cannon iron foundries, ltd

Although Iic joiiictl tlic staff 0 . C Princeton Univcrsity in 191P, llr. I’itylor is 15nglisli by l)irtli, itnd his training WRS rcccivetl itt tlic University of T,ivcrpool. I-le Iiccnmc Iirofcssor of pliysicril clicniistry :it l’rinccton in 1922 :ind cliriiriiiitii of tlic clicinistry tlcpiirtincnt four yviirs littcr. ‘rlic follo\ving ycitr Iic wns itppointctl Dnvitl I(. .Joiics I’rofcssor of licscnrcli Cjlcniistry :it tdic Univcrsity. His work at l’rinccton, notnMc :is it is, rcprcscnts only ii pirt of liis iirtivitics, for lie is it incinbcr of scvcrnl scic!ntific socictics iind lins titkcn ii proininont prt in their nlfiiirs, wliilst ,lie lins iicliicvctl niiicli tlistinctioii its ii writer on sciciitific ninttcrs. Ilc is :it. prcsciit, :iii iisaociittc ctlitor of th AnicIriciiii (%wiic;il Socicty, of which Socict,y lie \vits tlic Xicliols Yidiillist in L!)BI. HI: is t.Iw joint iiiitlior with Dr. IS. I<. IIidc:iI, of ’’ (.‘iitiilysis iii ‘I’licory ;lilt1 l’riictice,” itlit1 the tvlitor ol‘ i~ ‘l’r(!iitist: on l’liysic*iil Cliciiiistry,” no\v in its srcoiitl edit ioii, Iwsitlcs hiivilig coiitribiitctl iiloiic or in cnll:tl)orittioii others, iiiorc tlinii IW) papers oii ciitiilysis itlit1 the ~ldiii~~isiii of clic1ilitd rciictioiis to Aiiittriciin iiiitl 1Silro~)ciili scientilic joiirnitls. ‘i’lic X’iitioliitl I~osciircli c‘oiincil of Aiiicricri is iiitlul)tetl to liiiii for 11 very Irtrgc iiiiioiiiit of worlc : lic is cliiiiriiiiiii of its coiniiiittccs tlciiliiig witli pliotocliciiiistry iintl IJctrOlclllii, cind a incnilicr of tlic coniiliittcc 011 coiitiict, wtiilysis, ittit1 is iissociiitt!(l itlso with tlic ~Itosciircli I~vllowsliip Iloiirtl of tlic ‘I’cstilc ~I’ouiitlittioii. 111 li):j2 IIC \v,is clcctctl to ti ~LMowsliip of t.lw Itoynl Socicty iii this country, iilitl is visiting l3iigliiiitl slier* to IJC! ftJ~iiIi1~~~ adiiiitted. Niigliiiitl will wclcoiiic the rcturiI, if i)iily for ii short tiiiic, of so tlist,inguislicd n scientist. CANNON IRON FOUNDRIES, LTD. 111 192ti Citniioii lroii Pouiitlrics, Lttl. cclcbriitctl its ciirrictl out with no liiilf iiiciisiircs, iiiitl will, we iiiiiiginc, be reiiieiiiberotl in I)ccpliclcls for iiiiiiiy yciirs. ‘Illlo liriii \vits IlOL ;il\\-ltys cilllctl by the \vcll-l;llo\vll ciilllloll 1111111c ; iii IS26 it: took t.lic iiiiiiic of its foiiiitlcr,73tl\v1trd Slieltloli, i d coiitiiiucd with it for iiciirly sisty ycitrs, whcii it clailtciiitry. ‘1’11~ cclclmttioii iiI)l)ciirs to IIII\.C ~CCII becii1Iic the Ciiiiiion JTollo~v-\viirc CO. With t,lic coming ol it iicw century it scenis that thc firm thought it dCsirii1)lc to gct off thc ninrk with n nninc iiiorc suited t,o its riscn status, for by t.liiit tinic it 1i:tcl passed ivell beyond tho pot nnd pan stage, nnd so in 1900 t;lic firm bccanic known by its prcsent title. Pots iiiid 1)iiiiS w r c Iio~vcvcr tlic bcginniiig of this firm, wvlicli is no\v oiic of thc biggest nianufncturcrs of chciniciil pliint. L t is soliic\\.liiit strniigc to think that in thosc ciirly diiys E1igliilid ~vns dcpcndcnt on foreign proclrictioii cvcii of pots and pins. ‘l.’hc records 1i:ivc it to the credit of Ed\iTiirtl Shcldo1i that hc brouglit. tlic liusiiicss to I31igliind, and licrc it stityctl, unt,il ii few yciirs Iiitcr it substnntiiil csport biisincss Iiiitl been built, iip. An iicl\-crtisciiiciit of t,lic firin used iii 1S.l.l lins ii quiiiiit. riiig iihiit it : it spciiks of Xariiiont and Ncgro pots, wiitlle irons, wrought-iron nioiicy clicsts, ciist-iron bookciiscs, iilitl piitelit. kitclicii fiirnitiirc. Tlic ‘’ inodcrn incttil furnishing is pcrliiips not so iiioclcrn, nlthougli tlic c:iist-iroIi bookc;isc sounds ii t,rillc iiiore siibstiiiitirtl tliiin ii~iytlii~ig procliiced ~io\~ntlny~. In thosc citrly days t,lic I)rciiiiscs covcrcd lialf ;in itorc, iiiid the cmployccs nuuibercd lcss thiin t\vciit,y. IJobli liiivc now multiplied fifty-fold. Ihmitly IVC hiid tlic plcasurc of visiting tlic works iit I)ccpliclds, on the;irts of ~\‘ol\.crliriiiiptoii, iiiid of seeing how fur t,hc firin’s pro(luctioiis Iiiivc dcvclopccl froiii tlic original pots iiiid p:iiis. Tlic liriii’s iiiiiiic, it scciiictl, is :I good oiic ; cstciisive fouiidlics tlicrc tvcre, iiinking cvcry typc of ciistiiig from st.riiiglitforw;irtl tlist illiitioii pis to c*oiiiplic;itctt cast ‘’ nests of tubcs for coiidcnsers ; using woodcii pittteriis, . iron piittcriis, with licrc iiiid t.licre csiiiiiplcs of striking 01th siicli as liitvc :!l\vitys Iniidc tlic foiiiidryiiinn’s criift SCCIII to us iiiore of till iirt t.liiiii scciiis gciicriilly to be iipprcciittcd. The products of t,lic firiii iirc 1ii:iiiy itnil tliversc, iiiid it would tiikc ti11 itrticlc iiiucli loiigcr t h n this to touch 011 tliciii :ill, niiicli lcss treat tliciii :idcqiiiitcly. Tlic cliciiiictil iiitlust.ry fiiitls t lie Ciuiiioii Ibiiiitlrics priiicipnlly of iiitcrest for its production of iiiitocliives, cviiponiting nnd tlistilliit ioii pans, boilers, coiid~n~crs, ctc. 111 the vitrious sliops of the factory ivc saw Ilic ctistings being iiiiicliiiicd, liriislictl, ;iiid iissciiiLlcd, but probiibly thc most iiitcrcstiiig worksliop wiis tliiit in which t.lic dry process of ciiiiiiiclliiig wis being U~JCrilted. Uiiring rccciit yeiirs t Iic firiii Iicis lwomc fnnioiis for its iicitl- rcsistiug ciiiiiiicllctl wire ; it is iiitlccd oiic of tlic few coiiccriis iii this couiitry l)rocliiciiig this type of pliiiit, wliicli is of spcciiil iiitcrest to t,lic 1lliiiiilfiiCt ii~r of pIiiiriiiiicciit icd itiitl fiiic chciniciils, tlic Iiiiiiiufiict uriar coiiccrnetl with foot1 proccssiiig, iilitl 01 Iic~ WIIO IiilIi;t, ciisiirc tliiit. tlicir products iire not coiititiiiiiiittctl by t,lic vcsscls in wliicli they itre t,rciitcd. l\‘c visitccl the cniiiiiclling shop 111; tlic riglit ~iioiiiciit to scc soiiic 1)iiiis bciiig tlritwn glowiiig froiii :I iiiulllc fiiriiiico, to bo rotiitctl quicltly wliilst tlic siliccous dust wiis npplictl, und t,hen rcplitcctf iii the iiiulllc for the filial process of fusing. In this piirt of the \vorlts one liiitls 1111 oh1 iiieiiibcr of tho Society, Jlr. I-C. 13. Stcwitrt, supcrvisiiig tlic ciittmcl- liiig of cliciiiicitl pIiiiiL, aiitl rcatly lo tiilk of tlic problciiis of his spcciiiliacd job. Ihiiiiiiclliiig Inis hiid iiittiiy such problcnis to siirinoiinb iiiitl in it lit bolatory here iiiniiy of tllcin liibvc ~CCU br~ugl11; to 11 succcssful cnd-point.

Post on 11-Jun-2016




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Page 1: Cannon iron foundries, ltd

Although Iic joiiictl tlic staff 0.C Princeton Univcrsity in 191P, l l r . I’itylor is 15nglisli by l)irtli, itnd his training WRS rcccivetl itt tlic University of T,ivcrpool. I-le Iiccnmc Iirofcssor of pliysicril clicniistry :it l’rinccton i n 1922 :ind cliriiriiiitii of tlic clicinistry tlcpiirtincnt four yviirs littcr. ‘rlic follo\ving ycitr Iic wns itppointctl Dnvitl I(. .Joiics I’rofcssor of licscnrcli Cjlcniistry :it tdic Univcrsity. His work a t l’rinccton, notnMc :is it is, rcprcscnts only ii p i r t of liis iirtivitics, for lie is it incinbcr of scvcrnl scic!ntific socictics iind lins titkcn i i proininont p r t in their nlfiiirs, wliilst ,lie lins iicliicvctl niiicli tlistinctioii its i i writer on sciciitific ninttcrs. Ilc is :it. prcsciit, :iii iisaociittc ctlitor of t h AnicIriciiii (%wiic;il Socicty, of which Socict,y lie \vits tlic Xicliols Yidiillist in L!)BI. HI: is t.Iw joint iiiitlior with Dr. IS. I<. IIidc:iI, of

’’ (.‘iitiilysis i i i ‘I’licory ;l i l t1 l’riictice,” itlit1 the tvlitor ol‘ i~ “ ‘l’r(!iitist: on l’liysic*iil Cliciiiistry,” no\v i n its srcoiitl edit io i i , Iwsitlcs hiivilig coiitribiitctl iiloiic or in cnll:tl)orittioii others, iiiorc tlinii IW) papers oii ciitiilysis itlit1 the ~ l d i i i ~ ~ i s i i i of clic1ilitd rciictioiis to Aiiittriciin i i i it l 1Silro~)ciili scientilic joiirnitls.

‘i’lic X’iitioliitl I~osciircli c‘oiincil of Aiiicricri is iiitlul)tetl to l i i i i i for 11 very Irtrgc iiiiioiiiit of worlc : lic is cliiiiriiiiiii of its coiniiiittccs tlciiliiig witli pliotocliciiiistry iintl IJctrOlclllii, cind a incnilicr of tlic coniiliittcc 011 coiitiict, wtiilysis, ittit1 is iissociiitt!(l itlso wi th tlic ~Itosciircli I~vllowsliip Iloiirtl of tlic ‘I’cstilc ~I’ouiitlittioii. 111 li):j2 I I C \v,is clcctctl to t i ~LMowsliip of t.lw Itoynl Socicty ii i this country, iilitl is visiting l3iigliiiitl slier* to IJC! f t J ~ i i I i 1 ~ ~ ~ adiiiitted. Niigliiiitl will wclcoiiic the rcturiI, if i)iily for ii short tiiiic, of so tlist,inguislicd n scientist.

CANNON IRON FOUNDRIES, LTD. 111 192ti Citniioii lroii Pouiitlrics, L t t l . cclcbriitctl its

ciirrictl out w i t h no liiilf iiiciisiircs, ii i i t l will, w e iiiiiiginc, be reiiieiiiberotl i n I)ccpliclcls for i i i i i i iy yciirs. ‘Illlo liriii \vits I l O L ;il\\-ltys cilllctl by t h e \vcll-l;llo\vll ciilllloll 1111111c ; i i i IS26 it: took t.lic iiiiiiic of its foiiiitlcr,73tl\v1trd Slieltloli, i d coiitiiiucd with it for iiciirly sisty ycitrs, whcii i t

clailtciiitry. ‘ 1 ’ 1 1 ~ cclclmttioii iiI)l)ciirs to IIII\.C ~ C C I I

becii1Iic the Ciiiiiion JTollo~v-\viirc CO. With t,lic coming o l it iicw century i t scenis that thc firm thought it dCsirii1)lc to gct “ off thc ninrk ” with n nninc iiiorc suited t,o its riscn status, for by t.liiit tinic it 1i:tcl passed ivell beyond tho “ pot nnd pan ” stage, nnd so in 1900 t;lic firm bccanic known by its prcsent title. Pots iiiid 1)iiiiS w r c Iio~vcvcr tlic bcginniiig of this firm, wvlicli is no\v oiic of thc biggest nianufncturcrs of chciniciil pliint. Lt is soliic\\.liiit strniigc to think that in thosc ciirly diiys E1igliilid ~ v n s dcpcndcnt on foreign proclrictioii cvcii of pots and pins. ‘l.’hc records 1i:ivc it to the credit of Ed\iTiirtl Shcldo1i that hc brouglit. tlic liusiiicss to I31igliind, and licrc it stityctl, unt,il i i few yciirs Iiitcr it

substnntiiil csport biisincss Iiiitl been built, i i p . An iicl\-crtisciiiciit of t,lic firin used i i i 1S.l.l lins ii quiiiiit. riiig i i h i i t it : i t spciiks of Xariiiont and Ncgro pots, wiitlle irons, wrought-iron nioiicy clicsts, ciist-iron bookciiscs, i i l i t l piitelit. kitclicii fiirnitiirc. Tlic ‘’ inodcrn ” incttil furnishing is pcrliiips not so iiioclcrn, nlthougli tlic c:iist-iroIi bookc;isc sounds i i t,rillc iiiore siibstiiiitirtl tliiin ii~iytlii~ig procliiced ~ io \~nt lny~ . In thosc citrly days t,lic I)rciiiiscs covcrcd lialf ;in

itorc, iiiid the cmployccs nuuibercd lcss thiin t\vciit,y. IJobli liiivc now multiplied fifty-fold. I h m i t l y IVC hiid tlic plcasurc of visiting tlic works ii t I)ccpliclds, on the;irts of ~\‘ol\.crliriiiiptoii, iiiid of seeing how fur t,hc firin’s pro(luctioiis Iiiivc dcvclopccl froiii tlic original pots i i i id p:iiis. Tlic liriii’s iiiiiiic, i t scciiictl, is :I good oiic ; cstciisive fouiidlics tlicrc tvcre, iiinking cvcry typc of ciistiiig from st.riiiglitforw;irtl tlist illiitioii p i s to c*oiiiplic;itctt cas t ‘’ nests ” of tubcs for coiidcnsers ; using woodcii pittteriis, . iron piittcriis, with licrc i i i i d t.licre csiiiiiplcs of “ striking 0 1 t h ” siicli as liitvc :!l\vitys Iniidc tlic foiiiidryiiinn’s criift SCCIII to us iiiore of til l iirt t.liiiii scciiis gciicriilly to be iipprcciittcd. The products of t,lic firiii iirc 1ii:iiiy itnil tliversc, iiiid i t would tiikc ti11 itrticlc iiiucli loiigcr t h n this to touch 011 tliciii : i l l , niiicli lcss treat tliciii :idcqiiiitcly. Tlic cliciiiictil iiitlust.ry fiiitls t lie Ciuiiioii Ibiiiitlrics priiicipnlly of iiitcrest for its production of iiiitocliives, cviiponiting nnd tlistilliit ioii pans, boilers, coi id~n~crs, ctc. 111 the vitrious sliops of the factory ivc saw Ilic ctistings being iiiiicliiiicd, liriislictl, ;iiid iissciiiLlcd, but probiibly thc most iiitcrcstiiig worksliop wiis tliiit in which t.lic dry process of ciiiiiiiclliiig w i s being U~JCrilted. Uiiring rccciit yeiirs t Iic firiii Iicis lwomc fnnioiis for its iicitl- rcsistiug ciiiiiiicllctl wire ; i t is iiitlccd oiic of tlic few coiiccriis iii this couiitry l)rocliiciiig this type of p l i i i i t , wliicli is of spcciiil iiitcrest to t,lic 1l l i i i i i l f i iCt i i ~ r of pIiiiriiiiicciit icd itiitl fiiic chciniciils, tlic Iiiiiiiufiict uriar coiiccrnetl with foot1 proccssiiig, i i l i t l 0 1 I i c ~ WIIO IiilIi;t , ciisiirc tl i i i t . tlicir products iire not coiititiiiiiiittctl by t,lic vcsscls in wliicli they itre t,rciitcd. l\‘c visitccl the cniiiiiclling shop 111; tlic riglit ~iioiiiciit to scc soiiic 1)iiiis bciiig tlritwn glowiiig froiii :I iiiulllc fiiriiiico, to bo rotiitctl quicltly wliilst tlic siliccous dust wiis npplictl, und t,hen rcplitcctf i i i the iiiulllc for the f i l ia l process of fusing.

In this piirt of the \vorlts one liiitls 1111 oh1 iiieiiibcr of tho Society, Jlr. I-C. 13. Stcwitrt, supcrvisiiig tlic ciittmcl- liiig of cliciiiicitl pIiiiiL, a i i t l rcatly l o tiilk of tlic problciiis of his spcciiiliacd job. Ihiiiiiiclliiig Inis hiid iiittiiy such problcnis to siirinoiinb iii it l in it l i t bolatory here iiiniiy of tllcin liibvc ~ C C U br~ugl11; to 11 succcssful cnd-point.

Page 2: Cannon iron foundries, ltd

I t is of interest. to iiotc tliiit, thcrc is in blic Ciiiiiioti works niic of tlie biggest inuflle frirtiiices in E~iglii~iil. but this is oiilyonc indiciition of t.lic en(1eiivoiirs Iliiidc Iiy t tic firin to pliicc itself i n the position to lie nblc to ~~ndcrtiili(! work of cwry possible size ntid scope. Thc new 1)uiId- ings erected ii few p i r s ngo provide it niotlcl of the hest feiitiires in niodern indust rial Iiiiildiug priictice. 111 tlieni cveryt.liing is wcll-lit,, 111ciity of spncc is pro- vided for cvcry oprntioii, rind t riiwlling criines, niiilllc fitrniices, etc. arc c4xtriciilly npcriitcd. One of tlic biggest dcpiirtnirnt s of tlie ivorks t o - h y is tliiit con- rertietl with .t lie niiiiiufiirturc of giis-liciit ing nppiir~it,its. Giis cookers : L i d lieiititig itnits iirc proditcctl i n tliousiinds, i i n t l t lie iiverngc Iiouscholtlcr would ~ i r o b i i b l ~ 1)c \.cry niiicli siirprisetl to lilio\\- tlic tlioroiiglincss i i t i t l Ii irt l t i- plicity of the tests to \vhicli sucli Iieiiters iirc subjected. In this part of the \vorks tlic wet -spying process of ennniclling is eni~~loyctl, ii sound arid riipid nict ltotl tliiit. hiis been developed to giec sonic iittriictivc effccts.

some of the most notiiblc iiidiistri:il lttitlcrtiiliitlp in this coltittry h i i w liccri for ntitny ywrs tiiit1c.r 1111: ront rot

t l i c wit*lis c~iti do t!vtw Iict,t c r t .liiiii t h stiill' ollicc!; licrv. it . x:t i i s , iitiy III~I'II w i t h Irss t l i n n forty ycnrs wrvict: i i i i ist lw rcgnrclccl i is t-iithrii protiiisiiig yoiiiigstcr* for i n 19% tlicre were sc\'cii nicti with iiiorc tliiiii fifty yciirs' scrvice ciicli, i i t i t l tl1irt.y iv l io hilt1 Ijcwi i n the foundries for over fort,y yciirs, \vliilst: \vc iniiigiiic h t om, J~ctijiiniin Xortc~n, iiiiist. Ii:i\.c been scornful of theili :ill, for tic l i d i t to liis credit t hiit he \vas " for 71 pears a loy1I : i t~ t l f i ~ i t . I ~ f r t l scr\.iint: of tlte con~piiny."


This ivcoli's Cirlctitliir ( 1 1 Fortlicoming ISvc:nk (1). vi) c o t i t i t i t i s t l i c 1irogr;iiiinic of t l i c Atinital Jlccting at Xcivciistlc f r o i n .litly 10-14 \vIticli will Lc posted in ful l ilctiiil to tiii!tiil)crs sltort Iy. Froin this it. wiJ1 be seen tltrit t;Itc titlc of tlic ~1'rcsi~Icttti;il A t l t l r c w will he " Tl~c Industrinl Use of 'l'estilcs,'' n t ~ d t Iiiit t i t i t l i o ocriisioti nf his recciring tlic Society's Jli!~Iiil

I'rof. W. A. I3onc \\ill lcctiirc 011 I' Forty 'Sciirs of C'oni- tiitst io i i Rc~sciircl~." !l'lic titles of ot,lier papcrs to be t.cwl :irv given iititl iilso clctiiil~ rclnting to visits to works. JIr. :I%. 1.'. llill wit.11 tlic co-operiition of sevcriil firtiis will iirr:itigc iiII cshil~it~iori i n OIIC of tlic Collcgc 1iilior;itories. I t is liopcd tliiit tlic pridcges of tlic! tytiivcrsity Uttioti will tic ii\~niliiIile for I I I C I I ~ I I C ~ ~ tlitriiig t 11v \\.IVk.

Election of Members of Council. The last; tlay for noniinntiiig mcnibcrs for election to the four va.Ocancic2 on tlic Council is Juno 6. Nomiuntions must bc mnilc on tltr proper forin 13 and iniist bc signed by t,hc cnndi- r ln tc ; i d n t Icast five. nicmbers who hive not sigued annt.lirr nomiuntion pnper.

Beilby Memorial Awards. Jlruibcrs :ire rcinintlctl t I i i l t t Iic Iiist (lay iippr~ititcd for rccoivitlg nor~ii~iiitions is . I u n c ~ 1 nt:st.

g!iieriil tiicbctitig on Friiliiy, 3liiy 26, at tlic Loiidoii Scliool of 11pgiciic iititl 'fropicit1 hlediciiic, I<eppcl %eel., IV.C.1, :ire its follo\vs :

4~.4.5 by itivitntion of thc 1\Ictropolitnn J3riittcli of tlic Society of hlcdiciil Olticcrs of IlCilltll.

5.0 p.i.ii.-Joiiit JIccting wit I t iibo\.c J<riiti~Ii. I' Tlic Prcvent.ioli of Iiiditstriiil I)isciiscs of thc Sliin," by Dr. 1Iiil~lin-l~i1~~is, lollo\red by discitssion to be opened by 1)r. I.lownrtl

Atiriual General Meeting.

Food Croup. T l ~ c :irriitlgcllIelIts for t IW ~ I I I I U ~

~l~ulllllcry. 6.30 p.iii.--Uusiticss of tlic Annitiil Ccticrnl llcet iug.

7.0 l).iii.-Ciiieiilirtogriipli Biltil. ' I Frolil Orcliiird to (ii ppros. ) Ilonic." Ch ive rs. !l'lic Group is tdting cliarge, ttutlcr 1 . 1 1 ~ cliiiirniiiiishi~~

of Dr. 11. If. Loinpitt, of Scct.iou " B," llygiciic of 1Poot1, a t the Anuunl Cougrcss of tlic Roynl Siinibiiry Institute tit Uliickpool in June.

I'hc Groiip's Ression bcgins n t I0 n m . o n Wcdncsdny, June 21, in tlic Wiutcr Giirdcns.

A sessiotinl t.ickct will Lc scnt to ovcry incinbcr of tlic Itootl Croup iuid must bo signed by l i i t t i bcfore prcscn tntion.

(:I pI"'0S.)