by:jacqueline quezada. the business of the cell similar the chief executive officer in a business is...

By:Jacqueli neQuezada

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Page 1: By:Jacqueline Quezada. The Business of the Cell Similar The Chief Executive Officer in a business is like a Nucleus in a cell CEO is different Nucleus


Page 2: By:Jacqueline Quezada. The Business of the Cell Similar The Chief Executive Officer in a business is like a Nucleus in a cell CEO is different Nucleus

The Business of the Cell


The Chief Executive Officer in a business is like a Nucleus in a cell

CEO is different Nucleus is different

•They control what happens in their internal enviorment.

•Make decisions on what needs to happen and when it needs to happen.

•They tell the others what needs to be done.

•They are responsible for the success.

•CEO is human

•Deal with business,documents and paperwork

•They can adapt to changes in their enviorment

•Works for both people inside and outside the company

•Nucleus is a part of a cell

•Nucleus has limited things it can do to adapt to changes in its enviorment

•Only works and controls things in its own cell

•Never works or communicates with other cells

•Can divide and split in half

Page 3: By:Jacqueline Quezada. The Business of the Cell Similar The Chief Executive Officer in a business is like a Nucleus in a cell CEO is different Nucleus

The Business of the Cell


Outsourcing in a business is like a chloroplast in a cell.

is different is different

•Only plant cells contain chloroplast

•Doesn’t have a chloroplast

•Makes food using energy of sunlight

•It is an organelle

•They both need something to reproduce something else

•It goes through a process called photosynthesis

•Chloroplast are related to an organelle called plastids

•Its surrounded by a double layered membrane

• Allows companies to focus on other businessess issues•Outsourcing can take away direct communication with the company and the clients

•Outsourcing may be beneficial to business but it can have many drawbacks

•Contracts with another company to provide service

•Rely on other things to receive something out of it

•Without the thing they make they fall apart

Page 4: By:Jacqueline Quezada. The Business of the Cell Similar The Chief Executive Officer in a business is like a Nucleus in a cell CEO is different Nucleus

The Business of the Cell


Income in a business is like a mitochondrion in a cell.

is different is different

•Breaks down molecules to make ATP

•Converts fuel particles(sugar) into usable energy

•Depending on how much they have depends how much they can use

• It has a range from 0.5-10 micrometers in diameter

•It is also known as cellular power plants

•Number of mitochondria in a cell depends on organism and tissue type

•Amount of income depends on amount of payments received for goods

•income is the sum of all the wages, salaries, profits, interests payments, rents and other forms of earnings received in a period of time given

•Companies that are younger may have a low or negative income

•They are both are the energy of their place

•They both convert what they have into something else

Page 5: By:Jacqueline Quezada. The Business of the Cell Similar The Chief Executive Officer in a business is like a Nucleus in a cell CEO is different Nucleus

The Business of the Cell


The Sales department in a business is like a golgi apparatus in a cell.

different different

•Also known as the golgi complex,golgi bodies,dictyosome,and colloquially golgi

•It forms a part of cellular endomembrane system

•Packages and labels items

•Processes and packages macromolecules such as lipids and proteins and other cellular products mostly coming from the endoplasmic reticulum

• Sales department is used to group together merchandise categories in a store         

•Sales managers is part of sales department

•Sales department and golgi apparatus both package things out

• Made out of flat sacs that are stacked

Both can do more than one job

Page 6: By:Jacqueline Quezada. The Business of the Cell Similar The Chief Executive Officer in a business is like a Nucleus in a cell CEO is different Nucleus

The Business of the Cell


An office in a business is like a nuclear envelope in a cell.

is differentis different

•Double membrane that surrounds the nucleus

•The nuclear envelope is also known as perinuclear envelope,nuclear membrane,nucleonemma and keryothica

•An office and a nuclear envelope both separate things apart

•Seperates contents of nucleus from cytoplasm

•Nuclear pores are inserted in nuclear envelope

•The nuclear envelope has two membranes

•It seperates eployees in business

•Office surounds employee

•They both surround things

• 3 types of officce spaces are ,commercial ,home and serviced office

•Both have more than one thing in them

An office is made up of desks,computers, chairs and other things