by: zek z, john q, and matt c science period: 4 3/7

he Rise of Fuzzy By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science Period: 4 3/7

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By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science Period: 4 3/7. The Rise of Fuzzy. Pg. 1. On a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, what is happening? Oh No! It is Fuzzy the super villain. But what is she doing? Better call Johnny Q. Pg. 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

The Rise of Fuzzy

By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt CScience Period: 4


Page 2: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 1

On a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, what is happening? Oh No! It is Fuzzy the super villain. But what is she doing? Better call Johnny Q.

Page 3: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 2

Ironically, Johnny Q. is on a boat in the Atlantic Ocean. He is eating cheese. Suddenly, he gets a call from his friend. Fuzzy is planning to disrupt the water cycle! “ Oh no” said Johnny Q. “ That will throw off precipitation and evaporation.” Johnny Q. jumps into action! It might take a while because he is in a sailboat; bear with him.

Page 4: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 3

Fuzzy is still on his Evil MasterBoat 1800. Him and one of his henchman are arguing about whether tomatoes are fruits or veggies. Fuzzy is so evil that he pushes his henchman off the boat because he does not want to admit tomatoes are fruits . Meanwhile, on Fuzzy’s boat Fuzzy’s servants are bringing up huge pieces of pipe from the storage deck. What are they doing?

Page 5: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 4

Fuzzy gets up from his evil massage chair to direct his plan to destroy the water cycle. He sees the huge pile of pipe and screamed, “ Muhahahahahhahahah.” Then he said aloud to the ship, “ My evil plan is coming into form.”

Page 6: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 5

Then Fuzzy directed his laborers to start constructing the pipe that goes into space. “My plan is working.” exclaimed Fuzzy. He looked at his paper with all the steps to his evil plan. Step 1,suspend a giant pool in space. “ Check” . Step 2, buy 470 miles of pipes. Fuzzy said, “ Check arooo.” Step 3, build a pipe to space . Step 4, suck up all the water so the water cycle is gone. Step 5, declare world domination.

Page 7: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 6

Fuzzy was standing in his boat watching his super long space pipe to go up. Suddenly Johnny Q. appeared in his sail boat. Johnny Q. yelled, “ You won’t get away with disrupting the water cycle, because you forgot about ground water and transpiration.” “ Thanks for the reminder hee hee!”

Page 8: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 7

Johnny Q. was approaching Fuzzy’s boat fast. Fuzzy was scared that Johnny Q. would send his pipe crashing down. Fuzzy made his henchman the boat down with a flaming arrow. Johnny Q. was stranded without a boat. What will happen next?

Page 9: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 8

Johnny Q. was in a debacle. He was stranded in the ocean without a boat. Whatever shall he do? All of the sudden a thought came to his mind. Johnny Q. swam to the giant pipe and started to climb it. He contemplated to himself about the clouds in the sky and how they would disappear because there would be no more condensation.

Page 10: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 9

Johnny Q. was climbing up the pipe. He was getting higher and higher. Johnny Q. thought to himself, that he would destroy the pipe sending the water back to earth as runoff. He was almost to the top when Fuzzy saw him coming. Then Fuzzy hit Johnny Q. with one of his henchman. Since it was a big henchman it hit Johnny Q. off the pipe; Johnny Q. was sent to a plummeting doom.

Page 11: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7

Pg. 10

Fuzzy had won. He had sucked up all the water and all 6 billion people had perished. All of his henchmen died because Fuzzy kept all the food for himself. After a year Fuzzy ran out of food and had to cook his pet bunny. Then Fuzzy had no more food (but plenty of water). He died in the small patch of land near his giant pool.

Page 12: By: Zek Z, John Q, and Matt C Science  Period: 4 3/7


Condensation: when water vapor in the atmosphere cools into clouds.

Evaporation: water that changes from liquid to gas and enters the


Ground Water: precipitation that seeps under the ground and becomes

part of the water cycle.

Precipitation: water that moves from the atmosphere to the ground in rain,

sleet, snow, or hail.

Runoff: water that flows on top of the ground.

Transpiration: evaporation of plants through the skin.

Water Cycle: Water that moves through the biotic and abiotic factors.