byker community trust, writing on the wall newsletter, december 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Byker Community Trust, Writing on the Wall newsletter, December 2013





    Residents start workwith BCT +New Priestfor St Michael'sPage 2

    Byker Resident EscapesBedroom Tax Misery +Avondale HouseOn The UpPage 3

    Stay Happy thisChristmas +YMCARound-UpPage 4

    Byker Circus Visit +New Tenant BoardMember+ ChristmasWindfall for SandraPage 5

    Byker is Best of British+Byker ParticipatoryBudget Projects Selected

    Page 6GroundworkProgramme Puts BykerYoung People Backon TrackPage 7

    BCT Supports BykerVoscars +BCT XmasOpening HoursPage 8



    2013 has been an exciting year for the BCT as weveestablished ourselves at the heart of the community.Were working with Newcastle City Council, Your HomesNewcastle and other partners to improve services, enhancehousing standards and offer additional support to residents.

    Our very own Welfare Benefits Advisor, Andrew Younghas made a big impact since he joined in January, offeringvaluable support and helping to claim back over 72,000 inbenefits and grants for BCT residents.

    Weve also responded positively to your priorities bydelivering local services that improve the Byker Estate. Oneexample is our new Rapid Response Team, a partnership withNCC, which employs local people to provide environmentaland estate management services on a daily basis.

    We recently joined with the local community to support theByker Voscars, celebrating the work of volunteers in the Bykercommunity, and its also great to see that our contractors aredoing their bit, supporting local events and organising tripsout for residents. All of this is work in progress, we have lotsmore to do and lots to look forward to in 2014.

    On behalf of everyone at the Byker Community Trust I wouldlike to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Jill HaleyChief Executive

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    RESIDENTS STARTWORK WITH BCTTwo Byker Estate residents have been

    recruited by the BCT as part of our newRapid Response Team.

    We think Byker is a great place to live andwere always looking for simple solutionsin our quest to make it even better. TheRapid Response Team is a key part of ourstrategy to improve the streets of Byker.

    Jill Haley, BCT Chief Executive, said: Weare responding to what Byker Tenants have

    told us. Concerns such as rubbish, grafitti,fly tipping and dog fowling are beingaddressed by the Rapid Response Team,which has been set up in partnership withNewcastle City Council, creating a newlocal service exclusive to the BCT. Wereemploying local people to provide theservice and take care of Byker.

    The Rapid Response Team covers all of

    the Byker Wall Estate. You can contactthem via the Newcastle City CouncilEnvirocall service on (0191) 278 7878 orTextphone (0191) 211 4944.


    NEW PRIEST FORST MICHAEL'SWed like to extend a warmwelcome to the Reverend PhilMedley, the new priest in chargeof St Michaels Byker. Originally

    from Bradford, Reverend Medleyhas lived in Newcastle for thepast three and a half years.

    He said: I know that St MichaelsChurch has been an importantpart of the community for thepast 125 years. Were currentlybased at 2 Raby Cross, but werehoping soon to move back to ourtraditional home, the Church on

    Headlam Street.

    I believe the Church existsfor the benefit of the wholecommunity. We are here forpeople through all stages oflife and everyone is welcomeand accepted whether they arereligious or not. Local people arealways welcome to pop into St

    Michaels Centre on Raby Crossor contact me personally.

    Service times at St MichaelsCentre are held every Sundayat 11am(Sunday Eucharist), withMorning Prayers on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday at9am. Call (0191) 265 7789 tofind out more.

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    THE UPThe newly refurbishedAvondale House isgoing from strength tostrength, providing a

    much-needed stableand secure home forex-servicemen andwomen in the heartof the Byker Estate.

    The development hasprovided 35 new homes,going a long way towardsaddressing an urgent

    housing shortage forveterans in the North East.

    An official launch forAvondale House is beingplanned in the New Yearand were hoping that ahigh-profile visitor will bedoing the honours. Watchthis space for further info.


    AVONDALE HOUSEJill Haley with Major-GeneralDavid Shaw of AFV Estates

    BYKER RESIDENT ESCAPESBEDROOM TAX MISERYA Byker Estate resident can breathe a sigh ofrelief after a pioneering case worker helped herget back on track following the introduction ofthe governments controversial Bedroom Tax.

    Janice Downes, a long-time Byker resident,was living in a three bedroom property, butfollowing the introduction of the Bedroom Taxshe was finding it hard to make ends meet. Thesituation was causing a great deal of stress forthe 54-year-old grandmother and her family.

    Now Janice is able to relax and enjoy her newground floor, one bedroom flat after AndrewYoung, Welfare Benefits Caseworker at the BCT,helped her to apply for the new property, whichis not only cheaper but also easier to for herto manage.

    Janice said: When I heard about Andrewand the work he does it was good to havesomewhere to turn to. He helped me through

    the process of applying for a new flat, whichwould have otherwise have been verycomplicated and stressful.

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    For the vast majority of those wholive in Byker, Christmas is a time ofjoy and sharing. If you live alone,suffer from depression or havemobility problems, however, thefestive period can be a time when youfeel lonely and isolated. The key thingto remember is that you're not alone.

    Here in Byker we have a greatcommunity spirit and, regardless of

    your age or abilities, there is alwayssomething to do. From the Friday ArtClub at Byker Community Centre tothe Byker Village Bowling Club, BykerSocial Club and the East End Pool,there are loads of places to go out,learn new skills and meet new people.

    Of course, on Christmas Day itself youmay feel the need for someone to talk

    to and share your feelings with. That'swhen Newcastle Samaritans can help.You don't have to be suicidal to callthe Samaritans, they're there to helpwhenever you need them. Call0191 232 7272, 24 hours a day.

    YMCA ROUND-UPThe team at YMCA Newcastle arebusier than ever right now workingto support the Byker community:

    The YMCA team took 40 youngpeople to see Jack and theBeanstalk at the Theatre Royalon December 12th. Thanks tothe Byker Ward Committee for

    sponsoring the trip.

    More than 50 elderly Bykerresidents were entertained witha Christmas tea dance at BykerCommunity Centre on December17th. Young people from the estatehelped to serve tea and eachattendee was presented with aChristmas hamper by BCT partner,

    Keepmoat. A new drop-in facility will beopening at Spires Lane in theNew Year, offering employabilitytraining, life skills and crisis supportto young people.

    Congratulations to YMCAvolunteer Shannon Campbell, 16,who won a Byker Voscar award for

    her hard work and commitment tothe Byker community

    To find out more about whatshappening at the YMCA or tovolunteer call Sarah, Roberta orHelen on 0191 2766052, popinto Byker Neighbourhood YouthProject on Dunn Terrace or [email protected]








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    BYKER CIRCUS VISITBig thanks to the staff of Bell Group andNewcastle YMCA who recently took 130 Byker

    residents to see the Moscow State Circus.The company wanted to thank the residentsof Low Fold and Clive Place for their patienceduring the 12-month external repaintingprogramme in their neighbourhood.

    Mark Hetherington of Bell Group, said: Theevent was a great success and was enjoyedby all, so much so that well be looking toorganise similar days out for other residents

    in the future.


    introduce our newtenant board member,Mark Ford.

    Mark, 33, lives close to StLawrence Primary Schoolwith his partner and twochildren.

    He works at TK MAXXin Byker, is Treasurerof the Byker VillageTenants and ResidentsAssociation, and alsoa Trustee of BykerCommunity Centre.

    CHRISTMAS WINDFALLFOR SANDRACongratulations to Byker resident Sandra whowon the prize draw competition in our lastnewsletter.

    We're sure that the prize of 25 in EldonSquare vouchers will come in very handy forChristmas.



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    BYKER IS BEST OF BRITISHThe Byker Wall Estate has been named asone of the top 10 council estates in the UK

    by the Observer Sunday newspaper (eventhough its no longer a council estate).

    This is the latest accolade for the Grade II*listed development, which is currently thesubject of a 24.5 million refurbishmentprogramme.

    Rowan Moore, the Observers architecturecritic praised the estate, which was designedby Ralph Erskine with influences from

    Scandinavian home designs. The originalstyle is now being restored and reinstatedwith up-to-date materials and designsapproved by English Heritage.


    PROJECTS SELECTEDThe first round of successful projects have now been awarded their funding fromour 1 million Participatory Budget, which is being used to enhance the Bykercommunity with carefully targeted investments in local projects. The scrutinypanel met to go over all the applications and were pleased to report that 15were approved.

    All projects need to meet at least one of the four key themes of the programme,which are Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime, Healthy Neighbourhoods, Skills andEmployment, and Environmental.

    Bids approved included funding for an expanded YMCA Newcastle outreachservice on the Byker Estate, a new community cafe (One Love) on Chirton Wynd,new equipment for Byker Village Bowling Club, improvements to the FeltonWalk area, a new art club at Byker Community Centre and new WC facilities forthe Spires Lane Hobby Room.

    Jill Haley, BCT Chief Executive, commented: The Participatory Budget giveslocal people a chance to secure funding for their own priority projects, those thatprove to offer genuine benefits for the Byker community.

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    BYKER RESIDENTS BACK ON TRACKThe BCT has teamed up with Groundwork Newcastle to offer a unique programmethat is helping young residents of the Byker Wall Estate to develop new skills andfind employment.

    Return to Form is a personal development programme open to young peopleaged 16 to 25. Its designed to inspire and motivate students back into sustainableeducation, employment or training, while also leading to an NVQ Level 1qualification.

    Four young people have already completed the Return to Form programme,including 18-year-old Byker resident, Kyle Sharp, who has now found a job at awell-known sports store in Newcastle.

    Places are now available on the next course starting in the New Year. CallGroundwork on (0191) 428 1144 to find out more.

    GROUNDWORKKyle Sharp with Kirstie Mactaggart, Groundwork Project Officer

    STOP PRESSThe winner of our concierge questionnaire prize draw was Ms Rourke of Bamburgh Terrace,who wins a 50 M&S voucher. Thanks to all those who took part.

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    BCT CHRISTMAS OPENING HOURSOur office will be closing for a few days over the festive break,but rest assured all key services will still be available.

    Friday 20th December 9am to 12noon

    Monday 23rd December 9am to 5pm

    Tuesday 24th December 9am to 1pm

    Wednesday 25th December

    to Wednesday 1st January CLOSED

    Thursday 2nd January 9am to 5pm

    For urgent assistance, these numbers might be useful:

    Housing, Anti-Social Behaviour and Enforcement Team (YHN) 0191 279 8740

    Envirocall (Environmental Services) 0191 278 7878

    Byker Community Housing Office 0191 278 1555

    Tyneside Samaritans 0191 232 7272

    Northumbria Police 101

    BCT SUPPORTSBYKER VOSCARSWe were pleased to sponsor the 2013 Voscars,which were held to honour Byker volunteers.

    The award for Outstanding Service and Supportto the BCT went to Jonty King, one of our originaltenant board members, who has shown outstandingcommitment to the development of the BCT andits work to improve the Byker Wall Estate.

    Jill Haley, BCT Chief Executive, said: Thereare so many people who make a valuable

    contribution to Byker and every one of themdeserves a medal, but we felt that Jontydeserved special recognition for his serviceto the BCT. He is passionate about the estateand the people who live here, sharing ourcommitment to make it even better.

    VOSCAR WINNERJonty King (right ) won a Voscar

    2013 VOSCARS

    Published by The Byker Community Trust, 23 Raby Cross, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2FF

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