cambridge social science, class 7 geography

Chapter -1 (Our Environment) Q.1- Name the four realms of the Earth. Ans.- There are four realms of the Earth are (a) Atmosphere (b) Hydrosphere (c) Lithosphere (d) Biosphere Q.2- What is an Ecosystem ? Ans.- The biosphere is made up of distinctive zones called biomes or ecosystem. Q.3- Give the importance of troposphere ? Ans.- Troposphere is most important because all weather activities occur here. Q.4- Define the water cycle ? Ans.- water is the circulated in all realms of the earth trough the water cycle which supports life on the Earth. Q.5- How are oceans useful to humans ? Ans.- Oceans are very useful for food, mineral and transportation.

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Page 1: Cambridge Social Science, Class 7 Geography

Chapter -1

(Our Environment)

Q.1- Name the four realms of the Earth.

Ans.- There are four realms of the Earth are –

(a) Atmosphere

(b) Hydrosphere

(c) Lithosphere

(d) Biosphere

Q.2- What is an Ecosystem ?

Ans.- The biosphere is made up of distinctive zones called biomes

or ecosystem.

Q.3- Give the importance of troposphere ?

Ans.- Troposphere is most important because all weather activities

occur here.

Q.4- Define the water cycle ?

Ans.- water is the circulated in all realms of the earth trough the

water cycle which supports life on the Earth.

Q.5- How are oceans useful to humans ?

Ans.- Oceans are very useful for food, mineral and transportation.

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Q.6- What is the difference between natural environment and

human environment?

Ans.- All living and non-living things which is naturally occur on

the Earth called Natural environment like Air, Water and

Land. If Human maketo change in natural things is called

human environment like dam, farmland andBuildings.

Q.7- What is atmosphere?

Ans.- Atmosphere is the layer of gaseous which surrounds the Earth

and kept in place by Earth’s gravitational pull.

Q.8- Define the Lithosphere?

Ans.- Lithosphere is the solid crust of the Earth Which is made of

rocks this crust forms the continents and the ocean beds.

Q.9- How is biosphere important for the sustenance of human life ?

Ans.- Biosphere is contact zone of air, water and land which is

important for the sustenance of human life.

Q.10- what is hydrosphere?

Ans.- Hydrosphere is made up of all the water bodies on the Earth.

It is 71 per cent covered the Earth surface.

Q.11- Give a brief description of the natural environment.

Ans.- All living and non-living things which is naturally occur on

the Earth called Natural environment. In the natural

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environment the all living things are plants, Animal and

human included. And in the non-living things are component

of physical feature such as air, water and land.

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Chapter - 2

(Land: Rocks and Minerals)

Q.1- Name the three layers of the Earth.

Ans.- There are three layers of the Earth are –

(a) Crust

(b) Mantle

(c) Core

Q.2- What happens to rocks that are exposed to intense heat and

pressure ?

Ans.- Metamorphic rocks are formed.

Q.3- Name one sedimentary roc ?

Ans.- sandstone

Q.2- Describe briefly sedimentary rocks ?

Ans.- fragments of other rocks which is compressed or cemented in

layer called Sedimentary rocks.

Q.3- How Are Igneous rocks formed ?

Ans.- Igneous rocks are formed from magma cools and solidifies

inside the Earth’s crust or its surface.

Q.4- Give a brief description of the interior of the Earth ?

Ans.- The Earth interior is divided into three main layers. first is

outer hard outer shell called crust and second is thicker layer

called mental and deep inside the earth layer called core.

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Q.5- What do you understand by rock cycle ?

Ans.- The process of destruction and recreation of rocks is known as

rock cycly.

Q.6- Explain what are the crust, mantle and core.

Ans.- Our Earth is divided into three layers are –

(1) Crust – The outermost hard layer called the crust and it

is the thinnest layer of the Earth. Crust is divided into

three layers are sial, sima and nife.

(2) mantle – Below the crust thicker layer lies called mantle.

It is made by molten and dense materials. Mantle is

divided in Upper and lower mantle.

(3) Core - The core is placed deep inside the mantle and it

is the magnetic field of Earth. core is divided into liquid

outer and solid inner layer.

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Chapter - 3

(Earth's movements and major landform)

Q.1- Name the three most important layers of the Earth.

Ans.- There are three most important layers of the Earth are –

(a) Crust

(b) Mantle

(c) Core

Q.2- What are the hot spots ?

Ans.- Hot spot are usually very hot place like mantle.

Q.3- Name the two extensive fold mountain ranges.

Ans.- (1) Himalaya mountain range

(2) Rocky and Andes mountain range

Q.4- What causes earthquakes ?

Ans.- where is the pressure between two place may causes


Q.5- What are exogenicforces ?

Ans.- exogenic forces are those that act on the Earth's surface. such

as wind and water.

Q.6- What is difference between folding and faulting ?

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Ans.- fold as a bend in rock layer caused due to forces of

compression. Fault as a fracture in rock between rock layer

caused due to stress in rock layer.

Q.7- What is syncline?

Ans.- A synclines are fold where rocks rock layers are bent.

Q.8- What is anticline?

Ans.- Anticlines are folds where rocks are pushed up upwards.

Q.9- Explain how the three types of plate movements occur.

Ans.- Three types of plate movements are :-

1. Convergent plate movements

2. Divergent plate movements

3. Transform plate movements

1. Convergent plate movements :- When tectonic plates

converge or move towards each other, they are called

convergent plate movement.

Convergent plates

2. Divergent plate movements :- When tectonic plates move

away from each other, they are called divergent plate


Divergent plates

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3. Transform plate movements:- When two plates move

towards each other, but finally end up sliding past each

other, they are called transform plate movement.

Transform plates

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Chapter - 4

(Composition and structure of the Atmoshphere)

Q.1- Fill in the blanks.

Ans.- 1. Barometer

2. Relief rainfall

3. low

4. climate

5. hail

Q.2- choose the correct option.

1. Stratosphere

2. Drizzle

3. Saturation point

4. Anemometer

5. After noon

Q.3- What is meant by normal lapse rate?

Ans.- In Troposphere temperature decreases at rate of 1oC for every

65 meters. This is normal lapse rate.

Q.4- What makes summers hot and winters cold?

Ans.- Temperature makes summers hot and winters cold.

Q.5- How are cloud formed?

Ans.- Millions of water vapour drops form clouds in the sky.

Q.6- Name the elements of weather?

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Ans.- Rainfall, winds, humidity and temperature are the elements of


Q.7- What is the weather?

Ans.- Weather is the conditions of the air around us in small area,

which is changed in short period of time.

Q.8- What is climate?

Ans.- Climates are the the long terms of weather conditions in larg


Q.9- What are different types of winds?

Ans.- The different types of winds are:

1. Permanent wind or planetary wind

2. Seasonal wind

3. Local wind

4. Variable wind

1. Permanent wind :- These wind below all year round in a

fixed direction. It is also called trade wind.

2. Seasonal wind :- These wind below only a particular

season like monsoon wind.

3. Local wind :- These wind are confined to small area and

effect only for short term such as Loo.

4. Variable wind :- These wind occur when cold air meets

and warm air Like cyclone.

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Chapter - 5


Q.1- Fill in the blanks.

Ans.- 1. Rain

2. Ocean

3. Tsunamis

4. fish

5. Atakama desert

Q.2- Choose the correct option.

1. Difference in temperature

2. Tsunamis

3. Gulf Stream

4. Ocean currents

5. Gulf

Q.3- Why is the Earth called a blue planet?

Ans.- Because most of Earth covered with water.

Q.4- Why is water a precious resource?

Or) Why is Water a valuable resource?

Ans.- Because Water sustain the life and useful for irrigation.

Q.5- What are tides?

Ans.- The rise and fall of the sea level called Tides.

Q.6- What is water conservation?

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Ans.- A batter management and plan for using water as known as

water conservation.

Q.7- What is the difference between tides and waves?

Ans.- Ocean currents are the flow of water in particular direction

and Tides are rise and fall of the sea level in particular time.

Q.8- What are the warm ocean currents?

Ans.- Ocean currents that move from Equator to the poles are warm


Q.9- What are the cold ocean currents?

Ans.- Ocean currents that move from poles to Equator are cold

ocean currents.

Q.10- List the use of water.

Ans.- Give answer your own idea.( ten point)

Q.11- What steps can we take to conserve water?

Ans.- The three methods of water conservation are –

(1) Encourage the rain water harvesting

(2) prevent the wastage of water

(3) control the water pollution

(4) Plant the tree

(5) Don’t throw garbage into water bodies

(6) Don’t wash clothes or bath animals in water bodies

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Chapter - 6

(Natural Vegetation and Wildlife)

Q.1- Fill in the blanks.

Ans.- 1. Forest

2. Tropical Evergreen

3. Pulp

4. Teak

5. Prairies

Q.2- Choose the correct option.

Ans.- 1. Lichens

2. Elephants

3. Deciduous

4. Sheltered tropical coastlines

Q.3- What is the commercial importance of trees found in

temperate evergreen forest?

Ans.- for making furniture

Q.4- What kind of vegetation is found in tropical evergreen


Ans.- Bamboo, sal, shisham and neem

Q.5- What kind of wildlife is found in tropical grassland?

Ans.- Grazing animals like wildebeest and zebras are found.

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Q.6- Name the temperate grassland found in various parts of the


Ans.- 1. Prairies (North America)

2. Steppes (Eurasia)

3. Pampas (Argentina)

4. Velds (Africa)

5. Downs (Australia)

Q.7 What are hot desert?

Ans.- These are found close to the Equator such as Sahara desert.

Q.8- What are Cold desert?

Ans.- Cold desert are found in the regions of high latitudes such as

Tundra regions.

Q.9- Discuss how human activities have led to the destruction and

depletion forest?

Ans.- if we go on cutting trees, the natural habitat of many animals

will get completely destroyed. also there will be an increase in

the temperature of the Earth as a result of global warming,

which can disturb the natural water cycle. As a result, there

will be a change in the rainfall pattern. This could lead to

floods or droughts. This will also increase the risk of soil

erosion, desertification and natural calamities

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Q.10- Difference between flora and fauna?


Flora Fauna

1 The term Flora is used to

denote plants of a

particular region or period

1 The species of animals are

referred to as Fauna.

2 Flora remains at one place 2 Fauna moves from one place to another

3 India has about 47,000 plant specie

3 India has 89,000 species of animals

4 Flora prepares their own food

4 Fauna derives food from Flora

5 Flora is affected by the


5 Fauna affects the climate

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Chapter - 7

(Natural Vegetation and Wildlife)

Q.1- Give one example of temporary settlement.

Ans.- Bedouins in Arabian deserts

Q.2- What is the importance of railways in industrial?

Ans.- Large quantities of the goods and raw material deliver to one

to another places.

Q.3- In which two ways do roads have an edge over railways?

Ans.- 1. Link to all roads

2. Connect from remote areas

Q.4- Give an importance of airways?

Ans.- Airways is very fast and comfortable source of transportation.

Q.5- What do you understand by human environment?

Ans.- Human made changes in natural environment by their activity

which is called human environment.

Q.6- What are the different types of Transportation?

Ans. - 1. Roadways

2. Waterways

3. Railways

4. Airways

Q.7 Name the two categories of settlements.

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Ans.- 1. Permanent settlements

2. Temporary settlement

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Chapter - 8

(Life in the Tropical and Subtropical regions)

Q.1- Name the important food crops grown in the Ganga-

Brahmaputra basin.

Ans.- Wheat, Rice, Mize, sugarcane and pulses

Q.2- Which is the largest river basin of the world?

Ans.- Amazon basin.

Q.3- What are tributaries?

Ans.- The small river that join the main river are called tributaries.

Q.4- Name the agro-based industries of the Ganga-Brahmputra


Ans.- Textile and jute industries

Q.5- What is slash and burn cultivation.

Ans.- The primitive method of cultivation is called slash and burn

cultivation. Such as Jhum in Assam.

Q.6- What is intensive cultivation?

Ans.- the farmer cultivates a small land using simple tools and

more labour called intensive cultivation.

Q.7- What is the difference between cash crops and food crops?


Food crops Cash crops

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1 Plant grow for human consumption as food

1 Plant grow for commercial purpose

2 This crops plant in small scale

2 This crops plants in large scale

3 Wheat, Rice, maize,

millets and pulses are

example of food crops

3 Cotton, jute, tea, coffee

and sugarcane are

example of cash crops

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Chapter - 9

(Life in the Temperate regions)

Q.1- Give the importance of the Great Lakes of North America.

Ans.- The Great Lakes are important because they contain 20

percent of the world's fresh water. It it plays an important role

in transportation and the U.S. and Canadian economies.

Q.2- What kinds of farms are found in the prairies?

Ans.- Large cattle farms called ranches and Modern farms are found

in prairies.

Q.3- What kind of economic activities are performed in the Velds?

Ans.- Hunting and gathering, animal herding and cultivation of


Q.4- What are the crops that are cultivated in Velds?

Ans.- Food crops : Maize, Wheat, Barley, Oats and Potatoes

Cash crops : Tobacco, Sugarcane and cotton

Q.5- Give the general climatic condition of the Prairies.

Ans.- In this regions summers are hot and winter are cold. Rainfall

is moderate and occurs mainly in summer. Grass grows

rapidly in the spring season. The climate is windy in the south

and rainy in the north.

Q.6- Discuss human activities in the prairies.

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Ans.- The people of this region are mainly farmers and are very

hard working. They are engaged in extensive cultivation of

land. Farms are very large and all agricultural operations are

fully mechanized. Though the yield per acre is comparatively

low, the total production is very high. The prairies are known

as the ‘Bread Basket of the World’. The people also run milk

dairies and make milk products.

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Chapter - 10

(Life in the Desert regions)

Q.1- What kind of deserts are the Sahara and the Gobi?

Ans.- The Sahara is Hot and dry desert and the Gobi is cold and

frosty desert.

Q.2- What is an oasis? Give it importance?

Ans.- Oasis is place of fertile land in desert area. It is crucial for

supplying water and irrigation in desert area.

Q.3- Why has the Gobi been able to retain its culture and


Ans.- Because nomadic are adapted that hard conditions to live in

Gobi desert.

Q.4- What are the climatic conditions of the Sahara Desert?

Ans.- The climate of Sahara Desert is very hot and dry in day and

night may be freezing cold. The temperature during the day

may be as high as 50 degree Celsius.

Q.5- Write briefly about the vegetation and wildlife of the Sahara


Ans.- Vegetation in Sahara desert includes cactus, date palms and

acacia. The Sahara desert is the home of 100 types of species

like reptiles, mammals and birds.