing medical conditions should ensure that they make spec ia l arrangements to be able to pay for any treatment in relation to such conditions.

• Our medical arrangements are based on providing treatment in Curaçao and do not include repatriating anyone to their own country, whether for medical or any other reasons. We recommend you obtain your own insurance to cover this.

Number of Participants in Contingent

Contingent management team

1 - 9 Up to 1

10 - 18 Up to 2

19 - 26 Up to 3

37 - 72 Up to 5

73 - 144 Up to 8

145 - 288 Up to 14

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Data Protection

In order to successfully organize and run the 15th Caribbean Jamboree, Scouting Antiano needs to gather and keep certain personal data relating to attendees. You should note the following:

By registering to take part in the Jamboree, you give your explicit consent to the holding of personal data for purposes related to the organization and running of the Jamboree. If you are entering data on behalf of others, we understand that you will have already obtained their consent for us to hold their personal data.

Any personal information that we hold will not be shared or sold to any other company or organization.


From time to time, the Terms and Conditions for the 15th Caribbean Jamboree may be updated. The most recent version will apply. Please contact the Jamboree office for any necessary clarification.


Timetable To help Contingents with their planning, we have prepared a timetable below showing a number of significant “milestones”. Please note that this is an early indication of how we think the timetable will look and it may be subject to change.

! November 2013 - Registration Opens

January 2014 - Bulletin 4

March 2014 - Bulletin 5

April 25-27 2014 - Contingent Leaders’ Meeting

May 2014 - Bulletin 6

June 2014 - Bulletin 7

info required! Please check that you return the below forms to us. We rely on your inputs in order to plan for the Jamboree. If you need additional copies of the form please contact the Jamboree Office or download these from the Contingent Resources section on our website. Thank you in advance.

Form Return

Contingent Leader Nomination Form

ASAP and please no later than December 1, 2013

Pre-registration Form ASAP and please no later than December 1, 2013

Contingent Leaders’ Meeting Registration Form

Register by February 1, 2014

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Scouting Antiano Arowakenweg 41A Willemstad Curaçao !T 599.9.737.4765 M 599.9.517.2175 [email protected]



Contingent Leaders’ Meeting Registration Form

This form must be signed by the International Commissioner, the Chief Scout, General Commissioner, or the Contingent Leader of the National Scout Organization.

Please fill out the following fields for your National Scout Organization:

National Scout Organization


Please fill out the following fields for the person who prepared this form:

First Name Last Name

Position International Commissioner

General Commissioner/ Chief Scout


Signature Date

Contingent Leader

Date of arrival Date of departure

Time of arrival Time of departure

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Scouting Antiano Arowakenweg 41A Willemstad Curaçao !T 599.9.737.4765 M 599.9.517.2175 [email protected]



Contingent Leader Nomination Form

This form must be signed by the International Commissioner, the Chief Scout or the General Commissioner of the National Scout Organization.

Please fill out the following fields for your National Scout Organization:

National Scout Organization


Please fill out the following fields for the person who prepared this form:

First Name Last Name

Position International Commissioner General Commissioner/ Chief Scout


Signature Date

This is to inform the Organizing Committee of the 15th Caribbean Jamboree that we have nominated the following person as Contingent Leader of the National Scout Association:

First Name Last Name




Mailing Address

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Scouting Antiano Arowakenweg 41A Willemstad Curaçao !T 599.9.737.4765 M 599.9.517.2175 [email protected]



Pre-Registration Form

This form must be signed by the International Commissioner, the Chief Scout or the General Commissioner of the National Scout Organization.

Please fill out the following fields for your National Scout Organization:

National Scout Organization


Please fill out the following fields for the person who prepared this form:

First Name Last Name

Position International Commissioner

General Commissioner/ Chief Scout


Signature Date

Contingent Leader

How many people do you plan to register for your contingent?

Males Females Total

Participants (12 - 18)

International Service Team (18+)

Contingent Management Team

Estimated Total Contingent