by yuwaluck pongkasemsombut id : c62152. task one: identifying your needs identifying your needs is...

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Page 1: By Yuwaluck Pongkasemsombut ID : C62152. Task one: Identifying your needs Identifying your needs is an essential step but also keep construction standards

Promote products and servicesBSBMKG413AByYuwaluck PongkasemsombutID : C62152

Page 2: By Yuwaluck Pongkasemsombut ID : C62152. Task one: Identifying your needs Identifying your needs is an essential step but also keep construction standards

Task one:

Identifying your needs

Identifying your needs is an essential step but also keep construction standards in mind.

Clearly identify the needs of everyone that will live in the house and be sure your project respects municipal

and provincial standards. Plan the building sequence, who will do what, and the purchasing of the material.

Planning to better prepare for the unexpected

Planning a house is planning for the unexpected. This column goes through house construction step by step,

and in detail. It gives a good idea of different factors to consider before starting but doesn't absolutely

protect you against the unexpected. It answers questions you should ask before beginning your project.

Being informed also means asking ourselves the right questions and finding answers!

Choose your house plan

When looking for your dream house, choosing a house plan can prove to be as intoxicating as disconcerting.

While generating a lot of enthusiasm, such an experience also comes with some uncertainty. How can you

be sure that the model selected is the one that suits you best?

The planning

The choice of a house plan is not something that ought to be done in the spur of the moment. In order to

make the right decision and select a house that will give you complete satisfaction for years to come, you

must determine how much money you wish to invest in this project and what your immediate and future

needs are. Thorough planning will make the search process easier and quicker.

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To help you find your dream house, RONA and Planimage, an architectural firm specialized in designing

and modifying house plans, provide you with the main considerations that should be taken into account

when choosing a plan. While you’re here, take a look at the impressive RONA Plans collection.

The type of house

The lot upon which you build your house could play a major role when selecting a plan. For instance, a

wide but shallow lot will usually call for a one-storey house. On the other hand, a two-storey house will be

a better choice if the lot is narrow but deep.

If your lot happens to be large enough to accommodate any kind of house, examine the pros and cons of

all types of houses before making a decision.

Determine the style of architecture your prefer. Do you have a soft spot for the Victorian, country or even

colonial style? Which one will fit better in the area you plan to live in? Answering these questions will

allow you to eliminate several styles.

Your budget as well as the number of occupants will usually dictate the total living area of your future

house. What about a garage? Is it a luxury or a necessity? Keep in mind that the extra storage space it

will provide could become very valuable down the road.

The interior layout

The size and the layout of the rooms deserve serious considerations. Ask yourself where the members of

your family spend most of their time. In the kitchen? In the living room? In the dining room?

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Nowadays, television occupies a large part of our leisure time. Do all family members usually watch

television together? If that’s the case, one TV room will be enough. Otherwise, it will be wise to plan for

a second room where people can watch their favorite shows.

Do you enjoy spending time in the kitchen while preparing elaborate dinners? If so, you might want to

get a spacious and functional kitchen. A kitchen island would also be a smart addition since it provides

extra storage and countertop while enhancing the look of the room.

Where do you generally eat? In a breakfast nook found within the kitchen or in the dining room? If you

regularly receive guests for dinner, a dining room will be nothing less than essential. Consider also the

dimension of your dining room set. A conventional table sitting six people will fit in just about any dining

room, but a longer table sitting up to 10 people will require a much larger room.

How many bedrooms are required? When in doubt, go for an extra bedroom. You will be able to use it as

a guest room, an office or even as storage space. In the master bedroom, determine if you need a walk-

in closet or an en suite bathroom.

The number of bathrooms is another element that should be carefully planned. By taking into account

the number of occupants and the bathroom traffic observed every morning during the week, you will be

able to determine how many bathrooms are needed.

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Do you need modifications?

Even after studying hundreds of house plans, you might not be able to find the one that fully matches your

expectations. That is why the Plan Modification Service was created. Planimage’s architectural experts will

be able to propose solutions to modify the house to your liking and help you personalize it so it truly

becomes your dream house.

One of the main advantages of the Plan Modification Service is that it avoids errors that could arise

between the contractor and the subcontractors during the construction. Moreover, financial institutions and

municipal planning and housing departments usually ask to see the plans with the final changes before

giving their approval.

The most common modifications made by clients on their house plan are the relocation of a staircase or

the kitchen, the addition of a garage or a bay window, increasing the living area of the house and changing

the layout of the bathroom.

As you can see, choosing a house plan is quite a simple task. By following the various advice given in this

article and by answering the different questions that are raised, you will be able to find the right house

plan and move in a brand new home that will provide years of happiness and enjoyment to your family.

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Home technology and your lifestyle

The goal of any “home automation” project or the resulting “connected home” or “intelligent home” is to

make life simpler

for its occupants by automating home functions and integrating various communication systems. Sound


Not really. In fact, you probably already rely on home automation!

Automation that is part of your day-to-day

Without even realizing it, you are probably already using some form of home automation, device control or

communication integration such as: lights that turn on when darkness falls, alarm systems triggered by

motion, programmable thermostats, universal controllers for the television and entertainment system, wall

connections for both telephone and cable services, etc. Now imagine all these functions are connected and

that you have the ability to control them using a remote control (or a computer, your television screen or

even your cellular phone). Voila - your home is now automated.

For every need, an application

Installations vary according to individual needs and can run from the eccentric to the mundane. Some people

would simply like for their lights to turn off and for the heating system to switch to “economy” mode when

they activate their alarm system. Others, through the installation of multifunction wall sockets, will choose to

develop the required infrastructure that will allow them to integrate a computer, a telephone, the television

(cable) and even speakers. Having the ability to start the air conditioner via telephone on one of those dog

days of summer is a rather tempting possibility. Or perhaps you recently hired a new babysitter and are

worried about your children? From your office computer, you can monitor developments in your home over

the Internet, thanks to a real-time Web camera. In essence, applications are limited only by budget and by

the time you have available to contribute to the project!

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Setting the stage to sell

First impressions count

If you want your house to make a favourable impression on a potential buyer, it’s probably going

to need a facelift...inside and out. Start by tidying away the children's toys, and putting

gardening tools and snow-clearing equipment out of sight.

A tidy, weed-free lawn and neat flower borders will give visitors a good first impression of your

property. It doesn't take much to jazz the garden up a bit – make sure that all your plants look

healthy, and try a stylish arrangement of pots and planters for instant visual appeal.

As you prepare to sell your house you need to be prepared. Keep in mind that a careful buyer will

want to have a house inspection carried out. Be one step ahead. Check the outside of the house –

the garden fence, the eaves troughs, the chimney, the mortar between the brickwork – and carry

out repairs where necessary. Similarly, if you see that the exterior paintwork is showing its age

or the window frames need attention, repair any damage and give it a fresh coat of paint. The

house will gain instant curb appeal, and you’ll show potential buyers that you’ve kept up regular

maintenance and repair.

As visitors step inside the entrance hall, they will form their first impression of the inside of the

house. The hall, therefore, deserves special attention to make potential buyers want to see

more. Cast a critical eye over your hall and give the walls, floor and furniture a good clean. It may

be a good idea to update the decor with a fresh coat of paint and replace the floor covering.

Reorganize your storage system, optimizing the space to give future owners an idea of how

they’ll be able to use the area.

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Set the scene to good effect

For a potential buyer, it’s often the little details that make all the difference. You need to look at your home

from every angle and with a critical eye, from the layout and arrangement of your furniture to the colour

scheme. Remember that choosing a home often comes down to the fact that it "feels right". This is the reason

why we are seeing more and more "home staging" (showing a home to its best advantage), a concept

pioneered by the American Barb Schwarz in 1972, which can really help to sell your property. The basic idea is

to make your house look as much like a show home as possible, so that visitors can get the feel of what it

would be like to live there themselves.

Sense appeal

People often choose a house based on how good they feel in it when they visit. Make visitors feel at home by

appealing to all their senses. Smells and aromas are an important detail because they have a considerable

influence on potential buyers. Ensure that there is no stale smoke, that cat litter is deodorized, and that there

are no garbage odours. It may be a good idea to have a neighbour or a friend take care of your pets; if you

decide to keep them at home, leave them outside in the yard or in a closed room.

Aromas that suggest cosiness and warmth could well make a difference. The smell of fresh baking – bread,

tarts, cakes or cookies, for example – is always very welcoming. Try lighting gently perfumed candles – such

as vanilla – to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Adding plants and flowers will make the house feel lived in without being too personal. Soft music playing in

the background will also create atmosphere and could well help tip a potential buyer in favour of your


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The important little extras

After a visit, prospective buyers will want to go home and think things over. They’ll be discussing the work

they want to do on the house once they’ve moved in and mulling over different options. It would be a good

idea to let them have a copy of the house plans, ideally architectural plans showing room dimensions and the

lot size. Other useful documents to keep handy are guarantees, invoices for major renovation work, and the

certificate of location. Producing these will enhance your integrity as a seller.

Selling requires careful planning

Look at your home from a buyer’s perspective and you’ll understand exactly what house-hunters are looking

for. Stick to four simple, common-sense principles: cleaning, de cluttering, staying neutral, and

depersonalizing your decor. Give rein to your talents as a stage designer, and stack the odds in your favour!

De-personalize to help the buyer visualize

For buyers, the most important thing is to be able to imagine living in your house. This is not always easy, so

it’s essential to depersonalize your home to help future occupants visualize their own decor. In short, you’re

trying to make your home look as close as possible to a show home. Diplomas, family photos, and collections

all have to go, along with personal knick-knacks and souvenirs that are tied to the present owners. Create an

airy, open space which offers many different furnishing options.

A fresh coat of paint throughout the house will make it look like new. You should put personal preferences on

hold right now and opt for pleasing, neutral colours that will allow buyers to imagine their own decor in situ.

Lighter colours also help make a room look brighter. Too many colours or very bright shades may make buyers

think that you’re trying to divert the eye and camouflage imperfections. To create an impression of warmth,

opt instead for coloured accessories that can be moved around easily, such as cushions, bedding, flowers,

vases, plants and flower pots.

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A bright, sunny house is always easier to sell. Carefully placed mirrors can work wonders. Don’t forget to

open drapes and switch on lights before visitors arrive.

On the furniture front, it’s worth putting any surplus or bulky pieces in storage. Remove all but the bare

minimum. Opt for sober, tasteful styles rather than allowing too much of your own personality to show

through. Contemporary decor and minimalism remain a safe bet.

The healthy home concept

For several years now, we’ve been hearing about “healthy housing”. Though we all may have our own ideas

about what this represents…what does it really mean? The healthy home is a concept: to build and renovate

one’s home while taking into account occupant health and comfort, the environment, energy efficiency and

cost savings.

In order to guide consumer choices, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has further

developed and defined the Healthy Housing concept, which can contribute to real improvements in the

overall health of your home, the community and even the planet, all without making sacrifices. Far from it!

A Healthy Choice!

Protecting your health in an efficient and cost effective manner can be as simple as, for example, choosing

paint and materials with low vapour emission properties or using floor covering that is easily cleaned using

little or no chemical products. The addition of a ventilation system will ensure superior air quality and reduce

humidity, thereby reducing the risk of mould and contributing to the elimination of allergic symptoms.

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Save Money? Why Not!

Refrigerators, water heaters, light bulbs: the market is flooded with high efficiency, low consumption products.

Choosing energy-efficient products helps you save energy…and money. What’s more, proper planning during

construction can pay dividends over the long term: installing energy-efficient insulation and large windows

facing the sun can help reduce heating costs.

Saving money is great but saving our natural resources is even better! Far from synonymous with deprivation,

reduced-flow toilets and plumbing fixtures represent logical choices, combining performance with savings.

The use of recycled or recyclable materials, the reduction of construction waste and the use of rapid-growth

tree products are other simple ways to conserve our resources, which are not unlimited

It’s Easy: You’re Already Doing It!

Recycling glass, metals and paper is already part of our daily routine. By adding the recycling of organic

matter to your domestic habits, through the use of a composter, you would be amazed to see how much less

garbage is generated by your home. Working out of your home? You are actively reducing fuel consumption

and the emission of pollutants…without even noticing!

Practical and Affordable

The Healthy Home concept was developed so that it is easy to adhere to, without impacting our lifestyle, and

more importantly, to save money. Selecting reasonably priced products, building a house with durable and

low-maintenance materials and coverings, applying well insulated construction principles and taking

advantage of solar energy are but some of the choices one can make, according to one’s means and


Far from being an obligation, the Healthy Home concept is a logical choice: who would say no to increased

comfort, reduced maintenance and lower operating expenses, while conserving the environment and our


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Our plans of one-storey and split-level houses

This section give you the opportunity to admire some two-storey home model, the most popular from the

Plans Rona collection. By selecting the model desired, you will see an exterior perspective and the floor plans

in two dimensions. Also, a description of the house.

Please note that the construction cost is the sale price of a contractor to the owner, land not included. It is a

provincial average cost which can vary around 15 % depending on the method of construction or the quality

of finish desired.

Model 1 An attractive bungalow, offering to its occupants a functional kitchen and a large living room. This home of 34 feet long and 46 feet depth has a living area of 1173 square feet on the main floor.

It includes three bedrooms, a bathroom with skylight, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room.

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Model 2

Popular split-level house with a well designed interior with many possibilities. This house of 32 feet side by 36

feet depth has a living area of 1786 square feet.

The main floor of 1028 square feet includes a kitchen, a dining room, a breakfast nook, a living room, a

master bedroom, an other bedroom and a bathroom.

The basement has a living area of 758 square feet. There is the bedroom, a bathroom, a den, a family room

and a garage.

Model 3

A bungalow with two spacious bedrooms and a facade enhances by many architectural details. This house of

28 feet long and 32 feet depth has a living area of 896 square feet on the main floor.

This residence includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room.

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Model 4

Charming, this bungalow seduces with is inviting interior, warm and good light. This model of 32 feet long by

35 feet depth has a living area of 1110 square feet on the main floor.

It includes three bedrooms, a bathroom, a U shaped kitchen, a dining room and an open space living room.

Model 5

Spacious bungalow including three bedrooms and a vast and functional kitchen. This house of 46 feet long by

46 feet depth has a living area of 1435 square feet on the main floor

On the inside, there is a master bedroom with a walk-in and adjoining bathroom, two other bedrooms, a

bathroom, a kitchen with island countertop, a dining room, a living room and a simple garage.

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Model 6

With the stone, the vertical exterior siding and the windows with shutters, this bungalow is simply elegant.

This model of 52 feet long by 46 feet depth has a living area of 1608 square feet on the main floor.

The interior includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, an half bathroom, a kitchen with island countertop, a dining

room, a living room as well as a double garage.

Model 7

A cute split-level house that offers a well-thinking interior to the owners. This residence of 36 feet long by 42

feet depth has a living area of 1514 square feet.

It includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a family room, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room and a simple


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Task two :

Promotional activities are a great way to attract customers to your business without making them feel like

they are attending a marketing event. Not only do promotional events help you to network with potential

customers, but they also get you involved with the community and shed a good light on your business.

Marketing events can be as simple as an informational session with a sales pitch at the end to a carnival for

the families in the community.


Sometimes, the best way to attract positive attention to your business is to share your knowledge of your

field with no strings attached. Host a free information session with an expert speaker on a topic that potential

consumers may be interested in. Serve coffee, muffins and donuts to give it the feel of a networking event.

At the end of the presentation, be sure to offer your services, and have an assortment of fliers and business

cards to hand out to each person. A webinar can be done in much the same way, only in a virtual

environment. Use an online meeting software, such as Go To Meeting, and send out email invitations to

potential clients. Give a killer presentation on your topic of expertise. Following the event, send all of the

attendees an offer to contact you for more information on your services.

School Activity Ideas

School activities are a way to promote education in a fun atmosphere for students. Many activities can

enhance subjects such as science, history or even grammar. Teachers are often encouraged to find more

innovative activities, and resources can be scarce. Some ideas for fun activities include promoting the

environment, school dances and science fairs. All are designed to create a fun, active environment that

enhances learning.

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What is Promotional Mix?

Integration of all the elements of promotion mix is necessary to meet the information requirements of all

target customers. This simply means that the promotion mix is not designed to satisfy only the prospective

buyer or only the regular buyer. Some elements of the mix may be aimed at the target customer who is

unaware of the product, while others may be aimed at potential customers who are fully aware of the product

and are likely to purchase it. Suppose you are interested in buying a personal computer. Because of your

interest in the product, you started paying attention to computer advertisements in newspapers and

magazines. You may even read the media reports on personal computers by experts. You also may

participate in training programmes or demonstrations. You may also contact the sales persons of different

computers and find out the features and relative merits. Based on all this information you may then purchase

a specific brand.

Which aspect of the promotional mix brought you to the decision to buy the brand you finally selected?  You

may say that the expertise of the salespersons was a major influence, but the fact is that all the elements of

the mix played their roles in bringing about the sale.  Therefore, to get better response from the target

customers, you have to adopt all the different components of the promotion mix. However, you should note

that the elements of the promotion mix must be coordinated and integrated so that they reinforce and

complement each other to create a blend that helps in achieving the promotional objectives of the


How to achieve an effective promotional mix

The ‘promotional mix’ is a term used to describe the set of tools that a business can use to communicate

effectively the benefits of its products or services to its customers.

The promotional mix includes the following tools –

• Advertising :

Any paid form of non-personal communication through mass media about a service or product or an idea by

a sponsor is called advertising. It is done through non personal channels or media. Print advertisements,

advertisements in Television,

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Radio, Billboard, Broachers and Catalogues, Direct mails, In-store display, motion pictures, emails, banner ads,

web pages, posters are some of the examples of advertising. Paid promotion and presentation of goods,

services, ideas by a sponsor comes under the advertisement.

• Publicity:

Non-personal stimulation of demand for a product, service or business unit by generating commercially

significant news about it in published media or obtaining favourable presentation of it on radio, television or

stage. Unlike advertising, this form of promotion is not paid for by the sponsor. Thus, publicity is news carried

in the mass media about an organization, its products, policies, actions, personnel etc. It can originate with

the media or the marketer, and is published or broadcast at no charge for media space and time. Examples:

Magazine and Newspaper articles/reports, radio and televison presentations, charitable contributions,

speeches, issue advertising, and seminars. Publicity can be favourable (positive) or unfavourable (Negative).

The message is in the hands of media and not controlled by the organization/firm.

• Sales promotion :

Sales promotion is any activity that offers an incentive for a limited period to obtain a desired response from

the target audience or intermediaries which includes wholesalers and retailers. It stimulate consumer

demand, market demand and improve product availability. Examples: Contests, product samples, Coupons,

sweepstakes, rebates, tie-ins, self-liquidating premiums, trade shows, trade-ins, and exhibitions.

• Direct Marketing :

Direct Marketing is reaching the customer without using the traditional channels of advertising such as radio,

newspaper, television etc. This type of marketing reach the targeted consumers with techniques such as

promotional letters, street advertising, catalogue distribution, fliers etc.

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• Personal Selling :

This is a process by which a person persuade the buyer to accept a product or a point of view or convince the

buyer to take specific course of action through face to face contact. It is an act of helping and persuading

through the use of oral presentation of products or services. Target audience may very from product to

product and situation to situation. In other words personal selling is a person to person process by which the

seller learns about the prospective buyer's wants and seeks to satisfy them by making a sale. Examples:

Sales Meetings, sales presentations, sales training and incentive programs for intermediary sales people,

samples and telemarketing etc. It can be of face-to-face or through telephone contact.

The promotional mix is part of the wider marketing mix.

These promotional efforts are of two general types involving:

1. Direct face to face communication

2. Indirect communication through some mass medium, such as television, newspapers, radio, etc.

Sometimes a mixture of personal/direct and non personal/indirect promotion is used as we use in the sales

promotion. Industrial buyer will not decide to purchase equipments on the basis of advertisements or direct

mail. Personal selling is preferred in this case. On the other hand a customer buying toothpaste or hair oil

will have less contact with the company sales person and will be influenced more by advertisements.

Achieve Results with Effective Leaflet Promotion

A hugely over looked way of promoting your business, product, or service, is a simple leaflet. We have all

seen them, every where we go, usually at concerts, or sporting events. These type of spectacles draw in

thousands for every show, and each and every one of those people are given a leaflet. So think about it, do

you think its worth looking into this form of

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marketing. Or would you rather blow thousands on a commercials that people may, or mat not see? I think

you now realize that it would only be in your best interest to look into some serious leaflet printing. Here are

some easy tactics to increase your advertising.

Create the Design of Your Leaflet to Match your Product

This is paramount. Make sure that you explain to your leaflet design team exactly what you hope to achieve

with this promotion. So they can properly interpret your ideas when putting them on the leaflet, either with

great eye catching pictures, or the proper description. You and the design team, need to be sailing in the

same direction.

Make Good Use of the Internet When Locating a Printing Company

Look, we live in an incredible time know. No longer do you need to drive to the local library to get information.

The entire knowledge of the human race is now at your finger tips. Use it! Locate several cheap leaflet

printing companies in your area. Write them all down, and then contact them, see what each has to offer. See

if they can cut you deals for larger orders, ask how good is their design team is, etc. The internet is an

excellent resource, so do not hesitate to use it.

Learn to Think Outside of The Box

Everybody knows that the business owners who think just a little differently, have always been the super

successful ones. You have to do the same. Work closely with your leaflet design team to come up with an ad

that nobody has ever seen, or will ever forget. Trust me, it can be done. Do not be shy when it comes to

advertising, think eye popping, and weird. You may not be comfortable with it, however, in the end what we

want is to get the customers attention, and eventually more sales, right? Well then you have to be different,

better, and more attractive then the other guy, to succeed in leaflet printing!

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How to Improve the Education System

Society is regularly called upon to make ethical judgments related to all aspects of schooling. These

considerations of right and wrong are made when creating the school curriculum, practicing teaching and

learning methods, and budget issues. Education is a vital part of society in which everyone plays a role. It is

not only the role of parents and teachers to support a child’s education, but also the role of the whole society

to provide a structure of living that supports what is being taught.

The purpose of education is to provide a way for others to learn. However, the motive of learning can vary.

Some people may learn out of pure interest, whereas others may learn to be able to function in society by

getting a job. Education can occur in any environment where there is a will to learn. Furthermore, learning is

not dependent on a teacher or any institute but can also occur as self-learning. The best teaching methods

are always those that are chosen by the student, not the teacher. Many students prefer learning methods in

which they can apply their knowledge practically. Students learn effectively

through hands-on experience. Apart from this, any exposure that can be provided to students of their area of

study also helps the student learn their role and their future job within the society. Such exposure can be

provided through field trips or inviting professionals related to the students’ field of study to address the

students. Support can also be provided to students through alumni groups and career counsellors. In this

way, the purpose of education and method of education depends largely on the learner or student, not the

teacher or institute.

There are two main roles that schools play. The first role is towards their students. This is the relationship that

the school maintains with its students. The other role is towards society. This includes the school’s

participation in public activities such as fund-raising, organizing public events, or participation in any public

demonstrations. The role of schools towards society also includes how schools prepare their students to be

better members of the society.

We must realize here that the latter role of schools, namely that of allowing its students to be better members

of society, is not the sole responsibility of the schools. It is true that we usually look upon the teacher and

other school officials as the

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educational leader, role model, and decision-maker towards a child’s education. This is an unfortunate fact

because teachers can never teach everything to students. Unfortunately, parents often use educational

institutes as a way of neglecting their child. Many parents may show love and support for their child by

admitting them to an expensive school. However, this has a negative effect when parents think that they can

pay others to keep their child happy and educate them properly. Parents and society as a whole must take

responsibility by helping students towards being better human beings. Communication and the ability to

speak freely are also involved in this area. Teachers, parents and students must be willing to communicate

with each other and discuss ways to improve the level of education. The learning community is not just

restricted to students, teachers, and school authorities. The student must never feel intimidated of

approaching others and speaking freely, whether it is to a teacher, parent, or anyone else they may

encounter in their everyday life.

The school curriculum should firstly include that material which will be most useful to the student. If the

curriculum deviates from what the student wants to learn then the student will quickly lose interest. In

general education, the curriculum should be as vast as possible to allow students to learn about different

subjects. In contrast, any curriculum of a specific subject or catering to a specific profession such as art,

science or business should be more focused and practical in terms of helping the student later in their career.

However, all curriculums should also provide a basic level of education such as English and other life skills

subjects that will help the student function more effectively within society.

Learning should occur in an environment that is healthy not just physically but also mentally and socially.

Physical conditions do play a role towards how well the students learn. When teaching a large group of

students the room must be well ventilated and be large enough to accommodate the students comfortably.

These types of situations normally arise during school lectures or assemblies. However, it is absolutely crucial

that every student also receives some individual attention. This can be done either by making the classes

smaller so there are less students per teacher or arranging a schedule in which each student is allowed to

have individual meetings with the teacher.

Page 23: By Yuwaluck Pongkasemsombut ID : C62152. Task one: Identifying your needs Identifying your needs is an essential step but also keep construction standards

It is the purpose of teachers and institutes to teach relevant material effectively. Everyone learns differently

for different reasons. To teach successfully, teachers must first learn about their students. They must assess

what interests their student, why the student is attending their class, and how they can help the student

learn. Teachers must act as tools of education and be approachable.

Marketing effectiveness

Marketing effectiveness is the quality of how marketers go to market with the goal of optimizing their

spending to achieve good results for both the short-term and long-term. It is also related to Marketing ROI

and Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)

There are five factors driving the level of marketing effectiveness that marketers can achieve:

1.Marketing Strategy – Improving marketing effectiveness can be achieved by employing a superior

marketing strategy. By positioning the product or brand correctly, the product/brand will be more successful

in the market than competitors’ products/brands. Even with the best strategy, marketers must execute their

programs properly to achieve extraordinary results.

2.Marketing Creative – Even without a change in strategy, better creative can improve results. Without a

change in strategy, AFLAC was able to achieve stunning results with its introduction of the Duck (AFLAC)

campaign. With the introduction of this new creative concept, the company growth rate soared from 12%

prior to the campaign to 28% following it. (See references below, Bang)

3.Marketing Execution – By improving how marketers go to market, they can achieve significantly greater

results without changing their strategy or their creative execution. At the marketing mix level, marketers

can improve their execution by making small changes in any or all of the 4-Ps (Product, Price, Place and

Promotion) (Marketing) without making changes to the strategic position or the creative execution

marketers can improve their effectiveness and deliver increased revenue.

Page 24: By Yuwaluck Pongkasemsombut ID : C62152. Task one: Identifying your needs Identifying your needs is an essential step but also keep construction standards

At the program level marketers can improve their effectiveness by managing and executing each of their

marketing campaigns better. It's commonly known that consistency of a Marketing Creative strategy across

various media (e.g. TV, Radio, Print and Online), not just within each individual media message, can amplify

and enhance impact of the overall marketing campaign effort. Additional examples would be improving direct

mail through a better call-to-action or editing web site content to improve its organic search results,

marketers can improve their marketing effectiveness for each type

of program. A growing area of interest within (Marketing Strategy) and Execution are the more recent

interaction dynamics of traditional marketing (e.g. TV or Events) with online consumer activity (e.g. Social

Media). (See references below, Brand Ecosystems) Not only direct product experience, but also any stimulus

provided by traditional marketing, can become a catalyst for a consumer brand "groundswell" online as

outlined in the book Groundswell.

4.Marketing Infrastructure (also known as Marketing Management) – Improving the business of marketing can

lead to significant gains for the company. Management of agencies, budgeting, motivation and coordination

of marketing activities can lead to improved competitiveness and improved results. The overall

accountability for brand leadership and business results is often reflected in an organization under a title

within a (Brand management) department.

5.Exogenous Factors - Generally out of the control of marketers, external or exogenous factors also influence

how marketers can improve their results. Taking advantage of seasonality, interests or the regulatory

environment can help marketers improve their marketing effectiveness.