calibrating and using digital calipers

Calibrating and Using Digital Calipers

Upload: umar-daraz

Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Page 2: Calibrating and using digital calipers

Not sure if the digital caliper you just

purchased is giving you the right readings?

Here is how you can solve your confusion. It

is by calibrating your instrument. Measuring

calipers have been in existence for nearly

150 years now. The original design has

undergone a drastic change and has

become digital. Instruments we are familiar

with today range from digital calipers to

waterproof digital calipers. While working

on, for example, brake system of a car, it is

absolutely necessary that your caliper gives

you the right reading. As mentioned earlier

these calipers can be brought into a check

for accuracy by calibrating them. You can do

this with the help of following steps. There is

also a small paragraph on how you can

rightly use your instruments to obtain most

accurate results.

Page 3: Calibrating and using digital calipers


One uses calipers to measure extreme degrees of precision. Some calipers available in the market are efficient enough to measure

accuracy up to one hundred thousandth of an inch. Therefore it is of high importance that the surface of an object to be measured is clean. Before taking a measurement wipe off the surface with a

clean and lint free cloth.

Page 4: Calibrating and using digital calipers

Calibration Slide

There is found a locking lever for the fixed contact pad which has to be

unlocked in order to calibrate the caliper. Check for it before you buy

digital calipers, if not already bought.

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Screw down the adjustment knob and close the caliper completely by

moving the portion as far possible.

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Adjust and lock

Now the movable portion of the fixed locking pad has to make a firm

contact with the movable pad portion. Put pressure against the pad

and turn the lever and lock the stationary pad in place.

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Now that these are firmly locked in place, reset all the readout digits to


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Time to verifyThe number of calibration rods differ with different range of digital

calipers. It depends on capability of the caliper to determine the range. Digital vernier calipers or any calipers for that matter in

automotive industry generally reads zero to six inches. There can also buy digital calipers online which are small and can read up to 1

inch and have only 1 calibration rod.

Page 9: Calibrating and using digital calipers

Using CalipersProper calibration can not solely help in obtaining accurate readings. It also

largely depends upon the way we use our calipers.

To use your digital caliper properly first open the caliper jaws. Then slide it over the object to be measured. Now turn the knob and close the jaws according

to the initial contact made. Remember not to over tighten the adjustment knob, only slight pressure is required. Take the reading now. You’ll be

closest to the most accurate reading.