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Career Elements


  • Career Element, Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter

    Level 1Prepared by: CDV First Prepared on: January 2013Copyright 2013 Asia Pacific Institute of Information TechnologyProfessional & Enterprise DevelopmentCT024-3-1

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Structure of the LessonWriting CVsWriting a Cover letter/job application letter

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Learning Outcomes

    Describe the key features of a CV, covering letter and application form

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Key Terms You Must Be Able to UseIf you have mastered this topic, you should be able to use the following terms correctly in your assignments and exams:

    Curriculum Vitae Letter of application

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    What is a Curriculum Vitae?A record of your personal, educational and work details emphasizing the experience, knowledge and skills relevant to job / course of study for which you are applying.Provides employers with a summary of your relevant life experiences and skills to date. Enhances your chance of getting an interview This means identifying the skillset and experience required and providing evidence that you possess these things

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    CVA CV is often needed to apply to graduate programs, employment in academia orinternational organizations, and in certain professional fields.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Whats the Difference between a CV and ResumeResumeA resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience education. BriefConcise1 minute to review CVApplying for international, academic, education, scientific or research positions or when applying for fellowships or grants.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    CVs and How to Use ThemTargeting your CVTailor your CV accordinglyDo not spam Highlight your skills

    Choosing the right CV(4 types to choose from)

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a CVHere's some basics ofwhat shouldyou include:Personal DetailsDefinitely include: Name, Address, Phone, EmailPossibly include: Nationality, Date of Birth, GenderNo need to include: Marital status, health or a photograph.

    EducationInclude in reverse chronological order: University, Degree subject, class expected or attained, brief details of modules (emphasis on most relevant), final year project if appropriate, School name, A Levels (or equivalent) always with grades,No need to mention: University and school addresses or minor qualifications.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a CVWork or professional experienceIn reverse chronological order include all work experience, but expand on the most relevant. Useful to divide work experience to 'related work experience' and 'other work experience'AchievementsAre you on any committees? Did you organise any social events? Are you a student representative? Give brief details of any positions held such as president or treasurer in university societies Other skills / achievementsTo include anything that has not found a convenient slot - any award received, additional skills (e.g. presentation) or other workshops attended.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a CVRefereesReferees - usually two.One academic (Tutor/Programme Manager) andone work based. Don't forget to ask before naming them! Ask yourselfIs this the right CV type for your particular blend of qualifications, skills and experience?

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a CV - DOsConfident tone and positive language Make your most relevant experience and skills prominent to encourage the employer to read on Keep it to the point and concentrate on the quality of your achievements, not the quantity List skills that could raise you above the competition such as IT skills, languages, driving licenseUse a spell check - spelling and grammar - spotting errors is a quick and easy way of weeding out weaker candidates when faced with a mountain of CV's to read Get a second opinion from someone you trust Include examples of your work, if appropriate

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a Cover LetterIn your cover letter

    Outline why you are interested in this job/sector and in this specific company. Relate your particular interests and skills to the needs of the role and this Company in particular

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a CV DONTsLeave any gaps in your work record - employers may assume the worst, for example you were sacked Lie - many employers use information service companies or sophisticated new software to check CV details for accuracy, including educational qualifications, places of study and the veracity of job references. Facebook checkList all the one day training courses you have ever been on Include a photo unless the employer wants one Fax it without sending a copy in the post as well Use elaborate fonts or colours - keep it simple Forget it's a tool for getting you an interview.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Different Types of CVSkill based ChronologicalAcademicScientific/Technical

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Different Types of CVSkill Based Does not have a lot of directly related experience Career change -transferable skills.

    ChronologicalReverse chronological order Directly related experience

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Different Types of CVAcademicApplying for postgraduate study/research or jobs in the field of academic researchMembership of professional bodiesAwardsResearchesScientific / TechnicalMore detailed information on coursework (including final year projects), technical equipment used and outline of the procedures followed.There is a real role for scientific jargon in this type of CV

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a Cover LetterIntroduces you to the employer, should send a cover letter with every CVImportant as it gives you the opportunity to provideattention to specific qualificationsa sample of your written communications skills A CV presents a lot of information about your past employment and education, while a cover letter features specific qualifications that you think will impress your readers the most. Prepare a cover letter for every position applied

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a Cover LetterIn your cover letter

    Outline why you are interested in this job/sector and in this specific company. Relate your particular interests and skills to the needs of the role and this Company in particular

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Writing a Cover LetterState why you are writing, E.g. I am writing to express my interest in applying for a technical customer service executive with Company ABC

    State why you are the best person for the jobI have a record of outstanding success in customer services, user training and user support as well as project management, in multi location and international environments. I was also a part of a busy customer service division in a big establishment based on my previous employment as a Network Computing Executive with ExxonMobile, Malaysia. My four and a half years of progressively responsible experience has encompassed a great deal of IT customer service and user training. I am confident that I will do very well for this position.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Your closing indicates what you plan to do after your readers have received your resume and cover letter.

    A good practice is to: Inform your readers when you will contact themInclude your phone number and e-mail address Thank your readers for their consideration

    Writing a Cover Letter

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Sample closing I will contact you before June 5th to discuss my application. I look forward to speaking with you at that time. If you wish to contact me, I may be reached at xxx xxx or by e-mail at [email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please contact me at the above address or call xxx xxx as I would like to arrange a mutually convenient time for a meeting, during which we can further discuss your current or anticipated openings. May I hear from you? Thank you for your consideration Writing a Cover Letter

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    What to Write for Jobs that are Not AdvertisedI could arrange to visit your........ to find out more about the work and obtain your advice.I was given your name by X who suggested that you might be willing to give me some information about careers in this area.I have recently graduated with a degree in ............ and am currently working for . and have gained some insight into ..I hope that you will be able to spare me half an hour at some time in the near future .. and I would be most grateful if I could also meet one of your colleagues/other employees for a short discussion.I enclose my CV and will telephone your office next week to try to arrange an appointment at a time to suit you.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    A Few Pointers on Cover LettersShould be sent with all applications and CVsUse one side of A4Keep it clear, simple and conciseAddress it to the appropriate person by name and positionSpell and grammar check itUse good quality paperKeep a copy

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Useful Vocabulary- Positive Words & Descriptive Wordsachievedadministeredanalysedbuiltcapablecompetentcommunicatedconsistentcontrolledco-ordinatedcreateddesignedDevelopeddirectedeconomicalefficient

    engineeredestablishedexpandedexperiencedguidedimplementedimprovedinitiatedledmanagedmonitoredorganisedparticipatedpositiveprocessedproficientprofitablequalifiedrepairedresourcefulsoldspecialisedstablesuccessfulsupervisedtrainedversatilewide experience

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Psychometric Test

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Psychometric TestsWhat are they?

    A number of companies use ability tests of different sorts as an interim step between the application and the first interview Aptitude tests are the most commonly used selection method apart from the universal practice of interviewingThese tests are seen to be a low-cost means of rating candidates, as large numbers can be asked to complete the tests in a single sitting.

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Psychometric Tests

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Answer Objective Questions& Essay note

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Q & AQuestion and Answer Session

    CT024 PDTIntroduction

    Topic and Structure of next sessionNext SessionPersonal Branding

    **You will need to find evidence from your experience (work, study, leisure activities) for the development of skills required by the position: these skills are usually referred to as Hence the CV becomes targeted and focused. Always support any mention of skills with evidence of how and where these skills were developed (try to quantify with evidence as far as possible when describing skills, sales increased by ...., number of customers increased by....).

    *ACADEMICThe academic institutions will be interested in finding out about any research you might havecarried out and articles you might have had published. They will also need more details ofuniversity qualifications than employers require. Membership of professional bodies anddetails of awards received should also be mentioned.

    *Aptitude testPersonality and Psychometric TestsPsychometric testing has become widely accepted as a benchmarking tool to judge people's suitability for a job. It's easy to understand why: people don't behave naturally at interviews - after all, it's hardly a natural situation. This means that without a measurable assessment tests sytem employers are in danger of selecting people who are good at interviews, but not necessarily good at doing the job.So is psychometric testing an infallible way of probing a candidate's true personality? It's easy to think so, but in fact it's by no means impossible to fool a test and so manipulate the results. But you do so at your peril. Distorting your apparent test results and thereby personality in order to get a job is almost certain to cause you problems later. Do you really want to be in a job that doesn't suit you?Used properly, psychometric testing is good for employers and candidates. Honest answers to the questions on behalf of the candidate, coupled to intelligent interpretation of the tests answers by the employer, can produce a perfect employee/job match, which ultimately is in everyone's interest.

    Answers to:How do you compare to the average person? Your Personality - how was it developed? What is your relationship style? Which type of person suits you best? Profilling

    You can use it on yourseflt too, to identify your strengths and weaknesses, your motivation etc..

    Gain insight into a persons personality and psychological thinking. It can help develop team spirit in the workplace and assess an individuals priorities.

    *Shell global warming 500 wordsBanks CIMB, Maybank CIMB- current issues, Recruitment Agencies***Can proceed with the tutorial, get student to come back to the next class (during tutorial slot) to present their vending machine product