caprino's · the city manager, recog nized as "one of the nations finest," will...

.1... SANTA'S.HELPERS.. .Mrs. Arthur Akcrson, vice-president of the Harbor Area Welfare . Planning Council, teams" up with represents ItVCs of youth groups to-display Christmas Seal promotional material groups arc distributing to merchants In San Pedro, Lontlla, 1V1I- mlngton, (iardenu, Harbor City, and Tor- rancc. Young helpers (left to right) are Kar , en Shell, Solvcig Kurvits, Judy liurich and Stephanie Gobclich. Big New Sea Arena Slated At Marineland of Pacific Bulldozors began tearing up ,', the turf this week as construe- '!, lion started on n new Sea ', Arena to be built at Marine- land of tlie Pacific at a cost of $500,000. ' ; The start of construction was ' signaled by screen star Esther Williams, who turned the first ' shovelful of earth with assists from Los Angeles' County Sup- When completed, the seven porpoises at Marineland will be moved to the new holding tanks and the present porpoise tank will become tht home of Bubbles, the only whale in cap- tivity in the world. Not only will this enable scientists to study the whale more closely, but also will make possible the housing of a new whale. Ma- rineland plans to capture a : crvisor Burton W. Chace and j male whale and bring him to William F. Monahan. vice presi-1 the oceanarium to remove any dent ami general manager of, loneliness which may have be- ; the oceanarium. Monahan announced that the contract for construction of tli^ - Sea Arena has been awarded Tto Paul W. Spear, Inc. The building Is scheduled for com- ,-pletion next summer. ; New Arena > The new Sea Arena will con- fallen Bubbles. Monahan said that the over- all expansion will double Ma- rineland's accommodations for visitors, making the new capac- ity approximately 25,000 per- sons per day. Expansion Underway An extension of the snack '-. sist of a tank 60 feel wide, 120 i bar already is underway: pfc- < feet, long, and 15 feet deep; a nic areas will be relocated and v stage about the size and shape | expanded and new exhibit . of that in the Hollywood Bowl, land * stadium seating 3000 ; people. It will be situated be- I ween the present oceanarium ^building and Marineland Res- » taurant. The Marineland group > of buildings is on the ocean bc- * tween Redondo Beach and San .; The new Installation will also ihave four holding tanks, each £20 feet In diameter and five '^feet deep. The holding tanks, 5 adjoining the main tank, will * be used for isolation of the por- * poises and other mammals and *fish which will perform in the ''Sea Arena. 'I In one side of the main tank j there will be underwater ports *'; which can be used for motion 1 picture photography and which ,'.'. will be available for comitier* ,? cial use.. ;: Shows Planned ;; Tile Sea Arena also will have *complete dressing room facili- ties, rest rooms and other ap- " pointments so that it will serve "equally well for daily opera- "tlon of Marinejand shows and ' for 'special events, which could I even Include full-scale thealri- «cal productions. ; Carson Assn. Will Choose New Officers ;. The annual election of offi- cers for the Carson Civic Bet- terment Assn. will be held at /the group's meeting next Tues- ''day at 8 at Stevcn M. White :.' Junior High School. At its last meeting the group " Toted to start a clean-up pro- gram for the Carson area. 'Since it is all county territory, 'rules of the Board of Super- ' visors govern the collection of ,'. rubbish. ;i Les Cofelt, district .san tation ;officer, reported that r bbish 1 must be in proper cont liners -before it Is collected an 1 that '..papers and other rubbish must .'.not be allowed to blow nit or ~ be scattered by dogs or cats. It Is Illegal to let the rubbish ac- cumulate for more than two weeks In back yards. areas will be provided. Monahan also -slated that the expansion will allow Marine- land to serve better the scien- tists and students of ocean- ography who are interested in the oceanarium's activities.' The general manager ex- plained that since Marineland opened three years ago, its highly technical and expensive experimental equipment has been used free of charge by dozens of scientists and institu- tions. The ocenarlum has agree- ments with Scripps Institute, the University of California a) Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, Long Beach State College and others for free exchange, of informa- tion and findings. Testimonial Meet Set for City Manager Reservations are running at a fast clip for the Testimonial Luncheon honoring' Torrance City Manager George W. Stcv- ens, according to sponsoring Chamber of Commerce of- ficials. The luncheon will be held at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday. Jan. 15, at the Plush Horse Restaurant. The city manager, recog- nized as "one of the nations finest," will celebrate his lOlli anniversary in Torrance on Jan. 1, Chairman George Brad- ford said. He has seen Tor- ranee's population skyrocket from slightly over 14,000 in 1947 to a present 93,000. Stev- ens is generally conceded with the lions share of the credit for the orderly growth of the community and was featured iii last months edition of Look Magazine, Bradford said. Reservations may be secured by calling the Chamber office f.KYSDK CMNTEK There are more geysers In Yellowstone national park than all the rest of the world com- WE ARE EXPANDING Yti, thankf to our many tatlifled cuttomert, we hav. found II neceitary to hire two more "top techniciani." This will «tiuru you of efficient T.V. lervice. Day and Evening Callt SAV-MOR TV CO. 2318 TORRANCE BLVD. lATTLE STATE Texas is the principal cattle producing state. Youth Groups Aiding Santa In Seal Sale Harbor area youth groups arc helping Santa Claus and the fight against tuberculosis as they currently bring a holi- day flavor to the shopping dis- tricts of Torrance, Lomita, San Pedro, Wilmington, Gardena and Harbor City by distribut- ing Christmas Seal promotion- al materials. As a community service the Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds are offering window strips, posters and other dis- play materials to remind local residents of the importance of Christmas Seals. Goal of the campaign to provide TB con-, trol funds in Los Angeles County is $850.000. In both Ifomita and Harbor City the A 0 Wa Ki Ya Camp Fire is distributing materials, while the Busy Bee Blue Birds have been-; aiding the project in Torrance. San Pedro groups participat- ing are the Blue Bell Blue Birds, Elu Ya Nah Camp Fire. SUM' KIIWKI I. ... In Nr» Job PKAXIT Oil. Peanuts yield oil fi>r sdUtt oils, cooking, margarine *nj so.ip nunuf.vuire. Sinking Him- Birds .tiul Ofci \\* Ta Canip Kirr. Wilminglon helpers »r* llu- Friendly Violot Blue Birds ami the \Va Ta Ka Camp Kire In Gardena. the KslrelliUs Horizan Club and Ts fan Ya Camp Fire are participating. KIDWELL IN NEW JOB E. G. "Slim" Kidwell, vet- eran Los .Angeles flyer and operator of the Kidwell Avia- tion Co., Torranco, has been named general sales manager of Northern Aircraft, Inc., Alexandria, Mum. Ho will ho responsible for domestic ami fi>rnt;n sates of Itio HjllaiU'a 1'ruistunagter, des- i-ntu-d Idy many aviation ex- port* as Vtw fastest four-place suHijlooi\sin* Business and ploasmo airplane In produc- tion usljy. The I os An^olos man'* ap- ivmtmom follows expansion of i ho turn's production facilities .i: its modern aircraft mamifar- titvinj! plant in the northrsi Minnesota rosort town. 'IV o year* ago. Northern Aircraft purchased sales and m.uuit'acturlng rights to the f rmsomaster from B o 11 a n c a Aircraft rWp~, 7!ew Oastle.j Pel. The Ballanra company I had beort building a aircraft j for more than a quarter-con-1 tury under direction of Gulsep- j pe nollanca. famed Italian-Am- j erican designer. I DECEMBER 5, 1957 TORRANCE HERALD at Frank and Jo Riera's CAPRIHO'S FEATURING . . . STEAKS-PRIME RIBS Frt.h Dally SEA FOOD RESERVATIONS •r« how being taktn for private Chrlttmai partiti and our big N»w Year's celebration. BUDDY NOLAN At Th« Organ CAPRINO'S Call FA 8-8900 —————— TORRANCE O everything photographic J all jforei opan 9 fa 9 starting d»t. 3 keystone movie outfit complete brownie movie kit fl.ld turr.t . . . 2I.W & >da<t bag . '. ,'l.H oni light r and c.M . . . t.M two limpi . . . H.OO total ralue 81.75 C keystone turret kit includti ont k-41 eimlri w/MI . . . BBVAF 139.50 ont (-1.9 t.l.plioto 1779 [,n. . . . 24.15 on. f"l.« I i "* wld> angll lln> . . . 24.96 * doi kiyiloni mater and can . . . 18.95 «on« keyito total value 219.30 129* film ... 1.40 total value 147.45 l. guldo rf book . . . frti P °hVfo*b U9 kodak flash outfits nothing down 50c a week * kiff 25.25 duaflex pi flash outfit 1! 16.50 starflex holiday flash outfit II flash outfit 9.95 torrance 1318 sartori ave.— fa 8-3154 redondo beach louth bay ctr. fr 6-5989 walteria poe. cit. at Hawthorne—fr 5-7014 san pedro 13th and pacific te 2-1787

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Page 1: CAPRINO'S · The city manager, recog nized as "one of the nations finest," will celebrate his lOlli anniversary in Torrance on Jan. 1, Chairman George Brad ford said. He has seen

.1...SANTA'S.HELPERS.. .Mrs. Arthur Akcrson, vice-president of the Harbor Area Welfare

. Planning Council, teams" up with represents ItVCs of youth groups to-display Christmas Seal promotional material groups arc distributing to merchants In San Pedro, Lontlla, 1V1I- mlngton, (iardenu, Harbor City, and Tor- rancc. Young helpers (left to right) are Kar

, en Shell, Solvcig Kurvits, Judy liurich and Stephanie Gobclich.

Big New Sea Arena Slated

At Marineland of PacificBulldozors began tearing up

,', the turf this week as construe- '!, lion started on n new Sea ', Arena to be built at Marine- land of tlie Pacific at a cost of $500,000. '; The start of construction was' signaled by screen star Esther

Williams, who turned the first ' shovelful of earth with assists

from Los Angeles' County Sup-

When completed, the seven porpoises at Marineland will be moved to the new holding tanks and the present porpoise tank will become tht home of Bubbles, the only whale in cap­ tivity in the world. Not only will this enable scientists to study the whale more closely, but also will make possible the housing of a new whale. Ma­ rineland plans to capture a

: crvisor Burton W. Chace and j male whale and bring him to William F. Monahan. vice presi-1 the oceanarium to remove any dent ami general manager of, loneliness which may have be-

; the oceanarium.Monahan announced that the

contract for construction of tli^- Sea Arena has been awardedTto Paul W. Spear, Inc. The

building Is scheduled for com-,-pletion next summer.; New Arena> The new Sea Arena will con-

fallen Bubbles.Monahan said that the over­

all expansion will double Ma- rineland's accommodations for visitors, making the new capac­ ity approximately 25,000 per­ sons per day.

Expansion UnderwayAn extension of the snack

'-. sist of a tank 60 feel wide, 120 i bar already is underway: pfc- < feet, long, and 15 feet deep; a nic areas will be relocated and

v stage about the size and shape | expanded and new exhibit. of that in the Hollywood Bowl, land * stadium seating 3000 ; people. It will be situated be- I ween the present oceanarium ^building and Marineland Res- » taurant. The Marineland group > of buildings is on the ocean bc-* tween Redondo Beach and San

.; The new Installation will also ihave four holding tanks, each £20 feet In diameter and five '^feet deep. The holding tanks, 5 adjoining the main tank, will* be used for isolation of the por-* poises and other mammals and*fish which will perform in the ''Sea Arena.'I In one side of the main tank j there will be underwater ports*'; which can be used for motion

1 picture photography and which,'.'. will be available for comitier*,? cial use..;: Shows Planned;; Tile Sea Arena also will have*complete dressing room facili­ ties, rest rooms and other ap- " pointments so that it will serve "equally well for daily opera- "tlon of Marinejand shows and ' for 'special events, which could I even Include full-scale thealri-«cal productions.

; Carson Assn. Will Choose New Officers

;. The annual election of offi­ cers for the Carson Civic Bet­ terment Assn. will be held at

/the group's meeting next Tues- ''day at 8 at Stevcn M. White :.' Junior High School. At its last meeting the group " Toted to start a clean-up pro­ gram for the Carson area. 'Since it is all county territory, 'rules of the Board of Super- ' visors govern the collection of

,'. rubbish.;i Les Cofelt, district .san tation ;officer, reported that r bbish

1 must be in proper cont liners -before it Is collected an 1 that '..papers and other rubbish must .'.not be allowed to blow nit or ~ be scattered by dogs or cats. It Is Illegal to let the rubbish ac­

cumulate for more than two weeks In back yards.

areas will be provided.Monahan also -slated that the

expansion will allow Marine- land to serve better the scien­ tists and students of ocean­ ography who are interested in the oceanarium's activities.'

The general manager ex­ plained that since Marineland opened three years ago, its highly technical and expensive experimental equipment has been used free of charge by dozens of scientists and institu­ tions.

The ocenarlum has agree­ ments with Scripps Institute, the University of California a) Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, Long Beach State College and others for free exchange, of informa­ tion and findings.

Testimonial Meet Set for City Manager

Reservations are running at a fast clip for the Testimonial Luncheon honoring' Torrance City Manager George W. Stcv- ens, according to sponsoring Chamber of Commerce of­ ficials.

The luncheon will be held at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday. Jan. 15, at the Plush Horse Restaurant.

The city manager, recog­ nized as "one of the nations finest," will celebrate his lOlli anniversary in Torrance on Jan. 1, Chairman George Brad­ ford said. He has seen Tor- ranee's population skyrocket from slightly over 14,000 in 1947 to a present 93,000. Stev- ens is generally conceded with the lions share of the credit for the orderly growth of the community and was featured iii last months edition of Look Magazine, Bradford said.

Reservations may be secured by calling the Chamber office

f.KYSDK CMNTEKThere are more geysers In

Yellowstone national park than all the rest of the world com-

WE ARE EXPANDINGYti, thankf to our many tatlifled cuttomert, we hav. found II neceitary to hire two more "top techniciani." This will «tiuru you of efficient T.V. lervice.

Day and Evening Callt



lATTLE STATETexas is the principal cattle

producing state.

Youth Groups Aiding Santa In Seal Sale

Harbor area youth groups arc helping Santa Claus and the fight against tuberculosis as they currently bring a holi­ day flavor to the shopping dis­ tricts of Torrance, Lomita, San Pedro, Wilmington, Gardena and Harbor City by distribut­ ing Christmas Seal promotion­ al materials.

As a community service the Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds are offering window strips, posters and other dis­ play materials to remind local residents of the importance of Christmas Seals. Goal of the campaign to provide TB con-, trol funds in Los Angeles County is $850.000.

In both Ifomita and Harbor City the A 0 Wa Ki Ya Camp Fire is distributing materials, while the Busy Bee Blue Birds have been-; aiding the project in Torrance.

San Pedro groups participat­ ing are the Blue Bell Blue Birds, Elu Ya Nah Camp Fire.

SUM' KIIWKI I. ... In Nr» Job

PKAXIT Oil.Peanuts yield oil fi>r sdUtt

oils, cooking, margarine *nj so.ip nunuf.vuire.

Sinking Him- Birds .tiul Ofci \\* Ta Canip Kirr.

Wilminglon helpers »r* llu- Friendly Violot Blue Birds ami the \Va Ta Ka Camp Kire

In Gardena. the KslrelliUs Horizan Club and Ts fan Ya Camp Fire are participating.


E. G. "Slim" Kidwell, vet­ eran Los .Angeles flyer and operator of the Kidwell Avia­ tion Co., Torranco, has been named general sales manager of Northern Aircraft, Inc., Alexandria, Mum.

Ho will ho responsible for domestic ami fi>rnt;n sates of Itio HjllaiU'a 1'ruistunagter, des- i-ntu-d Idy many aviation ex­ port* as Vtw fastest four-place suHijlooi\sin* Business and ploasmo airplane In produc­ tion usljy.

The I os An^olos man'* ap- ivmtmom follows expansion of i ho turn's production facilities .i: its modern aircraft mamifar- titvinj! plant in the northrsi Minnesota rosort town.

'IV o year* ago. Northern Aircraft purchased sales and m.uuit'acturlng rights to the f rmsomaster from B o 11 a n c a Aircraft rWp~, 7!ew Oastle.j Pel. The Ballanra company I had beort building a aircraft j for more than a quarter-con-1 tury under direction of Gulsep- j pe nollanca. famed Italian-Am- j erican designer. I


at Frank and Jo Riera's



SEA FOODRESERVATIONS•r« how being taktn for private Chrlttmai partiti and our big N»w Year's celebration.


CAPRINO'SCall FA 8-8900

•—————— TORRANCE


everything photographic

Jall jforei opan 9 fa 9 starting d»t. 3

keystone movie outfitcomplete

brownie movie kit

fl.ld turr.t . . . 2I.W

&>da<t bag . '. ,'l.H • oni light • r and c.M . . . t.M

• two limpi . . . H.OO

total ralue 81.75 C

keystone turret kitincludti• ont k-41 eimlri w/MI . . . BBVAF 139.50 • ont (-1.9 t.l.plioto 1779 [,n. . . . 24.15 • on. f"l.« I i "* wld> angll lln> . . . 24.96 • * doi• kiyiloni mater and can . . . 18.95 «on« keyito

total value 219.30

129*film ... 1.40

total value 147.45

l. guldo rf book . . . frti

P°hVfo*bU9 kodak flash outfits — nothing down — 50c a week



25.25duaflex pi

flash outfit 1! 16.50starflex • holiday

flash outfit II flash outfit 9.95

torrance1318 sartori ave.— fa 8-3154

redondo beachlouth bay ctr. — fr 6-5989

walteriapoe. cit. at Hawthorne—fr 5-7014

san pedro13th and pacific — te 2-1787